06-14-2022 EDC MinutesCHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 14, 2022 Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Eric Anderson, Vice Chair David Kressler, Commissioners Duke Zurek, Chris Freeman, and Stacy Goff. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner. PUBLIC PRESENT: None. WORK SESSION: None. Chair Anderson asked if there were any items for the work session. Mr. Generous responded that the agenda was formatted to include that section, but that no items were to be reviewed. Commissioner Goff noted that the Economic Development Manager position had closed for applications. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 10, 2022. Chair Anderson questioned whether a work session had been set up with City Council and the Commission. He stated it was important that the Commission receive direction from City Council on items that they were working on before they expended time and effort on projects that would not go forward. He stated it could be done informally with City Council. Chair Anderson said that he could contact someone by phone if that would help. Mr. Generous explained that the Commission should prepare a specific item that they wanted to pursue and then request that they get on the Council work session to discuss the items and receive preliminary direction. Economic Development Commission – May 10, 2022 2 Member Kressler moved, Member Zurek seconded to approve the Minutes of the Economic Development Commission meeting dated May 10, 2022. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 – 0. DISCUSSION ITEMS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATION: 1. 2040 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Discussion Mr. Generous presented a PowerPoint on land uses within the City. He noted that the City has guided all property within the community for different land uses as shown on the 2040 Land Use Plan Map, Figure 2-10. The individual land use acreages are broken out in Figure 2 – 8, 2020- 2040 Land Use Comparisons. As part of the Transportation Chapter of the Plan, Table 6.2, City of Chanhassen 2040 Population, Households, and Employment by TAZ, attempts to project development trends within the City by Traffic Analysis Zones, Figure 6.2, TAZ Map. Figure 2-4, Net Developable Residential Acreage 2020-2040, analyses the potential residential development from 2020- 204 based on the available residential parcels at the minimum density for each of the residential land uses. Figure 2-5, Potential Development Timeline, projects development timeframes for various areas of the City by near term and long-term development expectations. Figure 2-1B, Highway 61 Corridor Revised Land Use Guiding, show the intensification of future development along Flying Cloud Drive with areas of Mixed use consisting of high density residential and commercial uses, High Density Residential uses, and Medium Density Residential uses along the corridor. Figure 2-11, Chanhassen Commercial Land Use Categories and Mixed Use Land Use, shows the various commercial land use areas of the City: Central Business District, Neighborhood/Convenience Commercial, Community Commercial, Regional/Lifestyle Center, and Mixed Use land use area. Commissioner Freeman stated that it did not appear that there was a lot of land available for development. Had City Council looked at this? Generous stated that City Council had adopted the Comprehensive Plan, but that it had not been discussed recently. Chair Anderson stated that a developer could request an amendment to the land use as part of their development proposal. Commissioner Zurek said that it was a lot of information and thanked staff for the presentation. Economic Development Commission – May 10, 2022 3 2. Business Communication Mr. Generous stated that as a part of the previous agenda and discussion regarding communication about the residential SeeClickFix portal of the City’s website that staff looked into efforts being discussed by the City to communicate with businesses. One item was the voluntary registration of businesses being discussed by the public safety department, which would provide information about businesses and contact information for public safety purposes. Part of the information is general information on the type of business. Staff felt that it potentially could be included as part of economic development communication efforts by the City with the business’ permission. This voluntary registration was a program in Savage, Minnesota. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION: None. Mr. Generous noted that the interviews for the Economic Development Manager begin next week. Commissioner Freeman asked if there were any studies on good economic development commissions that were done. He wanted to know what was available and how other communities use their economic development commissions. Commissioner Zurek said that the commissioners would be willing to assist in the economic development manager interviewing process. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Zurek moved, Commissioner Goff seconded to adjourn the Economic Development Commission meeting at 8:25 p.m. All voted in favor 5 – 0. Submitted by Bob Generous Senior Planner Prepared by Amy Weidman Administrative Support Specialist