Email - CommentFrom:Steckling, Jean To:Steckling, Jean Subject:Proposal for Santa Vera Date:Tuesday, June 21, 2022 12:09:30 PM From: Amy Anderson <anderamyk@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 20, 2022 10:27 PM To: Generous, Bob <bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: Proposal for Santa Vera Good evening, This is in regards to the concept plan on Santa Vera. My first reservation is safety. Santa Vera is used frequently as a route for vehicles to bypass the traffic lights and stop signs downtown to shortcut over to Kerber from Laredo. This stretch doesn’t have sidewalks and the stop sign is often used as a “rolling” stop. To address this it seems a sidewalk for all of Santa Vera and the stretch of Saratoga between Santa Vera and Laredo would be a minimum safety step. Keep in mind this area is in the walk-zone for the elementary school and is next to a busy park— it is frequently used by walkers and bikers. Additionally, during games Santa Vera is often full of parked cars (even in no-parking zones). To add essentially an entire neighborhood‘s worth of traffic in this mix seems a recipe for accidents and/or injuries. My second concern is the size and scope of this plan. The surrounding neighborhoods are full of single family homes and a handful of twin homes with fairly spacious lots. To cram in such a large scale development with two large apartment buildings, townhomes, and single family homes would entirely change the character of these neighborhoods. I am concerned about the hardcover percentage even with the use of permeable pavers given the scale of the proposed development. Permeable paving is a start but it isn’t 100% permeable. I fear that the size of this plan is supersized for the lot. I believe it should be scaled down significantly before proceeding again. Thank you for your time. Amy