Letter from Sue Nelson returning variance document for corrections 11-7-06 G<. Thol11JS J. CJl11pbell I~oger N. l~lllltson Thotn:ls ;\1. Scott Elliott B. II.netsch Joel J. JJmniL AllUreJ ~.'lcDowell Poehlcr ~,btthe": E. IlroU' John F. I~clly Sorcn .7'/L {liJ.tticL I Ienty i\. Scll'ldicr, II J Alina Sck..:arL-. Craig R. McDowcll ~,brglleritc r,L r.lcCarton ~ ,\lso [j(crHcd in r,';scnn'iin 13[':8 Corporate Center Curve Suite 317 . bg::l1, ~,lN 5512\ (IS t -452-58:J b~; (,51-.152-5550 """'w.c 1;-1:: W .eo 111 CAMPBELL KNUTSON ~""'. r . , I "" ., . ITOICSSlon~, hSSOCl:!tlon RECEiVED NOV 0 8 2006 CITY OF CHANHASSEN *** Direct Dial: (651) 234-6222 E-mail Address:sl1elsol1(ii)t:k-law.com November 7,2006 Ms. Kim Meuwissen Chanhassen City Hall 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 RE: CHANHASSEN RECORDINGS - Variance #06-23 - Gary Carlson Property at 3891 West 62nd Street (Part of Lot 6, Schmid's Acre Tracts) Dear Kim: The enclosed variance was sent to me for review and recording. The variance was rejected by the Carver County Registrar's office stating that the Lot 6, Schmid's Acre Tracts has been split and that they must have the complete and accurate legal of the portion that the variance is pertaining to. Your transmittal letter to me dated 10/11/06 describes Variance #06-23 as pertaining to 3891 West 62nd Street and you have the letter copies to Gary Carlson. I researched the County land title and property records for Lot 6, Schmid's Acre Tracts and determined that Gary and Maureen Carlson own two of the parcels as shown on the enclosed map (PID #25.7700070 is highlighted in yellow and PID #7700110 is highlighted in pink); although Megan Carlson has a contract for deed on PID #7700110. I have enclosed copies of the deeds for these two parcels as well as the contract for deed with Megan Carlson for your information. Also enclosed are the County propeliy records for the two parcels owned by Gary and Maureen Carlson which show the property address for PID #25.7700070 as 3891 62nd Street West and for PID #25.7700110 as 6280.282 Cartway Lane. This leads me to believe that the variance is for the larger Gary Carlson parcel (PID #25.7700070) since the property address for that parcel is the same one tllat you referenced in your transmittal letter. If I am correct, then I believe legal description on the variance should be the same as the legal on the quit claim deed dated December 5, 1988 from Gary and Maureen Carlson to themselves. Just for your info, the remaining two parcels of Lot 6, Schmid's Acre Tracts are owned by Dale and Linda Keehl (PID #25.7700090 highlighted in orange on the enclosed map) and by Terrance Lane Toll (PID #25-7700100 highlighted in green on the map). Please call me if you have any questions or if you want to discuss this in detail. Regards, CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association SRN:ms Enclosures S IV I N 1/2 SEG. 6 s \\ /0 ,../ \ HENNEPIN COUNTY T. 117. R. 23 OF " CITY · · ~ " · - · .;a::- " · - .: -'"-rr\"; ~5.0050~ 25.0050600 i 25.7700070 Ii 001) \>o~ C~{\ 25.7700140 .. t4 a e 2~) · rl <~~ {'''\ p~~~\ 1 Y 94 l? 0':' 25. 770C)1.20 ~ C r S "rI! -rri-A - - II.~ ~ .A A K e L Carver County Page 1 of 1 COUNTY WE8SITE I PROPERTY SEARCH I FAQ's I GLOSSAR SITS OPTlONS Parcel Number 25.7700070 Payable Year: 2006 PROPERTY SERRCH FREQUENT QUESTIONS GLOSSRRY COUNTY WEBS ITE Property Address 3891 62ND ST W EXCELSIOR Tax Roll Type: REAL ESTATE Jurisdiction: CHANHASSEN cln School District: SCHOOL DISTRICT CONTACT CARVER COUNTY Identification Information Primary Taxpayer/Owner GARY CARLSON 3891 62ND ST W EXCELSIOR MN 55331-8803 Legal Description P/O LOT 6 DESC AS: BEG AT APT 648' E OF NW CORN SECT 5 & 16.5' OF N LINE OF SECTION & ON THE EL Y R-O-W LINE OF RR TH S49*W ALONG SAID Section: 05 Township: 116 Range: 023 Lot: 006 Plat Name: 25770 SCHMID'S ACRE TRACTS Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes are determined using the previous year aSSI Mobile Home Taxes are determined using the current year assessment value. Property Classification: FULL HOMESTEAD RESIDENTIAL Assessment Year 2005 Est. Market Value - Building $282,500.00 Est. Market Value - Land $197,300.00 Est. Market Value - Total $479,800.00 Taxable Market Total $471,700.00 Payable Year 2006 Total Tax Special Assessments: RECYCLE MGT Total TaxlAsmts. Paid To Date Installments Due Date Taxes/Assessments 1 st Half 5/15/2006 Taxes/Assessments 2nd Half 10/16/2006 ** Additional reductions in taxable value may apply due to special tax deferrals, This Old House, Plat Laws, etc. https:/ /www.co.carver.mn.us/carvercountyrecap/RecapBill.aspx?Tax Y ear=2006&RollTy... 10/24/2006 , . IoIlAaaoola VlIIl_ CO...,....~ Illanluo (1.11) . .. > C = 0 o ~ . ... ;:.. ~ ::!! no 0 = n!... 0 g ~ il ~ ; ~ ,.l~ ~ r;)_." . ~ ~ .. ~ I III :D o "/I -4 =4 ,. I'll en No del1nquent taxe. and tt&nsfer entered; Certificate ot Real Estate Value ( ) filed ( vj not required Certl~~~ R~ Eltate Value No. ~ _ ,19.2.2- aa~u~ T County Auditor by De t STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ 1. 65 Date: December 5 ....IrO.llll. Co """poI" ,19.!L -tl t:::) ~ ~ -\- VI G -.!" cr-~ --<J -t', ...s1 "<> FOR VALUABLE CONSm~ATION, Gary Duane Carlson and Maureen G. Carlson, huaband and wi! . Grantor (I), o ~ ~ I ~ ::... ~') 'l1 F! ~ hel'llby convey (I) and qull.cJalm (I) to lm.nlal ...,ull Gary Duane Carlson and Maureen G. Carleon , Grantee (d, County, Mmn8lOte. de.cribed III tollowl: real property In Carv~r See attached Exhibit A \I ~ ~ CI . ,1:-- ~ ~ {- <f- ~ I Total cons~derat1on g~ven for th18 deed is less than $500.00 ;:;1\'13 Dollar ~-T r"'j r~ IvlAN DAT::~ l..g Fee Paid elf man ...-la _dodo 00II,111... Oil baIlk) toiether with all hereditament. and appurtenanc:ea belonKini th AfllX Deed Tax Stamp Here STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Hennepin } a. The foreioinlt lru&rument Will acknowledied batore me thiJ 5th clt.y of December by Garv Duane Carlaonand Maureen G. Carlson. hueb3nd and w1f@ ,19~ )lO'l'AIUAL .TAU!' 0& .U.L (01. OTH&1. Tn'LS oa 1..o\NICJ @PAMElAJ. BR^Y ISms NOTARY puaLlC - MINNESOTA HENNEPIN COUNTY My Comm....On Ex_Sept 15. t880 H....... .....~ " TillS IN.TaUIoIINT WAll DIlArrZD IY (HAUl AKPADDU.II)I Gary Duane Carlson 3831 West 62nd St. Excelsior, MN 55331 UNIVERSAl: mu INSURANCE CO 14031 BURNHAVEN DRIVE BURNSVlttE, MN 55337 .".~'. "r "ICtt~~ ~t ~;..'t"~ ~~:~':'f~~~~= =::UG~~~'''' WI...........'_ C""">(..o Y'I "Du.c.ne Cc..y l~y"\ l'Yl ex. u..r'" e---e..n G La. Y'" 1'S0n 3'i?31 W 1..0,;;>, I"d S} eXLe l"'"lC.Jl", h)t,j ') S 3:1 \ - I Page---1-c. __?e:)&s to"C"~ ....(,J o.r J.~'" \ . "',': 1 EXHIBIT A That certain trl!lct bounded ~nd described as follows: Begilmlng at a pn1nl: 648 (pel Ell:;:!: 01 tllFl NOI'thw.;!st oO('n.... ot Section 5, TOW1shlp IIG NOI't" 01 Range 23 Wesl:. and 16 112 fest SClUl:h ot I:hs NOl'th Ii"e o~ sl!l1d Seot1on; elnd en the E1l5te"ly right ot way I Ilia ot the M1'Y1Elllpolis and St. LOllis Rai"'oadl thal1ce South 49 degree9 22 minute. W_t 810"9 Bl!l1d right 01' Wl!lV line a distance ot 307 I eet I lhrillCD South at l!lll "ng Ie to the latt ot su Id right of way line of 49 degrees 20 l"fllutes a distllnOEl ot 391.8 hllst a long the West lIne o~ Lot 6 &11,,"Jd's AcI'Q Tr'cct'!f. accordl~ to the I'ecol'ded pll'lt thal'act to tile Southwe!pt COl'nOl' ot said Lot 6. thence El!lst along the South li',e ot said Lot 6, a d1sLnnce ot 524.5 teet to l:hlB Southeost cornel" 01' sa Id Lot 6. tlll:-'nCEl North a lcnq the East lIne or said Lot 6 !l distance of" 591.35 feel: to the northeflst CO/'Il",r ot nll1d Lot 6, ahd thence West a 101g the North line or sa Jd Lot Ii a di'5tance of 2117. G teet to the point ot beqinning. EXCEPTING: "The NOI'th 217. '75 feet ot thy Ellll't" ~oo teet or Lot 6, 'SoI..n1d'll Acre lr'ocl;s", ALSO EXCEPTING. The South 217.75 teet at the North 435.5 feet ot the Eagt 200 teat 01 Lot 6, "Sc:""fd's IIol'a 1 rl'lcts' tlccard Ing to the "ecJoc'dad p 11It: thereof". ALSO E'XCEP rINGI lh!lt pal't ot the hel'ainal tel' desoribed tract Iy Ing West 01 a Iille dr'aWl1 IX1I'1'111el to l1nrl d1stal1t 125 1'sat Ellst ot the Wellt linGl oJ said t,'cct:, which tl'act Is del'cribed liS followsl TI~:!II: ce...t,,1n tract bounded nnd dasc,'ibed ..s 1ollows, 6eghlllfflY at 6 point 640 teet East of the No,'thweSlt corner ot Secticn (j il\ TIO/Shp. Illl. North of' Range 23 West. find 16 112 ter:tt South or the NOI't" 1111e ot said SecL 10111 and I:n the Easter'ly right of Wl'lY line 01' thE> r-1fnnealJQ lis cmd 51:. Lcuis Rll1lrOCld, tllellCIB South 119 df.lg,'ees 22 minutes West along said right" o~.way Il'IG l'l d1sl:ancEl ot 307 1'satl thence South ot an angle to the IPoft ot Ilnid right 01 way line 48 degl'ees 20 In Inutes a dist~nce ot 391. B teet olol1g t'"" N~t I tile at Lot 6 Schnid's IIores Tracts, e1ccordlng 1"0 the recorded pi,,!: t'lE'I'eot. to the Sou!:IMest corner ot stlld Lot 6, thence Eo!!t a long the South lille of f;l'lfd Lot 0 Q dla1:anclJ 01 524.05 leel: to the Southeast COI'ller ot slIid Lot 6. thenclI NOl'th a long the East lIne o~ sa Jd Lot 6 a d IstetlCe of 591.35 I eet Lo the NortheDRt corner ot said Lot 6. lllld thence West along the North line or ..,,-rd 1.01: 6 11 rflntl111ce of 207.R teat Lo the poInt 01 bP9illnlnq, ALSo EXCEPTING: rllClt plIl't ot the East 200.00 feet o~ Lot 6. Sctyuld'j!: Acl'p. lraots, Cdl....or Courl LY' , /Illnnasotl!, according to the recorded plat tJ1BI'eol. which lies South or the Nt)l.th 1\35.50 feet. . .I 'fie 1001 Affidavit of Purchaser of Registered Land STATE OF MINNESOTA}l1' Counly of H,nn.pin Gary Duane Carlson b,ine (lTlt July IW"t" On "alfa 1"11 ,h"t A. mDol" '''1.1 "gU"uil 011 Carver .''',,1/ "lIlt. put~'''U''(I) 01 REGISTERED LAND si'u"t.d;n lit.~C"unI7, Minn'J"ta. Tit. nllm. 01 .n~.1.^' tur.It..ur(s) u Gary Duane Carlson -"' Excelsior TII. pur'''4Jtr ,uitl.s at 3831 W. 6Znd Street City o{ ~XN.;{ Counly ,,{ .lJ(xlQl(m Carver ~Iat. ,,{ Minn"o'a U q?-, '1,a" 0/ "1','" und" no 1.:,,1 Ju"bililJl and it ,,.H.~~ 10 2ip___-1illl_ Maurp.en G Carlsnn whcs. ",id.n" is IU ..bou. sel /arll, above ...1." U "3 1"> '1,,,rs "I al' anJ "'"., tr ""tI" ~o "'"' dU4MI'Y si,n.rl ~/JfI~A ;[)~~ ~~ ~~~~~rlson Sdl.,ib.tl .nd m....rn tll b.fot. m. ,ltu ~~;?~~~~~ Nola,y Puh/it, Hmn.pin Cllun'y, Minn. My Commulion upitu 8 PAMELA J. BRAV ISms NOTARV PllBLlO - MINNESOTA HENNEPIN COUNTY ~ com"'....on E><I*M Bept. 11. ,. Carver County Page 1 of 1 COUNTY VVEBSITE I PROPERTY SEAHCH I FAQ's I GLOSSf\f; S1:TB OPTIONS PROPERTY SERRCH FREQUENT QUESTIONS CONTACT CARVER coum... Parcel Number 25.7700110" Payable Year: 2006 Property Address 6280,282 CARTWAY LN EXCELSIOR Tax Roll Type: REAL ESTATE Jurisdiction: CHANHASSEN cln School District: SCHOOL DISTRICT Identification Information Primary Taxpayer/Owner MEGAN J CARLSON C/O GARY & MAUREEN CARLSON 3891 62ND ST W EXCELSIOR MN 55331-8803 Legal Description P/O E 200' OF LOT 6 LYING S OF N 435.50' & INCLUDES AN UNDIVIDED COMMON INTEREST IN TRACT LABELED AS RESERVE ON PLAT OF SCHMID'S Section: 05 Township: 116 Range: 023 Lot: 006 Plat Name: 25770 SCHMID'S ACRE TRACTS Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes are determined using the previous year aSSl Mobile Home Taxes are determined using the current year assessment value. Property Classification: FULL HOMESTEAD RES DUPLEXlTRIPLEX Assessment Year 2005 Est. Market Value - Building $136,900.00 Est. Market Value - Land $75,700,00 Est. Market Value - Total $212,600.00 Taxable Market Total $194,900.00 Payable Year 2006 Total Tax Special Assessments: RECYCLE MGT Total Tax/Asmts. Paid To Date Installments Due Date Taxes/Assessments 1 st Half 5/15/2006 Taxes/Assessments 2nd Half 10/16/2006 ** Additional reductions in taxable value may apply due to special tax deferrals, This Old House, Plat Laws, etc. https://www.co.carver.mn.us/carvercountyrecap/RecapBill.aspx?Tax Y ear=2006&RollTy... 10/24/2006 . For",N~..2\I.M..,QUITC.t.AIM I)E~D. .~lD,~SOt& u~~rof!J1 CO~",~ein~ BJ~,~~.~J8,}. ...m.r-Oa..... Co.. Uinneapoltt Indiviqulllsl '? Joint T~,nanlS :. ~ ~ !:l 0 01 CD No delinquent taxes and transfer entered; Certificate ." m UI ~ of Real Estate Value ( ) filed ( v1 not required :!I no 0 ~ 0 !~ 0 n ... Certific te of Re ~tate Value No. ~ I>> ~. 0 !l.z - :* ' 19--.8..L ." I'D '. -4 i~ , % \..) Z ~. III C -\ :II ... --l 3 ~ III ~ D'" t\. County Auditor I:)~ "0 t'-: iii ~ .. -4 .1:) V) \' : :II t . III by ,. ~, <) Deputy :II -0 ~: 0 IN :E " -C.. ,~ STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ 1.65 e: -4 - a ::j 1--J W iD r;; -.Q "- 0 Date: .Tnly 19 ,191lJL S' (II 5' ~ .. FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Keith A. Carlson and Cynthi a CAr] !'Ion. Hushand ani! Wi fF! . Grantor (5), (maritalltatust hereby convey (s) and quitclaim (s) to and Wife as joint tenants. real property in Gary D. Carlson and Maureen G. Carlson, Husband , Grantees Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: That part of the East 200.00 feet of Lot Six (6), Schmid's Acre Tracts, Carver County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof, which lies South of the North 435.50 feet. Subject to easements, restrictions, covenants and conditions of record, if any. The. total consideration for this deed is $500.00 or less. iiI martllllCll I'M.dod. conlinu. on_I together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. Five Dollar STATtIi:MANOATEOmp Here: Ag Fee Paid STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ~~..b. } a. Keith A. Carlson ~ d. ~_____ Cynthia Carlson tIM~~ ~ f~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this by Keith A. Carlson and Cynthia Carlson, ~~~~yg~d~~ ,19..n.. , Grantor(s). NOT ARtAL ST Ai;iP" OR sEAL"ioioTiiliT'iTiiroit-RANK)-l J~DEE c. RYDBERG I Nota"{Pub~ Oallola Co.. MN ! My CQmmlsSiQtlbpifeS ""9- 11, 19110 i i .___, ._n._,..~ _. _,_ _ _...'__ .._n_ ___ .__ __._.__ ~"__.-1 ,-...-.....-.-. ..... n .-...-.--.---.-....- ......1 TIllS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY (NAM!I ANDADDIlKSS): i ! Bradley W. Solheim : i Attorney at Law I GLAESER, SOLHEIM & ROWLAND 1133 West First Street Waconia, MN 55387 I (612) 448-5535 or 442-2045 I ('AS:":'7'>~ ":':~"~'=' l ~Q ~!.inn~sota:;~::'i}'.X~~} ::::;, ~~.T?) m'm.'t;::'\~/:i;.:: ~ G I. 6 5 ~ ~.:~ .0 Ti.....X -- P.3.!;J5H ____=.:-5 Gary D. Carlson and Maureen G. Carlson 3831 West 62nd Street Excelsior, MN 55331 Retum To . ." ,i~r COUl'lty TltI .. ":l'. W e GIJ:.,r;:2f"V W ..~ est First St;\::... aconla. Mlnne"^la . :': , W\I .....,~tI.}1 '--" PIge-L-.. of f Pages Page 1 of 4 Certificate of Title Certificate No: 29324.0 TRANSFER FROM NO. 9430 registered 05/17/1947 Volume 7 Page 203.0 State of Minnesota, Co un ty of Carver This is to certify that GARY DUANE CARLSON & MAUREEN G. CARLSON, husband and wife, joint tenants Residing at 3891 62nd Street West in the City of Excelsior County of Carver, State of MN 55331. Owner(s) of the following described land situated in the County of Carver and State of Minnesota That part of the East 200.00 feet of Lot 6, Schmid's Acre Tracts, according to the recorded plat thereof, which lies South of the North 435.50 feet. Subject to the encumbrances, liens and interest noted by the memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon; and subject to the following rights, or encumbrances subsisting, as provied in M.S. Section 508.25 namely; 1. Liens, claims, or rights arising or existing under the laws or Constitution of the United States, which this state cannot require to appear of record; 2. The lien of any real property tax or special assessment; 3. Any lease for a period not exceeding three years, when there is actual occupation of the premises thereunder; 4. All rights in public highways upon the land; 5. The right of appeal or right to appear and contest the application, as is allowed by the chapter; 6. The rights of any person in posssession under deed or contract for deed from the owner of the certificate of title; 7. Any outstanding mechanics lien rights which may exist under sections 514.01 to 514.17; That the said: Gary Duane Carlson is of the age of 18 years or older, is under no legal incapacity and is married to Maureen G. Carlson, who is of the age of 18 years or older and is under no legal incapacity. In Witness Whereof, I have subscribed my name and affixed the seal of my office this 1st day of May, 2002. Carl W. Hanson, Jr. Registrar of Titles In and for the County of Carver State of Minnesota http://landshark.co .carver .mn. us/LandS hark/ getcert.j sp ?CertN um=293 24 10/19/2006 Page 2 of 4 By http://landshark.co .carver .mn. us/LandShark/ getcert.j sp ?CertN um=293 24 10/19/2006 Certificate No: 29324.0 Document #:T17910 Amount: .00 Dated: 08-28-1972 In favor of: CHANHASSEN VILLAGE OF Comments: /5/ CARL W.HANSON by DB Document #:T17911 Amount: .00 Dated: 09-13-1972 In favor of: CHANHASSEN VILLAGE OF Comments: /5/ CARL W. HANSON by DB Document #:T17912 Amount: .00 Dated: 09-21-1972 In favor of: CHANHASSEN VILLAGE OF Comments: /5/ CARL W.HANSON by DB Page 3 of 4 Memorials Instr:EASEMENT Ref: filed: 01-02-1973 at 09:00 AM Instr:EASEMENT Ref: filed: 01-02-1973 at 09:00 AM Instr:EASEMENT Ref: filed: 01-02-1973 at 09:00 AM Document #:T21574 Amount: Dated: 05-23-1975 In favor of: NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Comments: /5/ CARL W. HANSON by DB .00 Document #:T21599 Amount: .00 Dated: 06-02-1975 In favor of: CHANHASSEN CITY OF Comments: /5/ CARL W.HANSON by DB Instr:UNDERGROUND EASEMENT Ref: filed: 05-27-1975 at 01:00 PM Instr:EASEMENT Ref: filed: 06-04-1975 at 09:00 AM Document #:T22419 Instr:MORTGAGE Amount: 35700.00 Ref: Dated: 12-24-1975 filed: 12-30-1975 at 11:00 AM In favor of: TWIN CITY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Comments: /5/ CARL W. HANSON by DB Document #:Tl12184 Amount: .00 Dated: 02-01-1999 In favor of: FIDELITY BANK Instr:ASGMT OF MORTGAGE Ref:ASSIGNS MTGE DOC #T22419 filed: 12-30-1999 at 09:00 AM http://landshark.co .carver .ffin. us/LandS hark/ getcert.j sp ?CertN um=293 24 10/19/2006 . Comments: /s/ CARL W. HANSON, JR. by JS Document #:T126745 Amount: .00 Dated: 04-11-2002 In favor of: CARLSON GARY DUANE CARLSON MARUEEN G Comments: /s/ CARL W. HANSON,JR. Document #:T130019 Amount: 87000.00 Dated: 01-10-1996 In favor of: CARLSON MEGAN J Comments: /s/ CARL W. HANSON,JR. Document #:T130571 Amount: 87000.00 Dated: 01-10-1996 In favor of: CARLSON MEGAN J Comments: /s/ CARL W. HANSON,JR. Instr:SATIS OF MORTGAGE Ref:SATISFIES MTGE DOC #22419 filed: 05-01-2002 at 09:00 AM by DB Instr:CONTRACT FOR DEED Ref: filed: 09-30-2002 at 09:00 AM by DB Instr:CONTRACT FOR DEED Ref: filed: 10-21-2002 at 10:00 AM * * * * * * * * * * * Last Memorial shown above * * * * * * * * * * * by DB http://landshark.co . carver .mn. us/LandShark/ getcert.j sp?CertN um=2 93 24 Page 4 of 4 10/19/2006 l . - . -- . .. -. -- - .,~ - "-./ .:-!. DOCUMENT COVER PAGE (Rescn'cd for County Recorder) Document No. OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF TITLES T 130571 CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA 1\11111111111\ III1 ~~~~# 2:24 vet: ~: 93 Certified and filed on 10.21-2002 at 1 0:00 ~ AMD PM 2002.10-21 :!I/f.V 111111\1111111 \\\1111111 \\1\\ C~~~~"~f~j:;e~ DOCUMENT TlTLE: . ~il?L Q.eed. DOCUMENT DATE: J-I/)- ~b NAMES: ~vy Q. {~ -;116UtW'~ ~ ~ (JtM.~ ~/([/rr (J. (!M.&&Yl CARVER COUNTY RECORDERlREGISTRAR OF TITLES . " :T~. ..";l;:f.... H ~ i', ~ \-. I . .. ContfOltt for Detd F 'N'" "''"5' -"'M'~'''''''' ". .... ~: :",:' ", :. .', ":,"':'~:::~~,'1~li';I~~~O;:;:'f'~~f?;;;::r~~r1~~{i~t~?,.\':~'{'~r1~~1~if,t% 1.~.""..:~~....~.t.~fl:i~.:..~~'.;;~~J~;i;.r~~:t\.{~\:;'~'::~_~:ft~~:"'~_H~_n..'_',""~,,,'.~y!.n..d_.r_..._._..........._. ... oml o. 4. . I. .. \ I... .~,~ . -. ..~ ~!" 'o, __~__ 1U'f,r,,,, _ _.__. .~. .. M;III1-=UJU Un;I.,rlU Cunv<,,.:1'ndll; nr"'lIlc. ((Re'tiied 1975) \',"~:;:;'.~.;;';{~,~i;~:~.. I m:bis %(grtemtnt, .JIade and enter~(l ~:~~ ~~~:~~...'~~~~~~_~.....:.:..~.~~~"~~~.~:~~~;':~:.==~=__..._., 1::';'1{~ 10_96. ., I7y and botwee'~ ..Gar-y...D....Catll.sOll-and..Maureen.. G-....Carlsol1r hl!sband'''and-wif~r''''''''';'''''' . i ~'.'~1~ , .. ~'. f.,' ;'. ~;\' . ~r . ~:.' ~:~-.::~. ).1 . ~:" '.. , . ~::: ~'''..' ." .~ l~f"l A~': ;::~; ~:. property... .::): I '" i . ::~ ~ .i '. .~~ 'j ::;. . .'.\.. .. "~~l1 pari~~..!!... of tM firtt part. and.. .~g<llJ. .J......Carlson... ....... ,,_. _.... ._........... .............. .............. .... ..............__............... .. ... .; .' ...., paT~ ...y..... of tM sctonlt par&. : 4.' :i~ . " I :!':1. :.~~ :!':.l ~}f .~.I \ ~ .~.~.~ ::;:?( j i 'j j ! ':'::_;~':' :....... ~:~tn! ;:. ., Witntilltl1l. That the said. pari.ie.s.. of tho first pal't in. 'lon.tUleration. of the covenants ana adreo. n>cnlo of Baia, party......... "f tho BUOna pari, hsrclna,flol' contatnecl, hore"by S811...... anil aJ1rcs..... to convey unto Bair! party......... of the Becon(l part, ...h~...hEl.i.J;s.. . .una. assi!1ns. by It ..WaFranty......_......................._.......... Dtcd-, auompanielZ by an abstratt tL'tdentind food tLtllJ l,. part ..ies of 1M first part at tTl$ dats hereof, 01' l1y an OlCner'B ilu,pticat6 corflfUiafo of titlo, upon 111,6 prom,ph and- full pC71'01'ntfJ.Ilce bII Baid pari .y...... of the second part. of ...heJto.. .............._..parl of this agreem.ent, 1M tract...... of lan(l, ~yini an,!. beinil in, the Oot.nty of r.~!Y..~:r::.... ..._.. ........ .............. .....ana State of Jn~lneccta, ilJJMTibtd, as follows, to-wit: That part of the East 200.0 feet of Lot Si~ (6), Schmid's Acre Tracts, Carver County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof, which lies South of the North 435.50 feet. ~ ,. ...1. .j;. '.' ". ., . '. .. .:~ ! i .! ~ ~~. ~. -' f.', ,- >( ~ ,\ it: ~:- i::~ .~: ..~. . .... t~ .' . .' ..~:.. ;; Seller certifies that there are no wells on the above described And snJ.r1. part. .y_.. of t1,o seoonc'l p4ri, i~ cons/aoration. of the 'premises, herc'by agreeS... to pay said, pari_ies. of tlllJ r",.$I; part. a;/; .~.s.uch..plac.e..aa..they...shal1..designate..........................._..............__.._............._ fL., anil fo1' the purohase priDe of Bam pr/lm.iGOS, eM sum ol...Eigb.ty...S.ey.en..Thousand::::::.,:::::::-..'::::::::::::''::::::::::::::::-.-- :::.::,:-.::.:-.::::-.:-.::-::.::.::-.::::::::.::-.::-.=..",.::-.::.",,,,.($.&7. ,nnD.. OD.).:::..".":::.::.-::"",==,--::,,,::::::::::::::..-::::.,::::;:::~,:-.:::::...:..':.::::.::.::.::.::.=.....':::'::.::;::. Dollars, /.... 711<17,.7161: a.ntI. at tlmOll fol7,ClV!"'d, tC.lUlt: ..... ................,........................,_.. . ....._.. ... ................. ............,:......._..........:.._............... . $87,000.00 in monthly installments of $70R.07 per month or more at the option of purchaser, with interest upon the deferred balance . at 9% per annum, said monthly payments to apply first to the payment of interest and the balance to the r.eduction of principal. First monthly payment shall be made on or before the 1st day of February, 1996 and on the 1st day of each month thereafter until the full purchase price has been paid I-lith interest as herein provided. i-;' i 11: ... ~f f~ ,. ... r t.? S..id part-)l._ of tbe sec.ond part fllr~her CQvena;ots-. ;and _grcO'.S.. as 10110,",5.: to pay. before pen31t3~ attaches thereto. aU lil:<U due and pa,)'ablC' in the )'caf 1!:9.6..""t and in subsequent yea.rs. and 3011 :special n'3c:ssments heretofore or hcreartc:r levied, _.____._____.____..____._.....__.__..___.____._.__...._........__...._._.._......._.._.._.._....._....____.._.._. ----.---.-.---.-..--.-....-...----.-.--...-...--.-...-.....-...--........-......--.-..-....----.-.--.......-.-; alsc tbat any building! and improvements now on 53id land, or wh!ch shall hereaher be erected, pbced. ur made thereon, shall <oot be removed !here/rom. but 110.1.1 be and remaiu Il,. property oi the pUl-.i<:l-s-. of Ihe lirsl port until this eOn- 1".:1.10.11 b. fully performed by tbe 1l.ttY..._.. of the second part; and a1._h~.r...._..._._.own expen,,,, to keep the build- ingt- on 's:a.itJ premise. at all limes insured In SOme reliable jnsLtr:.ncc company or comp3.nies. 10 be approved by the part_ies 01 the firsl part. asaln'l loss by lire fo,' at 1..... Ihe sum 01._..._........._...._....._..___........_..__._.._...___. ...sufficientJ:a...pt:O.tec.Lthe._v.endo~_inter.es.t.~_...._......_..._........_.._._........._....._._....._........._.:l'llUt>...1/: and again!!it loss by windstorm {or at least the sum of.._._.._..__.__.____.._...._.._._....._..._....._....__.._.._.___._.. ..___.____ _..........._........._._...__.._.._._......_........_.____.._.._.._.___..__.._._...____..~K.,,~ l)llya1Jle 10 said pari.e.5.-.. of the first pari. -1he.i.r_._._____.heirs or anign:c, alhl, jn c~c of lo~, :sJaouhl there he iU\Y stir. plus o\'er and above the amount 'hen uwinit :said p3I'l..les.. of the nrst part. .theiJ::_.__._.heir.. or nssigI1$., the balaDce shall be paid over 10 the said I'arty:...._ of the second port. as.............har..._.._..............._.inter." .hall al'pcnr, and 10 d~posit with the: parties.... of the lint part palicic~ of "aid insur.ance. Dut should th4! second part-y.._. raft to pay any item I" be paid by ..ld l'arL:Y._-.. under th. ternu h.<<of. Slm'e mar b" paid by ~..t porl..ies... nod ShAll b. forthwith P'Y- able. with iuleret't Ihereon. a~ an ~dditiol1:.t1 OImount due fir~t p:uties... tinder this contract. .... .'-" ,. ,'F ;,.. ;.; ~ ".-: \': ,\ .'.'. " ~; : F onn N o. 54~M M in n~.\(~ ~ ~~ II i;., nl1 :;.:;';;~::~~..~i~.~'f.~D~~~::~~~.~~t~::2:f~~~Y}~X::::.:~~::(!:lr(0':;~~.';W~~:S~~;:~ .- -...- ..-.-.- -..-...--......-- ......__._--_.-._._-~ '. '.,,-. \!tf)is ~greemtnt, .;~lade and, entered into this ____...__tenth.......__._____.____day ol__JaOlJary______..____.___.________.__, . 19__96. ., by and between --Gary...D...CaE'lson..-and..Msl:ll."een...G......Gadsoo;-.husband--.and"wHey----..--------..--. Contract for o.e4 tftdivtdual Vendor part ies of the first part, ancL_ .Jlegan..J..__.Carlsoo___ --. ___ __, part __.y..__. of the seconc.t part, Witne55elb, That the said pa.rt__ies. of the first part i.n consideratic,. of the covenants and agree- ments of said party____.... of the second part, hereinafter contained, hereby selL... and agree__._ to cont'ey Mnto said pa"/Jj__. of the second part, .-.her..heirs--. . .and assigns, by a -Warranty...........--..--...--.-----------.----..----...-- Deed, accompanied by an abstract cl.idencing (food title in part .i€s of the fimt part at the date hereof, 01' by a.n owner's duplicatE. certificate of title, upon, the prompt anrlfu.ll performance by said part.y____ of the second part, of---her-- .____.______. part of tMs a~reenz.ent, the tract______ of la.nd. lying an~. beillf! in the COlmty of ~ry~r::____._____..._______... .........and State of ,Minnesota., described as follows, tQ-lIJlt: That part of the East 200.0 feet of Lot Six (6), Schmid's Acre Tracts, Carver County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof, which lies South of the North 435.50 feet. Seller certifies that there are no wells on the above described property. i ./I nd said part.__y.__.... of the IlOOOnd part, in =n8idoration of t1~ premises, h~rcby agreeS... to pay said part.les. of the fi"~ part, a.t ...__such_.P-lace....as....they__..shalL.designate....__...__ ______________.__............... as and for the purchase price of said premises, the sum of...Eighty....S.eyen..TIwusand~:::-.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::-- .~.~.~.::-.~.~~.::-.::-.-:.::-.~.~.::-.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.'$.8.7..,DOO..OO).~:::.~.:::::::::"':::::: -.::::::::::::-.:::::::::::-_::::::.::::::.:::::::::.:::.::::::.:::.:::.:::.:::.-.-..:::.-..-..-..-:.~.~. Dollars, in manner and at times followi".g, to.wit:..... _____.____..................____.....__..__....__........ __. ......______... ..__h..........._ ..____.______..........__...____..__.. $87,000.00 in monthly installments of $708.07 per month or more at the option of purchaser, with interest upon the deferred balance at 9% per annum, said monthly payments to apply first to the payment of interest and the balance to the reduction of principal. First monthly payment shall be made on or before the 1st day of February, 1996 and on the 1st day of each month thereafter until the full purchase price has been paid with interest as herein provided. Said part..y._____ of the second part further covenants.... and agree.S-.. as follows: to pay, before penalty allaehes thereto. all la-xc.!; due and paj~ablc in the year 199.6_..., and in s.uhsequl"nl years, and all special BSSeSS1!\Cuts heretofore or hereafter levi cd, _....._........_...................._..................._...._............._..._n__nn. __. .._. ._n____....n...._.__....................... ... ...__....... .__.h....................h_......_..... 815(,' that an)p buildings and improycments now .on sa.id land, or which shall hereafter be erected. placed, or made thereon. shall r,N be removed tberefrom, but shaH be and remain the properlY ci the parl-i€-S.. of the firsl parl until this COli- tr'.ot shall be fully performcd by the partY........_ of the second p~rt; and at._he.r..........._.....own expense, to keep the build. ing~ on said pr~rnises at all times insured in SOme reliable insur:lnce company or companies, to be approved by the pan_i.eS of the first part, against loss by fire fot alleaslthe sum of........_......_.....__...____.__........._..................._......__............_... ....s.uffic.ienLto..pr.o_tecl:._nthe__vendQl:s.~...int.&.es.t:......._..............................._...__..............................___..._....__.........!llm:iI~ and againslloss by windstorm for alleastthe sum oL_......__............._........__........_............._.._....._...__..__................_...._.. ____n___.___h...h_...._._............_...._._......_..___n___._........__..__n........................._.......__...........__._........................_...__._...__..__.......Nl\o).<i) pitY41ule to $aid patties..... oi tlJll~ first varl. uthcir........_.__...heirs or as~iP.;nl". anti, in c.::.SI: of 10$:;, 5houhllhcle b.: any sut- plu~ o\.er and above the amount then owing foaid part..ie.s.. cf thr: first part. .theit:....._......._.heirs. or assigns. the balance shall be paid o\"er to lhe said party....__... of the ,econd ~aTl as.............her..................................int<re"l shall appear, and to deposit wilh the parties.... at the tir<l part politic, I)f >aid insurallce. But shouluthc second part._y....... fail to pay any item to bt paid b)' ,.id Il.rt.y........ under the terms heroof. ""'1f may- be p.id b)' fj,st part_if;::,- and shall be forthwith pa)'- able. with iJllere~t thereon, as 3n additiC\1I31 amount due fir.;;t parties... under tllis contract. ;. ," But should default be made in the payment of principal or ieterest due hereunder, or of any part thereof, to be by scc"nd parL_:>!_.__ paid, or .hould._she.._.._.......rail to pay the ta"e. or assessment,,; upon said b,nd ,premium. upon .aid insLlrance, or to perform any ur ',tither of th~ eoyenants, agreement3. te:OJns or eonditions herein c~i1tained, to be by saic c:cC'ond p:.rt~...._._._ ].,;cpt or (a;t"rormc~. tbe said parti~_S'd' of the first part nla)r, at.......~.h~:iX......._.OPtion. b)' written notk~ declare this cr.mtract cancelled and terminated, and all rights, title and interest acquired thereunder by said second P:\I"t.y_...-. shall lh~reupon cease and terminate, Olnd all improvements made upon the premises. :1r1d all payment.!!: m:ade hereunder l!iball bc10ng to sa.id part..ies.. of the first part ;.15 liquid"te'd damage'! f(lr breach of lhi! tontract by ~3id second fl3:..y_....-. said notice to be in accord:\ncc with the 5tatut~ in such case made and provided. Neither the extension of the time of payment of any !!Um (Ir ~um~ of money to be paid hercumlel', nor any waiver hy the partieS._n of the tirst ,.art ..Jh~t.r._.._riS'h19 to declare this contract forfeited by rea.on of any breach lhereof, .hall in any manner affect the right ot said p.rt.~g_$.... to cancelthi. conlract her."'e of ddal\lts subsequently maturing, and no extension or time $hall be \'alid ullles$ evidenced by dul). signed instrUffi-cnl. Furth~r, ;If!'cr service of notice and failure to remove, within the period allowed hy law, the default the"in specified, $.id p.rt.Y-_n... of the .econd part hercb)' .p.ducally agrec..5... upon demand of ,aid part._ieS.. of the first part, quietly and peaceahly to surrender to...._..th~._......n..posses- sian of said premi5es, and every pari thereof, it being undcr~tood that until such ddauH. said p:1rt_~....... of the second part..._..___.m._....._......_n.to h3\"e po~~ession of ~aid premises. 31t {~ fflutunlIp ~greeb. By and between the parties heeeto, that the time of payment shall be an e..""ntwl part of this contract; and that aU the covenants ana aJ1nem-ents herdn eontolnd shall run wlth tM land and bind the heirs. exooutor., adnliniBtrators, S/Mcessors atlil assi~ns of th" respective partl". hereto. Jilt ltcll'thnoltp Menof, TM partill8 hereto ho:ue hereunto set their hands the day and lIeor fl.rst a.boL'O written, "j '- :~ coun~o~~~~~.~~~~~~:....~~._..}ss. Tht' rorl~go"'"r! lll.vtruulf'uJ. U"(,...~ tlf'ku(Ju'/t'd!it,t/ IU'fON' "". t";,,....tJ.l~~~""'^". .; ~~~~ ::=w.'!\ :lA.v...~rvt:f': ~ If:-!).~t.:;~~~:\ t....:y:~;..~;.:.,:. l.: ::;:,' r ~~." ~ Y:i~r-t.; ";-' .'_.. _J-.,r, -~~....,'..; '''"'. .......\ ~ ~ 1;~/,l:)':t;; ~,:':~.;~~~~;;L;;~~":.;" S.." ~ III ~\A}^....'VVt."i\I,^,,^,,J...'VY""",~"'.^",V\J "oJV;': , ]!/% ."'.. Gary D. Carlson and Maureen G.Carlson,X husband and wife and Megan J. Carl~on,:}; ~f1.ngl.a.~iF."(JF rUl.~()N i..~~~':[;~;~~;','-''',' ....,--.. . ....- i {;' la.'"I ,",CC;.L-I i~~. '-~~tY.--,--::._. : /: ':~~~~.\TU'" of "..,~)S -(~Kl'G -"bJ..,(~,f'~:;?"E'TI " (. leJ l.r.h,C.L '.:.jC;.LC~":'.kf~. .:u....,;/c.:!~(..-..:/.,.'--( nlll.E f~ IrANJ:.) "II . '" ~ '- :.: :.:! ~l .'t;: ; ~l (N.....) 10- i;: Ic:y: S\~,,,.........~i '; ~<Z~~ Chanhassen, MinIl~_~~~~.~~~___ .. '., ~ N!::" ;~--5: o c.. ~>;. ~ t)~! ~ <1: ; .:~ =i' ~. f-t ~ " ~Z o u 3 ~ 9 I ~v-T loVC'-y L "",..-w.' S xC'_.e ,..{.s," 0 ,- ~ ~ /)o'\/'J.5? ~ ~ \~_". j _ _ ..----...1.1~~ T~ ~.'S: 1 ~ ~ ~ ~~~ i-r~ -v 1:':"J _..0;;""" ~._<.,,_ ..::: .... - :::~ ~ -. ~ -.~ ,~:::. ~ : ..r :~. '" ~ -;;.,. .: -:'M ~ -~ ~~~ijj 'iffli ~r~~ .. "</{~ ~ ~~~H j - ;;?l..i~~~' ~ . \\2;, . 2 '. ~- 'P,. ~.:: / . '0 _ . J.. ~u ;: -.~ ~'!;::; . 1= ~:'1:5 _..:: e ~ .... ~; . .? ;~~~~ - ~.-l. .!'_~ \"' _~ ~ 15~ ....."":1..~..;: ::-~. ';::. '_ _ ~ ~,_ ~" .. ,,0;;: . '" ..... ~-"-</ - ~ - <<.'..J.- ~ :--_~ _.", CO' ;~i~-~~ ;~~lC: 'x. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~......;:r :';jL_. I ~ ~~ :.:~ .~~- ~G ~, _ , 'ii . ,0 ~; ___ '20 " . '~.'_ .___ ";. ., ~ ..: ; ~