Memo to PRC 6-9-06 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site WIVW.ci .chanhassen. mn .us Ole:, -;;tf.o :g MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission .. Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director 74 FROM: DATE: June 9, 2006 SUBJ: Park & Trail Conditions of Approval Associated with the request for a Planned Unit Development on 26.34 acres rezoning the property from R12, High Density Residential, to Planned Unit Development- Residential, PUD-R; with a Variance for a 30-foot perimeter setback on the east side of the project; Preliminary Plat for 29 building lots, two outlots and right-of-way for public streets; Site Plan Review for a 234-unit residential development, including two-, three-, four- and condominium-unit buildings with variances for building height, and a community building; and a Conditional Use Permit for a recreational beach lot with Variances - Planning Case 06-26. Applicant: Sienna Corporation - Lakeside COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - PARKS AND OPEN SPACE The quality and number of recreational facilities in a community directly contributes to the quality of life. For this reason, the City of Chanhassen places a strong emphasis on parks and open space. As the City of Chanhassen has developed and increased in population, more pressure and attention has been given to providing recreational opportunities for our residents. Increased leisure time, health awareness, greater mobility and high disposable incomes have all contributed to the increased demand for recreational activities. The challenge of the next century will be to provide facilities for a growing and diverse population. Parks can be defined as public areas that provide active or passive-oriented recreational facilities. A significant characteristic of park land is its accessibility to users. Open space is any parcel that is not used for buildings or other structures and is left in a natural state. Parks and open space perform three functions: meet physical and psychological needs, enhance and protect the resource base and enhance real estate values and provide a positive impact on economic development. PARKS & OPEN SPACE-ACQUISITION AND REGULATION The city obtains land for recreational purposes in one of the following manners: acquisition or regulation. Acquisition refers to obtaining land through easements, condemnation, donation, or purchase. The second means of obtaining land is through regulation or the zoning and subdivision ordinance. The subdivision ordinance states the developer shall The City of Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Park & Recreation Commission Lakeside June 9, 2006 Page 2 dedicate land for parks, playgrounds, public open space and trails and/or shall make a cash contribution to the city's park and trail funds (Section 18-79). The planned unit development (PUD) ordinance also encourages the preservation of open space and sensitive land. The comprehensive plan establishes a guideline of acquiring 1 acre of parkland/open space for every 75 new residents. The proximity of these lands to the homes of new residents is also an important consideration. Neighborhood parks are guided with a "service area" of Y2-mile, community parks 1 mile (see attached diagram). PROPOSED PARK AND OPEN SPACE ACQUISITIONS IN THE LAKE RILEY NORTH NEIGHBORHOOD Applying our guide of 1 acre of parkland for every 75 people, the developments planned or already constructed within the Lake Riley North Neighborhood will generate the need for a 5 to 7-acre park/open space site. This neighborhood is defined for park planning purposes as the area between Lake Riley Boulevard and new Highway 212, east of and including the Southwest Station housing and transit site and west of and including the proposed Lakeside development. To provide a centrally located park site, staff is recommending a future park/open space acquisition as a condition of approval for the future development of the Klingelhutz property. A portion of the park dedication fees collected from Lakeside will be used to finance the acquisition and development of this future park site. PRIVATE PARK AMENITIES WITHIN LAKESIDE The applicant is proposing a variety of private recreational amenities within their development. These include a garden-like walkway at the center of their housing units and a private beach lot proposed to contain a patio and walkway, gazebo, picnic area, fire pit and tot lot. TRAILS The development of Lakeside will permit the construction of a very important section of public trail. This new section of trail will be located on the north side of Lyman Boulevard traveling from the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and North Bay Drive east to the ChanhassenlEden Prairie border. At this location, the trail will connect with trails proposed to be established in Eden Prairie. One of these trails will parallel the 15th fairway of the Bearpath Golf Course and allow pedestrians to travel north under the newly built Highway 212 and beyond. Another Eden Prairie trail will continue east along Lyman Boulevard connecting to Lake Riley Park and the south LRT trail. G:\park\th\Lakeside.doc Park & Recreation Commission Lakeside June 9, 2006 Page 3 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL REGARDING PARKS AND TRAILS It is recommended that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the City Council require the following conditions of approval concerning parks and trails for the Lakeside PUD. 1. The payment of full park dedication fees at the rate in force upon final plat approval in lieu of parkland dedication. 2. The applicant shall provide all design, engineering, construction and testing services required of the "Lyman Boulevard TraiL" All construction documents shall be delivered to the Park and Recreation Director and City Engineer for approval prior to the initiation of each phase of construction. The trail shall be 10 feet in width, surfaced with bituminous material, and constructed to meet all city specifications. The applicant shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of construction materials for the Lyman Boulevard Trail. This reimbursement payment shall be made upon completion and acceptance of the trail and receipt of an invoice documenting the actual costs for the construction materials utilized in its construction. 3. The trail connection at the northeast comer of the site connecting the Lakeside area to the future Highway 212 trail and underpass, as depicted in the applicant's plans, is completed. ATTACHMENTS 1. Site Map 2. Project Plans c: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director G:\PLAN\2006 Planning Cases\06-26 Lakeside\Park Director's Report.doc Location Map Lakeside 125 Lakeview Road East Planning Case No. 06-26 Rice Marsh Lake ,lis en ,... ~ .. Lake Riley ,.........., . . . . . . . . . . ,.........."lJ Lake Riley North Neighborhood Park Service Area ~ Proposed Neighborhood Park Site ,-----T-----l :l I ...Jo. ...~ I ~ ~I 4,' I,}' '''1 5i: : : = r;'~----+-----J ~ gi , : ~: . ~ " ..,:::, , .-\'- ,~ jl.'~ : ...... : F: _____-L_____-.J If e( .. o In w w2 D~ > - ~ lE~m .. e( 0 ~ 2 2 ~ w - ,lit In ~ ...... In ::i ..I e( w Z IE 2 a. e( z u l- e( ..I a. '. ~~ !i~~ ~ ~ Inri ~ ~~~~B~ 8~ ~~~5~6 ;9 :::f~~~Q.l:i -II') 29(1)....~.... ~:~~~~~~l:i~ ~~~~~g~8~g -<c~o::8Q.~...I-... ~~~~~~~~~~ ~eeeeeg!fCl..!f :::: r-', ~ m ,Hi t~; ii- , 1~ m Ili !K !J' i,1 ~~j L,_.J ~~ .... dd "'''' ;l;Z <:>8 ~~~~ ~z 5sffiffi ~~ ; 55~~ ~~ II) 4.:.1Z:Z:;:.c: ~~S~~~~ :)~ O4..D.lld;;()C) ~El ~*>->>>>)- ~g: IUts~~~~~~ _ ~~~nu~~~m 8l3fg::g:G;g:ltc,..7 ,- ":Nri.rriui":.oot~~ dd d d ~~ll~-~~~-jNC~ <<_< < Nj_ ::l":'! Iii'" ~ ! 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