Response to Comments - City of Chanhassen 6-10-22 Memorandum TO: Erik Henricksen, Jill Sinclair, Joe Seidl, Ryan Pinkall and Bob Generous - City of Chanhassen FROM: Mark Rausch, PE Tyler Stricherz, EIT CC: Dan Blake, Tim Erhart DATE: June 10, 2022 SUBJECT: Response to City Engineering Response to comments – Dated 4/22/22 ___________________________________________________________ _ This response memo provides plan revisions made to the submitted Final Plat phase 1 plans and final plat. City Engineering and Environmental Resource comments in Black are from Comments dated April 22, 2022. Alliant responses are in red. Engineering Comments (comments translated from City ‘redlined’ plan set): a. Sheet 2 Survey: Comment: Easement Extended on previous survey, provide vacation documents that easement was vacated. Plan Edits: Release of easement document provided to city. Document Number A730594. b. Sheet 2 Survey: Comment: Portion in ROW to be vacated prior to/concurrently with final plat recording. Referring to temporary access easement doc A186881. Easement into existing residence. Plan Edits: Noted, Easement shall be extinguished prior or at the time of platting. Comment: Sign survey Plan Edits: Survey has now been signed. c. Sheet 4 Details: Comment: Update to new 2022 City Standard Plates. Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 2 Plan Edits: All details have been updated to the latest city standard details on the City of Chanhassen’s website. d. Sheet 6 Details: Comment: Typical of downtown area, is the project utilizing and Xcel decorative pole/light or proposing this one? Referring to city of Chanhassen light pole detail. Plan Edits: Light pole detail has been removed. Decorative Minnesota Valley Electric light pole detail has been added. Comment: Trail North of pond maintenance access shown will be encompassed by a public trail easement. From discussions with the Park Dept. It appears this to be a turf/grass path which will differ from the pond maintenance access section. Provide either a detail or call-out on the sheet for this portion of trail and its design/construction intent. Plan Edits: Trail north of the pond shall be naturally vegetated path with grass. Note has been added to the plan. Trail easement has been created and displayed on plans. Trail shall be located within 10’ easement. Easement is located 10’ west of wetland buffer for lot 5-13. See submitted trail easement exhibit. Comment: Show detail for “future street extension sign” or provide sign submittals. Plan Edits: Sign detail added. e. Sheet 7 Details: Comment: Dedicated to city no DUE shown on final plat. In reference to Outlot B on lot area table. Plan Edits: Data table updated to remove DUE for outlot B. Comment: Will be new Outlot. In reference to Outlot F area. Plan Edits: New outlot created for Lift station. Comment: Will require more support. Pervious structural matting, geogrids, etc. that wont cause rutting when typical maintenance vehicle access is had such as a pick -up truck. Plan Edits: MnDOT Type 4 Non-woven stabilization fabric added to trail section. Comment: Add clarifier that anything adjusted outside approved limits will require review/approval from City Engineer. Referring to note on approximate disturbance limits outside of single family work. Plan Edits: Note Adjusted Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 3 Comment: Future street sign and barricade indicating potential extension. Referring to future road extension at the intersection of Eagle Ridge Road and Eagle Ridge Way. Plan Edits: Barricade added and noted on plans. See street and storm plan and profile sheet. Comment: Remove curb ramp. In reference to North intersection of eagle ridge road and eagle ridge way. Plan Edits: Curb ramp removed. Comment: Align ramp with south Eagle ridge Way gutter line (where peds will be walking as no sidewalk required and no parking signage will be on addressed side. Plan Edits: Curb ramp updated. Comment: Add notes about no parking signage, show no parking signage on plans (to be on house side, parkin on outlot side). In reference to signage & lighting notes. Plan Edits: No parking signage added to plan. Sign detail added to plan. Sign locations added and can be located on street and utility plan and profile for eagle ridge way. Comment: Reference detail # (this will ensure the notes are incorporated as well). In reference to note on Eagle ridge way street detail to match city residential section. Plan Edits: City detail number added to note. Comment: Width to be adjusted – 26’ face to face required in order to be 1-sided parking per Fire Code. Face on city city surmountable 12” from back of curb. Plan Edits: The street section has been updated. The street is 26’ face to face. Surmountable curb being 16” from gutter line to face, and 12” from face to back. Making the road 28’ back to back. f. Sheet 8 Grading – Overall: Comment: Include in planset for complete set, Grading DC is going to be incorporated with the Erhart Farms subdivision DC and plan sets. In reference to the plan note “Refer to stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) for all erosion and sediment control device location, descriptions, n otes and details including concrete washout station instructions. Plan Edits: Additional SWPPP pages added to plan. SWPPP narrative included in re -submittal of plans. Comment: From TOC. Ultimately want to ensure grades calculated and incorporate recommended 3% pads at bottom and top of driveway – if not updated to address this will be ok. In reference to plan note “driveway slopes are calculated at center of driveway from R/W to front Setback. Plan Edits: Driveway slopes are calculated this way to ensure city boulevard is graded and maintained per city detail plate. This includes the sidewalk has 2% cross slope and driveway will tie into sidewalk. Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 4 Comment: …and to be removed and abandoned afterwards. In regards to plan note “Existing sanitary sewer service to remain in place, grading contractor to work around existing service. Existing sanitary service to remain active until lift station is running. Plan Edits: Note updated. Comment: Include custom graded (green) and stock pile (blue) for clarity. Reference Sheet to be printed in color for clarity. In reference to grading plan legend disturbance limit line. Plan Edits: Plan updated to include lines in the legend. Stockpile line for wetland excavation updated to blue. g. Sheet 9 Grading – View A: Comment: Can you explain Reasoning? And confirm ownership? Ultimately if gutters to remain connected to a storm sewer conveyance, they need to go to DT and soft connect to DT in street per specs/plates. The DUE and the toadstools can be removed/adjusted accordingly. In reference to plan note “All rear roof drainage and all other rear yard impervious surface drainage from lots 1-4 to discharge to proposed storm sewer. Connect gutters to storm sewer catch basin. See utility plans.” Plan Edits: The impervious run off from the rear of the homes was not allowed to directly go to the wetland by RPBCWD. The watershed would not allow for the approval of the permit with out. The storm sewer and draintile stubs withing the easement shall be owned by the city similar to all other stormsewer in the street. The gutter drainage system to the draintile stub shall be privately maintained and owned. The rear yard storm sewer can not physically get to the street draintile. The homes are walkout homes and the elevation in the rear of the home is significantly lower than the street. Elevation change drives the need for the public storm sewer system. Comment: Driveways approaching maximum. Recommend adjusting for constructability/tolerance. In reference to lot block 1 lot 4 and 10 Plan Edits: Homes are set to allow for saving of trees. Elevations were not adjusted. Comment: Clouded elevation point. Elevations point is ??? on the plan Plan Edits: Elevation point has been updated. h. Sheet 10 Grading – View B: Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 5 Comment: Clouded elevation points in the intersection of 96th St and Eagle Ridge Road. Elevations points are ??? on the plan Plan Edits: Elevation points have been updated to the correct elevation. Comment: How was D&u calculated? Seems to be associate with 100 year HWL… add buffer to this Value. Area associated with 1 foot Higher than 100 year HWL. In reference to the D&U easement on lots 14-16. Plan Edits: DUE updated to be 1’ higher than 100 year HWL. Comment: Access route here? Look into if this is a better route…. In reference to the maintenance access route to be on the West side of the pond in lots 14-16 rather than between the pond and infiltration basin. Plan Edits: The Access route is best served between the pond and the infiltration basin. If the access is on the west side of the pond there is need for more easement and there is greater impact to lots 14-16. Access route did not change horizontally. Comment: Is this upsized for any future development? Could the basin handle the flow from this area? Plan Edits: Refer to the proposed drainage map and hydrocad within the stormwater management plan for sizing information. Comment: Structures under/in maintenance route. This is amaintenacen issue for the city. Clean out projects use heavy equipment that would damage infrastructure. Consider moving structures to allow 10-12 feet of space for equipment. Plan Edits: Structure was moved out and east of trail. Comment: Moving the storm structures outside of the access maintenance route will allow the LP and CBs in 96th street to adjust north or south and the LS and matenance access can then be aligned across from each other (turning in and out of both the LS and maintenance access improved). Plan Edits: Auto Turn movement exhibit with city desired vehicle has been demonstrated to complete the turning movement into the lift station pad and backing up to the maintenance access. The lift station has not been moved to align with the maintenance access. Comment: LS slab R/E will require 2 fee freeboard from adjacent LP/EOF Plan Edits: LS Rim has been updated to an elevation of 898.50. Thus providing 2’ freeboard. The lift station pad itself is 0.5 feet below the rim elevation at 898.0 . This can be seen on the grading plan and the lift station profile view. Comment: Dual structures? Could Culverts be used? City preference for having less structures to maintain. Plan Edits: Outlet control structures required for stormwater management design. Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 6 i. Sheet 11 Pond and Infiltration basin details: Comment: Add detail of EOF (section and profile view) In reference to infiltration basin EOF Plan Edits: Detail added. Comment: Testing 2 to 3 inch/hr? This value seems high for Chanhassen soils. In reference to the infiltration basin. Plan Edits: Noted. Haugo geotechnical service conducted the infiltration tests. Comment: There is some concern with the configuration of the basin. Can the NWL and the BTM elevation of the basin be the same? Would the watershed district support a design that uses the Live storage area of both the Deadpool and wetbasin for infiltration? This may help with the basin sizing…. I would expect that the berm be designed with this kind of configuration. Clay liner needed for wet pond? Plan Edits: The normal water level of the pond was lowered to be the same elevation of the Infiltration basin bottom. The pond was increased in size to maintain storage levels. A second EOF has been created on pond. The maintenance access has been raised and is no longer being used in a 100 year event for storage. Comment: Clay liner or over engineering of berm/wet pond bottom. Plan Edits: Basin has been updated and no clay liner has been added to plan Comment: How will this are stay wet? In reference to the pond NWL and the bottom of the infiltration basin. Plan Edits: Stormwater pond NWL was lowered to elevation of infiltration basin. Comment: Difference in NWL and BTM infiltration basin. In reference to the pond NWL and the bottom of the infiltration ba sin. Plan Edits: NWL of pond and the bottom of the Infiltration basin now match. j. Sheet 12 Infiltration basin details: Comment: Is there fill on here today? In reference to Infiltration basin 3 Plan Edits: Basin has not been graded. Comment: Add geotextile fabric between in-situ soils an filtration media Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 7 Plan Edits: Geotextile fabric was not added to plan. Infiltration is proposed below the draintile. The fabric will inhibit the infiltration. Comment: Add rip rap Comment in regards to filtration basin outlet. Plan Edits: 4 cy rip rap added. k. Sheet 13 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan: Comment: Estimated quantities on SWPPP Plan Edits: Estimated quantities added to plan. Comment: Update to correct contacts. In reference to erosion control inspector and installer Plan Edits: Erosion Control Parties have been updated. Comment: 22-111 or 22-112 - In reference to temporary seed mix. Plan Edits: Temporary seed mix updated. Comment: Not permanent mix- in reference to permanent seed mix/stabilization Plan Edits: 3. MnDOT 22-112 was removed from permanent seed mix Comment: Remove 1. Straw/Hay MnDOT Type 1 Mulch in regards to stabilization BMPs Plan Edits: Straw/hay mulch has been removed as a stabilization BMP Comment: Old Language. In reference to impaired water requirement during construction note B. Plan Edits: Note has been updated to current NPDES permit requirements. Comment: Update plan to show the revised SWPPP plan and modify as needed. Include full SWPPP for complete set – will be combining the grading DC with the Subdivision DC and requires full plan set. Plan Edits: Erosion Control plan updated. 50 scale sheet and erosion and sediment control notes and details added to plan set. l. Sheet 14 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan: Comment: Reviewed/approved by city engineer as well (typ). In regards to plan note “Provide temporary traffic control in compliance with mndot “temporary traffic control zone layouts-field manual” latest revision, for any construction within public ROW.” Plan Edits: Note updated. Comment: It’s strongly recommended notes regarding the following be added for additional clarity: Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 8 Tracer wire note and specification reference (new specification for Chanhassen 2022), gate valve operation coordination with public works, required testing & city inspector witnessing all testing (water and sanitary), temporary wm blow-offs to be removed after testing. Plan Edits: All notes added. Comment: Recommend flow arrows smaller and appurtenances larger larger on sheet, for clarity (at-a-glance) gate valve, manholes, hydrants, etc. not easily seen. Plan Edits: Noted, plan left as is. Scale to see overall site is larger then appurtenances therefore sizing will be slightly skewed on overall sheet. m. Sheet 15 Sanitary Sewer and watermain plan and profiles: Comment: 17 - in regards to plan note “see sheet 18” for eagle ridge way utilities. Plan Edits: Note updated Comment: Remove after testing, or make note (typ) – In regards to plan note 8” plug w/1” blow off. Plan Edits: Typical note was added to all sanitary sewer and watermain plan and profile notes to remove watermain blow off after testing completed. Comment: Hydrant may not be necessary after corner hydrants are incorporated, see sheet 17. Evaluate if high point in the WM will require a redundant hydrant for burping. Plan Edits: Hydrant removed. Comment: Horizontal & vertical scales (typ) Plan Edits: Vertical scale added to all sanitary sewer plan and profile sheets. Horizontal scale already on plan. Comment: All drop MH’s require 60” dia. for example MH 6 or MH 8, which needs to be called-out per note (typ). In reference to plan note “all sanitary manholes shall be 48” diameter and have Neenah r-1642 castings on plans unless noted otherwise on the plan. Plan Edits: Plan notes for outside drop MH’s were updated to note 60” dia. Comment: Force main to be located at typical depth 7.5 -8’ and in roadway near sanitary. In reference to plan note “ Force main to be installed 3’ from ROW / 27’ from C/L. Plan Edits: Force main was moved to be 5’ East of sanitary sewer on Eagle Ridge Road and 5’ North of sanitary on 96th St. The forcmain has been designed to 7.5’ top of pipe. Comment: Design subject to change, note any high points require ARV on FM, prefer consistent positive grade on FM to eliminate any required ARV. In reference to the high point in the Eagle Ridge Road Profile. Plan Edits: Air release valve was added to plans at the high point of Eagle Ridge Road. High point can not be removed from design. A second ARV valve was added at the intersection of Eagle ridge road and 96th st. Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 9 n. Sheet 16 Sanitary Sewer and watermain plan and profiles: Comment: Potential conflict with riser service running past WM, verify. In reference to riser shown in profile in contact with watermain. Plan Edits: Riser length was incorrectly drawn in profile view. Riser length did not change, riser now drawn correctly in profile view. Comment: 2-45s – In reference to the forcemain at intersection of 96th and eagle ridge way. Plan Edits: Force main now located in roadway, bends are called out in plans. Comment: Cross – In reference to the note for watermain appurtenance calling out a 12x8” Tee Plan Edits: Note was updated to note a cross instead of a tee. Comment: Sewer IE: - In reference to plan note “8” plug” for sanitary sewer. Plan Edits: No edit made. Sewer IE is noted on 96th street profile. Comment: Revision cloud around North arrow. Plan Edits: No edit made. North arrow is correctly oriented to the plan view. Comment: Possible conflict with storm? In reference to riser in the profile shown to be in the middle of the storm pipe. Plan Edits: No conflict for the questioned riser. Length is correct. Riser is running to east side of road. To block 1 lot 12. The storm sewer is on the west side of the road. Comment: Note: verify and shoot elevation of all stubs for as-builts (may be a good note for contractor on typical notes) Plan Edits: Note added to sanitary sewer and watermain plan and profile notes. o. Sheet 17 Sanitary Sewer and watermain plan and profiles: Comment: Corner Hydrants – Comment is in reference to placing hydrants at the corner of Eagle Ridge Road and Eagle Ridge Way , North and south intersections. Plan Edits: Hydrants were added. Comment: Verify constructability with proximity to SSMH and storm line. – In reference to San MH 11 and storm crossing line. Plan Edits: Comment noted, reviewed distance from outside of storm pipe to San MH and there is adequate separation for constructability. No conflict. Comment: Eliminate sanitary line in proximity to wetland buffer (future maintenance). Recommend extending a main from MH 10 to MH 13, eliminate main from MH 13 to 12, with slight adjustment needed in MH locations for services. Plan Edits: Sanitary sewer adjusted according to comment. Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 10 Comment: Relocate to high point in main – in reference to hydrant between lot 5 & 6. Plan Edits: High Point is at 3+98.58, which would place the hydrant in the driveway of lot 7. Hydrant placed at lot line between lot 6 & 7. Comment: Flip, also recommend flipping profile stationing. – In reference to North arrow for plan view. Plan Edits: North arrow was incorrectly aligned with the plan view. Plan view was rotated 180 degrees such that North is now pointing left on plan view. Making the North arrow direction correct. The plan view now matches the orientation of the profile stationing. Comment: Strongly recommend illustrating compacted area under zone of influence in accordance with #2104 and having a note. Past project have missed this requirement resulting in a sag needing correction.. (typ) Plan Edits: Zone of influence was added to sanitary MH 6, 8, 1. Note added to plan to refer to city detail plate 2104 sanitary drop MH. Comment: Stationing – In reference to the stationing for the profile view. Plan Edits: Profile view updated to show stationing. p. Sheet 18 Sanitary Sewer and watermain plan and profiles: Comment: Call-out forcemain bends (typ) Plan Edits: Forcemain bends are called out. Comment: Remove and Abandon – in reference to plan note “Existing sanitary sewer service and clean outs. Abandon after connected to MH 2. Contractor to work around existing sanitary sewer service until Lift station is running and online. Plan Edits: Note updated to include “remove and abandon” Comment: WM/SS separation concerns. In reference to separation between existing sanitary sewer MH and proposed watermain. Plan Edits: No edit made to plan. More than 36” vertical separation. Existing Sanitary sewer MH and line to be vacated/removed in when 96th street is re-constructed. 8.5’ horizontal separation. Comment: See attached exhibit which illustrates pad layout. In reference to Lift station pad layout. Plan Edits: Lift station pad has been updated per the provided exhibit. Comment: Provide service stubs for all existing homes (W/SS). For existing homes with active services, connect similar to farm house (B1L1 Butternut) Plan Edits: 3 water and sanitary sewer services have been added to the plan for the existing lots. Comment: Min slope is 0.4%, critical run regarding maintenance/construction so a FS of 2 leading into LS, provide 0.8%. Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 11 Plan Edits: Slope to lift station wet well has been updated to 0.8’. Invert elevation into lift station stayed the same. Information from the city allowed the beginning future manhole to be moved West on 96th street and allows the beginning elevation to begin at 873.5. This change would allow the invert of the lift station to be shallowed 0.22’. The invert into the lift station was kept at the same elevation due to minimal cost savings of the MH and un-necessary design changes to calculations. q. Sheet 19 Storm Sewer Plan: Comment: 36” previously noted – In reference to plan note “Provide polystyrene insulation for all storm sewer and watermain crossings where vertical or horizontal separation is less than 2’ Plan Edits: Plan has been updated to note 36” instead of 2’ r. Sheet 20 Street and Storm Sewer Plan and Profiles: Comment: Keep storm at 90 degrees as feasible. In reference to storm sewer crossing Eagle Ridge Road into CBMH 111 Plan Edits: Plan not updated. Constructability of storm sewer not a concern. Comment: Provide either alignment tabulation, or show PC/PT, L, delta, etc. for street plans. Plan Edits: Alignment PC/PTs have been added to all street and storm sewer plan and profile plan sheets. Additionally, L, Delta, Radius for all curves have been added. Comment: Show all street draintile and cleanout locations (cleanouts required to be as -built) typ Plan Edits: Draintile was added to the plans. Draintile to be placed per city detail behind all curb. Draintile cleanouts were placed in plan at maximum of 200 feet from downstream catch basins. Comment: And per street section details – in reference to plan note “Install draintile at catch basin locations per city standard detail 5232. Draintile connections to storm sewer structures shall be -3.3’ below rim elevation at curb. Plan Edits: Text was added to plan note per comment. Comment: Use minimum slope of 0.5% wherever possible to allow better constructability and prevent maintenance problems associated with flat pipes. Plan Edits: Storm sewer was adjusted to be min of 0.5% where feasible. Comment: Match Crowns where pipe size changes (typ) Plan Edits: Storm sewer was updated to match crowns when pipe size changed. Comment: Provide separation notes (top/bottom of pipe near conflicts and where insulation proposed, typ) Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 12 Plan Edits: Separation notes added to all pipe crossings less than 36” Comment: Conflict or line work – in reference to storm sewer pipe and water crossing. Plan Edits: There was an extra offset line that was creating the illusion there was a watermain crossing conflict. Plan has been updated to show no conflict with storm sewer. s. Sheet 21 Street and Storm Sewer Plan and Profiles: Comment: 25’ past sidewalk – in reference to the plan note “connect existing driveway to eagle ridge road (3” bituminous atop 6” class 5 for 25’ “ Plan Edits: Plan previously showed 25’ past back of curb. Plan has been updated to pave the driveway 25’ past the concrete sidewalk. Comment: Defer until future additions – In reference to the ped ramp in the NW intersection of eagle ridge way and 96th St. Plan Edits: The ped ramp has been place shaded back and referred to as future ped ramp in the plans. Curb cut still proposed in intersection detail plans. Comment: Offset 20’ back from end of pavement for snow storage (typ) – In reference to the barricades at the end of Eagle Ridge road and 96th street. Plan Edits: Barricades move 20’ from pavement end. t. Sheet 22 Street and Storm Sewer Plan and Profiles: Comment: Subject to change – In reference to the Eagle Ridge Way dimension 26’ B-B. Plan Edits: Eagle ridge way has been updated to be 26’ F-F. Dimension has been updated accordingly. Comment: Over 7.0% maximum, no variance approved. In reference to profile grade 7.04% Plan Edits: Road profile was updated to be 7.00% Comment: Various circles around storm pipe length and slope notes. In reference to the comment make 0.5% wherever possible. Plan Edits: All storm sewer has been updated to 0.5% where possible. u. Sheet 23 Street and Storm Sewer Plan and Profiles: Comment: This access will be abandoned/removed (city outlot) – In regards to the secondary gravel access to site property and connecting it to the new proposed 96 th St. Plan Edits: Connection remains in place. City Outlot has been placed 5’ from lift station pad. Comment: Is this a profile taper or horizontal taper. In reference to the plan “notes 5:1 bit taper road to connect to exisnt 96th st 3” bit atop 8” cl5” Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 13 Plan Edits: This is a horizontal taper to connect proposed 96th st to existing 96th street. Existing 96th st no centered in existing R.O.W. Comment: 25’ Past back of curb. In reference to the plan notes “connect existing gravel driveway to 96th street w/ bit. Plan Edits: Driveway to west is 25’ past back of curb. Driveway to South has been extended to existing easement extent which is 18’ from back of curb. Comment: Really close, will insulation be feasible? Potential to have sump across street – dependent on drainage areas to each CB, verify. In reference to cbmh with sump in street and watermain cross. Plan Edits: 1.5’ of separation form outside of mh to outside of W/m pipe. Note has been added to insulate. Adequate space for construction and insulation. Comment: Various circles around storm pipe length and slope notes. In reference to the comment make 0.5% wherever possible. Plan Edits: All storm sewer has been updated to 0.5% where possible. v. Sheet 24 Storm Sewer Plan and Profiles: Comment: Outlet pipes ok at 0.3% minimum is need to re duce velocities. 0.5% preferred. Plan Edits: Pipe slopes have the minimum or greater cleaning velocity of 3 fps. Standard for storm sewer pipe. Pipes slopes remain less than 0.5%. Comment: Pour in place w/water stop or precast. Review city typical detail notes. In reference to Wier wall note “6” wier wall w/sealed joints” Plan Edits: Note updated to say pour in place with w/waters stop. w. Sheet 25 Street Intersection Details: Comment: Ensure room for DT & separation from DT/curb & light base (typ). In reference to street lights Plan Edits: Street lights 5’ from back of curb. Allows for adequate separation. Comment: 2.00% max cross slope, recommend providing tolerance for construction. In reference to ped ramp cross slope. Intersection of eagle ridge road and 96th ST. One is at 2.00% other is at 2.01% Plan Edits: Ped ramps have both been updated to be 2.00%. Comment: B618 note – in reference to eagle ridge road and 96th street intersection. Plan Edits: b618 curb and surmountable notes have been added to this view on the plans. x. Sheet 30 Existing lift station removal and forcemain connection plan: Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 14 Comment: Consider existing utility services downstream. In reference to plan note”plug sanitary MH and pump during connection of existing MH. Plan Edits: Comment noted. Contractor to plug necessary manholes and pump as necessary to make connection to proposed sanitary while leaving existing sanitary service. Connection will be made quickly and will not affect existing service. Comment: and dispose of – in reference to plan note remove sanitary valve prior to existing lift station. Plan Edits: Note updated. Comment: Leave 1’ of ex. Pipe & glue on cap. Remove existing inv. Repour inv. for new flow pattern. include filling stub w/grout. In reference to plan note “plug sanitary mh and pump during removal of existing lift station” Plan Edits: Note updated. Comment: Verify length – in reference to plan note “remove 11’ of existing 8” sanitary sewer pipe.” Plan Edits: Length updated to 19’ Comment: and control panel, remove conduit from control panel to antenna pole. In reference to plan note “coordinate with city of Chanhassen to remove/salvage light pole. Plan Edits: Note updated to coordinate with MVEC to remove salvage light pole. Light pole sh all be used for Erhart Farm. Note updated for city comment. Comment: Remove all DIP. No electro-fusion couplings. Bed fusion joint in 1.5” rock . In reference to plan note “remove all 4” DIP from MH to HDPE pipe connection point.” Plan Edits: Note updated. Comment: Salvage to City, LS(strike out “MH as needed” – In reference to note remove lift station pumps, internal mechanics, and MH as needed. Plan Edits: Note updated. y. Sheet 31 Lift station detail – profile view: Comment: Update to specific LS design (typ all sheets) In reference to diameter of wet well, distance from pipe inv from gravity sewer, and lift station bottom elevation. Plan Edits: Elevations updated to match lift station design calculation sheet. Comment: Remove drain pipe below this point (city can provide 2022 dwg). In reference to 3” pvc valve MH drain. Plan Edits: Pipe removed to line reference on commented plan sheet. Comment: Integral Base – In reference to the Wet well MH base Plan Edits: Note added. Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 15 Comment: Lockable/concealed, HS-20 rating. In reference to keynote 3 referring to wet well hatch Plan Edits: Note updated Comment: Link Seal , rev cloud around blank elevation. Plan Edits: Elevation added for link seal. z. Sheet 33 Lift station details: Comment: Non-corrodible material – reference to vent pipe detail Plan Edits: Note added Comment: 48” – reference to vent pipe detail dimensions Plan Edits: Dimension updated Comment: Precast circular hole to ensure no conflict with rebar, vent to be secured with drop in anchors with ramneck around base vent base. Base to be circular vent painted Chanhassen brown. – In reference to vent pipe connection detail. Strike out of vent pipe detail note “core drill to fid OD of vent pipe seal with/non-shrink grout. Plan Edits: Note added. Comment: Remove influent manhole detail Plan Edits: Detail removed Comment: Revision cloud around “sheet name” on alliant border. Plan Edits: Sheet name updated to Lift station details. aa. Sheet 34 Landscape plan: Comment: Seed mix bottom of pond. In reference to the pond below the NWL being seeded. Plan Edits: Seeding removed from the bond area below the NWL Comment: Minimum distance from designated maintenance route. 5 feet? In reference to tree distance from maintenance access. Plan Edits: Referenced tree no longer exists. Comment: Ensure updated plan upon resubmittal Plan Edits: Landscape plan is still in working condition between the city and the developer. Species of trees that were planted for the wetland alteration haul road have been identified. Location and species of individual trees shall be provided when available either prior or after installation. Control panel plans added to plan set. Per separate comments from city. Specific schematics to be designed by pump manufacture and provided by contractor. Shall be added to plans when available. Erhart Farm Final Plat Comments 6-10-22 Page 16 Final Plat Comments a. Sheet 2 of 4 Overall Plat: Comment: DUE needed to connect B1L1 Butternut with the Erhart Farms ROW/DUE. Recommendation would be to align with one of the preliminary platted lots in this location to avoid having to vacate in future. Vacation of DUE in B1 L1 not required as its not a part of the Erhart Farms Plat. Plan Edits: Temporary easement provided along driveway. See exhibit. Comment: All easements within ROW and/or future public property to be vacated. In reference to road easement over purchased lot 731 W 96th St. Acuired by developer, and brought into Erhart Farm Plat Additionally sanitary sewer easement per doc 67631 in outlot B Plan Edits: Street easement vacation has been approved by City council and will be recorded concurrently with the final plat. The city is taking care of the sewer easement as it is within outlot B which is being dedicated to the city. Per email from Erik H. April 26th 11:27am Comment: Outlots B/C to be dedicated to City, No DUE required. Plan Edits: Note for DEU removed from plat b. Sheet 3 of 4 Inset A of plat: Comment: Wider DUE here may not be required based on potential design changes, see construction plan comments. Plan Edits: DUE is still required for public storm sewer in side yards. Storm sewer not removed. c. Sheet 4 of 4 Inset B of plat: Comment: Outlot Dedicated to City, Actual boundary subject to change based on construction comments. Plan Edits: Outlot I added to plat. Comment: DUE encompassing pond to be adjusted for resiliency to 1’ higher than HWL. Plan Edits: DUE updated.