Glaza Planning Board Letter 2.0 Date:6-28-2022 Mayor Ryan and City Council 7700 Market Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Request for existing structure to remain during construction Dear Mayor and City Council members, Our client David Glaza Currently lives at 2961 Washta Bay Ct. with his family. We are building a new home for them closer to the lake on the same property. We on behalf of our client are requesting you allow him and his family to remain living at their current residence while the new home is being built. After the new home is built our clients the Glaza’s will move their family into the new structure, and we will tear down the existing house that they currently live in on the property. We have included the Signed contract Denali Custom Homes has with the excavating company to remove the structure under contract with our client the Glaza’s. Our client is willing to offer 110% of the cost for the demolition of the existing home to the City of Chanhassen to be held in escrow until the new home construction and demolition of the existing home is complete. Denali Custom Homes and our clients understand the City’s stance on this issue, but we feel this solution more than satisfies the reasoning for this code’s existence, which is to prevent someone having 2 homes on the same property. We would like to begin construction soon and hope the Planning Board can consider this and grant us this request based on our proposed solution. Thank you so much for your consideration of this matter Dan Phillips, Denali Custom Homes