CC Minutes 8-28-06 City Council Meeting - August 28, 2006 d. Approve Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Shorewood for Watermain Interconnect. f. Set Date for Truth in Taxation Hearing. g. Thomas Schwartz, 7376 Bent Bow Trail: Approval of a Variance to Allow Structures within the 40 foot Wetland Buffer Setback. h. Gary Carlson, 3891 West 62nd Street: Approval of Variance Request for Relief from the 30 foot Front Yard Setback Requirement for the Construction of an Existing Four Stall Garage and Relief from the 1,000 square foot Detached Accessory Structure Restriction for the RSF District. 1. Approve Quote for Recreation Center Hockey Rink Resurfacing. J. Set Special Meeting Date, September 14, Joint meeting with Commissions. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to O. Item l(e), Approval of Conservation Easement for Wetland Mitigation Site OF-5, MnDot was tabled per staffs request. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. LA W ENFORCEMENTIFIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE. Sgt. Ross Gullickson: Good evening Mr. Mayor, members of the council. Another month has gone by. Pleasure to see everybody again. Sheriffs report, monthly statistics for the month of July, 2006. There were 160 criminal calls for service last month, consisting of 80 Part I crimes and 80 Part II crimes. Part I offenses for the month of July were broken down into the following. We had 5 burglaries reported in July, which is an error from what was reported on the monthly crime stat packet. The packet given out a report of 6 when again there was only 5. Of those 5, 2 were burglaries of garages and 3 were from businesses. One of the business burglaries was just an attempt. Nothing was actually taken and an entry was not gained into that business. The biggest increase that we saw in July was in theft reports with 68 reported in July, compared to 50 in June. Upon looking at the yearly stats for theft reports, I saw that there were 27 incidents reported last July. Because of the rather large increase I did speak with our Crime Prevention Specialist and was informed that last summer was an unusually slow summer crime wise. This year was more standard in relation to calls, whether they be theft, damage to property, etc.. However, because they were a little high I did do a little bit more research and found out the thefts were broken down into the following. There were 14 gas drive offs. 9 of the reported thefts were unfounded, meaning that there was no basis for the actual theft. It was an unfounded report, and there were 45 actual incidents of theft last month. There were also 6 vehicle thefts reported last month. However through the course of research I learned that of the 6, only 2 were actual vehicle thefts. The remaining 4 consisted of vehicles being repossessed, family members using vehicles without the permission of the owners, so on and so forth. So again there were 2