Landscape Plans GENERAL NOTES: ,. L.:Jndsc(l~~ Conuactu shell vi~il the Site prier 10 submltt~9 bid to beceme fomiliar lIJith site ccnditi.e.t\s.. 2. 11 I.s the r.spensbi:i1y ef tn. CO!'Itrcclc.t' to 1d~ti!)I all uncergrQOJ!"ld eobi!!lJ,. cc-r,duib. wires. etc, ~ the prCP~1- 3. No plo!"lt~g ..ill be inrtalJ~ ut,till uti gr,)djt'!g and ~rtructOoo hue bun c:omplelle:i in imlT.e:.li::lle m~ .c.. if there is 0 ditcrepQr.c)' between the number of pl:sntt snown en the plen C1id the number ~f pl\Jnls. an.:!.., in the piont list, tlie number or plants show^ M the plon\ V1r~1 b:Ce pre.:dern:e. 5. AU plCfll. sholl be of q:eeimetl q\'u:llity. Plonh ahal: tla..e norMal, .<llI-devd.epe4 brcnch s:ptems, 0 ltl~ous fbreus roel ..,.stem; thoy shdl be scund, heall.'1y-. vigorcus plonts fnHl frM1 def.:;ls, dfsfiquring knots. 5.!l'\$COId in)J~. ot-rasions of tt,e bOTI(. plant di~eose.s. insect eg;$., bOfer3. Clnd 0:1 forms of ir.fest:.tion.s. Ail pl""ts mo!1 be r'lcn:er-y gr?..n. 6. Repair 411 dcm~e k:I property trom planting operoti.:lns at no cost to owner'". 7. The londsuJpe conlrac1o')t chtlll tei'llcu at no chorQl!;. 01'1)1 tree. e'vef~feen. ()l' o;jfouodcolJer whit.n fo.ls L:) live IhtOugh the fir&t ea!enda )leQl' from the time 0' fltlal acceplance b)" the O\flllf'lel'". AH plor.tA Wloll be at;"'" end In l'I(!.(MoJ .lOt1tfodcry yrewif"l9 eOll.:lit;on .:It th. .tld cf lh~ gUQrlIf"lt_ reriod. a Ttvee ineh de~ atuedded hlYd...ood bot\{ mule" .i11 be installed unCet all treel d..d ahrub.c Ihot ere lselcted from ground COWl' arsO!: ClrId general founootlon plantinqs. 9. ,., three men layer of l..~t (Ii". buff rock muld\ a\olef' lands.:.ape weed b",rrter shall be IfIst",Uea in 011 ahr:.b fouf\&:Jtian 4r~. '0. Tree 90>,1'19 in all Q1'eos .nllll be eptiond. The IMdacape cOfltrac:lllt m.all be responsib.le (or m!linto~nio9 trMS in Q ItrGight u:=right condition fOf Q period of t.alvtl months to.:lOVrlng lnltcUaticn. 11. All perenniol/oMuol plonlings sholl be mulched ...;th a 2- layer of ~hredde.:l tlork "Hh no hmdscope w~d tlorrier. 12. "u poly edger sholl be cobra "")11 edging or ~a1. 1J. I\jl per-ennl.Jljal'lnu<JI pl<Jnting areas 111'1011 recleve (I minimum of an 8- der>th of pl.Jlltln; s~i1 (1-''':1) mixture, 14. Wfoppir!l~ moleriol :!lhcll be first quality, heavy. 'Waterproof l:;rep~ pape:r manufo:ldured for this purpcse. Trees ahQU be wropp~d pr,or to 12/1 ond removad oiter 5/1. 15. All plMt locations, sp~eies. quantities ol'ld sizes Sllbjeet to aj1~ condilionf., seilG ond ovailcllility. 16. Landsc,:)pe Conttcc1.:>r tll 1:l~Ci}me fomO,ar wHh ':In.:! Go2m.ply with 011 pel~ies ood pr"Glldur~ of Owner'c S~PP (Storm Woler Pollution Prevention Pllln), 17. All chrubc to be Installed Q ",Initro,urn ,:lis;.tanGl!l of 24" (rt:lM t..... fou.l\dation 01 ony bulldlnc;. 18. AU 1I.:wers, shrubs, vces Qnd .cd t... be irri9i2ted. PLANT LIST - SHEET LI ONLY OVERSTORY TREES, """ at . COMmon Name 5clenbc Name Size Cent. M 4 Ash AubJmn PurDIe Fraxlnus americana '.bmumn Pumle' 2.S.cal. BB SA 6 Ash Summit Fraxlnus oennsvtvanica 'Summit' 2.S.cal. BB SH 1 Honevlocusl Skvfine Glec:frtsla triacanthos vat. fnermls 'SkYlne' 2.S.cal. BB N.. 6 Unden American Tila amerlcana 2.S.cal. BB MJ 20 Maole. Autumn Blaze ker x freemanR 'Jeffersred' 2_S.cal. BB SM 13 Maole. Suoar ker saccharinum 2_S.cal. BB we 4 Oak:_ White Quercusafba 2.S"cal. BB ORNAMENTAL TREES: ~~ Qtv. COtIImon Name SC:lentlc Na"'e 5,ze Cont. RB 1 Birch River clumD form Betularlara 6"hl BB PC 6Crnoo~_P~~ec~mnbm Malus "Prairfire' 6"hl BB CH 10 Hawthorn CocksDUr Thornless Crataeaus cNS-oalll var. lnermis 1.S.cal BB JL 4 UIac Jaoanese Tree Svrlnna retlculata 1_S.cal BB M1 1~Maole.Amur clumDform Peer Dlonala 8"hl BB CONIFER TREES: '" Q COtIImon Name BS 10S co Black Hils CS 12 S 0 Colorado Size Cont. 6"hl BB 8"hl BB SClentlc Name Plcea laues densata ?icea ens DECIDUOUS SHRUBS: ~~ <>tv. COtII",on N.ame SClentlc Na",e 5,ze Cant. BC 79 ChokeberTv. Glossv Black Norda melanocarna etata 115 DOt RD 9 Doowood Red T_ Cornus seMcea 'Bai 115 BB DE 10 Euonvmus Owar1Winaed Euonvmus alatus 'Comoactus' 115 DOt NS 47 Solrea Noon Flash Sriraea Iaoonica 'Neon Flash' 115 not GS 4S Sumac Gro-Iow Rhus aromatica 'Gro-L.ow' 115 DOt AV 191.1bumum Arrowood V1bunum dentatum 115 DOt EVERGREEN SHRUBS, lY COIIImon Na",e 30 YM Taunton S Size Con t. 115 5c::u!:ntlc Name Taxus media 'Tauntoni' SOD & IRRIGATION ..~ ~ <---- ~ ~--L ~ .& - - - ~--- G-- ~--- S AM ~/ illl ::t-~ I LI::J /0// ~ _ ~I Yo. ~2L /~<//? ,~../ ~ //;~ /;, C." /;:::-:;::~ /"? / / /W __ ~ /// ..J / J::,~ -----'''' I..,. m ./ // ~.'" ./'~t f; IE\WOJ ,/ .///-: rj../Z'?);:'" ~ J-di -~ & / /~ <:J' ~--: ~~ / //'/f:Y//' ~ .~ .....".... ..-;/~qi-' //~q-//~:/~/~/, -/ -r ~ ill 3 / ~\ a ~J//;r: ~, ;/.;;t t -cr-;::: ~1H3 L--~ ./ q~<'" /~/ ~~;~" :',,~ · 1 *ifj - .--r:p:-- __ ;:::/;. :'1'> ~ -(~~~~ ~~~(. 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A ~/ ~'~;i-?:, ~7' ,./././ II II < fl! / ./'J r-~I'-- 't i v,,/' / / /" ~~ '.r"" ,//'l , I i ARK / / / / / 4 BS 2 AJ... 2 we 2 RD AJ... 3 RD ~ M!JdJ.Sl\ UI013dlAY'alDCIEut Shakopee.MN.sS379 Pbooa 952--934-2000 Fa: 952-934-8:221 Registration ]...".mr,.1hItdU.pla,~OI'nport _~by_or__.JdinGt~ _1b.l[_.dal.J~LadI...Ada:imat __"'L-.Gf"'SWlDof~ D.. ........- D... lOI27A:16 Drawn By ViR R.cviJiODl I. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. ProjcctName AUTOBAHN MOTORPLEX CITY OF CHANHASSE RECEIVED OCT 2 7 2006 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DE Project Location ChanhulCD,MN Sheet Tide LANDSCAPE PLAN .. ., G NorthAnow SOW 1"=50' SbedNo. Ll T PLANT L15T - 5HEET L2 ONLY OVERSTORY TREES: I ,.a._ ,.., _.., I .....:;.1 I I -, '- 1'_ 1 1 - "- ORNAMENTAL TREES; Com1f;C~ N.i:'!il.! Sc.,l.!r,pc !i.l;';";~ !SyifKm mticuiata DECIDUOUS StJRUB5: r;:;j Ct}'. 1 Ccmn:~ ~b~e :\"S! 6Bi~;i~, Neon F!llsn !~v I ~,~;;~~,~;;,: Scwntc ~J~..e is;ira<:a pO"". 'Neon Flash' !R11US aroma~~a 'Gre-LDw' iW0;ge!a ftond.l,lnuel EVERGREEN SHRUBS: ! Uti. ! Comn:c~ N.i::il.! i 2OUun'XL Sea Green X;l.!l-:t;C li.l::;~ !~'ur::-perus CI1h1ens~ 'Sea Green' CITY REQUIREMENTS A.L'D":J60:"l ROAD - BUfFER C REOUi~D FCF :OP ZOi..a-G OS'n'"-<lCT tor ~ 100 It (jt tmnt."l\1": 1.f)e foll(Mjf)jj: 1\1 r~Uiif,ld 3 CMVP'f tJ("X~ 6lE~~~jay !fiMm ut>t,l'UOO (:!t':t.) o ~M!~':lWI t!1N5 e;.ll!'Sf Vf.dt.n is cpps-::>im~eiy so It 'idd9. .nI100'ft1 a 1l'lUlt;'i-er of a I>: 2 canr.:ry trt.'1J'J 5 l.ir:dc""1~y tll,je5- 5ahfut>$ 740 It. crn-ol'l:t:lge requ~res: 14 C:U'H'Jri' truns 36 und~r$Ot)' Ir..s 36 fihl1Jb6 V'EH:CLt.AR USE p.p.ff,.4 Pi..ANllNG b ~l\'!:-f)' 1!Xh[ Oi ~M.>.j vd~'cui:;1l L:S'" 311m. es[ Ol i<lrL'l;,.;aoiru fol mquirw. v.)A = 254.700 $[ ,. !c.J '" Z.5.rr ~.! .6 tl-! 1..1r'~;""'1.,'iI(; o.."\'~ '"' 2C.3i6 -slI'Sl{,J;(-eo: j~c<::,;;e 0}.1"Fo..."1 P;.l1l<i;1ij a:;.!'u I~,l!rt.."'$ !rln. 1 C<i:tcpy ir="tl' ptll' 250sL or rn<:-::.M;,-;J l.t"ld.!:.:.....!J:>e af~"Q 21).371) sf roq 1.ard A:,!'O : 250 = 32 e.an<Jpy tree'i Al;qulrod in tho) parkingh..-chi<a.dar Ustl ~ren. 5iE : Cent. 2.5" cal. 88 2.5" tal. 88 2.~" cal. 88 2,:;- tal. 88 2,~" cal. 88 h. tal. 88 ... ... WETLAND Si1fJ to-tal. ... ,'"- 4 1 / I / / //o~~~~ 3 M!~M 1810 13cb.AYfIIWOUIt SbUopoc. MN 55379 Pbau 952-934-2000 Fa: 952-934-8227 R..cailtrmoa I..".~..tbilpJ-.~crJlllPlld. -Jl"ll*WdbJ".__",c.:t~ _tbIItI_.cIa1y~~~ .....a.L.-~tMS'*oI~-. "- "'No._ .,... 10127106 DraWD By VjR ~ I. :L 3. 4. S, 6- ProjectNtmc AUTOBAHN MOTORPLEX Project LOCItioa CIw>hu....1dN $bcctTitle LANDSCAPE PLAN - N""" Auow soa!. I" = SO' s....No, L2