Email from Sellergren to Siders 12-20-05 05"- II Page lof2 Shawn Siders From: Sellergren, David C. [dsellergren@fredlaw.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 3:52 PM To: Shawn Siders Subject: RE: Liberty at Bluff Creek - Park Dedication Fees I will be OOT from12/22 to 12/30,so my counsel will be in 2006. -----Original Message----- From: Shawn Siders (mailto:ssiders@townandcountryhomesmn.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 20,20053:32 PM To: Sellergren, David C. Subject: Liberty at Bluff Creek - Park Dedication Fees Dave, As a follow up to our telephone conversation requesting additional information last week, the following summarizes the information you had requested. · Under current city ordinance, we would be required to provide 14.8 acres of parkland based on Section 18-79 Parkland Dedication in the Chanhassen City Code. This amout was based on the following calculations (444 units with 1 person occupying a bedroom with approximately 2.5 bedrooms per unit = 1,110 persons using park space. In accordance with the Chanhassen Code, 1 acre of parkland would be needed for use by 75 persons. 1,110/75 = 14.8 acres). · The following amenities will be provided on site: o Outdoor swimming pool- -$400,000 o Playground equipment - -$40,000 o Park benches, shelter, bike racks and trash cans - $-30,000 o Trails throughout development - -$40,000 o Total Recreational Amenities - $510,000 · Areas to be deeded to city and area within each that is defined as wetland area or area with steep slopes per Chanhassen Code o Outlot A - 26.12 acres · Wetland area in Outlot A - 6.73 acres . Steep slope area in Outlot A - 3.16 acres . Pond area in Outlot A - .70 acres . Area of Outlot A within Bluff Creek Overlay District (see note below) - 21.22 acres o Outlot B -13.51 acres . Wetland area in Outlot B -1.05 acres . Pond area in Outlot B -1.44 acres . Area of Outlot B within Bluff Creek Overlay District (see note below) - 7.32 acres . Because this site is located within the Bluff Creek Overlay District(BCOD), I am including 1/26/2006 Page 2 of 2 the following information from Section 20-1563 Open Space Requirements from the Chanhassen City Code. The section reads as follows: "Open Space shall comprise 100 percent of the area located within the primary zone. The city will establish the boundary for the primary zone using data provided by the applicant." I bring this to your attention in the event the city might use this provision as a reason as to why none of the land should be counted as a credit towards our park dedication fees. . Area outside the BCOD that does not contain steep slopes, wetlands or ponds o Outlot A - 3.67 acres o Outlot B - 4.09 acres Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Regards, Shawn Siders 1/26/2006 ,~ E 16 ~~ ~ t ~ :> r;cO ~ :a ti s j o oS u~ ~~ .I! ~ l~ ~ III iI! I JII lie ~I 2. Rezoning ~-;o~~..,:,,~~ ; Bernardi Concept PUD October IS, 2002 Page 4 Even though not all of the propeJty is ready to develop at this time, staff is proposing to work with this applicant and other property owners to pursue the AUAR environmental review process. Rezoning of this property to medium density or industrial would be consistent with the comprehensive plan. If the commission were to recommend the industrial land use rather than the medium density findings would have to be prepared. BACKGROUND With the development of the comprehensive plan in 1999, this property was given the two land use alternatives: residential or industrial,oas well as parks and open space within the Bluff Creek Corridor. The reason it was given both potential land uses was that the site has been and is farmed and is relatively flat. In calculating the city's 2020 land use designations this 80-acre site was calculated at 50 percent industrial and 50 percent medium density residential. (The city's 2020 land use for industrial zoning was estimated at 1,269 acres or 8.6 percent of ultimate commercial. If this site were to be developed as all residential, there would be 40 acres less of industrial land or a reduction from 1,229 or a percentage reduction of .03 percent to 8.3 percent.) Based on the developer's calculations of net developable (71 acres) with a maximum of 8 units an acre, the maximum number of units could be 568. However all of the standards of the PUD (impervious surface, parking, etc.) must be met before it can be certain how many units can fit on the site. Again design of the housing units will be evaluated as a part of this project.. Architectural design standards will be developed as part of the PUD. Staff's direction to the applicant is to provide a v'ariety of housing types and prices within the development. The subject site is a~ticipated to be in the Metropolitan Service Area in 2005. This does not mean that the area is ready to develop. A plan must be developedoas to how the urban services will be installed. There is an existing lift station at Lyman Boulevard that will service this area. A feasibility study will be required to determine where the sewer and water will be placed to serve this area and the cost of assessments. In addition, a road system will have to be developed to serve the rest of the parcels in this area. The AUAR environmental assessment will also help to determine development of the area to be studied and evaluated. Once the AUAR has been developed and ~he issued scoped it will the input of the cit to work to develop the PUD some guiding principles should be generated. These principles may include key words such as: Sense of Place, Diversity and Balance, Sustainability/ConservationIPreservation, Live work etc. Staff has recommended some specifics issues as a part of the conditions of approval. Bluff Creek Overlay District A part of this site is in the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The tool us~d to preserve areas within the primary district is density transfers. Again this is why the staff is recommending the PUD zoning.