Correspondence Section Correspondence Section Letter from the Metropolitan Council dated September 15, 2006 Letter from Metropolitan Council dated August 30, 2006 Letter from Ronald Stanchfield, Miracles of Mitch dated September 1, 2006 Letter to Residents re: the Highover Trail dated August 28, 2006. District Court Summons, Arild Rossavik v. the City of Chanhassen dated August 16,2006. Memo from Greg Sticha re: 2006 Budget vs. Actual Revenue & Expenditure Reports dated September 25,2006 Memo from Greg Sticha re: Review of Claims Paid dated September 15, 2006 ~v', ~cal 6Jbf., ~ Metropolitan Council Dear Local Official: ~D SEP 1 8 2006 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Enclosed is a preliminary housing performance score for your community for 2006, determined pursuant to the Guidelines for Priority Fundingfor Housing Performance. In large part, the scoring is based upon information provided by your community in our recent survey. I am sending a copy of this letter and enclosure to both the city administrator/manager or township clerk and the person to whom the housing survey questionnaire was originally sent. September 15, 2006 In June, we mailed surveys asking communities to complete and return them in July. In July, we sent a follow up asking that the unreturned surveys be completed and returned in August. The enclosed score sheet indicates the preliminary points by criteria for your community. Points for criteria 1,2,3, and 5 are based on Council data compiled from information provided by state or county agencies, local government, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, and local Housing and Redevelopment Authorities. Scores for the remaining criteria are based on the information provided to the Council via the survey. If we did not receive a completed surveyor information was not provided for any survey question, the score for those applicable criteria will reflect this. The score sheet also indicates the final performance score for your community in 2005. If, after reviewing these scores you want to provide additional information in order to improve your score in any criterion, or you believe you should have received more points in any criterion given your answers, please send me the information or call me as soon as possible. Because funding decisions for all three Livable Communities Act funding accounts have, or will shortly begin, and the housing performance scores will be a factor in those funding decisions, I ask that you provide any additional information no later than Friday, September 29. Final performance scores for 2006 will be mailed to all communities in October. Please call me at (651) 602-1418 if you have any questions or want to discuss your community's housing performance score. Sincerely, 7n // ~ ~ Guy D. Peterson Acting Community Development Director Enclosures cc: w/enclosure: City Administrator/Manager Township Clerk www.metrocouncil.org 390 Robert Street North. St. Paul, MN 55101-1805 . (651) 602-1000 . Fax (651) 602-1550 · TrY (651) 291-0904 An Equal Opportunity Employer Preliminary Housing Performance Score - 2006 Name of City/Township CI,t:<1/ ~ 6: 55el1 Criteria - 100 points possible 1. 3 2. 2 3. 5 4. b 5. I 6. 3 7. b 8. ~ 9. a. CO b. 0 10. 0 Total Preliminary Score .3 t.; Final Score 2005 3b V :\L1BRAR Y\Ljv _ Comm_Move ]older\PETERSON\2006\090 1 06 ]reliminary Housing Performance Score.doc Nexl- A<I~. Sl'~~.s (C ~ Metropolitan Council August 30, 2006 RECEIVED SEP 1 3 2006 CITY OF CHANHASSEN TO: CITY MANAGERS AND ADMINISTRATORS SUBJECT: SERVICE AVAILABILITY CHARGE (SAC) RATE The Metropolitan Council has adopted a $125 increase in the MCES SAC rate effective January 1, 2007. The new basic MCES SAC rate will be $1,675 for all Local Governments. The MCES SAC rate to be paid by your Local Government to MCES is the rate in effect at the time of payment on the building or sewer connection permit regardless of when the permitting process began. The monthly SAC report and payment are due within 30 days of the end of the month. Your community collects a local (or retail) SAC as users connect to the metropolitan wastewater system for the first time or as a user's potential or peak sewage increases. The MCES (or wholesale) SAC is paid to the Council on the same basis. The SAC funds we collect pay for the reserve capacity (unused) portion of the capital costs of the metropolitan wastewater system as specified in Minn. Statutes section 473.517 (3). If you have any financial questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 602-1196. For SAC procedural questions, please contact Sandra Selby at (651) 602-1118 or read the SAC procedure manual on our web site at: www.metrocouncil.org/environment. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, d!:::!:v~ MCES Finance Director cc: Building Inspections Department Jessie Nye, Administrative Technician, MCES www.metrocouncil.org 390 Robert Street North · St. Paul, MN 55101-1805 . (651) 602-1000 . Fax (651) 602-1550 . TrY (651) 291-0904 An Equal Opportunity Employer t 'C .L.' 1';.' ~ /1 ()Af( /N www.miraclesofmitchfoundation. org September 1, 2006 Mayor Tom Furlong City of Chanhassen P.o. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mayor Furlong, MiracleKids Triathlon 2006 was a colossal success. Seven hundred sixteen kids "raced for kids who can't" and raised $93,000 in pledges for kids struggling with cancer. Several hundred families experienced the best day of their summer. On behalf of The Miracles of Mitch Foundation, the social workers who direct our work and the cancer kids and families we serve, we thank you, your city council, and your many department staffs for your outstanding hard work and kind consideration. We could not have done this without your help and support. It is a day for which the entire city of Chanhassen can be very proud. Thank you, a . S c field Ex cutive Director The Miracles of Mitch Foundation The Miracles of Mitch Foundation 105 Peavey Road, Suite 190, Chaska, Minnesota 55318 . Phone: 952-361-9600 . Fax: 952-400-5959 CITY OF CHANllASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 'Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us August 28, 2006 Dear Residents: The City's 2006 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes the construction of the "Highover" Trail. The trail is approximately 2,000 feet in length and will travel from Highover Drive south to Highcrest Meadows within the power line outlot owned by the City. The diagram on the reverse side of this letter depicts the trail design and location. The project has a planned bid opening date of September29 and a project completion date of November 15, 2006. This trail will offer area residents new and interesting opportunities for outdoor recreation. Trails that connect to other trails/sidewalks, neighborhoods, within "natural" corridors, and that loop walking and running routes are highly valued in our community. The Highover trail offers all of these things in addition to some very nice views and overlooks. Our current maintenance plans for the trail do not include snow removal. The steep grades encountered at the north end of the trail and the future stairway connection to the Highcrest Meadows neighborhood would make for some exciting snowplowing and even more exciting foot travel once cleared. The trail will remain open in the winter with snow depths and weather dictating the condition of the trail surface at any given time. The budget for this trail project is $80,000. Park and trail dedication fees collected in your area make up a portion of the funding for this exciting improvement. Recreation and transportation trails stand out across the country as the No.1 requested park and recreation amenity. The city's trail system currently stands at 54 miles, with more being added every year. We are pleased to bring the next section of community trail to your neighborhood! If you have questions regarding the Highover Trail Project, or any other park and trail related issues, please contact me directly at 952 227-1129 or bye-mail at thoffman @ci.chanhassen.mn. us Sincerely, ~~~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director c: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission G:\pARK\th\Highover trail resident notification Jetter. doc The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a channing downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. / / + / / T IL WILL . FO LOW POWERLINE EASEMENT + + NOT TO SCALE + ---/ /' / // / / STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF CARVER FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Case Type Court File No. Arild Rossavik, Plain tiff, v. SUMMONS City of Chanhassen, Defendant. TO: DEFENDANT ABOVE NAMED You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon Plaintiffs attorney an Answer to the Complaint which is herewith served upon you, within twenty (20) days after service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated: ~"'/0-~cP KELLY LAW OFFICES RECEIVED AUG 2 2. 2006 CiTY OF CHANHASSEN " --~,;~~~ )furk W. Kelly Attorney for Plaintiff Attorney I.D. No. 132925 351 Second Street Excelsior, MN 55331 (952) 474-5977 1 \ ROSSA V1K SUMMONS STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF CARVER FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Case Type Declaratory Judgement Court File No. Arild Rossavik, Plaintiff, v. COMPLAINT City of Chanhassen, Defendant. COMES NOW, Plaintiff as and for his Complaint herein does state and allege as follows: GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 1. Plaintiff, Arild Rossavik, resides at and is the owner of 8800 Powers Boulevard, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 (legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks, Carver County, Minnesota), and at all times pertinent hereto has been the owner of said real properly. (herein after the "subject properly") 2. The subject property is zoned A-2, Residential-Large Lot (2.5 acres per unit minimum). 3. The City ofChanhassen is a municipal corporation charged under State law with providing municipal sewer and water, and developing land use planning -1- and implementing the Comprehensive Plan, for the City, through Zoning Regulation. 4. The Plaintiff's property is contained within the plat of Hillside Oaks, Block 1, a 20.72 acre development of seven (7) lots, platted in the early 1980s. At the time of platting, Hillside Oaks was zoned "A-2" Agricultural Estate District intended to "preserve the rural character while respecting development patterns by allowing single family residential development" (City Zoning Code ~20-571). At the time of platting, the vast majority of the land in the City of Chanhassen lying southerly of Hillside Oaks to the Minnesota River, was farm land zoned A-2. 5. Hillside Oaks, Block 1 lots average less than three (3) acres per lot. Plaintiff owns the lot with the largest gross area (3.72 acres). Hillside Oaks is the smallest zone of A-2 designated land in the City. 6. CSAH17 (Powers Boulevard) Improvement, City Project 93-29, extended sanitary sewer and trunk water main to Hillside Oaks, Block 1. The 1993 Assessment Roll for that project forecast future subdivision of Hillside Oaks and re-zoning to RSF - Residential Low Density. By the City's own estimate this neighborhood would support an additional 25 houses; an addition of 3.5 units per existing lot. 7. Plaintiff's and other Hillside Oaks properties were assessed for water and sanitary sewer installed under City Project 93-29. Total cost of the project was in excess of $270,000.00. In conjunction with that project, a lift station was also built to serve Hillside Oaks. To date, no houses in Hillside Oaks -2- have been required by the City to connect. Twelve years later, the 93-29 improvements remain unused. 8. City Project 93-29, introducing sewer and water and predicated on planned zoning of RSF: Residential-Low Density including planning for five additional houses on Plaintiffs lot, induced Plaintiff, and his neighbor, to make application in 1996 for a Land Use Map Amendment Zoning Change, Re- Zoning, and approval of a Preliminary Plat of the subject property. 9. Since platting, Hillside Oaks, Block 1, is now entirely isolated and separated from all similarly zoned A-2 Estate District properties. (See Exhibit 1) 10. To the north of Hillside Oaks, along Powers Boulevard, sits the Lake Susan Hills Townhome and Duplex Development of approximately 105 units. This high density use along Powers Boulevard is separated from Hillside Oaks by a single RSF Zoned lot. 11. To the northwest and northeast of Hillside Oaks, sits the Lake Susan Hills Drive Single Family Home Development. This is host to approximately 200 Single Family Residential homes lying westerly of Powers Boulevard and another 150 Single Family Residential homes lying east of Powers Boulevard. Most of these lots are approximately 15,000 square feet. 12. To the west of Hillside Oaks lying north of Lyman Boulevard is the Sunset Trail Development. This land has recently been approved for 30 homes on approximately 20 acres of land. The density for this development will match that originally projected for Hillside Oaks under City Project 93-29. -3- 13. To the southeast of Hillside Oaks is Hillside Oaks, Block 2. The two large lots therein are each host to a Single Family Home. These lots sit at the corner of Powers Boulevard (CSAHI7) and Lyman Boulevard (CSAHI8) and unlike Block 1, they are zoned RSF-Residential Single Family and guided for low density housing development in the range of 1.2 to 4 units per acre. Its future use remains indeterminate, but given its location at the northeast corner of Lyman Boulevard and Powers Boulevard (CSAHI8 and 17), it is a likely commercial site. 14. To the south of Hillside Oaks, on land northwest ofTH312 and south of Lyman Boulevard (CSAHI8, the City has recently approved 444 townhomes on land guided for Residential- medium density (4-8 units per acre). 15. To the south of Hillside Oaks, across Lyman Boulevard from Hillside Oaks the City is presently conducting a market retail study to determine if a regional shopping center can thrive at that location. If approved this would impose commercial uses and additional traffic on Powers and Lyman Boulevards. 16. To the east of Hillside Oaks, sits the Chanhassen Hills/Lake Susan Drive Development. Zoned RSF Single Family, it is host to approximately 200 homes on lots of 15,000 square feet each. 17. Trunk Highway 312 is presently under construction. Once complete, Powers Boulevard is scheduled to be extended southward, and connect with TH312. Trunk Highway 312 will cleave the City. City actions to date and plans demonstrate that going forward intensive residential uses will be found -4- between TH5 and TH312, while the land southerly of Trunk Highway 312 is planned to retain a rural character. 18. The City's December 1996 Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan recommended rezoning of the land bounded by Lyman Boulevard, and the projected southwesterly extension of Trunk Highway 312 to Residential-Medium Density (4-8 units per acre). This density is far greater than the A-2 (2.5 acre per unit minimum) presently set for Hillside Oaks and wholly isolates Hillside Oaks from all similarly zoned property. 19. The December 1996 Bluff Creek Watershed study Zoning Map (see Exhibit 2) demonstrates the predominance of A-2 zoned property found in the City is southerly of Hillside Oaks. 20. The 1996 Bluff Creek Watershed Study also adopted a 2020 Land Use Plan Map (Exhibit 3) illustrating that the land southerly of Hillside Oaks should be guided for Residential Medium Density (4-8 units per acre). 21. The 1998 City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan Update adopted the Bluff Creek Watershed Study recommended land uses. 22. The City of Chanhassen 2001 Zoning Map shows Sunset Trail, and the land southerly of Lyman Boulevard and northwesterly of Trunk Highway 312 zoned A-2. This is directly contrary to the Comprehensive Plan Guidance of R-8 and the zoning adopted by the City to permit 444 ':1nit townhome development and Sunset Trail RSF development. 23. The City arbitrarily and capriciously fails to modify the Zoning Code Map to match the Land Use Plan Guidance. -5- 24. The Plaintiffs property in Hillside Oaks fronts Powers Boulevard which connects Trunk Highway 5 with major east/west arterial Lyman Boulevard (CSAH18). Lyman Boulevard connects Great Plains Boulevard and Powers Boulevard, both of which will have interchanges with Trunk Highway 312. This will create substantial traffic along all lots of Hillside Oaks on Powers Boulevard. 25. The City of Chanhassen 2005 Alternative Urban Area Wide Review shows Powers Boulevard host, as of 2003, to 7,700 cars per day. Lyman Boulevard is host to 9,500 cars per day. The AUA WR study advises that the opening of Trunk Highway 312 will increase Powers Boulevard traffic to 14,800 vehicles per day and Lyman Boulevard to 13,000 vehicles per day. At peak hours, 3,100 vehicles per day will be traveling Powers Boulevard. 26. Powers Boulevard and Lyman Boulevard will soon become major truck routes. This will cause substantial noise from accelerating vehicles and render Hillside Oaks exposed to heavy traffic. Hillside Oaks has no forest, trees, berms, terrain, fences, or natural barriers to block the view and sound of traffic. 27. The 4 lane Powers Boulevard and heavy traffic imposed by the City on Hillside Oaks has destroyed any rural character, (which A-2 is intended to preserve), the area may once have had. Any representation by the City that it intends to preserve such character is not credible. 28. The City of Chanhassen has had a substantial voice in the planning and development of Trunk Highway 312. The City has been aware ofTH312 and -6- the attendant traffic it will bring to Powers Boulevard when considering the applications of the Plaintiff for Land Use Plan Change and rezoning of Hillside Oaks. In addition, the City of Chanhassen has, at all times pertinent, been aware of the City approved Land Use Guidance,(Residential- Medium Density (4-8 units per acre), for the property bounded by Lyman Boulevard and Trunk Highway 312. 29. In summer of 1996, the Plaintiff made a joint application with his neighboring property owner for a land use map amendment and rezoning of the subject property. The application was withdrawn when the neighboring property owner chose not to proceed. 30. In February, 1998, the City denied the Plaintiffs request for a land use map amendment (from Residential Large Lot to Residential Low Density) and also denied the request for rezoning from Agricultural Estate District to RSF Single Family Residential and the proposed preliminary plat of the subject property. 31. In 2001, the Plaintiff made a second application for a Land Use Map Amendment, Rezoning and Preliminary Plat approval. The City Council voted to deny same. 32. In March, 2003, the Plaintiff made a third application for a Land Use Map Amendment and Rezoning. The City Staff supported the request stating: "The existing land use designation of the property is for Residential Large lot. This area has been developed with single homes on larger lots. The parcel abuts a collector roadway. Chanhassen is a high -7- amenity community. The community highly regards its natural environment including trees, slopes, vistas, and uncluttered open spaces. The development of this site for single family homes on half acre or larger lots would be consistent with surrounding development." The staff report went on to make the following recommended findings: The proposed sub-division meets all minimum ordinance requirements for RSF zoned properties. The proposed development is consistent with the intent of a Comprehensive Plan subject to approval of the Land Use Amendment from Residential-Large Lot to Residential-Low Density. The proposed site is suitable for developments subject to revisions to development plans specified in this report. The applicant is proposing conservation easements over the western portion of the development to preserve the trees and steep slopes. The proposed subdivision will be served by adequate urban infrastructure with a variance for the use of a private street. The proposed subdivision will not cause a significant environmental damage to site topography thru grading or removal of vegetation. Restrictions on the housing types and limitations of the grading area -8- will reduce the developments impacts on natural feature and abutting property. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with existing easements but rather will expand and provide all necessary easements. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A sub-division is premature if any of the following exists: a) Lack of adequate storm water drainage. b) Lack of adequate roads. c) Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. d) Lack of adequate off-site improvements or support systems. 2 The proposed subdivision is provided with adequate urban infrastructure. The proposed plat, as submitted, complied with City Code. The City Council denied the land use map amendment, the rezoning, and the preliminary plat. 33. Despite the concurrent construction ofTH312, and commercial and town home planned to the south, the City affirmed the land use designation of Residential Large Lot for Hillside Oaks in 2005. -9- 34. In 2006, Plaintiff made a fourth application for approval of a Land Use Map Amendment, Rezoning, and Preliminary Plat. The City Council denied request stating: "The existing land use designation of the property is for residential large lot. This area has been developed with single homes on larger lots. The parcel abuts a collector roadway. Larger lot sizes helps to mitigate the traffic noises on the roadway by providing separation between the homes and the roadway. Chanhassen is a high amenity community. One of the amenities is that we have a range of residential land uses from large lot to high density. Maintaining this mixture is one of the City's goals. In addition, the community highly regards its national environment, including trees, slopes, vistas and uncluttered open spaces. The development, as proposed, significantly impacts these features. Hillside Oaks was developed as a large lot development and maintained that character. The property owner bought into a large lot type development. Lots 1 and 2 are intertwined due to shared access to Powers Boulevard, and either both should be redeveloped or neither should be redeveloped. The conversion of one lot without the other would be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The project is premature without the inclusion of the abutting properties" . -10- 35. Throughout the series of applications submitted by the Plaintiff, Craig Peterson, a resident of Hillside Oaks, has been a member of the City Council and voted against all of the Plaintiff's applications. 36. The Plaintiff's neighbor, owner of 8750 Powers Boulevard, operates a commercial business from his garage within the A-2 zoned site. This business is a non-conforming use. According to City Attorney, the property owner cannot operate the business without violating City Code. The City ignores daily delivery trucks servicing the business and the traffic hazard caused when they back onto Powers Boulevard. The City is unwilling to take any action to require the trucking to come to an end. 37. Rezoning of the subject property and Hillside Oaks from A-2 Residential Large Lot to Residential Single Family will not require or mandate any property owner in Hillside Oaks to subdivide their property nor will it increase their assessed valuation. 38. That the rezoning of Lots 1 and 2 Hillside Oaks Block 1, will not mandate the development of Lot 1, the neighboring property to the north and while there is a shared road cut at Powers Boulevard, the development of a cuI de sac thereat will serve the Plaintiff and the property to the north. COUNT ONE DECLARATORY JUDGMENT 39. Plaintiffrealleges paragraphs 1-38 as if set out here at in full. -11- 40. That the City has acted arbitrarily and capriciously in approving zoning changes from A-2 (2.5 acre/unit) to intensified the land uses for all lands surrounding Hillside Oaks, Block 1, while asserting that Plaintiffs re-zoning requests are premature and inappropriate. 41. In denying Plaintiffs 2006 application, the City arbitrarily and capriciously failed to acknowledge the diminutive size of the 20 acres of Hillside Oaks Block 1, and the fact that it is now entirely surrounded by higher, more intense land uses, and therefore no longer retains any rural character. 42. Defendant systematically maintains an arbitrary and capricious discrepancy between the zoning designation and the long approved Planned Land Use Guidance for the same Properties, to-wit: Land attendant to Sunset Trail zoned A-2 Agricultural Estate District and, pursuant to City Code, intended to preserve rural character was rezoned RSF Single Family Residential District and approved for 30 houses at 1.3 units per acre. Hillside Oaks, Block 2, zoned A-2 Agricultural Estate District intended for Large Lot Development (2.5 acres/unit), is guided for RSF- Residential- Low Density. Land bounded by Lyman Boulevard, Powers Boulevard, and lying northwesterly of Trunk Highway 312 zoned A-2 is guided for Residential- Medium Density (4-8 units per acre) and the City has already authorized 444 homes at 4 units per acre or more therein and is presently considering rezoning a large portion thereof immediately -12- abutting Hillside Oaks, Block 1, for Commercial uses at the intersection of Lyman and Powers Boulevards (CSAH 18 and 17). 43. That the Defendant City has intentionally refused to implement and comply with its own Land Use Plans in place since 1998, by failing to make appropriate adjustments to its underlying zoning in a timely manner and using the re-zoning process to selectively block requests to change zoning in conformance with previously approved land use plans. 44. That the City has failed to follow the recommendations of its own City Staff and has arbitrarily employed their recommended findings but reversed their conclusions. COUNT TWO DECLARATORY JUDGEMENT 45. Plaintiff realleges paragraphs 1-44 as if set out here as in full. 46. That the Defendant has failed to recognize and acknowledge the conflict of interest between the personal property interests of City Council Member Craig Peterson, a resident of Hillside Oaks, Block 1, and those of the City as a whole, as demonstrated by the City Land Use Plan guiding Hillside Oaks Block 1 A-2 while guiding all surrounding land for more intensified uses. -13- 47. That the City disregarded the changes that it has approved, the planning in place, and the need to act honestly and consistently in the best interests of the City as a whole, relative to Hillside Oaks Block 1 and the Plaintiffs applications by fabricating reasons without a basis in fact for denial of the Plaintiffs application so as to support the parochial personal interests of a City Council Member. COUNT THREE DECLARATORY JUDGEMENT 48. Plaintiff realleges paragraphs 1-47 as if set out here at in full. 49. That the assertions set forth by the City in its Findings of Fact allegedly supporting denial of Plaintiff's 2006 application are without a rational basis in fact, to-wit: a) The City's assertion the "larger lot sizes help to mitigate the traffic noises on the roadway by providing separation between homes and the roadway" is not credible and nor based in fact. The level of sound can not be significantly dissipated over the distance referenced. b) The City's assertion that it "intends to maintain a range of Residential Land Uses from Large Lot to High Density" wholly disregards the actions of the City to change the character of all lands surrounding Hillside Oaks to more intense uses by a) changing them from large lot (2.5 acre/unit minimum) to RSF, R-8 and commercial uses, and b) the -14- obvious intent of the City to concentrate the A-2 Estate district zoning south ofTH 312 on the bluff land north of the Minnesota River. c) The City's assertion that it ''highly regards natural environment, including trees, slopes, vistas, and uncluttered open spaces" while a platitude to be found in the text of the Comprehensive plan, is not a value the City can demonstrate in the specific regarding the environs surrounding Hillside Oaks, Block 1. This is demonstrated by the allegations herein and, in particular, by a) the City's election to abandon all effort to maintain the rural character of surrounding land b) the intent to abandon A-2 zoning of neighboring property, (see Exhibit 3, 2020 Land Use Map, adopted 1998,), c) by the planned and intentional development of Powers Boulevard as a major arterial for north/south traffic and d) by the commercial retail center planned aross the street from Hillside Oaks. d) The City's assertion that the applicant's development, "as proposed, would significantly impact trees, slopes, vistas, and open spaces" is without basis in fact. The Plaintiffs application did not a) require the removal of significant trees, b) encroach on bluffs or steep slopes, c) cause destruction or blocking of vistas, or d) spoil otherwise uncluttered open space. There are no public vista across the Plaintiffs land. The placement of houses on Plaintiffs 3.8 acre parcel will not -15- encroach on the public view of the marsh as seen from 4 lane wide Powers Boulevard. The City has no easement for sight and view over Plaintiffs land. e) The City's assertion that "Hillside Oaks was developed with an intent to maintain a Large Lot character and the property owner bought same with full knowledge of that type development" disregards and denies the changes in character that the City has approved, imposed and encouraged in the immediate area. The City's own acts in developing the surrounding area and its plans to make Powers Boulevard and LYman Boulevard a commercial intersection thereby imposing 14,000 cars a day on Powers Boulevard has, permanently changed the allegedly rural character of Hillside Oaks to suburban or urban. 50. That all of the above findings relied upon by the City are contradicted by the Staff recommendations on Plaintiffs 2003 Application. 51. That in conformance with the 2003 Staff Report the highest and best use of the applicant's property is RSF Single Family Residential with a half acre or greater lots. -16- WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for an Order of the Court as follows: 1. Declaring the denial by the City of Chanhassen of the applicant's 2006 Application for Land Use Plan Amendment from Residential-Large Lot to Residential-Low Density and Rezoning to Single Family RSF to have been made in a manner which is arbitrary and capricious and not supported by a rational basis in fact; 2. Ordering the City to approve the Plaintiffs Application for a Land Use Plan Amendment as requested and to re-zone Plaintiffs property to RSF Single Family Residential. 3. For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and equitable. Dated: /lr/~- ~? KELLY LAW OFFICES M W. Kelly ttorney J.D. No. 132925 351 Second Street Excelsior, MN 55331 (952) 474-5977 Attorney for Plaintiff Acknowledgment The undersigned acknowledges the requirements and proscriptions of MN ST ~ 549.211. - ~~~ , rk W. Kelly -17- o (. (/) ro t:: .J r-l I ! I __ _ ~~ ~1~b~1LO= , ~ ' T-l-1TI1- ~_~I __ I I l' i I -1 I! I I I ..... o ~ ) EXHIBIT 1 , I , j 'f -~.. . . City of Chanhassen 2020 Land Use Plan i8 Residential-Large Lot ~~j (2.5 Acre minumum 1/10 acre outside of MUSA) r..------.; Residential - Low Density .. ...--..-.---....-o.,y....- . (Net Density Range 1.2 - 4 u/ Acre) _ Residential - Medium Density (Net Density Range 4 - 8 u/ Acre) i.:f~ Residential - High Density (Net Density Range 8 - 16 u/Acre) ~TIm\\\fm Commerical l...-..c-.~J ~~'''''A'''.'..y. [illl[l[ll Office/Industrial r ... - ~. j Offl- ce I \ _ Parks/Open Space _ Public/Semi-Public _ Mixed Use /V Proposed T.H. 212 & W. 78th Street r=J BC - 1 Bluff Creek Primary Overlay Dis1 \ \ \ \ - ~.-~-.~ '!I""!' ~ ....- -_~....-~ ~ I .5 t I.- - ~ ~t/) o~ ~:I: ~z u< :I: u III "'C . Q) ~ .r::. 0. ~I In C/) <<l ~ u.~ .... ~ ?;~f Q) 0-= ..... Ol ~= ~ c: ~t.> __0 c: ~~ 0111 ~ 0 ~~ -= Q) N III Q) r:-.: .... --=-u ~ .~ :;) Ol iI N ~. ~ 1ft ~ "It ~ 8 M 1ft 1ft fB ~ Iii N - -' ~ w i -' c ~ ~ - 0 ~ - J 0 ~Q ~ ~ "C N . ~ ... -,;I -,;I ~ . ~ li c 0 '. > . ~~ . 0 . L 'C l. .2 ii .1:: . ii ~ I! ~:t: . c ~ ~ c II: .1:: ';: ~ r -,;I . c . :;) ~ c:: "' j c:: 0 C . :;) 0 ~~ :J ;;:: '. II -,;I '"0 ~ :J ... ~ ~ .s - . '. . '"0 '"0 10 ... . Q :I ! II c:: . c:: ~ ~ m II: c: . c c::: II '"0 '"0 "' Q. . "'6l c: . I! tt~ c:: . . -6 "! or c: . 0 :I L tlI .;: ii: ;: :z:: u Z .s . c: ~ ii. II: Cij - N . S~ .. I! .E ';: u.. 6 q - ~ ~ LI- 0 U - . ti.. I ::J > . .~ u.. 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I I I NI (II) ~ ll.L w UOCl.t .1..1t m Din , I CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952,227.1100 Fax 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone 952.227.1180 Fax 952,227.1190 Engineering Phone 952.227.1160 Fax 952,227.1170 Finance Phone 952.227.1140 Fax 952,227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone 952,227.1120 Fax 952,227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.227.1400 Fax 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.227.1130 Fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax 952,227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 Fax 952,227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Greg Sticha, Finance Directoow September 25,2006' DA TE: SUBJ: 2006 Budget vs. Actual Revenue & Expenditure Reports The following attached reports provide a look at the budget versus actual revenue and expenditures for the city's general fund through August 31, 2006. REVENUES As of August 31, 2006, the revenues collected are 55% as compared to budget. Keep in mind some inter-fund allocations have not been made at this point in the year, including investment interest earnings. Other revenue items of note are: . Collected $11,000 more than budget in traffic and ordinance violations to date. . Collected 79% of budgeted permit revenues as of the end of August, which appears to be slightly ahead of schedule or budget for the year. EXPENSES Total expenses are about 60% spent as of the end of August. A note on this amount, if you look at the report it includes a $2.7 million dollar transfer out to the revolving assessment fund for street construction projects. As you are aware, council approved this transfer earlier in the year. If you exclude this transfer, total expenses in the general fund to date are $5,154,580. If you have any questions regarding a particular budgeted line item, please contact me via email or phone at your convenience. ATTACHMENT 1. General Ledger Expense & Revenue Reports The City 01 Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks A great place to live, work, and play, General Ledger Expense- Budget vs Actual User: danielle Printed: 09/18/06 14:56:05 Period 01 - 09 Fiscal Year 2006 - 2006 em OF ClJWBSSEI Account Number Description 2006 Budget 2006 2006 2006 End Bal A vaiVUncollect % A vaiVUncollect 101-0000-4030 101-0000-4950 0000 10 1-111 0-4020 101-1110-4030 101-1110-4050 101-1110-4210 10 1-111 0-4300 101-1110-4330 101-1110-4340 101-1110-4360 101-1110-4370 101-1110-4375 1110 101-1120-4010 101-1120-4020 10 1-1120-4030 10 1-1120-4040 10 1-1120-4041 101-1120-4050 101-1120-4120 101-1120-4130 101-1120-4210 101-1120-4300 101-1120-4310 101-1120-4330 101-1120-4340 101-1120-4360 101-1120-4370 101-1120-4380 101-1120-4410 101-1120-4530 101-1120-4807 1120 10 1-1130-40 10 10 1-1130-40 11 101-1130-4030 10 1-1130-4040 101-1130-4041 101-1130-4050 101-1130-4110 101-1130-4120 101-1130-4210 101-1130-4300 101-1130-4301 101-1130-4310 Expense Retirement Contributions Transfers Out 0.00 10.10 0.00 2,751 ,497.00 0.002,751,507.10 31,600.00 19,150.00 2,500.00 1,464.98 100.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 10,000.00 4,808.71 6,000.00 4,369.58 35,000.00 21,111.11 30,000.00 7,725.00 3,000.00 1,398.75 2,000.00 316.10 120,400.00 60,344.23 289,800.00 196,065.23 6,000.00 0.00 39,600.00 24,816.37 35,000.00 24,450.95 0.00 875.99 1,000.00 0.00 200.00 900.99 100.00 0.00 200.00 27.00 2,000.00 470.71 1,800.00 1,227.81 15,000.00 345.32 1,300.00 4,039.67 2,500.00 3,977.00 5,000.00 4,063.68 7,200.00 5,514.09 18,500.00 13,470.57 0.00 171.88 300.00 1,479.00 425,500.00 281,896.26 176,700.00 119,253.82 0.00 541.31 24,200.00 15,351.08 25,000.00 16,098.97 0.00 588.72 600.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 200.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 40,000.00 46,414.14 37,000.00 20,362.00 0.00 160.86 Temporary & Seasonal Wages Retirement Contributions Workers Compensation Books and Periodicals Consulting Postage Printing and Publishing Subscriptions and Memberships Travel and Training Promotional Expenses CITY COUNCIL Salaries and Wages Temporary & Seasonal Wages Retirement Contributions Insurance Contributions Contr FIx Workers Compensation Equipment Supplies Program Supplies Books and Periodicals Consulting Telephone and Communications Postage Printing and Publishing Subscriptions and Memberships Travel and Training Mileage Equipment Rental Repair & Maint - Equipment Property Tax Expense ADMINISTRA nON Salaries and Wages Overtime Retirement Contributions Insurance Contributions Contr FIx Workers Compensation Office Supplies Equipment Supplies Books and Periodicals Consulting Auditing Telephone and Communications -10.10 -2,751,497.00 -2,751,507.10 12,450.00 1,035.02 100.00 200.00 5,191.29 1,630.42 13,888.89 22,275.00 1,601.25 1,683.90 60,055.77 93,734.77 6,000.00 14,783.63 10,549.05 -875.99 1,000.00 -700.99 100.00 173.00 1,529.29 572.19 14,654.68 -2,739.67 -1,477.00 936.32 1,685.91 5,029.43 -171.88 -1,179.00 143,603.74 57,446.18 -541.31 8,848.92 8,901.03 -588.72 600.00 -50.00 200.00 100.00 -6,414.14 16,638.00 -160.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.40 41.40 100.00 100.00 51.91 27.17 39.68 74.25 53.38 84.20 49.88 32.34 100.00 37.33 30.14 0.00 100.00 -350.50 100.00 86.50 76.46 31.79 97.70 -210.74 -59.08 18.73 23.42 27.19 0.00 -393.00 33.75 32.51 0.00 36.57 35.60 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 -16.04 44.97 0.00 1 2006 2006 2006 2006 Account Number Description Budget End Bal A vaiVUncollect % A vaiVUncollect 101-1130-4330 Postage 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 101-1130-4340 Printing and Publishing 1,000.00 1,020.96 -20.96 -2.10 101-1130-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 200.00 285.00 -85.00 -42.50 101-1130-4370 Travel and Training 5,000.00 3,086.05 1,913.95 38.28 101-1130-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 101-1130-4703 Office Equipment 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 1130 FINANCE 310,500.00 223,212.91 87,287.09 28.11 101-1140-4302 Legal Consulting 145,000.00 116,585.84 28,414.16 19.60 1140 LEGAL 145,000.00 116,585.84 28,414.16 19.60 101-1150-4300 Consulting 87,000.00 3,242.29 83,757.71 96.27 101-1150-4340 Printing and Publishing 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 1150 PROPERTY ASSESSMENT 87,100.00 3,242.29 83,857.71 96.28 101-1160-4010 Salaries and Wages 118,000.00 81,937.26 36,062.74 30.56 101-1160-4030 Retirement Contributions 16,100.00 11,040.35 5,059.65 31.43 101-1160-4040 Insurance Contributions 16,200.00 12,369.76 3,830.24 23.64 101-1160-4041 Contr Fix 0.00 431.30 -431.30 0.00 101-1160-4050 Workers Compensation 400.00 0.00 400.00 100.00 101-1160-4150 Maintenance Materials 1,400.00 574.03 825.97 59.00 101-1160-4210 Books and Periodicals 600.00 0.00 600.00 100.00 101-1160-4220 Software Licenses 8,600.00 3,139.19 5,460.81 63.50 101-1160-4260 Small Tools & Equipment 500.00 248.11 251.89 50.38 101-1160-4300 Consulting 64,600.00 10,996.46 53,603.54 82.98 10 1-1160-4310 Telephone and Communications 1,400.00 661.22 738.78 52.77 101-1160-4320 Utilities 12,000.00 7,368.43 4,631.57 38.60 101-1160-4350 Cleaning and Waste Removal 0.00 53.24 -53.24 0.00 101-1160-4370 Travel and Training 21,600.00 10,975.00 10,625.00 49.19 101-1160-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 5,000.00 1,354.11 3,645.89 72.92 101-1160-4933 Sales Tax 0.00 67.60 -67.60 0.00 1160 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS 266,400.00 141,216.06 125,183.94 46.99 101-1170-4010 Salaries and Wages 48,900.00 32,695.56 16,204.44 33.14 101-1170-4011 Overtime 2,000.00 2,894.91 -894.91 -44.75 10 1-1170-4030 Retirement Contributions 6,700.00 4,886.01 1,813.99 27.07 101-1170-4040 Insurance Contributions 5,900.00 4,683.34 1,216.66 20.62 101-1170-4041 Contr FIx 0.00 215.65 -215.65 0.00 101-1170-4050 Workers Compensation 1,400.00 0.00 1,400.00 100.00 101-1170-4110 Office Supplies 35,000.00 20,961.54 14,038.46 40.11 101-1170-4120 Equipment Supplies 700.00 192.81 507.19 72.46 101-1170-4140 Vehicle Supplies 700.00 262.60 437.40 62.49 101-1170-4150 Maintenance Materials 2,500.00 1,992.07 507.93 20.32 10 1-1170-4260 Small Tools & Equipment 500.00 34.64 465.36 93.07 10 1-1170-4300 Consulting 6,000.00 2,442.40 3,557.60 59.29 101-1170-4310 Telephone and Communications 16,000.00 9,450.35 6,549.65 40.94 101-1170-4320 Utilities 52,000.00 34,796.24 17,203.76 33.08 101-1170-4330 Postage 0.00 10,440.60 -10,440.60 0.00 10 1-1170-4350 Cleaning and Waste Removal 33,000.00 23,090.19 9,909.81 30.03 101-1170-4440 Vehicle License & Registration 100.00 14.50 85.50 85.50 10 1-1170-4483 General Liability Insurance 205,500.00 232,782.53 -27,282.53 -13.28 101-1170-4510 Repair & Maint- Buildings 5,000.00 3,328.99 1,671.01 33.42 101-1170-4520 Repair & Maint - Vehicles 400.00 98.84 301.16 75.29 101-1170-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 1,500.00 2,011.41 -511.41 -34.09 1170 CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 423,800.00 387,275.18 36,524.82 8.62 10 1-1180-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 12,500.00 10,691.00 1,809.00 14.47 101-1180-4030 Retirement Contributions 1,000.00 109.40 890.60 89.06 101-1180-4110 Office Supplies 200.00 85.11 114.89 57.45 101-1180-4300 Consulting 3,000.00 175.00 2,825.00 94.17 10 1-1180-4340 Printing and Publishing 1,000.00 54.53 945.47 94.55 2 2006 2006 2006 2006 Account Number Description Budget End Bal A vaiVUncollect % A vaiVUncollect 101-1180-4370 Travel and Training 1,000.00 741.07 258.93 25.89 1180 ELECTIONS 18,700.00 11 ,856.11 6,843.89 36.60 101-1190-4150 Maintenance Materials 2,000.00 2,985.85 -985.85 -49.29 101-1190-4260 Small Tools & Equipment 0.00 18.90 -18.90 0.00 101-1190-4300 Consulting 500.00 403.66 96.34 19.27 101-1190-4310 Telephone and Communications 4,310.00 1,283.26 3,026.74 70.23 101-1190-4320 Utilities 63,000.00 45,091.36 17,908.64 28.43 101-1190-4350 Cleaning and Waste Removal 27,000.00 22,567.71 4,432.29 16.42 101-1190-4510 Repair & Maint- Buildings 2,000.00 3,768.99 -1,768.99 -88.45 101-1190-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 1,000.00 1,094.07 -94.07 -9.41 1190 LIBRARY BUILDING 99,810.00 77,213.80 22,596.20 22.64 101-1210-4010 Salaries and Wages 56,800.00 38,757.42 18,042.58 31.77 10 1-1210-4030 Retirement Contributions 7,800.00 5,236.85 2,563.15 32.86 10 1-1210-4040 Insurance Contributions 5,900.00 4,401.72 1,498.28 25.39 101-1210-4041 Contr Fix 0.00 215.65 -215.65 0.00 101-1210-4050 Workers Compensation 500.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 101-1210-4130 Program Supplies 0.00 3,807.28 -3,807.28 0.00 101-1210-4300 Consulting 1,205,000.00 607,998.12 597,001.88 49.54 101-1210-4375 Promotional Expenses 4,000.00 613.00 3,387.00 84.68 1210 POLICE/CARVER CO CONTRACT 1,280,000.00 661,030.04 618,969.96 48.36 101-1220-4010 Salaries and Wages 128,900.00 88,006.32 40,893.68 31.73 101-1220-4011 Overtime 1,000.00 217.81 782.19 78.22 101-1220-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 171,500.00 69,013.00 102,487.00 59.76 101-1220-4030 Retirement Contributions 187,000.00 14,703.71 172,296.29 92.14 101-1220-4040 Insurance Contributions 17,700.00 13,319.06 4,380.94 24.75 10 1-1220-4041 Contr FIx 0.00 485.26 -485.26 0.00 101-1220-4050 Workers Compensation 14,500.00 0.00 14,500.00 100.00 101-1220-4120 Equipment Supplies 10,500.00 7,156.23 3,343.77 31.85 101-1220-4130 Program Supplies 5,000.00 1,958.40 3,041.60 60.83 101-1220-4140 Vehicle Supplies 7,000.00 2,788.13 4,211.87 60.17 10 1-1220-4150 Maintenance Materials 1,000.00 299.66 700.34 70.03 101-1220-4170 Motor Fuels and Lubricants 0.00 229.21 -229.21 0.00 101-1220-4210 Books and Periodicals 700.00 1,229.60 -529.60 -75.66 101-1220-4240 Uniforms & Clothing 13,500.00 7,834.61 5,665.39 41.97 101-1220-4260 Small Tools & Equipment 6,000.00 1,264.06 4,735.94 78.93 101-1220-4290 Misc Materials & Supplies 3,500.00 2,225.78 1,274.22 36.41 101-1220-4300 Consulting 16,500.00 10,304.48 6,195.52 37.55 101-1220-4310 Telephone and Communications 6,000.00 2,777.59 3,222.41 53.71 101-1220-4320 Utilities 18,500.00 13,603.02 4,896.98 26.47 101-1220-4330 Postage 0.00 37.75 -37.75 0.00 101-1220-4350 Cleaning and Waste Removal 6,500.00 3,465.59 3,034.41 46.68 101-1220-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 2,500.00 1,432.95 1,067.05 42.68 101-1220-4370 Travel and Training 10,000.00 6,044.65 3,955.35 39.55 101-1220-4375 Promotional Expenses 9,000.00 3,952.82 5,047.18 56.08 101-1220-4440 Vehicle License & Registration 0.00 18.00 -18.00 0.00 101-1220-4483 General Liability Insurance 2,100.00 1,405.00 695.00 33.10 101-1220-4510 Repair & Maint- Buildings 6,000.00 3,052.62 2,947.38 49.12 101-1220-4520 Repair & Maint - Vehicles 7,000.00 1,602.78 5,397.22 77.10 101-1220-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 5,000.00 8,557.69 -3,557.69 -71.15 101-1220-4531 Repair & Maint - Radios 6,500.00 3,727.58 2,772.42 42.65 101-1220-4901 RefundslReimbursements 0.00 803.65 -803.65 0.00 101-1220-4933 Sales Tax 0.00 92.31 -92.31 0.00 1220 FIRE PREVENTION & ADMIN 663,400.00 271,609.32 391,790.68 59.06 10 1-1250-40 10 Salaries and Wages 521,500.00 319,374.14 202,125.86 38.76 101-1250-4011 Overtime 2,000.00 3,546.97 -1,546.97 -77.35 101-1250-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 100.00 3 2006 2006 2006 2006 Account Number Description Budget End Bal A vaiVUncollect % A vaiVUncollect 10 1-1250-4030 Retirement Contributions 71,200.00 41,410.11 29,789.89 41.84 101-1250-4040 Insurance Contributions 84,000.00 51,290.86 32,709.14 38.94 101-1250-4041 Contr FIx 0.00 1,657.10 -1,657.10 0.00 101-1250-4050 Workers Compensation 4,100.00 0.00 4,100.00 100.00 101-1250-4120 Equipment Supplies 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.00 101-1250-4130 Program Supplies 800.00 0.00 800.00 100.00 101-1250-4140 Vehicle Supplies 1,500.00 1,129.85 370.15 24.68 101-1250-4210 Books and Periodicals 3,500.00 337.45 3,162.55 90.36 101-1250-4240 Uniforms & Clothing 1,500.00 314.16 1,185.84 79.06 10 1-1250-4260 Small Tools & Equipment 400.00 44.67 355.33 88.83 101-1250-4300 Consulting 1,000.00 82.80 917.20 91.72 101-1250-4310 Telephone and Communications 4,000.00 1,912.13 2,087.87 52.20 10 1-1250-4340 Printing and Publishing 2,000.00 1,016.86 983.14 49.16 10 1-1250-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 1,000.00 345.00 655.00 65.50 101-1250-4370 Travel and Training 11,000.00 2,275.00 8,725.00 79.32 101-1250-4375 Promotional Expenses 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 101-1250-4440 Vehicle License & Registration 200.00 130.50 69.50 34.75 101-1250-4520 Repair & Maint - Vehicles 1,500.00 587.36 912.64 60.84 101-1250-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 2,500.00 1,138.14 1,361.86 54.47 101-1250-4901 Refunds/Reimbursements 0.00 202.20 -202.20 0.00 1250 CODE ENFORCEMENT 744,900.00 426,795.30 318,104.70 42.70 101-1260-4011 Overtime 0.00 721.50 -721.50 0.00 101-1260-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 39,000.00 24,759.53 14,240.47 36.51 101-1260-4021 Temp/Seasonal Overtime 1,000.00 469.88 530.12 53.01 101-1260-4030 Retirement Contributions 4,700.00 3,593.46 1,106.54 23.54 101-1260-4040 Insurance Contributions 600.00 0.00 600.00 100.00 101-1260-4041 Contr FIx 0.00 397.25 -397.25 0.00 101-1260-4050 Workers Compensation 600.00 0.00 600.00 100.00 101-1260-4120 Equipment Supplies 500.00 552.72 -52.72 -10.54 101-1260-4130 Program Supplies 700.00 78.32 621.68 88.81 101-1260-4140 Vehicle Supplies 700.00 1,199.66 -499.66 -71.38 101-1260-4210 Books and Periodicals 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 101-1260-4240 Uniforms & Clothing 1,800.00 1,170.60 629.40 34.97 101-1260-4300 Consulting 6,000.00 8,901.30 -2,901.30 -48.36 101-1260-4310 Telephone and Communications 1,000.00 709.86 290.14 29.01 101-1260-4340 Printing and Publishing 300.00 135.60 164.40 54.80 101-1260-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 300.00 65.00 235.00 78.33 101-1260-4370 Travel and Training 1,000.00 435.42 564.58 56.46 101-1260-4440 Vehicle License & Registration 0.00 14.50 -14.50 0.00 101-1260-4520 Repair & Maint - Vehicles 400.00 106.50 293.50 73.38 101-1260-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 101-1260-4531 Repair & Maint - Radios 300.00 96.88 203.12 67.71 101-1260-4901 Refunds/Reimbursements 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1260 AMINAL CONTROL 59,400.00 43,407.98 15,992.02 26.92 101-1310-4010 Salaries and Wages 375,300.00 237,109.53 138,190.47 36.82 10 1-1310-40 11 Overtime 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.00 101-1310-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 7,500.00 10,476.00 -2,976.00 -39.68 10 1-1310-4021 Temp/Seasonal Overtime 0.00 8.25 -8.25 0.00 101-1310-4030 Retirement Contributions 51,300.00 31,728.11 19,571.89 38.15 101-1310-4040 Insurance Contributions 41,800.00 26,549.39 15,250.61 36.48 101-1310-4041 Contr FIx 0.00 1,239.94 -1,239.94 0.00 101-1310-4050 Workers Compensation 2,800.00 0.00 2,800.00 100.00 101-1310-4060 Unemployment 0.00 9,785.00 -9,785.00 0.00 101-1310-4120 Equipment Supplies 200.00 31.94 168.06 84.03 101-1310-4140 Vehicle Supplies 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 101-1310-4210 Books and Periodicals 400.00 99.14 300.86 75.22 4 2006 2006 2006 2006 Account Number Description Budget End Bal A vaiVUncollect % A vaiVUncollect 101-1310-4300 Consulting 17,000.00 49,618.00 -32,618.00 -191.87 101-1310-4303 Engineering Consulting 0.00 2,007.50 -2,007.50 0.00 101-1310-4310 Telephone and Communications 2,000.00 1,298.07 701.93 35.10 101-1310-4330 Postage 400.00 0.00 400.00 100.00 101-1310-4340 Printing and Publishing 1,100.00 486.18 613.82 55.80 101-1310-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 1,200.00 1,405.00 -205.00 -17.08 101-1310-4370 Travel and Training 2,700.00 236.57 2,463.43 91.24 101-1310-4380 Mileage 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 101-1310-4440 Vehicle License & Registration 300.00 29.00 271.00 90.33 101-1310-4520 Repair & Maint - Vehicles 500.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 101-1310-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 3,000.00 1,283.82 1,716.18 57.21 101-1310-4531 Repair & Maint - Radios 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 101-1310-4705 Other Equipment 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 10 1-1310-4933 Sales Tax 0.00 21.84 -21.84 0.00 1310 ENGINEERING 509,400.00 373,413.28 135,986.72 26.70 101-1320-4010 Salaries and Wages 442,400.00 285,169.36 157,230.64 35.54 101-1320-4011 Overtime 7,500.00 4,381.06 3,118.94 41.59 10 1-1320-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 17,800.00 8,748.00 9,052.00 50.85 101-1320-4030 Retirement Contributions 60,400.00 41,004.82 19,395.18 32.11 101-1320-4040 Insurance Contributions 66,200.00 44,464.60 21,735.40 32.83 101-1320-4041 Contr Fix 0.00 1,767.81 -1,767.81 0.00 10 1-1320-4050 Workers Compensation 9,800.00 0.00 9,800.00 100.00 101-1320-4120 Equipment Supplies 40,000.00 30,730.70 9,269.30 23.17 101-1320-4140 Vehicle Supplies 25,000.00 19,337.72 5,662.28 22.65 101-1320-4150 Maintenance Materials 20,000.00 29,695.01 -9,695.01 -48.48 101-1320-4160 Chemicals 400.00 67.03 332.97 83.24 101-1320-4170 Motor Fuels and Lubricants 0.00 2,150.61 -2,150.61 0.00 101-1320-4210 Books and Periodicals 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 101-1320-4240 Uniforms & Clothing 3,700.00 2,329.85 1,370.15 37.03 101-1320-4260 Small Tools & Equipment 2,500.00 75.86 2,424.14 96.97 101-1320-4300 Consulting 1,000.00 10 1.18 898.82 89.88 101-1320-4310 Telephone and Communications 3,500.00 2,110.55 1,389.45 39.70 101-1320-4340 Printing and Publishing 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 101-1320-4350 Cleaning and Waste Removal 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 101-1320-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 100.00 62.00 38.00 38.00 101-1320-4370 Travel and Training 1,500.00 308.03 1,191.97 79.46 101-1320-4410 Equipment Rental 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 100.00 10 1-1320-4440 Vehicle License & Registration 600.00 521.00 79.00 13.17 101-1320-4510 Repair & Maint- Buildings 500.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 101-1320-4520 Repair & Maint - Vehicles 2,400.00 5,905.32 -3,505.32 -146.06 101-1320-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 5,500.00 1,019.54 4,480.46 81.46 101-1320-4531 Repair & Maint - Radios 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 100.00 101-1320-4540 Repair & Maint - Streets 500.00 8,392.67 -7,892.67 -1,578.53 101-1320-4560 Repair & Maint - Signs 13,700.00 8,667.14 5,032.86 36.74 101-1320-4703 Office Equipment 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 101-1320-4705 Other Equipment 1,000.00 700.00 300.00 30.00 101-1320-4933 Sales Tax 0.00 900.06 -900.06 0.00 1320 STREET MAINTENANCE 730,500.00 498,609.92 231,890.08 31.74 101-1350-4120 Equipment Supplies 1,500.00 2,236.74 -736.74 -49.12 10 1-1350-4300 Consulting 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 101-1350-4310 Telephone and Communications 500.00 332.64 167.36 33.47 101-1350-4320 Utilities 230,000.00 195,193.83 34,806.17 15.13 101-1350-4410 Equipment Rental 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 101-1350-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 100.00 101-1350-4565 Repair & Maint - Lights 8,200.00 7,701.32 498.68 6.08 1350 STREET LIGHTING & SIGNALS 243,300.00 205,464.53 37,835.47 15.55 5 2006 2006 2006 2006 Account Number Description Budget End Bal A vaiVUncollect % A vaiVUncollect 101-1370-4010 Salaries and Wages 186,700.00 149,971.68 36,728.32 19.67 101-1370-4011 Overtime 6,500.00 0.00 6,500.00 100.00 101-1370-4030 Retirement Contributions 25,500.00 15,919.22 9,580.78 37.57 101-1370-4040 Insurance Contributions 29,500.00 21,369.86 8,130.14 27.56 101-1370-4041 Contr Fix 0.00 625.88 -625.88 0.00 101-1370-4050 Workers Compensation 4,600.00 0.00 4,600.00 100.00 101-1370-4120 Equipment Supplies 3,300.00 1,306.30 1,993.70 60.42 101-1370-4140 Vehicle Supplies 500.00 329.25 170.75 34.15 101-1370-4150 Maintenance Materials 1,000.00 467.98 532.02 53.20 101-1370-4170 Motor Fuels and Lubricants 105,000.00 86,760.30 18,239.70 17.37 101-1370-4240 Uniforms & Clothing 1,200.00 798.16 401.84 33.49 101-1370-4260 Small Tools & Equipment 4,400.00 1,067.71 3,332.29 75.73 101-1370-4300 Consulting 700.00 1,295.96 -595.96 -85.14 101-1370-4310 Telephone and Communications 3,200.00 1,912.68 1,287.32 40.23 101-1370-4320 Utilities 22,000.00 13,354.73 8,645.27 39.30 101-1370-4340 Printing and Publishing 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 101-1370-4350 Cleaning and Waste Removal 6,100.00 3,807.50 2,292.50 37.58 101-1370-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 101-1370-4370 Travel and Training 1,500.00 50.18 1,449.82 96.65 101-1370-4410 Equipment Rental 500.00 348.85 151.15 30.23 101-1370-4440 Vehicle License & Registration 500.00 43.50 456.50 91.30 101-1370-4510 Repair & Maint- Buildings 4,000.00 5,282.72 -1,282.72 -32.07 101-1370-4520 Repair & Maint - Vehicles 300.00 36.74 263.26 87.75 101-1370-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 3,800.00 1,467.83 2,332.17 61.37 101-1370-4531 Repair & Maint - Radios 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 101-1370-4703 Office Equipment 500.00 291.96 208.04 41.61 101-1370-4705 Other Equipment 5,500.00 4,773.33 726.67 13.21 1370 CITY GARAGE 417,200.00 311,282.32 105,917.68 25.39 101-1410-4210 Books and Periodicals 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 101-1410-4340 Printing and Publishing 2,000.00 3,646.80 -1,646.80 -82.34 101-1410-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 101-1410-4370 Travel and Training 800.00 406.92 393.08 49.14 1410 PLANNING COMMISSION 3,200.00 4,053.72 -853.72 -26.68 101-1420-4010 Salaries and Wages 272,500.00 186,771.69 85,728.31 31.46 101-1420-4030 Retirement Contributions 37,200.00 24,785.24 12,414.76 33.37 101-1420-4040 Insurance Contributions 35,500.00 29,113.74 6,386.26 17.99 101-1420-4041 Contr Fix 0.00 970.33 -970.33 0.00 101-1420-4050 Workers Compensation 900.00 0.00 900.00 100.00 101-1420-4120 Equipment Supplies 300.00 76.92 223.08 74.36 101-1420-4130 Program Supplies 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 101-1420-4140 Vehicle Supplies 100.00 81.04 18.96 18.96 101-1420-4210 Books and Periodicals 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 101-1420-4300 Consulting 5,000.00 44.62 4,955.38 99.11 101-1420-4310 Telephone and Communications 200.00 58.71 141.29 70.65 101-1420-4340 Printing and Publishing 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 101-1420-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 1,500.00 856.00 644.00 42.93 101-1420-4370 Travel and Training 7,000.00 2,197.95 4,802.05 68.60 101-1420-4440 Vehicle License & Registration 0.00 14.50 -14.50 0.00 101-1420-4520 Repair & Maint - Vehicles 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 1420 PLANNING ADMINISTRATION 360,900.00 244,970.74 115,929.26 32.12 101-1430-4010 Salaries and Wages 15,300.00 10,434.79 4,865.21 31.80 101-1430-4030 Retirement Contributions 2,100.00 1,417.68 682.32 32.49 101-1430-4040 Insurance Contributions 1,500.00 1,186.33 313.67 20.91 101-1430-4041 Contr Fix 0.00 53.96 -53.96 0.00 10 1-1430-4050 Workers Compensation 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 101-1430-4300 Consulting 9,000.00 4,216.00 4,784.00 53.16 6 2006 2006 2006 2006 Account Number Description Budget End BalAvaiVUncollect % AvaiVUncollect 101-1430-4370 Travel and Training 200.00 18.15 181.85 90.93 101-1430-4375 Promotional Expenses 5 00.00 0.00 500.00 1 00.00 1430 SENIOR FACILITY COMMISSION 28,700.00 17,326.91 11,373.09 39.63 101-1510-4130 Program Supplies 1 00.00 0.00 100.00 1 00.00 101-1510-4210 Books and Periodicals 1 00.00 0.00 100.00 1 00.00 101-1510-4340 Printing and Publishing 0.00 883.30 -883.30 0.00 101-1510-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 700 . 00 0.00 700.00 1 00.00 101-1510-4370 Travel and Training 400.00 204.01 195.99 49.00 1510 PARK COMMISSION 1,300.00 1,087.31 212.69 16.36 101-1520-4010 Salaries and Wages 85,400.00 58,786.56 26,613.44 31.16 101-1520-4030 Retirement Contributions 11,700.00 7,765.17 3,934.83 33.63 101-1520-4040 Insurance Contributions 10,500.00 7,761.21 2,738.79 26.08 101-1520-4041 Contr Fix 0.00 215.65 -215.65 0.00 101-1520-4050 Workers Compensation 300 . 00 0.00 300.00 1 00.00 101-1520-4120 Equipment Supplies 500.00 0.00 500.00 1 00.00 101-1520-4130 Program Supplies 200.00 0.00 200.00 1 00.00 101-1520-4210 Books and Periodicals 1 00.00 0.00 100.00 1 00.00 101-1520-4240 Uniforms & Clothing 200.00 0.00 200.00 1 00.00 101-1520-4310 Telephone and Communications 900.00 387.45 512.55 56.95 101-1520-4330 Postage 1,800.00 1,307.21 492.79 27.38 101-1520-4340 Printing and Publishing 14,000.00 14,165.67 -165.67 -1.18 101-1520-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 1,200.00 1,497.00 -297.00 -24.75 101-1520-4370 Travel and Training 3,600.00 427.44 3,172.56 88.13 101-1520-4380 Mileage 1 00.00 0.00 100.00 1 00.00 101-1520-4807 Property Tax Expense 0.00 12.00 -12.00 0.00 1520 PARK ADMINISTRATION 130,500.00 92,325.36 38,174.64 29.25 101-1530-4010 Salaries and Wages 45,800.00 28,523.15 17,276.85 37.72 101-1530-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 123,400.00 46,356.76 77,043.24 62.43 101-1530-4030 Retirement Contributions 28,000.00 10,090.73 17,909.27 63.96 101-1530-4040 Insurance Contributions 5,900.00 4,326.12 1,573.88 26.68 101-1530-4041 Contr Fix 0.00 215.65 -215.65 0.00 101-1530-4050 Workers Compensation 5,200 .00 0.00 5,200.00 1 00.00 101-1530-4060 U nemployrnent 0.00 82.41 -82.41 0.00 101-1530-4120 Equipment Supplies 3,000.00 556.69 2,443.31 81.44 101-1530-4130 Program Supplies 8,000.00 23.33 7,976.67 99.71 101-1530-4150 Maintenance Materials 500 . 00 0.00 500.00 1 00.00 101-1530-4300 Consulting 500 . 00 0.00 500.00 1 00.00 101-1530-4310 Telephone and Communications 1,000.00 2,089.31 -1,089.31 -108.93 101-1530-4320 Utilities 28,000 .00 21,939.41 6,060.59 21.64 101-1530-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 300.00 253.08 46.92 15.64 101-1530-4370 Travel and Training 400 . 00 164.00 236.00 59.00 101-1530-4375 Promotional Expenses 300.00 1,328.25 -1,028.25 -342.75 101-1530-4510 Repair & Maint- Buildings 5 00.00 904.40 -404.40 -80.88 101-1530-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 1,000.00 350.99 649.01 64.90 101-1530-4590 Miscellanous Contract Services 500 . 00 0.00 500.00 1 00.00 1530 RECREATION CENTER 252,300.00 117,204.28 135,095.72 53.55 101-1531-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 0.00 1,228.28 -1,228.28 0.00 101-1531-4030 Retirement Contributions 0.00 167.65 -167.65 0.00 1531 ROOM RENTAL 0.00 1,395.93 -1,395.93 0.00 101-1532-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 0.00 5,495.58 -5,495.58 0.00 101-1532-4030 Retirement Contributions 0.00 420.44 -420.44 0.00 101-1532-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 0.00 88.48 -88.48 0.00 1532 FITNESS 0.00 6,004.50 -6,004.50 0.00 101-1534-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 0.00 28,586.49 -28,586.49 0.00 101-1534-4030 Retirement Contributions 0.00 3,798.90 -3,798.90 0.00 101-1534-4130 Program Supplies 0.00 586.19 -586.19 0.00 7 2006 2006 2006 2006 Account Number Description Budget End BalAvaiVUncollect % AvaiVUncollect 101-1534-4340 Printing and Publishing 0.00 523.77 -523.77 0.00 101-1534-4375 Promotional Expenses 0.00 270.00 -270.00 0.00 101-1534-4590 Miscellanous Contract Services 0.00 2,621.50 -2,621.50 0.00 1534 DANCE 0.00 36,386.85 -36,386.85 0.00 101-1540-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 12,300.00 9,129.90 3,170.10 25.77 101-1540-4021 Temp/Seasonal Overtime 300.00 60.00 240.00 80.00 101-1540-4030 Retirement Contributions 800.00 703.03 96.97 12.12 101-1540-4050 Workers Compensation 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 101-1540-4120 Equipment Supplies 3,700.00 3,349.43 350.57 9.47 101-1540-4130 Program Supplies 8,600.00 6,338.17 2,261.83 26.30 101-1540-4240 Uniforms & Clothing 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 101-1540-4300 Consulting 31,800.00 13,528.81 18,271.19 57.46 101-1540-4310 Telephone and Communications 3,600.00 2,178.76 1,421.24 39.48 101-1540-4320 Utilities 8,300.00 6,060.95 2,239.05 26.98 101-1540-4340 Printing and Publishing 300.00 133.13 166.87 55.62 1540 LAKE ANN PARK 70,500.00 41,982.18 28,517.82 40.45 101-1550-4010 Salaries and Wages 408,500.00 278,819.72 129,680.28 31.75 101-1550-4011 Overtime 4,000.00 2,039.89 1,960.11 49.00 101-1550-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 77,000.00 68,869.00 8,131.00 10.56 101-1550-4021 Temp/Seasonal Overtime 3,000.00 1,093.50 1,906.50 63.55 101-1550-4030 Retirement Contributions 58,500.00 42,311.59 16,188.41 27.67 101-1550-4040 Insurance Contributions 64,800.00 48,551.32 16,248.68 25.08 101-1550-4041 Contr Fix 0.00 1,563.51 -1,563.51 0.00 101-1550-4050 Workers Compensation 9,500.00 0.00 9,500.00 100.00 101-1550-4120 Equipment Supplies 31,000.00 27,952.35 3,047.65 9.83 101-1550-4140 Vehicle Supplies 8,000.00 4,894.60 3,105.40 38.82 101-1550-4150 Maintenance Materials 33,000.00 17,772.62 15,227.38 46.14 101-1550-4151 Irrigation Materials 3,000.00 1,818.00 1,182.00 39.40 101-1550-4240 Uniforms & Clothing 2,800.00 506.35 2,293.65 81.92 101-1550-4260 Small Tools & Equipment 2,500.00 342.22 2,157.78 86.31 101-1550-4300 Consulting 17,000.00 11,925.30 5,074.70 29.85 101-1550-4310 Telephone and Communications 3,700.00 2,413.33 1,286.67 34.77 101-1550-4320 Utilities 5,500.00 4,292.62 1,207.38 21.95 101-1550-4340 Printing and Publishing 400.00 144.30 255.70 63.93 101-1550-4350 Cleaning and Waste Removal 9,000.00 4,513.15 4,486.85 49.85 101-1550-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 400.00 587.84 -187.84 -46.96 101-1550-4370 Travel and Training 2,000.00 313.41 1,686.59 84.33 101-1550-4400 Rental - Land and Buildings 22,500.00 14,220.25 8,279.75 36.80 101-1550-4410 Equipment Rental 2,000.00 279.48 1,720.52 86.03 101-1550-4440 Vehicle License & Registration 700.00 449.50 250.50 35.79 101-1550-4510 Repair & Maint- Buildings 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 100.00 101-1550-4520 Repair & Maint - Vehicles 2,500.00 371.95 2,128.05 85.12 101-1550-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 6,500.00 16,822.80 -10,322.80 -158.81 101-1550-4531 Repair & Maint - Radios 500.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 101-1550-4560 Repair & Maint - Signs 3,000.00 864.80 2,135.20 71.17 101-1550-4705 Other Equipment 3,000.00 1,173.10 1,826.90 60.90 101-1550-4933 Sales Tax 0.00 24.53 -24.53 0.00 1550 PARK MAINTENANCE 787,300.00 554,931.03 232,368.97 29.51 101-1551-4260 Small Tools & Equipment 0.00 19.14 -19.14 0.00 101-1551-4300 Consulting 0.00 319.50 -319.50 0.00 101-1551-4320 Utilities 0.00 900.29 -900.29 0.00 101-1551-4510 Repair & Maint- Buildings 0.00 213.14 -213.14 0.00 101-1551-4530 Repair & Maint - Equipment 0.00 64.66 -64.66 0.00 101-1551-4933 Sales Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1551 DOWNTOWN MAINTENANCE 0.00 1,516.73 -1,516.73 0.00 101-1560-4010 Salaries and Wages 26,000.00 17,790.80 8,209.20 31.57 8 2006 2006 2006 2006 Account Number Description Budget End Bal A vaiVUncollect % A vaiVUncollect 101-1560-4030 Retirement Contributions 3,600.00 2,428.49 1,171.51 32.54 101-1560-4040 Insurance Contributions 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 101-1560-4050 Workers Compensation 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 101-1560-4120 Equipment Supplies 400.00 177.87 222.13 55.53 101-1560-4130 Program Supplies 2,700.00 1,123.06 1,576.94 58.41 101-1560-4300 Consulting 16,100.00 10,418.29 5,681.71 35.29 101-1560-4340 Printing and Publishing 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 101-1560-4350 Cleaning and Waste Removal 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 101-1560-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 101-1560-4370 Travel and Training 300.00 139.39 160.61 53.54 101-1560-4375 Promotional Expenses 200.00 164.00 36.00 18.00 101-1560-4380 Mileage 100.00 50.72 49.28 49.28 1560 SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 50,300.00 32,292.62 18,007.38 35.80 101-1600-4010 Salaries and Wages 89,000.00 55,538.28 33,461.72 37.60 101-1600-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 45,200.00 3,310.00 41,890.00 92.68 10 1-1600-4021 Temp/Seasonal Overtime 200.00 120.00 80.00 40.00 101-1600-4030 Retirement Contributions 14,900.00 7,777.47 7,122.53 47.80 101-1600-4040 Insurance Contributions 9,500.00 7,472.17 2,027.83 21.35 10 1-1600-4041 Contr Fix 0.00 335.96 -335.96 0.00 101-1600-4050 Workers Compensation 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 100.00 101-1600-4120 Equipment Supplies 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 100.00 10 1-1600-4130 Program Supplies 12,400.00 1,202.51 11,197.49 90.30 101-1600-4240 Uniforms & Clothing 1,400.00 554.60 845.40 60.39 101-1600-4300 Consulting 45,600.00 3,462.35 42,137.65 92.41 101-1600-4310 Telephone and Communications 2,700.00 737.41 1,962.59 72.69 101-1600-4320 Utilities 2,200.00 1,917.13 282.87 12.86 101-1600-4330 Postage 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 101-1600-4340 Printing and Publishing 4,800.00 784.20 4,015.80 83.66 101-1600-4360 Subscriptions and Memberships 100.00 280.00 -180.00 -180.00 101-1600-4370 Travel and Training 400.00 220.00 180.00 45.00 101-1600-4380 Mileage 500.00 75.21 424.79 84.96 101-1600-4400 Rental - Land and Buildings 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 100.00 10 1-1600-4410 Equipment Rental 13,700.00 0.00 13,700.00 100.00 1600 RECREATION PROGRAMS 249,800.00 83,787.29 166,012.71 66.46 101-1611-4130 Program Supplies 0.00 1,411.44 -1,411.44 0.00 101-1611-4300 Consulting 0.00 827.25 -827.25 0.00 101-1611-4340 Printing and Publishing 0.00 1,566.36 -1,566.36 0.00 101-1611-4400 Rental - Land and Buildings 0.00 745.04 -745.04 0.00 101-1611-4410 Equipment Rental 0.00 827.51 -827.51 0.00 1611 FEBRUARY FESTIVAL 0.00 5,377.60 -5,377.60 0.00 101-1612-4130 Program Supplies 0.00 1,440.82 -1,440.82 0.00 101-1612-4300 Consulting 0.00 674.06 -674.06 0.00 1612 EASTER EGG CANDY HUNT 0.00 2,114.88 -2,114.88 0.00 101-1613-4130 Program Supplies 0.00 2,695.60 -2,695.60 0.00 101-1613-4300 Consulting 0.00 34,308.91 -34,308.91 0.00 101-1613-4340 Printing and Publishing 0.00 1,743.10 -1,743.10 0.00 101-1613-4410 Equipment Rental 0.00 9,199.89 -9,199.89 0.00 1613 FOURTH OF JULY 0.00 47,947.50 -47,947.50 0.00 101-1616-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 0.00 22,968.39 -22,968.39 0.00 101-1616-4021 Temp/Seasonal Overtime 0.00 234.00 -234.00 0.00 101-1616-4030 Retirement Contributions 0.00 1,774.99 -1,774.99 0.00 101-1616-4130 Program Supplies 0.00 1,094.46 -1,094.46 0.00 101-1616-4310 Telephone and Communications 0.00 177 .01 -177.01 0.00 1616 SUMMER PLAYGROUND 0.00 26,248.85 -26,248.85 0.00 101-1617-4020 Temporary & Seasonal Wages 0.00 9,410.02 -9,410.02 0.00 101-1617 -4030 Retirement Contributions 0.00 719.86 -719.86 0.00 9 Account Number Description 2006 Budget 2006 2006 2006 End BalAvail/Uncollect % Avail/Uncollect 101-1617-4130 101-1617-4410 1617 101-1620-4310 1620 101-1700-4010 10 1-1700-4020 101-1700-4030 101-1700-4040 101-1700-4041 101-1700-4050 101-1700-4120 101-1700-4130 10 1-1700-4300 1700 101-1710-4130 101-1710-4300 1710 101-1711-4130 101-1711-4300 1711 10 1-1730-4020 101-1730-4030 101-1730-4130 101-1730-4300 1730 101-1731-4130 101-1731-4300 1731 101-1760-4020 101-1760-4030 1760 101-1761-4300 1761 101-1763-4130 1763 101-1764-4130 1764 101-1766-4130 101-1766-4300 1766 101-1767-4300 1767 Grand Total Grand Total Program Supplies Equipment Rental ICE RINKS Telephone and Communications SUMMER PLAYGROUND Salaries and Wages Temporary & Seasonal Wages Retirement Contributions Insurance Contributions Contr Fix Workers Compensation Equipment Supplies Program Supplies Consulting SELF-SUPPORTING PROGRAMS Program Supplies Consulting PRESCHOOL SPORTS Program Supplies Consulting PRESCHOOL ACTIVITIES Temporary & Seasonal Wages Retirement Contributions Program Supplies Consulting YOUTH SPORTS Program Supplies Consulting YOUTH ACTIVITIES Temporary & Seasonal Wages Retirement Contributions ADULT SPORTS Consulting ADULT ACTIVITIES Program Supplies SPRING 3-0N-3 BASKETBALL Program Supplies WINTER 3-0N-3 BASKETBALL Program Supplies Consulting SUMMER SOFTBALL Consulting FALL SOFTBALL 0.00 507.23 0.00 1,263.10 0.00 11,900.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,300.00 13,884.67 5,300.00 0.00 3,300.00 1,878.67 2,400.00 1,867.91 0.00 83.99 100.00 0.00 600.00 277.03 7,900.00 29.69 95,200.00 2,729.07 137,100.00 20,751.03 0.00 50.00 0.00 17,760.80 0.00 17,810.80 0.00 135.00 0.00 385.00 0.00 520.00 0.00 32.64 0.00 4.46 0.00 94.79 0.00 19,217.00 0.00 19,348.89 0.00 1,528.68 0.00 4,885.80 0.00 6,414.48 0.00 1,802.47 0.00 186.04 0.00 1,988.51 0.00 2,723.60 0.00 2,723.60 0.00 41.32 0.00 41.32 0.00 392.58 0.00 392.58 0.00 3,981.84 0.00 7,760.00 0.00 11,741.84 0.00 616.00 0.00 616.00 8,617,210.00 8,257,166.01 8,617,210.00 8,257,166.01 -507.23 -1,263.10 -11,900.21 0.00 0.00 8,415.33 5,300.00 1,421.33 532.09 -83.99 100.00 322.97 7,870.31 92,470.93 116,348.97 -50.00 -17,760.80 -17,810.80 -135.00 -385.00 -520.00 -32.64 -4.46 -94.79 -19,217.00 -19,348.89 -1,528.68 -4,885.80 -6,414.48 -1,802.47 -186.04 -1,988.51 -2,723.60 -2,723.60 -41.3 2 -41.32 -392.58 -392.58 -3,981.84 -7,760.00 -11,741.84 -616.00 -616.00 360,043.99 360,043.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.74 100.00 43.07 22.17 0.00 100.00 General Ledger Revenue-Budget vs Actual ClTYOF CBl8BASSEI User: danielle Printed: 09/18/06 14:58:39 Period 01 - 09 Fiscal Year 2006 - 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Account Number Description Budget End Bal A vaiVUncollect % A vaiVUncollect Revenue 10 1-0000-3002 Allowance for Delinquents 320,000.00 0.00 320,000.00 100.00 101-0000-3010 Current Property Tax -6,399,600.00 -3, 179,348.52 -3,220,251.48 50.32 10 1-0000-3011 Delinquent Property Tax -100,000.00 -3,821.25 -96,178.75 96.18 101-0000-3090 Excess TIF Taxes 0.00 -8.06 8.06 0.00 0000 -6,179,600.00 -3, 183, 177 .83 -2,996,422.17 48.49 Grand Total -6,179,600.00 -3, 183, 177 .83 -2,996,422.17 48.49 PROPERTY TAXES -6,179,600.00 -3, 183, 177 .83 -2,996,422.17 48.49 101-1120-3284 Garbage Hauler -3,000.00 -1,800.00 -1,200.00 40.00 1120 ADMINISTRATION -3,000.00 -1,800.00 -1,200.00 40.00 101-1210-3213 Solicitor -500.00 -575.00 75.00 -15.00 101-1210-3223 3.2 On and Off Sale -3,000.00 -2,225.00 -775.00 25.83 101-1210-3226 Liquor On and Off Sale -52,000.00 -79,157.00 27,157.00 -52.23 101-1210-3227 Club & Sunday Liquor -32,000.00 -1,600.00 -30,400.00 95.00 1210 POLICE/CARVER CO CONTRACT -87,500.00 -83,557.00 -3,943.00 4.51 101-1250-3230 Rental Housing License -15,000.00 -1,000.00 -14,000.00 93.33 1250 CODE ENFORCEMENT -15,000.00 -1,000.00 -14,000.00 93.33 101-1260-3203 Dog Kennel -700.00 -650.00 -50.00 7.14 101-1260-3205 Dog or Cat -4,000.00 -3,985.25 -14.75 0.37 1260 AMINAL CONTROL -4,700.00 -4,635.25 -64.75 1.38 Grand Total -110,200.00 -90,992.25 -19,207.75 17.43 LICENSES -110,200.00 -90,992.25 -19,207.75 17.43 101-0000-3309 Fire Suppression 0.00 -34.06 34.06 0.00 101-0000-3328 Wetland Alteration 0.00 -325.00 325.00 0.00 101-0000-3390 Miscellaneous Permits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000 0.00 -359.06 359.06 0.00 101-1210-3308 Gun -1,000.00 -150.00 -850.00 85.00 1210 POLICE/CARVER CO CONTRACT -1,000.00 -150.00 -850.00 85.00 101-1220-3309 Fire Suppression -12,000.00 -5,171.71 -6,828.29 56.90 101-1220-3331 Firework's Application Fee 0.00 -400.00 400.00 0.00 1220 FIRE PREVENTION & ADMIN -12,000.00 -5,571.71 -6,428.29 53.57 101-1250-3301 Building -600,000.00 -493,047.79 -106,952.21 17.83 101-1250-3302 Plan Check -320,000.00 -250,934.03 -69,065.97 21.58 101-1250- 3305 Heating & NC -110,000.00 -81,557.93 -28,442.07 25.86 101-1250-3306 Plumbing -80,000.00 -69,124.77 -10,875.23 13.59 101-1250-3330 Elec Permit App Forms 0.00 -88.00 88.00 0.00 101-1250-3390 Miscellaneous Permits -340.00 -260.00 -80.00 23.53 1250 CODE ENFORCEMENT -1,110,340.00 -895,012.52 -215,327.48 19.39 101-1260-3320 Stable -300.00 -220.00 -80.00 26.67 1260 AMINAL CONTROL -300.00 -220.00 -80.00 26.67 101-1310-3307 Trenching -30,000.00 -25,275.91 -4,724.09 15.75 101-1310-3390 Miscellaneous Permits -1,500.00 -2,155.00 655.00 -43.67 1310 ENGINEERING -31,500.00 -27,430.91 -4,069.09 12.92 101-1420-3311 Sign -6,000.00 -4,705.00 -1,295.00 21.58 101-1420-3390 Miscellaneous Permits -160.00 -100.00 -60.00 37.50 1420 PLANNING ADMINISTRATION -6,160.00 -4,805.00 -1,355.00 22.00 Grand Total -1,161,300.00 -933,549.20 -227,750.80 19.61 1 2006 2006 2006 2006 Account Number Description Budget End Bal A vaiVUncollect % A vaiVUncollect PERMITS -1,161,300.00 -933,549.20 -227,750.80 19.61 101-1210-3401 Traffic & Ordinance Violation -70,000.00 -84,443.78 14,443.78 -20.63 1210 POLICE/CARVER CO CONTRACT -70,000.00 -84,443.78 14,443.78 -20.63 101-1260-3402 Vehic1e Lock Out -2,500.00 -2,000.00 -500.00 20.00 101-1260-3404 Dog or Cat Impound -4,000.00 -4,630.14 630.14 -15.75 1260 AMINAL CONTROL -6,500.00 -6,630.14 130.14 -2.00 101-1310-3401 Traffic & Ordinance Violation 0.00 -500.00 500.00 0.00 1310 ENGINEERING 0.00 -500.00 500.00 0.00 Grand Total -76,500.00 -91,573.92 15,073.92 -19.70 FINES & PENALTIES -76,500.00 -91,573.92 15,073.92 -19.70 101-??oo-3509 Other Shared Taxes -20,000.00 -9,733.50 -10,266.50 51.33 ??oo -20,000.00 -9,733.50 -10,266.50 51.33 101-1220-3509 Other Shared Taxes -145,000.00 0.00 -145,000.00 100.00 101-1220-3510 State Grants -40,000.00 0.00 -40,000.00 100.00 1220 FIRE PREVENTION & ADMIN -185,000.00 0.00 -185,000.00 100.00 Grand Total -205,000.00 -9,733.50 -195,266.50 95.25 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES -205,000.00 -9,733.50 -195,266.50 95.25 101-0000-3602 Variance & Cond Use Permits 0.00 -325.00 325.00 0.00 101-0000-3629 MiSC.-Public Safety 0.00 -250.00 250.00 0.00 0000 0.00 -575.00 575.00 0.00 101-1120-3601 Sale of Documents -500.00 -50.00 -450.00 90.00 101-1120-3613 Misc. - General Government -500.00 0.00 -500.00 100.00 1120 ADMINISTRATION -1,000.00 -50.00 -950.00 95.00 101-1130-3604 Assessment Search -500.00 -540.00 40.00 -8.00 101-1130-3619 Investment Mgmt Fee -75,000.00 0.00 -75,000.00 100.00 1130 FINANCE -75,500.00 -540.00 -74,960.00 99.28 101-1170-3613 Misc. - General Government -2,000.00 -726.49 -1,273.51 63.68 1170 CITY HALL MAINTENANCE -2,000.00 -726.49 -1,273.51 63.68 101-1180-3607 Election Filing Fees 0.00 -30.00 30.00 0.00 1180 ELECTIONS 0.00 -30.00 30.00 0.00 101-1190-3638 Food Concessions -2,000.00 -851.89 -1,148.11 57.41 1190 LIBRARY BUILDING -2,000.00 -851.89 -1,148.11 57.41 101-1210-3629 MiSC.-Public Safety -3,000.00 -2,438.34 -561.66 18.72 1210 POLICE/CARVER CO CONTRACT -3,000.00 -2,438.34 -561.66 18.72 101-1310-3601 Sale of Documents -3,500.00 -745.25 -2,754.75 78.71 101-1310-3602 Variance & Cond Use Permits 0.00 -25.00 25.00 0.00 101-1310-3605 Plat Recording Fees 0.00 -10,736.00 10,736.00 0.00 101-1310-3613 Misc. - General Government -500.00 0.00 -500.00 100.00 101-1310-3614 Construction Admin Fee -120,000.00 -123,210.62 3,210.62 -2.68 101-1310-3617 Engineering General -1,000.00 0.00 -1,000.00 100.00 101-1310-3629 Misc.-Public Safety -1,000.00 -2,500.00 1,500.00 -150.00 1310 ENGINEERING -126,000.00 -137,216.87 11,216.87 -8.90 101-1350-3649 MiSC.-Public Works -5,000.00 -6,300.00 1,300.00 -26.00 1350 STREET LIGHTING & SIGNALS -5,000.00 -6,300.00 1,300.00 -26.00 101-1420-3602 Variance & Cond Use Permits -36,000.00 -39,210.00 3,210.00 -8.92 101-1420-3603 Rezoning -1,500.00 -1,500.00 0.00 0.00 101-1420-3605 Plat Recording Fees -6,000.00 -3,206.00 -2,794.00 46.57 101-1420-3613 Misc. - General Government -7,000.00 -5,507.00 -1,493.00 21.33 1420 PLANNING ADMINISTRATION -50,500.00 -49,423.00 -1,071.00 2.13 101-1530-3631 Recreation Center Operations -3,500.00 -2,571.11 -928.89 26.54 1530 RECREATION CENTER -3,500.00 -2,571.11 -928.89 26.54 101-1531-3631 Recreation Center Operations -17,500.00 -11,458.82 -6,041.18 34.52 1531 ROOM RENTAL -17,500.00 -11,458.82 -6,041.18 34.52 101-1532-3630 Recreation Program Fees 0.00 -2,220.23 2,220.23 0.00 101-1532-3631 Recreation Center Operations -60,000.00 -21,018.36 -38,981.64 64.97 1532 FITNESS -60,000.00 -23,238.59 -36,761.41 61.27 2 2006 2006 2006 2006 Account Number Description Budget End Bal A vaiVUncollect % A vaiVUncollect 101-1533-3631 Recreation Center Operations -7,000.00 0.00 -7,000.00 100.00 1533 PERSONAL TRAINING -7,000.00 0.00 -7,000.00 100.00 101-1534-3631 Recreation Center Operations -87,000.00 -26,427.66 -60,572.34 69.62 101-1534-3636 Self Supporting Programs 0.00 202.50 -202.50 0.00 1534 DANCE -87,000.00 -26,225.16 -60,774.84 69.86 101-1540-3635 Watercraft Rental -4,000.00 -4,466.17 466.17 -11.65 101-1540-3638 Food Concessions -12,000.00 -10,045.51 -1,954.49 16.29 101-1540-3639 Misc. Park & Rec. -400.00 0.00 -400.00 100.00 1540 LAKE ANN PARK -16,400.00 -14,511.68 -1,888.32 11.51 101-1541-3634 Park Facility Usage Fee -15,500.00 -8,645.08 -6,854.92 44.23 1541 PICNICS -15,500.00 -8,645.08 -6,854.92 44.23 101-1545-3633 Equipment Rental -200.00 -222.26 22.26 -11.13 1545 VOLLEYBALL KIT/BALLFIELD RENT -200.00 -222.26 22.26 -11.13 101-1546-3639 Misc. Park & Rec. -400.00 -765.00 365.00 -91.25 1546 CANOE RACK RENTAL -400.00 -765.00 365.00 -91.25 101-1560-3637 Senior Programs -30,000.00 -19,576.23 -10,423.77 34.75 1560 SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER -30,000.00 -19,576.23 -10,423.77 34.75 101-1600-3651 Merchandise sales 0.00 -78.50 78.50 0.00 1600 RECREATION PROGRAMS 0.00 -78.50 78.50 0.00 101-1611-3636 Self Supporting Programs -4,700.00 -5,305.00 605.00 -12.87 1611 FEBRUARY FESTIVAL -4,700.00 -5,305.00 605.00 -12.87 101-1613-3636 Self Supporting Programs -7,500.00 -4,964.15 -2,535.85 33.81 101-1613-3651 Merchandise Sales 0.00 -1,342.00 1,342.00 0.00 1613 FOURTH OF JULY -7,500.00 -6,306.15 -1,193.85 15.92 101-1614-3630 Recreation Program Fees 0.00 -11.64 11.64 0.00 1614 HALLOWEEN PARTY 0.00 -11.64 11.64 0.00 101-1616-3630 Recreation Program Fees 0.00 -9,043.23 9,043.23 0.00 1616 SUMMER PLAYGROUND 0.00 -9,043.23 9,043.23 0.00 101-1620-3630 Recreation Program Fees 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1620 SUMMER PLAYGROUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101-1710-3631 Recreation Center Operations 0.00 48.00 -48.00 0.00 101-1710-3636 Self Supporting Programs -36,200.00 -30,066.85 -6,133.15 16.94 1710 PRESCHOOL SPORTS -36,200.00 -30,018.85 -6,181.15 17.08 101-1711-3636 Self Supporting Programs -3,000.00 -1,244.57 -1,755.43 58.51 1711 PRESCHOOL ACTIVITIES -3,000.00 -1,244.57 -1,755.43 58.51 101-1730-3636 Self Supporting Programs -28,200.00 -22,709.25 -5,490.75 19.47 101-1730-3641 Youth Sport Donation 0.00 -32.00 32.00 0.00 1730 YOUTH SPORTS -28,200.00 -22,741.25 -5,458.75 19.36 101-1731-3636 Self Supporting Programs -39,200.00 -38,514.59 -685.41 1.75 1731 YOUTH ACTIVITIES -39,200.00 -38,514.59 -685.41 1.75 101-1760-3636 Self Supporting Programs -450.00 0.00 -450.00 100.00 1760 ADULT SPORTS -450.00 0.00 -450.00 100.00 101-1761-3636 Self Supporting Programs -9,500.00 -2,650.41 -6,849.59 72.10 1761 ADULT ACTIVITIES -9,500.00 -2,650.41 -6,849.59 72.10 101-1762-3636 Self Supporting Programs 0.00 -16.24 16.24 0.00 1762 FALL 3-0N-3 BASKETBALL 0.00 -16.24 16.24 0.00 101-1763-3636 Self Supporting Programs -1,100.00 -874.20 -225.80 20.53 1763 SPRING 3-0N-3 BASKETBALL -1,100.00 -874.20 -225.80 20.53 101-1764-3636 Self Supporting Programs -450.00 -1,695.12 1,245.12 -276.69 1764 WINTER 3-0N-3 BASKETBALL -450.00 -1,695.12 1,245.12 -276.69 101-1766-3636 Self Supporting Programs -22,000.00 -23,359.11 1,359.11 -6.18 1766 SUMMER SOFTBALL -22,000.00 -23,359.11 1,359.11 -6.18 101-1767-3636 Self Supporting Programs -4,700.00 0.00 -4,700.00 100.00 1767 FALL SOFTBALL -4,700.00 0.00 -4,700.00 100.00 Grand Total -659,500.00 -447,224.38 -212,275.62 32.19 CHARGES FOR SERVICES -659,500.00 -447,224.38 -212,275.62 32.19 3 2006 2006 2006 2006 Account Number Description Budget End Bal A vaiVUncollect % A vaiVUncollect 101-0000-3801 Bank Interest Earnings -120,000.00 0.00 -120,000.00 100.00 101-??oo-3807 Donations -10,000.00 -2,400.00 -7,600.00 76.00 101-0000-3903 RefundsIReimbursements 0.00 -2,624.25 2,624.25 0.00 101-0000-3910 Miscellaneous Revenue 0.00 -303.36 303.36 0.00 0000 -130,000.00 -5,327.61 -124,672.39 95.90 101-1120-3802 Equipment Rental & Sale -60,000.00 -78,032.00 18,032.00 -30.05 101-1120-3803 Building Rental 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101-1120-3903 RefundsIReimbursements -500.00 -333.99 -166.01 33.20 1120 ADMINISTRATION -60,500.00 -78,365.99 17,865.99 -29.53 101-1130-3820 Misc. Other Revenue -5,000.00 -65.00 -4,935.00 98.70 101-1130-3829 InterestJPenalty -500.00 0.00 -500.00 100.00 101-1130-3903 RefundsIReimbursements 0.00 -2,465.14 2,465.14 0.00 101-1130-3910 Miscellaneous Revenue 0.00 -20.00 20.00 0.00 101-1130-3980 Cash Short/Over 0.00 -0.01 0.01 0.00 1130 FINANCE -5,500.00 -2,550.15 -2,949.85 53.63 101-1170-3803 Building Rental 0.00 -20.00 20.00 0.00 101-1170-3808 Insurance Reimbursements -5,000.00 0.00 -5,000.00 100.00 101-1170-3903 RefundsIReimbursements 0.00 -327.70 327.70 0.00 1170 CITY HALL MAINTENANCE -5,000.00 -347.70 -4,652.30 93.05 101-1210-3807 Donations 0.00 -2,467.00 2,467.00 0.00 101-1210-3903 RefundsIReimbursements 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1210 POLICE/CARVER CO CONTRACT 0.00 -2,467.00 2,467.00 0.00 101-1220-3903 RefundsIReimbursements 0.00 -1,150.55 1,150.55 0.00 1220 FIRE PREVENTION & ADMIN 0.00 -1,150.55 1,150.55 0.00 101-1250-3816 SAC Retainer -5,000.00 -2,867.50 -2,132.50 42.65 101-1250-3818 Sur-Tax Retainer -1,500.00 -617.80 -882.20 58.81 101-1250-3903 RefundsIReimbursements -500.00 -515.37 15.37 -3.07 101-1250-3980 Cash Short/Over 0.00 0.49 -0.49 0.00 1250 CODE ENFORCEMENT -7,000.00 -4,000.18 -2,999.82 42.85 101-1320-3903 RefundsIReimbursements -1,250.00 -731.80 -518.20 41.46 1320 STREET MAINTENANCE -1,250.00 -731.80 -518.20 41.46 101-1350-3903 RefundsIReimbursements -2,500.00 -7,960.57 5,460.57 -218.42 1350 STREET LIGHTING & SIGNALS -2,500.00 -7,960.57 5,460.57 -218.42 101-1370-3903 RefundsIReimbursements 0.00 -193.75 193.75 0.00 1370 CITY GARAGE 0.00 -193.75 193.75 0.00 101-1420-3903 RefundsIReimbursements 0.00 -25.00 25.00 0.00 1420 PLANNING ADMINISTRATION 0.00 -25.00 25.00 0.00 101-1520-3903 RefundsIReimbursements 0.00 -5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 1520 PARK ADMINISTRATION 0.00 -5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 101-1530-3807 Donations 0.00 -1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 101-1530-3903 RefundsIReimbursements 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1530 RECREATION CENTER 0.00 -1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 101-1534-3903 RefundsIReimbursements 0.00 -527.25 527.25 0.00 1534 DANCE 0.00 -527.25 527.25 0.00 101-1550-3903 RefundsIReimbursements -1,250.00 0.00 -1,250.00 100.00 1550 PARK MAINTENANCE -1,250.00 0.00 -1,250.00 100.00 101-1551-3803 Building Rental 0.00 -200.00 200.00 0.00 1551 DOWNTOWN MAINTENANCE 0.00 -200.00 200.00 0.00 101-1560-3803 Building Rental 0.00 -690.00 690.00 0.00 1560 SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 0.00 -690.00 690.00 0.00 101-1600-3807 Donations -10,000.00 -6,500.00 -3,500.00 35.00 101-1600-3903 RefundsIReimbursements 0.00 -67.00 67.00 0.00 1600 RECREATION PROGRAMS -10,000.00 -6,567.00 -3,433.00 34.33 101-1731-3903 RefundsIReimbursements 0.00 166.00 -166.00 0.00 1731 YOUTH ACTIVmES 0.00 166.00 -166.00 0.00 Grand Total -223,000.00 -116,938.55 -106,061.45 47.56 4 Account Number Description 2006 Budget 2006 2006 2006 End Bal A vaiVUncollect % A vaiVUncollect MIse REVENUE -223,000.00 -116,938.55 -8,615,100.00 -4,873,189.63 -106,061.45 -3,741,910.37 47.56 43.43 Grand Total 5 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227.1100 Fax 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone 952.227.1180 Fax 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax 952.227.1170 Finance Phone 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor City Council Greg Sticha, Finance Director (t'J< ~:J A / O~'1 FROM: DATE: September 15,2006 SUBJECT: Review of Claims Paid The following claims are submitted for review on September 25,2006: Check Numbers Amounts 130316-130592 $3,661,639.13 August Visa charges $12,894.05 Total All Claims $3,674,533.18 Attachments: Check Summary Check Detail Report Visa Listing The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. CITY OF CHANHASSEN Accounts Payable Printed: 09/15/2006 10:43 User: danielle Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number Summary Check Number Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Amount Check Amount 130316 AbfaAngi Angie Abfalter 08/24/2006 0.00 24.00 130317 actmin ACTA MINNESOTA-JEFF ENGEL 08/24/2006 0.00 2,270.00 130318 allbla ALLIED BLACKTOP 08/24/2006 0.00 16,155.75 130319 allste ALL STEEL PRODUCTS 08/24/2006 0.00 513.86 130320 andecaro CAROL ANDERSON VOID 08/24/2006 18.00 0.00 130321 BaklTara Tara Baklund 08/24/2006 0.00 90.00 130322 benext BENEFIT EXTRAS INC 08/24/2006 0.00 37.50 130323 BILLSUSA SUSAN BILL 08/24/2006 0.00 100.02 130324 bolmen BOLTON & MENK INC 08/24/2006 0.00 3,528.62 130325 bolmen BOLTON & MENK INC 08/24/2006 0.00 590.00 130326 boytru Boyer Truck Parts 08/24/2006 0.00 266.45 130327 CHAPET CITY OF CHANHASSEN-PETTY CASH 08/24/2006 0.00 141.24 130328 choice Choice, Inc. 08/24/2006 0.00 195.50 130329 Cjscof CJ's Coffee & Wine Bar 08/24/2006 0.00 488.42 130330 dahlterr TERRY DAHL 08/24/2006 0.00 330.60 130331 DOLLIF DOLLIFF INC. INSURANCE 08/24/2006 0.00 103.00 130332 DRIVEH DRIVER AND VEHICLE SERVICES 08/24/2006 0.00 18.00 130333 DRUAME DRUMMOND AMERICAN CORPORATION 08/24/2006 0.00 1,128.80 130334 earand EARL F ANDERSEN INC 08/24/2006 0.00 634.59 130335 ENGESARA SARA ENGELHARDT 08/24/2006 0.00 104.00 130336 fascom F ASTENAL COMPANY 08/24/2006 0.00 27.74 130337 glarid Glacial Ridge, Inc. 08/24/2006 0.00 2,663.36 130338 HoesDoug DOUG HOESE 08/24/2006 0.00 267.10 130339 hokklaur Laurie A. Hokkanen 08/24/2006 0.00 336.70 130340 IMPPOR IMPERIAL PORTA PALACE 08/24/2006 0.00 3,869.87 130341 jenkjoel Joel Jenkins 08/24/2006 0.00 220.00 130342 JHLAR JH LARSON COMPANY 08/24/2006 0.00 44.33 130343 johsup JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 08/24/2006 0.00 4.59 130344 LANEQI Lano Equipment 08/24/2006 0.00 8.30 130345 locsup LOCATORS AND SUPPLIES INC 08/24/2006 0.00 149.15 130346 lunbro LUNDGRENBROSCONSTRUCTION 08/24/2006 0.00 3,000.00 130347 midasp MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION 08/24/2006 0.00 89.99 130348 MNCHIL MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR 08/24/2006 0.00 436.08 130349 mntrea MN STATE TREASURER 08/24/2006 0.00 6,474.79 130350 nahashel Shelley Nahan 08/24/2006 0.00 125.00 130351 NA TOFLOR FLORENCE NA TOLE 08/24/2006 0.00 25.00 130352 nawate NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC 08/24/2006 0.00 187.32 130353 Numsof Numara Software Inc 08/24/2006 0.00 272.24 130354 OLSCOM OLSEN COMPANIES 08/24/2006 0.00 16.35 130355 plebla PLEHAL BLACKTOPPING INC 08/24/2006 0.00 23,235.00 130356 Prelan Premier Landscape & Design, In 08/24/2006 0.00 250.00 130357 RIESFRED Riese Family Properties LLC 08/24/2006 0.00 613.92 130358 ROTCOM THE ROTTLUND COMPANY INC. 08/24/2006 0.00 22,782.39 130359 SaatDeni Denise Saatzer 08/24/2006 0.00 62.00 130360 sensys SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. 08/24/2006 0.00 51.65 130361 shewil SHERWIN WILLIAMS 08/24/2006 0.00 332.51 130362 SHORGEOR GEORGE & MARGARET SHORBA 08/24/2006 0.00 50.00 130363 SoluBarb Barb Solum 08/24/2006 0.00 12.00 130364 sousub SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN PUBLISHING 08/24/2006 0.00 2,122.28 130365 SPRPCS SPRINT PCS 08/24/2006 0.00 54.55 130366 spscom SPS COMPANIES INC 08/24/2006 0.00 161.74 130367 streic STREICHER'S 08/24/2006 0.00 46.80 130368 stutjohn John Stutzman 08/24/2006 0.00 67.64 130369 UNIREN UNITED RENTALS HIGHWAYS TECH 08/24/2006 0.00 925.60 130370 VanaJim Jim Van Asten 08/24/2006 0.00 207.00 130371 verizo VERIZON WIRELESS 08/24/2006 0.00 8.09 130372 voigjeff JEFF VOIGHT 08/24/2006 0.00 484.00 130373 wacfar W ACONIA FARM SUPPLY 08/24/2006 0.00 23.83 130374 watson WATSON COMPANY 08/24/2006 0.00 235.58 130375 wincom WINGFOOT COMMERCIAL TIRE 08/24/2006 0.00 166.01 130376 wwgra WW GRAINGER INC 08/24/2006 0.00 87.01 130377 XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 08/24/2006 0.00 36,887.26 Page 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Accounts Payable Printed: 09/15/2006 10:43 User: danielle Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number Summary Check Number Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Amount Check Amount 130378 AMEM AMEM 08/24/2006 0.00 125.00 130379 3dspe 3D SPECIALTIES 08/3l/2006 0.00 64.53 130380 alele A-I ELECTRIC SERVICE 08/3l/2006 0.00 2,614.91 130381 AaneKate KATE AANENSON 08/3l/2006 0.00 52.61 130382 aarp AARP 08/3l/2006 0.00 260.00 130383 aarp AARP 08/3l/2006 0.00 10.00 130384 achea AC & HEATING BY GEORGE 08/3l/2006 0.00 222.00 130385 aleair ALEX AIR APP ARA TUS INC 08/3l/2006 0.00 398.00 130386 aramar ARAMARK 08/3l/2006 0.00 234.71 130387 ASBENE ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 08/3l/2006 0.00 1,333.89 130388 ASDENT ASSURANT DENTAL EMPLOYEE BENEF 08/3l/2006 0.00 1,412.17 130389 aspmil ASPEN MILLS 08/3l/2006 0.00 83.97 130390 awdir A W DIRECT INC 08/3l/2006 0.00 26.00 130391 boerlind Linda Boerboom 08/3l/2006 0.00 82.50 130392 boliNanc Nancy Bolin 08/3l/2006 0.00 200.00 130393 bomos BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 08/3 l/2006 0.00 1,987.22 130394 braint BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 08/3l/2006 0.00 1,626.25 130395 brotir BROWN'S TIRE & AUTO 08/3l/2006 0.00 97.00 130396 bryroc BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC 08/31/2006 0.00 68.47 130397 buifas BUILDING FASTENERS 08/3l/2006 0.00 54.44 130398 carred CARVER COUNTY RED CROSS 08/31/2006 0.00 271.00 130399 catpar CATCO PARTS SERVICE 08/3l/2006 0.00 101.72 130400 chacha CHANHASSEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 08/3l/2006 0.00 60.00 130401 CHASKA CITY OF CHASKA 08/3l/2006 0.00 1,196.00 130402 cinwir CINGULAR WIRELESS 08/3l/2006 0.00 10.11 130403 corexp CORPORATE EXPRESS 08/3l/2006 0.00 33.57 130404 elesys ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE IN 08/3l/2006 0.00 96.04 130405 facmot FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 08/3l/2006 0.00 128.04 130406 fascom F ASTENAL COMPANY 08/3l/2006 0.00 44.83 130407 froplu FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE & RESCUE 08/3l/2006 0.00 840.00 130408 GagnNanc NANCY GAGNER 08/3l/2006 0.00 426.00 130409 hawche HAWKINS CHEMICAL 08/3l/2006 0.00 790.10 130410 ICMART ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST-457 08/3l/2006 0.00 935.00 130411 Inttel INTER-TEL TECHNOLOGIES INC 08/31/2006 0.00 1,311.23 130412 KakaVirg Virginia Kakacek 08/3l/2006 0.00 1,500.00 130413 Lanzbob BOB LANZI 08/3l/2006 0.00 264.00 130414 Lillstev Steve & Cammie Lillehaug 08/3l/2006 0.00 1,250.00 130415 L1ocon LLOYDS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 08/3l/2006 0.00 75.00 130416 LunBro LUNDGREN BROS CONSTRUCTION 08/3l/2006 0.00 1,250.00 130417 macequ MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 08/3l/2006 0.00 4,995.01 130418 midasp MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION 08/3l/2006 0.00 167.11 130419 MiIIMarg Margaret Miller 08/3l/2006 0.00 750.00 130420 mnheal MN DEPT OF HEALTH 08/3l/2006 0.00 11,150.50 130421 MNLIFE MINNESOTA LIFE 08/3l/2006 0.00 1,631.12 130422 moomed MOORE MEDICAL 08/3l/2006 0.00 118.68 130423 MSRS MSRS 08/3l/2006 0.00 1,759.87 130424 mtidis MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 08/3l/2006 0.00 121.45 130425 mvec MN V ALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 08/3l/2006 0.00 593.25 130426 napa NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 08/3l/2006 0.00 57.48 130427 NATRET NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 08/3l/2006 0.00 5,247.09 130428 nawate NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC 08/3l/2006 0.00 9,771.57 130429 NCPERS MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 08/3l/2006 0.00 32.00 130430 nfpa NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN 08/31/2006 0.00 70.50 130431 NorPum North Star Pump Service 08/3l/2006 0.00 3,420.00 130432 parame PARTY AMERICA 08/3l/2006 0.00 6.16 130433 POST POSTMASTER 08/3l/2006 0.00 1,078.50 130434 pralaw PRAIRIE LAWN & GARDEN 08/3l/2006 0.00 21.18 130435 prosta PRO STAFF 08/3l/2006 0.00 129.38 130436 reebus REED CONSTRUCTION DATA 08/3l/2006 0.00 195.04 130437 sackmarl Marlin Sackett 08/3l/2006 0.00 750.00 130438 Schurich Richard Schutrop 08/3l/2006 0.00 500.00 130439 seh SEH 08/3l/2006 0.00 40,250.75 Page 2 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Accounts Payable Printed: 09/15/2006 10:43 User: danielle Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number Summary Check Number Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Amount Check Amount 130440 SKYSPR SKYHA WKS SPORTS ACADEMY 08/31/2006 0.00 1,204.00 130441 SNA TOO SNAP-ON TOOLS 08/31/2006 0.00 88.18 130442 spounl Sports Unlimited 08/31/2006 0.00 1,350.00 130443 statri STAR TRIBUNE 08/31/2006 0.00 344.40 130444 STREET STREETER & ASSOCIATES 08/31/2006 0.00 1,250.00 130445 streic STREICHER'S 08/31/2006 0.00 16.93 130446 subche SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 08/31/2006 0.00 177.50 130447 target TARGET 08/31/2006 0.00 27.65 130448 TECGRA TECHNAGRAPHICS 08/31/2006 0.00 359.95 130449 TraMcd Transformations by McDevitt 08/31/2006 0.00 1,250.00 130450 twisee TWIN CITY SEED CO. 08/31/2006 0.00 665.63 130451 ultrnar ULTIMATE MARTIAL ARTS INC. 08/31/2006 0.00 244.80 130452 unimin UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 08/31/2006 0.00 75.00 130453 UNIW A Y UNITED WAY 08/31/2006 0.00 45.00 130454 USBKCO US BANK CORP TRUST SERVICES 08/31/2006 0.00 402.50 130455 valric VALLEY-RICH CO INC 08/31/2006 0.00 21,568.71 130456 verizo VERIZON WIRELESS 08/31/2006 0.00 10.10 130457 vikele VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 08/31/2006 0.00 60.71 130458 W ASMA2 WASTE MANAGEMENT-TC WEST 08/31/2006 0.00 1,469.57 130459 waytek W A YTEK INC 08/31/2006 0.00 180.59 130460 WiTTon Wireless Ronin 08/31/2006 0.00 200.00 130461 wsdar WS DARLEY & CO. 08/31/2006 0.00 322.90 130462 xcel XCEL ENERGY INC 08/31/2006 0.00 18,402.82 130463 POST POSTMASTER 09/06/2006 0.00 143.55 130464 aleair ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC 09/07/2006 0.00 1,197.81 130465 aleall ALERT ALL CORPORATION 09/07/2006 0.00 2,695.00 130466 ameinn AMERICINN MOTEL & SUITES 09/07/2006 0.00 19.50 130467 aramar ARAMARK 09/07/2006 0.00 147.62 130468 aspmil ASPEN MILLS 09/07/2006 0.00 89.01 130469 ATTAZ AT&T CONSUMER LEASE SERVICES 09/07/2006 0.00 14.22 130470 boytru Boyer Truck Parts 09/07/2006 0.00 67.39 130471 CARSWC CARVER SWCD 09/07/2006 0.00 770.00 130472 catpar CATCO PARTS SERVICE 09/07/2006 0.00 7.19 130473 Centel CENTURY TEL 09/07/2006 0.00 2,357.22 130474 chitom CHILDREN OF TOMORROW 09/07/2006 0.00 200.00 130475 DarnFar DAMON FARBER ASSOCIATES 09/07/2006 0.00 2,066.25 130476 earand EARL F ANDERSEN INC 09/07/2006 0.00 1,253.94 130477 EdmaCarm Carmen Edman 09/07/2006 0.00 88.00 130478 facmot FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 09/07/2006 0.00 118.43 130479 FENCCO FENC-CO INC 09/07/2006 0.00 13,488.00 130480 forame FORCE AMERICA INC 09/07/2006 0.00 42.75 130481 Gerhtodd TODD GERHARDT 09/07/2006 0.00 575.00 130482 glspo GL Sports 09/07/2006 0.00 108.28 130483 gmhasp GMH ASPHALT CORP 09/07/2006 0.00 4,286.35 130484 Hall Kay KAY HALLA 09/07/2006 0.00 20.00 130485 hawche HAWKINS CHEMICAL 09/07/2006 0.00 3,224.79 130486 kaedin KAEDING AND ASSOCIATES INC 09/07/2006 0.00 635.00 130487 katiralp RALPH KA TIEB 09/07/2006 0.00 60.00 130488 LarsDale DALE LARSEN 09/07/2006 0.00 55.15 130489 locsup LOCATORS AND SUPPLIES INC 09/07/2006 0.00 85.75 130490 luthop LUTHER HOPKINS TOWN & COUNTRY 09/07/2006 0.00 183.26 130491 LymLum LYMAN LUMBER 09/07/2006 0.00 807.86 130492 mcwd MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DIST 09/07/2006 0.00 10.00 130493 metfor METROPOLITAN FORD 09/07/2006 0.00 7.55 130494 MetFur Metro Furniture Solutions 09/07/2006 0.00 165.71 130495 MINLAN MINNESOTA LANDSCAPE ARBORETUM 09/07/2006 0.00 540.57 130496 mnchil MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR 09/07/2006 0.00 436.08 130497 MNLABO MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 09/07/2006 0.00 20.00 130498 MRPA MN RECREATION & PARK ASSOC. 09/07/2006 0.00 175.00 130499 nepcor NEP CORPORATION 09/07/2006 0.00 256.00 130500 nextel NEXTEL 09/07/2006 0.00 2,564.17 130501 OkonKari Karl O'Konek 09/07/2006 0.00 27.00 Page 3 CITY OF CHANHASSEN User: danielle Check Number 130502 130503 130504 130505 130506 130507 130508 130509 130510 130511 130512 130513 130514 130515 130516 130517 130518 130519 130520 130521 130522 130523 130524 130525 130526 130527 130528 130529 130530 130531 130532 130533 130534 130535 130536 130537 130538 130539 130540 130541 130542 130543 130544 130545 130546 130547 130548 130549 130550 130551 130552 130553 130554 130555 130556 130557 130558 130559 130560 130561 130562 130563 Vendor No peoele rbmser reebus Riesfred robell signsu stpsta streic swahom tecgra timlan twicit USBKCO VOLFIR W ASMA2 zarbru al ele AGGRIN Andercar appins aramar bolmen borsta brapum brotir camknu cantin CarlGary cenene CHAREL chavet chavil citslp corexp cubfoo danka DOLLIF FarrTom fascom fracov fshcom Galarick galls Gerhtodd grnhasp gopsig gopsta hantho hawche hlbtau ICMART INDSCH kimhor madjoh merace metco metero metroc MNLABO MRPA MSRS mvec Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number Printed: 09/15/2006 10:43 Summary Vendor Name Check Date PEOPLES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 09/07/2006 RBM SERVICES INC 09/07/2006 REED CONSTRUCTION DATA 09/07/2006 Riese Family Properties LLC 09/07/2006 Rob Ellos Presentations 09/07/2006 SIGNS N'SUCH 09/07/2006 ST PAUL STAMP WORKS 09/07/2006 STREICHER'S 09/07/2006 SWANSON HOMES 09/07/2006 TECHNAGRAPHICS 09/07/2006 TIMBERWALL LANDSCAPING INC. 09/07/2006 TWIN CITY WATER CLINIC INC 09/07/2006 US BANK CORP TRUST SERVICES 09/07/2006 ASSOC OF MINN VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS Hl9N)7/2006 WASTE MANAGEMENT-TC WEST 09/07/2006 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 09/07/2006 A-I ELECTRIC SERVICE 09/14/2006 AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES 09/14/2006 Carol Anderson 09/14/2006 Appletree Institute 09/14/2006 ARAMARK 09/14/2006 BOLTON & MENK INC 09/14/2006 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 09/14/2006 BRAUN PUMP & CONTROLS 09/14/2006 BROWN'S TIRE & AUTO 09/14/2006 CAMPBELL KNUTSON SCOTT & FUCHS 09/14/2006 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 09/14/2006 GARY CARLSON 09/14/2006 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 09/14/2006 CHANHASSEN FIRE RELIEF ASSN 09/14/2006 CHANHASSEN VETERINARY 09/14/2006 CHANHASSEN VILLAGER 09/14/2006 City ofSt. Louis Park 09/14/2006 CORPORATE EXPRESS 09/14/2006 CUB FOODS 09/14/2006 DANKA OFFICE IMAGING COMPANY 09/14/2006 DOLLIFF INC. INSURANCE 09/14/2006 Tom Farrell 09/14/2006 FASTENAL COMPANY 09/14/2006 Franklin Covey 09/14/2006 FSH COMMUNICATIONS LLC 09/14/2006 RICK GALARNEAU 09/14/2006 GALLS INC 09/14/2006 TODD GERHARDT 09/14/2006 GMH ASPHALT CORP 09/14/2006 GOPHER SIGN COMPANY 09/14/2006 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 09/14/2006 HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 09/14/2006 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 09/14/2006 HLB TAUTGES REDPATH LID 09/14/2006 ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST-457 09/14/2006 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST 112 09/14/2006 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 09/14/2006 MADSEN-JOHNSON CORPORATION 09/14/2006 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 09/14/2006 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 09/14/2006 METRO EROSION INC 09/14/2006 METROCALL 09/14/2006 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY VOID 09/14/2006 MN RECREATION & PARK ASSOC. 09/14/2006 MSRS 09/14/2006 MN V ALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 09/14/2006 Void Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,707.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 Check Amount 1,264.10 5,918.88 195.04 1,091.56 100.00 449.00 32.38 1,103.71 500.00 732.72 156.54 315.00 215.63 361.00 1,214.43 310.98 286.32 225.66 18.00 39,608.50 323.34 24,940.57 408.74 2,847.63 87.00 12,393.43 753.88 5,000.00 1,557.88 140.00 1,076.37 108.00 50.00 575.91 224.40 761.46 1,220.00 352.00 94.88 76.92 117.16 836.00 55.35 345.70 175,147.13 602.11 900.90 14,386.88 40.00 108.00 935.00 9,819.62 77,093.40 1,478,082.12 2,889.28 7,672.50 725.40 64.15 0.00 175.00 1,765.77 3,262.34 Page 4 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Accounts Payable Printed: 09/15/2006 10:43 User: danielle Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number Summary Check Number Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Amount Check Amount 130564 NATRET NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 09/14/2006 0.00 5,297.09 130565 offinax OFFICE MAX 09/14/2006 0.00 81.40 130566 oreaut O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 09/14/2006 0.00 471.53 130567 ourdes OUR DESIGNS INC 09/14/2006 0.00 135.85 130568 palwes P ALMER WEST CONSTRUCTION 09/14/2006 0.00 571.25 130569 peoele PEOPLES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 09/14/2006 0.00 172.96 130570 pummet PUMP AND METER SERVICES INC 09/14/2006 0.00 89.82 130571 qwest QWEST 09/14/2006 0.00 166.37 130572 reagem REAL GEM 09/14/2006 0.00 108.02 130573 ricoh RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS 09/14/2006 0.00 537.34 130574 ridmed RIDGEVIEW MEDICAL CENTER 09/14/2006 0.00 824.00 130575 schson SCHARBER & SONS INC 09/14/2006 0.00 8.63 130576 sensys SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. 09/14/2006 0.00 180.00 130577 shotru SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE 09/14/2006 0.00 38.93 130578 signso SIGNSOURCE 09/14/2006 0.00 42.60 130579 smhen SM HENTGES & SONS 09/14/2006 0.00 1,429,460.86 130580 sousub SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN PUBLISHING 09/14/2006 0.00 3,676.49 130581 spscom SPS COMPANIES INC 09/14/2006 0.00 145.30 130582 subche SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 09/14/2006 0.00 17.63 130583 totent TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTION 09/14/2006 0.00 100.00 130584 UNIW A Y UNITED WAY 09/14/2006 0.00 45.00 130585 verizo VERIZON WIRELESS 09/14/2006 0.00 27.91 130586 vol fir ASSOC OF MINN VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS BEN4/2006 0.00 44.00 130587 walsal Waltam Sales Company 09/14/2006 0.00 100.00 130588 wsdar WS DARLEY & CO. 09/14/2006 0.00 66.92 130589 xcel XCEL ENERGY INC 09/14/2006 0.00 6,349.22 130590 zepman ZEP MANUF ACTURlNG COMPANY 09/14/2006 0.00 172.29 130591 MNLABO MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 09/14/2006 0.00 3,427.64 130592 MNLABO MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 09/14/2006 0.00 280.00 Report Total: 3,725.64 3,661,639.13 Page 5 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle 3D SPECIAL TIES 3dspe 3D SPECIALTIES Ck. 130379 08/31/06 InY.422229 Line Item Date 08/21/06 Iny. 422229 Total Ck. 130379 Total 3dspe 3D SPECIAL TIES Line Item Description Raincoat 3D SPECIALTIES A-I ELECTRIC SERVICE alele A-I ELECTRIC SERVICE Ck. 130380 08/31/06 Iny. 12219 Line Item Date 07/31/06 Iny. 12219 Total Iny. 12285 Line Item Date 07/31/06 Iny. 12285 Total Ck. 130380 Total Ck. 130518 Iny. 12337 Line Item Date 08/31/06 Iny. 12337 Total Ck. 130518 Total alele A-I ELECTRIC SERVICE Line Item Description Install conduits, control pane Line Item Description install new meter socket 09/14/06 Line Item Description Install light fixture L S # 15 A-I ELECTRIC SERVICE AANENSON, KATE AaneKate AANENSON, KATE Ck. 130381 08/31/06 Iny. aug06 Line Item Date 08/23/06 Iny. aug06 Total Ck. 130381 Total AaneKate AANENSON,KATE Line Item Description Mileage and parking for meetin AANENSON, KATE Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 101-1550-4120 64.53 64.53 64.53 64.53 64.53 Line Item Account 701-7015-4300 1,313.90 1,313.90 Line Item Account 701-7015-4300 1,301.01 1,301.01 2,614.91 Line Item Account 701-7015-4551 286.32 286.32 286.32 2,901.23 2,901.23 Line Item Account 101-1420-4370 52.61 52.61 52.61 52.61 52.61 Page 1 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle AARP aarp AARP Ck. 130382 08/31/06 Inv. 6063.107 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/21/06 Defensive driving Inv. 6063.107 Total Ck. 130382 Total Ck. 130383 08/31/06 Inv. 6063.107 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/21/06 Defensive driving Inv.6063.107 Total Ck. 130383 Total aarp AARP AARP Abfalter, Angie AbfaAngi Abfalter, Angie Ck. 130316 08/24/06 Inv.2000561.002 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/16/06 Refund summer dance camp Inv.2000561.002 Total Ck. 130316 Total AbfaAngi Abfalter, Angie Abfalter, Angie AC & HEATING BY GEORGE achea AC & HEATING BY GEORGE Ck. 130384 08/31/06 Inv. 10566 Line Item Date Line Item Description 07/12/06 Check for leaks Inv. 10566 Total Ck. 130384 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/1 5/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 101-1560-4300 260.00 260.00 260.00 Line Item Account 101-1560-4300 10.00 10.00 10.00 270.00 270.00 Line Item Account 101-1534-3636 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 Line Item Account 700-0000-4510 222.00 222.00 222.00 222.00 achea AC & HEATING BY GEORGE 222.00 AC & HEATING BY GEORGE ACTA MINNESOTA-JEFF ENGEL ACTMIN ACTA MINNESOTA-JEFF ENGEL Ck. 130317 08/24/06 Inv. 81806 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/18/06 Tae Kwan Do Inv. 81806 Total Line Item Account 101-1731-3636 1,320.00 1,320.00 Page 2 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Iny. 81906a Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/12/06 Tae Kwon do Iny. 81906a Total Line Item Account 101-1731-3636 950.00 950.00 Ck. 130317 Total 2,270.00 actmin ACTA MINNESOTA-JEFF ENGEL 2,270.00 ACTA MINNESOTA-JEFF ENGEL 2,270.00 AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES AGGRIN AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES Ck. 130519 09/14/06 InY.4166299 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/01/06 handcurb InY.4166299 Total Line Item Account 700-0000-4150 225.66 225.66 Ck. 130519 Total 225.66 AGGRIN AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES 225.66 AGGREGATE INDUSTRIES 225.66 ALERT ALL CORPORATION aleall ALERT ALL CORPORATION Ck. 130465 09/07/06 InY.6081076 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/01/06 Fire Prevention Week Supplies Iny. 6081076 Total Line Item Account 101-1220-4375 2,695.00 2,695.00 Ck. 130465 Total 2,695.00 aleall ALERT ALL CORPORATION 2,695.00 ALERT ALL CORPORATION 2,695.00 ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC aleair ALEX AIR APP ARA TUS INC Ck. 130385 08/31/06 Iny. 11065 Line Item Date 08/10/06 Iny. 11065 Total Line Item Description Sentinel exchange Line Item Account 101-1220-4530 398.00 398.00 Ck. 130385 Total 398.00 Ck. 130464 Iny. 11128 Line Item Date 08/28/06 Iny. 11128 Total 09/07/06 Line Item Description Masks, shoulder harness Line Item Account 101-1220-4530 1,197.81 1,197.81 Ck. 130464 Total 1,197.81 Page 3 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 aleair ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC Amount 1,595.81 ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC 1,595.81 ALL STEEL PRODUCTS allste ALL STEEL PRODUCTS Ck. 130319 08/24/06 Inv.5198 Line Item Date 08/02/06 Inv. 5198 Total Line Item Description 7500 Chanhassen Rd repairs Line Item Account 720-0000-4150 513.86 513.86 Ck. 130319 Total 513.86 allste ALL STEEL PRODUCTS 513.86 ALL STEEL PRODUCTS 513.86 ALLIED BLACKTOP allbla ALLIED BLACKTOP Ck. 130318 08/24/06 Inv.2 Line Item Date 08/15/06 Inv. 2 Total Line Item Description 2006 seal coat project Line Item Account 420-4202-4751 16,155.75 16,155.75 Ck. 130318 Total 16,155.75 allbla ALLIED BLACKTOP 16,155.75 ALLIED BLACKTOP 16,155.75 AMEM AMEM AMEM Ck. 130378 Inv.082406 Line Item Date 08/24/06 Inv. 082406 Total 08/24/06 Line Item Description AMEM Fall Training Confemece Line Item Account 101-1220-4370 125.00 125.00 Ck. 130378 Total 125.00 AMEM AMEM 125.00 AM EM 125.00 AMERlCINN MOTEL & SUITES ameinn AMERlCINN MOTEL & SUITES Ck. 130466 09/07/06 Inv. 1695555 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/31/06 Senior pool use Inv. 1695555 Total Line Item Account 101-1560-4300 19.50 19.50 Ck. 130466 Total 19.50 ameinn AMERlCINN MOTEL & SUITES 19.50 Page 4 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle AMERICINN MOTEL & SUITES Anderson, Carol Andercar Anderson, Carol Ck. 130520 09/14/06 Iny. 2000563.002 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/17/06 Refund safety camp Iny. 2000563.002 Total Ck. 130520 Total Andercar Anderson, Carol Appletree Institute appins Appletree Institute Ck. 130521 09/14/06 Iny. 100106 Line Item Date 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 Iny. 100106 Total Ck. 130521 Total appins Appletree Institute Anderson, Carol Line Item Descriotion Health Insurance - October Health Insurance - October Health Insurance - October Health Insurance - October Health Insurance - October Health Insurance - October Health Insurance - October Health Insurance - October Health Insurance - October Health Insurance - October Health Insurance - October Health Insurance - October Health Insurance - October Health Insurance - October Appletree Institute ARAMARK aramar ARAMARK Account: Ck. 130386 08/31/06 InY.61600947-1 Line Item Date 08/16/06 InY.61600947-1 Ck. 130386 Total 101-1170-4110 Line Item Descriotion Shirts Total Ck. 130467 09/07/06 InY.6013-S02867 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 07/14/06 coffee supplies InY.6013-S02867 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 19.50 Line Item Account 101-1210-3629 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 Line Item Account 101-0000-2012 701-0000-2012 720-0000-2012 700-0000-2012 701-0000-2012 700-0000-2012 720-0000-2012 211-0000-2012 700-0000-2012 701-0000-2012 210-0000-2012 10 1-0000-20 12 10 1-0000-20 12 10 1-0000-20 12 (1,828.00) 17.14 186.50 335.81 335.81 474.14 597.00 746.00 1,286.85 1,286.85 1,313.88 5,596.88 11,413.80 17,845.84 39,608.50 39,608.50 39,608.50 39,608.50 Line Item Account 101-1250-4240 234.71 234.71 234.71 Line Item Account 101-1170-4110 147.62 147.62 Page 5 ASSURANT DENTAL EMPLOYEE BENEF ASDENT ASSURANT DENTAL EMPLOYEE BENEF Ck. 130388 08/31/06 Inv. 081906 Line Item Date 08/21/06 08/21/06 08/21/06 08/21/06 Inv.081906 Total CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Ck. 130467 Total Ck. 130522 Inv. 603650 Line Item Date 09/08/06 Inv. 603650 Total Ck. 130522 Total aramar ARAMARK ASPEN MILLS aspmiI ASPEN MILLS Ck. 130389 08/31/06 Inv. 68957 Line Item Date 08/25/06 Inv. 68957 Total Ck. 130389 Total Ck. 130468 Inv.69109 Line Item Date 08/31/06 Inv.69109 Total Ck. 130468 Total aspmil ASPEN MILLS Ck. 130388 Total ASDENT Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 147.62 09/14/06 Line Item Descriotion coffee supplies Line Item Account 101-1170-4110 323.34 323.34 323.34 ARAMARK 705.67 705.67 Line Item Descriotion Coverall, patches Line Item Account 101-1220-4240 83.97 83.97 83.97 09/07/06 Line Item Descriotion Firefighter pants, shirts Line Item Account 101-1220-4240 89.01 89.01 89.01 ASPEN MILLS 172.98 172.98 Line Item Descriotion September dental premiums September dental premiums September dental premiums September dental premiums Line Item Account 720-0000-2013 701-0000-2013 700-0000-2021 101-0000-2013 36.67 102.35 139.02 1,134.13 1,412.17 1,412.17 ASSURANT DENTAL EMPLOYEE BENEF 1,412.17 ASSURANT DENTAL EMPLOYEE BENEF 1,412.17 ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ASBENE ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Ck. 130387 08/31/06 Inv. sept06 Line Item Date 08/30/06 Line Item Descriotion September L TD premiums Line Item Account 101-1430-4040 5.15 Page 6 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 08/30/06 Inv. sept06 Total Ck. 130387 Total AS BENE September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums September L TD premiums Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 101-1700-4040 211-2310-4040 211-2360-4040 101-1530-4040 101-1170-4040 101-1210-4040 210-0000-4040 101-1600-4040 101-1520-4040 101-1160-4040 720-0000-4040 101-1220-4040 101-1130-4040 101-13 70-4040 701-0000-4040 101-1420-4040 700-0000-4040 101-1310-4040 101-1120-4040 101-1550-4040 101-1320-4040 10 1-1250-4040 Amount 6.88 8.42 8.42 14.08 16.14 19.12 23.60 27.52 29.01 40.44 41.20 43.44 57.87 60.98 81.52 91.96 97.87 101.15 128.01 137.57 141.98 151.56 1,333.89 1,333.89 1,333.89 ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,333.89 AT &T CONSUMER LEASE SERVICES ATTAZ AT&T CONSUMER LEASE SERVICES Ck. 130469 09/07/06 Inv.082806 Line Item Date 08/28/06 08/28/06 Inv. 082806 Total Ck. 130469 Total ATTAZ Line Item Description Telephone charges Telephone charges Line Item Account 701-0000-4310 700-0000-4310 7.11 7.11 14.22 14.22 14.22 AT&T CONSUMER LEASE SERVICES AT&T CONSUMER LEASE SERVICES 14.22 AWDIRECTINC awdir A W DIRECT INC Ck. 130390 08/31/06 Inv. 1813734-01 Line Item Date 08/04/06 Inv.1813734-01 Ck. 130390 Total awdir AWDIRECTINC Line Item Description Input wire, connector Total AW DIRECT INC Line Item Account 701-0000-4520 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 Page 7 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Baklund, Tara BaklTara Baklund, Tara Ck. 130321 08/24/06 Inv. 2000536.002 Line Item Date Line Item Description 07/24/06 Refund picnic credit 07/24/06 Refund picnic credit 07/24/06 Refund picnic credit Inv. 2000536.002 Total Ck. 130321 Total BaklTara Baklund, Tara Baklund, Tara BENEFIT EXTRAS INC benext BENEFIT EXTRAS INC Ck. 130322 08/24/06 Inv. 19502 Line Item Date 08/16/06 Inv. 19502 Total Line Item Description Cobra admin fee Ck. 130322 Total benext BENEFIT EXTRAS INC BENEFIT EXTRAS INC BILL, SUSAN BILLSUSA BILL, SUSAN Ck. 130323 08/24/06 Inv. 082306 Line Item Date 08/23/06 08/23/06 Inv. 082306 Total Line Item Description Sr. Center supply reimburse Aging Seminar Travel Reimburse Ck. 130323 Total BILLSUSA BILL, SUSAN BILL, SUSAN Boerboom, Linda boerlind Boerboom, Linda Ck. 130391 08/31/06 Inv. 2000573.002 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/25/06 refund picnic charges 08/25/06 refund picnic charges Inv. 2000573.002 Total Ck. 130391 Total boerlind Boerboom, Linda Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 101-0000-2001 101-1541-3634 101-1541-3634 5.41 10.00 74.59 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 Line Item Account 101-0000-2012 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 Line Item Account 101-1560-4130 101-1560-4370 21.02 79.00 100.02 100.02 100.02 100.02 Line Item Account 101-0000-2021 101-1541-3634 4.96 77.54 82.50 82.50 82.50 Page 8 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Boerboom, Linda Bolin, Nancy boliNanc Bolin, Nancy Ck. 130392 08/31/06 Inv. 4203 Line Item Date 08/22/06 Inv. 4203 Total Ck. 130392 Total boliNanc Bolin, Nancy Line Item Description Return picnic deposit Bolin, Nancy BOLTON & MENK INC bolmen BOLTON & MENK INC Ck. 130324 08/24/06 Inv. 97026 Line Item Date 08/14/06 Inv. 97026 Total Ck. 130324 Total Ck. 130325 Inv. 82213 Line Item Date 12/16/04 Inv. 82213 Total Ck. 130325 Total Ck. 130523 Inv.97018 Line Item Date 08/14/06 Inv.97018 Total Ck. 130523 Total bolmen BOLTON & MENK INC Line Item Description Chan Wells #10 & #11 improveme 08/24/06 Line Item Description Survey 222 W 78th St 09/14/06 Line Item Description 2006 Street improvements BOLTON & MENK INC BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK bonros BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK Ck. 130393 08/31/06 Inv. 134198 Line Item Date 08/22/06 08/22/06 Inv. 134198 Total Ck. 130393 Total Line Item Description Longacres pond outlet and Lyma Longacres pond outlet and Lyma Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 82.50 Line Item Account 10 1-0000-2026 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 Line Item Account 700-7014-4752 3,528.62 3,528.62 3,528.62 Line Item Account 101-1110-4300 590.00 590.00 590.00 Line Item Account 601-6013-4752 24,940.57 24,940.57 24,940.57 29,059.19 29,059.19 Line Item Account 701-0000-4300 720-0000-4300 300.00 1,687.22 1,987.22 1,987.22 Page 9 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 1,987.22 bonros BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 1,987.22 BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY borsta BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Ck. 130524 09/14/06 Inv.95582706 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/31/06 light bulbs Inv. 95582706 Total Inv. 95590675 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/05/06 Receptacle Inv.95590675 Tot~ Inv.95592829 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/05/06 Firesh S0L300V Inv. 95592829 Total Ck. 130524 Total Line Item Account 101-1170-4510 202.67 202.67 Line Item Account 101-1170-4510 2.13 2.13 Line Item Account 101-1170-4510 203.94 203.94 408.74 408.74 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 408.74 borsta BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Boyer Truck Parts boytru Boyer Truck Parts Ck. 130326 08/24/06 Inv. 874286xl Line Item Date Line Item Description 06/02/06 brake chamber Inv. 874286xl Total Ck. 130326 Total Ck. 130470 09/07/06 Inv.096527 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/30/06 seal Inv. 096527 Total Inv.905479 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/28/06 belt Inv.905479 Total Ck. 130470 Total boytru Boyer Truck Parts Boyer Truck Parts Line Item Account 10 1-1220-4140 266.45 266.45 266.45 Line Item Account 101-1320-4140 4.86 4.86 Line Item Account 101-1320-4140 62.53 62.53 67.39 333.84 333.84 Page 10 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detai] Report - Detai] Printed: 09/15/06 ]0:41 Amount BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION braint BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION Ck. 130394 08/3 J/06 Inv.266479 Line Item Date 08/2 J/06 Inv. 266479 Tota] Line Item Description East water treatment plant Line Item Account 700-7014-4300 1,626.25 1,626.25 Ck. 130394 Tota] ] ,626.25 braint BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 1,626.25 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 1,626.25 BRAUN PUMP & CONTROLS brapum BRAUN PUMP & CONTROLS Ck. 130525 09/]4/06 Inv. 9509 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/07/06 Volute Inv. 9509 Tota] Line Item Account 701-0000-4551 2,847.63 2,847.63 Ck. 130525 Tota] 2,847.63 brapum BRAUN PUMP & CONTROLS 2,847.63 BRAUN PUMP & CONTROLS 2,847.63 BROWN'S TIRE & AUTO brotir BROWN'S TIRE & AUTO Ck. 130395 08/3 J/06 Inv. ju]y06 Line Item Date 08/0J/06 08/0J/06 08/0J/06 Inv. ju]y06 Tota] Line Item Description propane car washes towing Line Item Account ]01-1320-4120 101-1250-4520 420-4202-4300 16.00 21.00 60.00 97.00 Ck. ]30395 Tota] 97.00 Ck. 130526 Inv. 81406 Line Item Date 08/31/06 08/3 ] /06 Inv. 81406 Total 09/14/06 Line Item Description car wash Propane Line Item Account ]0]-1250-4520 ] 01-1] 70-4140 7.00 80.00 87.00 Ck. 130526 Total 87.00 brotir BROWN'S TIRE & AUTO 184.00 BROWN'S TIRE & AUTO 184.00 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC bryroc BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC Ck. 130396 08/3 J/06 Inv. 22455 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/0 J/06 J/2 inch screenclean Line Item Account 101-1320-4540 68.47 Page 11 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Iny. 22455 Total Amount 68.47 Ck. 130396 Total 68.47 bryroc BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC 68.47 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC 68.47 BUILDING FASTENERS buifas BUILDING FASTENERS Ck. 130397 08/31/06 InY.716968 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/16/06 bolts InY.716968 Total Line Item Account 101-1550-4120 54.44 54.44 Ck. 130397 Total 54.44 buifas BUILDING FASTENERS 54.44 BUILDING FASTENERS 54.44 CAMPBELL KNUTSON SCOTT & FUCHS camknu CAMPBELL KNUTSON SCOTT & FUCHS Ck. 130527 09/14/06 InY.083106 Line Item Date 08/31/06 Iny. 083106 Total Line Item Description Legal expenses Line Item Account 101-1140-4302 12,393.43 12,393.43 Ck. 130527 Total 12,393.43 camknu CAMPBELL KNUTSON SCOTT & FUCHS 12,393.43 CAMPBELL KNUTSON SCOTT & FUCHS 12,393.43 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC cantin CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC Ck. 130528 09/14/06 Iny. 6410990 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/01/06 Copier Iny. 6410990 Total Line Item Account 101-1120-4410 753.88 753.88 Ck. 130528 Total 753.88 cantin CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 753.88 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 753.88 CARLSON, GARY CarlGary CARLSON, GARY Ck. 130529 09/14/06 InY.091106 Line Item Date 09/13/06 Iny. 091106 Total Line Item Description Release of security escrow Line Item Account 815-8221-2024 5,000.00 5,000.00 Page 12 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Ck. 130529 Total CarlGary CARLSON, GARY CARLSON, GARY CARVER COUNTY RED CROSS carred CARVER COUNTY RED CROSS Ck. 130398 08/31/06 Inv.429868 Line Item Date 08/14/06 Inv. 429868 Total Ck. 130398 Total carred Line Item Description Babysitting clinic Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Am!!!!!!! 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Line Item Account 101-1731-3636 271.00 271.00 271.00 271.00 CARVER COUNTY RED CROSS CARVER COUNTY RED CROSS 271.00 CARVER SWCD CARSWC CARVER SWCD Ck. 130471 09/07/06 Inv. 1135 Line Item Date 08/29/06 Inv. 1135 Total Inv. 1136 Line Item Date 08/29/06 Inv. 1136 Total Inv. 1137 Line Item Date 08/29/06 Inv. 1137 Total Inv. 1138 Line Item Date 08/29/06 Inv. 1138 Total Inv. 1139 Line Item Date 08/29/06 Inv. 1139 Total Inv. 1140 Line Item Date 08/29/06 Inv. 1140 Total Inv.1141 Line Item Date 08/29/06 Inv. 1141 Total Line Item Description Bluff Creek Blvd Line Item Description East Water Treatment Plant Line Item Description Hidden Creek Meadows Line Item Description Liberty at Creekside Line Item Description Liberty on Bluff Creek Line Item Description Minnetonka Middle School West Line Item Description Stonefield Line Item Account 600-6014-4300 165.00 165.00 Line Item Account 700-7014-4300 55.00 55.00 Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 82.50 82.50 Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 27.50 27.50 Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 165.00 165.00 Line Item Account 720-0000-4300 110.00 110.00 Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 27.50 27.50 Page 13 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Inv. 1142 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/29/06 The Preserve Inv. 1142 Total Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 82.50 82.50 Inv. 1143 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/29/06 West Business Park Inv. 1143 Total Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 55.00 55.00 Ck. 130471 Total 770.00 CARSWC CARVER SWCD 770.00 CARVER SWCD 770.00 CATCOPARTSSERVICE catpar CATCO PARTS SERVICE Ck. 130399 08/31/06 Inv.3-11220 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/23/06 fittings Inv. 3-11220 Tot~ Line Item Account 101-1320-4140 10\.72 10\.72 Ck. 130399 Total 10\.72 Ck. 130472 09/07/06 Inv. 3-11799 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/30/06 hose assembly Inv. 3-11799 Total Line Item Account 101-1320-4140 7.19 7.19 Ck. 130472 Total 7.19 catpar CATCOPARTSSERVICE 108.91 CATCO PARTS SERVICE 108.91 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO cenene CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO Ck. 130530 09/14/06 Inv.082406 Line Item Date 08/24/06 08/24/06 08/24/06 08/24/06 Inv. 082406 Total Line Item Description Gas charges Gas charges Gas charges Gas charges Line Item Account 700-0000-4320 101-1550-4320 101-1170-4320 10 1-1190-4320 10.33 16.31 155.66 1,375.58 1,557.88 Ck. 130530 Total 1,557.88 cenene CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 1,557.88 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 1,557.88 Page 14 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle CENTURY TEL Centel CENTURY TEL Ck. 130473 09/07/06 Iny. Aug06 Line Item Date 09101/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 Iny. Aug06 Total Ck. 130473 Total Centel CENTURY TEL Line Item Descriotion Telephone charges Telephone charges Telephone charges Telephone charges Telephone charges Telephone charges Telephone charges Telephone charges Telephone charges Telephone charges CENTURY TEL Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 101-1350-4310 101-1550-4310 101-1220-4310 101-1370-4310 101-1540-4310 101-1190-4310 700-0000-4310 701-0000-4310 101-1530-4310 101-1170-4310 41.58 44.88 92.76 107.71 134.64 159.91 204.73 204.74 243.68 1,122.59 2,357.22 2,357.22 2,357.22 2,357.22 CHANHASSEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE chacha CHANHASSEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Ck. 130400 08/31/06 InY.81506 Line Item Date 08/17/06 Iny. 81506 Total Ck. 130400 Total chacha Line Item Descriotion August luncheon Line Item Account 101-1110-4370 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 CHANHASSEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHANHASSEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 60.00 CHANHASSEN FIRE RELIEF ASSN CHAREL CHANHASSEN FIRE RELIEF ASSN Ck. 130531 09/14/06 InY.090706 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 09/07/06 Reimbursement for food Iny. 090706 Total Ck. 130531 Total CHAREL Line Item Account 101-1220-4370 140.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 CHANHASSEN FIRE RELIEF ASSN CHANHASSEN FIRE RELIEF ASSN 140.00 CHANHASSEN VETERINARY chayet CHANHASSEN VETERINARY Ck. 130532 09/14/06 Iny. 67952 Line Item Date 08/15/06 Iny. 67952 Total Line Item Descriotion August charges Line Item Account 101-1260-4300 1,076.37 1,076.37 Page 15 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Ck. 130532 Total Amount 1,076.37 chavet CHANHASSEN VETERINARY 1,076.37 CHANHASSEN VETERINARY 1,076.37 CHANHASSEN VILLAGER chavil CHANHASSEN VILLAGER Ck. 130533 09/14/06 Inv.091306 Line Item Date 09/1 3/06 09/13/06 09/13/06 Inv.091306 Total Line Item Description Subscription Subscription Subscription Line Item Account 101-1250-4210 101-1120-4210 101-1320-4360 27.00 27.00 27.00 81.00 Inv.2518 Line Item Date 09/07/06 Inv.2518 Total Line Item Description Subscription Line Item Account 101-1520-4360 27.00 27.00 Ck. 130533 Total 108.00 chavil CHANHASSEN VILLAGER 108.00 CHANHASSEN VILLAGER 108.00 CHILDREN OF TOMORROW chitom CHILDREN OF TOMORROW Ck. 130474 09/07/06 Inv. 4203 Line Item Date 09/01/06 Inv. 4203 Total Line Item Description Picnic Deposit return Line Item Account 101-0000-2026 200.00 200.00 Ck. 130474 Total 200.00 chitom CHILDREN OF TOMORROW 200.00 CHILDREN OF TOMORROW 200.00 Choice, Inc. choice Choice, Inc. Account: 101-1220-4350 Ck. 130328 08/24/06 Inv. IOjul-4aug Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/08/06 Fire station cleaning Inv. IOjul-4aug Total Line Item Account 101-1220-4350 195.50 195.50 Ck. 130328 Total 195.50 choice Choice, Inc. 195.50 Choice, Inc. 195.50 Page 16 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle CINGULAR WIRELESS cinwir CINGULAR WIRELESS Ck. 130402 08/31/06 Inv.23000240981151 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/17/06 Telephone charges Inv.23000240981151 Total Ck. 130402 Total cinwir CINGULAR WIRELESS CINGULAR WIRELESS CITY OF CHANHASSEN-PETTY CASH CHAPET CITY OF CHANHASSEN-PETTY CASH Ck. 130327 08/24/06 Inv.082106 Line Item Date 08/21/06 08/21/06 08/21/06 Inv. 082106 Total Line Item Description GFOA lunch - Sticha GFOA lunch, mileage - Sticha Playground supplies Ck. 130327 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 ~ Line Item Account 101-1310-4310 10.11 10.11 10.11 10.11 10.11 Line Item Account 101-1130-4370 101-1130-4370 101-1616-4130 15.00 37.25 88.99 141.24 141.24 141.24 CHAPET CITY OF CHANHASSEN-PETTY CASH 141.24 CITY OF CHANHASSEN-PETTY CASH CITY OF CHASKA CHASKA CITY OF CHASKA Ck. 13040 I 08/31/06 Inv. 9793 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/23/06 Mn riverboat cruise - seniors Inv. 9793 Total Ck. 130401 Total CHASKA CITY OF CHASKA CITY OF CHASKA City of St. Louis Park citsIp City of St. Louis Park Ck. 130534 09/14/06 Inv.4206005906 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/13/06 Mini-golf supplies Inv. 4206005906 Total Ck. 130534 Total citslp City of St. Louis Park City of St. Louis Park Line Item Account 101-1560-4300 1,196.00 1,196.00 1,196.00 1,196.00 1,196.00 Line Item Account 101-1710-4130 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Page 17 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount CJ's Coffee & Wine Bar Cjscof CJ's Coffee & Wine Bar Ck. 130329 08/24/06 Inv.082106 Line Item Date 08/21/06 Inv.082106 Total Line Item Description Lunch, seniors Line Item Account 101-1560-4300 488.42 488.42 Ck. 130329 Total 488.42 Cjscof CJ's Coffee & Wine Bar 488.42 CJ's Coffee & Wine Bar 488.42 CORPORATE EXPRESS corexp CORPORATE EXPRESS Account: 101-1170-4110 Ck. 130403 08/31/06 Inv. 72651265 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/18/06 correction tape Inv.72651265 Totm Line Item Account 101-1170-4110 33.57 33.57 Ck. 130403 Total 33.57 Ck. 130535 09/14/06 Inv. 72964572 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/31/06 Misc. supplies Inv. 72964572 Total Line Item Account 101-1170-4110 480.06 480.06 Inv. 72964575 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/31/06 Electric stapler Inv. 72964575 Total Line Item Account 101-1170-4110 95.85 95.85 Ck. 130535 Total 575.91 corexp CORPORATE EXPRESS 609.48 CORPORATE EXPRESS 609.48 CUB FOODS cubfoo CUB FOODS Ck. 130536 09/14/06 Inv. 256 Line Item Date 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 Inv. 256 Total Line Item Description august charges august charges august charges Line Item Account 101-1616-4130 101-1540-4130 101-1731-4130 19.83 78.84 125.73 224.40 Ck. 130536 Total 224.40 cubfoo CUB FOODS 224.40 CUB FOODS 224.40 Page 18 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle DAHL, TERRY dahlterr DAHL, TERRY Ck. 130330 08/24/06 Inv. 81806 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/18/06 Tae Kwon Do Inv. 81806 Total Ck. 130330 Total dahlterr DAHL, TERRY DAHL, TERRY DAMON FARBER ASSOCIATES DamFar DAMON FARBER ASSOCIATES Ck. 130475 09/07/06 Inv. 18329 Line Item Date 08/26/06 Inv. 18329 Total Line Item Description Performance Stage Ck. 130475 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 101-1761-3636 330.60 330.60 330.60 330.60 330.60 Line Item Account 410-4118-4300 2,066.25 2,066.25 2,066.25 2,066.25 DAMON FARBER ASSOCIATES DAMON FARBER ASSOCIATES 2,066.25 DamFar DANKA OFFICE IMAGING COMPANY danka DANKA OFFICE IMAGING COMPANY Ck. 130537 09/14/06 Inv. 704960288 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/30/06 Copier Inv. 704960288 Total Ck. 130537 Total Line Item Account 101-1120-4410 761.46 761.46 761.46 761.46 danka DANKA OFFICE IMAGING COMPANY 761.46 DANKA OFFICE IMAGING COMPANY DOLLIFF INC. INSURANCE DOLLIF DOLLIFF INC. INSURANCE Ck. 130331 08/24/06 Inv. 95702 Line Item Date 08/14/06 Inv. 95702 Total Line Item Description Add asphalt compactor Ck. 130331 Total Ck. 130538 09/14/06 Inv. 96407 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/28/06 Extend builders risk Inv. 96407 Total Line Item Account 101-1170-4483 103.00 103.00 103.00 Line Item Account 700-7014-4483 1,220.00 1,220.00 Page 19 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Ck. 130538 Total Amount 1,220.00 DOLLIF DOLLIFF INC. INSURANCE 1,323.00 DOLLIFF INC. INSURANCE 1,323.00 DRIVER AND VEHICLE SERVICES DRIVEH DRIVER AND VEHICLE SERVICES Ck. 130332 08/24/06 Iny. 82206 Line Item Date 08/22/06 Iny. 82206 Total Line Item Descriotion 3 sets of license plates for f Line Item Account 101-1220-4440 18.00 18.00 Ck. 130332 Total 18.00 DRIVEH DRIVER AND VEHICLE SERVICES 18.00 DRIVER AND VEHICLE SERVICES 18.00 DRUMMOND AMERICAN CORPORATION DRUAME DRUMMOND AMERICAN CORPORATION Ck. 130333 08/24/06 InY.4741322 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/15/06 Misc Supplies, credit for earl 08/15/06 Misc Supplies InY.4741322 Totm Line Item Account 101-1550-4150 101-1550-4150 (9.90) 1,138.70 1,128.80 Ck. 130333 Total 1,128.80 DRUAME DRUMMOND AMERICAN CORPORATION 1,128.80 DRUMMOND AMERICAN CORPORATION 1,128.80 EARL F ANDERSEN INC earand EARL F ANDERSEN INC Ck. 130334 08/24/06 Iny. 72915 Line Item Date 07/31/06 InY.72915 Total Line Item Descriotion Street, stop signs Line Item Account 101-1320-4560 634.59 634.59 Ck. 130334 Total 634.59 Ck. 130476 Iny. 73522 Line Item Date 08/28/06 Iny. 73522 Total 09/07/06 Line Item Descriotion Stop signs, dead end signs, po Line Item Account 101-1320-4560 879.90 879.90 Iny. 73523 Line Item Date 08/28/06 Iny. 73523 Total Line Item Descriotion Deyelopment street signs, post Line Item Account 101-1320-4560 288.53 288.53 Iny. 73524 Line Item Date 08/28/06 Line Item Descriotion Dead End signs and posts Line Item Account 101-1320-4560 85.51 Page 20 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Iny. 73524 Total Ck. 130476 Total earand EARL F ANDERSEN INC EARL F ANDERSEN INC Edman, Carmen EdmaCarm Edman, Carmen Ck. 130477 09/07/06 Iny. 5/31/06 Line Item Date 09/06/06 Iny. 5/31/06 Total Ck. 130477 Total EdmaCarm Edman, Carmen Line Item Description Replace check that was lost Edman, Carmen ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE IN elesys ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE IN Ck. 130404 08/31/06 InY.603212 Line Item Date 08/18/06 InY.603212 Total Ck. 130404 Total elesys Line Item Description Thermal printer paper Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 85.51 1,253.94 1,888.53 1,888.53 Line Item Account 720-0000-4300 88.00 88.00 88.00 88.00 88.00 Line Item Account 101-1170-4110 96.04 96.04 96.04 96.04 ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE IN ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE IN 96.04 ENGELHARDT, SARA ENGESARA ENGELHARDT, SARA Ck. 130335 08/24/06 InY.082306 Line Item Date 08/23/06 08/23/06 Iny. 082306 Total Ck. 130335 Total ENGESARA ENGELHARDT, SARA Line Item Description Program Assistant Program Assistant ENGELHARDT, SARA FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY facmot FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY Ck. 130405 08/31/06 InY.I-2492317 Line Item Date 08/21/06 Line Item Description battery Line Item Account 101-1600-4300 101-1731-4300 32.00 72.00 104.00 104.00 104.00 104.00 Line Item Account 101-1550-4140 69.92 Page 21 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Inv. 1-2492317 Total Amount 69.92 Inv. 6-858739 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/25/06 battery Inv. 6-858739 Total Line Item Account 101-1550-4120 58.12 58.12 Ck. 130405 Total 128.04 Ck. 130478 09/07/06 Inv. 1-2496340 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/28/06 battery Inv. 1-2496340 Total Line Item Account 101-1320-4120 61.84 61.84 Inv. 6-859309 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/28/06 ignition part Inv. 6-859309 Total Line Item Account 101-1250-4140 56.59 56.59 Ck. 130478 Total 118.43 facmot FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 246.47 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 246.47 Farrell, Tom FarrTom Farrell, Tom Ck. 130539 09/14/06 Inv.4203 Line Item Date 09/08/06 Inv. 4203 Total Line Item Descriotion Adult softball umpire Line Item Account 101-1767-4300 352.00 352.00 Ck. 130539 Total 352.00 FarrTom Farrell, Tom 352.00 Farrell, Tom 352.00 FASTENAL COMPANY fascom FASTENAL COMPANY Ck. 130336 08/24/06 Inv. MNTlOII013 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/03/06 latex gloves Inv. MNTlOII013 Total Line Item Account 101-1550-4150 7.16 7.16 Inv. MNTlOII044 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/07/06 hexnuts Inv. MNTlOI1044 Total Line Item Account 101-1370-4510 5.62 5.62 Inv. MNTlOII047 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/07/06 hexnuts Inv. MNTlOII047 Total Line Item Account 101-1370-4510 14.96 14.96 Page 22 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Ck. 130336 Total Ck. 130406 08/31/06 Iny. MNTlO10811 Line Item Date Line Item Description 07/21/06 screws Iny. MNTlOI0811 Total Ck. 130406 Total Ck. 130540 09/14/06 Iny. MNTlOII139 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/23/06 Screws Iny. MNTl011139 Total Ck. 130540 Total fascom FASTENAL COMPANY FASTENAL COMPANY FENC-CO INC FENCCO FENC-CO INC Ck. 130479 09/07/06 InY.9012 Line Item Date 08/30/06 InY.9012 Total Line Item Description Soccer fencing at Bandimere Pa Ck. 130479 Total FENCCO FENC-CO INC FENC-CO INC FORCE AMERICA INC forame FORCE AMERICA INC Ck. 130480 09/07/06 Iny. 1261211 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/29/06 rocker switch Iny. 1261211 Total Ck. 130480 Total forame FORCE AMERICA INC FORCE AMERICA INC Franklin Coyey fracoy Franklin Coyey Ck. 130541 09/14/06 InY.710127974 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/30/06 Daily refill, tabs Iny. 710127974 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 27.74 Line Item Account 101-1550-4120 44.83 44.83 44.83 Line Item Account 101-1550-4120 94.88 94.88 94.88 167.45 167.45 Line Item Account 410-0000-4300 13,488.00 13,488.00 13,488.00 13,488.00 13,488.00 Line Item Account 101-1320-4140 42.75 42.75 42.75 42.75 42.75 Line Item Account 101-1420-4120 76.92 76.92 Page 23 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Ck. 130541 Total Amount 76.92 fraeov Franklin Covey 76.92 Franklin Covey 76.92 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE & RESCUE froplu FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE & RESCUE Ck. 130407 08/31/06 Inv.9912 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/29/06 Class A foam Inv.9912 Total Line Item Account 101-1220-4120 840.00 840.00 Ck. 130407 Total 840.00 froplu FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE & RESCUE 840.00 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE & RESCUE 840.00 FSH COMMUNICATIONS LLC fsheom FSH COMMUNICATIONS LLC Ck. 130542 09/14/06 Inv. 67597 Line Item Date 09/01/06 Inv. 67597 Total Line Item Description Lake Ann pay phone Line Item Account 101-1540-4310 117.16 117.16 Ck. 130542 Total 117.16 fsheom FSH COMMUNICATIONS LLC 117.16 FSH COMMUNICATIONS LLC 117.16 GAGNER, NANCY GagnNane GAGNER, NANCY Ck. 130408 08/31/06 Inv. IA Line Item Date 08/18/06 08/18/06 Inv. lA Total Line Item Description Craft class supplies Craft class Line Item Account 101-1731-4130 101-1731-4300 201.00 225.00 426.00 Ck. 130408 Total 426.00 GagnN ane GAGNER, NANCY 426.00 GAGNER, NANCY 426.00 GALARNEAU, RICK Galariek GALARNEAU, RICK Ck. 130543 09/14/06 Inv. 4203 Line Item Date 09/08/06 Inv. 4203 Total Line Item Description Adult softball umpire Line Item Account 101-1766-4300 836.00 836.00 Page 24 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Ck. 130543 Total Galarick GALARNEAU, RICK GALARNEAU, RICK GALLS INC galls GALLS INC Ck. 130544 09/14/06 Inv.5848451400011 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/06/06 E Z carry blaze orange Inv.5848451400011 Total Ck. 130544 Total galls GALLS INC GALLS INC GERHARDT, TODD Gerhtodd GERHARDT, TODD Ck. 130481 09/07/06 Inv. 0906 Line Item Date 08/31/06 lnv. 0906 Total Line Item Description September car allowance Ck. 130481 Total Ck. 130545 Inv.090706 Line Item Date 09/07/06 Inv. 090706 Total 09/14/06 Line Item Description Airfare to ICMA conf Ck. 130545 Total Gerhtodd GERHARDT, TODD GERHARDT, TODD GL Sports glspo GL Sports Ck. 130482 09/07/06 Inv. 356569 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/30/06 6" rhinoskin softies Inv. 356569 Total Ck. 130482 Total glspo GL Sports GL Sports Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 836.00 836.00 836.00 Line Item Account 101-1220-4290 55.35 55.35 55.35 SS.3S SS.3S Line Item Account 101-1120-4380 575.00 575.00 575.00 Line Item Account 101-1120-4370 345.70 345.70 345.70 920.70 920.70 Line Item Account 101-1616-4130 108.28 108.28 108.28 108.28 108.28 Page 25 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Glacial Ridge, Inc. glarid Glacial Ridge, Inc. Ck. 130337 08/24/06 InY.4 Line Item Date 08/14/06 Iny. 4 Total Ck. 130337 Total glarid Glacial Ridge, Inc. Line Item Description Old Town Hall Plaza Glacial Ridge, Inc. GMH ASPHALT CORP gmhasp GMH ASPHALT CORP Ck. 130483 09/07/06 InY.280806 Line Item Date 08/28/06 Iny. 280806 Total Ck. 130483 Total Line Item Description Concrete curb replacement PMT Ck. 130546 09/14/06 InY.3 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/31/06 Professional services contract Iny. 3 Total Ck. 130546 Total gmhasp GMH ASPHALT CORP GMH ASPHALT CORP GOPHER SIGN COMPANY gopsig GOPHER SIGN COMPANY Ck. 130547 09/14/06 Iny. 68675 Line Item Date 09/08/06 Iny. 68675 Total Ck. 130547 Total gopsig Line Item Description No parking signs and brackets GOPHER SIGN COMPANY GOPHER SIGN COMPANY GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC gopsta GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC Ck. 130548 09/14/06 Iny. 6080247 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/31/06 August locates InY.6080247 Tot~ Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 410-4802-4300 2,663.36 2,663.36 2,663.36 2,663.36 2,663.36 Line Item Account 420-0000-4300 4,286.35 4,286.35 4,286.35 Line Item Account 600-6013-4751 175,147.13 175,147.13 175,147.13 179,433.48 179,433.48 Line Item Account 101-1320-4560 602.11 602.11 602.11 602.11 602.11 Line Item Account 400-0000-4300 900.90 900.90 Page 26 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Ck. 130548 Total gopsta Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 900.90 900.90 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 900.90 HALLA, KAY HallKay HALLA, KAY Ck. 130484 09/07/06 Inv. 2000577.002 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/01/06 Refund tennis camp Inv. 2000577.002 Total Ck. 130484 Total HallKay HALLA, KAY HALLA, KAY HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON hantho HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON Ck. 130549 09/14/06 Inv. 15454 Line Item Date 09/05/06 Inv. 15454 Total Inv. 15455 Line Item Date 09/05/06 Inv. 15455 Total Inv. 15456 Line Item Date 09/05/06 Inv. 15456 Total Inv. 15457 Line Item Date 09/05/06 Inv. 15457 Total Inv. 15458 Line Item Date 09/05/06 Inv. 15458 Total Inv. 15459 Line Item Date 09/05/06 Inv. 15459 Total Inv. 15460 Line Item Date 09/05/06 Inv. 15460 Total Line Item Description Kenyon Bluff Line Item Description Frontier Second Line Item Description Pinehurst Line Item Description Crestview Line Item Description Lake Harrison Line Item Description Hidden Creek Meadows Line Item Description Stonefield Line Item Account 101-1730-3636 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 22.50 22.50 Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 67.50 67.50 Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 1,057.50 1,057.50 Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 135.00 135.00 Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 4,027.50 4,027.50 Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 2,475.00 2,475.00 Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 1,620.00 1,620.00 Page 27 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Inv. 15465 Line Item Date 09/05/06 Inv. 15465 Total Inv. 15466 Line Item Date 09/05/06 Inv. 15466 Total Inv. 15467 Line Item Date 09/05/06 Inv. 15467 Total Inv. 15496 Line Item Date 09/08/06 Inv. 15496 Total Inv. 15501 Line Item Date 09/08/06 Inv. 15501 Total Ck. 130549 Total ban tho Line Item Description Regional pond Line Item Description Minnewashta Landings Line Item Description Utica terrace Line Item Description Lotus Lake easement Line Item Description Curry Farms Park Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 720-0000-4300 112.50 112.50 Line Item Account 720-0000-4300 353.50 353.50 Line Item Account 720-0000-4300 1,720.00 1,720.00 Line Item Account 101-1310-4300 1,250.00 1,250.00 Line Item Account 720-0000-4300 1,545.88 1,545.88 14,386.88 14,386.88 14,386.88 HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON HAWKINS CHEMICAL hawche HAWKINS CHEMICAL Ck. 130409 08/31/06 Inv. 836393 Line Item Date 08/03/06 Inv. 836393 Total Line Item Description Chemicals Inv. DM133798 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/07/06 demurrage charge Inv. DM133798 Total Ck. 130409 Total Ck. 130485 Inv. 839820 Line Item Date 08/18/06 Inv. 839820 Total Ck. 130485 Total Ck. 130550 09/14/06 Inv. DM132231 Line Item Date 06/30/06 09/07/06 Line Item Description chemicals Line Item Description Yearly demurrage charge Line Item Account 700-0000-4160 550.10 550.10 Line Item Account 700-0000-4160 240.00 240.00 790.10 Line Item Account 700-0000-4160 3,224.79 3,224.79 3,224.79 Line Item Account 700-0000-4160 40.00 Page 28 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Inv. DM132231 Total Ck. 130550 Total hawche HAWKINS CHEMICAL HAWKINS CHEMICAL HLB TAUTGES REDPATH LTD hlbtau HLB TAUTGES REDPATH LTD Ck. 130551 09/14/06 Inv.174160 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/31/06 TIF Inv. 174160 Total Ck. 130551 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 40.00 40.00 4,054.89 4,054.89 Line Item Account 495-0000-4300 108.00 108.00 108.00 hlbtau HLBTAUTGESREDPATHLTD 108.00 HLB TAUTGES REDPATH LTD HaESE, DOUG HoesDoug HaESE, DOUG Ck. 130338 08/24/06 Inv.251206007 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/17/06 air travel to conference Inv.251206007 Totw Ck. 130338 Total HoesDoug HaESE, DOUG HaESE, DOUG Hokkanen, Laurie A. hokklaur Hokkanen, Laurie A. Ck. 130339 08/24/06 Inv.081706 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/17/06 ICMA confair fare Inv.081706 Total Ck. 130339 Total hokklaur Hokkanen, Laurie A. Hokkanen, Laurie A. ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST-457 ICMART ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST -457 Ck. 130410 08/31/06 Inv. Line Item Date 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 Line Item Description PR Batch 40192006 ICMA PR Batch 401 92006 ICMA PR Batch 40192006 ICMA 108.00 Line Item Account 101-1250-4370 267.10 267.10 267.10 267.10 267.10 Line Item Account 101-1120-4370 336.70 336.70 336.70 336.70 336.70 Line Item Account 210-0000-2009 211-0000-2009 101-0000-2009 25.00 75.00 835.00 Page 29 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Iny. Total Amount 935.00 Ck. 130410 Total 935.00 Ck. 130552 Iny. Line Item Date 09/11/06 09/11/06 09/11/06 Iny. Total 09/14/06 Line Item Description PR Batch 402 9 2006 ICMA PR Batch 402 9 2006 ICMA PR Batch 402 9 2006 ICMA Line Item Account 210-0000-2009 211-0000-2009 101-0000-2009 25.01 75.00 834.99 935.00 Ck. 130552 Total 935.00 ICMART ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST -457 1,870.00 ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST -457 1,870.00 IMPERIAL PORTA PALACE IMPPOR IMPERIAL PORTA PALACE Ck. 130340 08/24/06 InY.3616 Line Item Date 08/01/06 Iny. 3616 Total Line Item Description PortaPotty rental Line Item Account 101-1550-4400 3,869.87 3,869.87 Ck. 130340 Total 3,869.87 IMPPOR IMPERIAL PORTA PALACE 3,869.87 IMPERIAL PORTA PALACE 3,869.87 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST 112 INDSCH INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST 112 Ck. 130553 09/14/06 Iny. 2073 Line Item Date 09/08/06 Iny. 2073 Total Line Item Description Bluff Creek Joint Powers Agree Line Item Account 101-1530-4320 9,819.62 9,819.62 Ck. 130553 Total 9,819.62 INDSCH INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST 112 9,819.62 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST 112 9,819.62 INTER-TEL TECHNOLOGIES INC Inttel INTER-TEL TECHNOLOGIES INC Ck. 130411 08/31/06 InY.2032341 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/08/06 Add telephone port for electio InY.2032341 Total Line Item Account 101-1180-4300 175.00 175.00 InY.2035739 Line Item Date 08/11/06 Line Item Description Adapter to phone line Line Item Account 400-4101-4703 1,136.23 Page 30 CJTY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Jnv.2035739 Tot~ Amount 1,136.23 Ck. 130411 Total 1,311.23 In ttel INTER-TEL TECHNOLOGIES INC 1,311.23 INTER-TEL TECHNOLOGIES INC 1,311.23 Jenkins, Joel jenkjoel Jenkins, Joel Ck. 130341 08/24/06 Jnv. 4203 Line Item Date 08/22/06 Jnv. 4203 Total Line Item Description Adult softball umpire Line Item Account 101-1766-4300 220.00 220.00 Ck. 130341 Total 220.00 jenkjoel Jenkins, Joel 220.00 Jenkins, Joel 220.00 JH LARSON COMPANY JHLAR JH LARSON COMPANY Ck. 130342 08/24/06 Jnv.4053811-01 Line Item Date 08/08/06 Jnv.4053811-01 Line Item Description Misc supplies Total Line Item Account 101-1550-4150 44.33 44.33 Ck. 130342 Total 44.33 JHLAR JH LARSON COMPANY 44.33 JH LARSON COMPANY 44.33 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY johsup JOHNSTONE SUPPLY Ck. 130343 08/24/06 Jnv. 123855 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/15/06 Condenser brush Jnv. 123855 Total Line Item Account 101-1220-4260 4.59 4.59 Ck. 130343 Total 4.59 johsup JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 4.59 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 4.59 KAEDING AND ASSOCIATES INC kaedin KAEDING AND ASSOCIATES INC Ck. 130486 09/07/06 Jnv. 050936C Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/01/06 Generator sizing for wells Jnv. 050936C Total Line Item Account 700-0000-4300 444.50 444.50 Page 31 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Inv. 060935C Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 09/01/06 E Water Treatment Plant securi Inv. 060935C Total Ck. 130486 Total kaedin Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 700-7014-4300 190.50 190.50 635.00 635.00 KAEDING AND ASSOCIATES INC KAEDING AND ASSOCIATES INC 635.00 Kakacek, Virginia Kaka Virg Kakacek, Virginia Ck. 130412 08/31/06 Inv. 5875 Line Item Date 08/30/06 Inv. 5875 Total Ck. 130412 Total Kaka Virg Kakacek, Virginia Line Item Descriotion As built escrow refund Kakacek, Virginia KA TIEB, RALPH katiralp KA TIEB, RALPH Ck. 130487 09/07/06 Inv.083106 Line Item Date 08/31/06 Inv. 083106 Total Ck. 130487 Total katiralp KA TIEB, RALPH Line Item Descriotion Fire instructor book reimburse KA TIEB, RALPH KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC kimhor KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC Ck. 130554 09/14/06 Inv.2573101 Line Item Date 07/31/06 07/31/06 07/31/06 07/31/06 Inv.2573101 Line Item Descriotion 2005 MUSA area expansion 2005 MUSA area expansion 2005 MUS A area expansion 2005 MUSA area expansion Total Inv. 2573102 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 07/31/06 Private development review ass Inv. 2573102 Total Inv.2573103 Line Item Date 07/31/06 07/31/06 Line Item Descriotion Orchard Court The Preserve Line Item Account 815-8226-2024 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Line Item Account 101-1220-4210 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 Line Item Account 600-6014-4300 600-6014-4300 600-6010-4300 600-6014-4300 655.00 3,179.53 4,253.25 59,970.01 68,057.79 Line Item Account 101-1310-4300 8,248.11 8,248.11 Line Item Account 400-0000-1155 400-0000-1155 43.75 175.00 Page 32 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle 07/31/06 Liberty at Bluff Creek 07/31/06 Fox Den Inv.2573103 Totw Ck. 130554 Total kimhor Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 400-0000-1155 400-0000-1155 Amount 262.50 306.25 787.50 77,093.40 77,093.40 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 77,093.40 Lano Equipment LANEQI Lano Equipment Ck. 130344 08/24/06 Inv. 153239 Line Item Date 08/18/06 Inv. 153239 Total Ck. 130344 Total LANEQI Lano Equipment LANZI, BOB Lanzbob LANZI, BOB Ck. 130413 08/31/06 Inv. 4203 Line Item Date 08/30/06 Inv. 4203 Total Ck. 130413 Total Lanzbob LANZI, BOB Line Item Descriotion Hyd fitting Lano Equipment Line Item Descriotion Adult softball umpire LANZI, BOB LARSEN, DALE LarsDale LARSEN, DALE Ck. 130488 09/07/06 Inv. 8805 Line Item Date 08/08/06 Inv. 8805 Total Ck. 130488 Total LarsDale LARSEN, DALE Line Item Descriotion Work jeans LARSEN, DALE LLOYDS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LIocon LLOYDS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Ck. 130415 08/31/06 Inv. J06851-IN Line Item Date 08/1 4/06 Line Item Descriotion Dumping charges Line Item Account 101-1320-4530 8.30 8.30 8.30 8.30 8.30 Line Item Account 101-1767-4300 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 264.00 Line Item Account 101-1320-4240 55.15 55.15 55.15 55.15 55.15 Line Item Account 101-1550-4350 75.00 Page 33 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Iny. 106851-IN Total Amount 75.00 Ck. 130415 Total 75.00 L1ocon LLOYDS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 75.00 LLOYDS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 75.00 LOCATORS AND SUPPLIES INC locsup LOCATORS AND SUPPLIES INC Ck. 130345 08/24/06 Iny. 146840 Line Item Date 08/07/06 Iny. 146840 Total Line Item Description Safety vests Line Item Account 101-1320-4240 149.15 149.15 Ck. 130345 Total 149.15 Ck. 130489 Iny. 147368 Line Item Date 08/25/06 Iny. 147368 Total 09/07/06 Line Item Description Marking paint Line Item Account 101-1320-4120 85.75 85.75 Ck. 130489 Total 85.75 locsup LOCATORS AND SUPPLIES INC 234.90 LOCATORS AND SUPPLIES INC 234.90 LUNDGREN BROS CONSTRUCTION lunbro LUNDGREN BROS CONSTRUCTION Ck. 130346 08/24/06 Iny. 77527756 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/22/06 as-built escrows 7752,7756 Vas Iny. 77527756 Total Line Item Account 815-8226-2024 3,000.00 3,000.00 Ck. 130346 Total 3,000.00 Ck. 130416 08/31/06 Iny. 2050pin Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/30/06 Escrow refunds 2050 Pinehurst 08/30/06 Escrow refunds 2050 Pinehurst Iny. 2050pin Total Line Item Account 815-8202-2024 815-8201-2024 500.00 750.00 1,250.00 Ck. 130416 Total 1,250.00 LunBro LUNDGREN BROS CONSTRUCTION 4,250.00 LUNDGREN BROS CONSTRUCTION 4,250.00 Page 34 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 ~ LUTHER HOPKINS TOWN & COUNTRY luthop LUTHER HOPKINS TOWN & COUNTRY Ck. 130490 09/07/06 Iny. 132624 Line Item Date 08/29/06 Iny. 132624 Total Line Item Description Gasket, pan Line Item Account 101-1320-4140 67.39 67.39 Iny. 132660 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/30/06 clutch Iny. 132660 Total Line Item Account 101-1260-4140 115.87 115.87 Ck. 130490 Total 183.26 luthop LUTHER HOPKINS TOWN & COUNTRY 183.26 LUTHER HOPKINS TOWN & COUNTRY 183.26 LYMAN LUMBER LymLum LYMAN LUMBER Ck. 130491 09/07/06 Iny. 522940 Line Item Date 08/28/06 Iny. 522940 Total Line Item Description Treated pine for hockey rinks Line Item Account 410-0000-4300 807.86 807.86 Ck. 130491 Total 807.86 LymLum LYMAN LUMBER 807.86 LYMAN LUMBER 807.86 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT macequ MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT Ck. 130417 08/31/06 Iny. 1060357A Line Item Date Line Item Description 07/25/06 quickyiew hid ntsc system Iny. 1060357A Total Line Item Account 701-0000-4120 4,995.01 4,995.01 Ck. 130417 Total 4,995.01 macequ MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 4,995.01 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 4,995.01 MADSEN-JOHNSON CORPORATION madjoh MADSEN-JOHNSON CORPORATION Ck. 130555 09/14/06 Iny. 12 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/25/06 Chan East Water Treatment Plan Iny. 12 Total Line Item Account 700-7014-4751 1,478,082.12 1,478,082.12 Ck. 130555 Total 1,478,082.12 Page 35 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle madjoh Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09115/06 10:41 MADSEN-JOHNSON CORPORATION MADSEN-JOHNSON CORPORATION MERLINS ACE HARDWARE merace MERLINS ACE HARDWARE Ck. 130556 09/14/06 Inv.4636 Line Item Date 08/31/06 08/3 1/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/3 1/06 08/31/06 08/3 1/06 08/31/06 08/3 1/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/3 1/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 Inv. 4636 Total Ck. 130556 Total merace Line Item Descriotion Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Misc. charges Line Item Account 101-1370-4530 700-0000-4530 101-1220-4260 101-1350-4120 700-0000-4300 700-0000-4510 101-1220-4290 701-0000-4160 101-1320-4560 101-1260-4120 701-0000-4530 701-0000-4260 101-1550-4410 720-0000-4150 700-0000-4120 101-1320-4160 701-0000-4140 101-1220-4120 410-4802-4701 101-1370-4510 101-1320-4120 101-1550-4120 101-1550-4150 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE MERLINS ACE HARDWARE METRO EROSION INC metero METRO EROSION INC Ck. 130558 09/14/06 Inv.6511 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 09/07/06 Erosion control fence install Inv. 6511 Total Ck. 130558 Total metero METRO EROSION INC METRO EROSION INC Line Item Account 410-0000-4300 Am!!!!.!!! 1,478,082.12 1,478,082.12 2.86 6.73 6.74 10.12 10.36 10.39 24.86 26.03 26.98 27.78 36.25 39.55 49.42 59.10 66.91 67.03 70.47 95.77 144.93 174.99 186.05 196.76 1,549.20 2,889.28 2,889.28 2,889.28 2,889.28 725.40 725.40 725.40 725.40 725.40 Page 36 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09115/06 10:41 ~ Metro Furniture Solutions MetFur Metro Furniture Solutions Ck. 130494 09/07/06 Inv. 360038 Line Item Date 08/1 0/06 Inv. 360038 Total Line Item Description Repair chair Line Item Account 101-1120-4530 165.71 165.71 Ck. 130494 Total 165.71 MetFur Metro Furniture Solutions 165.71 Metro Furniture Solutions 165.71 METROCALL metroc METROCALL Ck. 130559 09/14/06 Inv. P0315834I Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/29/06 Pagers 08/29/06 Pagers 08/29/06 Pagers 08/29/06 Pagers 08/29/06 Pagers Inv.P0315834I Total Line Item Account 101-1320-4310 101-1220-4310 701-0000-4310 700-0000-4310 10 1-1260-4310 3.74 7.25 15.70 15.71 21.75 64.15 Ck. 130559 Total 64.15 metroc METROCALL 64.15 METROCALL 64.15 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs metco Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs Account: 101-1250-3816 Ck. 130557 09/14/06 Inv. 0806 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/31/06 August Sac report 08/31/06 August Sac report Inv. 0806 Total Line Item Account 101-1250-3816 700-0000-2023 (77.50) 7,750.00 7,672.50 Ck. 130557 Total 7,672.50 metco Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 7,672.50 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 7,672.50 METROPOLITAN FORD metfor METROPOLITAN FORD Ck. 130493 09/07/06 Inv. 448878 Line Item Date 08/30/06 Inv. 448878 Total Line Item Description indicator Line Item Account 101-1250-4140 7.55 7.55 Ck. 130493 Total 7.55 metfor METROPOLITAN FORD 7.55 Page 37 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle METROPOLITAN FORD MIDWEST ASPHAL T CORPORATION midasp MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION Ck. 130347 08/24/06 Inv.81825MB Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/05/06 asphalt Inv. 81825MB Total Ck. 130347 Total Ck. 130418 08/31/06 Inv.81874MB Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/12/06 5 gal pail tack Inv. 81874MB Total Inv.82031MB Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/12/06 Fine mix Inv. 82031MB Total Ck. 130418 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 7.55 Line Item Account 101-1320-4150 89.99 89.99 89.99 Line Item Account 10 1-1550-4150 33.02 33.02 Line Item Account 10 1-1550-4150 134.09 134.09 167.11 257.10 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORA nON MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORA nON 257.10 midasp Miller, Margaret MilIMarg Miller, Margaret Ck. 130419 08/31/06 Inv. 9929ter Line Item Date 08/30/06 Inv. 9929ter Total Line Item Description Landscape escrow refund 9929 T Ck. 130419 Total MilIMarg Miller, Margaret Miller, Margaret MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DIST mcwd MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DIST Ck. 130492 09/07/06 Inv. 6600pipe Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/06/06 Application fee 6600 Pipewood Inv. 6600pipe Total Ck. 130492 Total Line Item Account 815-8201-2024 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 Line Item Account 720-0000-4300 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DIST MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DIST 10.00 mcwd Page 38 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle MINNESOTA LANDSCAPE ARBORETUM MINLAN MINNESOTA LANDSCAPE ARBORETUM Ck. 130495 09/07/06 Inv. 9986 Line Item Date 08/25/06 Inv. 9986 Total Line Item Description Chanhassen Day food, beverages Ck. 130495 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 211-2310-4300 540.57 540.57 540.57 540.57 MINNESOTA LANDSCAPE ARBORETUM MINNESOTA LANDSCAPE ARBORETUM 540.57 MINLAN MINNESOTA LIFE MNLIFE MINNESOTA LIFE Ck. 130421 08/31/06 Inv. 62270036 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums 08/15/06 September premiums Inv. 62270036 Total Ck. 130421 Total MNLIFE MINNESOTA LIFE MINNESOTA LIFE MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR MNCHIL MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR Ck. 130348 08/24/06 Inv.081806 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/18/06 Case Identifier #00147216610 I Line Item Account 101-1430-4040 211-2310-4040 211-2360-4040 101-1700-4040 210-0000-4040 101-1530-4040 101-1l70-4040 10 1-1210-4040 101-1600-4040 101-1520-4040 700-0000-2011 701-0000-2011 10 1-1160-4040 720-0000-4040 101-1220-4040 101-1120-4040 101-1130-4040 10 1-13 70-4040 701-0000-4040 101-1420-4040 10 1-13 1 0-4040 700-0000-4040 101-1550-4040 101-1320-4040 101-1250-4040 101-0000-2011 3.42 4.44 4.44 4.66 6.90 9.60 11.28 12.96 18.62 19.44 23.84 23.84 27.12 27.96 29.52 38.89 39.00 4I.l4 55.78 61.50 66.60 67.29 92.52 97.21 115.20 727.95 1,63 I.l2 1,63I.l2 1,631.12 1,631.12 Line Item Account 700-0000-2006 436.08 Page 39 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Iny. 081806 Total Ck. 130348 Total Ck. 130496 InY.090106 Line Item Date 09/01/06 09/01/06 InY.090106 Total Ck. 130496 Total mnchil 09/07/06 Line Item Description Case Identifier #001472166101 Case Identifier #001472166101 Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 436.08 436.08 Line Item Account 701-0000-2006 700-0000-2006 23.50 412.58 436.08 436.08 872.16 MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR 872.16 MN DEPT OF HEALTH mnheal MN DEPT OF HEALTH Account: 700-0000-4509 Ck. 130420 08/31/06 InY.082306 Line Item Date 08/23/06 Iny. 082306 Total Ck. 130420 Total mnheal MN DEPT OF HEALTH Line Item Description Water supply serv connection f MN DEPT OF HEALTH MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY MNLABO MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY Ck. 130497 09/07/06 InY.2512-06-008 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/31/06 Re-certification J. Keogh Iny. 2512-06-008 Total Ck. 130497 Total Ck. 130591 InY.083106 Line Item Date 08/31/06 08/31/06 Iny. 083106 Total Ck. 130591 Total Ck. 130592 InY.2106 Line Item Date 09/13/06 InY.2106 Total Ck. 130592 Total 09/14/06 Line Item Description Bldg surcharge Conf#329132114 Bldg surcharge Conf#329132114 09/14/06 Line Item Description Fall code seminar - Bldg inspe Line Item Account 700-0000-4509 11,150.50 11,150.50 11,150.50 11,150.50 11,150.50 Line Item Account 101-1250-4360 20.00 20.00 20.00 Line Item Account 101-1250-3818 10 1-0000-2022 (69.95) 3,497.59 3,427.64 3,427.64 Line Item Account 101-1250-4370 280.00 280.00 280.00 Page 40 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle MNLABO Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/1 5/06 10:41 Amount 3,727.64 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 3,727.64 MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE NCPERS MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE Ck. 130429 08/31/06 Iny. Line Item Date 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 Iny. Total Ck. 130429 Total NCPERS Line Item Description PR Batch 401 92006 NCPERS-lif PR Batch 401 92006 NCPERS-lif PR Batch 401 92006 NCPERS-1if Line Item Account 701-0000-2011 700-0000-2011 101-0000-2011 1.59 1.61 28.80 32.00 32.00 32.00 MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE 32.00 MN RECREATION & PARK ASSOC. MRPA MN RECREATION & PARK ASSOC. Ck. 130498 09/07/06 InY.090106 Line Item Date 09/01/06 InY.090106 Total Ck. 130498 Total Line Item Description Nat Resources workshop - Sincl Ck. 130561 09/14/06 InY.091306 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/1 3/06 Seminar - Asleson InY.091306 Total Ck. 130561 Total MRPA Line Item Account 211-2360-4370 175.00 175.00 175.00 Line Item Account 211-2360-4370 175.00 175.00 175.00 350.00 MN RECREATION & PARK ASSOC. MN RECREATION & PARK ASSOC. 350.00 MN STATE TREASURER mntrea MN STATE TREASURER Account: Ck. 130349 08/24/06 Iny. june06 Line Item Date 07/13/06 07/13/06 Iny. june06 Total Ck. 130349 Total mntrea MN STATE TREASURER 101-1250-3818 Line Item Description June Bldg permit surcharge June Bldg permit surcharge MN STATE TREASURER Line Item Account 101-1250-3818 10 1-0000-2022 (139.28) 6,614.07 6,474.79 6,474.79 6,474.79 6,474.79 Page 41 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP mvec MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP Ck. 130425 08/31/06 Inv.082106 Line Item Date 08/21/06 08/21/06 08/21/06 Inv.082106 Total Ck. 130425 Total Ck. 130563 Inv.082806 Line Item Date 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 Inv. 082806 Total Ck. 130563 Total mvec Line Item Description Electricity charges Electricity charges Electricity charges 09/14/06 Line Item Description Electricity charges Electricity charges Electricity charges Electricity charges Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 701-0000-4320 101-1600-4320 101-1350-4320 80.31 112.82 400.12 593.25 593.25 Line Item Account 101-1600-4320 700-0000-4320 701-0000-4320 101-1350-4320 18.74 21.49 291.65 2,930.46 3,262.34 3,262.34 3,855.59 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 3,855.59 MOORE MEDICAL moomed MOORE MEDICAL Ck. 130422 08/31/06 Inv. 80496029 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/19/06 First aid supplies Inv. 80496029 Totw Ck. 130422 Total moomed MOORE MEDICAL MSRS MSRS MSRS Ck. 130423 Inv. Line Item Date 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 MOORE MEDICAL 08/31/06 Line Item Description PR Batch 401 92006 Post Healt PR Batch 401 92006 Post Healt PR Batch 40192006 Post Healt PR Batch 401 92006 Post Healt PR Batch 401 92006 Post Healt PR Batch 40192006 Post Healt PR Batch 401 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 401 92006 Post Healt PR Batch 401 92006 Post Healt PR Batch 40192006 Ret Health PR Batch 401 92006 Ret Health PR Batch 401 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 40192006 Ret Health Line Item Account 101-1220-4130 118.68 118.68 118.68 118.68 118.68 Line Item Account 700-0000-2016 701-0000-2016 210-0000-2016 720-0000-2016 211-0000-2016 210-0000-2016 720-0000-2016 701-0000-2016 701-0000-2016 700-0000-2016 701-0000-2016 700-0000-2016 210-0000-2016 0.18 0.18 0.21 0.67 1.17 1.40 1.46 1.74 2.01 2.30 2.31 2.46 2.70 Page 42 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 Iny. Total Ck. 130423 Total Ck. 130562 Iny. Line Item Date 09/1 1/06 09/11/06 09111/06 09/1 1/06 09111/06 09/11/06 09/1 1/06 09/1 1/06 09/11/06 09/1 1/06 09/1 1/06 09/1 1/06 09/11/06 09/11/06 09/1 1/06 09/1 1/06 09/1 1/06 0911 1/06 09111/06 0911 1/06 09/11/06 09/1 1/06 09/11/06 09/11/06 09/1 1/06 09/1 1/06 09/11/06 0911 1/06 09/11/06 09111/06 Iny. Total Ck. 130562 Total MSRS PR Batch 401 92006 Post Healt PR Batch 40 I 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 40192006 Post Healt PR Batch 401 92006 Ret Health PR Batch 40 I 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 40 I 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 401 92006 Ret Health PR Batch 40192006 Ret Health PR Batch 401 92006 Ret Health PR Batch 401 92006 Ret Health PR Batch 401 92006 Post Healt PR Batch 401 92006 Post Healt PR Batch 401 92006 Ret Health PR Batch 40192006 Ret Health PR Batch 401 92006 Ret Health PR Batch 401 92006 Ret Health PR Batch 40192006 Ret Health 09/14/06 Line Item Description PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Post Healt PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health PR Batch 402 9 2006 Ret Health MSRS Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 700-0000-2016 720-0000-2016 101-0000-2016 211-0000-2016 101-0000-2016 210-0000-2016 720-0000-2016 701-0000-2016 701-0000-2016 700-0000-2016 101-0000-2016 101-0000-2016 700-0000-2016 10 1-0000-20 16 101-0000-2016 101-0000-2016 101-0000-2016 Amount 4.41 8.75 14.41 15.27 16.69 18.24 18.97 23.20 26.10 31.82 37.19 40.88 57.90 188.34 218.26 486.20 534.45 1,759.87 1,759.87 Line Item Account 700-0000-2016 701-0000-2016 210-0000-2016 720-0000-2016 211-0000-2016 210-0000-2016 720-0000-2016 701-0000-2016 701-0000-2016 700-0000-2016 700-0000-2016 701-0000-2016 210-0000-2016 700-0000-2016 720-0000-2016 10 1-0000-20 16 211-0000-2016 101-0000-2016 210-0000-2016 720-0000-2016 701-0000-2016 700-0000-2016 701-0000-2016 10 1-0000-20 16 101-0000-2016 700-0000-2016 101-0000-2016 101-0000-2016 101-0000-2016 101-0000-2016 0.17 0.19 0.21 0.66 1.13 1.40 1.46 2.04 2.15 2.18 2.31 2.32 2.70 4.23 8.74 14.41 14.79 17.22 18.24 18.97 27.32 28.15 28.21 37.19 40.83 55.36 188.32 225.02 486.20 533.65 1,765.77 1,765.77 3,525.64 Page 43 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 MSRS Amount 3,525.64 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC mtidis MTI DISTRIBUTING INC Ck. 130424 08/31/06 Inv.543769-00 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/24/06 Mower parts Inv.543769-00 Total Line Item Account 101-1550-4120 121.45 121.45 Ck. 130424 Total 121.45 mtidis MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 121.45 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 121.45 Nahan, Shelley nahashel Nahan, Shelley Ck. 130350 08/24/06 Inv.2063.183 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/14/06 Red Cross Babysitting clinic Inv. 2063.183 Total Line Item Account 101-1731-3636 125.00 125.00 Ck. 130350 Total 125.00 nahashel Nahan, Shelley 125.00 Nahan, Shelley 125.00 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS napa NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS Ck. 130426 08/31/06 Inv.236510 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/23/06 hose ends Inv. 236510 Total Line Item Account 101-1320-4140 57.48 57.48 Ck. 130426 Total 57.48 napa NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 57.48 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 57.48 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN nfpa NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN Ck. 130430 08/31/06 Inv. 3575762Y Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/15/06 Hazardous material class book Inv. 3575762Y Total Line Item Account 101-1250-4210 70.50 70.50 Ck. 130430 Total 70.50 nfpa NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN 70.50 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN 70.50 Page 44 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC nawate NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC Ck. 130352 08/24/06 Inv.3787690 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/07/06 pvc pipe Inv.3787690 Totw Ck. 130352 Total Ck. 130428 08/31/06 Inv.3831599 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/17/06 meters Inv.3831599 Total Inv.3831614 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/16/06 Meters Inv. 3831614 Total Inv.3864303 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/22/06 Valve box risers Inv.3864303 Totw Ck. 130428 Total nawate Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 720-0000-4150 187.32 187.32 187.32 Line Item Account 700-0000-4250 4,611.45 4,611.45 Line Item Account 700-0000-4250 4,920.30 4,920.30 Line Item Account 700-0000-4550 239.82 239.82 9,771.57 9,958.89 NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC 9,958.89 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION NATRET NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Ck. 130427 08/31/06 Inv. Line Item Date 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 08/28/06 Inv. Total Ck. 130427 Total Ck. 130564 Inv. Line Item Date 09/11/06 09/11/06 09/11/06 09/11/06 09/11/06 Inv. Total Ck. 130564 Total Line Item Descriotion PR Batch 40192006 Nationwide PR Batch 40192006 Nationwide PR Batch 401 92006 Nationwide PR Batch 401 92006 Nationwide PR Batch 40192006 Nationwide 09/14/06 Line Item Descriotion PR Batch 402 9 2006 Nationwide PR Batch 402 9 2006 Nationwide PR Batch 402 9 2006 Nationwide PR Batch 402 9 2006 Nationwide PR Batch 402 9 2006 Nationwide Line Item Account 211-0000-2009 720-0000-2009 701-0000-2009 700-0000-2009 101-0000-2009 50.00 100.00 247.31 359.68 4,490.10 5,247.09 5,247.09 Line Item Account 211-0000-2009 720-0000-2009 701-0000-2009 700-0000-2009 10 1-0000-2009 50.00 100.00 207.75 399.25 4,540.09 5,297.09 5,297.09 Page 45 CJTY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 10,544.18 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 10,544.18 NATRET NATOLE, FLORENCE NATOFLOR NATOLE, FLORENCE Ck. 130351 08/24/06 Jny. 082306 Line Item Date 08/23/06 Jny. 082306 Total Line Item Description Refund Hinckley Trip Ck. 130351 Total NATOFLOR NATOLE, FLORENCE NATOLE, FLORENCE NEP CORPORATION nepcor NEP CORPORATION Ck. 130499 09/07/06 Iny. 060205 Line Item Date 07/24/06 Jny. 060205 Total Line Item Description welding wire, grinding discs Ck. 130499 Total nepcor NEP CORPORATION NEP CORPORATION NEXTEL nextel NEXTEL Ck. 130500 09/07/06 JnY.603663316-057 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges 08/22/06 telephone charges Jny. 603663316-057 Total Ck. 130500 Total Line Item Account 101-1560-3637 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Line Item Account 101-1370-4120 256.00 256.00 256.00 256.00 256.00 Line Item Account 101-1530-4310 101-1616-4310 101-1130-4310 101-1260-4310 101-1520-4310 101-1170-4310 101-1160-4310 101-1600-4310 101-1310-4310 101-1370-4310 701-0000-4310 700-0000-4310 101-1250-4310 101-1220-4310 101-1550-4310 101-1320-4310 101-1120-4310 18.38 24.55 29.42 38.04 49.07 52.20 83.27 107.14 135.79 149.23 167.26 199.32 26\.52 269.75 29\.50 302.36 385.37 2,564.17 2,564.17 Page 46 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielIe nextel NEXTEL NEXTEL North Star Pump Service NorPum North Star Pump Service Ck. 13043 I 08/31/06 Inv. 453 Line Item Date 08/09/06 Inv. 453 Total Ck. 130431 Total NorPum North Star Pump Service Line Item Description Christmas Lk lift station repa North Star Pump Service Numara Software Ine Numsof Numara Software Ine Ck. 130353 08/24/06 Inv.325122 Line Item Date 08/11/06 Inv.325122 Total Ck. 130353 Total Numsof Numara Software Ine Line Item Description Software renewal, track-it Numara Software Ine O'Konek, Kari OkonKarl O'Konek, Karl Ck. 130501 09/07/06 Inv. 2000574.002 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/01/06 Refund tennis camp Inv. 2000574.002 Total Ck. 130501 Total OkonKari O'Konek, Kari O'Konek, Kari O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC oreaut O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC Ck. 130566 09/14/06 Inv.1509141317 Line Item Date 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 Line Item Description August charges August charges August charges August charges August charges August charges August charges August charges Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 2,564.17 2,564.17 Line Item Account 701-0000-4551 3,420.00 3,420.00 3,420.00 3,420.00 3,420.00 Line Item Account 101-1160-4300 272.24 272.24 272.24 272.24 272.24 Line Item Account 101-1730-3636 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 Line Item Account 101-1250-4530 101- 1370-4120 101-1250-4520 101-1320-4530 101-1550-4530 101-1370-4520 700-0000-4520 701-0000-4520 4.89 9.53 12.16 13.01 25.38 36.74 48.61 48.61 Page 47 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle 08/31/06 August charges 08/31/06 August charges Inv. 1509141317 Total Ck. 130566 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 101-1170-4520 101-1320-4140 Amount 91.91 180.69 471.53 471.53 471.53 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 471.53 oreaut OFFICE MAX offmax OFFICE MAX Account: Ck. 130565 09/14/06 Inv. 789769 Line Item Date 09/05/06 Inv. 789769 Total 101-1170-4110 Line Item Description paper, mounting wall tabs Ck. 130565 Total offmax OFFICE MAX OFFICE MAX OLSEN COMPANIES OLSCOM OLSEN COMPANIES Ck. 130354 08/24/06 Inv. 407903 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/15/06 Black frame amber lens Inv. 407903 Total Ck. 130354 Total OLSCOM OLSEN COMPANIES OLSEN COMPANIES OUR DESIGNS INC ourdes OUR DESIGNS INC Ck. 130567 09/14/06 Inv. 1304693 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/01/06 Ir Fire turnout gear Inv. 1304693 Total Ck. 130567 Total ourdes OUR DESIGNS INC OUR DESIGNS INC PALMER WEST CONSTRUCTION palwes PALMER WEST CONSTRUCTION Ck. 130568 09/14/06 Inv. 4681 Line Item Date 05/12/06 Line Item Description City garage roof repairs Line Item Account 101-1170-4110 81.40 81.40 81.40 81.40 81.40 Line Item Account 101-1170-4260 16.35 16.35 16.35 16.35 16.35 Line Item Account 101-1220-4375 135.85 135.85 135.85 135.85 135.85 Line Item Account 101-1370-4510 571.25 Page 48 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Iny. 4681 Total ~ 571.25 Ck. 130568 Total 571.25 palwes PALMER WEST CONSTRUCTION 571.25 PALMER WEST CONSTRUCTION 571.25 PARTY AMERICA parame PARTY AMERICA Ck. 130432 08/31/06 InY.202139 Line Item Date 07/10/06 InY.202139 Total Line Item Description gold coins, latex Line Item Account 101-1616-4130 6.16 6.16 Ck. 130432 Total 6.16 parame PARTY AMERICA 6.16 PARTY AMERICA 6.16 PEOPLES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS peoele PEOPLES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Ck. 130502 09/07/06 InY.31610.00 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/25/06 Steam pressure water circuit r Iny. 31610.00 Total Line Item Account 101-1370-4510 1,264.10 1,264.10 Ck. 130502 Total 1,264.10 Ck. 130569 InY.31659 Line Item Date 09/01/06 Iny. 31659 Total 09/14/06 Line Item Description Generator test at City hall Line Item Account 101-1170-4530 172.96 172. 96 Ck. 130569 Total 172.96 peoele PEOPLES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1,437.06 PEOPLES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1,437.06 PLEHAL BLACKTOPPING INC plebla PLEHAL BLACKTOPPING INC Ck. 130355 08/24/06 Iny. 15626 Line Item Date 08/1 0/06 Iny. 15626 Total Line Item Description Lk Ann Park pathway & culyert Line Item Account 410-0000-4701 23,235.00 23,235.00 Ck. 130355 Total 23,235.00 plebIa PLEHAL BLACKTOPPING INC 23,235.00 PLEHAL BLACKTOPPING INC 23,235.00 Page 49 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle POSTMASTER POST POSTMASTER Ck. 130433 08/31/06 Inv. 083106 Line Item Date 08/31/06 08/31/06 Inv. 083106 Total Ck. 130433 Total Ck. 130463 Inv.090606 Line Item Date 09/06/06 Inv. 090606 Total Ck. 130463 Total POST POSTMASTER Line Item Description Utility billing postage Utility billing postage 09/06/06 Line Item Description Sr. Center Mailing POSTMASTER PRAIRIE LAWN & GARDEN pralaw PRAIRIE LAWN & GARDEN Ck. 130434 08/31/06 Inv. 103845 Line Item Date 08/23/06 Inv. 103845 Total Ck. 130434 Total pralaw Line Item Description carburetor repair kit Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 700-0000-4330 701-0000-4330 539.25 539.25 1,078.50 1,078.50 Line Item Account 101-1170-4330 143.55 143.55 143.55 1,222.05 1,222.05 Line Item Account 101-1220-4120 21.18 21.18 21.18 21.18 PRAIRIE LAWN & GARDEN PRAIRIE LAWN & GARDEN 21.18 Premier Landscape & Design, In Prelan Premier Landscape & Design, In Ck. 130356 08/24/06 Inv. '0501690 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/22/06 Refund erosion escrow 6935 Luc Inv. '0501690 Total Ck. 130356 Total Prelan Line Item Account 815-8202-2024 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 Premier Landscape & Design, In Premier Landscape & Design, In 250.00 PRO STAFF prosta PRO STAFF Ck. 130435 08/31/06 Inv. 102-623750 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/24/06 temp receptionist Inv. 102-623750 Totw Line Item Account 101-1120-4300 129.38 129.38 Page 50 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Ck. 130435 Total prosta PRO STAFF PRO STAFF PUMP AND METER SERVICES INC pummet PUMP AND METER SERVICES INC Ck. 130570 09/14/06 Inv.242087 Line Item Date 08/24/06 Inv. 242087 Total Ck. 130570 Total pummet Line Item Descriotion Swivel Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 129.38 129.38 129.38 Line Item Account 101-1370-4150 89.82 89.82 89.82 89.82 PUMP AND METER SERVICES INC PUMP AND METER SERVICES INC 89.82 QWEST qwest QWEST Ck. 130571 Inv.090106 Line Item Date 09/01/06 09/01/06 09/01/06 Inv.090106 Total Ck. 130571 Total qwest QWEST 09/14/06 Line Item Descriotion Telephone charges Telephone charges Telephone charges QWEST RBM SERVICES INC rbmser RBM SERVICES INC Ck. 130503 09/07/06 Inv. 11356 Line Item Date 08/31/06 Inv. 11356 Total Inv. 11357 Line Item Date 08/31/06 Inv. 11357 Total Inv. 11358 Line Item Date 08/31/06 Inv. 11358 Total Ck. 130503 Total rbmser Line Item Descriotion Library janitorial services Line Item Descriotion City Hall janitorial services Line Item Descriotion shampoo Public Safety area RBM SERVICES INC Line Item Account 700-0000-43 10 701-0000-4310 700-7014-4310 34.08 34.08 98.21 166.3 7 166.37 166.37 166.37 Line Item Account 101-1190-4350 3,509.18 3,509.18 Line Item Account 101-1170-4350 2,316.38 2,316.38 Line Item Account 101-1170-4350 93.32 93.32 5,918.88 5,918.88 Page 51 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 RBM SERVICES INC Amount 5,918.88 REAL GEM reagem REAL GEM Ck. 130572 09/14/06 Inv. 31379 Line Item Date 08/31/06 Inv. 31379 Total Line Item Description Maple leaf award - Labatt Line Item Account 101-1170-4110 108.02 108.02 Ck. 130572 Total 108.02 reagem REAL GEM 108.02 REAL GEM 108.02 REED CONSTRUCTION DATA reebus REED CONSTRUCTION DATA Ck. 130436 08/31/06 Inv.3355000 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/14/06 advertisement for bids 08/14/06 advertisement for bids Inv. 3355000 Total Line Item Account 720-0000-4300 701-0000-4300 97.52 97.52 195.04 Ck. 130436 Total 195.04 Ck. 130504 09/07/06 Inv. 3359980 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/22/06 Advertisement for bids 08/22/06 Advertisement for bids Inv.3359980 Totw Line Item Account 701-0000-4300 720-0000-4300 97.52 97.52 195.04 Ck. 130504 Total 195.04 reebus REED CONSTRUCTION DATA 390.08 REED CONSTRUCTION DATA 390.08 RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS ricoh RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS Ck. 130573 09/14/06 Inv. G081500127-21 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/15/06 Copier Inv. G081500127-21 Total Line Item Account 101-1310-4530 537.34 537.34 Ck. 130573 Total 537.34 ricoh RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS 537.34 RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS 537.34 Page 52 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle RIDGEVIEW MEDICAL CENTER ridmed RIDGEVIEW MEDICAL CENTER Ck. 130574 09/14/06 InY.090806 Line Item Date 09/08/06 Iny. 090806 Total Ck. 130574 Total ridmed Line Item Description New firefighter physicals Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 101-1220-4300 824.00 824.00 824.00 824.00 RIDGEVIEW MEDICAL CENTER RIDGEVIEW MEDICAL CENTER 824.00 Riese Family Properties LLC RIESFRED Riese Family Properties LLC Ck. 130357 08/24/06 InY.13 Line Item Date 08/09/06 Iny. 13 Total Iny. 14 Line Item Date 08/09/06 Iny. 14 Total Ck. 130357 Total Ck. 130505 Iny. 04-32 Line Item Date 09/06/06 Iny. 04-32 Total Ck. 130505 Total Riesfred Line Item Description Snow, lawn service, electrical Line Item Description Snow, lawn service, electrical 09/07/06 Line Item Description Partial release of security es Riese Family Properties LLC Riese Family Properties LLC Rob Ellos Presentations robell Rob Ellos Presentations Ck. 130506 09/07/06 InY.665395 Line Item Date 08/28/06 Iny. 665395 Total Ck. 130506 Total robell Rob Ellos Presentations Line Item Description Amelia Earhart program Rob Ellos Presentations Line Item Account 101-1550-4300 204.64 204.64 Line Item Account 101-1550-4300 409.28 409.28 613.92 Line Item Account 815-8221-2024 1,091.56 1,091.56 1,091.56 1,705.48 1,705.48 Line Item Account 101-1560-4300 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Page 53 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Saatzer, Denise SaatDeni Saatzer, Denise Ck. 130359 08/24/06 Iny. 2000568.002 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/21/06 Refund lacrosse skills camp Iny. 2000568.002 Total Ck. 130359 Total SaatDeni Saatzer, Denise Sackett, Marlin sackmarl Sackett, Marlin Ck. 130437 08/31/06 Iny. 820imp Line Item Date 08/30/06 Iny. 820imp Total Ck. 130437 Total sackmarl Sackett, Marlin Saatzer, Denise Line Item Description Landscape escr refund 820 Impe Sackett, Marlin SCHARBER & SONS INC schson SCHARBER & SONS INC Ck. 130575 09/14/06 Iny. 364569 Line Item Date 09/06/06 Iny. 364569 Total Ck. 130575 Total schson SCHARBER & SONS INC Line Item Description Wing screws, push nuts SCHARBER & SONS INC Schutrop,Richard Schurich Schutrop, Richard Ck. 130438 08/31/06 Iny. 820imp Line Item Date 08/30/06 Iny. 820imp Total Ck. 130438 Total Schurich Schutrop, Richard Line Item Description refund erosion escrow 820 Impe Schutrop,Richard Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 101-1730-3636 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 Line Item Account 815-8201-2024 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 Line Item Account 101-1550-4120 8.63 8.63 8.63 8.63 8.63 Line Item Account 815-8202-2024 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 Page 54 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle SEH seh SEH Ck. 130439 Inv. 149573 Line Item Date 08/10/06 Inv. 149573 Total Inv. 149997 Line Item Date 08/15/06 Inv. 149997 Total Ck. 130439 Total seh SEH 08/31/06 Line Item Description East water treatment plant Line Item Description East water treatment plant SEH SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. sensys SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. Ck. 130360 08/24/06 Inv. 504024 Line Item Date 08/10/06 Inv. 504024 Total Ck. 130360 Total Ck. 130576 Inv.507216 Line Item Date 09/06/06 Inv. 507216 Total Ck. 130576 Total sensys SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. Line Item Description Library monitoring services 09/14/06 Line Item Description Repair system at city hall SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. SHERWIN WILLIAMS shewil SHERWIN WILLIAMS Ck. 130361 08/24/06 Inv.3691-1 Line Item Date 08/15/06 Inv.3691-1 Total Inv.4163-0 Line Item Date 08/09/06 Inv.4163-0 Total Ck. 130361 Total shewil Line Item Description Striping Line Item Description Paint SHERWIN WILLIAMS Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 415-4006-4300 10,503.41 10,503.41 Line Item Account 700-7014-4752 29,747.34 29,747.34 40,250.75 40,250.75 40,250.75 Line Item Account 101-1190-4300 51.65 51.65 51.65 Line Item Account 10 1-1170-4530 180.00 180.00 180.00 231.65 231.65 Line Item Account 101-1320-4120 290.08 290.08 Line Item Account 101-1320-4120 42.43 42.43 332.51 332.51 Page 55 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielIe SHERWIN WILLIAMS Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 332.51 SHORBA, GEORGE & MARGARET SHORGEOR SHORBA, GEORGE & MARGARET Ck. 130362 08/24/06 Inv.082306 Line Item Date 08/23/06 Inv. 082306 Total Ck. 130362 Total SHORGEOR Line Item Descriotion Hinckley Trip Refund Line Item Account 101-1560-3637 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 SHORBA, GEORGE & MARGARET SHORBA, GEORGE & MARGARET 50.00 SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE shotru SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE Ck. 130577 09/14/06 Inv.73756 Line Item Date 08/03/06 Inv.73756 Total Inv.73758 Line Item Date 08/03/06 Inv.73758 Total Inv. 73875 Line Item Date 08/10/06 Inv. 73875 Total Ck. 130577 Total shotru Line Item Descriotion outlet boxes Line Item Descriotion return snap covers Line Item Descriotion fuel stabilizer, motor tune up Line Item Account 101-1370-4530 31.93 31.93 Line Item Account 101-1370-4530 (13.83) (13.83) Line Item Account 101-1220-4140 20.83 20.83 38.93 38.93 SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE 38.93 SIGNS N'SUCH signsu SIGNS N'SUCH Ck. 130507 09/07/06 Inv.090l06 Line Item Date 09/01/06 Inv.090l06 Total Inv.090406 Line Item Date 09/04/06 Inv. 090406 Total Ck. 130507 Total signsu Line Item Descriotion Misc. lettering instalIed Line Item Descriotion Village HalI arc cutout SIGNS N'SUCH Line Item Account 101-1170-4510 207.00 207.00 Line Item Account 410-4802-4300 242.00 242.00 449.00 449.00 Page 56 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle SIGNS N'SUCH SIGNSOURCE signso SIGN SOURCE Ck. 130578 09/14/06 Iny. 8952 Line Item Date 08/21/06 Iny. 8952 Total Line Item Descriotion Daye Huffman Banner date chang Ck. 130578 Total signso SIGNSOURCE SIGNSOURCE SKYHA WKS SPORTS ACADEMY SKYSPR SKYHA WKS SPORTS ACADEMY Ck. 130440 08/31/06 Iny. 171623311 Line Item Date 08/21/06 InY.171623311 Line Item Descriotion multi sports Total Ck. 130440 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Line Item Account 101-1600-4130 Line Item Account 101-1710-4300 SKYSPR SKYHA WKS SPORTS ACADEMY SKYHA~SSPORTSACADEMY SM HENTGES & SONS smhen SM HENTGES & SONS Ck. 130579 09/14/06 InY.2 Line Item Date 08/31/06 Iny. 2 Total Line Item Descriotion So of Lyman Blyd, E of Audubon Ck. 130579 Total smhen SM HENTGES & SONS SM HENTGES & SONS SNAP-ON TOOLS SNATOO SNAP-ON TOOLS Ck. 130441 08/31/06 InY.3761104 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/30/06 sales tax Iny. 3761104 Total Ck. 130441 Total SNATOO SNAP-ON TOOLS SNAP-ON TOOLS Line Item Account 600-6014-4751 Line Item Account 101-1160-4220 Amount 449.00 42.60 42.60 42.60 42.60 42.60 1,204.00 1,204.00 1,204.00 1,204.00 1,204.00 1,429,460.86 1,429,460.86 1,429,460.86 1,429,460.86 1,429,460.86 88.18 88.18 88.18 88.18 88.18 Page 57 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Solum, Barb SoluBarb Solum, Barb Ck. 130363 08/24/06 Inv.082106 Line Item Date 08/21/06 Inv.082106 Total Ck. 130363 Total SoluBarb Solum, Barb Line Item Description Refund senior program Solum, Barb SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN PUBLISHING sousub SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN PUBLISHING Ck. 130364 08/24/06 Inv.607710 Line Item Date 07/31/06 07/31/06 07/31/06 07/31/06 07/3 1/06 07/3 1/06 07/31/06 07/31/06 Inv. 607710 Total Ck. 130364 Total Ck. 130580 Inv. 625202 Line Item Date 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 08/31/06 Inv.625202 Total Ck. 130580 Total sousub Line Item Description Newspaper ads and display ads Newspaper ads and display ads Newspaper ads and display ads Newspaper ads and display ads Newspaper ads and display ads Newspaper ads and display ads Newspaper ads and display ads Newspaper ads and display ads 09/14/06 Line Item Description Display advertising, legal ads Display advertising, legal ads Display advertising, legal ads Display advertising, legal ads Display advertising, legal ads Display advertising, legal ads Display advertising, legal ads Display advertising, legal ads Display advertising, legal ads Display advertising, legal ads Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 101-1560-3637 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Line Item Account 101-1310-4340 101-1510-4340 101-1260-4340 101-1120-4340 101-1534-4375 101-1410-4340 415-4006-4300 101-1110-4340 69.07 113.00 135.60 203.40 270.00 319.73 452.00 559.48 2,122.28 2,122.28 Line Item Account 701-0000-4300 720-0000-4300 495-0000-4340 101-1180-4340 101-1510-4340 101-1210-4130 101-1110-4340 101-1410-4340 211-2310-4340 101-1530-4375 39.98 39.99 43.62 54.53 113.00 169.50 291.43 528.34 1,067.85 1,328.25 3,676.49 3,676.49 5,798.77 SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN PUBLISHING SOUTHWEST SUBURBAN PUBLISHING 5,798.77 Sports Unlimited spounl Sports Unlimited Ck. 130442 08/31/06 Inv.4206005706 Line Item Date 08/23/06 Line Item Description Lacrosse camps Line Item Account 101-1730-4300 1,350.00 Page 58 CITY OF CHANHA8 User: danielle Iny. 4206005706 Total Ck. 130442 Total spounl Sports Unlimited SPRINT PCS SPRPCS SPRINT PCS Ck. 130365 08/24/06 InY.081506 Line Item Date 08/15/06 Iny. 081506 Total Ck. 130365 Total SPRPCS SPRINT PCS Sports Unlimited Line Item Description Telephone charges SPRINT PCS SPS COMPANIES INC spscom SPS COMPANIES INC Ck. 130366 08/24/06 InY.81498129.001 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/15/06 sink fittings, adapters InY.81498129.001 Total Ck. 130366 Total Ck. 130581 09/14/06 InY.81509013.001 Line Item Date 09/01/06 InY.81509013.001 InY.81509706.001 Line Item Date 09/01/06 InY.81509706.001 Ck. 130581 Total spscom SPS COMPANIES INC Line Item Description Reliefyalye Total Line Item Description Expansion tank extrol Total SPS COMPANIES INC ST PAUL STAMP WORKS stpsta ST PAUL STAMP WORKS Ck. 130508 09/07/06 Iny. 85831 Line Item Date 08/29/06 Iny. 85831 Total Line Item Description self-inking stamp Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 1,350.00 1,350.00 1,350.00 1,350.00 Line Item Account 701-0000-4310 54.55 54.55 54.55 54.55 54.55 Line Item Account 101-1370-4510 161.74 161.74 161.74 Line Item Account 101-1190-4530 99.77 99.77 Line Item Account 101-1190-4530 45.53 45.53 145.30 307.04 307.04 Line Item Account 101-1170-4110 32.38 32.38 Page 59 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Ck. 130508 Total Amount 32.38 stpsta ST PAUL STAMP WORKS 32.38 ST PAUL STAMP WORKS 32.38 STAR TRIBUNE statri STAR TRIBUNE Ck. 130443 08/31/06 Iny. 1002554757 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/20/06 Employment ads Iny. 1002554757 Totw Line Item Account 101-1310-4340 344.40 344.40 Ck. 130443 Total 344.40 statri STAR TRIBUNE 344.40 STAR TRIBUNE 344.40 Steve & Cammie LiIlehaug LiIlstey Steve & Cammie LiIlehaug Ck. 130414 08/31/06 Iny. 7575waln Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/30/06 Escrow refunds 7575 Walnut Cur 08/30/06 Escrow refunds 7575 Walnut Cur Iny. 7575waln Total Line Item Account 815-8202-2024 815-8201-2024 500.00 750.00 1,250.00 Ck. 130414 Total 1,250.00 LiIlstey Steve & Cammie LiIlehaug 1,250.00 Steve & Cammie LiIlehaug 1,250.00 STREETER & ASSOCIATES STREET STREETER & ASSOCIATES Ck. 130444 08/31/06 Iny. 751Ofront Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/30/06 Escrow refunds 7510 Frontier T 08/30/06 Escrow refunds 7510 Frontier T Iny. 7510front Total Line Item Account 815-8202-2024 815-8201-2024 500.00 750.00 1,250.00 Ck. 130444 Total 1,250.00 STREET STREETER & ASSOCIATES 1,250.00 STREETER & ASSOCIATES 1,250.00 STREICHER'S streic STREICHER'S Ck. 130367 08/24/06 Iny. 1371438 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/14/06 Battery Iny. 1371438 Total Line Item Account 101-1220-4530 46.80 46.80 Page 60 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Ck. 130367 Total Ck. 130445 08/31/06 Inv. 1374687 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/25/06 Bulbs Inv.1374687 Total Ck. 130445 Total Ck. 130509 09/07/06 Inv.1375196 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/28/06 Firefighter badges Inv. 1375196 Total Ck. 130509 Total streic STREICHER'S Stutzman, John stutjohn Stutzman, John Ck. 130368 08/24/06 Inv.082106 Line Item Date 08/22/06 Inv. 082106 Total Ck. 130368 Total stutjohn Stutzman, John STREICHER'S Line Item Description mileage summer camp program Stutzman, John SUBURBAN CHEVROLET subche SUBURBAN CHEVROLET Ck. 130446 08/31/06 Inv.432458 Line Item Date 06/12/06 Inv. 432458 Total Inv.437122 Line Item Date 05/05/06 Inv.437122 Total Inv. 444319 Line Item Date 06/16/06 06/16/06 Inv.444319 Total Inv.446217 Line Item Date 06/29/06 Line Item Description return hose assembly Line Item Description core return Line Item Description handle handle Line Item Description lock assembly Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 46.80 Line Item Account 101-1220-4290 16.93 16.93 16.93 Line Item Account 101-1220-4240 1,103.71 1,103.71 1,103.71 1,167.44 1,167.44 Line Item Account 101-1600-4380 67.64 67.64 67.64 67.64 67.64 Line Item Account 101-1170-4140 (51.62) (51.62) Line Item Account 101-1550-4140 (745.50) (745.50) Line Item Account 700-0000-4140 701-0000-4140 6.81 6.81 13.62 Line Item Account 10 1-1550-4140 1.04 Page 61 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Iny. 446217 Total InY.446554 Line Item Date 07/03/06 Iny. 446554 Total InY.446637 Line Item Date 07/05/06 InY.446637 Total InY.449598 Line Item Date 07/26/06 Iny. 449598 Total InY.449714 Line Item Date 07/27/06 InY.449714 Total Iny. 450056 Line Item Date 08/01/06 Iny. 450056 Total InY.452192 Line Item Date 08/16/06 InY.452192 Total InY.452759 Line Item Date 08/22/06 Iny. 452759 Total Iny. 452898 Line Item Date 08/22/06 Iny. 452898 Total Iny. 453098 Line Item Date 08/23/06 Iny. 453098 Total Iny. 453468 Line Item Date 08/25/06 Iny. 453468 Total Ck. 130446 Total Ck. 130582 InY.452759 Line Item Date 08/25/06 Line Item Description regulator Line Item Description wire Line Item Description bolts Line Item Description keys, cylinder Line Item Description manifolds, gaskets, bolts, sea Line Item Description door handle Line Item Description bolts, seal, gasket Line Item Description tube Line Item Description bolts Line Item Description handle 09/14/06 Line Item Description return bolts Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 1.04 Line Item Account 101-1370-4140 242.86 242.86 Line Item Account 101-1370-4140 64.33 64.33 Line Item Account 101-1550-4140 4.92 4.92 Line Item Account 101-1550-4140 44.67 44.67 Line Item Account 101-1320-4520 457.90 457.90 Line Item Account 101-1550-4520 41.68 41.68 Line Item Account 101-1320-4140 24.46 24.46 Line Item Account 101-1320-4140 14.43 14.43 Line Item Account 101-1320-4140 23.03 23.03 Line Item Account 101-1550-4140 41.68 41.68 177.50 Line Item Account 101-1320-4140 (6.79) Page 62 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Iny. 452759 Total Iny. 453694 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/28/06 handle Iny. 453694 Total Ck. 130582 Total subche SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SWANSON HOMES swahom SWANSON HOMES Ck. 130510 09/07/06 Iny. 9221lrb Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/01/06 Erosion escrow 9221 Lk Riley B InY.92211rb Total Ck. 130510 Total swahom SWANSON HOMES SWANSON HOMES TARGET target TARGET Ck. 130447 08/31/06 Iny. 8276 Line Item Date 08/07/06 Iny. 8276 Total Line Item Description toaster, cleaning supplies Ck. 130447 Total target TARGET TARGET TECHNAGRAPHICS TECGRA TECHNAGRAPHICS Ck. 130448 08/31/06 Iny. 1210011 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/09/06 City of Chan door hangers Iny. 1210011 Total Ck. 130448 Total Ck. 130511 09/07/06 Iny. 1252011 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/28/06 business card shells Iny. 1252011 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount (6.79) Line Item Account 101-1550-4140 24.42 24.42 17.63 195.13 195.13 Line Item Account 815-8202-2024 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 Line Item Account 101-1250-4260 27.65 27.65 27.65 27.65 27.65 Line Item Account 700-0000-4340 359.95 359.95 359.95 Line Item Account 101-1170-4110 732.72 732.72 Page 63 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Ck. 130511 Total Amount 732.72 tecgra TECHNAGRAPHICS 1,092.67 TECHNAGRAPHICS 1,092.67 THE ROTTLUND COMPANY INC. ROTCOM THE ROTTLUND COMPANY INC. Ck. 130358 08/24/06 Inv. tif Line Item Date 08/22/06 Inv. tif Total Line Item Descriotion TIF pymt second half 2005 Line Item Account 494-0000-4804 22,782.39 22,782.39 Ck. 130358 Total 22,782.39 ROTCOM THE ROTTLUND COMPANY INC. 22,782.39 THE ROTTLUND COMPANY INC. 22,782.39 TIMBERWALL LANDSCAPING INC. timlan TIMBERWALL LANDSCAPING INC. Ck. 130512 09/07/06 Inv. 190680 Line Item Date 08/17/06 Inv. 190680 Total Line Item Descriotion storm water drainage/1 0 1 trail Line Item Account 720-0000-4150 156.54 156.54 Ck. 130512 Total 156.54 timlan TIMBERWALL LANDSCAPING INC. 156.54 TIMBERW ALL LANDSCAPING INC. 156.54 TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTION totent TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTION Ck. 130583 09/14/06 Inv. 2064.102 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 09/13/06 Barnyard Boogie entertainment Inv. 2064.102 Total Line Item Account 101-1711-4300 100.00 100.00 Ck. 130583 Total 100.00 totent TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTION 100.00 TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTION 100.00 Transformations by McDevitt TraMcd Transformations by McDevitt Ck. 130449 08/31/06 Inv. 6879yuma Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/30/06 Escrow refunds 6879 Yuma Drive 08/30/06 Escrow refunds 6879 Yuma Drive Inv. 6879yuma Total Line Item Account 815-8202-2024 815-8201-2024 500.00 750.00 1,250.00 Page 64 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Ck. 130449 Total Amount 1,250.00 TraMcd Transformations by McDevitt 1,250.00 Transformations by McDevitt 1,250.00 TWIN CITY SEED CO. twisee TWIN CITY SEED CO. Ck. 130450 08/31/06 Inv. 15147 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/14/06 Athletic turf mixture Inv. 15147 Total Line Item Account 101-1550-4150 665.63 665.63 Ck. 130450 Total 665.63 twisee TWIN CITY SEED CO. 665.63 TWIN CITY SEED CO. 665.63 TWIN CITY WATER CLINIC INC twicit TWIN CITY WATER CLINIC INC Ck. 130513 09/07/06 Inv. 2935 Line Item Date 09/01/06 Inv. 2935 Total Line Item Descriotion water analysis 600 Lyman Blvd Line Item Account 700-0000-4300 65.00 65.00 Inv. 2973 Line Item Date 09/05/06 Inv. 2973 Total Line Item Descriotion Bacteria analysis for August 2 Line Item Account 700-0000-4300 250.00 250.00 Ck. 130513 Total 315.00 TWICIT TWIN CITY WATER CLINIC INC 315.00 TWIN CITY WATER CLINIC INC 315.00 ULTIMATE MARTIAL ARTS INC. ultmar ULTIMATE MARTIAL ARTS INC. Ck. 130451 08/31/06 Inv.42 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 07/22/06 Kid smart class Inv. 42 Total Line Item Account 101-1731-3636 244.80 244.80 Ck. 130451 Total 244.80 ultmar ULTIMATE MARTIAL ARTS INC. 244.80 ULTIMATE MARTIAL ARTS INC. 244.80 Page 65 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle UNITED RENTALS HIGHWAYS TECH UNIREN UNITED RENTALS HIGHWAYS TECH Ck. 130369 08/24/06 Inv.58599059-001 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/15/06 Street Barricades Inv.58599059-001 Total Ck. 130369 Total UNIREN Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 101-1550-4150 925.60 925.60 925.60 925.60 UNITED RENTALS HIGHWAYS TECH UNITED RENTALS HIGHWAYS TECH 925.60 UNITED WAY UNIW A Y UNITED WAY Ck. 130453 08/31/06 Inv. Line Item Date 08/28/06 08/28/06 Inv. Total Ck. 130453 Total Ck. 130584 Inv. Line Item Date 09/11/06 09/11/06 Inv. Total Ck. 130584 Total UNIW A Y UNITED WAY Line Item Description PR Batch 40192006 United Way PR Batch 401 92006 United Way 09/14/06 Line Item Description PR Batch 402 9 2006 United Way PR Batch 402 9 2006 United Way UNITED WAY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA unimin UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Ck. 130452 08/31/06 Inv. 1013 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/30/06 Certification renewal - Haak Inv. 1013 Total Ck. 130452 Total unimin Line Item Account 211-0000-2006 101-0000-2006 5.00 40.00 45.00 45.00 Line Item Account 211-0000-2006 10 1-0000-2006 5.00 40.00 45.00 45.00 90.00 90.00 Line Item Account 720-0000-4360 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 75.00 US BANK CORP TRUST SERVICES USBKCO US BANK CORP TRUST SERVICES Ck. 130454 08/31/06 Inv. 1745652 Line Item Date 08/25/06 Line Item Description GO Equip Cert 2003A Line Item Account 358-0000-4803 402.50 Page 66 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Inv. 1745652 Total Ck. 130454 Total Ck. 130514 09/07/06 Inv. 1748253 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/25/06 GO Bond 1999A Inv. 1748253 Total Ck. 130514 Total USBKCO Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 402.50 402.50 Line Item Account 351-0000-4803 215.63 215.63 215.63 618.13 US BANK CORP TRUST SERVICES US BANK CORP TRUST SERVICES 618.13 VALLEY -RICH CO INC valric VALLEY-RICH CO INC Ck. 130455 08/31/06 Inv. 11068 Line Item Date 07/02/06 Inv. 11068 Total Inv. 11109 Line Item Date 07/30/06 Inv. 11109 Total Ck. 130455 Total valric VALLEY-RICH CO INC Van Asten, Jim VanaJim Van Asten, Jim Ck. 130370 08/24/06 Inv. 81806 Line Item Date 08/18/06 Inv. 81806 Total Ck. 130370 Total VanaJim Van Asten, Jim Line Item Descriotion Labor, equipment, repairs Line Item Descriotion Repairs 8033 Erie Avenue VALLEY-RICH CO INC Line Item Descriotion Reimburse books firefighter I Van Asten, Jim VERIZON WIRELESS verizo VERIZON WIRELESS Ck. 130371 08/24/06 Inv.3693486607 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/10/06 Telephone charges Inv. 3693486607 Total Line Item Account 700-0000-4552 17,685.21 17,685.21 Line Item Account 700-0000-4552 3,883.50 3,883.50 21,568.71 21,568.71 21,568.71 Line Item Account 101-1220-4210 207.00 207.00 207.00 207.00 207.00 Line Item Account 101-1420-4310 6.63 6.63 Page 67 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Iny. 3693488401 Line Item Date 08/1 0/06 InY.3693488401 Line Item Description Telephone charges Total Line Item Account 101-1220-4310 1.46 1.46 Ck. 130371 Total 8.09 Ck. 130456 08/31/06 Iny. 3694608003 Line Item Date 08/18/06 InY.3694608003 Line Item Description telephone charges Total Line Item Account 101-1220-4310 1.46 1.46 InY.3694935417 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/20/06 Telephone charges InY.3694935417 Total Line Item Account 101-1220-4310 7.18 7.18 Inv.3694938387 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/20/06 Telephone charges Iny. 3694938387 Total Line Item Account 101-1220-4310 1.46 1.46 Ck. 130456 Total 10.10 Ck. 130585 09/14/06 Iny. 3696505970 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/03/06 telephone charges Inv. 3696505970 Total Line Item Account 101-1220-4310 27.91 27.91 Ck. 130585 Total 27.91 verizo VERIZON WIRELESS 46.10 VERIZON WIRELESS 46.10 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY vikele VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY Ck. 130457 08/31/06 Iny. 1005497 Line Item Date Line Item Description 07/05/06 cord conn Inv. 1005497 Total Line Item Account 700-0000-4260 60.71 60.71 Ck. 130457 Total 60.71 vikele VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 60.71 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY 60.71 VOIGHT, JEFF voigjeff VOIGHT, JEFF Ck. 130372 08/24/06 Iny. 4203 Line Item Date 08/22/06 Iny. 4203 Total Line Item Description Adult softball umpire Line Item Account 101-1766-4300 484.00 484.00 Page 68 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Ck. 130372 Total voigjeff VOIGHT, JEFF VOIGHT, JEFF Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS BENEFIT, ASSOC OF MINN VOLFIR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS BENEFIT Ck. 130515 09/07/06 Inv. 062106 Line Item Date 06/21/06 Inv.062106 Total Line Item Descriotion Firefighter insurance premiums Ck. 130515 Total Ck. 130586 09/14/06 Inv. 062106 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 09/13/06 Additional fees for new firefi Inv.062106 Total Ck. 130586 Total VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS BENEFIT, ASSOC OF MINN volfir VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS BENEFIT WACONIA FARM SUPPLY wacfar WACONIA FARM SUPPLY Ck. 130373 08/24/06 Inv. 60848 Line Item Date 08/07/06 Inv. 60848 Total Line Item Descriotion Hygiene kit Ck. 130373 Total wacfar WACONIA FARM SUPPLY WACONIA FARM SUPPLY Waltam Sales Company walsal Waltam Sales Company Ck. 130587 09/14/06 Inv. 83106C Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/31/06 Check calibration on 2 wells Inv. 83106C Total Ck. 130587 Total walsal Waltam Sales Company Waltam Sales Company Printed: 09115/06 10:41 Amount 484.00 484.00 484.00 Line Item Account 101-1220-4483 361.00 361.00 361.00 Line Item Account 101-1220-4483 44.00 44.00 44.00 405.00 405.00 Line Item Account 101-1550-4150 23.83 23.83 23.83 23.83 23.83 Line Item Account 700-0000-4550 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Page 69 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danieIle WASTE MANAGEMENT - TC WEST WASMA2 WASTE MANAGEMENT-TC WEST Ck. 130458 08/31/06 Inv. 1412919-1593-4 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/01/06 4th of July waste services Inv. 1412919-1593-4 Total Ck. 130458 Total Ck. 130516 09/07/06 Inv. 1429621-1593-7 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 09/01/06 Waste removal 09/01/06 Waste removal 09/01/06 Waste removal 09/01/06 Waste removal 09/01/06 Waste removal Inv. 1429621-1593-7 Total Ck. 130516 Total W ASMA2 Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 ~ Line Item Account 101-1613-4410 1,469.57 1,469.57 1,469.57 Line Item Account 101-1190-4350 101-1220-4350 101-1370-4350 101-1170-4350 101-1550-4350 62.55 87.42 147.09 172.65 744.72 1,214.43 1,214.43 WASTE MANAGEMENT-TC WEST 2,684.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT - TC WEST WATSON COMPANY watson WATSON COMPANY Ck. 130374 08/24/06 Inv.721640 Line Item Date 08/17/06 Inv.721640 Total Line Item Descriotion Lk Ann concession supplies Ck. 130374 Total watson WATSON COMPANY WATSON COMPANY WAYTEK INC waytek WAYTEK INC Ck. 130459 08/31/06 Inv. 1169770 Line Item Date Line Item Descriotion 08/03/06 switches, electrical tape Inv. 1169770 Total Inv. 1175781 Line Item Date 08/23/06 08/23/06 08/23/06 08/23/06 Inv. 1175781 Line Item Descriotion rings, connectors rings, connectors rings, connectors rings, connectors Total Ck. 130459 Total 2,684.00 Line Item Account 101-1540-4130 235.58 235.58 235.58 235.58 235.58 Line Item Account 701-0000-4140 43.52 43.52 Line Item Account 701-0000-4120 101-1320-4120 10 1-1550-4120 700-0000-4120 34.26 34.27 34.27 34.27 137.07 180.59 Page 70 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle waytek WAYTEK INC WAYTEK INC WINGFOOT COMMERCIAL TIRE wincom WINGFOOT COMMERCIAL TIRE Ck. 130375 08/24/06 Inv. 124-1036670 Line Item Date Line Item Description 06/21/06 Casing trade in Inv. 124-1036670 Total Inv. 124-1036983 Line Item Date Line Item Description 07/12/06 recheck wheel torque Inv. 124-1036983 Total Inv. 124-1037590 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/21/06 Tires 08/21/06 Tires Inv. 124-1037590 Total Ck. 130375 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09115/06 10:41 Amount 180.59 180.59 Line Item Account 101-1320-4140 (200.00) (200.00) Line Item Account 10 1-1550-4120 (181.05) (181.05) Line Item Account 101-1550-4520 101-1250-4520 164.26 382.80 547.06 166.D1 166.01 WINGFOOT COMMERCIAL TIRE 166.01 wincom WINGFOOT COMMERCIAL TIRE Wireless Ronin Wirron Wireless Ronin Ck. 130460 08/31/06 Inv. 4203 Line Item Date 08/30/06 Inv. 4203 Total Line Item Description Return picnic deposit Ck. 130460 Total Wirron Wireless Ronin Wireless Ronin WS DARLEY & CO. wsdar WS DARLEY & CO. Ck. 130461 08/31/06 Inv.722341 Line Item Date 08/17/06 Inv. 722341 Total Line Item Description wye Ck. 130461 Total Ck. 130588 Inv.723719 Line Item Date 08/31/06 Inv. 723719 Total 09/14/06 Line Item Description Helmet flashlights Line Item Account 101-0000-2026 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 Line Item Account 101-1220-4260 322.90 322.90 322.90 Line Item Account 101-1220-4260 66.92 66.92 Page 71 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Ck. 130588 Total wsdar WS DARLEY & CO. WS DARLEY & CO. WW GRAINGER INC wwgra WW GRAINGER INC Ck. 130376 08/24/06 Inv.9164185580 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/11/06 Drill bits Inv.9164185580 Totw Ck. 130376 Total wwgra WW GRAINGER INC WW GRAINGER INC XCEL ENERGY INC XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC Ck. 130377 08/24/06 Inv.081806 Line Item Date 08/18/06 08/18/06 08/18/06 Inv. 081806 Total Line Item Description electric bills electric bills electric bills Inv.79609571 Line Item Date 08/10/06 Inv. 79609571 Line Item Description Electricity charges Total Inv. 79653651 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/12/06 Electricity charges Inv.79653651 Totw Inv. 79785548 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/16/06 Electricity charges Inv. 79785548 Total Inv. 79808533 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/16/06 Electricity charges Inv. 79808533 Total Inv. 79823439 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/16/06 Electricity charges Inv. 79823439 Totw Inv. 79837000 Line Item Date 08/16/06 Line Item Description Electricity charges Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 66.92 389.82 389.82 Line Item Account 101-13 70-4260 87.01 87.01 87.01 87.01 87.01 Line Item Account 700-0000-4320 72.69 701-0000-4320 72.69 101-1370-4320 581.51 726.89 Line Item Account 101-1190-4320 4,648.42 4,648.42 Line Item Account 101-1170-4320 3,247.77 3,247.77 Line Item Account 701-0000-4320 2,537.58 2,537.58 Line Item Account 101-1540-4320 1,323.72 1,323.72 Line Item Account 101-1220-4320 1,079.17 1,079.17 Line Item Account 700-0000-4320 23,072.92 Page 72 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle Inv. 79837000 Totw Inv. 79847833 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/15/06 Electricity charges Inv.79847833 Total Inv.79848114 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/15/06 Electricity charges Inv. 79848114 Total Ck. 130377 Total Ck. 130462 08/31/06 Inv. 80303025 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/21/06 Electricity charges Inv. 80303025 Totw Inv.80328172 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/21/06 Electricity charges Inv. 80328172 Totw Inv. 80329162 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/21/06 Electricity charges Inv. 80329162 Totw Ck. 130462 Total Ck. 130589 09/14/06 Inv.82134227 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/04/06 Electricity charges Inv. 82134227 Total Inv.82143145 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/04/06 Electricity charges Inv. 82143145 Total Inv.82422312 Line Item Date Line Item Description 09/07/06 Electricity charges Inv. 82422312 Total Ck. 130589 Total xcel XCEL ENERGY INC XCEL ENERGY INC Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount 23,072.92 Line Item Account 700-0000-4320 175.97 175.97 Line Item Account 101-1551-4320 74.82 74.82 36,887.26 Line Item Account 101-1350-4320 18,279.25 18,279.25 Line Item Account 101-1600-4320 56.81 56.81 Line Item Account 101-1600-4320 66.76 66.76 18,402.82 Line Item Account 700-0000-4320 6,076.39 6,076.39 Line Item Account 101-1550-4320 253.52 253.52 Line Item Account 701-0000-4320 19.31 19.31 6,349.22 61,639.30 61,639.30 Page 73 CITY OF CHANHAS User: danielle ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC zarbru ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC Ck. 130517 09/07/06 Inv. 108146 Line Item Date 08/15/06 Inv. 108146 Total Line Item Description broom refill Ck. 130517 Total Accounts Payable Check Detail Report - Detail Printed: 09/15/06 10:41 Amount Line Item Account 101-1320-4530 310.98 310.98 310.98 310.98 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 310.98 zarbru ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY zepman ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY Ck. 130590 09/14/06 Inv. 57209869 Line Item Date Line Item Description 08/28/06 cleaning supplies Inv. 57209869 Total Ck. 130590 Total Line Item Account 101-1320-4120 172.29 172.29 172.29 172.29 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY 172.29 zepman Total 3,661,639.13 Page 74 ~!!!!!!~@ U.S. BANK PO BOX 6343 FARGO ND 58125-6343 2 4372R17 ACCOUNT NUMBER , STATEMENT DATE AMOUNT DUE NEW BALANCE PAYMENT DUE ON RECEIPT If ~ 08-15-2006 $12.894.05 $12.894.05 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ATTN BETTY EIDAM 7700 MARKET ~<L v.Q. .,. ':', ii".,..... PO BOX 147~..::!: ~-~, F,'< ~ 1: ,'., p CHANHASSEtt Q MN '\"." "5'513'1 t',;;'lIT'4 7 I $ AMOUNT ENCLOSED Please make check payable to CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEMS AUG 2 1 2006 1.11....11....111...11.1..11....1..1..1.11..1...1.11..1.11...1 CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEMS P.O. BOX 790428 ST. LOUIS, MO 63179-0428 I~ Fr ~~1->. ~~T448559455551b093 001289405 001289405 I . ._--~~-~-~~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----- ease lear payment. coupon at perforation. _ . 1l'~ '} C:ITY OF CHANHASSEN ~N TOTAL CORPORATE ACTIVITY $1 0,460.53 CR Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description Amount 08-08 08-08 74798266220000000000168 PAYMENT - THANK YOU 00000 W 10,460.53 PY KATHRYN AANENSON CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $227.00 CASH ADV $0.00 TOTAL ACTIVITY $227.00 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Descri tion PLANNING COMMISSIONERS J 802-864-9083 VT TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN SENSIBLE LAND USE COAL 952-545-0505 MN Amount l~}- '-'370 120.00 75.00 1'-/;;"0-4370 32.00 07-31 07-28 24765016209206000020225 08-07 08-04 24164076216091008000318 08-10 08-09 24223696221516675040806 CUSTOMER SERVICE CALL ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT SUMMARY II nr T PREVIOUS BALANCE 10 460.53 1-800-344-5696 OTHER' CHARGES 13200.17 STATEMENT DATE DISPUTED AMOUNT CASH ADVANCES .00 08/15/06 .00 CASH ADVANCE FEES .00 ~hI:RGES .-., I .00 SEND BILLING INQUIRIES TO: AMOUNT DUE CREDITS 306.12 PAYMENTS 10 460.53 U.S. BANK 12,894.05 P.O. Box 6344 Fargo, ND 58125-6344 ACCOUNT BALANCE 12,894.05 Page 1 of 7 Y.d ~ Company Name: CITY OF CHANHASSEN Corporate Account Number: Statement Date: 08-15-2006 .' SUSAN BILL Post Tran Date Date Reference Number 07-20 07-19 07-27 07-26 07 -28 07-26 07-28 07-27 08-04 08-03 08-07 08-OS 08-07 08-OS 24226386201360290495403 24164076207091012494565 24164076208845370889602 24493986209200415600104 24717056216122161845191 74455016217140024084620 24455016217140024074105 JERRY CHALUPSKY Post Tran Date Date 07-19 07-17 07-24 07-20 07-31 07-28 08-07 08-04 CHARLES CHIHOS Reference Number 24610436199010179217227 24610436202010179708261 24610436210010180165014 24717056216692165481292 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number CREDITS $7.92 PURCHASES $138.37 CASH ADV $0.00 Transaction Descri tion WM SUPERCENTER SHAKOPEE MN TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN RAINBOW FOODS 00088708 CHASKA MN VALLEY HOME BARGAINS 9523683273 MN BED AND BATH OUTLET 914-8347234 NY WAL-MART #3513 SE2 SHAKOPEE MN WAL-MART #3513 SHAKOPEE MN CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $556.61 CASH ADV $0.00 Transaction Descri tion TOTAL ACTIVITY $130.45 IS(.;,D-<'II~O ~ I !SCPO-" I~O /5(PO'I..//:,{;) 15 (pO' <I t,3D TOTAL ACTIVITY $556.61 THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN /01-1550- '-lISt;;> THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN CABELAS.COM *83137845 800-2378888 NE 101-1:.5C>-'-/.;).'-ID CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $75.02 CASH ADV $0.00 07-19 07-17 24610436199010179219413 THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN Transaction Description EDWARD J COPPERSMITH Post Tran Date Date Reference Number CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $609.07 CASH ADV $0.00 TOTAL ACTIVITY $75.02 7C>0 -<-f5/D TOTAL ACTIVITY $609.07 Amount 62.87 4.42 20.72 9.39 28.96 7.92CR 12.01 Amount ~5.06 62.65 5.25 3.65 Amount 75.02 Amount 07-21 07-19 24399006201188110207194 OFFICE MAX 00011023 CHANHASSEN MN '01- lIiP-'" 110 84.07 07-31 07-28 24717056210642100329029 BREEZY POINT RESORT/RES-C BREEZY POINT MNI~O-Y37(;) 525.00 42084201 ARRIVAL: 06-07-28 KEVIN CROOKS Post Tran Date Date 07-24 07-21 07 -24 07-21 08-04 08-03 - Reference Number 24269286202980002506616 24445006203523630047070 24445006216536150106741 Transaction Descri tion CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $557.14 CASH ADV $0.00 Transaction Descri tion MINNESOTA RURAL WATER 218-685-5197 MN HACH COMPANY 970-663-1377 CO KOHL'S #{)215 EDEN PRAIRIE MN TOTAL ACTIVITY $557.14 Amount 75.00 404.17 77.97 Page 2 of 7 l. ~ Company Name: CITY OF CHANHASSEN Corporate Account Number: Statement Date: 08-15-2006 CHARLES A EILER l' Post Tran Date Date Reference Number 07-20 07-18 07-21 07-19 08-04 08-02 08-10 08-07 24610436200010178922329 24610436201010178853812 24418006215215116388701 24418006221221198168203 KAREN ENGELHARDT Post Tran Date Date Reference Number CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $1,319.72 CASHHADV $0.00 TOTAL ACTIVITV $1,319.72 TOTAL ACTIVITY $46.87 Amount THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN 1142.62 THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN IDI-15~O-1../150 65.84 WILSONS NURSERY INC CHANHASSEN MN 3.48 WILSONS NURSERY INC CHANHASSEN MN '11" - LjSOa-1./7CJ/ 737.78 CREDITS $0.00 CASH ADV $0.00 Transaction Descri tion CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $46.87 CASH ADV $0.00 07-26 07-24 24455016205720005642816 BYERLY'S CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN MN '/lD - 1../370 31.99 08-14 08-10 24223696223552083147493 TOWN COURSE GRILLE CHASKA MN , IgO-Y~iO 14.88 Amount TODD GERHARDT Post Tran Date Date Reference Number 07-24 07-20 07-25 07-23 08-07 08-05 08-14 08-10 Transaction Descri tion PURCHASES $102.71 Transaction Descri tion 24323006202253325010096 24610436205004050229304 24455016217720007323379 24792626224401081099966 CJ'S COFFEE & WINE BAR CHANHASSEN MN SPORTS AUTHORITY #709 EDEN PRAIRIE MN BYERLY'S CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN MN CROSSROADS RESTAURANT & NYA MN COREY GRUENHAGEN Post Tran Date Date 07-24 07-21 07-27 07-25 07-27 07-25 08-14 08-11 lORIHAAK Reference Number CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $934.84 CASH ADV $0.00 Transaction Descri tion TOTAL ACTIVITY $102.71 /I;tO-43,;;; /5So- LIS 3 0 I/:::"O-L/3/o JJ::J,/)-LJ'3iO TOTAL ACTIVITY $934.84 24445006202522985683399 24164076207743360409229 24399006207188110207255 24445006223543301680781 CDW GOVERNMENT 800-800-4239 IL 101- 11'0 -4110 RADIO SHACK 00161315 CHANHASSEN MN 101-111.>0 -<-/I SO OFFICE MAX 00011023 CHANHASSEN MN IDI-I\~D- 4530 CDW GOVERNMENT 800-800-4239 IL IDI-II~D-Lt 150 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $4.26 CASH ADV $0.00 08-03 08-02 24138296214200772496961 RITZ INTERNET PRINTS 999-999-9999 MD Transaction Descri tion TOTAL ACTIVITY $4.26 7~O-l/~40 Amount 40.00 31.94 20.77 10.00 Amount 419.35 53.22 53.24 409.03 Amount 4.26 Page 3 of 7 ~ TODD HOFFMAN Comoanv Name: CITY OF CHANHASSEN Como rate Account Number: Statement Date: 08-15-2006 CREDITS $298.20 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number 07-26 07-24 07-26 07-24 07 -28 07-26 08-07 08-03 08-07 08-03 08-07 08-05 08-07 08-03 08-08 08-07 08-08 08-03 08-09 08-07 BETH HOISETH Post Tran Date Date 07-21 07-19 07-24 07-20 07 -24 07-20 07-24 07-20 07-31 07-28 08-01 07-31 JERRY JOHNSON 24455016205720009092315 24455016206710022951463 24480206207900011525593 24455016215720003366994 24455016216710025106709 24455016217720004399695 24610436216010179518904 24164076219091006841017 24164076219255032127010 74610436220010178929101 Reference Number 24455016200720003137723 24055236202071072099980 24445006202522985683217 24455016201720005730516 24455016209720004156699 24493986213200099400189 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number 07-19 07-18 07-20 07-18 07-25 07-24 07-26 07-18 07-26 07-14 07-31 07-27 07-31 07-27 07-31 07-27 07-31 07-27 08-01 07-31 08-03 08-01 08-03 08-02 08-07 08-03 08-09 08-08 08-15 08-14 08-15 08-14 TOM KNOWLES 24266576200729127311843 24610436200010178926577 24246516206206499100182 24717056206642064630830 24717056206642064630889 24435656209206599100019 24435656209206599100035 24610436209010179096165 24610436209010179096561 24246516213206899100049 24610436214010179675250 24692166214000647277460 24692166216000840839163 24717056221692210067768 24246516227206499100625 24717056227642270375233 PURCHASES $1,479.68 CASHADV $0.00 TOTAL ACTIVITY . $1,181.48 Transaction Descri tion Amount CULVERS OF CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN MN '''0- </370 43.20 EINSTEIN BROS #1842 CHANHASSEN MN 1/10- '1370 82.20 CHANHASSEN DINNER THEATRE 952-9341503 MN IOl-I..,"!> -'1300 283.00 CUB FOODS CHANHASSEN MN Ifl o-'18~-<l3oC> 34.58 EINSTEIN BROS #1842 CHANHASSEN MN t/lO-Y'6o.}.- <13= 70.03 CUB FOODS CHANHASSEN MN '1llr,-/>lrU- 4701 35.29 THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN L/lO-48CU-L/"701 758.85 TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN 4/D-48c>>-<i300 19.49 SUBWAY 11169 00111690 CHANHASSEN MN '-{JD-'I8~-'" :'l00 153.04 THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN 1./l0-YGW- 4,0\ 298.20CR CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $590.55 CASH ADV $0.00 TOTAL ACTIVITY $590.55 Transaction Descri lion CUB FOODS CHANHASSEN MN IOI-l~IO-LJI3o FRANKIES PIZZA EDEN PRAIRIE MN IDI-/~,,10-YI)D CARIBOU COFFEE CO # 116 CHANHASSEN MN IOI-lo.IO-'-II~O BYERLY'S CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN MN /D/-/;}IO-t./ 130 CUB FOODS CHANHASSEN MN IOI-/~O-Y')O PARTY AMERICA 1017 CHANHASSEN MN /0 '-'>"/,.0-0.11)0 Amount 61.57 388.18 25.56 36.92 59.90 18.42 CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $1,093.61 CASH ADV $0.00 TOTAL ACTIVITY $1,093.61 Transaction Descri tion Amount FASTENALCO RETAIL 5074538920 MN ,OI-,C>IS-'-{S30 14.54 THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN "70 I - 701S- '15~ 55.55 CHASKA BLDNG CTR TVHDW CHASKA MN -,01- LIS 10 10.00 HAWKINS CHEMICAL MINNEAPOLIS MN tOO-4/IPO 61.88 HAWKINS CHEMICAL MINNEAPOLIS MN 700-41<.0 101.12 GREEN GARDENS NURSERY & 9522244777 MNiOl"O'S- ....:;30 95.85 GREEN GARDENS NURSERY & 9522244777 MN "101-101 S--I ~ ~o 95.85 THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN 101- ,Ol~- 4!)30 83.49 THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN lOI-70IS-t/5,3o 13.26 HALLA NURSERY INC CHASKA MN ,ol-,DIS-lISJO 127.77 THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN "701-1oIS-4S30 10.82 NORTHERN TOOL EQUIPMNT MINNETONKA MN "1c>1-"~c..0 99.00 NORTHERN TOOL EQUIPMNT MINNETONKA MN ,0'- 4~(,C' 7.44 WW GRAINGER 500 877-6994890 MN 7C>J:>-Y550 20.80 CHASKA BLDNG CTR TVHDW CHASKA MN 10'-"'015-'15.30 4.57 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC BROOKLYN PARK MN"701-10IS-lfS,30 291.67 CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $25.89 CASH ADV $0.00 TOTAL ACTIVITY $25.89 Page 4 of 7 L. I ~ Comoanv Name: CITY OF CHANHASSEN Coroorate Account Number: Statement Date: 08-15-2006 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Descri tion Amount 08-03 08-02 24164076214091007800918 TARGET 08-10 08-09 24164076221091007404407 TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN 10/-/ nD -y 1 10 c; 12.19 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN 2..13.70 MARK L1TTFIN CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $113.23 CASH ADV $0.00 TOTAL ACTIVITY $113.23 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Descri tion Amount 07-20 07-18 24455016199720003041902 CUB FOODS CHANHASSEN MN 101-1~~0-4370 113.23 KIM MEUWISSEN CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $104.71 CASH ADV $0.00 TOTAL ACTIVITY $104.71 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Descri tion Amount 07-25 07-24 24717056206122067304188 BUYONLlNENOW 888-7181134 MN '170- 4/ / 0 104.71 JERRITT W MOHN CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $55.37 CASH ADV $0.00 TOTAL ACTIVITY $55.37 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Descri tion Amount 07-19 07-17 24399006199188110207172 OFFICE MAX 00011023 CHANHASSEN MN 101-1170- 4/1 i) 55.37 BRAD MORSE CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $269.75 CASH ADV $0.00 TOTAL ACTIVITY $269.75 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Descri tion Amount 08-03 08-01 08-14 08-11 08-14 08-11 24610436214010179672638 24418006224224116301606 24418006224224116301705 THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN 1256.75 MINNESOTA VALLEY WHOLESAL SHAKOPEE MN /01-1550 - 'jISO 149.10 MINNESOTA VALLEY WHOLESAL SHAKOPEE MN 63.90 RICHARD D RICE CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $2,371.74 CASH ADV $0.00 TOTAL ACTIVITY $2,371.74 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number Transaction Descri tion Amount 07-24 07-20 07-26 07-24 07-27 07-26 07-31 07-28 08-14 08-11 08-14 08-11 24399006202188110207201 24399006206188110207249 24692166207000957048831 24692166209000120287207 24610436224004048099121 24610436224004048099139 OFFICE MAX 00011023 CHANHASSEN MN IC>' . /Ii 0 . '-j II 0 48.19 OFFICE MAX 00011023 CHANHASSEN MN liCO.I.II':l.(,- YiP3 42.58 ECI*GOTOMYPC.COM SVCS 888-259-3826 CA 101-111..0 -1./ ~OO 295.03 DR *REGSOFT.COM REGSOFT.COM GA 10 1-II"D-Y:>'~O 574.04 g~tt ~~~~~::::~~ t~ =~ ~gg=~~t~~~:::~ '"IDD -11l~~-"'Q31:'~~:~~ Page 5 of 7 ~ Companv Name: CITY OF CHANHASSEN Comorate Account Number: Statement Date: 08-15-2006 NATE ROSA Post Tran Date Date 07-19 07-17 07-20 07-19 07-20 07-18 07-21 07-19 07-21 07-19 07 -24 07-20 07-24 07-20 07 -26 07-25 07 -27 07-26 07 -28 07-26 07 -31 07-27 08-02 08-01 08-09 08-07 08-10 08-08 08-10 08-08 08-10 08-08 08-10 08-09 08-11 08-10 08-11 08-09 08-14 08-10 08-14 08-11 08-14 08-11 JERRY RUEGEMER CREDITS $0.00 Reference Number 24455016198720003050367 24164076200091008249400 24323016200251717010832 24455016200720003134431 24455016200720003134449 24164076202691100001563 24418006202202018816406 24164076206091007777637 24164076207091007989652 24323016208117871010011 24455016208720003779302 24455016213080003905784 24803916220008010000092 24164076221091008016788 24399006221188110208081 24455016220720003209510 24509176221980001206515 24164076222091007665238 24717056222642223546562 24399006223188110208105 24455016223720003666534 24455016223720006414817 Post Tran Date Date Reference Number PURCHASES $1,333.71 CASH ADV $0.00 Transaction Descri lion CUB Foobs CHANHASSEN MN TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN SCHWAN'S INC 8887249267 MN CUB FOODS CHANHASSEN MN CUB FOODS CHANHASSEN MN KWIK TRIP 40200004028 CHANHASSEN MN ORIENTAL TRADING CO 800-2280475 NE TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN DOMINO'S PIZZA #01976 CHANHASSEN MN CUB FOODS CHANHASSEN MN SUBWAY #11169 CHANHASSEN MN CABIN FEVER SPORTING GOO VICTORIA MN TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN OFFICE MAX 00011023 CHANHASSEN MN CUB FOODS CHANHASSEN MN MILLlES DELI AND CATERING 952-934-2301 MN TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN MN ZOO TARS APPLE VALLEY MN OFFICE MAX 00011023 CHANHASSEN MN CUB FOODS CHANHASSEN MN BYERLY'S CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN MN CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $133.13 CASH ADV $0.00 07-18 07-17 24445006199519887825800 FEDEX KINKO'S #0621 CHANHASSEN MN Transaction Descri lion ROGER SMALLBECK Post Tran Date Date Reference Number 07-19 07-18 07-20 07-18 07-21 07-20 07-24 07-20 07 -24 07-20 07-31 07-29 24455016199080003836904 24455016199720003041829 24164076201091007844879 24399006202188110207201 24610436202010179711745 24224436211453420100309 MARJORIE A THEIS Post Tran Date Date Reference Number CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $854.72 CASH ADV $0.00 TOTAL ACTIVITY $1,333.71 Amount IT~O-41~C 20.94 I " I (,. "I , ~o 11.26 1<'>00 -L/I;'O 36.96 1"'l6>-L.jI~O 51.37 1 c...1(," '''30 22.07 liClC>'I.//:!!C 3.59 ,~pO'''I130 349.32 ( 69.45 ) 98.97 /1.1"'" L/l30 50.00 //,l>o'4/3t::> 9.00 173/.L/I~ 34.99 S 42.55 15.96 10.64 26.33 129.72 18.07 311.30 4.57 7.08 9.57 173/'4"300 n~/'''II'O \ TOTAL ACTIVITY $133.13 I 54C...t3YO TOTAL ACTIVITY $854.72 Transaction Descri tion SUBWAY #11169 CHANHASSEN MN !OI-I;;!..;..O-43,o CUB FOODS CHANHASSEN MN IPI-'~~O-4:nD TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN 1C>I-r:l.~Y'}'cto OFFICE MAX 00011023 CHANHASSEN MN 10,-1\'0' \.file THE HOME DEPOT #2825 CHESKA MN 1C>1-/~-4~(.,() BEST CLEANERS CHAN CHANHASSEN MN ICWI,';l~O-"'~"IO CREDITS $0.00 PURCHASES $1.59 CASH ADV $0.00 Transaction Descri tion 08-08 08-07 24164076219091007534512 TARGET 00008623 CHANHASSEN MN TOTAL ACTIVITY $1.59 /l7D-4/10 Amount 133.13 Amount 145.80 68.29 90.47 180.92 342.48 26.76 Amount 1.59 Page 6 of 7 ,:.. .~,~ '.'..