Application Planning Case No. 0 &> -.30 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227-1100 CITY OF CHANHASSFN REef: - DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION AUlj G 4 2tJ06 CliANHAsSEN PLANNING om Owner Name and Address: ~ ~ if" Z-oV\. 'e.- <3Z-S""' Ply,'<-7) e-jouc..Rd-v. C/l1tt~JL"7 ;14,V s,~ I to Contact: V~ l+e!~ Phone: b11.---7L"$~ '-/'C(;;Z.- Fax: q SZ- WZ---j S-~ Email: ~/ c; @ FaA k'v-vle- r t/V'e/f- NOTE: Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit 't i Conditional Use Permit (CUP) ,'/ "'I_lO -7""'':;)- Interim Use Permit (IUP) f')'J'N'I\ d \"j\ (' (\ -\- Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements (V AC) x 0(' Variance (VAR) ~o::>- Non-conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits Sign Plan Review X Notification Sign ~ (City to install and ~ Site Plan Review (SPR)* x ~w for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** ~CUP/SPRIV ACN ARlWAP/Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE$ ~15~ Appl ,'Q"XS\+ pc\ '0../ lLS cedd on An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. \c:,/-31 JDIP 8 Subdivision* *Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8%" Xii" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a diaital copy in TIFF-Group 4 (*.tif) format. **Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. CCAUtlED PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: 6 off- ZoV\c: ~f?/~(/J c:;{'Q.o-\ (dz-S' H~/~/ Cr/~d dv" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TOTAL ACREAGE: WETLANDS PRESENT: PRESENT ZONING: REQUESTED ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: 40 )4 YES NO REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: REASON FOR REQUEST: ~~ .-..s fo---v {/f..J 1 J;/ e:;te:LcJ... 5;O~u- e ~av- -I' tA vi sov- puth'':j ~ CfJllP/~ C)c..)y- W-A,~"'::J ~e.<zL wJ /,1 /c>~ ef/J/aYy6u:i QVI/'J... ,.c;JV c~a...ct?/J O(/vl€'~ a t-?L.A sjq II CtveGr- v<J/ t I be.- e-)ofl4~~ by b (s~//s:_ This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~ Signat~re of Applicant ------- 7-/f-D6 Date Signature of Fee Owner Date C:\Documents and Settings\HP _Owner\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.lE5\JR9RBXCW\Oevelopment Review Application.DOC Rev. 12105 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED SEP 1 1 2006 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Thank you for your consideration for the expansion of the Golf Zone at 825 Flying Cloud Drive. Here is a brief summary of my request - My expansion would add an 11,110 square foot building connected to the west of my existing structure. This addition will consist of a new reception area, a new larger reception counter, 8 new driving stalls, a sand trap and an area designed for putting including greens with slopes, sand traps, and landscaping. Disruption to the current site would be minimal. The following are reasons that this expansion would benefit my customers and the people that live in Chanhassen and the surrounding communities: 1. Golf Zone's current clubhouse is approx.l,OOO square feet. This is not enough room for waiting customers or for customers that would like to have a birthday party or outing inside. We barely have enough room for a broom closet. 2. Our current clubhouse needs new siding, windows, and a new roof. This expansion would provide the funding necessary to complete those items. 3. Our current facility has no maintenance area and very little storage. Because of this, we are forced to store some equipment outside. The expansion would have a new 300 square foot maintenance area. This would be large enough to store all of our equipment. 4. Our current winter range has no "enclosed" heated area. This type of space would allow customers to work on their golf game without the winter conditions being a factor. 5. Our current facility is an old farm house connected to our hitting stalls. The new expansion would complete our overall plan for this facility. In summary, this new expansion would improve the experience for our customers and greatly improve the overall fa~ade and appearance of our building which will compliment the extensive landscape of our putting course and par 3. Thank you for your consideration, Jeff Helstrom Owner Golf Zone WEDLUND ERVICES 8/3/2006 The current septic system at Rain, Snow or Shine Golf in Chanhassen is a 600-gallon per day mound system. At the facilities current size the maximum number of customers per day is 190. The average customer is onsite for approximately 45 minutes. The calculation used to determine the current number of gallons per day used was 190 customers @ 2 gallons per customer. The current maximum daily flow is 380 gallons per day. The new proposed expansion to the facility will increase the maximum number of daily customers by 90. This will bring the new maximum customer per day total to 280 customers. By increasing the number of customer to 280 to maximum daily flow will increase to 560 gallons per day. The current septic system is in compliance with all state codes. The proposed expansion will not bring the gallons per day beyond the current septic systems design capabilities of 600 gallons per day. Josh SwedJund/President {if{~ CITY 010 CH RECEtv1~sS&:N AUG 0 4 2006 CHANHASSEN PLA NNING DEPT I . d 262E-E1.8(2S6) punIpams 450(' dSv:SO SO EO ~nH CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED AUG 0 4 2006 2/25/02 Water IWastewa ter- ISTS4 .31 ~ ~~~ ~ CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Compliance Inspection Form for Existing Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Completion of this form fulfills the minimal requirements of Mmn. Stat. 9 115.55 (2001) and Minnesota R. ch. 7080 (1999). Please refer to local ordinances for other requirements or information, especially for compliance requirements for bedroom additions. General: Date of Inspection: <6[)) I) ~ Reason for inspection: dJ;' PropertyOwner(s) ~ stTOM., -, W M'Shlr<- ,. Telephone~) '/l/S-- IroO Person requesting inspection ::f~f Telephone ( ) SiteAddress '7J;:{) Pjihr(lood Df\\<.L City C~5~y) ZipCode S"Ss)7 Fire No.1 Parcel No. County CAY\k..'r Township legal Description Local Regulatory Authority Date system constructed 0' &74 g System in Shoreland Area@s no System In Wellhead Protection Area: yesGJ System serving a MDH licensed facility: yes Glocal Permit # (If any) Systems built prior to April 1, 1996 and not located in Shoreland or Wellhead Protection Area or Serving a Food, Beverage or lodging Establishment Is the system an imminent threat to Dublle health or silfetv? (a yes answer is an ITPHS system) - Discharge of sewage to the ground surface? - Discharge of sewage to draintlle or surface waters? - Sewage backup into dwelling? - Situation with the potential to immediately and adversely impact or threaten public hearth or safety? YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Is the system failinQ? (a yes answer is a failing system) - Less than TWO feet of vertical separation between system bottom and saturated soil or bedrock? - A seepage pit, cesspool, drywell, or leaching pit? YES NO YES NO Is the system non-compliant? - Is the system regulated under a monitoring plan or operating permit? (if no, go to page 2) YES NO If yes, - Has the required monitoring taken place? YES NO (If no, the system is non-complying) - Does the monitoring indicate that the system meets performance expectations? YES NO (If no, the system is non-complying) Page 1 of 2 2.d 2S2E-El.8f2SS) Systems located in Shoreland or Wellhead Protection Areas or Serving a Food, Beverage or lodging Establishment, or systems Built after March 31 1996 Is the system an imminent threat to public health or safety? (a yes answer is an ITPHS system) - Discharge of sewage to the ground surface? YES ~ - Discharge of sewage to draintiJe or surface waters? YES (f;iQ! - Sewage backup into dwelling? YES d!fJ - Situation with the potential to immediately and adversely impact or threaten public health or L'J safety? YES (!;5Y Is the system failinQ? (a yes answer is a failing system) - Less than THREE feet of vertical separation between system bottom and saturated sailor bedrock? YES - A seepage pit, cesspool, drywell, or leaching pit? YES Is the system non-compJiant? - Is the system regulated under a operating permit? (if no, go to page 2) If yes, - Has the required monitoring taken place? (If no, the system is non-complying) YES NO - Does the monitoring indicate that the system meets performance expectations? YES NO (If no, the system is non-complying) wq-wwists4.31 punlpamS 4sor dS~:SO SO EO ~n~ Site Sketch: .........:: .. . . ................. - ~. . . ,'.- . . . ,. . . '.:' . - . .' " .',' . ..........-.-......................... . ,. . .- " .. .....-.-...,... , . . . , . .............:... ," . .' ................... " .' :,' .~ . - ~.' .. .::. . . . :> . . <. . . . :> . . ..:.. . . . ~;. . . '::. - . . :: - . . '::. . . . ,": .... " " - .". - . . :. - . . -'. . . . .-. . . ..; . . . - ... ':. . . . .:. . . .:- - . ~ '. . . - ..:. . - - .. - . . .-'. .' '<n;*T~fff>.l:;Ljp, n':. ,'Li;:: . .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . ... ~, .,~. \ ~ .. . .. .. ............... ~ . . .... .. ; .. ',;' . . 'J::';: '. ;~\J Li'. ':.;;;,.:.:;;;: . . :.i,';P;'L.fif'LLT',.i'jT t6.. "0' j....;: ...:: ,:;...;:. :: "'f.'''~'''+' .:...+...(...>.-::-..+...;....::..., M~ : . '. ',"" "';""',:""","""",""';"',',' - -"L ':. . ..... .;:....:~:.:::::.).::?:):..:f..:.:::::r::J:::;;::::r'."':'?':,. WO'~ IN Plense indicate tbt location of: Welt well setback:o S)'SIr:m, (hvclling or mher establishment, tank(s). ~(\i/lre:1:Illcnt system, reselVed soillr':lllmcnt area, curtain drain, (lroperl)' lines, wllterways, and buried lines (thosc NOT instnlled by the utili~'). Include sIle5 and length and approximate distances from fL'(ed reference point~ such lIS streets and buildin!.!s. Pleas.: attaeh as- built drawings, inspectiOll reports.. CcrtifiC:lt(s) OfCOI1lJllianee 11nd N(lticc(s) ofNoncllmplillnce. ifalnilabl~ Soil Bor'ings (BR #): Locate each boring On the map above, indicate on the right of the column the soil texture, structure, color, depth of each different soil type, evidence of mottling, bedrock and standing water. Also indicate if the material is Jill. ~f6" BR#!L BR# pI;; ~i7W'- qN ~6J tf,b' ' BR# BR# BR# BR# \,\'b.~-y1 RECORD DEPTH OF MOTTLING. SEASONAl. RIGI' w Mai OR BEDROCKO" ABOVE L"'CS Comml'nts; What nc-cds t,) be completed t(. brh)g the ,1bove system into cornpli;\lJ(;C: if found not in compliance? Eod 2S2E-EL.8(2SSJ punlpamS 450[' dSp:SO SO EO ~n~ Property Owner(s) Fire No.1 Parcel No. ._......._....~._....__.._.._._..._.............__....-.........-.-....-.--.-.---...--....--..........----..-.--_....._--_._-_...._-_..........~...._._._-_.__.__._._.....__. What methods were used to make the determinations for the compliance insoection? (Note: No standard protocol exists. The following list is not exhaustive, or in sequential order nor indicates which combinations may necessary to make a determination) Wa.tertight tank(s) Hydraulic Functioning Q Probed tank bottom ~ Searched for surface outlet (:1 Observed low liquid level (:1 Performed hydraulic test ~ Examined canst. records x.- Searched for seeping in yard AExamined empty (pumped) tank ~ Checked for back-up in home o Probed outside tank for "black soil" Q Excessive ponding in soil systemlD-boxes Q Pressure/vacuum check J!..- Homeowner testimony Q Other ><--. Examined for surging in tank o "Slack soil" above soil system Q Other Vertical Separation Distance ~ Conducted soil borings I Depth to limiting layer q Depth to system bottom _P\-vs \ \ X Examined records o LGU Umiting layer Verification Q Other Status of the SYstem Based on the compliance criteria, the system status is: (check one) 0 failing (to protect groundwater) 0 an imminent threat to public health or safety (ITPHS), 0 non-compllant (monltOrlng issue) Ji(compliant (none of the 3 previous conditions). Therefore, this document is a: ~rtifjcate of Compliance 0 Notice of Noncompliance Is this system an EPA Class V Injection Well? 0 yes no Certification I hereby certify as a state of Minnesota licensed Inspector and/or Designer I or Qualified Employee Inspector and/or Qualified Employee Designer I that I conducted an investigation that accurately determined the compliance status of this system and that my recorded observations are accurate as of this date. No determination of future hydraulic performance has been nor can be made due to unknown conditions during system construction, abuse of the system, inadequate maintenance, or future water usage. Inspector's name (print) license and/or Registration Number 2502 Em~oyed by -7t~~:liiC. SIgnature UpQrade Requirements (derived from Minnesota Statutes j 115.55) An FTPHS must be upgraded, replaced, or its use discontinued within ten months of receipt of this notice or within a shorter period if required by local ordinance. If the system fal7s to provide sufficient groundwater protection, then the system must be upgraded, replaced, or its use discontinued within the time required by rule or the local ordinance. If an existing system is not failing as defined in law, and has at least two feet of design soil separation, then the system need not be upgraded, repaired, replaced, or its lJse discontinued, notwithstanding any local ordinance that is more strict This does not apply to systems in shoreland areas, wellhead protection areas, or those used in connection with food, beverage, and lodging establishments as defined in law. JOSH SWEDLUND Phone ~tFs- :?~7it Address ~5"~- .-cOCJ S-/-. ~I~ Address ~t\. vvLL- . ) Date ~/:?: f) (p SU9Qested Attachments 1) Site sketch could also include: well, well setback to system, dwelling or other buildings, tank(s),reserved soil treatment area, surface water and soil boring locations. Include as-built drawing if available. 2) Soil boring Jogs, showing each horizon. Indicate the texture, color, redoximorphic features depth to bedrock, standing water and whether the material is fill. 3) A list of any and all requirements of the local ordinance that are different from the state requirements referred to on this form. 4) A homeowner survey of system performance, signed by the homeowner as being factual. S) Monitoring data as appropriate. Page 2 of 2 v.d 2S2E-El.B(2SS) punlpams 4sor dSv:SO SO EO ~n~ ] A . ~ ZOcrl--I ~ ,'.: z · o ~ ~ ~ o ~ I- U) '. z o o a: o u. b z ::..::..,..'''::::::.''':':.... ",wwwo~o"H'l" ,$) 1,- ~.: ....I iZ Cl () ~l () it. f'\ wf.::~ )" :> () Il.I () ...t" 0 ... III L,,"" ~ w~ 00 !zffi wZ ::E;?; ~::E Offi If:z ~~ ~~ ~O ~ u~ ...J> ...J: of" ~ : ! ,~ : l! ::-s ~ ~. '0. .~ eo. -2 '5 : I, " " I I s::::: - ; '~: i~ ~ = i' o . I t : - "0 ~; H ~i J " ..! I · J. !} t If IIltl r Khhh . ., .- ., ~I t I to ( i ilil1i <::) eJll .ii" I I' <::) lilt! 'It I MI (-...J ~f ~ ii;li li~ 1 .r~ii z: . in J II jlH :5 . 0 Q.. " .. .fa Z ... ., "-.!:' w U) U) .::r: co:: :J: Z co:: :J: 0 Anderson Engineering of Minnesota 13605 1st Ave North, Suite 100. Plymouth, MN 55441 Tel: (763) 412-4000 Fax: (763) 383-1089 www.ae-mn.com [1~'U''U'~~ @[? 'U'~&lm~[MJDru&[1 DATE 8/4/2006 COMM. NO. 11589 RE: PROJECT 11589 - GOLF IMPROVEMENT CENTER EXPANSION TO JOSH MEZNER PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7700 MARKET BLVD. PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 DIST. METHOD: Anderson Delivery WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ Attached D Under separate cover via the following items: D Shop Drawings ~ Prints o Change Order 0 D Plans D Reports D Specifications Copies I Document Date I Description 16' 8/4/2006'RSS GOLF IMPROVEMENT CENTER - BUILDING EXPANSION PLAN 24x36 . . _,. d" 'mn,W_ . ,wm "mm.,q"'U"h nmu ""'humm ,,~,_,,_.~.d~"~UhUhd..'__m ""qu.Uhdhu_' ,__, 0_ m m U.dh'''.Hu__m.m '_.m. m .~~.,m..m_",um.u_.mwmm,.uu m u u m u"m'q,,~uq"q'_',,"qu_"'N_q_'wm"_u~ ,,,.w",," """,.".,w."..,m, U"'M""'Mu,m'u.".q '_'''mo'''m 'UM"'"'''''''' m_umMmum'~_"'_'u 1. 8/4/2006'RSS GOLF IMPROVEMENT CENER - BUILDING EXPANSION PLAN 8.5x11 'h 'Uk" U, .".n'"."."..".",,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, ,,,"',,'m",,,,,,,,,..,,..,, u'" ""_w ". ,..U_m ",-m_d" ""'.._.m,..dhm."", .mONd ..dU"mm""" , ,.kn". 1: 8/4/2006TIFF FILE THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below ~ For Approval ~ For Your Use D As Requested D For Review and Comment DI IREMARKS IFROM Peter Hansen CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED AUG 0 4 2006 C.C. JEFF HELSTROM. PERMA GREEN INCORPORATED CHANHASSEN PLANNING DE:PT LAND DEVELOPMENT. MUNICIPAL. HIGHWAYS. RAILROADS SURVEYING . WETLANDS . ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS Log Framing Log Corners Sierra White Wall Steel -~ . -_-=~"\ .~, 'I. - -='~ - r--=-t -. .J - t" - ---=- ~ --- ~ -=-=j~ -=- i---P ;~:~~ -y -1. ~: - - I ~~ Pf~~ Cultured Stone Veneer . -y:::: - 4- 'I. . 0-;... , ~~_....A - r-= ~ ---~ --- - - ~: -~:--.- ~'iii!~ ~ iill~ ~ilil!" ~iI~ ~. ~ II! . If' --=r--.... 'I -.:r=\, '1_ _- - -A - ~ J - - r=--'iI A - - r::"'\I - - - --r. ~. ~ - - ~ _\ -I Wood Siding Rural Red Roof Steel ~~I~ ~~~I~ -"""":l'l"llii; "'"- --ii:~ . ....... 11l !!!! I iti I F=F\"\ I r---=!..=.:. t:t:...;:::.J:- . t-=- - ~ R: . .~... 'f. r - _ .~, - ~_...A - t-=- ~ - - ~~ - - - - ~. ~~. --}- -~~ = Front Elevation N.T.5. ;/~ . -.:,;::::: 'I. ; \ ~ -= ~ - '--="1- -. ._ - -.1"="""'Cl X - - J-::::- - - --:=.- -=-~ '- <-S C{ vV1 P l e- I '~D ~ .;~ ~,' . =\, 'L' -~ .~- .~ =- ~ - r--=t-..J - )--=~. ~_ A - ~_- ~_ T- ~_--~- ~ .- -~. .- -~.---.= CITY Of CHANHAsseN RECEIVED AUG 0 4 2006 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT '. Log Framing - .. . . .1 I PANEL 28 gauge · Commercial · Residential · Agricultural Structural Buildings offers a complete line of metal roof, wall, and fascia panel systems for the commercial, residential, and agricultural markets. Metal roofing offers an attractive, yet affordable option - its design creates a warm, eye-pleasing look that is strikingly different than other conventional products. Shadow Grey (G3) Rural Red (G1) Grey (G7) Ivory (GB) Taupe (G74) Dark Green (G47) Bone White (G94) Sand Tan (G6) Sierra White (G5) Marina Blue (G35) Charcoal (G4) Burgundy (G15) Cocoa Brown (G2) Color selections are close representations but are limited by processing and viewing conditions. Actual samples are available by request. . STRUCTURAL BUILDINGS 12924 1st Street. Becker, MN 55308. 763-261-4150. 800-535-9722. 763-261-4414/Fax Color-coated S-Panel provides extra protection and, thus, long-lasting durability. More than just a layer of paint, this coating is actually a thermosetting, or oven-cured, system of several separate coatings - which contributes to the high degree of adhesion, corrosion resistanc~, and surface qualities of the total process - including G90 hot-dip galvanized (zinc) coating, Zi11,c phosphate coating, Sealant, Primer paint coating, * Siliconized polyesterlinish paint coating, and back coat. * The ~-Panel Paint System *Prim,~r and finish paint coatings total 1.5 mil thickness on exterior and interior surfaces. Vl(hen you step up to ~-Panel, you can expect: Excellence: · 28-gauge steel · G90 galvanizing - one of the heaviest in the industry · Superior paint finish - color retention and chalking resistance · Industry wide recognition for superior corrosion resistance Variety: · Choice of 13 colors and bare galvanized · A variety of complimentary trims are also available Reliability: · 30-year warranty - film integrity · 25-year warran ty - fade and chalk · 10-year edge rust warran ty · 92,000 PSI minimum MultiPle layers of protection Primer Coat Sealer Coat Zinc Pre-Treatment Galvanized Bare Steel Galvanized Zinc Pre-Treatment Sealer Coat Primer Coat Backer Coat What part of this building would you prefer?(They both started out with the same white color!) Our original white color on right. Stained com- petitor's white on left. Panel Testing ~ :2 < Vi Q ~ 450 Soutl! Florida Testing afler ollly 34 Months EX/Josure 36" panel coverage · 28 gauge MinilTIUm roof slope: 3:12 · Exposed fastened, low profile panel IO-year edge rust warranty · 30-year paint warranty Applies over open framing or solid substrate L I( 9" --, 3/4" - ^ .- .- r\. - .- r\. - .- r\. - .- ~ i I ( .I 36" ~ STRUCTURAL BUILDINGS 12926 1st Street. Becker, MN 55308. 763-261-4150. 800-535-9722. 763-261-4414/Fax @1449/7-05