Affidavit of MailingCITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTYOFCARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on Jlly 7,2022, the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice ofConsider a request for subdivision of 2.465 acres into four lots and one outlot with variences. Zoned Single'Family Residential @SF), Planning case No. 2022-10. Appticant: chad Mayes' Denali custom Homes, LLC / Property owner: Andy Awes, Fox Hill Properties, LLC to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A', by enclosing a copy ofsaid notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses ofsuch owners were those appearing as such by the records ofthe county Treasurer, cawer county, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. KimT.rty Clerk Subscri bed and swom to before me this? lr day of c.(-,2022. JEAII M STECKLIilG lroEy Rt5{fino.oblr*t r+t hll,z(,3a E J Or<\ Notary Public Subject Parcel OlrcLlmar ThB mao 6 nedher a legally Ecoftled map nor a gurvey and rs nol rnteided to be u3ed as one. ihls map is a cornFilaton ol recods. nfoamation and data loaat€d In varioG city' countv state and lederaldfices and other sources regEading the area shown, and is to be u& ,or reference purposas only. The Cty do€! not wafiant that the GeogEphrc lnfornEtion Syslem (GB) Oatr us€d to p,epare this map ale ero. free, and ttE Cily does not reoreseni that tlre GIS Oata can be u3€d for naugetonal, trackrno or any othe' outDo6e requinnE €xactng meaSuemeol of distanco oa dleaton or paeqglon in the ifedrtion ot geogoptrc lgat',re!. The p.ecadino dildeimer b p'ovialed putsuanl lo Minnerota StaMes 546e 03. SuM 21 (2000), and the user of this map irctnorEogEs trat Ure Cig sran na be fiable tor any damagcs, and expreiBly wair/€a all daims, and aorees lo d;fend, indemnifY. and hold haml€s the Ciy from any and alldaims btought b; User, its employees oI aoents. o. $id partie6 trtlidl anse out d the users access or use of data provided. <TAX-NAMEtr <TAX-ADD-Ll tr cTAX-ADD-L2r (N6xt RecordxTAX-l'lAMEr ITAX-ADD-LI r rTAX-ADD-L2tr Subj6ct Parcel lr{rclatr|orna mao ie neifE a leoallv lecoded map noa a suNey and is not lntended to be u8€d ,. i* rrris mao is a cornoilation of leco.ds, intormatjon and data locateo n vanoul ctly' irliir. iiii"i"i r*"'al ;tu€6 and ourer lources egatdrng the arca 3iown' and is b ;-;;ar-il;6il purpose. onlv. The cnY does not ranant that the Geoofttphic lnL-n id SV"r". tOr6t fiaa ,seo to p.epate t'is maP ale ero' free'.atrd tE-Crty 'loesi"i r"o.*"ni urar tire Gts oata can be urcd ior na\doatonal t'-ackrng or any o$er ;;;;;';;;;"il measr,e.ent or distance or dreclioo or prcosion rn trle &ffi" ;;d;ph;Gtuel rne p.ecedng d€daim€r.is .provrded puouanl to iil;;;irh;;'5466 03. subd. 21 (2ooo). and the use' of thi3 map ac*no{€oget [iji 6iic,tv irtirr n& ue liable lo. anv damag€6, and expr*slv waives all daims' and ii,iJiJiirinir. ,o".n v. and hold hamtejs tre citv trom anv aftl alldaims broulm ;; u;;;riry.* * 6gem. o, t,tt pa'tes *'ttrch anse oul of the use/s accest or use of data plovided. xl5q E { t \.- c I n ll L Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Notice of Public Hearing ChanhasBon Planning Commisaion Meeting startnotTishhemaymanng0222atJu1puTsdeavvtheaofordertheonndrdlaterlhneuntOate & Time: C vdBIarket00M77bersmitnchaIaCouIHLocation:nto Ifou462acresvtsofronfousbdnoderstaCrequest amSiedle-Fs.ance Zonvari ilyoutlotngoneandlots Residential RSF Planni Case No. 2022-10PropoBal Fox Hill PA rties LLCProOwnet: Chad SometomHsaDenCutiSicant: ls on tho revorao 3lds ol this notlce.A location map 581 Fox Hill DriveProperty Location steos: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed pro,ect' 2. The applicant will present plans on the project' 3. Commints are received from the public' 4. Public hearing is closed and the Planning Commission thautbostonformicnhearisbthofThespuurposep thnfromonbtaiauestndput,Saican reqpp ethmeetiDuflnthen9isect.th sborhoodhenproig th ro thehtcublwillleadughCap discusses the ro What HapPons at the Meeting: cen P na n nthtoecoideES swillpStafftheetimprovofng la bleavamitewilbefothsstaffThenreportomISSICom web thee&M utesnndsaCes pagatlinethnAgoity nSSIeetnmomComhenPlantofloruhrsdT Questions & Commenta: notification endaswhenSmeetintextd/or agganmailuntorecelveNEWtpsistooGtoloadeduareScitydeonutesndpampackets sl Unto C,ly 500 Tuesday, July 19,2022 at 7:00 p.m. This hesring may not start ndi on the order ot theuntil laler in the evenDate & Time: 7700 Market BlvdHall Council ChamCLocation Consider a request for subdivision of 2.465 acres into four lots and one outlot with variances. Zoned Single-Family Residential Case No. 2022-10RSFPlannin Propo6al: LLCFox Hill PAndAweProperty Owner: Denali Custom HomesApplicant: 581 Fox Hill Drive A locatlon map ls on tho lrve]lo llde o, thls notlco Proporty Location: The purpose of this public hearing is to i applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this pro,ect. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the follot ,ing steps:1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the proiect. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Planning Commission nform you about the discusses the ect What Happon6 at the meeting: To view proiect documents, please visit: www,ChanhassenMN.oov/ProposedDoYeloDments. lf you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmeen AlJaff aI952-227 -1134 ot Sal-Jatf@ci.chanhassen.mn, us. lf you choose to submit written comments, please send one copy to staff in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Planning Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online at the City's Agendas & Minutes webpage the Thursda rior to the Plannin Commission dotificationwhNSmeetientextureceiveagenngtoEWtNSignp ht cte S website Go toaeosUreloadedtotnmautesvidndty'ppackets, unto Clty U 500 A n.lohborrbod !pok6ipc..o.rr.pr6$ .lrE 13 on.ourlg.d lo nl.€r -w h lh. n.'gtborhood EgErd,lg lhor Fopold stan13.l stafi C'lyCrly c 60951!r9 cC'lY s) c C'lY Ic 7:009, with you to about followingthehearing visit:documents, website.the Chad Mayes, Question6 & Comments: and/oremail TAX-NAM E JON ALAN LANG FOX HILL PROPERTIES LIC MRP 4O1K PLAN & TRUST ARTCRAFT HOMES INC RANDAL C RUTLEDGE MATTHEWT & LISAA KOEPPEN ANDREW J LEMKUIL RICHARD ARTHUR SHEA MICHAEL VOI-Z IAN P O'CONNEtt MICHAEL N SWEET KATHLEEN HANSEN JEOFF T WILL ARTICTE 4 TRST UNDER TYLER REEDER FMLY T SAMUELR&NANCYLCOTE ANITA R TEWIS TRUST RICKI IEE HALE RICHARD HINTZ TRUST FRANCIS CHRISTY CHRISTOPHER M TANDON JENNY A NIETFETD JUSTIN BIKERS KEITH & BARBARA THOMAS JENNIFER URICK CONSTANCE M CERVILLA JAMESV&MARYLFRERICH JEFFREY L KLEINER REV TRUST GEOFFREY J SCHROF JAMES HENDERSON ELIEZER MUNOZ JOHN D JR & IISA I-ENSEGRAV IEFFREY B & MARYV KING STARITA HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC MARKW&VALERIENELSON TAX-ADD-11 130 CYPRESS VIEW DR 2044 SCHOOLMASTER DR 3385 HARDSCRABBLE RD N 3581 WILDS RDG NW 4511 FAIRVIEW AVE 515 BIG WOODS BLVD 517 BIG WOODS BLVD 533 BIG WOODS BIVD 548 BIG WOODS BLVD 549 BIG WOODS BLVD 565 BIG WOODS BIVD 580 FAX HILI DR 581 BIG WOODS BLVD 590 BROKEN ARROW RD 597 BIG WOODS BIVD 599 BROKEN ARROW RD 600 FOX HILL DR 606 CARVER BEACH RD 620 CARVER BEACH RD 620 FOX HILL DR 621 BROKEN ARROW DR 621 CARVER BEACH RD 530 CARVER BEACH RD 631 BROKEN ARROW RD 650 CARVER BEACH RD 651 BROKEN ARROW DR 555 CARVER BEACH RD 671 BROKEN ARROW DR 678 BROKEN ARROW DR 585 CARVER BEACH RD 6880 TOTUS TRL 6886 LOTUS TRL 6890 LOTUS TRt 6890 NAVAJO DR TAX-ADD-12 NAPLES, Ft 34113 CHASKA, MN 55318 MOUND, MN 55354 PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372 MINNETONKA, MN 55343 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.4504 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.4504 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4504 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.4504 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9538 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4504 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9512 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9512 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-2101 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-2101 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9569 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.2101 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9559 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9569 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9559 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9559 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 553I7-9571 SITEADD 640 CARVER BEACH RD 581 FOX HILL DR 599 CARVER BEACH RD 695 CARVER BEACH RD 680 CARVER BEACH RD 516 BIG WOODS BLVD 517 BIG WOODS BLVD 533 BIG WOODS BI-VD 548 BtG WOODS B|_VD 549 BIG WOODS BIVD 565 BIG WOODS BIVD 580 FOX HILL DR 581 BIG WOODS BLVD 590 BROKEN ARROW RD 597 BIG WOODS BLVD 599 BROKEN ARROW DR 600 Fox Httt DR 606 CARVER BEACH RD 520 CARVER BEACH RD 620 FOX HILI DR 621 BROKEN ARROW DR 621 CARVER BEACH RD 630 CARVER BEACH RD 631 BROKEN ARROW DR 650 CARVER BEACH RD 651 BROKEN ARROW DR 655 CARVER BEACH RD 671 BROKEN ARROW DR 678 BROKEN ARROW DR 685 CARVER BEACH RD 5880 TOTUS TRL 6886 LOTUS TRL 6890 LOTUS TRT 6890 NAVNO DR PIN 250010100 250010200 257602L20 251602160 25t602230 251090090 251090060 2510900s0 254390020 251090040 251090030 251602420 2s1090020 2s1601052 251090010 25t60237L 251602410 250125600 254390010 2s1502400 251602340 2s1502130 250125900 251602330 250010300 251602390 251602180 251602310 251602240 251500430 251602270 251602300 251501051 251602210 MICHAEL KLISANICH LANA tEE MATSON MARIA HELENA MORENO REV TRUST PATRICK T MCRAITH BRITTANY WEISSENBU RGER ROBERT WRIGHT SUSAN P DOWDS DANIEL L OKSNEVAD CURTIS C &JUDITH N QUINER KENNETH W & COLLEEN J VERMEER 6891 NAVAJO DR 6893 NAVAJO DR 5896 NAVAJO DR 6900 TOTUS TRL 691 CARVER BEACH RD 6911 YUMA DR 5940 LOTUS TRt 720 PREAKNESS [N 725 PONDEROSA DR 730 PREAKNESS tN CHANHASSEN, CHANHASSEN, CHANHASSEN, CHANHASSEN, CHANHASSEN, CHANHASSEN, CHANHASSEN, CHANHASSEN, CHANHASSEN, CHANHASSEN, 55317 55317-9572 55317 55317-9559 55317 55317-9560 55317 55317-9238 55317 -9479 55317-9238 6891 NAVAJO DR 6893 NAVAJO DR 6896 NAVAJO DR 6900 LOTUS TRL 691 CARVER BEACH RD 6911YUMA DR 6940 LOTUS TRL 720 PREAKNESS LN 725 PONDEROSA DR 730 PREAKNESS LN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN 251602260 25t602290 251602250 257602410 251500431 251602072 25t602440 258590110 251602090 258590100