Affidavit of Mailing CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on July 20, 2006, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Zumbro River Constructors Interim Use Permit 06-28 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and sworn to before me thi~day of ::Ju-lj ,2006. ,--U~-:T:~~ ~ J Notary IC , .,1,fl,t'", , t ..,,~'~~ KIM T. MEUWISSEN ~~.< ..;# Notary PubliC-Minnesota '.u · My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2010 el C :,;::; GJ GJ ::2: el5 c.- .- U) '- U) CO._ GJ E :I:E .2 0 jiO ::::Jel o.c -'2 o c GJ co (J- :,;::;0. Oc ZGJ U) U) co .c c co .c o el C .- - GJ GJ :2: c elO c.- ._ U) J... U) CO.- GJE :I:E .2 0 -0 .c ::::Jel o.c -c Oc Q) co (J- .- 0. - o Z t:: III u; (5 c: >. III E ni :?-g .~ ~-c Q) 'u > -; ~ ffi 0) 0_ _.... c .1::-0>'6 I- ~~..... CU . Q) CU ..... ~~~ ~ a.CDO.E o:Eo- ~ g!::: E ~ g 00 ~ CU.- ..... C.D -g 0> 5l o ~.o ~ o Q) E E C\/ -c CU ,.: g c3 .~ en 02 0_ E ~Q)U 0) in c c ~Q)~CUQj <{.1:: 0 0'::: -~()-a: >-.- - CU CD CU ~ e -g",I ~.o O>;;~ gE ~-gGa:~ o >- CI) "00> - .0 C - 0> 0 ..c: 00 _ ..c: ..... .- .c >- c ..c: 0 - 0>'Ci) 00 0 'E cu ~ '0.. :::: -E 1il ~'::;'~ 00 0> 0> ~ en 0> 6.80> . ~ 0> ~.o~55E..c:ii~ E .o..c:- u ~ ~ Ooc_t- ~ 0> CU .Q) '5 .~. 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CJ) ~ ~ ~ 5r B E 2 a3.5 ~~~~.i:~m~~!~~~~1?"8i~~~~ ~ ui"U ~.E ~ ~ -g n ctS ~~ ~ U5 en:E ~ 2 ~ rn Q) 8..8 ~ .2 ~ U g ~ 8. ~ .~ ~ .~ g .!9 :e .~ ~ 0 :; E ~ ~'g ~~cg'~~~o~E.~~g""'~~~8~~~~ >2~_mc.Qlc.QlEEUQllflC:00C:U~O- ~~22g=~!.r::.OE~C.~~2'ffiQ).~fj~~ ~~~~~m~~~~8B~~~~~~[~~g C3.. ... Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records. information and data located in various city. county. state and lederal offices and other sources regarding the area shown. and is to be used lor reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error Iree. and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used lor navigational. tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement 01 distance or direction or precision in the depiction 01 geographic leatures. " errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~466.03. Subd. 21 (2000). and the user 01 this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages. and expressly waives all claims. and agrees to delend. indemnify. and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User. its employees or agents. or third parties which arise out 01 the use~s access or use of r1~d~ nmvirlArt Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records. information and data located in various city. county. state and lederal offices and other sources regarding the area shown. and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error Iree. and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational. tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction 01 geographic features. II errors or discrepancies are lound please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~466.03. Subd. 21 (2000). and the user 01 this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages. and expressly waives all claims. and agrees to delend. indemnify. and hold harmless the City Irom any and all claims brought by User. its employees or agents. or third parties which arise out 01 the use~s access or use of r1::at::a nmvirtArt ALBERT & KAREN M DORWEILER 1565 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318-9519 BRIAN J & WENDY S JOHNSON 1190 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318-9515 EDWARD N & DORNIAA TIPTON 1291 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318-9515 GREGORY P GRAZZINI & 1251 HESSE FARM CIR CHASKA, MN 55318-9518 HESSE FARM HOMEOWNERS ASSN 1425 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318-9515 JEFFREY A JONCKOWSKI & 2032 PARKWAY AVE SHAKOPEE, MN 55379-4330 JOHN R & JILL E MATUSCAK 1501 WEST FARM RD CHASKA, MN 55318-9528 KEVIN L SMITH & 10440 BLUFF CIR CHASKA, MN 55318-9534 LOUISE E ZAMJAHN ETAL 7506 77TH ST CHASKA, MN 55318-9600 MAXWELL F & JULlANE M TISCH 1600 HESSE FARM RD CHASKA, MN 55318-9507 ANGELINE M SYMANITZ 1505 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318-9519 BLUFF CREEK GOLF ASSOC 1025 CREEKWOOD DR CHASKA, MN 55318-9647 CRAIG & GINNY VLAANDEREN 1450 WEST FARM RD CHASKA, MN 55318-9517 DENNIS L & LINDA M SMITH 1251 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318-9515 EMERALD VENTURES LLC PO BOX 260 CHASKA, MN 55318-0260 EMILY A ANDERSON 10441 BLUFF CIR CHASKA, MN 55318-9534 HAROLD & MARY HESSE 1425 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318-9515 HENNEPIN CO REG RR AUTHORITY 300 6TH ST S SW STREET LEVEL MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55487-0999 HOWARD L LAPIDES & 10460 BLUFF CIR CHASKA, MN 55318-9534 JAMES A & CARLA J STRUBLE 1405 WEST FARM RD CHASKA, MN 55318-9517 JEFFREY M GOOD & 1231 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318-9515 JOHN KLlNGELHUTZ 350 EAST HWY 212 PO BOX 89 CHASKA, MN 55318-0089 KEITH W & STACY A CARLSON 1301 HESSE FARM RD CHASKA, MN 55318-9536 KENNETH 0 & JUDY M EIDE 1500 WEST FARM RD CHASKA, MN 55318-9528 KIRK A MACKENZIE PO BOX 1759 ANNA MARIA, FL 34216-1759 L RICHARD & KAREN C DEE 1201 HESSE FARM CIR CHASKA, MN 55318-9518 MAIDA A EGGEN 1161 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318-9515 MARY EDNA BRAUN 1545 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318-9519 MICHAEL & JODI PARADIS 10421 BLUFF CIR CHASKA, MN 55318-9534 MICHAEL G & KATHY A ARNOLD 1400 HESSE FARM RD CHASKA, MN 55318-9523 NICHOLAS & FRANKIE EVANOFF 1401 HESSE FARM RD CHASKA, MN 55318-9524 ROBERT G & JUDY I STEFFES 1350 HESSE FARM RD CHASKA, MN 55318-9523 STATE OF MINNESOTA - DOT 1500 W CO RD B2 ROSEVILLE, MN 55113-3174 NICHOLAS WARITZ 1271 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318-9515 ROBERT R JR & MARY C FAFINSKI 1520 WEST FARM RD CHASKA, MN 55318-9528 THOMAS L & SANDRA K CARAVELLI 6423 MERE DR EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55346-2311 RICHARD W & KIMBERLY BLOMBERG 1225 HESSE FARM CIR CHASKA, MN 55318-9518 RODNEY L RIEHL & 1221 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318-9515 Public Hearing Notification Area (500 feet) Zumbro River Constructors- Highway 312 Interim Use Permit Planning Case 06-28