3. Recommendation Concerning Five-Year Park & Trail Acquisition & Development CIP
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Park and Recreation Commission
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director II!
September 19, 2006
Recommendation Concerning 5- Year Park and Trail Acquisition
and Development Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
The CommissIOn initiated a conversation concernmg the 2007-2011 Park and
Trail Acquisition and Development CIP in August. At the conclusion of that
conversation, the Commission asked that staff continue to work on the proposed
CIP in order to formulate a final recommendation for the September meeting.
Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Revenues
Revenue to finance park and trail improvements are primarily obtained through
the application of park and trail dedication fees on new developments. These
fees are based upon the fact that new developments and the residents, employees
and visitors resulting from the new growth, bring with them the need for parks,
open space and trails. The City applies two standards relating to parks in order
to ensure that all people/areas are adequately served with parks and open spaces.
. One acre of parkland shall be provided for every 75 people.
. A neighborhood park shall be located within one half mile of every
residence in the City.
In addition to acquiring and building parks, dedication fees are used to assist in
financing the construction of the city's Comprehensive Trail Plan.
The cash balance in the Park and Trail Dedication fund fluctuates up and down
as development occurs and projects are completed. As a result of the opening
the 2005 MUSA area, the fund has performed very well over the past 18 months.
ThIS cash "in the bank" will be accessed over the next five years to finance or
assist in the financing of a number of trail and park projects in the 2005 MUSA
In addItion to financing ongoing projects, it is my recommendation that a
mimmum $1,000,000 unencumbered balance is maintained m the fund to allow
the City to capitalize on opportunities that arise in our future. When a once in a
The City of Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a chamning downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
Park & Recreation Commission
September 19,2006
Page 2
lifetime opportunity to improve our park and trail system comes along, we want
to be sure that we are in a position to act.
Proposed 5- Year Park and Trail Acquisition and Development CIP
The next five years of park and trail construction activity will be heavily
influenced by commitments we have already made to complete specific
Improvements. As a part of the development process, the city enters into
development contracts with the various entities completing new developments.
Many of these contracts include a requirement that the developer plan and install
segments of our comprehensive trail plan concurrent with their development. At
the conclusion and acceptance of the trail work, the city reimburses the
developer for the costs associated with constructing these trails. We are also
planning for the future development of a four-acre neighborhood park in the
Pioneer Pass neighborhood, another 2005 MUSA project. With a total 5- Y ear
CIP recommendation of $2,305,000, the average investment per year is
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