WAP Recording Document Transmittal 11-13-06 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 FAX (952) 227-1110 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE I JOB NO. 11/13/06 2006-32 ATTENTION Sue Nelson RE: Document Recording TO: Campbell Knutson, PA 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 WE ARE SENDING YOU [gJ Attached D Under separate cover via the following items: D Shop drawings D Copy of letter D Prints D Change Order D Plans D Samples D Specifications D Pay Request D _ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 1 0/23/06 06-32 Erhart Wetland Alteration Permit 2006-32 (Outlot A, Butternut Ridge Addition) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval D For your use D As requested D Approved as submitted D Approved as noted D Resubmit copies for approval D Submit copies for distribution D Return corrected prints . D Returned for corrections D For review and comment [gJ For Recording D FOR BIDS DUE D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO: Mr. Tim Erhart If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT #2006-32 Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen permits a wetland alteration permit to allow 0.58 acres (25,382 square feet) of wetland impact for the construction of access to the western portion of the applicant's property and stormwater ponding. Wetland replacement will occur on site with the construction of 0.83 acres (36,104 square feet) of new wetland,. in combination with 0.87 acres (37,921 square feet) of credit through stormwater ponding and upland buffer creation. 1. Property. The permit is for property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Outlot A, Butternut Ridge Addition 2. Conditions. The Wetland Alteration Permit was approved as shown on the plans dated received September 5, 2006 and subject to the following conditions: a) Because the species of spike rush was not identified during the delineation, the dominant spike rush within Wetland B shall be keyed out to ensure that the increased period of inundation will not adversely affect a state-threatened plant species or a significant natural community. b) The plans shall be revised to show how M-l will be accessed. The access route shall be stable, shall avoid damage to significant trees (greater than 10" DBH) and shall avoid impacts to natural drainageways and any jurisdictional wetlands that may exist on site that were not delineated by Westwood Professional Services in August 2006. c) A planting plan for M-l, including invasive vegetation management techniques, species to be planted, proposed planting rates, and the approach to upland buffer restoration, shall be submitted prior to final City Council approval. d) The applicant shall submit a letter of credit equal to 110% of the cost of the wetland creation (including grading and seeding) to ensure the design standards for the replacement wetland are met. The letter of credit shall be effective for no less than five 1 years from the date of final plat approval. The applicant shall submit a cost estimate for wetland creation (including grading and seeding) so the City can calculate the amount of the wetland creation letter of credit. e) A five-year wetland replacement monitoring plan shall be submitted. The replacement monitoring plan shall include a detailed management plan for invasive non-native species, particularly hybrid cattail, purple loosestrife and reed canary grass. The plans shall show fixed photo monitoring points for the replacement wetland. The applicant shall provide proof of recording of a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. f) A wetland buffer 16.5 to 20 feet in width (with a minimum average of 16.5 feet) shall be maintained around all wetlands. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and shall pay the City $20 per sign. g) A berm is proposed within the existing right-of-way (ROW) for Powers Boulevard. The applicant shall receive approval from Carver County forthe proposed normal water level (NWL) in Pond 1 and for the proposed berm. h) At this time, no development is approved for the "Future Development Area." Any future development and/or requested changes to the land use for this property shall undergo the City's development and land use review process(es). . i) Stormwater calculations were not submitted for Pond 1. When the future development area is developed, the pond shall meet all stormwater requirements in place at that time. j) The east-west road will be a field road that will extend from Powers Boulevard shall only serve the future development area identified on the plan and the future lift station. This road shall not extend further east. k) Future utility installation shall be a lighter line weight than the proposed storm sewer installation that will be done in conjunction with the wetland alteration. I) The silt fence along Powers Boulevard shall be installed east of the trail at the construction limits. The rock construction entrance shall be at least 75 feet in length. The plans shall be revised to show the City's standard details 3107, 3108, 5300, 5301 and 5302A. m) The temporary riser structure shall remain in place until the pond and adjacent areas are stable. n) Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3: 1. All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round, according to the following table of slopes and time frames: 2 Tvpe of Slope Steeper than 3:1 10:1 to 3:1 Flatter than 10: 1 Time 7 days 14 days 21 days (Maximum time an area can remain open when the area is not actively being worked.) These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes, and any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system, such as a curb and gutter system, storm sewer inlet, temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or man made systems that discharge to a surface water. 0) Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as-needed. p) A building permit shall be obtained for all retaining walls greater than four (4) feet in height. q) The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (NPDES Phase IT Construction Permit), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for dewatering), Carver County) and comply with their conditions of approval." 3. Termination of Permit. The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit. 4. Lapse. If within one year of the issuance'of this permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this permit shall lapse, unless an extension is granted in accordance with theChanhassenZoning Ordinance. , 5. Criminal Penalty. Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit IS a criminal misdemeanor. Dated: October 23,2006 3 SEAL By: STATEOFMINNESOTA ) ( ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this q-u. day of Jomr,h!r. 2006, by Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor and Todd Gerhardt, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. KIM T. MEUWISSEN ., Notary Public-Minnesota My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2010 DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO BOX 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 4