Letter from Met Council 6-19-06 01.0-6'7 ~ Metropolitan Council Building communities that work June 19,2006 RECEIVED JUN2 1 2006 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: City of Chanhassen, Pioneer Pass Amendment - Waiver Metropolitan Council Review File No. 16500-12 Metropolitan Council Dis~ct 4 (Julius Smith, 952-443-2430) , Dear Mr. Generous: The Metropolitan Council received the City's Pioneer Pass plan amendment on May 3,2006. The amendment proposes to change the land use designation for approximately 42 acres located north of Pioneer Trail at future highway 312 from Medium Density Residential and OfficelIndustrial to Low Density Residential. The net density of the project is 2.88. City's average density since 2000 has been 5.1. As the parcel is less than 80 acres and under 100 units proposed, the amendment meets the administrative review waiver guidelines. Council staff finds that the amendment is in conformance with metropolitan system plans, consistent with the Regional Development Framework, and has no impact on the plans of other units of loc'al government.. Council staff also fmds that this amendment meets the Comprehensive Plan Am~1idmentAdmiflistrative Review Guidelines adopted by the Council on May 1-1,2005. Therefore, the Council waives further action onthis review and the City may place this amendment into effect immediately. The amendment, explanatory materials supplied and the information submission form will be appended to the City's Plan in the Council's files. If you have any questions about this review, please contact Tom Caswell, Principal Reviewer, at 651-602-1319. sti\ rely, . ..-Jl ~i~ //~lftILc~ Phyyi'S1. anson, Manager Lota lanning Assistance '- cc: Julius Smith, Metropolitan Council District 4 Jim Uttley, Sector Representative Carver County . ..'" Paul-Hansoh:;-ciIS'" .,.. ..." ..\'..C"'....', Nnc;.....-~ '":' ..... ." . .. " :Cheryl"Olseti;ReviewsCoordinatot:.~ ;> ::;~;c I;';' ; ".:. :,..,,( ;, ~ "'" ') I ~ ~. \..;...: '. " -, ....,....'..".. .. r~~ :;4~C ~...~,...~~~ ~.-~. :'~..':: (",'~',\~j'::,'t.'~:Y\ ;.~"" .. l .-. , ; I r.,. .. '.' ~...., .' ".. '"' t. ';'.~; l ':... ; .1.' ,'r: '. V:\REVIEWS\Communities\Chanhassen\Chanhassen 2006 CPA - Pioneer Pass -Waiver 16500-] 2.doc _ .:~ \. :.::.' -', "~::.':' , ~ \.l:~'" ~:~; ;":-! , ;~ :~:-; ..-; \' ':~ T :., '.',0 !. l'j'~; :'," ,:'.' ,.... ?'\ """ www.metrocouncll.org Metro Info Line 602-1888 230 East Fifth Street . St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1626 . (651) 602-1000 . Fax 602-1550 . TIY 291-0904 An Equal Opportunity Employer