Preliminary Sub & Final Plat Submittal NarrativePreliminary Subdivision and Final Plat Submittal June 17 th, 2022 Fox Hill Drive – Chanhassen, MN Page 1 of 5 “FOX HILL DRIVE” PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION AND FINAL PLAT REQUEST SUBMITTAL NARRATIVE CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA June 17th, 2022 SITE INFORMATION Legal Description: The Land is described as follows: That part of Government Lot 8 in Section 1, Township 116, Range 23, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of Lakeview Drive, distant 121.029 feet Southeasterly from the point of intersection of the center line of said Lakeview Drive with the center line of Fern Road; thence Southeasterly along the center line of said Lakeview Drive 25 feet; thence North 75 degrees 07 minutes East to the high water mark of Long Lake (also known as Lotus Lake); thence Northerly along the high water mark of said lake 25 feet, more or less, to its intersection with a line bearing North 75 degrees 07 minutes East from the point of beginning; thence South 75 degrees 07 minutes West 866.5 feet, more or less, to point of beginning. Above mentioned Lakeview Drive and Fern Road being shown on the plat of CARVER-BEACH, according to the recorded plat thereof. Subject to an easement granted to the Northern States Power Company July 22nd, 1941. and Beginning at a point in the center line of Lakeview Drive, distant 20.172 feet on a bearing of South 22 degrees 21 minutes 40 seconds East from the point formed by the intersection of said Lakeview Drive and Fern Road as shown on the map entitled CARVER-BEACH, according to the recorded plat thereof; and running from thence along the Southerly line of Fern Road on a bearing of North 75 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 880 plus or minus feet to the high water mark of Long Lake; thence in a Southerly direction along the high water mark of said Long Lake 100 plus or minus feet to a point 100 feet at right angles to the first course, when said course is projected; thence on a course of South 75 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 873 feet plus or minus, to a point in the center line of Lakeview Drive, distant 121.029 feet in a Northwesterly direction from the intersection of Lakeview Drive and Fern Road; thence along the center line of Lakeview Drive on a course of North 22 degrees 21 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 100.857 feet to the point of beginning. Torrens Property - Certificate of Title No. 34797.0 Address: 581 Fox Hill Dr, Chanhassen, MN. PID & Acreage: 250010200, 2.47 acres Preliminary Subdivision and Final Plat Submittal June 17 th, 2022 Fox Hill Drive – Chanhassen, MN Page 2 of 5 PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION AND FINAL PLAT REQUEST The proposed plan consists of a low-density single family residential subdivision that splits an existing parcel into 4 single family residential lots. The existing home will be demolished, and a new home will be built. EXISTING SITE DESCRIPTION The development site is 2.47 acres and is bound by Lotus Lake to the east, Fox Hill Drive to the North, Carver Beach Road to the west and parcel 250010300 to the south. The property currently includes one single family residence and driveway which connects to Fox Hill Dr. There is one wetland within the site boundary and the topography has a highpoint roughly midpoint of the property near the existing home with drainage breaking to the onsite wetland and to Lotus Lake. The vegetation cover of the existing site is primarily wooded with steeper slopes down to Lotus Lake. Comprehensive Plan Designation The application area has a current and future Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation of Residential Low Density. The adjacent land uses are also Residential Low Density. The Residential Low Density land use guides for single family housing density of 1.2 – 4.0 units per acre. The proposed development plan has a net density of 1.67 units per net acre and is consistent with the 2040 Comprehensive Guide Plan land use for the property. Zoning Classification The property has a current zoning classification of RSF which is also the proposed subdivision zoning. PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION PLAN The applicant’s intent is to create a 4-lot single family residential development that is consistent with the existing single family lots in the vicinity of the property and is considerate of market demands. The following is a summary of primary project elements currently proposed: Density Calculation Gross Acreage 2.465 acres Wetland Area 0.124 acres * Outlot A Area 0.141 acres ROW Area 0.364 acres Net Buildable Acreage (Lots) 1.977 acres Net Density 2.02 units per acre *Includes the areas within Outlot A Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Lot Dimensions RSF Standard B1-L1 B2-L1 B2-L2 B2-L3 Width along R/W Frontage 90’(min.) 114.78 114.78 238.91 115.77 Lot Depth** 125’ (min) 157.42 131.00 114.78 173.80 Lot Size Minimum 15,000 sf 28,801 15,037 22,868 17,729 Preliminary Subdivision and Final Plat Submittal June 17 th, 2022 Fox Hill Drive – Chanhassen, MN Page 3 of 5 Setbacks: Side Setbacks 10’ 10’ 10’ 10’ 10’ Front Setback to City R/W 30’ 30’ 30’ 30’ 30’ Side Setback to City R/W 30’ 30’ 30’ 30’ 30’ Rear Setback (75’ to Lotus Lake) 30’ 75’ 30’ 30’ 10’ Wetland buffer setback 30’ n/a n/a 30’ 30’ Vehicular Site Access and Pedestrian Circulation The site proposes a right of way extension to the south to allow for future connection to Big Woods Boulevard. There is no proposed sidewalk or trail system which is typical of nearby development. Grading Grading and tree removal is proposed for all 4 proposed lots to allow for construction of homes. All earthmoving activities necessary for construction will require erosion and sediment control per City of Chanhassen and Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District requirements. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain The project does not require extension of any public sanitary sewer as the invert the site is able to provide will not work for adjacent property to the south when it develops. An extension of watermain through the new proposed right of way extension will allow for future looping as the property to the south develops. Stormwater Management The development is located within the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District. The development is required to provide stormwater management due to amount of required earth disturbance and new impervious created by the addition of a new home and driveway extension. Stormwater management will be provided by means of an infiltration BMP’s on lots 1-4. Wetlands The development site was reviewed for wetlands by Kjolhaug Environmental Services (KES). KES has identified 1 wetland either fully or partially within the property. A MnRAM analysis has been performed with the delineation to confirm the classifications of the wetlands. There are no impacts proposed to the wetland area. The City of Chanhassen and Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District have slight differences in wetland classification labels and regarding wetland buffers requirements. The following is a summary of the buffer requirements for the project: Preliminary Subdivision and Final Plat Submittal June 17 th, 2022 Fox Hill Drive – Chanhassen, MN Page 4 of 5 Local Governmental Unit City of Chanhassen Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Wetland Classification Buffer Strip Requirement Principal Structure Setback to Buffer Accessory Structure Setback to Buffer Wetland Classification Average Buffer Width Required Min. Buffer Width Required OUTSTANDING 50 50 50 N/A PRESERVE 40 40 20 EXCEPTIONAL 80 40 MANAGE 1 25 30 15 HIGH 60 30 MANAGE 2 20 30 15 MEDIUM 40 20 MANAGE 3 16.5 30 15 LOW 20 10 The development plan assumes a buffer application by proposing buffers in compliance with RPBCWD averaging criteria but then including the structure buffer setback in accordance with the City rules. following is a summary of the proposed wetland buffers: Wetland Area Classification Lineal Frontage1 Buffer Area For Avg Calc. Minimum Buffer Width Average Buffer Provided 1 0.124 ac MANAGE 1/High 261 LF 18,044 SF 30’ 69.13’ Notes: 1) Lineal frontage listed is as assumed for buffer requirement calculation, also refer to wetland management plan for additional calculation details. 2) A 30’ buffer setback is calculated from the city’s buffer requirement of 25’, however the watershed’s requirement for a buffer is 30’ meaning buffer setback appears as 25’. Tree Preservation The estimated baseline tree canopy coverage for the existing site is 100% of the net area (excluding site wetland area). Per the City code, low density residential is then allowed to remove to a limit of 55% tree canopy prior to requirement of mitigation. The development plan proposes to preserve tree canopy coverage of 35% resulting in a required tree replacement of 22.26 trees. Landscaping Each lot is required to install a minimum of one deciduous or conifer tree in the front yard, in accordance with the City’s Subdivision Ordnance. The new tree must either be an 8’ conifer or 2.5” deciduous with species chosen from the City’s approved list. TIMING/PHASING If the City approves the proposed subdivision request, it is the Applicant’s desire to proceed with modifications to the existing home and placing all lots on the market. Preliminary Subdivision and Final Plat Submittal June 17 th, 2022 Fox Hill Drive – Chanhassen, MN Page 5 of 5 CONCLUSION The applicant respectfully concludes that this request for subdivision approval will allow for a development consistent with adjacent single family residential lots and the City Goals and Objectives for this area.