Administrative Section Administrative Section CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227.1100 Fax 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone 952.227.1180 Fax 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone 952.227.1160 Fax 952.227.1170 Finance Phone 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.227.1400 Fax 952227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.227.1130 Fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 Fax 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: JetTy Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent Nate Rosa. Recreation Supervisor tJVL FROM: DATE: August 14,2006 SUBJ: Lunchtime Lyrics and Twilight Tunes This was the second year for the City of Chanhassen's summer concert series. The program was expanded to four performances from three during the previous year. It was decided to offer evening and lunchtime performances over just lunchtime performances as in the inaugural year of the program. Each concert consisted of an hour long performance from the hired group without a break and was free of charge to the public. We offered ice cream cup sales during the concerts as a service to guests as well. Overall the program was a huge success with attendance doubling from the previous year. Our first concert of the 2006 season had 240 people in attendance, the second concert had 200 people in attendance, the third concert had 110 people in attendance and the fourth concert had 230 people in attendance. The largest crowd we had during the 2005 season was 100 people in attendance. A stage has been proposed and is in the works as an addition for City Center Park Plaza which will add to the ambiance making the concert series experience a more enjoyable one. Overall this is a valuable program that the City of Chanhassen offers and, as you can see by the numbers, is a well utilized program. It is my recommendation that we continue this program in the future and expand upon the number of concerts offered during the summer. The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautitul parks. A great place to live, work, and play. 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 I " ~ f1pIP ~~ :MORAND:d Hoffman. Park & Recreation Direc1 ~ ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN FROM: Building Inspections Phone 952.227.11BO Fax 952.227.1190 SUBJ: Safety Camp Administration Phone 952.227.1100 Fax 952.227.1110 DATE: Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax 952.227.1170 Todd, Park & Recreation Phone 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 I would like to thank you and your department for being involved in the Safety Camp Program. As always, it was such a pleasure to work with the Park & Recreation staff. Nate, John, and Jerry were very helpful throughout the program preparations. The playground leaders also did an excellent job in their roles as Safety Camp team leaders. I attribute much of the program's success to the assistance given by your staff. Finance Phone 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax 952.227.1404 Without all of your support, this program would not be possible. Once again, thank you again for your department's involvement with Safety Camp! Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 C: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. What does it mean to be a self-advocate? Why is it important to be involved in your community? How can you make sure that your voice is heard? All of these questions were addressed at the REACH for Resources conference "Let Your Voice Be Heard: Civic Engagement for All" on May 23, 2006. This exciting conference provided a unique opportu- nity for clients and their families to come together and learn more about self-advocacy and civic engagement. Self-advocacy is a very important skill for people with disabilities to develop. Too often their wants, needs, and rights are pushed aside and decisions are made for them - by their families, guardi- ans, care givers, and elected officials. The conference encour- aged self-determination and community participation on many levels. Attendees also received information packets on how to be a good self-advocate and how to contact key legislators about issues that are important to them. Inspirational speakers offered valuable advice and encouragement to the group. REACH Execu- tive Director Mary Perkins kicked off the exciting evening by advising self-advocates to first and foremost believe in themselves and to believe that their hopes, dreams, and rights are important. She also urged them to help themselves and others by speaking up, voicing their needs to public officials, and ultimately becoming leaders in their communities. Self-advocate Tom Carey described how he has become a voice for people with disabilities and testified before government officials at the local, state and national level to ensure that funding for important services like Section 8-11 housing remains in place. He offered three skills that are crucial to self-advocacy and civic engagement: Overcoming the fear of public speaking, staying in- formed about current issues, and knowing who to contact at the appropriate government level to voice your concerns. Tom encouraged participants to speak up for the things that are important to them, reminding them that "you have a right to be heard in our community, in our state and in our country." Gary Johnson, a REACH board member and self-advocate, spoke about how he overcame his fear of public speaking and become a happier person once he learned to speak up for him- self. "We cannot let others run our lives for us," said Gary. "We can have assistance and definitely listen to advice from others, but ultimately we need to be the ones making the important de- cisions for our lives." He urged conference participants to let their service providers and legislators know what is important to them. Gary told how his public testimony was instrumental in re- storing cuts for adaptive recreation services in his community of (Continued on page 10) ~ Advocates-Act Now!... page 2 M l -0 ~ Fall Programs...pages 3.7 ore nSI e ~ Parents Want to Know... page 8 . '~""'-'""'.'''''_''_,;;';:.~'..-t',iitit'~~~~ Calling All Advocates-ACT NOW! Services Endangered by Federal Reduction On February 8, President Bush signed the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DEFRA) into law. Developed in Congress, it mandates deep cuts to Medicaid (known as Medical Assistance in Minnesota) and shifts costs to the states. The Minnesota Department of Human Services predicts that Minnesota will lose about $100 million in federal fund- ing for MA/Medicaid as a direct result of the Deficit Reduction Act. Hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans with dis- abilities rely on the services that are funded through Medicaid for their healthcare and daily living supports. These supports are now being threatened as never before. In Hennepin County, Rex Holzemer, Area Director of Human Services and Public Health estimates the range of loss will be between $22 and $38 million. Other staff report that this legislation will create the largest cut in Human Services that they have ever witnessed in over 25 years of public service. All areas will be impacted including Child Protection, Children's Mental Health, Adult Mental Health, Elderly Services and Services to people with Developmental Disabilities. Arc Greater Twin Cities says that some impacts will be immediate and others will become more apparent over time as each state government decides how to manage the reductions. Some immediate impacts include: ).- A sharp increase in Medicaid co-payments ).- Medicaid benefit reductions in healthcare especially for children in poverty ).- New barriers to poor families seeking emergency assistance ).- Sharp reductions in child care assistance for working poor families ).- Long delays in eligibility determinations and up to one full year's delay before eligible recipients begin receiv- ing SSI payments We must not remain idle while the services that families spent a generation fighting for are being eliminated. State and Federal Legislators need to hear from families and self-advocates so they can understand the importance of these programs for people with disabilities and their families. The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities is offering a number of town meetings to train people on the basics of Medicaid and offer tools to help people advocate. In Hennepin County, there are two dates: Wednesday, August 2 at Bloomington City Hall, 6 - 8 pm, hosted by Arc Greater Twin Cities - contact Gene Marti- nez at (952) 920-0855 Wednesday, August 17 at Brookdale Library, 6 - 8 pm, hosted by MCIL - contact Mike Chevrette at (651) 603-2005 Call and register today! It's Your Life - Preserve Your Independence! 5th Annual Ghostly Gala Fundraiser Name WHEN: Saturday, October 28, 2006 WHERE: Brooklyn Park Community Center 5600 - 85th Ave N TIME: 6:30 - 9:00 pm COST: Individual $8 pre-registered $9 at the door Family/Group 4 $20 pre-registered $25 at the door Start putting your costumes together for our favorite party of the year! This fun-filled evening includes games, dancing to th, music of Tara Tunes, costume contests, and fun prizes. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. This important fundraiser will help support our Ticket to Ride services. With transportation costs continually increasing, all proceeds from the event will be used to help our clients with transportation to their jobs, health appointments, life skills classes, and recreational activities. Last year the Gala raised $4300 and our goal for this year is $6000. Sponsors are needed to make this event a success. If you or your business would like to be a 2006 Ghostly Gala spon sor, please contact Cyndi Bade at (952) 988-4177 or at cbade@reachforresources.orq to request a sponsorship packe Send in the registration below for the 2006 Ghostly Gala Fundraiser. We'll see you there! r-----------------------______~ Address City Zip Phone # Attending Amt Enclosed $ Parent/Guardian Sig NO (circle if you don't allow your photo to be used in future Reach publications) To Pre-Register, mail this form with check by October 24th to: Reach for Resources Ghostly Gala 1001 Highway 7 Room 217 Hopkins, MN 55305 2 ----------------------------- '......., ~ ~ ttmc.. Reaclt~::.o.r""lnc. Exteatll.g . "uti to .mpo." peopl. wltlt dltabllItt" c Fall 2006 edules EDUCATION, THERAPY, LEISURE ACTIVITIES 1001 Highway 7, #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 (952) 988-4177 Phone REACH is an agency, which serves individuals with developmental disabilities and their fami lies in the West and Northwest metro area. Services include information, referral, advocacy and counseling. Programs include social/recreation groups and education programs. ------------------------------------------ Counseling & Education Counseling Empowerment Living with 4'(9 A Personal Empowerment Group for Independence ~ adults with mild developmental disabili- ties who wish to address their feelings and concerns and pro.note self- esteem. This is a group for people who have felt lonely and scared, or who have felt that they are not good enough because they learn slowly or don't understand things the way others do. Reach for Resources specializes in working with people with developmen- tal disabilities such as mental retardation. _.......1]...........................[;1.... .....>>................ down syndrome, au-<,> . .. tism, and moderate to borderline cognitive ! __ difficulties, and their families. Reach for Resources believes in a friendly, supportive, person- centered approach, and in setting per- sonalized goals for each client. Reach accepts: Medical Assistance, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN, Medica, America's PPO. To schedule an intake interview or for information on counseling op- tions call Lisa Rivers, MA, LP at (952) 988-4177 Women's Group An opportunity for women (ages 18 to 30) with borderline to mild DD to sup- port and share with other women their concerns and experiences regarding topics such as relationships, sexuality, grief and loss, and other issues of inter- est to participants. If you would like to be a part of this therapy group, an intake is required. Call Sara at (952) 988-4177 for more information or to schedule an intake interview WHERE: Eisenhower WHEN: Tuesdays Begins September 19 TIME: 6:30 to 8:00 pm FEE: Fee slides to $10 per quarter Participants will learn how to take care of themselves by making appropri- ate choices and will become empow- ered to gain more independence in living their lives. Participants must arrange their own transportation and be able to wait in- dependently for their ride. Call Eunice at (952) 988-4177 for more information or to schedule an intake interview - Healthy Cooking WHERE: Plymouth Middle School 10011 - 36th Ave N Rm 110 WHEN: Mondays Sept 25 - Oct 9 6:30 pm $35.00 For more information, call Matthew Smith at (952) 988-4177 TIME: FEE: Do you currently live on your own, or are you planning on moving into your own place in the near future? If you are, then this is the series for you! Reach for Resources is collaborating with Project Soar and Windows of Op- portunity to offer training in the three most basic elements of successful inde- pendence: financial management, employment skills, and housing/home living. Sign up for one class segment, or bet- ter yet, sign up for all three and get a discount! $19.00 per segment, or $54.00 if you sign up for all three. WHERE: Part 1 Money Matters Winnetka Learning Center 7940 - 55th Ave N Room 203 New Hope Wednesdays November 1, 8, 15 6:30 to 8:00 pm WHEN: TIME: Part 2 Job Seeking & Keeping Skills WHERE: To Be Announced WHEN: January 17, 24, 31 Part 3 Housing Options & Home Living WHERE: To Be Announced WHEN: March 28, April 4, II Look for detailed information about Parts 2 and 3 in the Winter and Spring Reach brochures. 3 Youth (age 5-12) & Teens (age 13-21) Kid Fu (Youth) Six-week martial arts program for kids. Come learn the moves of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee! WHERE: Plymouth Creek Center 14800 - 34th Ave N Plymouth WHEN: Oct 4 - Nov 8 6:00 - 6:45 pm FEE: $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident Program Minimum 3, Maximum 10 Bowling (Teen & Youth) Northwest West WHERE: Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal Saturdays Sept 23 - Nov 11 12:00 - 2:00 pm $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 3, Maximum 10 WHEN: TIME: FEE: Teen ~ WHERE: Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park Saturdays Sept 23 - Nov 11 9:30-11:30am $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 3, Maximum 10 WHEN: TIME: FEE: Programs Girl's Club Join other girls ages 13-17 for fun and social skills development. Girl's Club is designed for girls who are independent in their personal cares and can man- age their own behavior. WHERE: Various Locations WHEN: Saturdays (lx/month) Begins in September TIME: FEE: 1 :00 - 3:00 pm $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident For more information, please call Tara at (952) 988-4176 West Teen Explorers Weekly social group. Activities include swimming, movies, bowling, and going out to eat. Various locations in the Min- netonka/Hopkins/St Louis Park area. WHERE: Various West Metro area locations WHEN: Thursdays Sept 28 - Nov 9 TIME: 6:30 - 8:30 pm $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident Plus additional activity fee Program Minimum 5, Maximum 20 FEE: Teen Programs (Continued) ~. Social Enjoyment Group for % ~flj Teens with Asperger's ~/ Reach for Resources is excited to team up with a local Licensed Inde- pendent Clinical Social Worker and the Depot Coffee House in Hopkins to offer a social experience for teens with Asperger's Syndrome or high- functioning Autism. This experience will be fun and will help the teens gain understanding of and confidence in their interaction skills. We are very pleased to be teaming with the Depot Coffee House to provide this experi- ence in a safe space designed to appeal to youth. Each group will begin with the opportunity to purchase a beverage and/ or snack at the Depot, and then move to guided activities designed not only to be fun, but also to directly demonstrate how people can learn to enjoy social activities together. These groups have been successful at many schools in the metro area. We are excited to bring this experience into a community setting enjoyed by so many students. Reach for Resources will lease the Depot for these groups, so we will have exclusive use of most of the facility. Please join us for a lot of fun as we prac- tice being successful in the social world! For more information, please contact Tara at (952) 988-4177 .n . . Friday Night Fun & Dance We will spend Friday nights learning cool dance routines and socializing with friends. WHERE: Bass Lake Shelter Plymouth WHEN: Fridays Sept 22 - Nov 3 TIME: 6:30 - 7:30 pm FEE: $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non resident Program Minimum 5, Maximum 20 Weekend Ventures Spend the weekend at beautiful Camp Kingswood in Mound, MN. Weekend respite program for teens aged 14-22. We will enjoy the beautiful fall weather with hiking, boating, volleyball, basket- balL Frisbee golf, and more! Don't miss out! WHEN: September 8 - 10 FEE: $350 for entire weekend For more information or for an application, please call Becca at (952) 988-4178 Take 5 Respite Do you need something fun to do dur- ing your winter break? Come join res- pite to meet new friends, experience recreation activities, and get out of the house! WHERE: WIiEN: TIME: FEE: Minnetonka High School Dates to be Announced 9:00 am - 3:30 pm $65.00 per day Plus $30 per day for door-to- door transportation* *Transportation provided within a spe- cific geographic location For further questions or to discuss payment options, please contact Tara at: (952) 988-4176 5 Registration Form-Fall 2006 \dvance payment is required for all programs. NO REGISTRATION AT PROGRAMS OR BY PHONE. To ensure a spot in the program(s) )f your choice, mail in payment and registration form as soon as possible. Residents of the West & Northwest consortium of cities ecelve preference in registration. Registration Is then open to non-residents of the consortium cities one week prior to the start of 1e programs (unless program Is full). lame: Registration Begins August 1, 2006 Birth date: Zip Code: Iddress: lome Phone: City: Work Phone: mergency Contact: Emergency Phone: I Yes CJ No I have waivered services and an authorization for Reach For Resources to bill for these programs. I Yes CJ No Do you require wheelchair access? I Yes. I want Ticket To Ride services. I will maintain responsibility for scheduling my own rides through D1al-A-Rlde at (952)474-7441. noto Waiver: My photo may be taken at Reach programs and used for promotional materials, unless I check below: I No, I DO NOT wish to have my photo used. 'isability (please include specific information such as seizures. allergies. special diet etc.): )cial Worker: Social Worker's Phone: Parent/Guardian's Phone: :Irent(s)/Guardian (s): ome Address: Jrent(s) E-Mail: Jrent(s) Employer: nployer Address: City: Parentis) Cell Phone: Employer Phone: Zip: City: o $50,000 - $74,999 0$150,000 - $174,999 Fall 2006 TICKET TO RIDE .000 "'_ .lJIlII!IIIlII 'c.;~ ach For Resources fice (952) 988-4177 VISIT US ON OUR WEBSITE www.reachforresources.org Zip: o $75,000 - 99,999 o $175.000 - $199,999 o $200,000+ mual House- iOId Income: Date: ~gal Guardian: 1e undersigned, certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that participation in this activity is completely voluntary and the activity is being offered the benefit of the participant. Reach for Resources shall not be liable for any claims, injuries, or damages of whatever nature, incurred by the participant arising out or connected with, the activity. On behalf of myself and the participant. I expressly forever release and dischorge Reach for Resources, its agents or employees, from Y such claims, injuries or damages. I have received a copy of Notice of Privacy as required by HIPAA. I have read, understood and agree to these privacy practices. 0$0 - $24.999 0 $25.000 - $49,999 0$100,000 - $124.999 0 $125.000 - $149,999 i!I Program Resident/Non-Res J Adult Bowling Doyle's $30.00 / $35.00 J Adult Bowling Earle Brown $30.00/ $35.00 J Adult Bowling Pork Tavern $30.00 / $35.00 J Teen Bowling Doyle's $30.00 / $35.00 J Teen Bowling Park Tavern $30.00 / $35.00 __'n__' ___.._.___.__.._._._._n..-__.____.,,_._____. .. ___._._._n.._.___._._ .- - ---.-,-~--,-.-. ~__'__m._.____.,"_".,______.___.__._.... _ _'n' ----,.-.------.-. J Youth Bowling Doyle's $30.00 / $35.00 J Youth Bowling Park Tavern $30.00 / $35.00 -....-.-.-.-.-".............-....---.---------........--...-..------.. .-..__....____..._....___..._.....n._____._ ....---.----_._____.__....__.___._.m....____......._ -.-.---"..-.- J Kid Fu $40.00 / $45.00 J Girl's Club $35.00 / $40.00 J West Teen Explorers $35.00 / $40.00 ""'- .m_.. __. ._.__ .- .___._._m_.___.__n.__.......,.....____._.___.___m_....._._._ ..-.-----....-.-----....-----.-.-----.....---- ..-. .'... .-- ....' ......- J Friday Night Fun & Dance $35.00 / $40.00 __.._._.___n..... -- ..--, - -', -- -.-.----.--.--.--....---..--.-....--...-.-....---....---.-....-.---.-.--.--.--.-.-------.-.---.-.-.......---.-.......-.....-....- ...-.--.- J No-Compete Basketball $30.00 / $35.00 _'_'__.n._ - - .-.__.. .._----.---_..... -....--.--...---...---.----......-.- ----.- ---.-....--.....-.-----.-.-.---..._______ __.__... ._n_._...._._._. ..-.---.-.---.-- ] Walking Club $25.00 / $30.00 ~ Program Resident/Non-Res 0 On the Town I .__!I_?_:Q9_IEQ_~~_.~.ft .- .--.-.-.-.. -. --.-.--- ..- .- .n._ n_ O On the Town II _~_I~:~~_(J~~:~~__~ft .. _..n_____._._._ .n._____._. - ~ - -.-----.-.- -.-.-.-.- --------.-.- 0 Club West $37.00/$42.00 ".a --....-.-.---------------.- -. -. u_.___ ....-..-_.. ----.-.- -......- . - --_._.__...._..__._-~..._..."'.._~-_._._~~._.__._._._._._....-.-.-- 0 Wednesday Night Social $37.00/$42.00 ",a ..-. .............-..-....-...-...........-..-.....--...-...--..-....--.--.=- 0 Healthy Cooking $35.00 --.-....-.-.- __....___nn__._._._n.._..._.._...._.__._._.____......_.___ .."'. -. ---.---7"'.-.-.....-.-.----.----.-.- --.-.-.-.---.-.---- 0 Holiday Party ""$5.00 -....-.-.- _._.....n___.._..__._......_..___.._._. - - ___ -_...._.__._...._._..n__..__......____._..__'n.___.....__..__...~.___......._.......____ Living with Independence Class Series "-''''--.--. . ......-.--.-.-.........,-.--....-...-.......-----....-.---..-.-.------...-....--.--.-.- '-'-""'.- -.-...-.--.--..-.-.--....---.-.-.-.-.-....-.-.--.--.-.-.--- 0 Money Matters (only) $1 9.00 ...-.-.---- ---- -..-. -.......---....-..---.- ... .---.-.-----.-.....--..--...-.--...-....... _._.__.~-_...._......._._._._._._- .. _._._..........._...._........_~-----~-_.... 0 Three-Class Series $54.00 -..----.- ._._...__._._...._._n.n.._.........._ ...- .__..___._n_n.._...._____._.___ ..-... _..__._._.~._...__.--._...._-_.__.__._--_._-_.__...__._._------- 0 Asperger's Teen Group Info will be sent .-.---.-...----.--.-------.-----.---.-. ...-.-....-...--....-........- --.-.-....----.-.--.-.----. ..-.-.---..---.---.-.-.-.---------'..-- o Take Five Respite Packet will be sent .-....-.-.-----.-.-......-----..-.--.-.-.-.------.-......- - --. -- ..----.-..-....--+--.-.-.-.-. .--.-.-.-.--.-....---.-.-...--.-.-.-.----.-.--------.-.----.--.-- 0 Weekend Ventures Packet will be sent Please mail completed form with payment to: Reach For Resources 1001 Highway 7 #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 Adult Athletics Adult Bowling Join us for fun, non- competitive bowling. You will bowl two games each week. Northwest WHERE: Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal Saturdays Sept 23 - Nov 11 12:00 - 2:00 pm $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 WHEN: TIME: FEE: WHERE: Earle Brown Bowl 6440 James Cir N Brooklyn Center Sundays Sept 24 - Nov 12 6:30 - 8:30 pm $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident Plus $4.00 Per Sundcr( Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 WHEN: TIME: FEE: West WHERE: Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave $ St Louis Park Saturdays Sept 23 - Nov 11 9:30 - 11 :30 am $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 WHEN: TIME: FEE: Non-Competitive Basketball WHERE: WHEN: To Be Determined Thursdays Starts January 11 6:30 - 8:00 pm $30.00 Resident $35.00 Non-resident Reach for Resources Annual Meeting & Holiday Party Let's celebrate REACH's successes of the past year together! We will get together for a program, awards, appetizers, and music DJ'd by our very own Tara Tunes! WHERE: Minnetonka Community Ctr WHEN: Tuesday, Dec 12 TIME: 6:00 - 8:30 pm FEE: $5.00 * HapPY% * % ~oljcAaY! Thank You Softball Sponsors! Six teams participated in the Reach non-competitive softball league this summer and had a wonderful time. Thank you to our generous softball sponsors! Cynthia Bade Bechler Landscape Company Lowell & Linda Bialick Patrick Boley Bert Gardner & Betty Goodman Mary, Scott, & Ben Johnson Barb Kleist Steve McConley ProSource Floor Coverings St David's Andy Weinstein The Adaptive Recreation program is a cooperative effort of cities of Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Crystal, Golden Valley, Maple Grove, New Hope, Plymouth. Robbinsdale and REACH for Resources. REACH is an agency, which serves individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in the West and Northwest metro area. Services include information, referral, advocacy and counseling. Programs include social! recreation groups and education programs. An integration specialist is on staff to assist people who are interested in participating in "non- adaptive" recreation programs. For information and registration procedures, call Tara or Becca at 952-988-4177. NOTE: For persons not living in one of the above communities, you are considered a "non-resident" and need to add a $5 to the registration fee. TIME: FEE: Walking Club (ages 18+) WHERE: WHEN: Various Locations Tuesdays Sept 12 - Oct 1 7 6:30 - 8:00 pm $25.00 Resident $30.00 Non-resident TIME: FEE: Hockey for All Ages Sick of floor hockey? Want to glide on the ice? Now you can! For more information about MN Spe- cial Hockey, call Susie Miller at (612) 325-3392 For more information about MN Sled Hockey Association, call (612) 558-8387 6 .>l.~ Adult Social Programs On the Town I A social group for young adults, ages 18 - 25, who are independent and would like to explore their community. Meets t'vVice per month. WHERE: TIME: FEE: Various locations in the Northwest & West Suburbs Every other Friday evening Beginning Sept 15 Varies with activity $15.00 Resident $20.00 Non-resident Plus ackfJlional activity fees Program Minimum 5, Maximum 15 WHEN: Registration Notes and Information · If you are a new participant in On the Town, call Tara at (952) 988- 4176 for information and to sched- ule an intake interview. · Please Note: Participants may only register for one social program per quarter. · Please do not sign up unless you will be able to attend! · Fall registration begins August 1 . If you are concerned about your pro- gram filling up quickly, please feel free to stop by the Reach for Re- sources office to complete a regis- tration form in person. Residents of our consortium cities are given priority in registration. Non-resident registrations will be held until one week before the start of the program. . . You will receive a letter confirming your registration along with sched- ules for all programs you have been registered for at least one week prior to the start of the pro- gram. On the Town II A social group for adults, ages 26 - EiJ, who can access the community independenf1y with minimal supervision. Two Saturdays per month beginning Sept 16. WHERE: Various locations in the Northwest & West Suburbs WHEN: Every other Saturday evening Beginning Sep 16 Varies with activity $15.00 Resident 0:e $20.00 Non-resident Plus additional activity fees Program Minimum 5, Maximum 15 TIME: FEE: Dances for All Join your friends and groove to all the latest hits! Sponsored in collaboration with Project Soar. TIME: FEE: 7 - 9 pm (all dances) $4.00 at the qoor (all dances) West Dances St Louis Park HS 6425 W 33rd St, St Louis Park Friday, Sept 22 WHERE: WHEN: .......................................................................................... WHERE: St Louis Park HS 6425 W 33rd St, St Louis Park WHEN: Friday, Oct 13 ........................................................................................... WHERE: Minnetonka HS 18301 Hwy 7, Minnetonka 6715 Mtka Blvd, St Louis Park WHEN: Friday, Nov 17 North Dance WHERE: To Be Determined Please call (952) 988-4176 or (952) 988-4178 WHEN: Friday, Dec 1 Club West (west metro) and Wednesday Night Social (northwest metro)are social programs for adults age 18 and older. Meet new friends and visit with old friends while enjoying games, dances, movies, bingo, etc. Staff to pa1icipant ratio is 1:10 Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 (for each program) Wednesday Night Social WHERE: WHEN: Crystal Community Center (and other nearby locations) Wednesdays Sept 20 - Nov 8 6:30 - 8:30 pm $37.00 Resident $42.00 Non-resident Plus adcflllonal adivity fee Club West WHERE: Various west metro locations Wednesdays Sept 20 - Nov 8 ("e 6:30 - 8:30 pm $37.00 Resident $42.00 Non-resident Plus additional adivity fee TIME: FEE: ~ 0:~ WHEN: TIME: FEE: Ticket to Ride Reminder... To receive Ticket to Ride services, you must be a member of our consortium cities and live within the transportation boundaries established for your program (contact Tara or Becca at 952-988-4177). Your registration must be received by us at least one week prior to the start of the program to be eligible to receive a ride the first week. 7 To schedule transportation to the program, please call Dial-a-Ride at 952-474-7 441. (~ft Parents Want to Know! My adult son with a mild disability wants to live on his own and needs only minimal supervision. What hous- ing options should we consider for him? Since the 1970's, more community housing options have become available to people with developmental disabili- ties. However, it is widely acknowledged that finding appro- p:i.ate, affordable housing for this population remains a sig- nificant problem. As public attitudes towards disabilities con- tinues to evolve, we are likely to see more housing options become available that allow people with disabilities live in the setting of their choice and integrate more fully into our communities. Our experience at REACH has shown that greater housing choice leads to increased life satisfaction and successful community living. Families searching for hous- ing can explore the following options in the Twin Cities: Group Homes - Since the early 1990's, 4-person group homes with round-the-clock staff have been the standard for adults with disabilities and continue to be a popular resi- dential choice for individuals who require substantial supervi- sion. Openings tend to be few and are generally reserved for individuals with more intensive care needs. Specialized Apartment Buildings - These apartment build- ings are designated specifically for people with disabilities, but with limited or no staff supervision. These types of apart- ments allow residents to live in their own unit among neighbors who have similar needs, but with a high level of independence. These apartments are few in number and generally have long waiting lists. Open-Market Housing - Many people with mild or border- line disabilities live in open-market rental apartments with success, as long as they have adequate support from family members or agencies like REACH. However, affordability is a major concern. Paying 30-40% of one's income towards housing is considered affordable, yet people in the Twin Cit- ies who receive Supplemental Security Income tend to spend 109% of their monthly income on rent! Renters may be eligible for Section 8 Rental Assistance Vouchers and REACH can assist clients in completing enroll- r---------------------------- What's New At Reach . Sheri Peterson has left us after 8 years to become a per- sonal Life Coach. Her work and dedication to our clients was greatly appreciated and she will be missed. Lisa Riv- ers, Matthew Smith and Eunice Wellnitz have taken over Sheri's duties. . Our private-pay REACH OUT in-home support service, launched in January, has several new clients. We are excited to begin serving these families and providing an affordable independent-living support service to people who have been unable to access government supports. . REACH supporters can now join the Reach Advocates, a monthly giving club that allows donors to make auto- matic contributions via electronic funds transfer or credit card. Automatic monthly gifts provide us with predict- able, stable funding in a way that's more convenient for donors and cost-effective for us. If you would like to be- come a Reach Advocate, please contact Cyndi Bade at (952) 988-4177 or cbade@reachforresources.ora. I I I I I I I I ----------------------------. 8 ment applications. In 2005, new legislation was passed that allows landlords to register their building as a Housing with Services Establishment if they provide two or more support services to renters who are disabled and/or elderly. Tenants who live in such a building can receive up to $737 per month in rental assistance. One disadvantage to open-market rental is that family members often have concerns about vulnerable individuals mixing with unscrupulous neighbors who may try to take ad- vantage of their disability. Considerations for choosing on open-market rental should always include location, safety, affordability, landlord's willingness to accommodate some- one with disabilities, profile of other residents, and availability of support services. HousingLink (www.housinalink.org) pro- vides comprehensive listings of affordable rental units avail- able in the Twin Cities. Home Ownership - It is likely that we will see a trend to- ward increased home ownership where consumers with dis- abilities and/or their relatives purchase a home, condo or duplex, and rent the additional bedrooms or units to other adults. This option gives families more control over their loved one's safety, yet gives them the independence they desire. In such a situation, an agency like REACH can pro- vide in-home living support, skills training, and roommate- matching services to make the arrangement 0 success for all involved. Ultimately, we at REACH would like to see more home- ownership for people with disabilities that gives them stabil- ity, safety, tangible financial assets, and the opportunity to integrate fully into a neighborhood. REACH would like to host a forum to dis- cuss options for families interested in home ownership for their loved one with a disability. To join the group, please contact Mary Perkins at (952) 988-4177. REACH OUT Life Skills Support for Adults with Disabilities REACH OUT is a new private-pay support service for adults with disabilities who want to live independently, but have been denied eligibility for other public assis- tance programs. Clients are assigned a Life Skills Trainer who provides ongoing support with whatever they need to live independently. . Offered for a reasonable hourly fee . Flexible & tailored to meet your needs . An investment in your child's future . Provided by highly-trained specialists Call Mary Perkins for a Free Preliminary Assessment (952) 988-4177 '.':j:.. *:* .Jyt RECEIVED AUG to 2006 Reach for Resources formerly West Hennepin Community Services, Inc. 1001 State Highway 7,#217 Hopkins, HN 55305 (952) 988-4177 .HcIn Pmfil US'~PaiI .... EJpediIan CITY OF CHANHASSEN Address Service Requested Todd Hoffman T15/P234 City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 Chanhassen. MN 55317-0147 J .1.1. .1.1.. ..... 11111.. .11................................... Fund Reach through United Way The United Way accommodates em- ployees who want to support REACH through workplace campaigns - even though REACH is not a United Way agency. Help adults with disabilities reach their full potential by designating REACH at your company's United Way Drive. Just write "REACH for Resources" in the appropriate pledge card section. (C7>ntinued from page 1) Brooklyn Center in 2004. By getting in- volved in the community and being an ex- ample for others, Gary said "you will make a difference in your life and in your commu- nity." The evening ended by celebrating the accomplishments of the REACH Empower- ment Group. The group members shared posters they had created that described what self-advocacy means to them. "You need to speak up for yourself and make your own d,ecisions about your life," shared Lisa Mes~<lo and Sandy Lindell. Jim Nylandet~d Bev Wenzel pointed out that self-advoootes need to pay attention and be 9ood'lis"ners. And Connie Rothgeb urged paiTi(~ipants to build their self-esteem and confidence so that their voices can be heard. We would like to extend a special thank you to REACH in- tern Cali Breese for organizing the conference and to the Governor's Council on Dis- abilities and the Otto Bremer,foun- dation for provid- ing funding to host this very special event! 'r:~ \50 years v,,'" l..~ \.ti ~ ~ ~ ~ Office of County Sheriff Carver County Government Center Justice Center 606 East Fourth Street Chaska, Minnesota 55318-2102 --- --.- Carver County 1855-2005 July 27,2006 Dear Todd Hoffinan, Bud Olson, Sheriff Emergency: 911 Sheriff Admin: (952) 361-1212 Admin. Fax: (952) 361-1229 Dispatch: (952) 361-1231 (Non-Emergency) Mr. Hoffinan, I'm contacting you to offer any assistance that you may need in the area of traffic education through the Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department. My present position with the Carver County Sheriffs Office Traffic Education Unit may certainly be of some interest to citizens within a group or activity that you can think of. Please respond back at your convenience to let me know how that I could assist to continue to get the word out about traffic safety within the City of Chanhassen. Thank You, f. Deputy Keith' News & Featuresll Stories II Hurricane Tracker I Recent Story Lightning Kills 2 N.J. Teens; 2 Recovering July 24, 2006 The Associated Press MONTVALE, N.J. - Two teenagers were recovering Sunday from a lightning strike that killed two other teens a day before on a school soccer field. Lee Weisbrod, 19, of River Vale, and Steven Fagan, 18, of Woodcliff Lake, died at a local hospital Saturday after suffering severe burns and trauma, authorities said. The survivors, identified only as 16- and 19-year-old Montvale residents, were treated at a local hospital Saturday night and released, authorities said. The four had arrived at Montvale Memorial School around 6 p.m. Saturday, but waited for a rain storm to let up before taking the field to play soccer, police said. When a violent storm swept back in, the two unidentified teens ran for shelter while Weisbrod and Fagan began walking off the field. One of the survivors turned around when he heard thunder and saw Weisbrod and Fagan knocked to the ground by lightning, police said. Police officers from Montvale and Park Ridge performed CPR and used a defibrillator on the more seriously injured victims before ambulances arrived. Copyright 2006 Associated Press. What do you think of this story? Click here for comments or suggestions. Previous Stories: A Few Severe Storms for Upper Midwest Today -_8 AM COT, July 24, 2006 Mcmday Weather Outlook - July 24. 2006 Heat Holds in the West; Expands into Plains - July 23. 2006 Page 1 of 1 HelD I> Print 8 Back to News & Fei!l!.l.J..e~ Exclusive WeatherBug feature... Learn More ... Click He.re_J! Re.fi $200,000 Mortgage for Under $644/Month! www.lowermybills.com KSTP-TV Headlines http://deskwx.weatherbug.comINews/Story.html ?lvl=0&zcode=Z4117 &curctab=2&&&st... 7/2812006 .;q .~ S 1:> '" 0 , "t:7 s.. ~ !lJ " _ '~" "t:7 0 ~...!!:! ~ tj -.Q 0 ~~'"g ~ ~ .~ qj t) ~ ~ .... ....,. L. >- 0 ~ .... .Q.. ~ CIJ .Q..-- -..- ::s e ~V)~ L. 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