C. Key Financial Strategies CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.2271100 Fax: 952.2271110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.2271180 Fax 952.2271190 Engineering Phone: 952.2271160 Fax 952.2271170 Finance Phone: 952.2271140 Fax: 952.227 1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.2271120 Fax 952.227 1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.2271400 Fax: 952.2271404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.2271130 Fax: 952.2271110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.2271300 Fax 952.2271310 Senior Center Phone 952.2271125 Fax: 952.2271110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us c.. MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Todd Gerhardt, CIty Manager ~ DATE: January 8, 2007 SUBJ: EstablIsh Key Goals and Strategies for 2007 My expectation for Monday's meeting is to finalize the Key Goals and Strategies for 2007. On Tuesday, January 9, staff wIll email the final list to each Council member for your prioritization. Please come to Saturday's and Monday's meetings with your 2007 goals in mind. ATTACHMENT 1. 2007 Strategic Plan Prionties - DRAFT. 2. 2006 Key Principle Strategies and Accomplishments. g:\admin\tg\key financial strategies\cc memo I-8-06.doc The City of Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautitul parks. A great place to live, work, and play. (l) ~ '""' (l) :> ~ - '" E ~ 8 0 .c E 0 --E- ~ 0 '" '""' (l) ;:) ~ :>-. (l) .:I:: ~ III I ;.:l .... "'0 01) (/) ~ 0 ~ 1:: ::l "~ ~ 0 .~ Q.. c:: III C[ - (.) U "0, r.I) 'e- O> ~ <;; .... - C/) l"- e e C\l rTi ~~i~ (l) ~ .... U .5 5 i:l bi> ., '""' 01) 8 0.. 6 I~ '" (l) 0.. 'u ~ 'c c.. :>-. (l) ~ 'C 11 ~i:l~ .5 .- ~ "" ,-1, ~oie "il (l)._ l'ii ~ g ~ I "So ~ 0.......'" Cl.l ~ 0 !a ~g]B ~o..""~ e ~ S'; e (l) ~ ~ o [) 0 :> U alt.SJ .E U c.. 1 < Ie i~ 'D'D~ 00 00 NN ,-, N ...... '" ...... N ...... 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The City Council adopted the Key Financial Strategies on June 9, 2003. Implementation began with the 2004 Budget process, i.e. pavement management system including trails, roads, parking lots; debt service; fixed assets for remodeling/replacement; water treatment and future infrastructure; etc. We will also use these strategies as a part of our 2007 strategic planning process. Update: The City Council and staff reviewed and modified the 2005 Key Financial Strategies on January 9, 2006, which included: 1. Update on where we were and what changed from 2005. 2. Reviewed last year's goals. 3. Prepared plan for addressing 2006 issues/goals. 4. The City Council and staff reviewed and modified the 2005 Key Financial Strategies in February 2006. The following identifies the 2006 Key Principle Strategies and Accomplishments Strengthen the City's Financial Position: Implement the highest financial standards possible. 1. Review decisions based on costs and benefits 2. Better council direction in the budget process . Receive feedback in relation to expectations of tax rate/services before City Manager begins budget preparation . Incorporate strategic planning into budget process 3. Develop a financial model for future scenarios/strategies . Finish Key Financial Strategies process and begm implementation WIth 2006 budget process 4. Explore contract model for other services . Evaluate successful aspects of current contract models and explore optIons for further use within the organization Update: See comments on Key Financial Strategies and the 2006 Budget/CIP process. . 2007 Budget ProcesslDebt Service Update/TIF Deficit Options The 2007 budget process began in July 2006, with City Council direction regardmg expectations of tax rate and service levels. Staff incorporated the Key Financial Strategies G:\admin\tg\work plan\2006 Accomplishments.doc December 28, 2006 1 into prehmmary budgets in August. The CIty CouncIl established the maximum levy in August. Department budget presentations were given m October/November. Update: The 2005 Budget ended the year with a $675,519 surplus due to excess TIP in the amount of $236,000, Engmeering Admimstrative Construction fees were $100,000 more than budgeted, the 2005 budget being under spent by $179,000, and additional mIscellaneous revenues collected m the amount of $160,000 (cell tower lease, fines, etc.). The Truth-m- Taxation Hearing WIll be held on December 4, 2006. The CouncIl will consider adoption of the 2007 budget on December 11,2006. Staff is proposing a 0% tax mcrease for 2007. . Improve Monthly Financial Reports Update: The new financial software provIdes a detailed report that is easier to read than the old system. Staff has also mcluded analysis of revenues, expenditures, and year-to-date budget figures. Staff will continue these monthly updates. . Implement ACH (Auto Withdrawals) for Utility Customers Update: We began implementing ACH (Auto Pay System) in June of 2006. To promote enrollment, staff advertised in all forms (websIte, Chanhassen Connection, Maple Leaf, cable access, and we had a booth at the 4th of July Celebration). To date, we have approximately 4% participation (325 accounts). We plan to continue our aggressIve promotion of this program. . Monitor State and County Financial Situations/Legislative Platform Update: In February of 2006, the City Council identIfied key legislative issues for discussIOn with our legislative delegation. Mayor Tom Furlong, Councilman Brian Lundquist, and I met with Senator Ortman and Representative Hoppe to review the priorities. The list includes the following: 1. Highway 101 Gap Pedestrian Underpass: No progress has been made on our request to the State of Minnesota to turn the city's costs ($330,000) for these improvements into a grant. 2. Highway 41 Underpass: The CIty will continue to partner with Carver County to make a second application for grant funding through the Transportation Enhancement Funds (TE). 3. Satellite Fire Station Land Acquisition: With the help of both Senator Ortman and RepresentatIve Hoppe, we have made progress in our attempt to buy excess right-of-way along TH 312/Lyman Boulevard for a satellite fire station. The state verbally agreed to sell the land to the city for the same amount they paid for it- approxImately $85,000 per acre. G'\Adrnin\TG\Work Plan\2006 Accomplishments.doc December 28, 2006 2 4. Inflow and Infiltration: On December 12,2005, Council held a joint meeting with Metropolitan Council Environmental Service (MCES) staff to discuss the MCES Sanitary Sewer Surcharge Program. The program would surcharge the City for I & I if no Improvements to try to identify and correct the problem were made. However, the surcharge amount could be waived if a City took a proactive approach to try to identify and reduce the I & I problem. In lieu of the surcharge, a City could spend the money on investigation and improvements. On June 12,2006, the Council reviewed a Sanitary Sewer Infiltration and Inflow (1&1) Reduction Plan. The surcharge amount MCES is charging the City is $311,920 per year for five years. The surcharge amount was calculated based on the amount of metered 1&1 that entered the MCES trunk system from the City system during a large rainfall event in 2005 Staff was directed to finalize the plan to eliminate the surcharge fee and convert this amount into the Capital Improvement Plan for 1&1 projects. On August 29,2006, staff requested a reduction in the surcharge amount to $272,380 based on illicit discharge from a development under construction during the 2005 rain event. Bids for the 2006 1&1 improvements have been received and are waiting for City Council approval after the MCES finalizes a cooperative agreement document. 5. Market Value Homestead Credit: We were not successful restoring the program for 2006, but all indications are that we may receive our 2007 credit (estimated at $200,000). We will continue to work with our local legislators and the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities to monitor any actIOn during this year's legislative seSSIOn. 6. Support for Dedication of 100% of Motor Vehicle Sales Tax: The City Council adopted a resolution in support of this amendment. This item is on the upcoming November election for citizens to consider changing the Transportation Amendment that would dedicate 100% of sales tax for transit and transportation purposes. 7. Support for Modification to MS 174.52, Local Road Improvement Fund: We were not successful in convincing our Senator and RepresentatIve to introduce legislation to eliminate the language of loans and allow local government to apply for grants only. Enhance Local Tax Base: Review the CIty Comprehensive Plan with current goals and policies. . Highway 212/312 Update on Design and Land Use, Vision of the Corridor (ongoing): Staff has been addressing grading, traIls, driveway access, and assessment issues throughout 2006. Construction is on schedule and we can look forward to the first segment opening m the fall of 2007. This is an ongoing process, but some additional items that need to be addressed in 2007 include a landscaping plan, re-use of excess MnDOT right-of-way, and lighting. . 2005 MUSA Update: The 2005 MUSA area was served with city sewer, water, street, and trail improvements with only Jeff & Ten Fox and the Fox family parcels appealing their assessments. This was a difficult process as the residential market was changing-D.R. G:\Admin\TG\Work Plan\2006 Accomplishments.doc December 28. 2006 3 Horton walked away from their purchase agreement with Sever Peterson (Pioneer Pass development) and Mr. Degler got cold feet in selhng the famIly farm. I negotiated a deal wIth Dan Herbst to ensure we could get the easements needed to serve the 2005 MUSA area. Without these easements, the city could not have mstalled CIty services and no development could occur. . McComb Retail Market Study: The City CouncIl agreed to partner wIth the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce to conduct a market analysIs. The study was completed to determme future demand for retail, office and mdustnal, and future retaIl and service sales potentIal based on business type. On April 24, 2006, Jim McComb gave an update to the CIty CouncIl on their findings. In summary, Mr. McComb finds that the current downtown area has lImIted retaIl opportumtIes and based on Chanhassen and the surroundmg area, new residentIal growth has generated a market for retaIl opportumtIes such as a lIfestyle center, outdoor mall, etc. Mr. McComb also suggested that opportunitIes in the current downtown area of the CIty should look to users that would support the current retail tenants, such as office/medical, and contmue to hold land for Class A office space. Staff WIll be usmg this study as we move ahead with our 2008 ComprehensIve Plan update. . Affordable Housing Project-Chanhassen Gateway Place: The Chanhassen City Council approved a 48-unit apartment building that will provide affordable rents to persons at 60% of the median income. The project was a collaboration effort between the Metropolitan Council, City of Chanhassen, and the Sands Company. . 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update for 2010 and 2015 MUSA Areas: In August, staff updated the City Council on the process and items that are underway, such as the system statements (population, households, employment, etc.); Surface Water Management Plan; the RetaIl, Office, and Residential Market Analysis; and critIcal transportation corridors (TH 10 1 south of Lyman; TH 312, extension of Powers Boulevard, and Bluff Creek Boulevard). Staff will be meeting with MnDOT and Carver County to ensure our Transportation Plan is consistent with their Transportation Plans. . Support the Marketplace Driven Development of Industrial Land: Continue to market aVaIlable land to potentIal developers. Coordinate an economic summit of major landowners/developers to determine strategies for timely development. Update: Staff continues to provide information to developers on available industrial sites. Additionally, staff has been working with the National AssociatIOn of Industrial and Office Properties-Minnesota Chapter in reviewing the "cost of doing business" in Chanhassen. . Leverage City Property as much as Possible: Evaluate City-owned parcels and determine how to best develop them (ongoing). . Clock Tower Property: Staff is reviewing a proposal from Lotus Realty for the development of a restaurant and a free-standing Dunn Brothers Coffee Shop at this location. G:\Admin\TG\Work Plan\2006 Accomplishments.doc December 28. 2006 4 Update: The developer is looking to buy this property for below market value. Staff will contmue to negotiate a market price purchase agreement. Competitiveness: Create an environment for mnovation and change, buildmg on our strengths, creatIvity, and skills. . Review Design Standards Update: City Council and staff spent a lot of time on design and site layout of both Town & Country developments m the 2005 MUSA area. We found that having at least 3 bmldmg types IS very desIrable and altematmg the types when applIcable. Staff also looked at addmg desIgn features that are dIfferent from one commumty to the next. Chanhassen required overhangs, over garages, windows m the garage doors, and introduced more brick or stone to the front of each unit. . Police Contract: Determme publIc safety needs of the community by completing a study of the current law enforcement arrangement. In September 2004, the CIty CouncIl authorized Ehlers & Associates, along with Dick Setter and Don Davis, to review the publIc safety needs of the CIty. The first step of this process was to review the proposed 2005 polIce contract. On October 25,2004, Mr. Setter and Mr. Davis presented their findings on staffing levels and the merits of the contract system. In summary, it was their opinion that funding two patrol deputies in 2005 rather than four is reasonable and should provIde an increase in traffic and general patrol. The study also called for the CIty to measure annual law enforcement statistics to assIst in determining our law enforcement needs. Open houses were held in February 2005 to solicit input from residents and businesses. The Council consIdered approval of the 2005 PolIce Contract on December 13, 2004. Update: Ehlers & Associates completed their public safety review process and presented the results to the City CouncIl in June 2005. The process included interviews of key city and county staff, civic leaders, and recent customers of the Shenff's Office. Overall, the study found that Chanhassen residents and businesses feel safe and are safe. Recommendations included creating a focus citizens panel to address specific publIc safety issues, a coordinated public safety communicatIOns plan, and implementation of a customer feedback system. . Develop the Sheriff's Annual Work Plan: Sgt. Ross Gullickson submitted the annual Work Plan for the City CouncIl's review and discussion regarding law enforcement needs for the coming year. Update: A draft of the 2007 Work Plan was presented to the City Council on November 13,2006. . Police Contract Benchmarks: G:\Admin\TG\Work Plan\2006 Accomplishments.doc December 28. 2006 5 Update: This past March, staff established benchmarks for evaluating the police contract with Carver County. Staff wIll continue to track all service calls, accIdents, enforcement, and fine revenues annually. City Organization: . Adopt and Implement SWMP Plan. Update: On August 28,2006, the City Council approved the Surface Water Management Plan. This process started m November 2004 when the City Council approved the contract with SEH to update the city's SWMP Plan. The plan wIll help guide the city m how they should manage our lakes, creeks, wetlands, and storm water infrastructure for years to come. Planning for the City's Infrastructure: Create solutions for managmg eXIstmg infrastructure and future growth m our commumty whIle preserving a sustainable quality of life. . TH 101 Corridor Study (Lyman Boulevard South to Scott County Line): The TH 101 corridor has several significant deSIgn concerns. Both MnDOT and Carver County have agreed to complete a joint study of the corridor to begin planning for future road improvements. This study is estimated to cost approximately $150,000, with each of the government bodies being responsible for one-third of the study's costs. The study is anticipated to be completed by January 2007. Update: Staff updated the City Council at the September 25,2006 work session. The presentation included project description, update on the July 17 open house, histonc and natural environmental concerns, traffic study and arterial performance, and potential alIgnments. The future schedule for this project includes two open houses in the fall of 2006 and a December 2006 meetmg with the City Council to discuss final alternatives for further study. The big unknown is still the funding source! . Highway 101 Gap Project: The Highway 101 Gap Project will widen Highway 101 to a four-lane divided roadway from Lake Drive to West 86th Street. Funding for this project is a Joint effort between MnDOT, Carver County, and the City. Update: The creek-bed has been relocated and final plans and specifications have been completed. The bid letting is scheduled for November 2006 and construction will begin in early spring of 2007. The expected completion date is fall of 2007. . Locating a License Service Center in the City of Chanhassen: Carver County has petitioned the State of Minnesota for special legislation to allow Carver County to install a lIcense center WIthin the City of Chanhassen. The county received approval from the State of Minnesota m June of 2005. Staff is workmg with Carver County to review potential SItes for the license center location. Update: Since legislation approval, staff has been working with the Carver County Auditor's Office to find a SUItable location m Chanhassen. In June of 2006, staff presented G'\Admin\TG\ Work Plan\2006 Accomplishments.doc December 28. 2006 6 . an update to the City Council on three proposed sites: the east end of the Water Treatment Plant property, Southwest Metro/Lake Ann Property, and Emerson/Rosemount tnangle parcel at Highway 5 and Market Boulevard. Since thiS meeting, Carver County has decided to complete their long-range faCIlIty plan before acquiring a parcel in Chanhassen. . TH 41 River Crossing Study Update: Representatives of MnDOT attended our June 26,2006 work seSSIOn to update the Council on the TH 41 River Crossing Project. Lisa Freese explained the six alternative routes in the draft EIS and their impacts environmentally and on existmg roadways. The next step m the process will be the release of the draft EIS in late 2006 and then a new set of public heanngs m early 2007. . Downtown Park & Ride Expansion: Staff has been in discussions With SouthWest Metro TranSit and Bloomberg Compames to find a solution to expandmg the downtown park and ride facility. SouthWest Metro has expressed mterest m expediting construction of their proposed ramp, and has secured funding for a temporary ground-level expansion to meet their current demand. Staff will continue to work With both parties to find an expedient solution. Update: At our June 12,2006 work seSSIOn, Len Simich, Executive Director of SouthWest Metro Transit gave an update on the $5.5 million federal grant they received to construct a new park and ride ramp south of the Dinner Theatre. The grant award was for the 2009/2010 federal transit distribution period. This ramp plays a vital role in the expansion/redevelopment of the Chanhassen Dinner Theatres. Staff will keep the City Council updated as the specific ramp location is determined. Lake Ann Park will be used as a temporary park and ride location from November 15,2006 through April 15, 2007. . District 112 High School Referendum Update Update: At the September 25, 2006 meeting, the City Council received an update from School District 112 regarding their upcoming referendum that includes the construction of a high school in Chanhassen. At the October 9,2006 regular meeting, the Council adopted a resolution of support for a second high school in Chanhassen. Staff will keep the Council updated on the referendum outcome and development review process. . Communicate what the City Council Does: Improve communication of what the Council is doing and how they are addressing the needs of the community. Update: The Mayor gave the State of the City Address to the Chamber of Commerce (in May) and to the Rotary Club (in October) regarding accomplishments in 2005/06. The Mayor and I continue to partiCipate in School Districts 112 & 276 Leader meetings. Staff Will contmue to develop workmg relationships with outside agencies (state, county, etc.). . Maple Leaf Publication: Staff publIshed four issues of a two-page tabloid (newsletter) to mform residents of upcoming issues that could be facmg their neighborhoods or the G.\Admin\TG\Work Plan\2006 Accomplishments.doc December 28, 2006 7 community as a whole. The first issue was publIshed In January 2005. Currently we are publishing the issues on a quarterly basis. . Water Treatment Facility: In August of 2004, the City Council determined that the former Red-E-Mix site was an appropnate location for the water treatment plant. The City Council approved a contract for design and construction administration serVIces with SEH on October 25,2004. PrehmInary deSIgns were submItted to the council for consIderatIOn m January 2005. Update: Awarded the contract for the East Water Treatment Plant to Madsen-Johnson Corporation in the amount of $10,684,847 In August 2005. Construction began In September 2005 and substantial completIOn will be m December 2006. . Highway 212/312: Update: On February 27, 2006, the City CouncIl receIved an update on the TH 212 Project, mcluding the construction schedule for the summer of 2006 as well as the next two years. Staff also presented utilIty and payment costs for the potentIal satellIte fire station improvements, lights on the Powers Boulevard bridge, TH 101 bridge lights, and the redesign of the Bluff Creek Bridge. . Library Project: Staff and the architect finalized claims from Kraus Anderson for time delays and temporary enclosure costs. The city submitted its final position on these claims and awaited Kraus Anderson's response. Staff retained Marvin Fabyanske of Fabyanske, Westra & Hart, who speCIalizes m construction dIsputes. Mr. Fabyanske's work to date includes review of the delay claim and completion of background work to aSSIst us in responding to their claims. Staff and the City Attorney held a mediation session WIth Kraus Anderson regarding their delay claim in April 2004. This session resulted in an Impasse. Kraus Anderson filed a complaint against the city for breach of contract and staff responded and filed a counter-claim against Kraus Anderson In October 2004. Staff met with the City Council in November 2004 to discuss next steps. Update: Staff and Attorney Marvin Fabyanske updated the City Council on April 24, 2006 regarding the Court's Order Judgment. The judge ruled that the city owed Kraus Anderson $74,845 and the city would receive counter claims totaling $68,442, with a net judgment to Kraus Anderson of $6,403.60. . Pavement Management Plan: Staff reviewed the 2007 Street Improvement Projects with the Council in August 2006. The Koehnen Area/Yosemite A venue improvement project was origInally scheduled for 2006, but MnDOT's reVIew was slower than anticipated, and would have pushed the project into the winter construction season. Therefore, we postponed the project to 2007. We also completed a mIll and overlay in the Chanhassen Hills neighborhood and Lake Ann parkmg lots and roadways. No assessment appeals were recei ved. The second project for 2007 is the Dogwood Road/Tanadoona Drive Improvements. Currently, Dogwood Road and a portion of Tanadoona Drive are very narrow gravel roads G:\Admin\TG\Work Plan\2006 Accomplishments.doc December 28,2006 8 that have been a real problem for the City street crews to mamtam. Additionally, the septic systems m this area are fmlmg and property owners would like to hook up to city serVices. Staff has tried many times over the years to get this project accomplished to no avail; but Paul Oehme and his staff were able to work with property owners (Carlson and Brandt) to achieve a win/wm situation with everyone in the neighborhood. For the project to move forward, right-of-way will need to be acquired from Westwood Community Church and one property owner. Also, the project is contIngent upon approval of a development just west of the church. The development Will be assessed 50% for the improvements. . Establish Arterial Collector Fee: The City Council approved an ordinance establishmg an arterial collector fee in September 2005. This new fee will help to offset the costs of the reconstructiOn of Lyman Boulevard m the future. Update: I spent some time this past summer working With Town & Country Homes, Plowshares, DR Horton/Peterson and Dan Herbst on the benefits of an arterial collector fee to thelf developments. No appeals were receIved from any of the above property owners. Currently, the CIty receives $2,400 per acre for residentIal and $3,600 for commercial! mdustrial development. We have a fund balance of $217,000 and future revenues that Will bring the balance to $800,000. G:\Admin\TG\ Work Plan\2006 Accomplishments.doc December 28, 2006 9