Letter from Chip Hentges 11-21-06 ~\1\g Cct~ tIJ" \ OJ 1946 .. ~ II O""ty S\(\rJ 219 East Frontage Road Waconia, MN 55387 Phone: 952-442-5101 Fax: 952-442-5497 CONSERVATIOII DISTRICT htto:/Iwww.co.carver.mn.us/SWCD/SWCDmain.html Mission Statement: To provide leadership in conservation and teach stewardship of the soil, water, and related resources throu~h a balanced, cooperative pro~ram that protects, restores, and improves those resources. April 21, 2006 Robert Generous City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Autobahn Motorplex Mr. Generous: The SWCD has taken the opportunity to review the Autobahn Motorplex. Please review and consider the following comments and suggestions regarding the SWPPP and erosion control and sediment controls. SWPPP 1 - A Storm water pollution preventive plan (SWPPP) will need to be developed for the site and approved prior to issuing a permit. Our office would like to receive and review the SWPPP once it is developed and comment for the city. Erosion Control 1. It should be noted on the plan that energy dissipation is needed on all inlets and outlets within 24 hours of installation. Sediment Control 1. Curbside inlet control were identified on the plan, but it should be noted that other proven methods are out there that work better. (Hay bales are not a proven method) Wimco- type, or other comparable inlet controls should be used and installed within 24 hours of installation of the inlets. 2. The proposed temporary storm water ponds needs a detail showing a temporary outlet for these ponds. Also, how will water reach the storm water pond during construction - it should be noted that all areas should be positive graded to the storm water pond. 3. All perimeter controls that will be placed need to follow the cities specification in specific areas. The perimeter controls should be inspected by the city and the SWCD prior to grading. 4. Temporary seeding of stockpiles will be required ifleft exposed for more than 14 days - these requirements will need to be spelled out in the SWPPP. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPWYER Storm water Management 1. An adequate easement for pond access for maintenance purposes is needed and should be shown on the plan. I would like to be invited to the Pre-con meeting prior to starting the project to be introduced to the players of the project. If there are any questions or if I can be of further assistance please contact the SWCD office. Sincerely, Chip Hentges Conservation Technician c. Lori Haak, City of Chanhassen (email)