3. Planning Commission Interviews CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952,227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952,227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952,227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site WIVW.ci .chanhassen ,mn .us w MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director DATE: September 5, 2006 SUBJ: Planning Commission Interviews Attached are the applications and questionnaires for the Planning Commission interviews along with a scoring sheet. After the interviews the Commission generally ranks their preference for candidates. These will be forwarded to the City Council for their interviews on September 25, 2006. The interviews will be conducted immediately following the Planning Commission meeting. The applicants are as follows: Paul Enberg Thor Smith Kathleen Thomas Attachments: 1. Planning Commissioner Applications and Interview Questionnaires (3). 2. Planning Commissioner Interview Scoring Sheet. g:\plan\planning commission\pc interviews 9-5-06.doc The City of Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a chamning downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION Date: <b /1 ( zj)fJ b I COMMISSION DESIRED: Y It:1.f\f\I'^ iD ALTERNATE: City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name: VvtlA, \ Bhb&(r;' Address: 'bl?Ob thM)hq$~OA l-hlh Dr. 5. Home Phone: OjS')-. C)?/).C,Yl'fWork Phone:7G?J. ~{t-. yt1Wo. of Years in Chanhassen: lb Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, ifany: M~fr U 0+- St.-rhot'()t1,.- (rItl(/t.t.\1~ {'F~I'\CU Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties: (y\A~VV'tI.tN'\ +- peS I' -h ISY\ ~ DI'(c,,,fN : Sf, (nO' Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): V ol(A;h.f-ux- I ~lt- ReasonsforSeekingthisPosition: "In.t&t~b~t'c.ll'' ~vvrlf(blA1\'I\~...J.o .f"'-v in'f'(~{j>m(V'~+- ",,,A (A)tI.-I'iVlW SIAlUt, J- ~W- r", r.V\I,v",-hr Specific Qualificationsfor the Position: ~lJ6 ~ O~-hO'y\" ~1tA.V\~\j i rn~j Pl~"VhY\o.(} a~ ~~~ ~fu~OJ-- f(\f-1\f-~JJmW\~ 6k-~\~ AUG 1 1 2006 CITY Of CHANHASSEN RECEIVED CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT ~ ~ <C ~ o ...... ~ CIl ~ CI ~ ~ > 0:: ~ ~ ~ 0:: ~ o ...... CIl CIl ...... ::E ::E o u o ~ ~ <C ....:l 0... 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Q) ;> C'-o Q) CIl ;.::: <U Q) 0 ..D"O :3 !::: o 0 >, . en o CIl "0 ...... ...... E ~ E ..s::: 0 ~U t- !::: Q) CIl CIl ~ ..s::: !::: ~ ..s::: U Q) Q) CIl o ...... Q) 3 :3 o >, "0 "5 o ~ ~ o ::r: 00 :;:: C'-o "0 Q) 0... o a:> ;> Q) "0 CIl E t:: Q) oS E ~ ......., ...... c--. ...... E E E E Q) E o..s::: o ...... uU..s::: Q) Q) ...... E -5 .~ "';:: ~ <U 0"- ]l-<.g ...... Q) t "O..D0 t:: E c.o:.. .s Q) E ~ E 0 Q) ~ u "0 :3 t:: Q) 0 :3..D >, :3 0 Q) o ...... l-< >, CIl ~ 0~"O Q .s ~ u o "0 e "c; '" '" .g VI '" ::l 0- ~ 0) ";;: .... 0) .5 .... 0) '" .~ .Ej E o u 00 '" "c '" '" :9- ~ .2 <= '" :9- bb 0\ QS J.-;}"';" I-III/) APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION COMMISSION DESIRED, fl,,," J ~ ALTERNA TE, City of Chan/rassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 -rAor: E. S m/-I-h Address: ~ 11 ~ 13 60 IdtLr R.J L,^~t'\~&I j 5eh 6,J.- HomePhone:tt7t)-6~St{ WorkPhone:!Sc{- F'I67 No. of Years in Chanhllssen: 4 Highest Level of EducatiolJ Attained, Plu... Degrees.. if any: )/;jl f~ I Eftrployment ImtoTJ' (State position, em royer and brief description of duties: e.1-F €:.. I t": - B ~PD;r.1- R ;4 0(..1 Date: i-I (-~6 Name: Activities and Affiliations (lndude elective offices. honors, and recognitions received, if any): C),a ",J...a. S.5c1? ~O+"l r~ NeA-J Li Fe F.;; M"/"" / i;v,.q!~ - Su.re.-f:...r,e::- 13~ 6F t:1an"JU" J / - E'xe4.J f: ~e. G,Mn1; f~ Reasons for Seeking this Position: ~ lA J &1 t1 J -I- 0 bd_ 4 D.? r1- C) ~ -f-h L j,' 0<-0 +L. '" F +4 e.. r m', ~ VI'II"/-"" -r &-U a/.; I d p -'ti tY be-J'II\:J ~hle +-0 "'{I_In ~/d +k ft!}r {Ala)d/ Dr.-, J. nt. $5 +L.::;,-I i .F ,.., I r€'", J..-( /,. F I a ~L Jv' l J t, / C'" ~ h /.:.l .5.J ~ Y) Specific Qualification.{j for the Position: ~L(~ SIGNATURE r~~/r~~ '0 rt:~~(nHl)~~~l-lr-nnv ~ ~ -< z z o ...... E-- CI) ~ CI ~ ~ > 0::: ~ E-- ~ 0::: ~ o ...... CI) CI) ~ o u o ~ z z :5 p.. Q) 8 ro Z Q) ...c ....... o ....... 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(/j o en "0 .- ....... 8 ro 8 ...c 0 ~u r- s:: Q) en en ro ...c l:: ro ...c U Q) Q) en o ....... Q) 3 =' o ;>-. "0 ::; o ::: ::: o ::r: 00 C"-' "0 Q) 0. o 'OJ ;> Q) "0 ....... .- en ....... s:: s:: 0 Q) .- 8 ~ ..... ........ c--. .- 8 8 8 8 Q) 80...c o ....... uU...c Q) Q) .~ .5 -5 ::: ............. Q) Q)O:O ...c """ ro .......]t ]8<8 zg Q) 8 ~ 8 0 Q) ro U "0 Q) =' 5.0 ~ =' 0 Q) o ....... """ ;>-.enro 0]"0 Q zg @ t) o "0 ..; .... ';; '" .g '" ... ;I C" ~ ... 'S .... ... ,~ .... ... '" .~ 's a o u 00 '" '", '" '" 9- ~ ~ '" '" 9- bb 0"1 APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION Date: 8/19/06 COMMISSION DESIRED: Planning Commission ALTERNATE: City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name: Kathleen Thomas Address: 760 Santa Vera Drive Home Phone: 952-974-0277 Work Phone: 952-806-1769 No. of Years in Chanhassen: J. Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, if any: College of St. Catherine B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and Management Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties~Inventory Analyst Regis Corporation. Perform month-end journal entries relating to inventory. Review monthly P&L to identify key trends and issues affecting inventories, Document and understand all aspects of inventory to further understanding of how these items impact our income statement and book-to-physical adjustments Client Services Administrator Acosta Sales & Marketing Analyzed AC Neilson data for Hormel with the goal of increasing sales and monitoring competition. Produced financial monthly and annual reports. Assisted Hormel to achieve results and objectives for retail initiatives Merchandising Assistant SUPERVALUDeveloped an Access database for monitoring Suncare Returns, allowing retail stores and the sales representatives to have adequate information tracking sales and returns Supported Coborn's ad group on item placement, monitoring of ads, and correspondence with the corporate management team Conducted monthly Merchandising Assistant meeting. Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): RHA Resident Hall Association (RHA): Vice President 1999-2000 & President 2000-2001 College Association Governing Board (CAGB): Senior class representative 2001-2002 A Founding member of Epsilon Nu a Fraternity in Sales and Marketing: Chapter Efficiency Index Coordinator (CEl), 2001-2002 Pi Sigma Epsilon life member, 2004 Reasons for Seeking this Position: I am seeking this position because of my interest in city government. I have always had an interest in city government because as a child and teen I watched my father sit on both the planning commission and city council in Arden Hills. After seeing what it takes to be part of the city government I knew this would be something I wanted to do. After reading Chanhassen's comprehensive plan I knew I could help enact our plan by upholding Chanhassen's comprehensive plan by governing thought the zoning ordinances. I want to help guide the residents of Chanhassen to understand clearly why the planning commission is important to their community and how the ordinances and judgment set forth impact not only the city but the residents and businesses as well. I believe a good rapport with our constituents and my clear understand of Chanhassen's goals will create positive feedback to and from the community. Specific Qualifications for the Position: I am qualified for this position because I have taken the time to examine Chanhassen comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance, so I have an understanding as to what Chanhassen's goals are for the future. I am also aware of how our comprehensive plan is reviewed by the Metropolitan Council and how this dynamic is essential to our plan, the city, and the region as a whole. I am a person who follows through, and when I obtain this position I will put my whole self into the commission by understanding and learning everything that affects the planning commission and city: from protecting property owner rights to understanding the analysis in determining if Chanhassen would benefit from building a retail space by the new 312/212 corridor. I know I would make a great asset to the council, commission, and community. Thank you. ~~ TtVJ ldAh SIGN RE ~ ~ <C Z Z o ..... E-t CIl ~ CI ~ > C': ~ E-t Z ..... C': ~ o ..... CIl CIl ..... ::E ::E o U c.:J Z ..... 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