Letter from Plowshares 6-26-06 / ~/rc (/1.:;,/,.-> RECEiVED JUN 2 8 2006 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PLOWSHARES DEVELOPMENT June 26, 2006 Todd Gerhardt, City Manager City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd / Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd, Please sign the enclosed Form 8283 for the appraisal you completed for Outlot A, Pinehurst in Chanhassen. You had signed a similar form last year (copy enclosed), but we were informed by our CPA when doing our taxes that we put in an incorrect basis. This document corrects my mistake. Please send the original back to my attention. Todd Simning In the business of buying, selling, and develoPing land. phone fax 1851 Lake Drive West, Suite 550 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Form a283 (Rev. December 2005) Department of the Treasury . Internal Revenue Service Name(s) shown on your income tax return Noncash Charitable Contributions . Attach to your tax return if you claimed a total deduction of over $500 for all contributed property. . See separate instructions. OMS No. 1545-0908 Attachment Sequence No. 155 Identifying number PLOWSHARES DEVELOPMENT, LLC 41-2058270 Note. FiQure the amount of your contribution deduction before completinQ this form. See your tax return instructions. Section A. Donated Property of $5,000 or Less and Certain Publicly Traded Securities-List in this section only items (or groups of similar items) for which you claimed a deduction of $5,000 or less. Also, list certain ublicl traded securities even if the deduction is more than $5,000 see instructions. Information on Donated Pro e -If ou need more s ace, attach a statement. 1 A B C Name Ci 0 Name Ci E Name (a) Name and address of the donee organization (b) Description of donated property (For a donated vehicle, enter the year, make, model, condition, and mileage.) St Str St Zi 5~!::J I {)~Jt}- t} ) 11\-\(.hw-s+. ~ I } Zi Str St Zi Str St Zi Str St Zi DU claimed as a deduction for an item is $500 or less, (f) Donor's cost or adjusted basis 'Sf) "CO (g) Fair market value (see instructions) 80 ooD (h) Method used to determine the fair market value Partial Interests and Restricted Use Property-Complete lines 2a through 2e if you gave less than an entire interest in a property listed in Part I. Complete lines 3a through 3c if conditions were placed on a contribution listed in Part I; also attach the required statement (see instructions). 2 a Enter the letter from Part I that identifies the property for which you gave less than an entire interest ~ If Part II applies to more than one property, attach a separate statement. b Total amount claimed as a deduction for the property listed in Part I: (1) For this tax year ~ (2) For any prior tax years ~ c Name and address of each organization to which any such contribution was made in a prior year (complete only if different from the donee organization above): . 'Naltleoh::hati13ole organization (donee) Address (number, street, and room or suite no.) City or town, state, and ZIP code d For tangible property, enter the place where the property is located or kept ~ e Name of any person, other than the donee organization, having actual possession of the property ~ 3 a Is there a restriction, either temporary or permanent, on the donee's right to use or dispose of the donated property? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b Did you give to anyone (other than the donee organization or another organization participating with the donee organization in cooperative fundraising) the right to the income from the donated property or to the possession of the property, including the right to vote donated securities, to acquire the property by purchase or otherwise, or to designate the person having such income, possession, or right to acquire? c Is there a restriction limitin the donated ro e for a articular use? . . . . . . . . . . . . . For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 6 of separate instructions. Form 8283 (Rev. 12-2005) (HTA) Fonn 8283 (Rev. 12-2005) Pa e 2 Name(s) shown on your income tax return Identifying number PLOWSHARES DEVELOPMENT LLC 41-2058270 Section B. Donated Property Over $5,000 (Except Certain Publicly Traded Securities)~jst in this section only items (or groups of similar items) for which you claimed a deduction of more than $5,000 per item or group (except contributions of certain ublicl traded securities re orted in Section A . An a raisal is enerall re uired for ro e listed in Section B see instructions , Information on Donated Pro e -To be com leted b the tax a er and/or the a raiser. 4 Check the box that describes the type of property donated: D Art" (contribution of $20,000 or more) D Qualified Conservation Contribution D Equipment D Art" (contribution of less than $20,000) [K] Other Real Estate D Securities D Collectibles"" D Intellectual Property D Other "Art includes paintings, sculptures, watercolors, prints, drawings, ceramics, antiques, decorative arts, textiles, carpets, silver, rare manuscripts, historical memorabilia, and other similar objects. ""Collectibles include coins, stamps, books, gems, jewelry, sports memorabilia, dolls, etc., but not art as defined above. Note. If your total art contribution was $20,000 or more, you must attach a complete copy of the signed appraisal. If your deduction for any donated properly was more than $500,000, you must attach a Qualified appraisal of the properly. See instructions. 5 (a) Description of donated property (if you need (b) If tangible property was donated, give a brief summary of the overall (c) Appraised fair more space, attach a separate statement) physical condition of the property at the time of the gift market value A Outlot A, Pinehurst Excellent 980 000 B C D (d) Date acquired See instructions (e) How acquired (f) Donor's cost or (g) For bargain sales, (h) Amount claimed (I) Average trading price by donor (mo., yr.) by donor adjusted basis enter amount received as a deduction of securities A 02/2005 Purchase 980 000 980 000 B C m or Taxpayer (Donor) Statement-List each item included in Part I above that the appraisal identifies as having a value of $500 or less. See instructions. I declare that the following item(s) included in Part I above has to the best of my knowledge and belief an appraised value of not more than $500 (per item). Enter identifying letter from Part I and des 'be the specific item. See instructions. . Signature of taxpayer (donor) . Declaration of A I declare that I am not the donor, the donee, a party to the transaction in which the donor acquired the property, employed by, or related to any of the foregoing persons, or married to any person who is related to any of the foregoing persons. And, if regularly used by the donor, donee, or party to the transaction, I performed the majority of my appraisals during my tax year for other persons. Also, I declare that I hold myself out to the public as an appraiser or perform appraisals on a regular basis; and that because of my qualifications as described in the appraisal, I am qualified to make appraisals of the type of property being valued. I certify that the appraisal fees were not based on a percentage of the appraised property value. Furthermore, I understand that a false or fraudulent overstatement of the property value as described in the qualified appraisal or this Form 8283 may subject me to the penalty under section 6701 (a) (aiding and abetting the understatement of tax liability). I affiffi",':,;.:.i ! r.::ve not heo. arred from presenting evidence or testimony by the Office of Professional Responsibility. "'~ "'..,,~ ~ , This charitable organization acknowledges that it is a qualified organization under section 170(c) and that it received the donated property as described in Section B; Part I, above on the following date ~ ~ '2.1, 'lee < \ Furthermore, this organization affirms that in the event it sells, exchanges, or otherwise disposes of the property described in Section B, Part I (or any portion thereof) within 2 years after the date of receipt, it will file Form 8282, Donee Information Return, with the IRS and give the donor a copy of that form. This acknowledgment does not represent agreement with the claimed fair market value. Does the organization intend to use the property for an unrelated use? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ D Yes ~o Name t aritable;pniza~ tvV1, S~ Em4r: i~8gaSn n?,mtr Address (number, street, and room or suite no.) S'ty or t:w~, s~;: :n.d ZIP ~ II 1 11 Do t\o.""ka.--t 'B\\';t. W. )4-'7 C,M. ,-l-\t..":;>~ ", IV ~ Title c..' 553)~ DC;) ZS/bt, .Jun.12.2006 2:02PM No.0730 p. 2 If Page 2 I~~ Section B-Appraisal Summary-Ust in this section only items (or groups of similar ite~) f?" which you. Claim~ a deduction of more than $5,000 per item or group. Exception. Report conUlbutiOns of cerulln publlcJy tnlded securities only in Section A. . If ou donated art. au ma have to attach the com lete appraisal. See the Note in Part I below. Information on Donated Pro To be com leted b the taX a r and/or a raiser. .. Check type of propeny: DArt" (conto1lulion of $20.000 or more) ~ Real Estate 0 Gems/Jewelry 0 Stamp Collections o Arl" (conrribution of less than $20.000) 0 Coin Collections 0 Books 0 Other "Art indudes palnllngs. $culpUm~s. WlItercoIors. prtnts. dciwings. eeI1Imics, ant/qua ruminlre. dccorallve a~. textiles, carpets. silver. ram manuscripts, hisIorical memorabilia. and orner similar objects. Note: If your IDtBI sa ~ deducrkJn WIIS 120.000 01 more. you must Bfflich #J complefB t;{Ipy of the signed appt:Ji$BI. See insfTUaions. Form 8283 (Rsv. 10-98) N3m8(sj srtown on your Irw;ome lall mum 5 (8) ~1OI'l << donlItI!d property (if you need (b) If IangilIe property w.J$ dona<8d. gI\Ie , llIIef 5UmmaIy of !he 0YeflllI (c) Appnd5ed fair more spate. attach 8 seperlltD St818menl) phySleal condiOOn at !he lime Ollila gift markel vaklt A Outlot A Pinehurst Excellent ,,1. . 980,000 00 B _7\ IJ-.'-' ~~ c A'" 1\ L-V _"OJ , D /' " / ~'('(V (d) Dale aequiled (eJ How acq...... ( f1J Donars eosc or (g) FOf bargain $ala. anb!r See iMUucIIofls IN AmOUlll claimed 11$ a OJ ^rc::::.t pnc;l! by donor (1!lO_ yr J by donor alfjUSled baSiS 8IllIlUIll1ceeiv8d (Ieductjon A 2/18105 PurchaslI I 756 589 00 980 000 00 B \. / c ""'- ~ D " Taxpayer (Donor) Statement List each item included in Part I above that the appraisal Identifies as havinQ a value of $500 or less. See instructions. I declare lhat the foUow'1I'Ig ltem(s) InclUde<l in Part' above f1M to 1M tle$1 of my knowledge and belIef an OIppreise<l value of !'lot more than SSOO (per Item). Ellter ldenlifJing IeU8r ft'om Pan I 800 describe tM specific item, See Inslruc;tiQns. . S' lJtureoft~x (donor)...~. ~ . I)ate. ~,'''l.oS Declaration of raiser I declare that I am not tna donor, the dOtJee. 8 pany lO the IransllCllon in which tho donor ecqulrelJ tne property. emplOyed by. or related lO arty of the foregoing pet5OOs. or rnan1ed lO ilny person who is relaU!lJ to iny of the foregoing persons. And. if reguklr1y used by tt1e donor. donee. or party to the trallSllctiOn. I performed the maj~ of my appraisals during my Ulf year for other persons. Also. I declare that I hold tny$elf out to the public as an appr8~ or perfonn appraIsalS on a regular basis: and that b4!c;ltJSle or my quallflcalioJ1$ as described in the appr:lrsill. I am qUilfirJed to make i1pplllisals of the type of propurty being \r.llwd. ll;ertil'y thIIllt1e i1ppraisal fee1l -.TB not bllsed on a petantage oIlhe appraISed property Villue. furtllennore. I understand tl18t a false or fraudUlent ~tEment Of the property value as desaibed In !he quelllkld appraisal or this apprlllsal sumlT\lllY m:J)' subject me toO the penalty under :;ecUon 6101 (il) (aIding and allOtting the undersl'2temenl of tax DabBity). '11 Im1 1118t I have not bcm barred from prosenring ~cSence or testimony by the Director or Practice. Sign Here Slgnall.fe . ,.... 6\1S1ne$$lIddless (lllduding v __ Donee Acknowledgment-To be completed by the charitable organization. ~ms cnarrtaOle OfQanization acknowledges that it is a qualifie rgangatJon under section 170(c) and that it received the donatfJd property as described in Section B. Part I. above on ~ -z.: IOlJI8l Furthermore. this organiZation affirms thal in the event it sells. exchanges. Of otherwise disposes of the properly deScribed in Section B. Part I (or any portion thereof) within 2 years allet the date of receipt. it win file Fonn 8282. Donee Information' Retum. with the IRS and give the donor a copy of that fuml. This acknowledgment does not represent agreement with the claimed fair ~et value.. Does 1he o~ nitation intend to use the ro for an urvelated use? . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 0 Yes lB"No Name ~able ~ E~idt.~ lIlIrnber .at . "'11- 0 5~ Ada7~ ~ 91' tOWn. state. Ind ZIP coc:le 7 ao c..kA"'~ TICI9c. ,:.J f) 55311 OIKO ()4,J ot/, oS Jun.12,2006 2:01PM No.0730 P, I I. FClIll\ 8283 mIY. 0clDber 1998) Noncash Charitable Contlibutions ... AIrach to yaw fax r.un If JOU Cleirned . lOtIl deduc:tJon of 0V8I' S500 for all cOno1IJut8d property. ... See separate "'*vctions. OMB No. 1545.0908 AlIacIvnenI Sequela No. 55 ecs..djll", ...... ~aI"'T-, IlecmII R__ 58*e Nametsl "-" 011 ~ Incomo IiIX ~ Note: FIgure the lImounr of your contrib(ffion deductkm be1on1 completing this fer,.". ~ your mJC refUrn instructions. Sec:tJon A-Ust in this section only items (or groups of similar items) for wt1ich you daimed a deduction of $5.000 or less. Also, list certain ublid traded securities even if the deduction is over $5.000 (see InstructionS ' InformatiOn on Donated If need more s ceo attach 8 statement. (a) Name and ack1toss d !he dQnee orgaru.allon ares Development, LLC 851 Lab Drive West, Sui 5 anhas n 17 1 ~) Clesa1pIfOn of donal.I!d propeny A Outlot A Pinehurst, Carver County, MN. B c o E NarB: If the amount " (Cl ~t90f tile CllI1lribution A 4128105 B C o E c/afmed as 8 dBducfion for an item is $500 ex less. Cd) DaIA lIcqUred (el How acquirod ('II Donor's CO$I by donor (mo. yr,) by dona' or 'ClJllSted basis 2116/05 Purchased 756,589 00 do nm have rD CgI Fair rMltet value 980,000 00 Appraisal 0Ihet' Information-Complete line 2 if you gave less than an entire interest in property listed in Part I.. COmplete line 3 if conditions were 8ltacneCl to a contribution listeCl in part I. Z If. durtng the year, you contribute<! Jess than Lhe entire interest in the property. complote Iinp.!,: a-e. a Enrer the Jetter from Part I that identifies the property .. A If Part II applies to more fhan one property. attach 8 separate statement. b Total amount daimed as 8 deduction for me property listed In Pan I: (1) For this tax year ~ . 980,000 (2) For any prior tax years .. c Name and address oi each organinsUon to which any such conlribution was made in a prior year (complete only it dift'ercnt from the danae organization above); NamB of ChaIiI.allls 0l'!JlIfIIZ8(j0 (dense) AdllleM (o\umber, sl1eel, ,ul(I.oum or suite 110,) City Ill' town. ~IO, and ZIP COOt! _.~ , - d For tangible property. enter the place where the property is located or kept ~ Carver County. MN e Name of any person, o,ther than the donee organizaUon. having actual possession of the property .. 3 If conditions were aaached to any contribution listed in Part I. answer questions a - c and attach the required statement (see instructions), 8 Is there a restriction, either temporary or permanent. on the donee's right to use or dispose of the donated propertY? . , . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . b Did you give to anyone (other Ulan the donee organization or anottler organization participating with the donee organization in cooperative fundraising) the right to the income from the donated property or to the possession of the property. including the right to vote donated securities. to acquire the property by pun:hase or otherwise. or to designate the person having SUCh income, possession, or rIght to acquire? .. . . . . . . . . c Is there 8 restriction limjli the donatDd ror a rticular use? .,.,. . . . . For P_penrw/c Reducdon Act NotiQr. _ pap . of seJ*1Ile InsI/'UdioIQ. Cal No. li2294J Fot", 8283 (Rev. 1~081 Yes No tI' ,", tI' "