Escrow Return Letter 10-25-06 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site WII'W.cLchanhassen. mn.us October 27, 2006 Kinsale of Chanhassen, LLC c/o Ms. Vernelle Clayton 551 West 78th Street Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Lakewinds Natural Foods Escrow Return City of Chanhassen Planning Case #04-40 Dear Vernelle: Attached please find a check in the amount of $5,000. This check represents an erosion control ($2,500) and boulevard restoration ($2,500) cash escrow that the city held during the development of Lakewinds Natilral Foods. . -.-.' ....- , If you have any questions or need additional information, please contactme at (952) 227-1131 or bgenerous@cLchanhassen.mn.us. Sincerely, e6uhtl~!t0 Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner Enc. g:\plan\2004 planning cases\04-40 - village on the ponds building c- I food coop\escrow return Ietter.doc The City 01 Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Status Report 10/1/06 plan.OR2 u M T W T F !1 .2.;..3....a....5....6....'n.a. '9'1"1'0"''''lT'3'',aT'is 1'6 ':17",a"Hj"'20" 2 fi22 23"2a"25""26""2j"2a'[29 30"3"" ........ ...., ....., ........ Auaust 2uuu IS M T W T F ,S 1 2 3 4.5 '6'" 'j.." a....9..' 0":;r'2 ,3;',4"15"16"'i7",a',l'9 20" 21' "22"23 "2a" 25':26 ~7.::~~::~~::~~::~L::::::::: e Ie r M T W T F 11 '3Ta'" 'S....6 ....j....irT9. '0\':;:;"'2"'3",a"'5';;-6 171'1a", 9"20"2' "22'[23 ~~::~~::~nn~::~~:iM flf Securities I Start Due 1011/06 10/1106 s rtI p Category Escrows Description El Cash Escrow Lakewinds Food Coop Lot I. Block I. Villages on the Ponds 9th Building C-I Planning Case #04-40 Boulevard Restoration ($2.500) & Erosion Control ($2.500) TOTAL=$5.000 Received 5/9/05 Receipt #EE/6148 Check #120821 Notify Bob Generous 10/1105 Total = $5.000 9/2/05 - Bob, status? Kim 10/3/05 - Per Bob. retain escrow for another year until 1011/06. Kim 10/2/06 - Bob. status? Please advise. Kim 10/6/06 - Per Bob okay to release entire escrow. Requested check from Finance on 10/9/06 to mail with letter on 10/12/06. Kim 10/27/06 - Mailed letter and check to Vemelle Clayton. Activity closed. Kim C 2006 Lotus Development Corp. 10/27/06 a1 2:34 PM S=Slatus P",Priority Page 1 i.AMCON DESIGN/BUILD I CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT I GENERAL CONTRACTING RECEiVED OCT 1 8 2006 CITY OF CHANHASSEN October 16, 2006 City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Attn: Kim Meuwissen RE: Lakewinds Site Improvements Escrow Account Dear Kim: In regards to the escrow account for the Lakewinds project, the owner/developer of the project should receive the escrow monies. Amcon was reimbursed for the escrow funds already from the owner. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Amcon Constructi S~ Scott Quiring Senior Project Manager SQ:kw cc: Vernelle Clayton 1715 Yankee DoodLe Road, Suite 200 I Eagan, Minnesota 55121-1616 I Tel: 651.379.9090 I Fax: 651.379.9091 Email: custserv@amconconstruction.com I Website: www.amconconstruction.com Vendor: Kinsale ofChanhassen LLC Vendor No: kinsal Vendor Acct No: Invoice Number Date Description 6148 10/25/2006 boulevard escrow refund Check Date: Check Amount: 10/26/2006 $5,000.00 Invoice Amount 5,000.00 . ... . :. ." CITY OF CHANHASSEN . ...77.00 MARKET BLVD., P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 (952) 227-1140 AMERICANA COMMUNITY BANK CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 75-196-919 130973 Pay: *** Five thousand dollars and Zero cents Date .10/26/2006 Amount $5,000.00 To the order of: Kinsale ofChanhassen LLC ~~.r:.-l~ ~~ .. Ii... III ~ ~ 0 g ? ~ III I: 0 g ~ g 0 ~ g b g I: bOg It g Sill ':I::tI:I""~:t:~"i=--"'11.1:::a'1:a':I~"""I'Iellh',I:::I~1I.mtol.11.1:$........H...':1I.1:l(toI'.'.w.,.::::l:Ul'.':I~~:(.11l...'t."~Ir.,~[~.:a.''''''I=l!IT ~ :ITY OF CHANHASSEN '700 MARKET BLVD :HANHASSEN >ayee: AMCON >ate: 05/09/2005 ~eceipt Number: EE :lerk: BETTY ILVD EROSION ESCROW :ITE PLAN 04-40 :TEM REFERENCE :SCRW SITE PLAN 04-40 EROSION BOULEVARD Total: :heck 120821 Change: MN 55317 / Time: 8:32am 6148 AMOUNT 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR PAYMENT! SCANNED Status Report 10/1106./ plan.OR2 2000 S,MTWTFI ! 11 /~:f~::~1Yi:.~lEr~ :mJ"3r.......................r:. Au usl 2000 Sj M T W T F !is ! 1 2 3 4 i5 i!.l:r~::ii::i~::!!::!!III I P" . . Sa lamber 200 SI M T W T F IS j 1 :~l:~::::~::::~::::r::ii 1~J.1.1...!.~.)~..1.~.. 17,18 19 20 21 ~~J:~~::~~::~?::~(.... > fJJ! Securities I Start .. Due 1011/06 10/1106 s o p Category Escrows Description" ; IE) Cash Escrow Lakewinds Food Coop Lot I, Block I, Villages on the Ponds 9th Building C-I Planning Case #04-40 "~""i~'.n '" .. ""I Boulevard Restoration ($2,500) & Erosion Control ($2,500) TOTAL=$5,OOO Received 5/9/05 Receipt #EE/6148 Check #120821 Notify Bob Generous 10/1105 Total = $5,000 9/2/05 - Bob, status? Kim 10/3/05 - Per Bob, retain escrow for another year until 1 0/1106. Kim 10/2106 - Bob, status? Please advise. Kim L~$:.;.::::::~:.:::.::::~:7.~;;:~j~;:.;.d::.:.:.~::::.t~::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -t,~f!Q::::::::;;[~:::D:~[:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: p;:n:::::::::(jj~::;:a,:;:::::::::::::niii.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: p{;:;:::;::~:++::::::::::::q~:;~::t:~.........fp.:~:~::::!.?,:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ............................................................................................. .................n........................................................................................................................................................................................ j:-j;:j;~::l:::j;~:j~;~:~)~::~;;-:~;~_j_j ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... :;;~~~~j~;-;;;;:;~~~~;;~;;~~~~~f:~~~~;~;::~L ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... () 2006 lotus Development Corp. 1012106 at 8:20 AM S=Stalus P=Priority Psg'" Status Report 10/1106 plan.OR2 Julv 2000 SeM T W T F \,5 , 1 .2....3....4....S....Ei""..'t"-nj. 'gT1"irTf"'2",'3"'4"t'is ,ir', 'r,in g" 2<;""2n22 23"24 "2S" 26' '2'r2iF2li 3<i1"3f......................T... AuauSI 2000 S M T W T F ,S 1 2 3 4 5 '6"""T"'if'''g'''1"ir'n'112 "3",ns""6'Tnifl1g 2<;""21""22""23"24"2S'[26 2'i..2if.2g..30..3,.......;.... ...................................~..n SenternhAr 2000 IS M T W T F tS 1 2 .3..,..4.... s' ...6....'t"...S"Tg. 1"irn"'2"'3""1T',sH6 ,'n'8""19"20"21""22"[23 ~(~~::~~::~!.::~n9.:!?~ fit Securities I Start Due 10/1/06 10/1/06 s o p Category Escrows DesCription 8 Cash Escrow Lakewinds Food Coop Lot I, Block I, Villages on the Ponds 9th Building C-I Planning Case #04-40 Boulevard Restoration ($2,500) & Erosion Control ($2,500) TOTAL=$5,OOO Received 5/9/05 Receipt #EE/6148 Check #120821 Notify Bob Generous 10/1/05 Total = $5,000 9/2105 - Bob, status? Kim 10/3/05 - Per Bob, retain escrow for another year until 10/1/06. Kim 1012/06 - Bob, status? Please advise. Kim 10/6/06 - Per Bob okay to release entire escrow. Requested check from Finance on 10/9/06 to mail with letter on 10112/06. Kim (') 2006 Lotus Development Corp. 10/9/06 at 10:41 AM S=Slafus P",Priority Page 1 Status Report 10/1106 plan.OR2 U M T W T I ....1............................. 21 3 4 5 6 7 'j:jll(j"lf'1:1"l:i'T Hi1'1'j"lS"lS"2o"2i 23{'24"25"26"27'" 301'3,....................... US! T W T Fi .~..h....~....~..}o..A.h~ 13"1/i"15"1nniiTi9 ~9l:~~::??::?r?n~:i?~ 2("28293031 I. ....1..............................1;-.. t r 1M T W T .'cl. .3.1"4....5....6....7". 19unn(H:' 17118 19 20 21 ?1r?~::?~::?n~::?~ ;',4 10/1/06 1011/06 F Escrows Gl Cash Escrow Lakewinds Food Coop Lot I, Block I, ViIlages on the Ponds 9th Building C-I Planning Case #04-40 Boulevard Restoration ($2,500) & Erosion Control ($2,500) TOTAL=$5,OOO Received 5/9/05 Receipt #EE/6148 Check #120821 Notify Bob Generous 10/1/05 Total = $5,000 9/2105 - Bob, status? Kim 10/3/05 - Per Bob, retain escrow for another year until 10/1105. Kim - - ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Cl2005 lotus Development Corp. 1013105 at 2:20 PM $""Stl!llus P=Prlority Page 1 MeUwissen, Kim From: Vernelle Clayton [vernelle@visLcom] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 11 :57 AM To: Meuwissen, Kim Subject: RE: $5,000 City Escrow - Kinsale/Lakewinds Project OK. I think that still would be simpler from our end. -----Original Message----- From: Meuwissen, Kim [mailto:kmeuwissen@cLchanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 11:52 AM To: Vernelle Clayton Cc: Sticha, Greg Subject: RE: $5,000 City Escrow - Kinsale/Lakewinds Project Vernelle, Unfortunately, an email will not work. Greg wants the authorization in hard eopy on Ameon's letterhead. Kim Meuwissen City of Chanhassen , Planning Secretary 952-227 -1107 From: Vernelle Clayton [mailto:vernelle@visi.com] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 11:51 AM To: Meuwissen, Kim ' Subject: RE: $5,000 City Escrow - Kinsale/Lakewinds Project Would an email from Amcon containing the authorization suffice? -----Original Message----- From: Meuwissen, Kim [mailto:kmeuwissen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 11:46 AM To: Vernelle Clayton Cc: Sticha, Greg Subject: RE: $5,000 City Escrow - Kinsale/Lakewinds Project Vernelle, I spoke with Finance Director Greg Sticha, and he said that before we could issue the check to Kinsale, we would need a letter from Amcon authorizing release of the escrow to Kinsale. Otherwise, I could send the check to Amcon and they could reimburse you. Please let me know what you decide. Kim Meuwissen City of Chanhassen Planning Secretary 952-227 -11 07 From: Vernelle Clayton [mailto:vernelle@visLcom] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 11:39 AM To: Meuwissen, Kim Subject: FW: $5,000 City Escrow - Kinsale/Lakewinds Project Here's the way it worked at our end, so it would be simpler for us if it were refunded directly to Kinsale of 10/1312006 , Chanhassen, LLC. , , -----Original Message----- From: Scott Quiring [mailto:squiring@amconconstruction.com] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:47 AM To: Vernelle Clayton Subject: RE: $5,000 City Escrow - Kinsale/Lakewinds Project I do believe you are correct Vernelle. From: Vernelle Clayton [mailto:vernelle@visi.com] Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 8: 13 PM To: Scott Quiring Subject: $5,000 City Escrow - Kinsale/Lakewinds Project I received a call today from Kim at the City of Chanhassen saying that the city was prepared to release the Erosion and Blvd Restoration security deposit of $5.000. She wondered to whom it should be released since it was submitted by Amcon. I have been carrying a refund of $5,000 on our books but thought I would check my records. The $5,000 was paid by Amcon to the City, but it was reimbursed to Amcon from funds drawn at the first draw following the funding at the closing of the construction loan and was a part of Change Order No.1 in the total amount of $43,000. If you agree with me that the $5,000 to be refunded by the City should be forwarded to Kinsale rather than to Amcon, please reply to this email and I'll forward it on to Kim. Thanks. Vernelle Clayton 952-975-0444 10/1312006 Meuwissen, Kim From: Vernelle Clayton [vernelle@visLcom] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 11 :39 AM To: Meuwissen, Kim Subject: FW: $5,000 City Escrow - Kinsale/Lakewinds Project Here's the way it worked at our end, so it would be simpler for us if it were refunded directly to Kinsale of Chanhassen, LLC. -----Original Message----- From: Scott Quiring [mailto:squiring@amconconstruction.com] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:47 AM To: Verne lie Clayton Subject: RE: $5,000 City Escrow - KinsalefLakewinds Project I do believe you are correct Vernelle. From: Vernelle Clayton [mailto:vernelle@visLcom] Sent: Thursday, October 12, 20068:13 PM To: Scott Quiring Subject: $5,000 City Escrow - KinsalefLakewinds Project I received a call today from Kim at the City of Chanhassen saying that the city was prepared to release the Erosion and Blvd Restoration security deposit of $5.000. She wondered to whom it should be released since it was submitted by Amcon. I have been carrying a refund of $5,000 on our books but thought I would check my records. The $5,000 was paid by Amcon to the City, but it was reimbursed to Amcon from funds drawn at the first draw following the funding at the closing of the construction loan and was a part of Change Order NO.1 in the total amount of $43,000. If you agree with me that the $5,000 to be refunded by the City should be forwarded to Kinsale rather than to Amcon, please reply to this email and I'll forward it on to Kim. Thanks. Vernelle Clayton 952-975-0444 10/13/2006