PC Minutes 06-21-2022Planning Commission Minutes – June 21, 2022 3 PUBLIC HEARING: 915 PLEASANT VIEW ROAD REPLAT Senior Planner Bob Generous gave the staff report noting the item is a replat and while it is considered a subdivision there are no additional lots being created; rather there is one lot being created out of a lot and an outlot. The property is zoned single-family residential and the applicant is trying to combine the current lot with Outlot A in the Vinewood Addition. As a condition of approval and with the final plat, the applicant will be vacating an easement and dedicating a new easement for drainage and utilities. Staff recommends approval subject to the conditions of approval. Mr. Generous has not received public comments on the item. Mike Werth is representing the homeowner and said currently the house is over the setback. He showed plans on screen and explained the design choice. John Goodman stated everything is already inside of his fence and he is trying to combine them because he would like to build a small garden shed. Because they cannot put the shed on an outlot, it must be 22 feet inside the property which would result in taking down a large oak tree and a large maple tree. Chairman von Oven opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. Chairman von Oven closed the public hearing. Commissioner Alto said to save the trees. Commissioner Noyes thinks it makes perfect sense. Commissioner Noyes moved, Commissioner Goff seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the replat for Goodman Homestead subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: SANTA VERA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT PUD AMENDMENT Senior Planner Bob Generous gave the staff report, stating this is a 2022 development project and they currently have property zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) and permits an additional 30-unit apartment building. The concept plan review allows the applicant to come in and put different proposals forward without doing the expensive engineering work and then find out the proposal would or would not go forward. It allows them to shake out the project and see what is acceptable to the City and community before coming up with an actual development plan. Staff review provided an outline of the issues they would need to address if they were to move forward and also received comments from the neighborhood. Mr. Generous said the property is zoned PUD-Residential and would permit an additional 30 apartment units. He noted the existing site has an 18-unit apartment building and the concept plan proposes 30-35 additional apartment units in a separate building, five single-family homes, six townhomes, and an additional eight units added to the existing 18 units on the site.