Email from Brian Guthrie 11-10-06 Page 1 of 1 Generous, Bob From: Bcheezwiz@aol.com Sent: Friday, November 10,2006 11 :34 PM To: Generous, Bob Subject: Planning Case 06-34, NO WAY! Dear Bob, I live at 8123 Stone Creek Drive. I very much enjoy the land that is currently being targeted for rezoning and wetland alteration. I am totally against this project and would like to know how to stop it. What are our rights? Who on the city council needs to be contacted? Why would we want to fill in wetlands just to store cars? This is crazy. Why doesn't Mr. Silikowski build this in Plymouth behind his own house? I am fully prepared to rally the neighbors against this. I believe this will drive the value of our house straight DOWN. This will be a huge eye sore. With all of the construction going around our area, do we really need this? Thanks for your reply Brian Guthrie 11/ 13/2006