2022 Farmers Market Agreement
Chanhassen Farmers’ Market Agreement
1. Farmers’ Market representatives will coordinate a Farmers’ Market Saturday mornings
from June 4 through September 24, 2022; 9am-1pm at City Center Park, as well as a one-
time plant sale on Saturday, May 14th from 9am-1pm.
2. All vendors shall be restricted to the area depicted on the site map. Vendors must be set up
in a way as to not impede regular walking traffic at City Center Park.
3. No vendor shall be allowed within the right-of-way of Market Boulevard.
4. Each vendor shall comply with all state and local regulations and provide proof of
appropriate liability insurance. These documents, or copies thereof, shall be made
available upon request.
5. The coordinator(s) of the Farmers’ Market shall be on the premises during weekly set-up,
operation, and take-down of the market.
6. The Farmers’ Market shall provide its own barricades to block off and designate the
vending area of the Farmers’ Market.
7. Each vendor shall provide for and remove its own trash.
8. The City of Chanhassen and the Chanhassen Library shall be permitted at various times to
display and/or sell various items pertinent to their operations, free of cost.
9. The Farmers’ Market coordinator(s) shall submit an annual report to the City Council at
the close of each season.
10. The City retains the right to close the Farmers’ Market for any reason with one week’s
11. The Farmers’ Market will sign a waiver, waiving any claims the Farmers’ Market might
have against the city, as well as defend and indemnify the city for any claims that arise
against the city from third parties.
12. The Farmers’ Market shall utilize portable restrooms already on-site in City Center Park.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 263171DE-FC17-4B30-A8AA-745C5C20F712DocuSign Envelope ID: 1D93610D-78CC-46EB-9985-96A76EBAA2D2
City Of Chanhassen
BY: ________________________________
DATE: _____________________________
Chanhassen Farmers’ Market Coordinator
BY: ________________________________
DATE: _____________________________
DocuSign Envelope ID: 263171DE-FC17-4B30-A8AA-745C5C20F712
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1D93610D-78CC-46EB-9985-96A76EBAA2D2