Transmittal 9-1-06 TTO SSOCIATES Engineers and Land Surveyors, 'nc. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED SEP 0 1 2006 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Transmittal To: City ofChanhassen Attn: Sharmeen AI-JafT Date: 8/31/2006 Project: Boulder Cove Location: Chanhassen Project No: 2-05-0052 We are sending to you: ~Attached D Separately ~ By Messenger D By Fax D By Mail D Picked up by Client D Shop Drawings D Specifications D Contracts D Reports D Prints D Correspondence D Other _ Number Copies Documents Number Date Description: 3 sets I set 1 5 sets I 1 set I I 1 1 I Construction plans & specs ,/' Storm sewer design Engineer's Estimate Final plat (folded) v' Final plat - 8 Y2 x 11 Lot tabulations Final plat - 1 "=200' Legal description of property CD containing tif of final plat & legal description in .doc format MCES permit application for City to submit 7-ton design by Braun Intertec D No exceptions taken ~ For your use D For your information D Rejected D For your approval ~ For your review D Revised and resubmitted ~ For your distribution D As you requested D Note Markings D For your processing Remarks: CC: Cottage Homesteads at Boulder Cove, LLC Attn: Roger Derrick ( 4 sets const. plans, 1 spec, 2 final plats, Eng. Est.) BY Cara Schwahn Otto cara(ll)ottoassocia tes.com Web Site: www.ottoassociates.com 9 WEST DIVISION STREET - BUFFALO, MN 55313 - (763) 682-4727 - FAX (763) 682-3522 TTO SSDelATES Engineers and Land Surveyors, 'nc. CITY ~g~:V~~SSEN SEP 0 1 2006 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Transmittal To: City ofChanhassen Attn: Sharmeen AI-Jaff Date: 8/31/2006 Project: Boulder Cove Location: Chanhassen Project No: 2-05-0052 We are sending to you: ~Attached 0 Separately ~ By Messenger 0 By Fax 0 By Mail 0 Picked up by Client o Shop Drawings o Specifications o Contracts o Reports o Prints o Correspondence 0 Other _ Number Copies Documents Number Date Description: rI Construction plans & specs ,; Storm sewer design ./ Engineer's Estimate Final plat (folded) '" Final plat - 8 Y2 x 11 ""Lot tabulations ""'Final plat - 1"=200' ,/ Legal description of property ./ CD containing tif of final plat & legal description in .doc format V'MCES permit application for City to submit /7-ton design by Braun Intertec 3 sets 1 set 1 5 sets 1 I set I 1 1 1 1 o No exceptions taken ~ For your use 0 For your information 0 Rejected 0 For your approval ~ For your review o Revised and resubmitted ~ For your distribution 0 As you requested 0 Note Markings 0 For your processing Remarks: CC: Cottage Homesteads at Boulder Cove, LLC Attn: Roger Derrick ( 4 sets const. plans, 1 spec, 2 final plats, Eng. Est.) BY Cara Schwahn Otto cara{al,ottoassocia tes.com Web Site: www.ottoassociates.com 9 WEST DMSION STREET - BUFFALO, MN 55313 - (763) 682-4727 - FAX (763) 682-3522