PRC Minutes 6-27-06 6fo-;;~ Park and Rec Meeting - June 27, 2006 Stolar: Alright, we'll leave that as an open item but not necessarily related to this. So related to the baseball recommendation that that is a specific area where we do want to enter into joint discussions with the district, do we have any changes to the recommendation or amendment? Seeing none, do I have a motion to approve the recommendation that the Park and Rec Commission recommend that the City Council initiate a joint effort with School District 112 and other interested parties to explore future construction of a baseball stadium within the City of Chanhassen. Motion to approve? Scharfenberg: So moved. Stolar: Moved by Commissioner Scharfenberg. Spizale: Second. Stolar: Seconded by Commissioner Spizale. Any other points? Scharfenberg moved, Spizale seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council initiate a joint effort with School District 112 and other interested parties to explore future construction of a baseball stadium within the City of Chanhassen. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to o. Stolar: And then we'll set up some other meeting, or working session for us to talk about some other opportunities and prioritize. Hoffman: Working session with the commission? Stolar: Right. Just the commission, yeah. DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW. LAKESIDE. Hoffman: Thank you Chair Stolar, members of the commission. The Lakeside development is currently the Lake Riley apartments. The apartments are planned to be demolished over the next summer months and then the redevelopment of apartment units and townhouses be built on the property. The applicant, Sienna Corporation is the same company that has developed and manages Bearpath. It's 26.34 acres. They're looking at building 234 residential developments. 2,3, and 4 unit condominiums. They've acquired the property and they plan on initiating construction again later this fall. Comprehensive park plan and trail plan, after we reviewed the proposal, comprehensive park plan talks about developing a park to go within one half mile of every residence in the city. This property lies at the eastern border of Chanhassen, right up against Eden Prairie. Developing a park at this location is not recommended because you have, essentially if you put a park at this property you'd have a service area which is half of Eden Prairie and half in Chanhassen. If you refer to the map, the overview map in here that shows the Lake Riley North neighborhood park service area, the area photo, the proposed neighborhood park site is actually quite a bit to the east on property currently owned by John Klingelhutz and so you would take these neighborhood and centrally locate a 5 or 7 acre park site to 8 Park and Rec Meeting - June 27, 2006 accommodate all the new residents in that particular location. And then in addition to the other future public amenities that are planned, this development will also be incorporating a beachlot with a variety of amenities on the property, including a boat access, gazebo, a grill, picnic area, fire pit. They'll have a dock with 6 slips that will mostly likely just have association type recreational boats and then they would be reserved on a per time basis. There would not be any private facilities or private boats at that location. Trails in the area. The Lakeside committed to complete a very important section of the trail. It's located directly north of Lyman Boulevard, and then it will connect on the north side of Lyman. It will connect to Eden Prairie along the 15th green or fairway of the Bearpath golf course and it will travel north underneath Highway 212 at a future underpass, or an underpass which is currently being constructed. So this will allow residents who want to be a few underpass opportunities in the eastern sections of Chanhassen to get underneath Highway 212. The trails north of there are yet to be constructed but if you've ever been in the Marsh Glen trail, that currently dead ends. That's where this trail would connect at some time in the future. So it's a very important connection. The Sienna Corporation per their development contract with the City of Chanhassen is required to construct that trail along the 15th green and fairway and that also requires to construct a trail from the corporate boundaries of Eden Prairie and Chanhassen east into Eden Prairie to connect up to their trail system. So by the end of next summer, people in this area will be able to travel both on Lyman Boulevard, east and west, in and out of Chanhassen and Eden Prairie to Lake Riley Park or other destinations via the LRT trail. And then they'll also be able to travel north under Highway 212, which will be quite a relief because if you have to cross at the bridge, you can go all the way back to Highway 101 at that location. You probably all saw Commissioner Daniel's comments. He has a desire to see us put some public park in this location...talk to him in person. I didn't really understand all of his thoughts completely but I did respond in an e-mail that I copied all of you on... Our recommendation, staff's recommendation, they have three items. It's recommended that you recommend that City Council require 3 conditions of approval concerning parks and trails for the Lakeside PUD. Number one, the payment of full park dedication fees at the rate in force upon final plat in lieu of parkland dedication. Two, the applicant shall provide all design, engineering, construction, and testing services required of the Lyman Boulevard trail. They will construct that trail. The trail shall be 10 feet in width and then we will reimburse the applicant for that construction of that section of our comprehensive trail plan, and that is consistent with how we have developed the remainder of our comp trail plan within the city. And then number three. The trail connection at the northeast corner of the site connecting the Lakeside area to the future 212 trail underpass, as depicted construon the applicant's plans be completed. So you want to make that a condition so we make sure that that does occur at some point in the future. Stolar: Okay. Hoffman: They are having neighborhood meetings down here. I know they're working on relocation. That's one of the concerns of our community is that this is impacting a great number of people, and the elementary school here in Chanhassen is being affected by it because of their relocations with folks, so they are meeting as a neighborhood. Meeting with the developer and working on relocation assistance for these people, along with Carver County and the City of Chanhassen. 9 Park and Rec Meeting - June 27, 2006 Stolar: Ann, any questions? Murphy: I guess with Chanhassen Elementary, I didn't understand that. Hoffman: They'll be affected because of the loss of many of the kids that currently reside here will not be able to, may not be able to find other places in town to live and so if they, I'm not sure how many students they had but let's say 30. Some of those kids might not be coming back to school here in Chanhassen next year. Stolar: Jack. Spizale: This trail is on, one thing I didn't quite understand is this trail goes on their property around the lake? Hoffman: That's their private trail. Let's see, if you go to Plan Sheet 5 of 9. They have it labeled as a 8 foot bituminous. It will actually be a 10 foot bituminous trail. 8 foot is their old standard. 10 foot in their new standard. You see it there Jack on the north side. Sheet 5 of 9. It's on the north side of Lyman Boulevard. They've got a trail construction called out. And then they'll have a private trail on the small section on their side of, when I say their side, on the lake side, there'll be a trail, a walking path as it's called out for their beachlot association. Spizale: Okay. Hoffman: They also have many private trails, pathways within their development itself. Stolar: Steve. Scharfenberg: So I'm trying to envision that, there'll be, on that area on the north side of that road, is that still called Lyman Boulevard back there? Okay. And there'll be a path on that north side going all the way into Eden Prairie, all the way up to Lake Riley? Hoffman: Correct. The trail stops, Bearpath built an urban section of road and then it stops. There's a trail on that road. I'm not sure if it's on the north or south of that location at Eden Prairie. But they will build this trail on the north side, all the way down into Eden Prairie. Currently the trail in Chanhassen terminates at Lake Riley Road East. It's on the south side. It stops at the road and then it has a pedestrian crosswalk over to the Rottlund development. And so that's where they'll pick it up from that location and continue on east. Stolar: Paula. Atkins: No questions. Stolar: Just one quick question. How far is the Lake Riley Park from this development area in Eden Prairie? Scharfenberg: I'd say at the most three quarters of a mile. 10 Park and Rec Meeting - June 27, 2006 Stolar: So it's not very far. Scharfenberg: No. Stolar: So they still have, with the trails and all these, they still have access to quite within the half mile discussion but a half mile, but three quarter mile access to a park facility until we get this acquisition and this other development. Hoffman: And Lake Riley's a nice park. It might even be a little bit a closer to the north side of the park there at that location. Half mile, three quarters of a mile. Stolar: I mean the question of what are they going to do to get to this. Well they do have the opportunity in Eden Prairie for a park, so it's not like they're left out in the cold. Hoffman: It's nearby. Stolar: Yeah. Okay. Can I have a motion to approve staff recommendation? I'm not going to re-read it... Murphy: Motion to approve staff's recommendation. Stolar: Moved by Commissioner Murphy. Can I have a second? Scharfenberg: Second. Stolar: Seconded by Commissioner Scharfenberg. Murphy moved, Scharfenberg seconded that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the City Council require the following conditions of approval concerning parks and trails for the Lakeside PUD. 1. The payment of full park dedication fees at the rate in force upon final plat approval in lieu of parkland dedication. 2. The applicant shall provide all design, engineering, construction and testing services required of the "Lyman Boulevard Trail." All construction documents shall be delivered to the Park and Recreation Director and City Engineer for approval prior to the initiation of each phase of construction. The trail shall be 10 feet in width, surfaced with bituminous material, and constructed to meet all city specifications. The applicant shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of construction materials for the Lyman Boulevard Trail. This reimbursement payment shall be made upon completion and acceptance of the trail and receipt of an invoice documenting the actual costs for the construction materials utilized in its construction. 11 '\ ,I ... Park and Rec Meeting - June 27, 2006 3. The trail connection at the northeast corner of the site connecting the Lakeside area to the future Highway 212 trail and underpass, as depicted in the applicant's plans, is completed. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to O. RECOMMENDA TION TO AMEND PARK AND TRAIL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP). Hoffman: Thanks Chair Stolar, members of the commission. We reviewed this this evening as a part of our tour. This is a recommendation to modify the 2006 park and trail CIP to accomplish construction of two trails. One at Lake Ann and one at Curry Farms Park. Staff is proposing to extend an existing internal trail at Lake Ann, inbetween Fields 1 and 6. South to West 78th Street. It's a trail that we've been thinking about for a number of years. We started with the construction from the concession stand heading to the south. It's been a very popular trail and we've received many comments from the park users that have parked their vehicles in those lots between the frontage road and the ballfields, that it would be nice to have a pedestrian access point to those athletic fields at that location. It's 370 feet, or excuse me, 780 feet of new trail and then 370 feet of existing trail overlay. Or overlaying the existing trail. And there is a diagram in your packet. Curry Farms trail, we are proposing to reconstruct 250 feet of an existing internal park trail. We looked at that this evening as well. Overlay 470, the remaining 470 feet and then the brand new trail, 330 feet to connect to a new neighborhood, the Knob Hill Lane cul-de-sac at the top of the hill. We received quotes from two qualified contractors. Plehal and Midwest Asphalt. And the sub-total on the Lake Ann trail on the low bid is $23,000 from Plehal and then the Curry Farms sub-total, $23,000 for a grand total of $46,295 for the two projects, compared to $115,000 from Midwest Asphalt quote. Now the funding, these projects are currently not identified in the CIP and we are proposing that we delete two planned improvements from the 2006 CIP to free up the dollars to accomplish these projects. Those two, or excuse me, two trail projects and then the off leash dog area commitment. So review those deletions. We have $50,000 currently proposed for off leash dog areas. Our commitment to Carver County parks is $30,000 so that frees up 20, and then the other 30's coming from two park projects, trail projects. One at Rice Marsh Lake. $15,000 for that trail and then one at South Lotus Lake. Again we reviewed those this evening with the commission on our site tours for an additional $15,000. Total of those deletions would total $50,000 and would accomplish the projects at the other locations. This is not an unusual budget format. We do this from time to time when certain projects rise to the front and other projects tend to lose favor over time, throughout the year. Sometimes we don't complete projects and then they just don't happen and other times we modify the budget as we go through the year. So it's recommended by staff that the commission recommend the City Council modified the 2006 park and trail capital improvement program CIP by adding the Lake Ann Park and Curry Farms Park trail improvements in a not to exceed amount of $49,999 and deleting the Rice Marsh Lake Park trail, South Lotus Lake Park trail, and a portion of the funding designated for off leash dog area to over the cost of these new projects. I'll be happy to answer any questions. We also have Dale who is working this process with me here and he can answer questions as well. Spizale: What portions, how would this be divided up? How much from the Lotus Lake Park trail and how much from the off leash dog area? 12