Christenson letter Osmonics August 14, 2006 Mr. Leland G. Christenson, II North American Fly Ltd. th 31 5 Avenue South Box 99 Strum, WI. 54770 Re: G.E. Osmonics Site Chanhassen, Minnesota Dear Mr. Christenson: I am writing as a follow up to our meeting on the site last Friday, August 11, 2006. Lori Haak and I wish to thank you for the opportunity to share your idea for the property. City staff is very supportive of the restoration and enhancement of the wetlands and natural habitat on the property, which is consistent with the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan approved by the City in December 1996. Depending on the overall project, modification of the Bluff Creek Corridor Primary Zone boundary and variation from the setback requirement based on the restoration and enhancement of the wetlands and natural habitat on the property may be appropriate. However, there is only a finite amount of flexibility that staff can support. Before we can get that far, we have to look into the details. First, a current wetland delineation of the property would need to be completed. Second, a tree inventory would need to be performed. Third, data for the primary zone delineation would need to be generated to determine the edge of the primary zone. This information would then have to be included on a topographic survey of the site to establish the existing site conditions. From this information, you would create preliminary development plans for the subdivision. Concurrently, a wetland restoration and enhancement plan would have to be developed, detailing what environmental changes you are proposing. Finally, site plans would need to be drafted for the individual lots. Enclosed are copies of the subdivision, variance, site plan, conditional use, wetland protection, Industrial Office Park, design standards for commercial, industrial and office-institutional developments and Bluff Creek Overlay regulations and the development review application forms. I strongly encourage you to read the Bluff Creek Overlay regulations to better understand our concerns regarding the development of this site. Mr. Leland G. Christenson, II August 15, 2006 Page 2 Based on your discussion with us, your development application would include a subdivision, rezoning, site plan review, variances, wetland alteration permit and conditional use permit. Once you have developed a schematic plan for the project, you should submit it to the city to review and provide comments and direction, prior to making an actual development submittal. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (952) 227-1131 or bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Sincerely, Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner Enclosures ec: Lori Haak c: Liv Horneland g:\plan\2006 planning cases\ge osmonics\christenson letter osmonics.doc