Contamination Clean Up Grant Application November 2006 I I I I I II I I I I I I II I I I II I I Contamination Clean Up Grant Application Moon Valley Aggregates and Shooting Range Property 100 Flying Cloud Drive Chanhassen, MN 55318 MPCA VIC Site #VP19420 Submitted on behalf of: City of Chanhassen (Applicant) and Mrs. Beatrice Zwiers/Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. (Property Owner) November 2006 McCain and Associates, Inc. CZ I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 ::....::......m.SI..V Y'.." DepartmenlolEmployment',.... rH;~'";C .,' ~~;,.'> '. ',' .: . ;,:~.EC~;!lll1!CD~lopme~~..~.~~. '. ." . ....... ....1. 11 nlR'cn"~'14(;f' .... n:._(,~t0r,v::~:,::- .~/:~'i:-:~.J~~~)~:::;-., :1C,'.':'\'/.?)::_'i;;:" _ ::..' :' '/'::~).;:' _;?~'"E::::~1?':: -7 -{~.'-':, :.:,:: .. .;\,\.' -:.::_':'\-t~~:eN,,:T:~~~~~ "-.-' -',.,' - -. -' ,",..., , ,', -- ,. . . '. " - - . '. 1st National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 51. Paul, MN 55101-1351 Contamination Cleanup Grant Application and Part 1 of the Revolving Loan Application Cover Page Applicant (public Entity): City of Chanhassen, Community Development Head of Applicant Agency: Mayor (ex. Mayor) Applicant Address: : 7700 Market Blvd, PO Box 147 City: _ Chanhassen Zip Code: 55317 Project Contact Person for Public Entity: Ms. Kate Aanenson Phone: 952-227-1100 E-mail: kaanensonCiVt:i.chanhassen.mn.us Mailing Address: 7700 Market Blvd, PO Box 147 Application Author/Preparer: James S. Aiken Phone: 952-346-3854 E-mail--1aiken@mccainassociates.com Mailing Address: _434 Second Street, Excelsior, MN 55331 Cleanup I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 I. SITE IDENTIFICATION AND HISTORY SITE INFORMATION 1. Name of Site: Moon Valley Gun Range Site Address: 100 Flying Cloud Dr. City, County or Township: Chanhassen Zip Code: 55318 Acreage of Site: 39.8 Sq. Ft. of Site: 1,733,688 Minnesota Legislative District # _34 _(Ortmann) A _34 _(Hoppe) B (Note: The Minnesota Legislature has a tool to look up legislative district numbers. You must have a precise address and know the zip code of the site. Go to: http://maps.commissions.leg.state.mn. us/web site/ districts!) 2. Current property owner(s): Beatrice Zwiers When was the property purchased? 1986 For what amount? $425,000_ Who will develop the site? Pemtom Land Company When was/will the property be purchased? 2008 Planned price including option payments is $6M For what amount? Who will own the project site after development? Individual homeowners When was/will the property be purchased? _2008-2010 For what amount? Purchase price dependent on unit -for 225 units on Site with average of $21 0,000 per unit, purchase price will be $21 OK x 225 = $47.25 million. 3. Provide a legal description of the site. Government Lot 1, excluding 5.95 acres south ofnortherly right of way for Highway 212/169 in Section 36, Township 116N, Range 23 West, Carver County. SITE VALUATION: ASSESSMENT OR APPRAISAL 4. If you are applying for cleanup grant funds you may submit either assessed value information or an appraisal. If you are applying for a revolving loan, you must submit an appraisal and may not submit assessor's information in place of an appraisal. Attach an appraisal completed by a qualified independent appraiser licensed under chapter 82B using accepted appraisal methodology which shows the current market value (pre- cleanup) of the property, separately taking into account the effect of the contaminants on the market value. This value should include both the value of the land and, if applicable, any Cleanup 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 buildings on the Site. Along with the appraisal, please include the projected value after cleanup and development. OR Submit the assessed value of the property for the latest year, as determined by the local assessor, shown on the most recent valuation notice used under Minnesota Statutes S 273.121. Along with the assessed value, please include the projected value after cleanup and development. Note: It is required that contamination be considered when assessing the value of the property. Please verify with the local assessor that the assessed value accounts for contamination. Please see Attachment A MAPS AND SITE FEATURES 5. Attach an accurate and legible site and location map showing locations of prominent and relevant site features such as buildings, retaining walls, etc. (NOTE: maps shall include property boundaries, a north arrow and bar scale). The map(s) should show the following: a) The current condition of the site including labeled structures; b) The proposed development of the site including labeled structures; and c) The location(s) of contamination. Adding photographs is helpful. Please see Attachment B CURRENT AND FUTURE SITE USE 6. Zoning/Land Use: A. Current: Industrial Mixed-use Commercial Residential Other (Specify) Agricultural (pre-existing use) B. After Cleanup: Industrial Commercial Mixed-use Other (Specify) Residential X 7. Current economic condition: Vacant lot_ x_Developed site Other Gravel mine and Gun Range 8. How many buildings are currently on site? Industrial How many are occupied? Ifvacant, for how long? Commercial_1_ How many are occupied? _0_ Ifvacant, for how long? 5 yrs Residential_O_ How many are occupied? _0_ Ifvacant, for how long? 9. Year building(s) was/were built: 1990 10. Please describe the condition of the buildings on the site? Only building is the scale house Cleanup 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 for the mine. Condition is fair, but currently does not have electric or water service. 11. Is demolition required for RAP implementation? No Is demolition addressed in the RAP? Yes; However demolition was not included in costs because it is not related to the lead contamination issue. 12. Please describe how site redevelopment will spur adjacent development? In addition to the old gravel mine and firing range, other area land uses include a junk yard, cold storage facilities and several abandoned and vacant properties. The City of Chanhassen has targeted this area for future development in its comprehensive plan. There are currently three main obstacles to development in the area. These are 1.) the lack of a local residential base to provide customer traffic necessary to support business. 2.) The current shabby industrial character of the area; and 3.) Lack ofbasic infrastructure to support development. This project will spur adjacent development in at least three ways: 1. By removing blight - The site is currently a dilapidated eyesore of bullet-:riddled targets, ramshackle buildings, and massive erosion of the unstable slopes. This project will add scenic value and connect trails and existing green space. The unique balance of residential area with integrated green space will enhance the character of the area and make it more desirable in attracting business, jobs, and increasing property values. 2. By providing residential base to support commercial ventures in the area - Given the natural beauty of the river bluff area, existing land use has historically been remarkably underutilized. The residential development will add (not just displace) much needed consumer traffic needed to attract high value business and jobs. The project will also help to in-fill development around what is currently a "drive by" area between Eden Prairie and Shakopee/Chaska. 3. By providing the momentum necessary to complete extensions of infrastructure (sewer and water) necessary to spawn additional development. These will allow the creation of more jobs and improve tax base for Chanhassen and surrounding communities of Eden Prairie, Shakopee, and Chaska. SITE HISTORY 13. Please attach a brief synopsis on the history and general background of this site. This includes but is not limited to former uses of the site, known and/or suspected causes of contamination, etc. Also describe the current condition of the site and include a description of existing structures and existing occupants of the site. See Attachment C Cleanup 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 II. CONTAMINATION 14. Is applicant enrolled in an MPCA Program? VIC Prog. J.D. 19420 VPIC Prog. J.D. LUST Prog. J.D. Other. VIC Project Manager_Sarappo Phone: 651-296-7297 VPIC Proj. Manager Phone: LUST Proj. Manager Phone: 15. Name(s) of current environmental consultant Consultant Company: Consultant Name: McCain and Associates, Inc. Jim Aiken, P.G. Phone:_952-346-3854_ 16. What contaminants have been identified at the site? Antimony, Arsenic, Copper, Lead, PAHs 17. To qualify for cleanup funding, you must attach a copy of the approved RAP and final approval of your Response Action Plan from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. See Attachment D 18. Summary of Contamination Information: A. Provide a concise description of the identified contamination and proposed RAP. The description should include the occurrence of the contamination (i.e., are there distinct areas of contamination or is contamination widely disseminated across the site? Is the contamination at the surface or at depth?). The residential thresholdfor lead is 300 ppm. High concentrations of lead (over 1000 ppm) are located in three backstop berms that received small arms fire on the firing ranges. Elevated lead concentrations (above 300 ppm) are present at the ground surface and at a depth of up to 1 foot in isolated areas of the firing ranges. Lead shotgun pellets are widely spread across the surface of the lower trap range floor and are visible on the ground surface in isolated areas on the upper trap range. B. Complete the following table for soil contamination (be sure to include areas of contamination that have been identified at the site but will not be treated or removed as part of the approved RAP): Cleanup 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 General contaminant Total volume of Total volume of Remedy RAP Cleanup Goal type (i.e., DRO, identified identified contamin- (i.e., residential VOCs, metals, etc.) contaminated soil ated soil to be SRVs, industrial (cyds) remediated (cyds) SRVs, etc.) Metals (Pb, Cu, 3,200 3200 Landfill (as Residential SRVs Sb, As) appropriate) Excavation! disp osal with or without stabilization PAHs 100 300 Exc.! disposal Residential SRV C. Complete the following table for groundwater contamination. If no or limited groundwater investigation has been conducted, indicate this. Also indicate if a groundwater investigation was conducted but no contamination was detected. General contaminant Affected aquifer (i.e., Approximate dimensions of Remedy type (i.e., DRO, VOCs, water table, deeper contaminant plume on-site. metals, etc. aquifers) Specify if the plume extends off-site. Not Applicable D. List all compounds comprising the identified release in soil and the corresponding average and maximum concentration for each compound. Also include petroleum in the Cleanup 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY06 -07 table. If distinct areas of contamination are present at the site, please describe separately. (NOTE: It is acceptable to provide an overview with estimated average and maximum concentrations ifthe amount of analytical data is overwhelming.) (Note: for P AHs, please provide individual compound concentrations or Benzo(a)pyrene equivalent concentrations for the carcinogenic P AH compounds.) Compound Tier I Average Maximum SRV (residential) Concentration Concentration Lead 300 ppm 500 (in 110,000 samples where detected) Arsenic 5ppm 10 20 Copper 11 ppm 2600 14000 P AHs (BaP equivalent) 2ppm 2.5 27 Antimony 12 ppm 600 1800 E. Please do the same as in D. for groundwater. Compound HRL Average Maximum Concentration Concentration Not Applicable F. If groundwater at the site is contaminated, note the geologic makeup of the affected aquifer (sand/gravel, till, lacustrine clay, etc.), and the estimated average linear velocity (be sure to indicate how this number was determined). Not Applicable G. Briefly describe possible exposure scenarios posed by identified contamination at the site (i.e., ingestion or human contact with contaminated soil, consumption of contaminated groundwater, ecological impacts, etc.), and nearby receptors that could be affected by contaminants migrating from site (high value wetland/creeks/ rivers, etc.). Cleanup 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 The primary exposure scenario is ingestion, inhalation, and direct dermal contact by humans contact with soil. There is also a potential worker exposure scenario by inhalation of dust during excavation or mining or construction grading. A secondary ecological pathway exists if contaminated sediment particles were to be carried off of the site to the Minnesota River Valley and ingested by aquatic organisms, or waterfowl. III. COST ANALYSIS INVESTIGATION, CLEANUP AND PROJECT COST BUDGET 19. What is the total of all investigation, cleanup and project costs for the site? $_264,500 20. How much grant funding are you requesting from DEED (cannot be more than 75% ofthe cost listed in the question above) $_50,000 21. Please fill out the following budget table to identify the investigation costs, cleanup costs and project costs for the site as defined in the instruction section of this application. Attach additional sheets if necessary. BUDGET Eligible Activities for Investigation and RAP Development % Complete Date(s) Completed Total Cost Prelim Invest/Phase I/Phase L Work Plan 100 10/2004 Phase II Investi 'iltion VRAP Development and Work Plan 100 9/2005 Eligible Activities for Soil & Groundwater Cleanup % Complete Date(s) Completed Total Cost Soil Excavation and Remediation Construction oversight and surve in 50 November 30, 2006 November 30, 2006 45 Cleanup 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 Conf. Sampling and Im lementation Re art 35 December 31, 2006 Other Project Activities Necessary to Implement the RAP % Complete Date(s) Completed Total Cost 22. What is the breakdown of sources for the above budget? Amount Source $_214,500_ Beatrice Zwiers $_$37,500_ DEED Grant $_$12,500_ _City ofChanhassen ($6,500 from general fund; $6,000 via TBRA Met Council Matching Grant) $ $_$264,500 TOTAL (should equal Total in line E) *(12% of the above cleanup costs in line C must be umestricted funds; See page V) 23. If any of the activities listed above are partially or fully completed, how were those activities financed? If work has occurred, please submit the invoices for which you will be seeking reimbursement. Owner financed. See Attachment E. 24. If you are requesting acquisition costs and the amount for acquisition is different from the appraised or assessed value, please explain why there is a difference. NA ADDITIONAL FUNDING SOURCES 25. Please indicate below whether you have received or applied for all funds available to you from other funding sources. If you have received or applied for funds, please list the amount of funds received or applied for and the date(s) received or applied. Cleanup 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 26. Are any costs listed in the budget eligible for funding from other funding sources, such as the Petrofund or another funding source? Source Received or applied Amount(s) received Date(s) received for all funds or applied for? or applied? available (Y or N)? Met Council Yes - Applied for $6,000 for matching November 1, TBRA portion of DEED 2006 grant Hennepin or Ramsey No - Site is located County ERF, Loan, or in Carver County. Assessment money PetroFund No - Not a Petroleum site ACCRA No - Not eligible MPCA Funding No - Not eligible EPA No - Not eligible Other (Specify) NA COST RECOVERY 27. Has the site been identified as a state or federal Superfund site? _ Yes x No 28. Has the party responsible for the contamination been identified? Yes If so, who is the responsible party (RP)? Walter Griepentrog (deceased) Is there any fmancial commitment by the RP to pay for some or all ofthe cleanup? _ Yes _X No. Please describe: The previous owner amI/operators are either deceased, whereabouts unknown, or do not have resources to support the clean up. Does the RP have available resources to pay for the cleanup? Explain: See above. The property owner did not cause the release but has volunteered to initiate clean up. 29. Is a Cost Recovery Plan to recover costs from responsible parties in place? No If so, attach the plan and amount of costs to be recovered. Has consent of the Attorney General been attained for the Cost Recovery Plan? (NOTE: It is not required that you have a plan to recover costs from the party responsible for the contamination. However, if you are pi arming on recovering your costs from the responsible party, attach information on the process. If this application receives funding under this program, the consent of the Attorney General must be obtained before costs are recovered. See M.S. S 116J.557 for further details on the distribution of funds recovered.) Cleanup 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 FINANCIAL INFORMATION AND ALTERNATIVE FINANCING 30. Please submit a copy of the applicant's most current audit, or [mancial statement if an audit is not available. 31. Is there a possibility that the site will be cleaned up without DEED money? _ Yes _x_ No Explain your above yes or no answer: The development financing is running out and the owner may not be able to complete the clean up without DEED assistance. Local rules and physical limitations of building on the bluff, limits the amount of available land. Current market conditions and lack of infrastructure creates risk for developers and steep costs of entry. Therefore, if the development plan falls through due to a lack of funding, the owner will likely need to consider alternatives including reverting to use as a gun range and/or gravel mining. IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN AFTER CLEANUP 32. What is the Development Plan for the site after implementation of the RAP? (Number of housing units, square footage of buildings and how many, etc.) Of the 39.8 acres on the Site, approximately 15 acres will be developed for residential use consisting of about 225 high-density condominiums or town homes. The remaining 24.8 acres will be reserved as open space and protected scenic bluff under City Ordinance. The majority of the development costs will include excavation of over 1 million cubic yards of soiL The need for excavation is partly related to conformance with bluff ordinance and partly to the available slope for building. Both of th ese factors along with the environmental aspects present significant barriers to development and therefore the margin for profit is slim. It is believed that the DEED grant will help to create a more practical economic basis for the development to proceed. /- 33. What is the estimated cost of the redevelopments (construction costs not including the cleanup costs)? $_30 to 35 million Of these how much is public? $ private? $ 30 to 35 million 34. If the site will be redeveloped for residential use, provide the following data: RENTAL: Total number of units Monthly rental cost per unit $ Number of affordable units* Cleanup 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 Construction cost per unit $ OWNER OCCUPIED: Total number of units 225 Purchase price per unit $ 220,000 Number of affordable units/homes* 34 Construction cost per unit $ $180,000 * Housing developments should include an affordability component per instructions on Page IV. 35. If affordable units will not be constructed on-site as part of this development, will the developer be contributing to off-site affordable units? If so, how many? Where in the applicant's jurisdiction will they be located? PROPERTY TAXES 36. What are the property taxes on the site for the current year (prior to cleanup)? $ 19,992 37. What is the projected property tax on the site after cleanup (before redevelopment)? Refer to the local taxing jurisdiction's tax capacity value. $19,992 (clean up will have no immediate impact on land valuation). 38. What is the projected property tax on the site after redevelopment? $ see below A. How were the figures in Questions 43 and 44 determined? County Tax Appraiser _ B. Who determined them? According to the Carver County Auditor's Office (952)-361-1960 estimated that the 2004 property tax on a $220,000 homesteaded property located at the Site would be $3080 per unit. Assuming that there would be 225 units on site, the tax would be $693,000. The increase in property tax revenue would be about $675,000 per year. For the entire project, the property tax revenue would be $1,155,000. JOB CREATION & RETENTION 39. Project the number of new jobs created after cleanup and development of the site. (Jobs that did not exist in Minnesota prior to development) Total New Jobs: 18 FTEs Cleanup 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 NEW JOBS TABLE Position Title Total # of Total # of Part- Annual Wage Expected Full-Time Time Jobs per Job Hiring Date Jobs Retail/Office 3 9 40,000 2009 Medical Office I 3 60,000 2009 Bank 1 3 45,000 2009 Gas/Convenience 1 3 35,000 2009 Fast Food 1 4 35,000 2009 40. Project the number of retained jobs after cleanup and development of the site. (Jobs that existed either on-site or elsewhere in Minnesota prior to development) Total Retained Jobs: _Not Applicable FTEs RETAINED JOBS TABLE Position Title Total # of Total # of Part- Annual Wage Former Full-Time Time Jobs per Job Location of Jobs Retained Jobs Not Applicable No local businesses will move to the Site, however, specific businesses currently within 1 mile would enjoy immediate benefit from the development include: Lions Tap Family Restaurant - Flying Cloud Drive, Eden Prairie Halla Nursery -10,000 Great Plains Blvd, Chanhassen Cleanup 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 Halla Golf Course-Pioneer Trail and 101 Golf Zone - 825 Flying Cloud Drive, Chanhassen Green Gardens Landscaping - 826 Flying Cloud Dr. Nearby commercial districts likely to also see business from the Site: Eden Prairie Chanhassen Shakopee Chaska Cleanup 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t- o , \0 o :>< ~ ~ ...:l l:) ~ ~ == U rJl E-- U ~ ...., o ~ Poi ...... ~ Il) 8 0.. o 00 - Il) ~.5 Il)- 'i:l <I.> ~ 8 ~ .....-1 .~ 'i:l............ ~ ~ ';> ell 8 '.;:J o..;::::l U ;::::l 8 C'd ~ '8 t> Il)'- Il) u 8 '0' ~ C'd t5.. ...... ...... l-< o <t: Il) .D . ~ l-< ...... ...... o U 0 5.~ >> ...... 0 ~ g t5.. ~ '~<I.> "-' o ~ ~ t5........ _ ~ Il)- c;j:;~ l-<Il)'i:l ~>'i:l 0"0 ~ Il) > Il) ~~'i:l ...... ,- ~ t+-< 00 C'd o~t:: ~ i@ -s - ...... 00 ;::::l c;j ~ "2 ;::::l 0 ~ 'i:l'.;:J U';> u 00._ 2 'i:l'i:l...... ~ ~ 00 C'd;; ~ 00 0 0 ~ U i@ ~ ~~ ...... 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IJl <( > o :J l'll a:: QI QI E c: .r::: a:: :!:c QI.- Qj a.. 00 a::'E ... a.. -0 u J: .... Z o :2: o z < e::: < w >- >- m en ~ en < .... o W ...J => o W J: (.,) en V) - 0. ::l " '" .., D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t- o , 'D o :>< "" I \0 C I Coo MC ~C ~MI """..... Q) ~ .c~ 5 :S" Q) -- ~ = ZI~1 Q) - ~ 't:l Q) = ~ .~ 't:l~ =- o Q., :c 5 Q) 0 'au 5 = o 0 u:c u Q.,= = """ =~ ~ = Q) 0 Ou 0.. '" '" '" <l.) u \0 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 -07 THIRD PARTY/COMPANY COMMITl\1ENT INFORMATION 42. If there is a commitment from a third party to develop on the site after cleanup, please complete the following: Third Party/Company Name: Pemtom Land Company Contact Person: Mr. Dan Herbst Title: President Phone Number (include area code): 952-937-0716 43. Do you have an executed development agreement? Yes 44. Please attach a commitment letter from the developer or other commitment documentation. (If you cannot obtain a commitment letter from the developer, please explain.) See Attachment F v. P A Yl\1ENT INFORMATION 45. Payment Information Contact Person: Ms. Kate Aanenson Mailing Address: 952-227-1100 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 kaanenson(ji;y.:i.chanhassen.mn. us Telephone Number (include area code): 952-227-1100 Fax Number (include area code): 952-227-1110 State of Minnesota Vendor Number: Minnesota Identification Number: 9390134 Federal Employer Identification Number: : 41-885331 Cleanup 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY 06 - 07 VI. RESOLUTIONS 46. Resolutions are required to be adopted prior to submission of the application package. The two required elements are: 1. A resolution from the governing body of the city where the project site is located, which approves the application. 2. A resolution from the applicant committing the local match and authorizing contract signatures. Note: Pursuant to M.S. ~ 412.201, Statutory Cities must authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute all contracts. An applicant may either provide a separate resolution for each of the above, or combine them into a single resolution, as long as they include the same elements. See Attachment G Blank resolutions are included for your convenience. You may choose to reformat or combine them, but make sure to include all of the statements that appear in our examples. RESOLUTION # 1 - City Approving the Application BE IT RESOLVED that the city of has approved the City where site is located Contamination Cleanup grant application submitted to the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) on , by Date Applicant for the site. Site name I certify that the above resolution was adopted by the city council on Date Signed: Authorized Official Title: Date: Witnessed by: Title: Date: Cleanup 18 I I I I I I I I I I.. I I I I I I I I I CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: October 23, 2006 RESOLUTION NO: 2006-77 MOTION BY: LundQuist SECONDED BY: Tiornholm RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONTAMINATION CLEANUP GRANT APPLICATION AND COMMITTING LOCAL MATCH AND AUTHORIZING CONTRACT SIGNATURE FOR MOON VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen as follows: 1. That the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves the Contamination Cleanup grant application to be submitted to the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), by the City of Chanhassen for the Moon Valley site. 2. That the City of Chanhassen acts as the legal sponsor for project(s) contained in the Contamination Cleanup Grant Program and that the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Employment and Economic Development for funding of this project on behalf of the City of Chanhassen. 3. That the City of Chanhassen has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and,the institutional; " managerial, and financial capability to 'ensure adequate project administration. .., . .. . . .' . . 4. That the sources and amounts of the local match ideD.tifled inthe application are committed to the project,'. identified. . . :' , 5. That the City ofChanhassen has not VIolated any Federal, State or local laws pertaining to fraud,btibei'J';:graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other'uniawful or corrupt practice. 6. That the City of Chanhassen participates in the Livable Communities Act Local Housing Incentives PrOgram, is eligible to make applications for funds under the Tax Base Revitalization Account and is authorizing the City Manager to make application for funding to the Metropolitan Council on behalf of the City of Chanhassen. 7. That upon approval of its application by the state, the City of Chanhassen may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced project, and that the City of Chanhassen certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulation as stated in all contract agreements. 8. The Mayor and City Manager of the City of Chanhassen are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the applicant. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 23rd day of October, 2006. YES Furlong Lundquist Peterson Tjornhom ABSENT None NO None I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment A Current Tax and Valuation Data Icaryer County I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 At'l hnp :!/v. ",\\', co. carver.mn. us! carvercount)Tecap/RecapB il1.aspx?T ax Y... Parcel Number 25.0360200 Payable Year: 2006 Property Address 1 00 FLYING CLOUD DR CHASKA Tax Roll Type: REAL ESTATE Jurisdiction: CHANHASSEN CITY School District: SCHOOL DISTRICT 0112 Identification Information pd RlaiS<T~xPclyerjqWner':c' BEATRICE I ZWIERS 9390 267TH ST LAKEVILLE MN 55044-7890 Legal Description GOVT LOT 1 EXC: 5.95 AC LYING S OF NL Y R-O-W OF HWY 169/212 Section: 36 Township: 116 Range: 023 Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes are determined using the previous year assessment value. Mobile Home Taxes are determined using the current year assessment value. Property Classification: AGRICULTURAL COMM LAND & BLDGS ~.;i:\ii:,W{:;)::.:Assessm~ritS;eariO'05c;"r;':.".<:'::.';:/,.., ,.; . 'Pa'yabieYear2006 ." ;,' c.':' Est. Market Value - Building $94,300.00 Total Tax $19,877.0 Est. Market Value - Land $723,700.00 Special Assessments: Est. Market Value - Total $818,000.00 RECYCLE MGT Taxable Market Total $773,000.00 Total Tax/Asmts. Paid To Date Installments Due Date Taxes/Assessments 1st Half 5/15/2006 Taxes/Assessments 2nd Half 11/15/2006 **Additional reductions in taxable value may apply due to special tax deferrals, This Old House, Plat Laws, etc. Amount Du PAl $9,996.0 ~em-~~~. ~~ ,^!n/')(\f\C "1.11 TYlo.r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment B Maps and Drawings Figure I-Site Location Map Figure 2- Existing Conditions and Site Features Figure 3-Extent of Contamination Figure 4 - Development Plans Figure 5 -Current Zoning Figure 6 - Planned Use Figure 7 - Photograph of Lead Contamination I I !I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "'0 X E cj o --I 2 ~ C; ~ o <.9 --I ~ en 1:5 Q) '0' a: I en 9 cL Legend .---, Approximate L___.I Property Boundary D City Limits Source: Carver County Aerial Photograph Farm Services Agency, 2003. o 1 000 1..11...1 Scale in Feet 2000 I Figure 1 SITE LOCATION MAP Moon Valley Gun Range Chanhassen, MN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I ~ Cl.. ; cO N N L() o o ~ en 3 "0 ~ ~ Q) 0::: Q) a. E co Cf) J, 0) ~ 0) u::: t o a. Q) a:: Base map and countrours provided by Martinez Corporation. Aerial photography 2005 . Surface Sample Location ~ Duplicate Sample Location .A. Intermediate Sample Location Sample Name 5 Pellet Count 43 Soil Lead Concentration (ppm) Approximate extent of lead-affected soil f ~Mff!,!~ 434 2nd Street Excelsior, MN 55331 ph 952-346-3900 fx 952-346-3901 ~ ~ Cl.. (5 ~ 9 o o:;t o 4: > ~ ;< > ~ (/) 13 Q) .0' ~ 0.: FIGURE 2 o 50 100 150 I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCALE IN FEET Existing Conditions and I Sample Results Summary Moon Valley Range Chanhassen, Minnesota I I I I il I I I I I I I I I I I f ~ I i -e ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ l I l- 0.: Base map and countrours provided by Martinez Corporation. Aerial photography 2005 ~ ~ ME~~~~ 434 2nd Street Excelsior, MN 55331 ph 952-346-3900 fx 952-346-3901 Hatched / circled areas show estimated extent of lead-affected soil with greater than 400 ppm lead. FIGURE 3 Proposed Excavation Areas and Confirmation Sampling Locations Moon Valley Gun Range Chanhassen, Minnesota o 50 100 150 I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCALE IN FEET 300 I I ~ I I ~ 1ii +-' ":; a. e- El Q) Q) CD CD ~ en () cb .c ::> e: 15 0 CI) "'C >. t) c CD ro Q) c.. E .>< +-' 0 l.- e: u "'0 ~ Q) c ::J ro E ...J E C)~ 0 a. E Q) 0 a.. Q) E e: Q) e u. CD > i:i (9 Q) ro ~ 0 Q) w ro CD I I II I I I I II ~ ~ Q, ~~ ~~!!l ! ~ it- ii~ m ~ g" ": ~o~ .~~ ~ ~ F ~ ~f e ~ ~~~ ~O;;; 2 ~ ~~; _ ~ ~ g~~ 8 gz ~~~O ~ ~i ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ _ - 2e ~ ~ ~~~ 2~~ ~ i ~ ~ffi 0 Cl Z<nen ~~t c ~ ~ do' ~ ~C~ ~~ ~ ~W~~O w ~ Z W < 0 ~ - 0 05~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Hn !n ! ~ ~~ffi:J: ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ..0 . 2 _ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ t-t-en ffi~~ en~-; , O. 02. ~ ~ ~~mO enX> - ~ ~5 ~~W g ~ ~ OW ~~~ 2 S!!; ~ ~ < LL w ...J ~lll~ ~~~ ~~m 0 ~. ~~ ~~ ~ ~ - ml!!< ~woen ~ en ~!!! W ~8 ~m ~~ ~ .~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ : ~ 0- <~ 6~ ~ ~~gt ~~~~ t~ 5 ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~..~ ~~~~ ~m ~ ~ F~. ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ii~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ E~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~h~ ~~ ~~ ~~ I ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ffi~~~ ~~~~ o~ ~~~. ~~ ~~ ~~ ; ~Iil ~~~~ ~~ !i!; .:~ ~~ .8 . I I I u I ~ <( I (0 U ~ I N <( , ;.:-1t3~~ ~ i <("::~ g: I ~~~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ w I ~ ~ ~ C> I <(U:: <( Iltw< 51 ~~1 <( I ...J ...J _ ~ I <(~~ ~ I ~~ ~ ~ '\ \ \ \ \\j ) J.k r.."'.......~ , 'SU"ld l1JaW(toF>^"O\5:lUl!J9\ 1()j.Q vM-t\VI\W\spg(Wd\:d JillfllSlClleqaD\f 'Hd WLS:Hl Hloz/Hl/ol 6Mp i I I J RR - Rural Residential District RSF - Single F amity Residential District R4 - Mixed Low Density Residential District R12 - High Density Residential District PUDR - Planned Unit Devel.lResidential District PUD - Planned Unit Devel. District A2 - Agricultural Preservation District _ CBD - Central Business District BH - Highway and Business District BG - General Business District BF - Fringe Business District BN - Neighborhood Business District lOP - Industrial Office Park District 01 - Office & Industrial District NE - Natural Environment Lake RD - Recreational Development Lake I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I 'I City of Chanhassen Zoning Map cz ~ES~.il~ #' .#"" Figure 5 Current Zoning Map City of Chanhassen 'I I I I I I !I II il I I I I I I I I :1 II L City of Chanhassen 2020 Land Use Plan Residential-.Large Lot (2.5 Acre minumum 1/10 acre o'utside of MU,SA) Residential - Low Density CN..8 et.,..... Densiq. Ra..ng'. e.'~.1.2. 4U..,JAcre) Residential - Medium Density (N,eel:. ... .Densi~ Raf!g...e 4 - 8 ulAcre) Residential... Higti Density . (Net Density Range 8- 1& ul Acre) commerical Offt'ce/Industrial Office ParkslOpen Space Public/Semi-Public Mixed Use CJ Be - 1 Bluff Creek Primary Overfay District 1 Be - ,2 Bluff Creek Secondary Oveday District 2. ~ ~~S~J~ Figure 6 Planned land Use City of Chanhassen i i ~ I II 'I ,I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I Figure 7 Photograph of Corroded Lead Pellets on Trap Range I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment C Site History Summary and Photographs I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment C Historical Summary Moon Valley Mine and Range Property Chanhassen, Minnesota The Property is currently owned by Ms. Beatrice Zwiers and Moon Valley Aggregates (MY A) a company started by her and her late husband, Mr. Tom Zwiers. Zwiers purchased the Property from Walter Griepentrog in the early to mid-1980s. Mr. Griepentrog had owned the property since at least 1978. According to the current owner (Zwiers), the Griepentrog family lived in the now abandoned house near the parking lot until about 1990. Walter Griepentrog passed away in 1998. Contact with remaining living members of the Griepentrog family indicated that they were oflimited means and did not comprehend the potential for environmental liability at the Property. Prior to 1965, the Property was used as ski hill dating. back to at least the early 1950s. The Property was one of the first ski hills in the metro area to feature a mechanized rope tow. The rope tow is visible as a linear feature on'the aerial photographs to the northwest of the abandoned house near the parking area and driveway. Based on aerial photographs of the Property, the current positions ofthe pistol, rifle, and trap range are first evident in about 1965. According to the owner, the trap range firing line was located approximately 100 feet to the southwest of its current location. The trap range is just east of the tow rope house and historically has consisted of up to 11 single-station throwers. The pistol and rifle ranges are located east of the abandoned house. An employee at the gun range who said that he worked at the Property since 1981 said that he believed shooting started on the Property in 1930. As far as he could remember or had understood from others, the locations of each range had not changed significantly. The lease operator of the gun range was Rick Weckman. Mr. Weckman became critically ill in 2004 and has not yet been interviewed. No previous recycling or clean up activities have been documented for the gun ranges. Gun range and gravel mine employees indicated that the property owner and several others had conducted small-scale recovery of bullets from the back stop berms in the past. Min.ing of the sand and gravel deposits at the Property began in about the 1940s. The first areas miried include the pits to the east and west of the parking area immediately adjacent to Flying Cloud Drive. The western pit slowly expanded until about 1989. After 1989, a major period of gravel mining began and over the next few years, a large quantity of sand and gravel was apparently removed from the Property. The mining activities did not affect the area of the pistol and rifle ranges. However, large portions of the surface material located within the assumed shotfall zone of the trap range were I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment C (continued) Page 2 )\1VA Grant Application apparently mined in the early 1990s. Reclamation of the mined areas was performed by filling with screened (sand) materials, stripped topsoil and other stockpiled materials. Because MV A also operated a trucking firm that hauled the aggregate materials, they have indicated that they have direct knowledge that the sand and gravel was used in a variety of road projects and was not used as fill for playgrounds, topsoil, or other use that may have put it in direct contact with the public. In about 1996, the City of Chanhassen approved an interim grading plan and comprehensive plan guidance to facilitate future residential development ofthe property. In 2001, Pemtom Land Company (PLC) acquired an option on the property now known as the Settler's West Subdivision including Outlot G and a tract ofland located west of the Property and west of the Hennepin County Regional Trail. PLC initiated extensive engineering and hydrologic studies of all the property o\\'Iled by MV A so that it could be included in a future development plan. In 2003, a contractor was allowed to remove sand and gravel from the upper eastern slope of the mine for road bed material. The contractor extracted gravel beyond the allowed limits of the mine resulting in encroachment into Outlot G to the edge of the proposed Settler' s West Subdivision, and non-compliant (vertical face) slopes. In 2004, Pemtom Land Company conducted a Phase I ESA of several properties surrounding the Property and commissioned a soil investigation of the cul-du-sac area located nearest to the shooting ranges. The City of Chanhassen planning commission recommended approval of a revised interim grading plan and conditional use permit for the Property. A condition ofthat approval required the completion of a Phase I ESA for the Property and specifically to address the lead issues. After completion ofa preliminary Site Investigation, and a Phase I ESA, the project was enrolled in the VIC program with an endpoint goal of a limited No Further Action letter including the lead soil. The limited NF A was focused on lead in soil, but not groundwater issues due to limited leaching potential of lead in soil. A Phase II Site Investigation was conducted in 2005 that included extensive soil sampling and soil borings. The Phase II found significant concentrations of antimony, arsenic, copper, and lead in the gun rang berms and within isolated portions of the trap range. The Phase II report was submitted in October 2005, and included a Voluntary Response Action Plan (VRAP). The VRAP called for demolition of buildings and excavation of soils in each of the' gun ranges. Soils that are too contaminated to be disposed in a landfili will be stabilized on-site and transported to a permitted disposal facility. The VRAP was approved on June 16,2006. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment C (continued) Page 3 MVA Grant Application The VRA began in September 2006 and has consisted of screening lead for recycling from the berm soils and staging several stockpiles for preliminary TCLP testing. We are currently awaiting the final results of TCLP testing to begin the final stage of work at the Property which will include stabilization oflead-contaminated soils and transport to a solid waste facility. Preliminary results indicate that the quantity of soil that will require stabilization will be about $40,000 more than was anticipated based on the Phase II test results. This has created an additional fmancial burden for Ms. Zwiers, in addition to the already significant strain of financing the previous parts of the project. I I I I I I il I I II I I I I I I I I I I 2002 Carver County aerial photograph with property lines shown in white. I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ! i I I ~ Visible lead shot on northern edge of property on boundary with residential subdivision. :1 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Extreme northern edge of trap range shotfall area where pellets observed - Approximately 1 to 20 pellets per square foot adjacent to residential area. View of Moon Valley property looking southwest from top of bluff. Scale house and trap range are in center background at base of hill. I ~ ~----~ ,I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ View to southeast from top of bluff Shell casings on ground near pistol range. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II l_ Trailer storage and minor fugitive dumping in old east pit near entrance. Old tank, more debris in old east pit lot. I I ~ I I I I I II II I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I Abandoned trailer near parking area. Debris on northwest comer of old house (a.k.a. 'chalet'). Water is from flowing artesian well located under debris. I I I I II I I I I I I 'I I I I I II I I View to southeast from trap range showing the gun range office (left) and the old chalet house (right). Semi trailer and 250 gallon AST - view to south from scale house. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I Erosion of upper mine slope; view to north/northeast. Vertical face is approximately 40' high. 100 yard rifle target showing fore stop, backstop, and side berms; note downslope erosion I !I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Typical close-up of backstop berm showing high concentration of lead at surface. Pen is pointing to a lead slug at soil surface. 50 yard target at rifle range. --~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I View of pistol target from firing line. Trap range looking northwest. A target thrower is in foreground. Bright colored area in background is broken target drop zone. II I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I Trap range view to north. Note; this is an "ad hoc" range with no regulation competition shooting stations. Top of hill on trap range looking north. Pen at right is pointing to stressed vegetation and soil with more than 100 pellets per ft? Area in background is the maximum shotfall accumulation zone. Note that this area was mined in the early 1990s, creating the gully or ravine in the middle of the photo. I I I I : I I I I I J ]1 I I I 'I I I 'I I I I I I II I I I I I Lead shot on ground at top of trap range. This area consistently showed soil concentrations of lead greater than 300 ppm. Back edge of trap range looking to the south at the firing line. I I I I I II I I I I I I II I I I I Stripping lead-contaminated soils from upper trap range area. Stockpiled soils from pistol range awaiting stabilization pending completion of RAP. Trap range and rifle range floor soils have not yet been staged or stabilized. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment D RAP Approval Letter from MPCA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rVlinnesota PoHutron Control Agency JUne 16, 2006 :Mr. Dan Zwiers 1100n Valley Aggregates 11111 Deuce Avenue EIko, MN 55020 ,RE: Moon Valley/Outlot G Site 100 Flying Cloud Drive, Chaska MPCA Project Number VP 19420 Conditional Approval of Response Action Plan Dear Mr. Zwiers: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff in the Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup, (yre) Program haS completed review of the following two documents for the Moon Valley/Outlot G site, located at the address referenced above (the Site): · Phase II Site Investigation' and Voluntary Response Action Plan" (VRAP) dated October 21,2005; and · Addenda to the Moon Valley VRA:P (Addenda) dated Apnl 28~ 2006 These documents were prepared and submitted on your behalfby McCain and Associates, Inc. The 'VRAP, as modified by the Addenda, is approved, subject to the following change: · A minimum of five confirmation samples (one floor, four sidewall) shall be collected from each hot-spot excavation performed on the upper trap range. . This letter is subj ect to the disclaimers listed ill Attachment A. If you have any questions about the contents oftrus letter, feel free to call me at (651) 296-8947 or Wayne Sarappo at (651) 296-7297. Sj;1~relY, . / t/~, e4at}~ Amy~adiar:iS, P.G. ' Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Unit Superfund Section Remediation Division , AKH:ais Enc1osure(s) cc: Jim Aiken, McCain and Associates 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; Saint Paul, MN 55155-4194; (651) 296-6300 (Voice); (651) 282-5332 (TTY); www.pca.state.mn.us St. Paul. Brainerd. Detroit Lakes. Duluth' Mankato . Marshall. Rochester. Willmar Equal Opportunity Employer. Printed on recycled paper containing at least 20 percent fibers from paper recycled by consumers. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ATTACID\1E~T A STA.....1\DARD nrSCLAThfERS Moon Valley/Outlot G, MPCA Project:Nllil1ber vP 19420 L Reservation of Authorities The MPCA Commissioner reserves the authority to take any appropriate actions with respect to any release, threatened release, or other conditions at the Site. The lYlPCA Commissioner also reserves the authority to take such actions if the voluntary party does not proceed in the manner described in this letter or if actions taken or omitted by the voluntary party with respect to the Site contribute to any release or threatened release, or create an imminent and substantial danger to public health arid welfare. 2. No :MPCA Assumption of Liability The MPCA, its Commissioner and staff do not assume any liability for any release, threatened release or other conditions at the Site or for any actions taken or omitted by the voluntary party with regard to the release, threatened release, or either conditions at the Site, whether the actions taken or omitted are in accordance with this letter or otherwise. . 3. Letter Based on Current Information All statements, conclusions and representations in this letter an~ based upon information known to the MPCA Commissioner and staff at the time this letter was issued. The MPCA Commissioner and staff . reserVe the authority to modify or rescind any such statement, conclusion or representation and to take arty appropriate action under his authority if the MPCA Commissioner or staff acquirei infon,nation . after issuance of this letter that provides a basis for such.modi:5.cation or action. 4.. Disclaimer Regarding Use or Development of the Property The MPCA, its Commissioner and staffdo not warrant that the. Site is suitable or appropriate fot any particular use. . . 5.. Disclaimer Regarding Investigative or Response Action at the Property Nothing in this letter is intended to authorize any response action under Minn. Stat. S 115B.17, subcL 12. . Page 1 of1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment E Invoices/or Project Work to Date I -"~:!", ~~r.~:_ c.: ~ iV,[C~~H I "v' ",.. ~n:; !:~n"."'~T;Z:::: 1'"1'" a ,a.,........ .....~....__~.._.i'h.... \.. . 434 2'::: Street =x::els1or. MN I 55331 T 952.4iO.1611 I August 30, 2004 I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko,:MN 55020 Invoice #: MY A040101 I McCain Project #: MY A0401 I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Preliminary Site Investigation Invoice I For professional services from July 30, 2004 to August 27, 2004 including: I Compilation of Preliminary Site Investigation Data Evaluation of Historical Maps, Geologic, Topographic, Aerial Photos, and City Directory Data Preparation of Project Health and Safety Plan Preparation ofMPCA VIC application Coordination and Communication with MY A and MPCA Preparation ofWark Plan Scope of Work Letter Site Meeting with MPCA on August 26 Soil Sampling and GPS Surveying at Site on August 26 and 27 (65% complete) I I I Itemization of Costs Time Name Units Rate Total Jim Aiken Principal Hydrogeologist 36.0 hrs $108/hr $3,888.00 Nick R. Bonow Geologist/Engineer 28.75 hrs $55/hr $1,581.25 Time Subtotal $5,469.25 Expenses Mileage 39 $0.375/mi $14.63 Vehicle Use 2 day $15 day $30.00 Maps, Charts, Photos Historical Info. Gatherers 1LS $325.00 $325.00 Equipment - Digital imaging I day $15.00/day $15.00 Equipment -Expendable 2 day $SO.OO/day $100.00 Equipment - Durable 1 day $30.00/day $30.00 Communication, Copy, Print 1.00% Labor 1 LS $54.69 $54.69 Expenses Subtotal $569.32 I I I I I I Budget: $21,058.00 28.7% Credit/Offset Subtotal $6,038.57 SO.OO I Amount Payable: S6,038.57 Thank You. James S. Aiken, P.G. I P:\Invoices\MVAC401\:-.1V A04010l:wpd I ~ Jir'(\ .-,i"'1 Iv h...,rvad.i , ~ '. . ana .~~SSOC!aIest mc. I I September 27, 2004 I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, MN 55020 I I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Preliminary Site Investigation Invoice I 434 2" S;reet ~xce!sior. MN 55331 T 952.470.1611 Invoice #: MY A040102 McCain Project #: MV A0401 For professional services from August 27, 2004 to September 27,2004 including: Completion of field soil sampling and surveying on Sept. 1 Preparation of Maps, Tables, and Survey Data (80% complete) Preparation oftext for report (60% complete) Review oflaboratory data Communications with Sathre, Pemtom, and MV A Preliminary $50,000 Brownfields Grant Information and Assistance (10% complete) I I I Time Itemization of Costs Name I Jim Aiken Nick R. Bonow Principal Hydrogeologist Geologist!Engineer I Expenses Mileage Vehicle Use Maps, Charts, Photos Equipment - Digital imaging Equipment -Expendable Equipment - Durable Communication,Copy, Print 1.00% Labor I I I I Invoiced to date: $12,062.82 Budget: $21,058.00 57.3% I Amount Payable: Units Rate Total 34.1 hrs $108/hr $3,682.80 44.5 hrs $50/hr $2,225.00 Time Subtotal $5,907.80 153 $0.375/mi $57.38 o day $15 day $0.00 OLS $325.00 $0.00 Oday $15.00/day $0.00 o day $50.00/day $0.00 o day $30.00/day $0.00 1 LS $59.08 $59.08 Expenses Subtotal $116.45 Subtotal $6,024.25 Credit/Offset SO.OO $6,024.25 I Note: In appreciation for your business, we have reduced the billing rate for junior staff Invoiced to date: $12,062.82 to $50.00 per hour for the remainder of 2004. This reflects a savings of $222.50 on this invoice and on future invoices in 2004!!! Tna.."1k YOU. James S. Aiken, P .G. I P: 'Invoices\MV A0401 \.\1VA0401 02.wpd I r~,,,r.'-" . ~Q~ t<~__ i'I;:-,\[ 1. ,,~_~ r ' < IviCv~q ! ''''" (v and F.ssG:ia;;.~j;c~ I I October 23, 2004 I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko,:MN 55020 I I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Preliminary Site Investigation Invoice I 434 2nc Sticet Exce!sior, MN 55331 T 952.470.16~ 1 F 952.470.0728 Invoice #: MV A040103 McCain Proj ect #: MY A040 1 For professional services from September 27,2004 to October 23,2004 including: Completion of Preliminary Site Investigation Report (5 copies) Submission of PSI report and correspondence with VIC (10/18) Final Maps, Tables, and Survey Data Preparation of text for report Soil sampling for stockpile areas (authorized on 10/5 site meeting) Rush Analysis of samples Review oflaboratory data Communications with Ryan, Sathre, Pemtom, and MY A Completion of$50,000 Brownfields Grant Information (Submitted 10/21) I I I I Time Itemization of Costs Name I Jim Aiken Nick R. Bonow Principal Hydrogeologist GeologistlEngineer I I Expenses Mileage Vehicle Use Laboratory (Rush) Equipment -E),."pendable Equipment - Durable Communication, Copy, Print 1.00% Labor I I I Invoiced to date: $20,387.67 Budget: $21,058.00 96.8% I Amount Payable: Thank You. J a..'1les S. Aiken, P . G. I P:'lr:voices\:vlV A0401 \:\.fVA0401 03 .wpd Units Rate Total 71.9 hrs $108/hr $7,765.20 4.0 hrs $501hr $200.00 Time Subtotal $7,965.20 80 $0.375/mi $30.00 1 day $15 day $15.00 1 LS $210.00 $210.00 0.5 day S50.00/day $25.00 o day S30.00/day SO.OO 1 LS S79.65 $79.65 Expenses Subtotal S359.65 Subtotal S8,324.85 Credit/Offset SO.OO $8,324.85 I p;. p.o.' Wg i\~ r> :_ <. ~ .,k- i\ 0'1 ~i:.:ll G -<; l,{ vvoa 1 l;,. j{ ,...,.-if' ..........,.;.-.;..,.... J ^ - ~- ~ r'I' < ~c:'....,., ....,.:0...... In ~ ~. ~ . ,--~-~.-. ' -. I I November 30, 2004 I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley ~ggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, MN 55020 I 434 Z':; Street =xcelsiof, MN 55331 T 952.470.1611 F 952.470.0728 Invoice #: MV A040104 McCain Project #: MV A0401 I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Preliminary Site Investigation I Invoice For professional services from October 23, 2004 to November 27,2004 including: I Completion of Phase I Report (6 copies) Request for No Association Letter for City of Chanhassen Laboratory invoice for PSI Communications with MV A and MPCA I I Time Name I Jim Aiken Giovanni Orbita Jim Berkas I Expenses Laboratory (from PSI) Maps, Charts (phase I) EDR Report (phase I) Cornmunication,Copy, Print I I I Invoiced to date: $24,067.02 Budget: $24,058.00 I Amount Payable: Thank You. I James S. Aiken, P.G. I I P:'Jnvo:ces\},fIT ,1.0401 c'.flTA040 104.\vpd Itemization of Costs Principal Hydrogeologist CAD Engineer 1.00% Labor 100.0% Units Rate Total 15.0 $108/hr $1,620.00 3.0 $85/hr $255.00 1.5 hrs $80/hr $120.00 Time Subtotal $1,995.00 I LS $1,330.00 $1,330.00 1 LS $19.40 $19.40 1 LS $315.00 $315.00 1 LS $19.95 $19.95 Expenses Subtotal $1,684.35 Subtotal $3,679.35 Credit/Offset $0.00 $0.00 $3,679.35 I f"'\ ~ JL"'.0 ......: n C- -' IviL.vOh i l \JJ cr;.;j P.SSCc::tlS, in:. 43t 2"' Street =x::e!sior, IviN 55331 I T 952.470.1611 F 952.470.0728 I March 28, 2005 I I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, MN 55020 Invoice #: MV A040105 McCain Project #: MY A0401 I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase IT Site Investigation and RAP Development Invoice I For professional services from March 9, 2005 to March 26, 2005 including: I For coordination, compilation and draft preparation of grant application documents Preliminary work plan preparation I Itemization of Costs Time Name Units Rate Total I Jim Aiken Jim Aiken Nick Bonow Principal Hydrogeologist Principal Hydrogeologist Geological EnglGeologist 23.8 hrs 8.2 hrs 15.75 hrs $108/hr $115/hr $60/hr Time Subtotal $2,570.40 $943.00 $945.00 $4,458.40 I I Expenses Communication 1.00% Labor I LS $44.58 Expenses Subtotal $44.58 $44.58 I Subtotal $4,502.98 I Amount Payable: $4,502.98 Thank You. I James S. Aiken, P.G. I Note: This invoice reflects a $7/hr discount on a portion of Jim Aiken's time as shown above. Thank you for selecting us to assist with your project! I I I P:\lnvoices\.\1V A0401\MV A040105.wpd I A-. ,-.J, ~ n/n 1\ _:_ . r ' / I\~ Jrl .Q,;H.' ~ _. ''''-J_, ': 1 r ;, .~ ?""" A~-"-17~- '''~ \... ~r "-'l.~'...i. .::J:Jv,-G;;'~~~Ji;...... 434 2" S:reei I Excelsior, MN 55331 I T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 April 25,2005 I I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, MN 55020 Invoice #: MY A040106 McCain Project #: MV A0401 I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase IT Site Investigation and RAP Development Invoice I For professional services from March 27,2005 to April 23, 2005 including: I For fmal preparation of DEED grant application and continued preparation of Phase II work plan Itemization of Costs I Time I Name Jim Aiken Nick Bonow Principal Hydrogeologist Geological Eng/Geologist I Expenses Communication Mileage 1.00% Labor Units Rate Total 1.4 hrs $115/hr $161.00 22.25 hrs $60/hr $1,335.00 Time Subtotal $1,496.00 1 LS $14.96 $14.96 18 mi $0.41 $7.29 Expenses Subtotal $22.25 Subtotal $1,518.25 I I I Amount Payable: $1,518,25 Thank You. I James S. Aiken, P.G. I I I I P;\Invoj:es~fVA040 1 ~IVA0401 06.wpd I ~, ~. ~ f,,!i r. . t~ -< iV ICL.aln l~. J -~n A.-~~""';~fu::: ;!'i-'" \.. y c_~ r~. ..:>.....-.1....;................, h...... 43A. 2n: Street I I Ex::e!sior, MN 55331 T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 May31,2005 I I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, MN 55020 Invoice #: MV A040107 McCain Project #: MVA0401 I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase II Site Investigation and R.\P Development Invoice I For professional services from AJlri124, 2005 to May 28,2005 including: I For preparation of Phase II Work Plan Support for the city of Chanhassen Preparation of resolution for grant application and revisions to health and safety plan I Itemization of Costs . Time I Expenses Communication Delivery 1.00% Labor Units Rate Total 10.3 hrs $1l5/hr $1,184.50 28.5 hrs $60/hr $1,710.00 Time Subtotal $2,894.50 1 LS $28.95 $28.95 1 LS $21.79 $21.79 Expenses Subtotal $50.74 Subtotal $2,945.24 I Name Jim Aiken Nick Bonow Principal Hydrogeologist Geological EnglGeo10gist I I I Amount Payable: $2,945.24 Thank You. I James S. Aiken, P.G. I I I I P:lJnvoioes\MVAD401 IMV A040 1 07''''Pd I r I'! ,-.. t"'"' .-, : ..... i \r i Lv-d.1I t a1d PssDciates, !:1C4 I I June 30,2005 I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road E1ko, MN 55020 I I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase II Site Investigation and RAP Development I Invoice 434 2n: Street Excelsior, MN 55331 T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 Invoice #: MV A040108 McCain Proj ect #MV A040 1 For professional services from May 29, 2005 to June 25, 2005 including: I Preparation of health and safety plan Sampling and analysis plan Incorporation of Martinez survey data Redrafting figures to include new topographic data I I Time I Name Jim Aiken Nick Bonow Anne Monzel I Expenses Communication I I Amount Payable: Thank You. I James S. Aiken, P.G. I Budget Total: Spent to Date: Remaining: I I I P:\bvoicesIMV A0401\,iVA04010S.wpd Itemization of Costs Principal Hydrogeologist Geological Eng/Geologist Administrative Assistant 1.00% Labor $6,016.57 $91,130.00 -$14.982.06 $76,147.94 Units Rate Total 19.8 hrs $115/hr $2,277 .00 52.0 hrs $60/hr $3,120.00 14.0 hrs $40/hr ~'ihO 00 Time Subtotal $5,957.00 1 LS $59.57 $59.57 Expenses Subtotal $59.57 Subtotal $6,016.57 I " r\n{"'c....,~.tl.. C- 'if iV Iv QH 1 (t .....~ """ t",<::-\~;".;.",,, l~~ -~ ~.;u,; ..........\..;..,...........___~j,'~4 I I July 26, 2005 I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, MN 55020 I 434 20: Street Ex~e!sior, MN 55331 T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 Invoice #: MV A040109 McCain Project# MV A040 1 I Re: Moon Valley. Gun Range - Phase II Site Investigation and RAP Development I Invoice For professional services from June 26 through July 23, 2005 including: I For partial completion of Phase II field work, project management and subcontractor coordination I Time I Name Jim Aiken Angela Ronayne Nick Bonow Anne Monzel I Expenses Communication I Survey kit Mileage Delivery Auto field use Field supplies I I I Amount Payable: I Thank You. I James S. Aiken, P.G. I Budget Total: Spent to Date: Remaining: I P:\Lovoices\MVA040 1 \\IVA040 1 09 ,"'pd Itemization of Costs Principal Hydrogeologist Civil Engineer Geological Eng/Geologist Administrative Assistant 1.00% Labor $9,414.26 $91,130.00 -$24.397.30 $66,732.70 Units Rate Total 33.0 hrs $115/hr $3,795.00 1.75 hrs $76/hr $133.00 82.5 hrs $60/hr $4,950.00 6.75 hrs $40/hr ~?70 00 Time Subtotal $9,148.00 1 LS $91.48 $91.48 2 days $15/day $30.00 116 mi $OA05/mi $46.98 1 LS $34.24 $34.24 4 days $15/day $60.00 1 LS $3.56 . $3.56 Expenses Subtotal $266.26 Subtotal $9,414.26 I .~~. - - - * ~ '* II fl! - r. - 'n " 'Ii: ~~ 1~"". ..- ~~. ._ r ~ IV,n...\-tQl,1 ana P.SSGClateSJ tHC. 43d 2" Street Excelsior, MN 55331 T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 I I August 31,2005 I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, :MN 55020 Invoice #: MV A040110 McCain Proj ect# MV A040 1 I I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase II Site Investigation and RAP Development Invoice I For professional services from July 24 through August 27, 2005 including: I Soil sample and boring location survey Surface soil sample collection, packaging and shipping Drilling - subsurface soil characterization and sample collection Coordination of analytical and geotechnical soil testing Review tabulation and plotting of analytical sample results I I I I I I I I I I I I p.J,~ It Ii C . " .>C 1'\ '~r """~"1 r <IVlv cm! ~ J ",.,ri ""'-n~;"~"" !,ol' ly:- ,.,..l.'.......-.I.J.........I........____)h...... 43.1 2" Stiee! I I Excelsioi, MN 55331 T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 September 28, 2005 I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road E1ko, :MN 55020 Invoice #: MY A040111 McCain Proj ect# MV A040 1 I I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase II Site Investigation and RAP Development Invoice I For professional services from August 28 through September 24, 2005 including: I For follow up sampling tasks and Phase II ReportIV 01. Action Plan preparation, contractor specifications and volume mapping I Itemization of Costs Time Name Units Rate Total Jim Aiken Principal Hydrogeologist 7.4 hrs $115/hr $851.00 Nick Bonow Geological EnglGeologist 66.5 hrs $60/hr S;~ 990 00 Time Subtotal $4,841.00 Expenses Communication 1.00% Labor 1 LS $48.41 $48.41 Mileage 90mi $0.405/mi $36.45 Subcontractor expense Veit Environmental, Inc. lLS $2,065.00 $2,065.00 Subcontractor expense Test America 1 LS $479.00 ~47q 00 Expenses Subtotal $2,628.86 Subtotal $7,469.86 Amount Payable: $7,469.86 Thank You. Total = $91,130.00 Spent to date = $50.597.90 James S. Aiken, P.G. Remaining = $40,532.10 I I I I I I I I I I P:\Invoices~rvA0401\.v!\iA04011 Lwpd I J-}' I\lir(:;:iin .~~, 1\'[<...;'-"......... (i ~ -,.."..; "",-.,,"':"T"'~ h,.. . ~ Cl.... ~ ~'"":l:\,;.....,~...'-'-'} I< l.,..... 434 20: Street I I Exce!sior, MN 55331 T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 October 31, 2005 I I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road E1ko, :MN 55020 Invoice #: MVA040112 McCain Proj ect# MV A040 1 I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase IT Site Investigation and R..\P Development Invoice I For professional services from September 25 through October 29, 2005 including: I For completion of Phase IT report, VRAP and contractor specifications I Itemization of Costs Time Name Units Rate Total Jim Aiken Principal Hydrogeologist 69.7hrs $115/hr $8,015.50 Todd Hartleben Senior Engineer 4.0 hrs $92/hr $368.00 Angela Ronayne Civil Engineer 1. 0 hrs $76/hr $76.00 Isaac Fuhr Civil Engineer 3.5 hrs $72/hr $252.00 Nick Bonow Geological Eng/Geologist 117.75 hrs $60/hr $7 On;'; 00 Time Subtotal $15,776.50 Expenses Communication 1.00% Labor 1 LS $157.77 $157.77 Mileage 19 mi $OA05/mi $7.70 Delivery 1 LS $66.25 $66.25 Subcontractor expense Test America 1 LS $870.00 'l;R70 00 Expenses Subtotal $1,101.71 Subtotal $16,878.21 Amount Payable: $16,878.21 Thank You. Total = $91,130.00 Spent to date = $67.476.11 James S. Aiken, P.G. Remaining = $23,653.89 I I I I I I I I I I P:\!nvoices\ll.1VA0401\.\1VA040 112.v.'Pd 1 r.. ~~PI.1"'">0. ""';n - J · < 1 i ""-;". l<. ....;;.... i ....V I...Ui 1 1 ,- '" "- ~ ana P.S5GClaTes~ mG. 434 2n: Stieet Excelsior, MN 55331 1 T 952-346.3900 F 952-346-3901 }Jovernber 30, 2005 1 Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, M}J 55020 Invoice #: MVA0401l3 McCain Proj ect# MV A040 1 1 1 Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase IT Site Investigation and R~ Development Invoice I For professional services from October 30 through November 26, 2005 including: 1 For preparation of contractor specifications, bidding documents, prebid meeting, addendum, and notice of award coordination 1 Itemization of Costs Time Name Units Rate Total Jim Aiken Principal Hydrogeologist 28.2 hrs $ 115/hr $3,243.00 Todd Hartleben Senior Engineer 13.5 hrs $92/hr $1,242.00 Nick Bonow Geological EnglGeologist 63.0 hrs $60/hr ~':\ no 00 Time Subtotal $8,265.00 Expenses Communication 1.00% Labor 1 LS $82.65 $82.65 Mileage 38 mi $0.405/mi $15.39 Delivery 1 LS $26.78 $26 78 Expenses Subtotal $124.82 Subtotal $8,389.82 Amount Payable: $8,389.82 Thank You. Total = $92,323.00 Spent to date = $75.865.93 James S. Aiken, P.G. Remaining = $16,457.07 I 1 I I I I I 1 I' I P:\InvoiccsuvlV A0401,"vfVA040113,vipd I ~,~tr _ . n f: f\ t~ ~-~~~,~ _. ~'... i\!H \ .~~! t ~ i: 11 I: ,-,-......., ,-",-;.1 1 :8 , .. ., ~ "" 2:1: ?sSJ-::'jaleS~ In:. 434 2"' Stiest I Excelsiorl jv1N 55331 I T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 December 31, 2005 I I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, MN 55020 Invoice #: MVA0401l4 McCain Proj ect# MY A040 1 I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase IT Site Investigation and R.\P Development Invoice I For professional services from November 27 through December 31,2005 including: I For implementation oversight of Phase ill Remedial Action Plan Stage I: Demolition and dump waste removal I Itemization of Costs Time Name Units Rate Total Jim Aiken Principal Hydrogeologist 7.0 hrs $115/hr $805.00 Todd Hartleben Senior Engineer 2.0 hrs $92/hr $184.00 Nick Bonow Geological EngfGeologist 23.5 hrs $60/hr ~1,410 00 Time Subtotal $2,399.00 Expenses Communication 1.00% Labor 1 LS $23.99 $23.99 Mileage 72rni $OA05/mi $29.16 Expenses Subtotal $53.15 Subtotal $2,452.15 Amount Payable: $2,452.15 Thank You. Total = $92,323.00 Spent to date = $78.318.08 James S. Aiken, P.G. Remaining = $14,004.92 I I I I I I I I I I P:\bvoicesDIV A0401\)'{V A0401g.v.'Pc I I L~ ~ r\. G'. ......... { t"""'}. ! · ~B ~ \J. ~ 'i...,,h ~ E and Associates, Inc. <;J 434 2": Street Excelsior, MN 55331 I T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 February 1, 2006 I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, MN 55020 Invoice #: MV A040115 McCain Proj ect# MY A040 1 I I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase II Site Investigation and Rt\P Development Invoice I For professional services from January 1 through January 28, 2006 including: I Oversight of demolition, waste removal and contract administration; Phase IIIa Remedial Action Itemization of Costs I Time I Name Jim Aiken Nick Bonow I Expenses Mileage Units Rate Total Principal Hydrogeologist 8.2 hrs $ 125/hr $1,025.00 Geological EnglGeologist 18.25 hrs $65/hr $1 1 Rn?" Time Subtotal $2,211.25 36mi $0.445/mi $16.02 Expenses Subtotal $16.02 Subtotal $2,227.27 $2,227.27 I I Amount Payable: Thank You. I James S. Aiken, P.G. I I I I I P:\bvoices\M\7A040 1 \.\1\'A040115. wpd I I {""'\ . r.~ ~_.~",..... i "t lCa;k~ ~ ~ ......,.. "~~ ~ and A~sociatesJ inc.zrJ 434 2" Street Excelsior, MN 55331 I T 952-346-3900 F 952.346-3901 April 1,2006 I I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, :MN 55020 Invoice #: MV A0401l6 McCain Project# MY A040 1 I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase II Site Investigation and RAP Development Invoice I For professional services from January 29 through March 25, 2006 including: I For response to MPCA comments, contractor management and revision of RAP alternatives Itemization of Costs I Time I Name Jirri Aiken Nick Bonow I Expenses Delivery Units Rate Total Principal Hydrogeologist 13.5 hrs $ 125/hr $1,687.50 Geological Eng/Geologist 20.0 hrs $65/hr ~'iOO 00 Time Subtotal $2,987.50 1 LS $26.78 $26.78 Expenses Subtotal $26.78 Subtotal $3,014.28 $3,014.28 I I Amount Payable: Thank You. I James S. Aiken, P.G. I I I I I P:\Invoi:es\\JV A040 1 \).lVA040116. wpd I I ~ ~ r.f ~.~H' LuaU ~ and F~sociates, inc. z:r) 434 2"' Street I Excelsior, MN 55331 T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 May 1, 2006 I I :Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, MN 55020 Invoice #: MV A040117 McCain Proj ect# MY A040 1 I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase IT Site Investigation and RAP Development Invoice I For professional services from March 26 through April 29, 2006 including: I For meetings with :M:PCA, preparation of response letter and contingency plan Itemization of Costs I Time I Name Jim Aiken Giovanni Orbita Nick Bonow Principal Hydrogeologist Senior Technician Geological Eng/Geologist I Expenses Mileage Software AutoCad Units Rate Total 30.6 hrs $ 125/hr $3,825.00 1. 0 hrs $90/hr $90.00 38.25 hrs $65/hr ~? 4R() ?'i Time Subtotal $6,401.25 nmi $0.445/mi $34.27 12.0 hrs $10/hr $120.00 Expenses Subtotal $154.27 Subtotal $6,555.52 I I I Amount Payable: Thank You. $6,555.52 James S. Aiken, P.G. I I I I I P:\bvcic,s'~\1\ '''\'0401 \:.J,,',.\.040117 .wpd I I E t!!f ~. ~ ~'i t~ I Ii. r'\ i'~ ~~ ...-..,rr1, i V ll.,vQli t and iA3SQciates~ tnew~) 434 2"' Street I =xce!sior, MN 55331 "i 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 June 1, 2006 I I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, MN 55020 Invoice #: MVA0401l8 McCain Project# MY A0401 I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase II Site Investigation and RAP Development Invoice I For professional services from April 30 through May 27, 2006 including: I For contractor bidding documents (recycle), field staking, coilection of casings; collection and analysis of ag lime soil I Expenses Mileage Subcontractor expense Durable equipment Disposable equipment Itemization of Costs Units Rate Total Principal Hydrogeologist 2.7 hrs $125/hr $337.50 Geological EnglGeologist 17.25 hrs $65/hr ~1 1?1 ?'i Time Subtotal $1,458.75 82mi $0.445/mi $36.49 1 LS $480.00 $480.00 1 day $30/day $30.00 1 day $15/day $15.00 Expenses Subtotal $561.49 Total $2,020.24 $2,020.24 I Time I Name Jim Aiken Nick Bonow I I I Amount Payable: Thank You. I James S. Aiken, P.G. I I I I P:\Invoices\'\rv A0401VvfV A040118.wpd I ~- h ~. ~ . " st~.t ;"""'< r .;.,.-" n f ~ .n Ii ~ vUu. ~ t I and l\s5oclatest inc.~) I July 1,2006 I Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, MN 55020 I I Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase II Site Investigation and RAP Development I 43.1 2"' Stree; Exce!sior, MN 55331 T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 Invoice #: MY A040119 McCain Project# MVA0401 Invoice For professional services from May 28 through June 24, 2006 including: I For initial VRAP activities, contractor coordination and surveying Time I Name Jim Aiken Giovanni Orbita Nick Bonow I I Expenses Mileage Auto field use Rental equipment Disposable equipment I I I Amount Payable: Thank You. I James S. Aiken, P.G. I I I I P:'lnvoices\:\f\'A040 1 ,"vNA040 119. wpd Itemization of Costs Units Rate Total Principal Hydrogeologist 6.9 hrs $ 125/hr $862.50 Senior Technician 15.0 hrs $90/hr $1,350.00 Geological Eng/Geologist 14.0 hrs $65/hr ~Q' 0 00 Time Subtotal $3,122.50 58 mi $0.445/mi $25.81 1 day S15/day $15.00 1 LS $346.13 $346.13 1 day $15/day $15.00 Expenses Subtotal $401.94 Total $3,524.44 $3,524.44 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I McCain and Associates, Inc.lr3 434 2nd Street Excelsior, MN 55331 T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 August 4, 2006 Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, MN 55020 Re: Moon Valley Gun Range - Phase II Site Investigation and RAP Development Invoice Current invoice information is summarized below. Itemized charges are shown on the following page. Please review this information and let us know if you have any questions. Project Number Invoice Number Invoice Date Invoice Due Date Invoice Amount MVA0401 MY A040120 07/29/2006 08/28/2006 $3,807.87 Invoice activity details are listed below: · For initial VRAP activities, contractor coordination, stormwater plan addendum, initial cleanup activities including bullet casing removal Thank You. P:\Invoices\MY A0401 \MY A040120.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Inyoice Details for MY A040120, l\1oon Valley Gun Range - Phase II Site Investigation and RAP Development Invoice Period Ending 07/29/2006 Description Qty Rate Amount WeekEnding 07/01106 Jim S. Aiken 4.1 125.00 512.50 Nick R. Bonow 19.75 65.00 1,283.75 James C. Berkas 5 85.00 425.00 Mileage (rate per mile) - NRB 39 0.445 17.36 Week Ending 07/08/06 Jim S. Aiken .5 125.00 62.50 Nick R. Bonow .25 65.00 16.25 WeekEnding 07/15/06 NickR. Bonow 9.25 65.00 601.25 Mileage (rate per mile) - NRB 18 0.445 8.01 Week Ending 07/22/06 Jim S. Aiken 1.2 125.00 150.00 Nick R. Bonow 9 65.00 585.00 WeekEnding 07/29/06 Nick R. Bonow 2.25 65.00 146.25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .~ : r~~ . Ain '-' v '-"1." ~ . and ?ssociatesr Inc. '73 43420 Street Excelsior: NL.'J 55331 T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 August 29,2006 Mr. Dan Zwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road Elko, MN 55020 Re: Moon Valley Gun Range Phase III VRAP Implementation Invoice Current invoice information is summarized below. Itemized charges are shown on the following page. Please review this information and let us know if you have any questions. Project Number Invoice Number Invoice Date Invoice Due Date Invoice Amount MY A040l MYA040121 08/26/2006 09/25/2006 $3,477.36 Invoice activity details are listed below: · For continuing VRAP activities including lead screening, soil sample collection and field mapping of excavation areas Thank You. P:\ADMJN\Th:~T\QuickBooks Letter Templates\Invoice Letten\Window Envdope Invoice Letter with Details.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Invoice Details for JVIV A040121 Moon Valley Gun Range Invoice Period Ending 08/26/2006 Description Qty Rate Amount Week Ending 08/05/06 I Nick R. Bonow 1.75 65.00 113.75 Week Ending 08/12/06 Nick R. Bonow 9.5 65.00 617.50 Week Ending 08/19/06 Nick R. Bonow 11 65.00 715.00 Jim S. Aiken 3.2 125.00 400.00 Week Ending 08/26/06 Jim S. Aiken 5.5 125.00 687.50 Nick R. Bonow 14.25 65.00 926.25 Mileage 10 0.445 4.45 Mileage 29 0.445 12.91 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _. "-''i'. f ''j& ~~, ~_ ~ ~ ~ ri t,.-~ ~.' ~,-". ~ \.;t , .. 4342nd Street and .u.sso:iates~ Inc. t..-;3 Excelsior, Iv:D; 55331 T 952-346-3900 F 952-346-3901 September 28,2006 Mr. DanZwiers Moon Valley Aggregates, Inc. 11111 Deuce Road E1ko, MN 55020 Re: Moon Valley Gun Range Phase III VRAP Implementation Invoice Current invoice information is summarized below. Itemized charges are shown on the following page. Please review this information and let us know if you have any questions. Project Number Invoice Number Invoice Date Invoice Due Date Invoice Amount MV A0401 MV A040 122 09/23/2006 10/23/2006 $21,301.34 Invoice activity details are listed below: · For continuing VRAP activities including: soil sample collection, laboratory testing, volume estimates, contractor oversight, and lead removal on upper trap range. Thank You. P:\Invoices\ivfVA040 1\1{VA0401::2. doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Invoice Details for MV A040122 Mo~m Valley Gun Range Invoice Period Ending 09/23/2006 Description I Qty Rate Amount Week Ending 09/02/06 Nick R. Bonow 47.75. 65.00 3,103.75 Jim S. Aiken 5.4 125.00 675.00 Mileage I 109.5 0.445 48.73 Mileage 25 0.445 11.13 Auto Field Use (per day) 1 15.00 15.00 Disposable Equipment (day) 2 15.00 30.00 GPS (day) 3 250.00 750.00 Week Ending 09/09/06 GPS (day) 1 250.00 250.00 Nick R. Bonow 26.5 65.00 1,722.50 Jim S. Aiken 9.1 125.00 1,137.50 Expense (Soil Engineering Testing, Inc.) 1 74.00 74.00 Expense (Braun) 1 872.00 872.00 Expense (Braun) 1 218.00 218.00 Expense (Braun) 1 1,184.00 1,184.00 Expense (Braun) 1 436.00 436.00 Mileage 17.5 0.445 7.79 Week Ending 09/16/06 GPS (day) 1.5 250.00 375.00 Jim S. Aiken 6.3 125.00 787.50 Nick R. Bonow 28.25 65.00 1,836.25 Rental Equipment 1 3,876.60 3,876.60 Expense (Braun) 1 218.00 218.00 Expense (Braun) 1 218 218.00 Mileage 32 0.445 14.24 Week Ending 09/23/06 Jim S. Aiken 3.1 125.00 387.50 Nick R. Bonow 19.5 65.00 1,267.50 Leif A. Johnson 24.5 65 1,592.50 Expense (Test America) 1 105.00 105.00 Durable Equipment (day) 1 30.00 30.00 Mileage 76 0.445 33.82 Mileage 54 0.445 24.03 P:'Invoices,-",fVA040 1 \.\,01A0401::.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment F Commitment Letter, Conceptual Office/Retail Layout and Developer Information (from Hennepin Village located in Eden Prairie) I~~..S!.., I I ' i . ; I'D -, --,..-+ .~ .-..-. f! ~ y-., ~ r ,__ }-v--, :--.. --.. ~ r"l :--'. I ,I ; ! Iii: I 'I ' .-- i ; i! ' :);:':) ,-. i i \1 ............ ~I I ,__'-"; I _'--. J'-' "--''-''. ~ l~' '--. '/ ~. '. Ii , I I I I I I I I I r , ~I , ~l I) , - ~. ~ ~ I ,,_ 7~57 .A.~.A.GK.;M DRI\f= \ ; i =Da~ ?RL.IRE, MINN:::30TJ.. ':'::3:: r.-'), c...,..,. ~""I / -^V (~--) c;-..,. 8'":1- \.";')-) ~,jf-1.Ji 0 . i.--v, ,7~l... ,,:51- t.....) October 11, 2004 Ms. Kate Aanenson Community Development Director City of Chanhassen 7100 Market Blvd. Chanhassen,:MN 55317 Re: Commitmept Letter for Browrrfields Grant Application Moon Valley Property, 100 Flying Cloud Drive, Chanhassen, :M:innesota Dear Ms. Aanenson: Since the City Council approval of out interim use permit for.the Moon Valley property, we have proceeded to yomplete an -Environm~ntal Audit as required under the petmit approval cqn~tion0imu1taneously, we thought it would be a great benefit to the . property, the GI't)7<illd future lando\VD.ers if there was a cooperative enort to work WIth the :Minnesota Pollution Agency. To that end, we are requesting the city to join with the landowner to complete a Brownfields Grant A.pplication. The Pemtom Land Company has. an option to acquire the Moon Valley property subject to the completion of the grading permit, the environmental clean up of the site~ and the city's future timing to extend utilities to tills location. The city had the foresight to prepare a Comprehensive Plan for this area providing for a 'mixed use of high-density housing aiid office/commercial uses. We envision a plfu'l. that would ful:filI the vision of the Comprehensive Plan to develop tbis property into such a mixed use, A mixed use plan was prepared by our company. for Hennepin VIllage in Eden Pr.ili-ie. There. was also a collaborative effort betWeen four dev,elopers and the City of Edina which resulted in the renowned Edinborough and Centennial Lakes, a very sliccessful mixed use development on the Hedberg Gravel pit site in Edina, I.have submitted inforniation to the city relative to Centennial Lakes and Edlnborough. Atta.cbed is a land use plan for Hennepin Village showing the mIxed use of retail, office, and Jnid to high-density housing as well as a genero~s allocation of park and open space compri?ing over 40% of the site, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :M:5. .K.ate Ac.nenson O~ober 11, 2004 P a.ge 2 We look fonvard to working with the city to complete a successful plan for the Moon Valley property. Tne lando'WIiet will make sure that all costs relative to this Brovm:field Grant Application will not be borne by the City of Chanhassen. Sincerely, Daniel J. Herb President DJBJidt Enc1ostire( s) , L_ 1-;; ~.::...:: '...'-!'=....~.....8:.>:. =-;;:)T-=::~:O,,::, ':::-:"y!::-::. in::_ , I , i i I I I I I ~ t:::- - I I. I ,. I ,-. I / / t Pat ~t=i N;::!G,Y30~r-K).8D COl.1t.F:;CI.;J : 8.90 2.C. o 4,O()O sf +!- Ge.s!Corwenience (8 ;::>~""71;J) o 5,000 sf +/- BanK. (4 drNe th.-u wii):XJws) 04,000 sf +/- Fast rood (ar-we thru) - 25,000 sf +/- GeireiaI RetEll - 5,000 sf +/-. Retail/Medical Office 1- ; i ili i! II i j /11111 i 1111 i Ill! III 'In!!"11 111f llillff/WIIIIII ~I - ~~~ I I ~ '. ~ ; " "". {\.< '~ ".. v__:g; .... r L~; ~" '..~ , J__~ '~. .r;~ 'i - ~ J_, -:"- .o:.~~~., '\..V.~/ ~"~, .....:' /' ~(~\c<-r"', "" -" i1j~[_}~.-,...~, . 1li==:;cq _ '~'~_ ;;:j--~I'-"'-- ].?_____~ ~.=~ -.......:::.-.." --...,,-'~ ~l==__, ...---.... '-. -"-;' e _"~ 2iCSEB,\==..,,_ - f~~-;0-:;:8' ". ~~' ,--'"' (/'"Lj . .- ~~b'lI'O'j;;~~:'~ --., ..e:::...., ~-)>~ ~~~~~ '~~~~--:::'~', ~ ,J..~-l.. I. ~'..' g#===IQ~~~ '-:'----~-~~..,~ rll'~"':"~~B~~~.J€~'~~~~ 'b..- --~..:" O1r-,,,,,,.. ., . v~._. .""'-'""'= I.j,_~_ ~, "~.$-', /t-:::Y.t-&, \ .----Ci~-' 0====~ :!,{(f; "",,"/'Jj I ill . - \ . ~. ,d~ - ~"'1",,/ , - ~~~fl ~ 1~ _1 ~~,. . ~'S( _m.~.. ~ K:=i ! 1181 ~\VhY ~2- I . l \lU~. I .............. // ~ --'i '\ i 1 '--- --- --- ---' - - II I -If ~IThe Pemtom f i. . Land Compan.y ~~J W~tw=.d P,""f~nion211 ServlC=, Ine. I iM..I'T~~h:D)..4.l . :.:~=::.~~~----_____.u> ~ i i --i I O' Date 2l6/03 Hennepin Village x 100' 1 _ .300' '200' Neighborhood I Commercial Center Ede,n Prai.....-1.e, V.ti..-rmesota ~ ~::'-::S~~:--.;~-,..s'f: ~- ;~~Bq~:~:-~~}~ .-~~-:~-:;.::.-,;c.:-. , : ::..~~;.~~~~; -=" ...:~-:::-~.::::::.-:.._- I I I I I I I I I, I I' I I': I I': I I I. I ! n ~ D~ """"~'"'rY"'I 'I C I C;lIILUIJi land Company Daniel J. Herbst Presi dent Daniel Herbst-is the OWfler and President of,The Pemtom Land Company. He joined the Pemtom sales team in 1968, was promoted to Property Manager in 1970, named Vice President in 1972, and purchased Pemtom in 1976. In 199} Mr. Herbst decided to concentrate on. land development only and formed The Pemtom Umd C6mpariy. M( Herbst has been ,actively involved either as a , membe.r or an officer in many business and community organizations that have included the following: · National Association of Homebuilders o Builders Association of the Twin Cities · Land Development Committee, National AssoCiation of Homebuilders · Metro arid Public Policy, Builders Association of the Twin Cities , . · Governor's Critical Area Task Force · Carver County Coordinated Services · Ghanhassen Jaycees .. Charihassen Chamber of Commerce Chanhassen Planning Commission Mr. Herbst is a iicensed Real Estate Broker. He graduated frbm the University of St. Thomas, attended Graduate School of Business at the University of Missouri] and served as Captain in the United States Air Force. 7597 Anagram Drive. Eden Prairie, Minnesota. 9.s2-:~37-0716 1 I: 1 1 1 River Hills - 1963 1,350 Units - BumsVille, MN Market Value - $40,000,000 1 Walden -1964 80 Units - Bumsville,.MN , Mar"ketValue-S9,OOO,000 1 Oakmou nte - 1965 100 Units - sricireview, MN Market Value - $.3,500,000 1 Four Seasons-1965 200 Units - Plymouth, MN Market Value - $8,000,000 1 DffSite -1966 100 Units - Metro. Area Market Value - $4,000,000 1 Birnamwood Townhomes 1967 220 Units - BurnsviJle, MN Market Value - $11,000,000 1 Park Hills - 1968 240 Units - St Paul, MN Market Value -$7,200,000 1 Cimarron -1968 505 Units - Lake Elmo, MN Market Value - $8,050,000 1 The Villages -1969 200 Units- Marshall, MN , Market Value - $2,500,000 1 The Viiiages - 1959 100 Units - Duluth, MN Market Value - $1,500,000 Scarborough - 1969 80 Units - Bloomington, MN Market Value - $4,000,000 1 I' Wind sor Green - 1969 250 Units - New Brighton, MN MarketVaiue - $7,500,000 1 Brighton Square -1970 50 Units- New Brighton, MN Market Value - $2,000,000 ," 1 I" The Perniorn Land Company 75S7 ~A.nagram Drive , Eden ?rai-~ie! f\~N 55344 952-937-0715 Project Resume , Pheasant Run - 1970 150 Units - Burnsvill e, MN Market Value - $7,500,000 Cedarview -1971 41 Units - Minneapolis, MN Market Value - $2,460,000 Riverwoods - 1972 280 Units - Burnsville, MN Market Vaiu€ -$14,000;000 The Villages of Eagle Lake -1973 280 U nits ~ Maple Grove, MN Market Value - $11,200,000 The Villages -1973 300 Units -Arden Hills, MN Market Value - $15,000,000 Chimo - 1975 36 Units - Deephaven, MN Market Value - $1,800,000 Scarborough Woods -1976 36 Units - Bloomington, MN Market Value - $1,440,000 Ba.yridge -1978 49 Units - BlOomington, MN Market Valu€ - $6,125,000 Carsonwood - 1978 16 Units'-:' 0 eephaven, MN Market Value - $1,600,000 McCarthy's Woods - 1979 8 Units - GreenwooQ, MN Market Value -$800,000 Eagle Bluff-1979 17 Units - LaKe Minnetonka Market Value - $1,700,000 A1TIsden Ridge - 1979 25 Units - Bloomington, MN Market Value - $3,750,000 Amsden Ridge Townhomes-1S80 17 Units - Bloomington, MN' Market Value -S2,900,OOO Woodbridge Townhomes - '1'9B-1 47 Units - Bloomington, MN Market Value - $7,520,000 . Amsden Ridae . CommerCia[: 1982 ? Sites - Bloomington, MN Market Value - S1,200,000 MInnesota Valley . Condqminiums -1983 54 Units - Bloomington, MN Market Value: $8,650,000 TImber Lakes -1985 Eden Pra-irie; MN Market Value - $3,750,000 Weston Bay -1980 24 Units...:. Eden Prairie, MN Market Value - $4,800,000 Normandy Crest-1gB? 17 Units - Eden Prairie, MN Market Value - $4,250,000 Woods of Walden -1988 9 Units - Burnsville, MN Market Value - $2,025,000 West Oaks -1958 Remodel 25 Luxury Condos " Minneionka, MN Market Value - $1,800,000 Luxury Townhomes -' 1989 17 Units - Minnetonka,- MN Market Value - S~,100;OOO Proex Photo Stores -1980-89 21 Stores - Metro Area, Market Value -,$1,680,000 Kingston Ridge -1989-92 25 Units - Eden Prairie, MN Market Valu-e - $7,500.1000 Crimson 3ay-199b . 5 Units - Chanh.sssen, MN Market Value - $1,900,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment G City of Chanhassen ]J.esolutions I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CERTIFICA TION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, duly appointed and acting Deputy City Clerk for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Resolution Number 2006-77 Approving the Contamination Cleanup Grant Application and Committing Local Match and Authorizing Contract Signature for Moon Valley Environmental Cleanup with the original copy now on file in my office and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal at Chanhassen, Minnesota, this 27th day of October, 2006. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: October 23. 2006 RESOLUTION NO: 2006-77 MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: Tiornholm Lundquist RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONTAMINATION CLEANUP GRANT APPLICATION AND COMMITTING LOCAL MATCH AND AUTHORIZING CONTRACT SIGNATURE FOR MOON VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen as follows: 1. That the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves the Contamination Cleanup grant application to be submitted to the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), by the City of Chanhassen for the Moon Valley site. 2. That the City of Chanhassen acts as the legal sponsor for project(s) contained in the Contamination Cleanup Grant Program and that the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Employment and Economic Development for funding of this project on behalf of the City of Chanhassen. 3. . That the City of Chanhassen has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and.the institutional; ,. managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration.' , '. . . . . . .. . 4. That the sources and amounts of the local match ide~tified in the application are co111Ii1itted to the project. identified.; , i '_\' 5. That the City of.Chanhassen has not violated any.F~deral, State or local laws pertaining to fraud;bribeiy;;.graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice. . . 6. That the City of Chanhassen participates in the Livable Communities Act Local Housing Incentives Program, is eligible to make applications for funds under the Tax Base Revitalization Account and is authorizing the City Manager to make application for funding to the Metropolitan Council on behalf of the City of Chanhassen. 7. That upon approval of its application by the state, the City of Chanhassen may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced project, and that the City lof Chanhassen certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulation as stated in all contract agreements. 8. The Mayor and City Manager of the City of Chanhassen are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the applicant. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 23rd day of October, 2006. :~c~~J1! '7L, YES Furlong Lundquist Peterson Tjomhom ABSENT None NO None