Affidavit of Mailing - For 07-19-2022CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVTT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. CoUNTYOFCARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly swom, on oath deposes that she is and was on Jnly 7,2022, the duly qualified and acting city Clerk of the city of chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy ofthe attached notice ofConsider a request for rezoning property from Rural Residential District to Single-Family Residential District and subdivision of 4.84 acres into two lots with variances, Planning case No.2022-03, Zoned Rural Residentiat @R). Applicant: civil site Group / Property owner: Dianne G. Morin Trust to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy ofsaid notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the narnes and addresses ofsuch owners were those appearing as such by the records of the county Treasurer, carver county, Minnesota" and by other appropriate records. K lm T CI JEAiI M SIECKLINGllotaryrulblmnsA fi Cq'llor erF.. h !t, eaNotaryPublic Subscribed and swom to belore me tnii Ih aay oft*!sS---.2022' Subject Parcel Disclaim€r This map is neither a legally recoded map nor a su ey and is not antended to.be used as one. ihis map is a compilation of records, infomation and dala located in various city, countv. stale ant fedeEl ofices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be usied lor reierence purpoBes only. The Clty does nol warrant thal lhe Geographic lnfomation System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are eror free. and lhe Crty does not represeni fEt the GIS Data can be used for navigational. tracking or any olhe' gurpose requrnng exactng measuement of disl'ance or directon or preclgon in lhe Oepianon of geographrc ieaures Th€ precedrng dFclaimer ls provrled pu6uanl to Mi;nesota Stafulas 5456 03. Subd 21 (2om), and the user of this map actnowledges lhat the cty shail n6t be hable for any damag€s, and epressly waives all ciaims and aorees lo defend. Indemnifv. and hold hamless the Cny lrom any and alldarms bou0ht ui User, rts emptoyees or igenls. or third panies rvnrch anse out o{ the users access or use of data povialed <TAX-NAMEtr <TAX-ADD-L1r cTAX-ADD-L2r (Next Record)N(TAX-NAMEtr (TAX-ADD-Ll,) ITAX-ADD-L2tr Subiect Parcel Ditclaimct ii-Jri"o o n"*n", " r"oally recorded map nor a suNey and ls not intended to be-used ."_i""-irt" ."p ia i -i"pilatron ol records nformation and clatra located in vanousctty' ;;;. ;;;;;;i il"r"l ;frces ancl other sources regadrng lhe area shown and is !o ;";:!ii;;l',;"; ;;rpoii. onrv. rhe c(v does not waranr that the Geooraphrc ii'ro-i'"-ton sviL. tolil tiata useo io prepare oris map are enor free and the crtv does ."i i.ii.t"i inLr r'r,L crs o"t" can'be useo for navigatonal tracting or any oher ffi;I;;il;;;",,;l ."i"r,"t"nr or drstance or drrecrion or preosron in the fl:ils;iiffi tl!%ff {ru}t';.tfl:llfl fl1}i';,:'H:xTJx#::ii: liili il" ciwinirr "& le liable for anv damages and expressly warves all darms' and #,.#i;il;;. ;;;;;'ry' anc notoiattteJs me civ lrom anv ancl alldaims bousht ;;;;. ;;il;a ;r;s;nts. or third partes whrch anse out or the use/s access or use of data Provrded. ,r a a I -r. - t V/ E& h I f,l I ar, a *l ?r ') '"S.. L a &.'l ) l I : t--1 I'I .i 4 E t a I Notico of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time:Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening,deDendinq on the o.der ofthe agenda. Ci Hall Council Chambers 7700 Market BlvdLocation: Consider a request for rezoning property from Rural Residential District to Single-Family Residential District and subdivision of 4.84 acres into two lots with variances. Zoned Rural Residential RR Proposal: Property Owner:Dianne G. Morin Trust Civil Site GroupApplicant: 1441 Lake Lucy Road A locatlon map 13 on the revorae slde ol this notlc6 Property Location: The purpose ofthis public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed prqect. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Planning Commission discusses the What Happens at the Meoting: To view project documents, please visit: www.ChanhassenMN.oov/ProDosedDeveloDments. lf you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmeen AlJafi a1952-227-1134 ot written comments, please send one copy to staff in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Planning Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online at the City's Agendas & Minutes webpage the you choose to submitSal-Jaffloci.chanha ssen.mn.us. lf Thursda or to the Planni Commission meeti Questions & Commonts: NEWI Sign up to receive email and/or text notifications packets, minutes and videos are uploaded to the city's www.ChanhassenMN.qov/subscribe when meeting agendas, website. Go to to siqn up! . Subdivi.ion. Pl.iYl.d Unil O.v6lopm6nla Sits Plan R6vi6w3, Condilio.€land l 6ri Compr.h.ndvo PIln Arn€ndm6nta and Cods Am6ndm€nls rcguirc a public hoginq ordinance. roqulro rll prop.ny within 50016€l ot lh. subiocl6its to b€ noti,isd of !h€ m lJ36!, W6tland All.railon. R€zonlngg bsjore rhs PlEnnino Commiorlon City applicalion in wrilino Any inl6r6!l6d party lr gr CrtyCity Cy 6051 Bpoks.p.,3d/.op.6ss.lalNe srsll Crty tfC'ty rnvilod lo alt nd lh. m..tlng Slan pl.p..6. r roporl on h6 Date & Time:Tuesday, July 19,2022 at 7:00 p. m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, dependinq on the order of the agenda. Location:7700 Market BlvdCity Hall Council Chambers, Consider a request for rezoning property from Rural Residential District to Single-Family Residential District and subdivision of 4.84 acres into two lots wth variances. Zoned Rural Residential (RR). Proposal: Property Owner:Dianne G. Morin Trust Civil Site GroupApplicant: 1441 Lake Lucy Road A lgcation map ls on tho reverse sldo ol thlE noticg. Prop6rty Location: What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project, During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staffwill give an overview of the proposed proiect. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Planning Commission discusses the project To view project documents, please visit: tf you wish to talk to someone about this proiect, please contact Sharmeen Al-Jaff at 952-227-1134 ot Sal-Jaff@ci.chanhassen.mn. us. lf you choose to submit written comments, please send one copy to staff in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Planning Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online at the City's Agendas & Minutes webpage the Thursdav prior to the Planninq Commission meeting. Que6tions & Comments: NEWI Sign up to receive email and/or text notifications when meeting agendas, packets, minutes and videos are uploaded to the city's website. Go to www.Chanhass€nMN-gevbubgetbq to siqn up! . Subdlvl.ion!, Ptsnn€d Unir O6v6lopm€nt6 Sir6 Plan Rsviow3, Conditionrlrnd lntedm U!.. W.thnd Alt.r.tlont, R.zoninq., Comprsh.n.iv. Pl.n am€ndm.nt. and Cod. Am.ndm6nt! r6quiro . prblic h..ring b.foru lh. Pl.nning Commi..lon Citv odlnanc.! r.quirc .rr prop€rty wirhin 500 f€€t of th6 subi.cr sito io b6 notiliod ol lh. sppllcdion ln willng Any int rud.d Party i. invilod to attond lh. mo€ling . St.fl pr.pr..! e .aport on th. subj6.t applicarion thrl includoa all p.dlnsnt in orm6tion and a rccommond.lion Th... npo . ar6 availabro by Equort At th. Planning CommilBion m66lin€, Blrf will dw a v.rbEl ovorvi.w ol lho r.Pon ond a r.comm.ndEtion Th6 il.m will bo opln.d lor lh€ public to spoak abod lhs ProPo.ll .! . Prd ol lh. h.8ing Prc6$ Tht Comml$ion wlll clo!. the pubtlc h..dnc .nd dircus. lhr itom end m6ko a rscomm.ndarion 10 lh€ City Colncil Th6 Cily Council m.y r.var! .nim or modily wholly d p.rtly th. Planning Commillion's r@mmoftlation R.zonings, lard ui6 and codo am.ndm.r$ lal. . rimple mElo tv vol6 ol tha City Coundl .xc€pl r.zor n$ and land u!€ am.ndm.nb rrom rc.idonti.l io comm.rci.l/indu.ti.l . Minn..ora Sr.b St tut. 519.99 rcqui.o! all qplicstim! lo b. proc..i6d within 60 d!y. unl.l3 tho epPlic.nl waivo. lhi. d.ndsd. Som. .pptrcatlon! du€ ro !h.ir comploxiry may ral(. s.v.ral months lo comploL Any p.rron {i.hing to bllow an lt m through thr procor. .hould ct cr( wilh UE Pltnning D€pstmenl rseatding il! dllus td lch.dullng tor lh. Cily Council m.otin!. . A noighbortpod ipok .p€6oi/r.prc!€ntetiv6 is oncou€god to provido a contsd tor th. city Olt n d.v.loP€rt ar. .ncour.gad to m..l wirh lh. noiohborhood rooardins lheir prcpo.5l. Sltf, b aho .v€illblo lo r.vid lh6 p.oioct with .ny inLr.ll.d P€tuon(i} . B..ru., lh. Planning Commirsio. hold. tho Brblic h6.ring, lhs Cily Coun.il do6t nol Mirut . ... t k n l.ld .ny co.rolpond.nc. rcgrdng ths applicstro.t will b6 in lud6d in tl16 r6p..1 io lh€ cty council. ll ydr wilh lo h!€ ldn lhirrc to b. lncludod ln ht ..Po.l, Slafi namsd on the noliil@lro TAX-NAME CRAIG C& tEStIE K CARTSON CLARE ELTEN TUYET PRIEST FREDERICK EDWARD DEMEUSE MATTHEW D & STACY A HASTAD GUANG YANG DIANNE G MORIN TRUST JOHN YEADON JEREMY M DIETERLE KATHRYN KENYON RANDATL JOHN D WICKA FRANKD&CINDYFPOSTIC JULIE A MITLER ALLEN A & MAR'ORIE SATTER WII-LIAM E SCHABEL & MARY T SCHABET TRUST MARC & RENEE SCHUBBE BARBARA R CAMERON SHAUN D NUGENT ANDREW HEBERT NATHAN I. TIEDTKE DANIELJ & MARY K MCGRAW PATRICKG&ELISEMRYAN MATTHEW J FRERICHS JAMES RONNING SUSAN MICHELE COULT JEFFREY J KOERSELMAN CARL PICKERELL PETERI & KAREN E TAMTE ADAM LAWRENCE JASON BUTTERFIETD ROBERT F KISABETH BRYAN M SCHOEN BRIAN R & JENNIFER B JOHNSON TAURIE A TOKAR REV TRUST ROI.AND MIEZIANKO ROGER t & CHARTOTTE J FRERICHS MICHAELJ & REGINA M BUCHHOLZ THE VINCENT TIVING TRUST TAX_ADD-t1 1341 STRATTON CT 1350 STRATTON CT 1420 LAKE LUCY RD 1430 I.AKE LUCY RD 1440 LAKEWAY CT 1441 LAKE IUCY RD 1450 LAKEWAY CT 1460 LAKEWAY CT 1571 LAKE LUCY RD 2547 BRIDLE CREEK TRL 6507 SHADOW LN 6511 SHADOW LN 6515 SHADOW LN 6545 SHADOW LN 6550 SHADOW LN 5559 SHADOW LN 6560 SHADOW LN 6565 SHADOW tN 6567 YOSEMITE AVE 6573 SHADOW tN 6587 SHADOW tN 6600 CHARING BND 5605 POINTE LAKE LUCY 6606 CHARING BND 6610 POINTE LAKE LUCY 6612 LAKEWAY DR 6617 POINTE LAKE LUCY 6619 LAKEWAY DR 6626 POINTE LAKE LUCY 6629 POINTE TAKE LUCY 6630 IAKEWAY DR 6639 LAKEWAY DR 6642 POINTE LAKE IUCY 6643 POINTE LAKE LUCY 6648 LAKEWAY DR 6656 POINTE tAKE LUCY 6663 LAKEWAY DR TAX-ADD-12 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7509 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7509 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. 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