Fax from AJA 10-23-06 Oct.20. 2006 4:24PM AJA, INC 6125440531 ANDERSON-JOHNSON ~~ ,..... ASSOCIATES, ~ ~ . ~....... INe L4J\7JSC4PE ARCIDTECTl'RE . SITE PL.'INNING . en IL EN(][NEERL\'tJ No.0761 p. 1/3 FAX TRANSMISSION Anderson-Johnson Associates, Inc. 7575 Golden Valley Road, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55427 763.544.7129 Fax: 763.544.0531 www.ajainc.net To: Kate Aanenson Date: Company: City of Chanhassen From: Nick Hubbard Anderson-Johnson Associates Fax No.: October 20, 2006 952.227.1110 3 Pages, including cover page: Project: New Chanhassen High School COMMENTS: Kate, Please find attached additional information for the above indicated project. Please note the slight modifications to the silt fence between the temporary sediment basins 3 and 4. If you have questions feel free to contact our office. Thanks - Nick Oct.20. 2006 4:25PM AJA, INC 6125440531 No.0761 p. 2/3 ANDB/UON .JOJllNSON.MS0CL4111ES, 1NC . Y.u.uIYSQIWZE OFFlC/11 ClIJN'1'lD.SU1'l7fI M- 1$1$ GOUJIIN'Y.ALU!Y ~ .M1NN1L4l'OLlS, 1:tI1NN1!SOTA. (1fJ)SU.1Uf -(1fJ)SU-4SJl FAX ~~~ ~~ . 6ID1UJt1t1II(J . al'lt_ I~~I dm-t ~ m~mMf~~ lFOO CIJ'1l11 ~ ~: '11:1. I ~~.H~ I::~I DRBY~ CKBY~ [Q)o~m~ii' i1~ ~l!1Iii'l!1I~ 1f{]~@1f{] ~~If{]OOlL Oct.20. 2006 4:27PM - AJA, lNC 6125440531 No.0761 p. 3/3 ANDUSON -JOIlNSON A&SOCUmt', INC - Y.4Ll.BJ'SQu.aB OTTIa CIIN1D -srnm _-1S1S OOLDIINY.4Ll.BJ'MJ.4D - MINNJ1.U'OLlS, JI1NN1JSOTA - (1f1)JU-11Jf _ (1fJ)S#4SJl TAX iQ6!l OfF IDI~. m~ ~...o