Administrative Section SOUTHWI:ST MI:TRO TRANSIT 13500 Technology Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-949-2BUS · www.swtransit.org October 23, 2006 RECEIVED NOV 0 3 2006 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Mr. Todd Gerhardt City Manager City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd; The purpose of this letter is to formally request the use of the front parking lot at Lake Ann Park to provide park and ride operations from during the months of November 2006 through April, 2007. Use of this lot will help very much with the current demand we are experiencing at our other Chanhassen location. If acceptable, SouthWest Transit will assume all liabilities form our operations and will provide the City with any proof of insurance and/or indemnification it deems necessary. SouthWest Transit will also take responsibility as well as all the associated costs related to plowing and maintaining the lot during the months we will be using the parking lot. SouthWest would also be interested in having a transit shelter placed along W. 78th St. to allow our customers to keep out of the weather elements while waiting for a bus, and we would also be interested in having some type of parking lot lighting installed at the Lake Ann lot. We would be willing to pay for the installation of the shelter and lighting, as well as all lighting usage fees Please let me know if these terms are acceptable. Thanks again for all your assistance with this matter. Sincerely, C6 en Simich Chief Executive Officer SouthWest Transit CC: Craig Peterson Todd Hoffman ICARVER COUNTY Health Partnership Making Carver County A Healthy Place To Live And Work October 11, 2006 Todd Hoffman, Director Park & Recreation City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: DESIGN TEAM SUBCOMMITTEE lNVIT ATION LETTER Dear Todd: As you may already know, the Carver County Health Partnership Senior Commission is teaming with the Carver County Board of Commissioners and the County Planning Department in developing a countywide comprehensive plan. The Plan, which will be introduced in 2008, will integrate concepts of the senior-friendly "Communities for a Lifetime" campaign with both short and long-term strategies. In order to facilitate the planning process, Design Team Subcommittees are being formed in the following key areas: ~ Civic EngagementIV olunteerism ~ Housing and Adaptive Re-Use of Housing ~ Parks and Recreation ~ Transportation and Mobility ~ Education and Learning ~ Home and Community-Based Services ~ Safety ~ Long Term Care/Health Care Background information, task description and other details regarding the planning process are attached for your review. You were recommended as a member of the Parks & Recreation Subcommittee. We hope you will be a part of this important endeavor. If you agree to serve in this capacity, you will receive official recognition from the Carver County Board of Commissioners. I will be contacting you in the near future to answer any questions you may have and determine your willingness/availability to be a part of this work. As Carver County moves forward with this innovative planning approach, we will be one of only a handful of counties nationwide with a Comprehensive Master Plan on Aging. Sincerely, Maureen Melgaard-Schneider, Consultant Carver County Health Partnership Senior Commission Contact: Maureen Melgaard-Schneider Schneider Consulting Associates, Inc. 18401 520th Avenue ~ Atwater, MN 56209 ~ Cell: 320-583-1749 ~ e-mail: schneiderconsultinginc@yahoo.cam 1 2006 OCT 11 Todd Hoffman DESIGN TEAM SUBCOMMITTEE NEW MBR INVITE L TR.doc 11/06/06 MON 15:29 FAX - ~ School District 112 .. PWPiJtirly 8Jllesmers to flt:;h/AVR tlTr1ir JJe(~/lsl beSt FOOD SERVICE I4l 002 F Office of Food Service District Education Center 11 Peavey Road Chaska, Minnesota 55318 (952) 556-6150 .(952) 556-6159 October 24, 2006 Dear District Health Council Member: Thank you for agreeing to be on the School District 112 Health Council. The first meeting will be November 14, 2006. The meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. at the District Education Center in Room 114. I work in the district foodservice department and one of my job functions is to coordinate and implement the Wellness Policy for the district and chair the District Health Council. The Health Council will monitor, review and as necessary, propose revisions to the District Wellness Policy. The Health Council will also serve as a resource to school sites for implementing the policy. A copy of the District Wellness Policy is enclosed. At the first meeting we will review the Health Council's functions, District Wellness Policy, the foodservice operations and changes that have been made for this school year. We will discuss goals for this school year for the Health Council. If you are unable to attend the meeting or have any questions, please call me at 556-6153. I look forward to meeting you on November 14th. Sincerely, ~8J~ Anne PegloW, R.D. Food and Nutrition Training and Support Specialist Enclosure Serving the communities of Carver, Chanhassen. Chaska, and ViCLoria through equal opportunity in employment and education. 11/06/06 MON 15:29 FAX FOOD SERVICE F I4J 003 Adopted: May 25, 2006 Affirrncd/Revised: Policy NUlnbel': 533 INDEPENDENT SCI-IOOL DISTRICT 112 WELLNESS POLICY .PURI~OS'E '"fhe purpose of this policy is to enlphasize the irnpoltant role nutrition and physical activit.y play in creat.ing healthy students who are better able to grow~ learn, and thrive. G.ENERAL STAr'fEMENT OF POLJ'(;Y The Wellness Policy is a guide for school district and building achninistrators, school en1ployees, students, school board mCInbers, and comnlunity members (0 ensure students are able to fOlm h~althy life-long nutritional and physical habits. District 112 will provide Our students appropriate education in each of these areas, as well as healthy food choices a.nd opportunities to parlicipate in physical activities. School District 112's Wellness Policy follows the guidelines of the Child and Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004. A cOlnmittce cOlupl;sing parents, students, teachers, school board, sc.hool adlninistralors, food service staff, and the public developed the policy. Such broad p~lrticipation lends itself to support for the elenlents ,md guidelines contained below, 'ELEMENTS OF rrHE DISTRICT 112 WELLNESS PO'LICY Ph vsical A cti vi tv District 1 J 2 will provide Prc-K- .12 students with oPPOltunities, support, and encouragcluent for physical education and activity in paltnership with falnily, staff, and cOlnmunity lhrough: . Physical educal'ion cl asses which incorporate national physical education standards . Daily recess periods for elenlentary students . Co-curricular opportunities · Intran1ural opportuniti.es . Integration of physical actjvity into the acadernic curriculum where appropriate . Use of school facilities outside of school hours . Policy 533 -1.... 11/06/06 MON 15:29 FAX FOOD SERVICE F l4J 004 Nutrition Education District 112 will provide Pre-K-12 students with opportunities, suppo11t and encouragement for nutrition education th.'ough: · I--Iealth education which incol'porates national health standards . l~ecognitjon of nutritjonal diversity needs . Professional developlnent support Nutrition Standards ,District 112 will provide Pre-K-12 students access to a variety of nutritious and appealing foods that. rneet the health and nutrition needs of students through: · M,eeting the USDA nutritional requirements · Pmticipating .in available federal and state school meal and nlilk progr3rns . Accomlnodating individua}jzed health plans . Acconlffiodating religious, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds . Providing adequate tinle for students to eat Other School Based Activities District 112 wilt model and prOTI1ote Pre-I<-12 students' health, well being, and ability t.o learn by establishing an environlnent that: . Offers healthy and nutritional choices . Linlits unhealthy food choices provided to students · Educates students, slaffJ and COlTIITIunity on healthy choices Legal R.cfcrences: 42 U'.S.C. ~ J 751 et seq. (Richal'd B. Russell National School Lunch Act) 42 D.S.C. * 1771 et seq. (Child Nutrition Act of 1966) P.L. 108..265 (2004) ~ 204 (Local Wellncss Policy) 7 U.S.C. ~ 534] (Establishnlent of Dietary Gui.deIines) 7 C.F.R. ~ 2 J. 0.10 (School Lunch Pro graIn Regulations) 7 C.P.R.. * 220.8 (School Breakfast Prograrn Regulations) Policy 533 - 2 - 11/06/06 MON 15:29 FAX FOOD SERVICE F I4l 005 INDEPENDENT SCI-IOOL DISTRICT 112 WELLNESS POLICY PROCEDU!{.ES "[0 achieve the policy goals, the following are reconunended: I_ DiSh-ict He.'1lth Conncil The District will have a Distt.'ict Health Council to nlonitor., reviewt and as necessary? propose revisions to the District Wellness Policy. The Health Council will also serve as a resource to school sites for iInplenlenting the policy- I'he Health Council should con~i~L of a group of individuals represeIlting the school and C0l11nll1nity. II. Nutritional Quality of Foods and Beveraszes Sold and Served on Call1nus 1. Meals served through the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs will: a. Be appealing and attractive to children b. Be served in clean and pleasant settings c. Meet, at a lnininlum, nutrition requirements established by local, state., and federal statutes and regulations d. Offer a vadety of fruit.s and vegetables daily e. Serve only 20/0., low--fat (J'1(J), and fat-free milk and nutritionally equivalent non- dairy alternatives. 1 % and fat..fl'ee milk recomrnended at the secondary level. f. Ensure that whole wheat and whole grains are used where possible g. Monitor sodiu111 content in foods available for sale h. Schools should engage students and parents, through tasl(;wtest.s of new entrees aod surveys, in select.ing foods sold through the school meal p.'ogranls in order to identify neWt healthful, and appealing food choices. In additio1l7 schools should share infolmation about the nutritional content of Illcals with parents and students. Such information could be made available on menus, a website, on cafeteria n1enu boards, placards, or other point-of-purchase materials. 2. Breakfast: To help incr.ease the number of students who stalt their learning day with a nutritionallneal: a. Breakfast will be offered at schools that have a st.alt tinle prior to 8:30 a.ln. b. Schools that serve breakfast to students will notify parents and sludcnts of the School Breakfast Program Policy 533 -3- 11/06/06 MON 15:30 FAX FOOD SERVICE F I4J 006 . C. Schools will encourage parents to provide a healthy breakfast for their children through newsletter a...ticles, take-home rnater'j als, or other Ineans 3. Meal Tirnes and Scheduling: Schools: a. Wi 11 work wiLh st,udents to ensure adequate tilne to eat 1 unch b. Will be encouraged to schedule lunch periods to follow recess periods 4. Sharing of Foods and Beverages: Schools; a. Wi lJ discourage students from sharing their foods or beverages with one another during Inea.l or snack times~ given concerns about allerbries and other restrictions for SOllle children's dietary needs b. Will offer students an opportunity to sanitize their hands before eating 5. Foods and Beverages Sold Individually (food sold olltside of reirllbursable school meals; i.e., a la carte, vending Jnachine~, snacks, fundraisers) a. Food~: 1. 90~) or mOre of all itenls will contain 350/0 or less of ils calories fr01l1 fat per serving1 excluding nuts, seeds., peanut butter and other nut butter; and ] 0% or less of its ca'lories per serving fronl saturated and trans fat combined 2. 100%) of all chips offered will be baked 3. No itelTIS classified as a Hcandy producfJ will be sold through the a la carte 1 i nes b. Portion Sizes 1. All itetns served through an a la carte line cannot be larger than the portion size of the same product served through the reimbursable schoo 1. meal program. Frnits and non-fried vegetables are exempt fr01TI portion size linlits. 2. Cookies and snack (granola, cereal) bars restricted to 2 ounces 3. Baked chips, popcorn, and snack pretzels restricted to 2 ounces 4. Muffins, pastries, bagels, dessert bars restrict.ed to 4 ounces 5. Frozen desserts, ice creanl, pudding restricted to 4 ounces 6. Yogurt restIicted to 8 ounces 7. Beverages, other than Illilk ,md waler, restricted to 12 ounces c. Beverages 1. Milk, water, J 00% fruit juice, and no-added...sugar beverages will be the only beveragt:s sold during breakfast and lunch periods in grades ((-8. 2. M'ilk~ waler, 100% fruit juice, no..added-sugar beverages, hot chocolate, cap- puccino. and coffee will be the only beverages sold dur.ing breakfast and lunch periods in grades 9-12. 3. Where available, vending machines at K-8 levels will only be in operation before and after school bell t.imes. Vending Inachines at 9-12 levels will be available except for the tinle school reinlbursable lunches are being served. Policy 533 -4- 11/06/06 MON 15:30 FAX FOOD SERVICE F 141 007 4. Water, nlilk'l and 1000/0 fruit juice shall make up at least 50% of the selection choice in an vend'ing 111achines. 5. Price points shall ret1ect the encouragelnent to select water, lllilk, or lOO% fruit juice. d. Snacks I. Snacks served during the school day or in after-school care or enrichnlent programs wHl make a positive contribution to children's diets and health, with an elnphasis on serving fruits and vegetables as the prinlary snacks; and water, ju ice'l and rnilk as the plimary beverages. Schools will assess if and when LO offer snacks based on tiIning of school lneals, children's nutritional needs, children's ages, and other considerations. "fo assist parents in selecting healthy choices when students are asked to bring snacks to school, the District. will provide a list of healthful snack items. 2. If el igiblei schools that provide snacks through the after-school prognuns will pun;ue receiving reilnbursemcnts through the National School Lunch Progranl. c. Celehrations and Rewards I. Staff will be encourage to be selective and lirniting when using food as a reward for academic nchicvcment 2. Schools are enco~ra.ged to be selective and linliting when using food for class or school celebrations. Parents will be provided with a list of healthful options to use for celebrations. 1.11. Nutrition Education 1. An studenls willl'eceive nutrition education through the health education curriculuIl1 in grades K-10. Students :in grades J.1-12 will have electives that. contain nutrition education available to them. 2. The District will support nutrition education professional dcveloplnent opportunities for educational and food service staff. 3. School nurses will assist ih providing health education for studentst staff. and parenLI:i. 4. Food service staff and :facilities will be incorporated into Lhe nutritional learning OPPoltunities for students'., 5. The District will tl1ake us'e of promotional and educational materials to further educate students, staff, and the community regarding nutrition. 6. St.aff will look for and taJce advantage of nutritional learning opportuni.ties across the CUl"riculuITI. Policy 533 -5- , ' , " " . 11/06/06 MON 15:30 FAX FOOD SERVICE F [4J 008 -IV" Physical Activity . 1.' Physical Education Classe~ 3. It is encouraged that all students in grades 1-10 and those students palticipating in the all-day kindergarten program receive an average of 110- 150 Ininutes per week of physical education..::,' b. It is encouraged that ~lective physical education offerings be offered for students in grades 11-12. ..... c. It is encouraged that :'~'tudents will spend at least 50% of physical education class (inle pmticipating in ~?derate to vigorous activity. d. Student involveluent ::-:in other physical activities wiU not be substituted for the physical education requirement. 2. Daily Recess ". a.. Student.s in grades K-5, will have at leac.;t 15-20 minutes of supervised activity. b" It is recoIll1uended that staff supervising students at recess encourage students to be involved in physical ~:~ti.vity during recess. c. Schools are discour;:i'ged from using the loss of recess as a regular forn} of discipline. ,:. 3. Physical Activity Opport~~ities Before and After School Cl. Schools will offer a r~ge of activities that meet the needs, interests., and abilities of all students; includiiig bOYS7 girls, students with disabilities, and student'; with special health-care n~'~ds. b. .After-school child c.~c progranls will provide and encourage daily periods of moderate to vigorolls/~hysical activity for all participants. C. A resource directoI)<:~f physical activity programs available within the ISO #112 boundary will be ava~~able .... ..... V. Other School Bafiiicd Activities '. .. 1. Fundraising .:<,,:, u. Schools and student/or parent organizations will be encouraged to use only foods that nleet the nutriti'~~ and portion size standards ~et forth by the procedures for food and beverages ~;ld individually when conducting fundraising acrivities. 2. School Sponsored Even~~~ (athletic, dances~ performances, etc.) 3. Food and beverages:)offered or sold at school sponsored events outside the school day will offer he~!~lY options for n1eals or for foods and beverages sold indi vid uall Y .::.~ . :'. '::':.:: . ,,;. . '" '00," I.... Policy 533 ....:.. ..... .....:. -6- ...... ..,',- ..... . ....,'... . .::: 10,'.... ".:. . C\I r- r- "(3 t5 c "~ 5 en() oE oCij o CD -fiI CJ) +-" "~ Cij "(3 CD a. L- CJ) 0 t +-" (.) 0 CD a. W L- a. a: 0 L- ::J 0 CJ) L- en () c t5 L- CD L- .0, ca 0 CD CD ~ ..c CD +: L- ..c C) (.) ..c 0 - ctS 0 (.) (.) (5 L- ctS .~ ctS 0 CD ctS CD ctS ..c c L- C CD c CD (J) 0 (.) l- +-" .S; CD 0 I- .@ I- ctS .w +: c (ij 0- L- (J) a: c L- C CD ctS 0 I- .Q a. 0 CD a. CD c "0 (.) +-" "(3 ::J - 0 L- C ::J +: c ctS ~ C) CJ) 0 ~ CD "0 ctS 0 (.) c ctS L- ctS a. ..c W CD (.) +: ::J .~ (.) ::J CD ctS +-" (.) ~ (J) ::J .~ "0 0- ::J C) (.) L- C ctS L- >. L- "0 +-" W "0 C ctS CD ctS .'t:: ::J W ::J +-" W ctS .~ (J) CD 0- c Z Z c 0- CD I- ::J Cij Cij ctS (ij .....J CD L- C +-" ~ (.) +-" CJ) W E (J) ..c a. E CD (.) (.) .~ .w (.) (.) a: CD (ij (J) E "~ "~ "0 .~ CD "0 +-" 0 (J) 0 () a: CD (J) 0 (J) ..c <( CD " ctS 0 ..c 0 0- ..c a. 0 (5 I ..c +-" () 0- U. I 0 0- CJ) U. ~ 0 I C C 0 en en 0 c en 0 c CJ) ctS CD ctS u. en CD ..c L- L- (.) I ..c ctS W I W W ..c a: w w w ctS CJ) () () 0- 0 () > 0 () 0- () J 0 0- L- CD .0 E ::J Z CD C I"- a ('t) r- ()) r- ('t) ()) ()) ()) L(') r- ('t) 0 C\I a ..q r- a ()) L(') a 0 a ()) L(') C\I ..c r- r- ..q C\I r- a r- I"- co ('t) L(') r- I"- a. I"- r- 0 (0 I"- ('t) (0 (0 I"- (0 (0 CD I"- CD I I I I cb I I I I I I I I Ci5 CD I"- r- CD (0 CD CD CD CD CD CD a L(') C\I 0 L(') L(') L(') L(') L(') L(') L(') L(') L(') L(') ~ L(') C\I ..q L(') L(') L(') L(') L(') L(') L(') L(') L(') C\J (J) ::J C e- e E 0 e e 0 c e- N e e 0 0 N e e- CD 0 e r- N N r- 0 (J) 0 ~ r- N (J) N r- r- t5 e 0 0 +-" N r- ctS E r- (.) 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"~ ctS c ..c L- ctS ctS N ctS CD 0 >. c ctS ..c ::J U5 ctS ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 Z ~ ~ J a: <( J CJ) CJ) CD o o ~ o ~ r- r- CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: ~ Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent DA TE: December 1, 2006 SUBJ: 2007 Community Special Events In the past the Park and Recreation Commission requested a listing for the city's community events. Our department will coordinate and sponsor the following events in 2007: February Festival: The fourteenth Annual February Festival will be held Saturday, February 3 at Lake Ann Park. This special event includes open ice skating on a large rink on Lake Ann, a s'mores cookout on a flaming bon fire, ice fishing contest, food concessions and more. This one-day event will draw 2,000-3,000 participants and spectators. Easter Egg Candy Hunt: The Easter Egg Candy Hunt on Saturday, April 7, will celebrate its 24th anniversary this spring. Over 900 children, ages 2-10, and their parents attend tnis annual event. The program includes live entertainment, a cOloring contest, and the candy hunt. This event will be held at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Fourth of July Celebration: Chanhassen's premier community event. This annual celebration is a year-round topic of conversation in the community and is renowned throughout the state. Participation levels stop 4,500 people per day. This year's activities are scheduled for July 3rd and 4th. Highlights include a kiddie parade, carnival games, adult and children fishing festivals, beach games, the CnamberofColl1l11erce Business Fair, a street dance, and the spectacular fireworks display over Lake Ann. City Center Park (north of City Hall) and Lake Ann Community Park are the venues for this event. Halloween Party: The Halloween Party has provided children with Halloween fun and entertainment for 20 years. The Halloween Party includes trick or treating, live entertainment, g.ames, naunted room, an authentic horse- drawn hayride, and refreshments. A targeted service level of 800 children and parents has been set for this year's celebration on Saturday, October 27. The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director 12/1/2006 Page 2 Tree Lighting Ceremony: This annual event will be held on Saturday, December 1. The location will at City Center Park just east of the library. You can enjoy the lighting of the holiday tree, refreshments and a visit from Santa Claus. If you have questions regarding any of the events please stop by. g: \park\jerry\Communityspecialevents07 co o o C\I '- Q) .c E Q) > o Z (ij .~ en ::) "'C Cf"- o o C\I (ij (.) .~ Q) E Ef"- 00 00 C\I -= <(~ .........0 C\I += "S ~co o o C\I en Q) Q) u.. ~ '- ct1 a.. ..c en ct1 o C U5~ o C\I en Q) '';:: 'c ::) E E o o +-' 'c ::) E E o o '- Q) ..c o 000 000 moo cD~c5 Y) Y) ,..... Y) co o o C\I f"-OO MOO ~LOO Y) ~ ~ CO~ Y) Y) o o LO C\I~ ,..... Y) o M m cD Y) OOC\lO OO~M ,.....LOm~ ~ ~ ~co f"-C\lMY) Y) ,..... Y) Y) 000 000 maLO o)~~ Y) Y) ,..... Y) co o o C\I f"-OO MOO f"-LOO ,.....~ 0) ~~ Y) Y) Y) o o LO N ,..... Y) o M m cD Y) o 0,..... g OOMO) ,..... LO co ~ ~ ~ ~<O f"-C\l<OY) Y) ,..... 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C :J X ~ ~ Q) :J eX) 0 LO C\I (t) ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 November 29, 2006 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Mr. Bob Lanzi ChanlChaska Hockey Association 2235 Thrushwood Circle Victoria, MN 55386 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Dear Bob: Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Thank you for taking the time to submit facility applications to the City of Chanhassen for outdoor hockey space. CCHA has beeIl assigned the following days and times. Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Location Rink No. Days' Time City Center Park Chanhassen Re~ Center CCP #1 CRe #1 M-T-W-Th t'&Th 5:30-7:30 p.m. 5:00-9:00 p.m. Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Please look closely at your permits .and let me know if there are any changes. If you have any qttestions, please call me at (952) 227-1121. Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Sincerely, Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 JR:k Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us g;\park\jerry\CCHAhockeyrinks07 The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes. quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. CITY OF CHANBASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 November 29, 2006 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Mr. Scott Bowman Minnetonka Youth Hockey 18322 Tamarack Drive Minnetonka, MN 55345 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Dear Scott: Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Thank you for taking the time to submit facility apP4,cations to the City of Chanhassen for outdoor hockey space. Minnetonka.:"YOuth Hockey has been assigned the following days and times. Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Location Rink No. Days; Time North Lotus La~~ Park Chanhassen R~c Center ~f#~ . eRC #1 ' ~-t-W-Th-F 5:30-7:30 p.m. M,'& W 5:~0-9:00 p.m. Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Please look closely at yourp~rmits and let ~~' ,kno'Y if there are any changes. If you have any questions, pleaS~.,ca11 me at (952r227-1121. Sincerely, 0' Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Jerry ueg~mer Recreation Superintendent Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 JR:k Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us g:\park\jerry\minnetonkahockeyrinks07 The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.