CC Minutes 9-25-06 City Council Meeting - September 25, 2006 i. Marvin & Patricia Onken, 62221 Greenbriar Avenue: Approval of Variance Request for Use of a Single Family Dwelling as a Two-Family Dwelling on Property Located in the Single Family Residential (RSF) District. Resolution #2006-68: j. Appointment of Election Judges for the General Election. k. Approval of Ordinance Amendments to Chanhassen City Code: 1) Chapter 18, Subdivisions (Including Summary Ordinance for Publication Purposes) and Chapter 20, Zoning. 2) Chapters 1, 4, 7 & 13. l. Award of Bid, 2006-2009 Audit Contract. Resolution #2006-69: m. Approve Resolution Authorizing Multi-Year Winter Trail Activities Permit with Three Rivers Park District for Minnesota River Bluff LRT Route. Resolution #2006-70: n. Accept Streets, Storm Sewer and Utility Improvements in Fox Den, Project 05-10. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Furlong: If you are interested in coming forward I would ask, we do have a couple scheduled presentations this evening but at first I'd like to open it up for the, for anyone else that would like to address the council so, if you'd like to address the council during visitor presentations, this would be an opportunity to come forward at this time. Okay, seeing nobody. We do have representatives here this evening from School District 112 that wants to make a presentation and discussion with regard to their upcoming referendum so good evening. Steve Pumper: Thank you Mayor, council members and city staff. I'm Steve Pumper. I'm the Director of Finance and Operations with District 112 and along with me as well is Michelle Helgen our Board Chair. Certainly thank you for this opportunity to give us a moment to talk th about the referendum that will be coming up on November 7 with two questions. One question to build a new high school in the city of Chanhassen and the second additional dollars to operate that school as well. I'd like to take you through a presentation if I could. Mayor Furlong: Let's give it a minute and then maybe we can work on that and we'll take the other presentation, if that makes sense. Let's just see if we can get it up and going. That's going to take a couple minutes, maybe we should switch them, but stay right there Steve. If we can get it up, we'll do it quick. I tell you what, if they get that running, you don't have to necessarily switch to it right, so we can get that working. I'm wondering if we try to move on and maybe invite Mr. Cummings up to do his presentation. Steve, if you can wait while we get the technical stuff worked out. Hopefully we'll have that in a few minutes and we'll get you back on. At this time I'd like to invite boy scout Scott Cummings to come forward. He is proposing his Eagle Scout project on a trail in this city so. Good evening. 3