CC Minutes 10-23-06 City Council Meeting - October 23,2006 1. Resolution #2006-76: Resolution Proclaiming November 14, 2006 as National Community Education Day. J. Resolution #2006-77: Approval of Resolution Approving the Contamination Clean-up Grant Application and Committing Local Match and Authorizing Contract Signature for Moon Valley Environmental Clean-up. k. Amendment to Section 13-52 of Chanhassen City Code Concerning Hourly Restrictions on Certain Operations. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to O. L. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIA TION PENSION PLAN. Councilman Lundquist: Mr. Mayor, at the request of several of the affected members of item 1(1), I would like to table that item for further discussion and data. Mayor Furlong: Okay, I'll second that motion. Councilman Lundquist moved, Mayor Furlong seconded to table approval of the amendment to the Fire Department Relief Association Pension Plan. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to O. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. LA W ENFORCEMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE. Mayor Furlong: This evening we have our monthly updates from our Carver County Sheriffs department and our fire department. Sergeant Gullickson is not present this evening. There was information distributed with the council packet. I don't know if there are any questions that we can relay to Mr., Sergeant Gullickson through Mr. Gerhardt at this point or we can contact him directly if we have questions. Todd Gerhardt: Yeah, just email me or call me. I'll follow up on them. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. At this time I'd like to invite Chief Greg Geske from our Chanhassen Fire Department. Chief Greg Geske: Good evening. This evening it's an abbreviated, not much on the agenda tonight. I don't have a whole lot either. It's been quiet. We did have a successful open house. We probably had about 1,000 people attend. I don't know what we do with the weather gods but fortunately out of about 10 not nice days we ended up with a beautiful day for our open house so it went real well. We probably also had 13 kids that we put through our fire prevention program. As our Fire Marshal had mentioned in the update, you know it used to be fire prevention week and I think we're up to fire prevention month with all the kids we go through and stuff and the 5