07-12-2022 Agenda and PacketA.WORK SESSION B.7:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER C.APPROVAL OF MINUTES C.1 Approve Economic Development Commission Minutes of June 14, 2022 D.GENERAL BUSINESS E.ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS E.1 Review Economic Development Commissions from Other Communities F.CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION G.ADJOURNMENT AGENDA CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2022 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1 Economic Development Commission Item July 12, 2022 Subject Approve Economic Development Commission Minutes of June 14, 2022 Section APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item No: C.1 Prepared By Amy Weidman, Admin Support Specialist File No: SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Economic Development Commission approve the June 14, 2022 Commission minutes. ATTACHMENTS June 14, 2022 Economic Development Commission Minutes 2 CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 14, 2022 Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Eric Anderson, Vice Chair David Kressler, Commissioners Duke Zurek, Chris Freeman, and Stacy Goff. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner. PUBLIC PRESENT: None. WORK SESSION: None. Chair Anderson asked if there were any items for the work session. Mr. Generous responded that the agenda was formatted to include that section, but that no items were to be reviewed. Commissioner Goff noted that the Economic Development Manager position had closed for applications. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 10, 2022. Chair Anderson questioned whether a work session had been set up with City Council and the Commission. He stated it was important that the Commission receive direction from City Council on items that they were working on before they expended time and effort on projects that would not go forward. He stated it could be done informally with City Council. Chair Anderson said that he could contact someone by phone if that would help. Mr. Generous explained that the Commission should prepare a specific item that they wanted to pursue and then request that they get on the Council work session to discuss the items and receive preliminary direction. 3 Economic Development Commission – May 10, 2022 2 Member Kressler moved, Member Zurek seconded to approve the Minutes of the Economic Development Commission meeting dated May 10, 2022. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 – 0. DISCUSSION ITEMS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATION: 1. 2040 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Discussion Mr. Generous presented a PowerPoint on land uses within the City. He noted that the City has guided all property within the community for different land uses as shown on the 2040 Land Use Plan Map, Figure 2-10. The individual land use acreages are broken out in Figure 2 – 8, 2020- 2040 Land Use Comparisons. As part of the Transportation Chapter of the Plan, Table 6.2, City of Chanhassen 2040 Population, Households, and Employment by TAZ, attempts to project development trends within the City by Traffic Analysis Zones, Figure 6.2, TAZ Map. Figure 2-4, Net Developable Residential Acreage 2020-2040, analyses the potential residential development from 2020- 204 based on the available residential parcels at the minimum density for each of the residential land uses. Figure 2-5, Potential Development Timeline, projects development timeframes for various areas of the City by near term and long-term development expectations. Figure 2-1B, Highway 61 Corridor Revised Land Use Guiding, show the intensification of future development along Flying Cloud Drive with areas of Mixed use consisting of high density residential and commercial uses, High Density Residential uses, and Medium Density Residential uses along the corridor. Figure 2-11, Chanhassen Commercial Land Use Categories and Mixed Use Land Use, shows the various commercial land use areas of the City: Central Business District, Neighborhood/Convenience Commercial, Community Commercial, Regional/Lifestyle Center, and Mixed Use land use area. Commissioner Freeman stated that it did not appear that there was a lot of land available for development. Had City Council looked at this? Generous stated that City Council had adopted the Comprehensive Plan, but that it had not been discussed recently. Chair Anderson stated that a developer could request an amendment to the land use as part of their development proposal. Commissioner Zurek said that it was a lot of information and thanked staff for the presentation. 4 Economic Development Commission – May 10, 2022 3 2. Business Communication Mr. Generous stated that as a part of the previous agenda and discussion regarding communication about the residential SeeClickFix portal of the City’s website that staff looked into efforts being discussed by the City to communicate with businesses. One item was the voluntary registration of businesses being discussed by the public safety department, which would provide information about businesses and contact information for public safety purposes. Part of the information is general information on the type of business. Staff felt that it potentially could be included as part of economic development communication efforts by the City with the business’ permission. This voluntary registration was a program in Savage, Minnesota. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION: None. Mr. Generous noted that the interviews for the Economic Development Manager begin next week. Commissioner Freeman asked if there were any studies on good economic development commissions that were done. He wanted to know what was available and how other communities use their economic development commissions. Commissioner Zurek said that the commissioners would be willing to assist in the economic development manager interviewing process. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Zurek moved, Commissioner Goff seconded to adjourn the Economic Development Commission meeting at 8:25 p.m. All voted in favor 5 – 0. Submitted by Bob Generous Senior Planner Prepared by Amy Weidman Administrative Support Specialist 5 Economic Development Commission Item July 12, 2022 Subject Review Economic Development Commissions from Other Communities Section ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS Item No: E.1 Prepared By Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director File No: SUMMARY The Economic Development Commission (EDC) requested that the Commission review other EDCs in other communities to examine their roles and responsibilities. Attached is an Excel spreadsheet which includes links to EDCs in comparable neighboring cities. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION Some of the common areas of responsibilities of the EDC were: Business appreciation activities Regional marketing Business needs and assessments Research, review and recommendations on EDC issues: Zoning ordinance (food trucks - the Commission recommended increasing the opportunity to be in the city) Review fees that impact businesses Review the Comprehensive Plan Provide input on policies that impact business RECOMMENDATION The EDC could start by gathering information on the marketing and networking done on behalf of the City by the Chamber of Commerce and Buy Chanhassen. Executive Director of the Chamber, Darren Noble, could share how they market the city and network with businesses as well as identify issues and challenges they have discovered. Buy Chanhassen is a local group that is a member of the Southwest Chamber of Commerce. They may also have information that would benefit the EDC. 6 In 2022, the City of Eagan contracted with the National Research Center to complete a national business survey. The survey gives local businesses the opportunity to provide feedback about the community characteristics and local government services that support the local economy. The report looks at six key indicators: Community amenities Business climate Employment opportunities and workforce support Workforce readiness Business growth Governance The City of Eagan survey is attached. If this is something the EDC would find valuable, they could make a recommendation. ATTACHMENTS Comparable Cities EDCs Chanhassen EDC Eagan National Business Survey Results Minnetonka EDAC Responsibilities 2022 Burnsville EDC Work Plan 2020-2023 Lakeville EDC Strategic Report 7 EDCs Comparable Have Shakopee No Inver Grove Heights No Savage Yes Chaska No Prior Lake Yes (EDA) Shoreview Yes Rosemount Yes (Port Authority) Champlin No Farmington Yes (EDA) Neighboring Eden Prairie No Minnetonka Yes Waconia No Victoria No Shorewood Yes Other Bloomington Yes (EDC and Port Authority) https://bloomington.in.gov/boards/economic-development https://www.bloomingtonmn.gov/port/port-authority Mounds View Yes Burnsville Yes Lakeville Yes Edina No Saint Louis Park Yes (EDA) Hopkins No Woodbury Yes https://www.farmingtonmn.gov/government/boards___commissions/economic_development_authority#:~:text=The%20Economic%20 Website NA NA https://www.cityofsavage.com/government/commissions City NA https://www.priorlakemn.gov/government/committees-commissions/economic-development-authority https://www.shoreviewmn.gov/government/committees-and-commissions/economic-development-commission https://lakevillemn.gov/430/Economic-Development-Commission#:~:text=The%20Economic%20Development%20Commission%20(EDC, https://ci.rosemount.mn.us/110/Port-Authority https://www.minnetonkamn.gov/government/boards-and-commissions/economic-development-advisory-commission https://www.thinkshoreview.com/about/economic-development-commission https://www.moundsviewmn.org/government/commissions/economic_development_commission_(edc)/index.php#:~:text=The%20EDC https://www.burnsvillemn.gov/65/Economic-Development-Commission https://www.stlouispark.org/government/boards-commissions/economic-development-authority Note: EDAs were included when they met regularly and included non-council members in their membership. https://www.woodburymn.gov/628/Economic-Development-Commission 8 9 10 2022 WORK PROGRAM The EDC recommended that the work program be divided into two sections: Work Projects and Normal Business Items (Tasks). The work projects will be a reasonable number of larger projects that will further economic development opportunities within the community. The work projects will have multiple components and inputs. Tasks will be continuing items that the EDC will undertake on an ad hoc basis. Work Projects 1. Communication: a. Develop communication mechanisms for feedback and surveys for developers, business owners, and residents to understand and improve City interaction with the development and business community. b. Investigate what stakeholders believe are necessary to attract, expand and retain businesses. c. Work with the Economic Development Manager, when hired, to create partnerships and communication avenues. d. Cooperate and coordinate with Buy Chanhassen and the Southwest Area Chamber of Commerce on promoting business retention, expansion and recruitment to Chanhassen. 2. Develop Vision: a. Work with City Council and Planning Commission on a vision for economic development in the community. b. Review role of economic development in the City’s Strategic Plan. c. Promote economic development incentives: financial, zoning, density, etc. d. Work to establish the EDC as a credible and viable commission for the furtherance of economic development in Chanhassen. Tasks a. Work with City staff to review City Code amendments relative to economic development and make recommendations. b. Continue education efforts including housing demand and trends, demographic statistics, mixed use development, sustainable development, development trends, redevelopment issues, transportation projects, senior-friendly cities, etc. c. Participate in joint meetings/discussions with the City Council and other Commissions. d. Review Carver County Community Development Agency (CDA) and other assistance and resources available to Chanhassen businesses. 11 Eagan, MN The National Business Survey Report of Results 2022 Report by: Visit us online! www.polco.us 12 About The NBS™ The National Business Survey™ (The NBS) gives local businesses the opportunity to provide feedback about the community characteristics and local government services that help support the local economy. It was developed by the survey experts from National Research Center (NRC) at Polco. Great communities are partnerships of the government, businesses in the private sector, community-based organizations, and residents, all geographically connected. With this report, the City of Eagan gains an important perspective from its businesses across six core indicators of the business environment in the community: • Community amenities • Business climate • Employment opportunities and workforce support • Workforce readiness • Business growth • Governance This report provides the opinions of 126 business owners and managers of the City of Eagan. Because the survey was intended to be taken by all businesses in the community, no traditional margin of error was calculated. However, because not all businesses responded, NRC recommends using plus or minus ten percentage points as the “range of uncertainty” around any given percent reported for the City as a whole. The full description of methods used to gather these opinions can be found in the “Methods” tab. No statistical weighting was performed. How the results are reported For the most part, the percentages presented in the following tabs represent the “percent positive.” Most commonly, the percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., excellent/good and very safe/somewhat safe, etc.). On many of the questions in the survey respondents may answer “don’t know.” The proportion of respondents giving this reply is shown in the full set of responses included in the tab “Complete data.” However, these responses have been removed from the analyses presented in most of the tabs. In other words, the tables and graphs display the responses from respondents who had an opinion about a specific item. Comparisons to benchmarks NRC’s database of comparative business opinion is comprised of business perspectives gathered in surveys from communities whose business owners and/or managers evaluated the same kinds of topics on The National Business Survey. NRC adds the latest results quickly upon survey completion, keeping the benchmark data fresh and relevant. Comparisons are made to the entire database. Ratings are compared when there are at least five communities in which a similar question was asked. In each tab, Eagan's results are noted as being "higher" than the benchmark, "lower" than the benchmark, or "similar" to the benchmark, meaning that the average rating given by Eagan business owners and managers is statistically similar to or different (greater or lesser) than the benchmark. Being rated as "higher" or "lower" than the benchmark means that Eagan's average rating for a particular item was more than five points different than the benchmark. The survey was administered during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time of challenge for many local governments. While we provide comparisons to national benchmarks, it is important to note that much of the benchmark data was collected prior to the pandemic. This may impact how your City's 2022 ratings compare to other communities’ ratings from the past five years. Trends over time Trend data for Eagan represent important comparison data and should be examined for improvements or declines. Deviations from stable trends over time represent opportunities for understanding how local policies, programs, or public information may have affected opinions. Changes between survey years have been noted with an arrow and the percent difference. If the difference is greater than 11 percentage points between the 2019 and 2022 surveys, the change is statistically significant. 1 13 Methods The National Business Survey was developed to provide communities an accurate, affordable and easy way to assess and local business owners’ and managers’ perspectives about the economic environment of a community or district. Standardization of common questions and survey methods provide the rigor to assure valid results. Selecting survey recipients All private sector businesses within the City of Eagan were eligible to participate in the survey. A list of all businesses within the zip codes serving Eagan was purchased from InfoUSA. Each location was mapped and compared to the most current boundary file for the jurisdiction and business addresses located outside of Eagan were removed from consideration. A total of 2,177 businesses were identified as being within the city limits of Eagan. Conducting the survey The 2,177 businesses received mailings beginning on January 6, 2022 and the survey remained open for six weeks. The first mailing was a postcard inviting the business owner or manager to participate in the survey. The next mailing contained an invitation letter with instructions, followed by a reminder postcard. All mailings included a web link for respondents to complete the survey online. About xx% of the 2,177 mailed invitations were returned because the business address was vacant or the postal service was unable to deliver the survey as addressed. Of the remaining xx businesses that received the invitations to participate, 126 completed the survey, providing an overall response rate of 6%. The response rate was calculated using AAPOR’s response rate #2* for mailed surveys of unnamed persons. Because the survey was intended to be taken by all businesses in the community, no traditional margin of error was calculated. However, because not all businesses responded, NRC recommends using plus or minus ten percentage points as the “range of uncertainty” around any given percent reported for the city as a whole. Analyzing the survey Responses from the surveys completed on Polco were downloaded. Range checks as well as others forms of quality control were also performed. No statistical weighting was performed. No adjustments were made for design effects. The survey datasets were analyzed using all or some of a combination of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), R, Python and Tableau. For the most part, the percentages presented in the reports represent the “percent positive.” The percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., excellent/good, very safe/somewhat safe, and essential/very important, etc.), or, in the case of resident behaviors/participation, the percent positive represents the proportion of respondents indicating “yes” or participating in an activity at least once a month. On many of the questions in the survey respondents may answer “don’t know.” The proportion of respondents giving this reply is shown in the full set of responses included in the tab “Complete data”. However, these responses have been removed from the analyses presented in the reports. In other words, the tables and graphs display the responses from respondents who had an opinion about a specific item. Contact The City of Eagan funded this research. Please contact Joe Ellickson of the City of Eagan at jellickson@cityofeagan.com if you have any questions about the survey... Survey Validity See the Polco Knowledge Base article on survey validity at https://info.polco.us/knowledge/statistical-vali * See AAPOR's Standard Definitions for more information at https://www.aapor.org/Publications-Media/AAPOR-Journals/Standard-Definitions.aspx 2 14 Highlights Eagan businesses give high marks to the business climate in the city. Nearly all business owners and managers surveyed (95%) said they were very or somewhat likely to recommend operating a business in Eagan, to recommend working in Eagan to someone who asked, (98%), and to keep their business in Eagan for the next five years (98%). These ratings were all higher than those given elsewhere across the nation. Additionally, more than 9 in 10 business owners and managers felt that Eagan was an excellent or good place to do business and a similar proportion gave the same evaluations to the overall economic health of Eagan, ratings that were also higher than the national benchmarks. Further, about 8 in 10 businesses surveyed gave excellent or good reviews to the job City government does at attracting new businesses, and about 7 in 10 favorably rated the City informing businesses of community issues and values, communicating during City construction, welcoming business involvement, retaining existing businesses, and supporting or creating new jobs. All of these ratings exceeded national averages and, where comparisons over time were available, were similar to those given in 2019 except for the job Eagan government does at welcoming business involvement, which increased in 2022. Business owners and managers appreciate the community amenities provided in Eagan. The city as a place to visit, its overall image or reputation, cleanliness, and the overall appearance of Eagan were rated as excellent or good by at least 92% of respondents; each of these were rated higher than the national benchmark. About 9 in 10 businesses gave positive scores to the overall quality of commercial development in Eagan, the quality and variety of shopping opportunities, the quality of restaurants/places to eat, and the quality of service establishments. About 8 in 10 businesses said that the vibrancy of the downtown or commercial areas, overall opportunity for business growth or expansion, and the variety of restaurants and service establishments were excellent or good. These ratings also all surpassed those given in other communities nationwide. A question unique to Eagan asked businesses to indicate, from a provided list, which amenities in the city benefitted their business and to select all that applied. About 8 in 10 respondents indicated that access to highways and arterials benefitted their business, and about 6 in 10 felt the existing customer base and proximity to Minneapolis/St. Paul were benefits. About half indicated that proximity to MSP Airport benefitted their business. Many of the standard questions related to community amenities were new on the 2022 survey and comparisons over time were not available for these items. However, where trends over time could be observed, ratings tended to remain stable from previous survey iterations except for public places where people want to spend time, which decreased since 2019. Business owners and managers in Eagan rate community supports for the workforce more highly than those in other communities. About 9 in 10 business owners and managers or more gave positive reviews to Eagan as a place to work and the quality and variety of employment opportunities. About 8 in 10 favorably rated the availability of jobs that pay a livable wage. Thinking about characteristics of the city that impact Eagan’s workforce, at least 8 in 10 gave excellent or good ratings to the quality of the public school system at producing graduates that are both career-ready and college-ready, the variety of education/training opportunities to build work skills, and the overall quality of education/training opportunities in the community. These community aspects were all rated higher than the nation. Further, business owners and managers gave above-average marks to the variety of housing options for Eagan workers (78% excellent or good), housing affordability for workers (56%), the cost of living in the city (65%), and the quality of childcare available in Eagan (81%). Eagan businesses continue to be pleased with City service delivery and with local government performance. Virtually all City services received ratings from business owners and managers that were higher than those given in other communities across the nation. At least 9 in 10 survey respondents gave excellent or good ratings to police services, the amount of public parking in commercial areas, the ease of travel by car in Eagan, economic development, and the overall customer service by Eagan employees, among others. Virtually all businesses (97%) gave high ratings to the overall quality of services provided by the city. Finally, when asked to evaluate various aspects of local government performance, about 8 in 10 business owners or managers surveyed gave favorable reviews to the value of services for taxes paid, the overall direction of the City, overall confidence in Eagan government, generally acting in the best interest of the community, and being honest. These ratings were all higher than the national averages and remained stable over time. 3 15 55% Excellent 45% Good The overall quality of life in Eagan Quality of life A community with an excellent quality of life for those who live and work there will be appealing to those wanting to start a new business and is important in attracting and retaining good employees. A highly livable community is attractive, accessible, and welcoming to all. 2015 2017 2019 2021 The overall quality of life in Eagan Eagan as a place for children and families Eagan as a place for older adults Eagan as a place for young adults 97%96%100% Higher vs. benchmark* 97%96%100% Higher vs. benchmark* 98% Higher 98% Higher 73% 66% 96% Higher73% 66% 96% Higher 78% Higher 78% Higher Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Eagan. (% excellent or good) 2015 2017 2019 2021 Recommend living in Eagan to someone who asks 96% Higher 96% Higher Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following. (% very or somewhat likely) 4 16 * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. Facets of livability Characteristics such as natural amenities, safety, and design ensure a community is attractive to businesses, their employees, and the residents they serve. Communities that invest in their natural, social, and built environment foster strong economies where people want to live, visit, and spend time. 2015 2017 2019 2021 Overall economic health of Eagan Overall quality of the transportation system (auto, bicycle, foot, bus) in Eagan Overall design or layout of Eagan's residential and commercial areas (e.g., homes, buildings, streets, parks, e.. Overall quality of the utility infrastructure in Eagan (water, sewer, storm water, electric, gas) Overall feeling of safety in Eagan Overall quality of natural environment in Eagan Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Overall health and wellness opportunities in Eagan Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Residents' connection and engagement with their community 95%94%97% Higher vs. benchmark* 95%94%97% Higher vs. benchmark* 89%94%75% Higher 89%94%75% Higher 87%84%87% Higher87%84%87% Higher 93% Higher 93% Higher 95%98%88% Higher95%98%88% Higher 94%94%96% Higher94%94%96% Higher 96% Higher 96% Higher 91% 88% 93% Higher 91% 88% 93% Higher 85%85% 83% Similar 85%85% 83% Similar 80% 74% 86% Higher80% 74% 86% Higher Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a whole. (% excellent or good) In Eagan's commercial areas during the day In Eagan's commercial areas after dark Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: (% very or somewhat safe) 5 17 * Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. Facets of livabilityCharacteristics such as natural amenities, safety, and design ensurea community is attractive to businesses, their employees, and theresidents they serve. Communities that invest in their natural,social, and built environment foster strong economies where peoplewant to live, visit, and spend time.Overall economic health of EaganOverall quality of the transportation system (auto, bicycle,foot, bus) in EaganOverall design or layout of Eagan's residential andcommercial areas (e.g., homes, buildings, streets, parks, e..Overall quality of the utility infrastructure in Eagan (water,sewer, storm water, electric, gas)Overall feeling of safety in EaganOverall quality of natural environment in EaganOverall quality of parks and recreation opportunitiesOverall health and wellness opportunities in EaganOverall opportunities for education, culture, and the artsResidents' connection and engagement with theircommunityPlease rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a whole.(% excellent or good) 2015 2017 2019 2021 In Eagan's commercial areas during the day In Eagan's commercial areas after dark 97%97%96% Similar 97%97%96% Similar 86% 89%79% Similar86% 89%79% Similar Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: (% very or somewhat safe) 6 18 Community amenities When businesses choose where to locate and think about the potential for growth, they are highly influenced by community infrastructure, local markets, and the quality of amenities that may help attract and retain  employees. 2015 2017 2019 2021 Eagan as a place to visit Overall image or reputation of Eagan 88% 85% 92% Similar 88% 85% 92% Similar 95% 92%100% Higher vs. benchmark* 95% 92%100% Higher vs. benchmark* Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Eagan. (% excellent or good) 2015 2017 2019 2021 Cleanliness of Eagan Overall appearance of Eagan Public places where people want to spend time Historical preservation in Eagan Hotel and lodging options Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities Quality of internet connection Coverage of internet connection 99%98%99% Higher 99%98%99% Higher 97%97%98% Higher 97%97%98% Higher 89%94%78% Higher 89%94%78% Higher 70% Similar 70% Similar 81% Higher 81% Higher 62% Similar 62% Similar 84% Higher 84% Higher 85% Higher 85% Higher Please rate each of the following in the Eagan community. (% excellent or good) Vibrancy of downtown/commercial areas Overall quality of commercial development in Eagan Overall opportunity for business growth and expansion Opportunities for tourism Quality of shopping opportunities Variety of shopping opportunities Quality of restaurants and places to eat Variety of restaurants and places to eat Quality of service establishments (e.g., salons, dry cleaners, etc.) Variety of service establishments (e.g., salons, dry cleaners, etc.) Please rate each of the following in the Eagan community. (% excellent or good) 7 19 Community amenitiesWhen businesses choose where to locate and think about the potential for growth, they are highly influenced by communityinfrastructure, local markets, and the quality of amenities that may help attract and retain  employees.Eagan as a place to visitOverall image or reputation of EaganPlease rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Eagan.(% excellent or good)Cleanliness of EaganOverall appearance of EaganPublic places where people want to spend timeHistorical preservation in EaganHotel and lodging optionsOpportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activitiesQuality of internet connectionCoverage of internet connectionPlease rate each of the following in the Eagan community.(% excellent or good) 2015 2017 2019 2021 Vibrancy of downtown/commercial areas Overall quality of commercial development in Eagan Overall opportunity for business growth and expansion Opportunities for tourism Quality of shopping opportunities Variety of shopping opportunities Quality of restaurants and places to eat Variety of restaurants and places to eat Quality of service establishments (e.g., salons, dry cleaners, etc.) Variety of service establishments (e.g., salons, dry cleaners, etc.) 86%91%82% Higher 86%91%82% Higher 91% 93%87% Higher91% 93%87% Higher 82% Higher 82% Higher 64% Similar 64% Similar 95%95%94% Higher 95%95%94% Higher 92% Higher 92% Higher 87% Higher 87% Higher 80% Higher 80% Higher 91% Higher 91% Higher 82% Higher 82% Higher Please rate each of the following in the Eagan community. (% excellent or good) 8 20 Business climate A strong business climate can be described as one in which it is easy for businesses to start and thrive. Such climates can improve the local economy, increase employment and wages, and provide additional tax revenues to support community livability. 51% Excellent 42% Good 6% Fair 1% Poor Eagan as a place to do business 2015 2017 2019 2021 Eagan as a place to do business 92%91%94% Higher vs. benchmark* 92%91%94% Higher vs. benchmark* Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Eagan. (% excellent or good) 2015 2017 2019 2021 Recommend working in Eagan to someone who asks Recommend operating a business in Eagan to someone who asks Keep your business in Eagan for the next five years 98% Higher 98% Higher 97% 91%95% Higher 97% 91%95% Higher 97% 92%98% Higher 97% 92%98% Higher Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following. (% very or somewhat likely) 2015 2017 2019 2021 Informing businesses of community issues and values Communicating during City construction (e.g., streets, utilities, etc.) Welcoming business involvement Retaining existing businesses Attracting new businesses Supporting or creating new jobs 70% 65% 69% Higher70% 65% 69% Higher 72% Higher 72% Higher 73% 58% 75% Higher73% 58% 75% Higher Please rate the job the Eagan government does: (% excellent or good) 9 21 Business climateA strong business climate can be described as one in which it is easy forbusinesses to start and thrive. Such climates can improve the local economy,increase employment and wages, and provide additional tax revenues tosupport community livability.Eagan as a place to do businessEagan as a place to do businessPlease rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Eagan.(% excellent or good)Recommend working in Eagan to someone who asksRecommend operating a business in Eagan to someone whoasksKeep your business in Eagan for the next five yearsPlease indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following.(% very or somewhat likely)Informing businesses of community issues and valuesCommunicating during City construction (e.g., streets,utilities, etc.)Welcoming business involvement Retaining existing businesses Attracting new businesses Supporting or creating new jobs 69% 74%71% Higher69% 74%71% Higher 81% 77% 81% Higher81% 77% 81% Higher 69% 81%72% Higher69% 81%72% Higher Please rate the job the Eagan government does:(% excellent or good) 10 22 Workforce support Offering quality employment opportunities and the support needed for residents to successfully access that work are critical for a healthy and resilient local economy. 62% Excellent 37% Good 1% Fair 1% Poor Eagan as a place to work 2015 2017 2019 2021 Eagan as a place to work 99%98%99% Higher vs. benchmark* 99%98%99% Higher vs. benchmark* Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Eagan. (% excellent or good) 2015 2017 2019 2021 Quality of employment opportunities Variety of employment opportunities Availability of jobs that pay a livable wage 91%87%91% Higher91%87%91% Higher 89% Higher 89% Higher 81% Higher 81% Higher Please rate each of the following in the Eagan community. (% excellent or good) 2015 2017 2019 2021 Variety of housing options for people who work in Eagan Affordability of housing for people who work in Eagan Cost of living in Eagan Quality of childcare Affordability of childcare Variety of transportation options for people who work in Eagan Ease of parking at workplaces 77% 79%78% Higher77% 79%78% Higher 56% Higher 56% Higher 65% Higher 65% Higher 81% Higher 81% Higher Thinking about Eagan's workforce, please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan. (% excellent or good) The quality of the public school system at producing graduates who are career-ready The quality of the public school system at producing graduates who are college-ready Access to institutions of higher education (colleges, universities) Access to trade schools Variety of education/training opportunities to build work skills Affordability of education/training opportunities to build work skills Overall quality of education/training opportunities in your community Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a place to develop job and workforce skills. (% excellent or good) 11 23 Workforce supportOffering quality employment opportunities and the supportneeded for residents to successfully access that work are criticalfor a healthy and resilient local economy.Eagan as a place to workEagan as a place to workPlease rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Eagan.(% excellent or good)Quality of employment opportunitiesVariety of employment opportunitiesAvailability of jobs that pay a livable wagePlease rate each of the following in the Eagan community.(% excellent or good)Variety of housing options for people who work in EaganAffordability of housing for people who work in EaganCost of living in Eagan Quality of childcare Affordability of childcare Variety of transportation options for people who work in Eagan Ease of parking at workplaces 81% Higher 81% Higher 43% Similar 43% Similar 52% Higher 52% Higher 95% Higher 95% Higher Thinking about Eagan's workforce, please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan.(% excellent or good) 2015 2017 2019 2021 The quality of the public school system at producing graduates who are career-ready The quality of the public school system at producing graduates who are college-ready Access to institutions of higher education (colleges, universities) Access to trade schools Variety of education/training opportunities to build work skills Affordability of education/training opportunities to build work skills Overall quality of education/training opportunities in your community 88% Higher 88% Higher 87% Higher 87% Higher 76% Similar 76% Similar 75% Similar 75% Similar 86% Higher 86% Higher 75% Higher 75% Higher 80% Higher 80% Higher Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a place to develop job and workforce skills. (% excellent or good) 12 24 Workforce readiness Workforce readiness is the measure of how well a community’s employees’ education and skill levels align with current and future labor market needs.  Growing the economy, jobs, and wages often requires an investment in training programs as well as community partnerships to help support residents as they seek to find new employment opportunities. 2015 2017 2019 2021 The educational qualifications The skills needed 83% Similar 83% Similar 84% Similar vs. benchmark* 84% Similar vs. benchmark* Thinking about your current employees and current employment options at your business, please rate to what extent they possess the following. (% fully or mostly) 2015 2017 2019 2021 Too many under-qualified employees/applicants Too many overqualified employees/applicants Lack of higher education opportunities (e.g., universities, colleges) Lack of trade schools and other adult training programs Lack of quality public schools Too many workers without a high school degree or equivalent Too few applicants/employees who do not speak a language other than English (e.g., cannot speak Spanish) Too few applicants/employees who speak a language other than English (e.g., cannot speak English) Lack of childcare opportunities Lack of affordable, reliable public transportation Lack of affordable, quality housing Cost of living Lack of community amenities to attract employees seeking higher paying/higher skill level jobs Failed drug tests 55% Similar 55% Similar 18% Lesser 18% Lesser 9% Lesser 9% Lesser 23% Lesser 23% Lesser 11% Lesser 11% Lesser 6% Lesser 6% Lesser 11% Lesser 11% Lesser 14% Lesser 14% Lesser How much of a challenge, if at all, are the following to finding good employees in your community today? (% major or moderate challenge) 13 25 Workforce readinessWorkforce readiness is the measure of how well a community’s employees’ education and skill levels align with current andfuture labor market needs.  Growing the economy, jobs, and wages often requires an investment in training programs as well ascommunity partnerships to help support residents as they seek to find new employment opportunities.The educational qualificationsThe skills neededThinking about your current employees and current employment options at your business, please rate to what extentthey possess the following.(% fully or mostly)Too many under-qualified employees/applicantsToo many overqualified employees/applicantsLack of higher education opportunities (e.g., universities,colleges)Lack of trade schools and other adult training programsLack of quality public schoolsToo many workers without a high school degree orequivalentToo few applicants/employees who do not speak a languageother than English (e.g., cannot speak Spanish) Too few applicants/employees who speak a language other than English (e.g., cannot speak English) Lack of childcare opportunities Lack of affordable, reliable public transportation Lack of affordable, quality housing Cost of living Lack of community amenities to attract employees seeking higher paying/higher skill level jobs Failed drug tests 14% Lesser 14% Lesser 19% Lesser 19% Lesser 19% Lesser 19% Lesser 22% Lesser 22% Lesser 40% Lesser 40% Lesser 12% Lesser 12% Lesser 5% Lesser 5% Lesser How much of a challenge, if at all, are the following to finding good employees in your community today?(% major or moderate challenge) 14 26 Business Growth Growth is a key indicator of both company- and commnunity-level economic health. Very positive Somewhat positive Neutral Somewhat negative Very negative 10% 29% 33% 21% 8% What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your business revenues in the next 6 months? 2015 2017 2019 2021 Over the PAST five years Expected in the NEXT five years 64% Similar 64% Similar 78% Similar vs. benchmark* 78% Similar vs. benchmark* Please rate the amount of growth in your company: (% large or small increase) 2015 2017 2019 2021 What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your business revenues in the next 6 months? Do you think..51% 67%39% Higher51% 67%39% Higher What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your business revenues in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: (% very or somewhat positive) 2015 2017 2019 2021 Is your business planning to hire in the next 6 to 12 months?59% 66%51% Higher59% 66%51% Higher Is your business planning to hire in the next 6 to 12 months? (% yes or not sure) "Unskilled jobs" (these jobs do not require workers to have special training or skills - e.g., cashiers, farm laborers, grocery clerks, hotel workers) "Semi-skilled jobs" (these jobs require some skill but do not require highly specialized skills - e.g., truck drivers, typists) "Skilled jobs" (these jobs require a comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry - e.g., electricians, plumbers, law enforcement officers, administrative assistants) "Highly skilled jobs" (these jobs require an advanced education or training - e.g., doctors, lawyers, architects, financial consultants) If you said "yes" or "not sure" to question 15 above, what types of jobs might you be adding? (Please check "yes" for all that apply.) (% yes) 15 27 Business GrowthGrowth is a key indicator of both company- andcommnunity-level economic health.Very positiveSomewhat positiveNeutralSomewhat negativeVery negativeWhat impact, if any, do you think the economy willhave on your business revenues in the next 6 months?Over the PAST five yearsExpected in the NEXT five yearsPlease rate the amount of growth in your company:(% large or small increase)What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have onyour business revenues in the next 6 months? Do you think..What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your business revenues in the next 6 months? Do youthink the impact will be:(% very or somewhat positive)Is your business planning to hire in the next 6 to 12 months?Is your business planning to hire in the next 6 to 12 months?(% yes or not sure) "Unskilled jobs" (these jobs do not require workers to have special training or skills - e.g., cashiers, farm laborers, grocery clerks, hotel workers) "Semi-skilled jobs" (these jobs require some skill but do not require highly specialized skills - e.g., truck drivers, typists) "Skilled jobs" (these jobs require a comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry - e.g., electricians, plumbers, law enforcement officers, administrative assistants) "Highly skilled jobs" (these jobs require an advanced education or training - e.g., doctors, lawyers, architects, financial consultants)37% 58% 60% 46% If you said "yes" or "not sure" to question 15 above, what types of jobs might you be adding? (Please check "yes" for all that apply.) (% yes) 16 28 Governance The overall quality of the services provided by the local government, as well as the manner in which these services are delivered, form the backbone for the community in which economies prosper. * The percentage of positive responses is shown. Positive responses may differ by question (e.g. excellent/good, or very likely/somewhat likely). ** Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. 40% Excellent 55% Good 4% Fair Overall quality of services provided by The City of Eagan 2015 2017 2019 2021 Police services Fire services Crime prevention Traffic enforcement Street repair Street cleaning Street lighting Snow removal Sidewalk maintenance Bus or transit services Traffic flow on major streets Amount of public parking in commercial areas Ease of travel by car in Eagan Ease of travel by bicycle in Eagan Ease of walking in Eagan (path/sidewalk connectivity, etc.) Traffic management during construction Garbage collection Recycling Storm drainage Power (electric and/or gas) utility Utility billing Land use, planning, and zoning Building permits and inspections Code enforcement (weeds, signs, etc.) Economic development Public information services Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) City-sponsored special events Overall customer service by Eagan employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) 95%97%95% Higher 95%97%95% Higher 99%100%99%100% 91% 93%86% Similar91% 93%86% Similar 91%92%85% Higher 91%92%85% Higher 86%88%83% Higher 86%88%83% Higher 90%91%86% Higher 90%91%86% Higher 83% 92%84% Higher83% 92%84% Higher 85% 94%81% Higher85% 94%81% Higher 88%90%77% Higher 88%90%77% Higher 66% 70%66% Higher66% 70%66% Higher 83%80%83% Higher83%80%83% Higher 92%91%93% Higher 92%91%93% Higher 92%88%95% Higher92%88%95% Higher Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan. (% excellent or good) The City of Eagan The Federal Government Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? (% excellent or good) The value of services for the taxes paid to Eagan The overall direction that Eagan is taking Overall confidence in Eagan government Generally acting in the best interest of the community Being honest Please rate the following categories of Eagan government performance. (% excellent or good) 17 29 GovernanceThe overall quality of the services provided by the localgovernment, as well as the manner in which these services aredelivered, form the backbone for the community in whicheconomies prosper. * The percentage of positive responses is shown. Positive responses may differ by question (e.g. excellent/good, or very likely/somewhat likely). ** Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. Overall quality of services provided by The City of EaganPolice servicesFire servicesCrime preventionTraffic enforcementStreet repairStreet cleaningStreet lightingSnow removalSidewalk maintenanceBus or transit servicesTraffic flow on major streetsAmount of public parking in commercial areas Ease of travel by car in Eagan Ease of travel by bicycle in Eagan Ease of walking in Eagan (path/sidewalk connectivity, etc.) Traffic management during construction Garbage collection Recycling Storm drainage Power (electric and/or gas) utility Utility billing Land use, planning, and zoning Building permits and inspections Code enforcement (weeds, signs, etc.) Economic development Public information services Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) City-sponsored special events Overall customer service by Eagan employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) 92%88%95% Higher92%88%95% Higher 73% 69%73% Higher 73% 69%73% Higher 76%82% 78% Higher76%82% 78% Higher 75% Higher 75% Higher 91% 92%89% Similar91% 92%89% Similar 86% 89%86% Similar86% 89%86% Similar 95%95%94% Higher95%95%94% Higher 95%95%96% Higher 95%95%96% Higher 91% 95%90% Higher91% 95%90% Higher 81% 86%79% Higher81% 86%79% Higher 80% 88%77% Higher80% 88%77% Higher 82% 83%81% Higher82% 83%81% Higher 89% 93%91% Higher89% 93%91% Higher 82% 73% 86% Higher 82% 73% 86% Higher 88% 85%88% Higher 88% 85%88% Higher 81% 84%80% Higher81% 84%80% Higher 92% 90%95% Higher 92% 90%95% Higher Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan.(% excellent or good) The City of Eagan The Federal Government Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? (% excellent or good) The value of services for the taxes paid to Eagan The overall direction that Eagan is taking Overall confidence in Eagan government Generally acting in the best interest of the community Being honest Please rate the following categories of Eagan government performance. (% excellent or good) 18 30 GovernanceThe overall quality of the services provided by the localgovernment, as well as the manner in which these services aredelivered, form the backbone for the community in whicheconomies prosper. * The percentage of positive responses is shown. Positive responses may differ by question (e.g. excellent/good, or very likely/somewhat likely). ** Comparison to the national benchmark is shown. If no comparison is available, this is left blank. Overall quality of services provided by The City of EaganPolice servicesFire servicesCrime preventionTraffic enforcementStreet repairStreet cleaningStreet lightingSnow removalSidewalk maintenanceBus or transit servicesTraffic flow on major streetsAmount of public parking in commercial areasEase of travel by car in EaganEase of travel by bicycle in EaganEase of walking in Eagan (path/sidewalk connectivity, etc.)Traffic management during constructionGarbage collectionRecyclingStorm drainagePower (electric and/or gas) utilityUtility billingLand use, planning, and zoningBuilding permits and inspectionsCode enforcement (weeds, signs, etc.)Economic developmentPublic information servicesEmergency preparedness (services that prepare the community fornatural disasters or other emergency situations)City-sponsored special eventsOverall customer service by Eagan employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan.(% excellent or good) 2015 2017 2019 2021 The City of Eagan The Federal Government 97%91%97% Higher 97%91%97% Higher 43% 60%44% Similar43% 60%44% Similar Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? (% excellent or good) 2015 2017 2019 2021 The value of services for the taxes paid to Eagan The overall direction that Eagan is taking Overall confidence in Eagan government Generally acting in the best interest of the community Being honest 78% 74% 77% Higher78% 74% 77% Higher 85% 88%81% Higher85% 88%81% Higher 81% 85%79% Higher81% 85%79% Higher 86%86%80% Higher86%86%80% Higher 87%88%82% Higher 87%88%82% Higher Please rate the following categories of Eagan government performance. (% excellent or good) 19 31 % positiveRankNumber ofcommunitiesPercentilePlease rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Eagan. Eagan as a place to work Higher Eagan as a place to visit Similar Eagan as a place to do business Higher The overall quality of life in Eagan Higher Eagan as a place for children and families Higher Eagan as a place for older adults Higher Eagan as a place for young adults Higher Overall image or reputation of Eagan Higher Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a whole. Overall economic health of Eagan Higher Overall quality of the transportation system (auto, bicycle, foot, bus) in Eagan Higher Overall design or layout of Eagan's residential and commercial areas (e.g., homes, buildings, streets, parks, etc.)Higher Overall quality of the utility infrastructure in Eagan (water, sewer, storm water, electric, gas)Higher Overall feeling of safety in Eagan Higher Overall quality of natural environment in Eagan Higher 10016199% 10010192% 10017194% 100171100% 1007198% 10014196% 1007178% 100151100% 10017197% 10010175% 10010187% 1007193% 10010188% National benchmark tables This table contains the comparisons of Eagan's results to those from other communities. The first column shows the comparison of Eagan's rating to the benchmark. Eagan's results are noted as being “higher”, “lower” or “similar” to the benchmark, meaning that the average rating given by Eagan residents is statistically similar to or different than the benchmark. The second column is Eagan's “percent positive.” Most commonly, the percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., excellent/good). The third column is the rank assigned to Eagan's rating among communities where a similar question was asked. The fourth column is the number of communities that asked a similar question. The fifth column shows the percentile for Eagan's result -- that is what percent of surveyed communities had a lower rating than Eagan. 20 32 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a whole. Overall feeling of safety in Eagan Higher Overall quality of natural environment in Eagan Higher Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Higher Overall health and wellness opportunities in Eagan Higher Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Similar Residents' connection and engagement with their community Higher Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following. Recommend living in Eagan to someone who asks Higher Recommend working in Eagan to someone who asks Higher Recommend operating a business in Eagan to someone who asks Higher Keep your business in Eagan for the next five years Higher Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: In Eagan's commercial areas during the day Similar In Eagan's commercial areas after dark Similar Please rate each of the following in the Eagan community. Cleanliness of Eagan Higher Overall appearance of Eagan Higher Vibrancy of downtown/commercial areas Higher Overall quality of commercial development in Eagan Higher Overall opportunity for business growth and expansion Higher Opportunities for tourism Similar Public places where people want to spend time Higher Historical preservation in Eagan Similar 10012196% 1007196% 10010193% 10012183% 10010186% 1007196% 1007198% 10013195% 10016198% 10013196% 10013179% 10015199% 10016198% 10010182% 10016187% 1007182% 1007164% 10010178% 21 33 Please rate each of the following in the Eagan community. Public places where people want to spend time Higher Historical preservation in Eagan Similar Hotel and lodging options Higher Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities Similar Quality of internet connection Higher Coverage of internet connection Higher Quality of shopping opportunities Higher Variety of shopping opportunities Higher Quality of restaurants and places to eat Higher Variety of restaurants and places to eat Higher Quality of service establishments (e.g., salons, dry cleaners, etc.)Higher Variety of service establishments (e.g., salons, dry cleaners, etc.)Higher Quality of employment opportunities Higher Variety of employment opportunities Higher Availability of jobs that pay a livable wage Higher Thinking about Eagan's workforce, please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan. Variety of housing options for people who work in Eagan Higher Affordability of housing for people who work in Eagan Higher Cost of living in Eagan Higher Quality of childcare Higher Affordability of childcare Similar 1007170% 1007181% 1007162% 1007184% 1007185% 10015194% 1007192% 1007187% 1007180% 1007191% 1007182% 10015191% 1007189% 1007181% 10015178% 1007156% 1007165% 1007181% 22 34 Thinking about Eagan's workforce, please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan. Quality of childcare Higher Affordability of childcare Similar Variety of transportation options for people who work in Eagan Higher Ease of parking at workplaces Higher Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a place to develop job and workforce skills. The quality of the public school system at producing graduates who are career-ready Higher The quality of the public school system at producing graduates who are college-ready Higher Access to institutions of higher education (colleges, universities)Similar Access to trade schools Similar Variety of education/training opportunities to build work skills Higher Affordability of education/training opportunities to build work skills Higher Overall quality of education/training opportunities in your community Higher Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan. Police services Higher Fire services Similar Crime prevention Similar Traffic enforcement Higher Street repair Higher Street cleaning Higher Street lighting Higher Snow removal Higher Sidewalk maintenance Higher 1007143% 1007152% 1007195% 1007188% 1007187% 1007176% 1007175% 10012186% 1007175% 1007180% 10015195% 10015197% 10014186% 10016185% 10015183% 10015186% 10014184% 10014181% 23 35 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan. Snow removal Higher Sidewalk maintenance Higher Bus or transit services Higher Traffic flow on major streets Higher Amount of public parking in commercial areas Higher Ease of travel by car in Eagan Higher Ease of travel by bicycle in Eagan Higher Ease of walking in Eagan (path/sidewalk connectivity, etc.)Higher Traffic management during construction Higher Garbage collection Similar Recycling Similar Storm drainage Higher Power (electric and/or gas) utility Higher Utility billing Higher Land use, planning, and zoning Higher Building permits and inspections Higher Code enforcement (weeds, signs, etc.)Higher Economic development Higher Public information services Higher Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) Higher 10014177% 10011166% 10015183% 10015193% 10016195% 10015173% 10016178% 1007175% 10011189% 10012186% 10014194% 10010196% 10012190% 10015179% 10016177% 10016181% 10015191% 10014186% 24 36 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan. Public information services Higher Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations)Higher City-sponsored special events Higher Overall customer service by Eagan employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.)Higher Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? The City of Eagan Higher The Federal Government Similar Please rate the following categories of Eagan government performance. The value of services for the taxes paid to Eagan Higher The overall direction that Eagan is taking Higher Overall confidence in Eagan government Higher Generally acting in the best interest of the community Higher Being honest Higher Please rate the job the Eagan government does: Informing businesses of community issues and values Higher Communicating during City construction (e.g., streets, utilities, etc.)Higher Welcoming business involvement Higher Retaining existing businesses Higher Attracting new businesses Higher Supporting or creating new jobs Higher Please rate the amount of growth in your company: Over the PAST five years Similar Expected in the NEXT five years Similar What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your business revenues in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Higher 10011188% 10011180% 10016195% 10016197% 10012144% 10014177% 10016181% 10010179% 10011180% 10010182% 10014169% 1007172% 10014175% 10010171% 10012181% 10012172% 1007164% 1007178% 25 37 Please rate the amount of growth in your company:Expected in the NEXT five years Similar What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your business revenues in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Higher Is your business planning to hire in the next 6 to 12 months?Higher If you said "yes" or "not sure" to question 15 above, what types of jobs might you be adding? (Please check "yes" for all that apply.) "Unskilled jobs" (these jobs do not require workers to have special training or skills - e.g., cashiers, farm laborers, grocery clerks, hotel workers) Similar "Semi-skilled jobs" (these jobs require some skill but do not require highly specialized skills - e.g., truck drivers, typists)Higher "Skilled jobs" (these jobs require a comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry - e.g., electricians, plumbers, law enforcement officers, administrative assistants) Higher "Highly skilled jobs" (these jobs require an advanced education or training - e.g., doctors, lawyers, architects, financial consultants)Similar Thinking about your current employees and current employment options at your business, please rate to what exten.. The educational qualifications Similar The skills needed Similar How much of a challenge, if at all, are the following to finding good employees in your community today? Too many under-qualified employees/applicants Similar Too many overqualified employees/applicants Lesser Lack of higher education opportunities (e.g., universities, colleges)Lesser Lack of trade schools and other adult training programs Lesser Lack of quality public schools Lesser Too many workers without a high school degree or equivalent Lesser Too few applicants/employees who do not speak a language other than English (e.g., cannot speak Spanish)Lesser Too few applicants/employees who speak a language other than English (e.g., cannot speak English)Lesser Lack of childcare opportunities Lesser Lack of affordable, reliable public transportation Lesser Lack of affordable, quality housing Lesser 10011139% 10012151% 1005146% 1005160% 1005158% 1005137% 1007183% 1007184% 1007155% 1007118% 100719% 1007123% 1007111% 100716% 1007111% 1007114% 1007119% 1007119% 26 38 How much of a challenge, if at all, are the following to finding good employees in your community today? Lack of affordable, reliable public transportation Lesser Lack of affordable, quality housing Lesser Cost of living Lesser Lack of community amenities to attract employees seeking higher paying/higher skill level jobs Lesser Failed drug tests Lesser 1007122% 1007140% 1007112% 100715% 27 39 Does the affordability of housing in Eagan impact your business and or employees? Yes, positively Yes, negatively No Don't know/no opinion Please indicate what impact, if any, you think the affordability of housing in Eagan has on each of the following items as they relate to your business and/or employees: Commute times Positive impact Slightly positive impact No impact Slightly negative impact Negative impact Employee recruitment Positive impact Slightly positive impact No impact Slightly negative impact Negative impact Employee retention Positive impact Slightly positive impact No impact Slightly negative impact Negative impact Positive impact 29% 48% 17% 6% 6% 24% 47% 9% 14% 2% 24% 56% 12% 7% 1% 17% 62% 14% 6% Custom questions Below are the complete set of responses to each custom question on the survey. 28 40 Please indicate what impact, if any, you think the affordability of housing in Eagan has on each of the following items as they relate to your business and/or employees: Employee retention Negative impact Employee compensation Positive impact Slightly positive impact No impact Slightly negative impact Negative impact Ability of workforce to live where they work Positive impact Slightly positive impact No impact Slightly negative impact Negative impact Desire for transit Positive impact Slightly positive impact No impact Slightly negative impact Negative impact Please indicate whether or not you are aware of, or have used, the following services currently offered by the City of Eagan: Open to Business program, which provides assistance through business counseling and gap financing Aware of and have used Aware of and have not used Not aware of Pre-application meetings for owners considering developments, property improvements or new signage with Planning and Inspection staff Aware of and have used Aware of and have not used Not aware of Aware of and have used 1% 20% 61% 12% 7% 7% 23% 44% 18% 9% 5% 18% 61% 10% 6% 80% 18% 3% 70% 21% 9% 29 41 Please indicate whether or not you are aware of, or have used, the following services currently offered by the City of Eagan: Pre-application meetings for ownersconsidering developments, propertyimprovements or new signage with Planning and Inspection staff Not aware of Zoning permit reviews Aware of and have used Aware of and have not used Not aware of Help identifying parcels or buildings for sale within Eagan Aware of and have used Aware of and have not used Not aware of Eagan Convention and Visitor's Bureau for meeting, hotel and hospitality assistance Aware of and have used Aware of and have not used Not aware of In the next year, is your business considering… Expanding space in Eagan?Yes Maybe No Moving your business out of Eagan and relocating to another community? Yes Maybe No Closing in Eagan and not relocating to another community? Yes Maybe No Decreasing space in Eagan?Yes Maybe No Major source 56% 35% 9% 74% 24% 3% 50% 40% 10% 75% 22% 3% 85% 12% 3% 92% 6% 2% 88% 8% 4% 30 42 In the next year, is your business considering…Decreasing space in Eagan?No Please indicate how much of a source, if at all, you consider each of the following to be for obtaining information about the City of Eagan and its services for businesses: City website (www.cityofeagan.com) Major source Minor source Not a source City of Eagan social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Major source Minor source Not a source Eagan Business News and/or E-Biz Major source Minor source Not a source Experience Eagan Major source Minor source Not a source Emails from the City of Eagan Major source Minor source Not a source Dakota County Chamber of Commerce communications Major source Minor source Not a source City staff (in-person or on the phone)Major source Minor source Not a source Proximity to MSP Airport 19% 29% 52% 48% 41% 12% 33% 46% 21% 47% 39% 14% 37% 39% 24% 45% 41% 13% 36% 39% 24% 31 43 Please indicate how much of asource, if at all, you consider each ofthe following to be for obtaininginformation about the City of Eagan and its services for businesses:City staff (in-person or on the phone)Not a source Which of the following amenities in Eagan benefits your business? (Please check all that apply.) Proximity to MSP Airport Proximity to Minneapolis/St. Paul Access to highways and arterials Access to public transit (bus, light rail) Local schools Local infrastructure Access to greenspace, trails and parks Access to shops and restaurants Existing customer base 58% 42% 23% 34% 20% 19% 83% 60% 53% 32 44 Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Eagan. Eagan as a place to work Excellent Good Fair Poor Eagan as a place to visit Excellent Good Fair Poor Eagan as a place to do business Excellent Good Fair Poor The overall quality of life in Eagan Excellent Good Eagan as a place for children and families Excellent Good Fair Eagan as a place for older adults Excellent Good Fair Eagan as a place for young adults Excellent Good 1% 1% 37% 62% 1% 7% 50% 42% 1% 6% 42% 51% 45% 55% 2% 34% 64% 5% 53% 43% 35% Complete set of frequencies This dashboard contains a complete set of responses to each question on the survey. By default, "Don't know" responses are excluded, but may be added to the table using the response filter to the right. When a table for a question that only permitted a single response does not total to exactly 100%, it is due to the common practice of percentages being rounded to the nearest whole number. 33 45 Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Eagan. Eagan as a place for young adults Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall image or reputation of Eagan Excellent Good Fair Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a whole. Overall economic health of Eagan Excellent Good Fair Overall quality of the transportation system (auto, bicycle, foot, bus) in Eagan Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall design or layout of Eagan's residential and commercial areas (e.g., homes, buildings, streets, parks, etc.) Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall quality of the utility infrastructure in Eagan (water, sewer, storm water, electric, gas) Excellent Good Fair Overall feeling of safety in Eagan Excellent Good Fair Overall quality of natural environment in Eagan Excellent Good 2% 21% 42% 1% 49% 50% 4% 54% 42% 3% 23% 41% 34% 2% 11% 54% 32% 8% 49% 43% 12% 48% 40% 52% 34 46 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a whole. Overall quality of natural environment in Eagan Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Excellent Good Fair Overall health and wellness opportunities in Eagan Excellent Good Fair Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Excellent Good Fair Poor Residents' connection and engagement with their community Excellent Good Fair Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following. Recommend living in Eagan to someone who asks Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Recommend working in Eagan to someone who asks Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Recommend operating a business in Eagan to someone who asks Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely 2% 3% 43% 5% 31% 64% 8% 45% 47% 1% 17% 52% 30% 15% 57% 28% 3% 27% 70% 2% 25% 73% 34% 61% 35 47 Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following. Recommend operating a business in Eagan to someone who asks Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Keep your business in Eagan for the next five years Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: In Eagan's commercial areas during the day Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe In Eagan's commercial areas after dark Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Please rate each of the following in the Eagan community. Cleanliness of Eagan Excellent Good Fair Overall appearance of Eagan Excellent Good Fair Vibrancy of downtown/commercial areas Excellent Good Fair Poor 1% 4% 1% 2% 21% 76% 2% 2% 20% 76% 1% 8% 12% 48% 31% 1% 52% 47% 2% 52% 46% 15% 47% 35% 36 48 Please rate each of the following in the Eagan community. Vibrancy of downtown/commercial areas Fair Poor Overall quality of commercial development in Eagan Excellent Good Fair Overall opportunity for business growth and expansion Excellent Good Fair Poor Opportunities for tourism Excellent Good Fair Poor Public places where people want to spend time Excellent Good Fair Poor Historical preservation in Eagan Excellent Good Fair Poor Hotel and lodging options Excellent Good Fair Poor Excellent 3% 13% 48% 39% 1% 17% 42% 40% 9% 27% 42% 23% 2% 20% 44% 34% 7% 23% 46% 24% 2% 17% 43% 39% 37 49 Please rate each of the following in the Eagan community. Hotel and lodging options Poor Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities Excellent Good Fair Poor Quality of internet connection Excellent Good Fair Poor Coverage of internet connection Excellent Good Fair Poor Quality of shopping opportunities Excellent Good Fair Variety of shopping opportunities Excellent Good Fair Quality of restaurants and places to eat Excellent Good Fair Poor Variety of restaurants and places to eat Excellent Good Fair 6% 31% 42% 21% 3% 13% 55% 28% 5% 10% 51% 33% 6% 48% 47% 8% 47% 45% 2% 10% 52% 35% 47% 33% 38 50 Please rate each of the following in the Eagan community. Variety of restaurants and places to eat Good Fair Poor Quality of service establishments (e.g., salons, dry cleaners, etc.) Excellent Good Fair Variety of service establishments (e.g., salons, dry cleaners, etc.) Excellent Good Fair Quality of employment opportunities Excellent Good Fair Variety of employment opportunities Excellent Good Fair Availability of jobs that pay a livable wage Excellent Good Fair Poor How much of a problem, if at all, are disruptive, nuisance, or illegal behaviors (e.g., loitering, vulgar language, panhandling, etc.) for your business? Major problem Moderate problem Minor problem Not at all a problem Thinking about Eagan's workforce, please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan. Variety of housing options for people who work in Eagan Excellent Good Fair 3% 16% 9% 51% 40% 18% 47% 35% 9% 51% 40% 11% 49% 40% 3% 16% 49% 31% 61% 26% 10% 3% 54% 24% 39 51 Thinking about Eagan's workforce, please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan. Variety of housing options for people who work in Eagan Good Fair Poor Affordability of housing for people who work in Eagan Excellent Good Fair Poor Cost of living in Eagan Excellent Good Fair Poor Quality of childcare Excellent Good Fair Poor Affordability of childcare Excellent Good Fair Poor Variety of transportation options for people who work in Eagan Excellent Good Fair Poor Ease of parking at workplaces Excellent Good Fair 3% 20% 9% 35% 43% 13% 5% 30% 52% 13% 2% 19% 54% 25% 25% 33% 25% 17% 11% 37% 35% 16% 45% 49% 40 52 Thinking about Eagan's workforce, please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan. Ease of parking at workplaces Good Fair Poor Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a place to develop job and workforce skills. The quality of the public school system at producing graduates who are career-ready Excellent Good Fair Poor The quality of the public school system at producing graduates who are college-ready Excellent Good Fair Poor Access to institutions of higher education (colleges, universities) Excellent Good Fair Poor Access to trade schools Excellent Good Fair Poor Variety of education/training opportunities to build work skills Excellent Good Fair Poor Affordability of education/training opportunities to build work skills Excellent Good Fair 2% 4% 3% 10% 46% 42% 1% 12% 41% 46% 7% 17% 42% 34% 5% 21% 46% 28% 4% 11% 55% 30% 56% 18% 41 53 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a place to develop job and workforce skills. Affordability of education/training opportunities to build work skills Good Fair Poor Overall quality of education/training opportunities in your community Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan. Police services Excellent Good Fair Fire services Excellent Good Fair Poor Crime prevention Excellent Good Fair Poor Traffic enforcement Excellent Good Fair Poor Street repair Excellent Good Fair Poor 8% 18% 4% 17% 54% 25% 5% 37% 58% 1% 2% 33% 64% 2% 13% 52% 33% 4% 12% 51% 33% 16% 51% 31% 42 54 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan. Street repair Fair Poor Street cleaning Excellent Good Fair Poor Street lighting Excellent Good Fair Poor Snow removal Excellent Good Fair Poor Sidewalk maintenance Excellent Good Fair Poor Bus or transit services Excellent Good Fair Poor Traffic flow on major streets Excellent Good Fair Poor 2% 1% 13% 52% 34% 1% 15% 52% 33% 3% 15% 49% 32% 5% 18% 48% 29% 11% 24% 44% 21% 15% 54% 29% 43 55 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan. Traffic flow on major streets Fair Poor Amount of public parking in commercial areas Excellent Good Fair Ease of travel by car in Eagan Excellent Good Fair Ease of travel by bicycle in Eagan Excellent Good Fair Poor Ease of walking in Eagan (path/sidewalk connectivity, etc.) Excellent Good Fair Poor Traffic management during construction Excellent Good Fair Poor Garbage collection Excellent Good Fair Recycling Excellent Good Fair 2% 7% 46% 46% 5% 43% 52% 11% 17% 45% 27% 5% 18% 48% 29% 4% 21% 54% 21% 10% 50% 39% 49% 38% 44 56 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan. Recycling Good Fair Poor Storm drainage Excellent Good Fair Power (electric and/or gas) utility Excellent Good Fair Utility billing Excellent Good Fair Poor Land use, planning, and zoning Excellent Good Fair Poor Building permits and inspections Excellent Good Fair Poor Code enforcement (weeds, signs, etc.)Excellent Good Fair Poor Excellent 3% 11% 6% 59% 36% 4% 52% 44% 2% 8% 54% 36% 2% 18% 48% 32% 5% 18% 45% 32% 9% 11% 54% 26% 45 57 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan. Code enforcement (weeds, signs, etc.)Poor Economic development Excellent Good Fair Poor Public information services Excellent Good Fair Poor Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) Excellent Good Fair Poor City-sponsored special events Excellent Good Fair Overall customer service by Eagan employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) Excellent Good Fair Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? The City of Eagan Excellent Good Fair The Federal Government Excellent Good Fair Poor 2% 7% 56% 35% 3% 10% 56% 31% 2% 10% 57% 31% 20% 55% 26% 5% 56% 40% 4% 55% 40% 37% 32% 11% 46 58 Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? The Federal Government Fair Poor Please rate the following categories of Eagan government performance. The value of services for the taxes paid to Eagan Excellent Good Fair Poor The overall direction that Eagan is taking Excellent Good Fair Overall confidence in Eagan government Excellent Good Fair Poor Generally acting in the best interest of the community Excellent Good Fair Poor Being honest Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the job the Eagan government does: Informing businesses of community issues and values Excellent Good Fair Poor Excellent 20% 1% 23% 46% 30% 20% 51% 29% 3% 19% 50% 28% 1% 20% 49% 30% 3% 16% 52% 29% 4% 27% 43% 26% 47 59 Please rate the job the Eagan government does: Informing businesses of community issues and values Poor Communicating during City construction (e.g., streets, utilities, etc.) Excellent Good Fair Poor Welcoming business involvement Excellent Good Fair Poor Retaining existing businesses Excellent Good Fair Poor Attracting new businesses Excellent Good Fair Poor Supporting or creating new jobs Excellent Good Fair Poor Please rate the amount of growth in your company: Over the PAST five years Large increase Small increase No change Small decrease Large decrease 7% 21% 47% 25% 8% 18% 44% 30% 6% 24% 42% 28% 3% 16% 45% 35% 2% 26% 41% 30% 11% 17% 39% 25% 48 60 Please rate the amount of growth in your company: Over the PAST five years Small decrease Large decrease Expected in the NEXT five years Large increase Small increase No change Small decrease Large decrease What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your business revenues in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Very positive Somewhat positive Neutral Somewhat negative Very negative Is your business planning to hire in the next 6 to 12 months? No [Skip to question 17] Yes Not sure If you said "yes" or "not sure" to question 15 above, what types of jobs might you be adding? (Please check "yes" for all that apply.) "Unskilled jobs" (these jobs do not require workers to have special training or skills - e.g., cashiers, farm laborers, grocery clerks, hotel workers) Yes No "Semi-skilled jobs" (these jobs require some skill but do not require highly specialized skills - e.g., truck drivers, typists) Yes No "Skilled jobs" (these jobs require a comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry - e.g., electricians, plumbers, law enforcement officers, administrative assistants) Yes No "Highly skilled jobs" (these jobs require an advanced education or training - e.g., doctors, lawyers, architects, financial consultants) Yes No Thinking about your current employees and current employment options at your business, please rate to what extent they possess the following. The educational qualifications Fully Mostly Somewhat 7% 3% 4% 15% 50% 28% 8% 21% 33% 29% 10% 17% 50% 33% 54% 46% 39% 61% 42% 58% 62% 38% 41% 42% 49 61 Thinking about your current employees and current employment options at your business, please rate to what extent they possess the following. The educational qualifications Mostly Somewhat Slightly Not at all The skills needed Fully Mostly Somewhat Slightly Not at all How much of a challenge, if at all, are the following to finding good employees in your community today? Too many under-qualified employees/applicants Major challenge Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Too many overqualified employees/applicants Major challenge Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Lack of higher education opportunities (e.g., universities, colleges) Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Lack of trade schools and other adult training programs Major challenge Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Lack of quality public schools Moderate challenge Minor challenge 3% 1% 14% 1% 4% 12% 40% 43% 29% 16% 37% 17% 69% 13% 15% 3% 73% 18% 9% 59% 18% 9% 14% 11% 50 62 How much of a challenge, if at all, are the following to finding good employees in your community today? Lack of quality public schools Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Too many workers without a high school degree or equivalent Major challenge Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Too few applicants/employees who do not speak a language other than English (e.g., cannot speak Spanish) Major challenge Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Too few applicants/employees who speak a language other than English (e.g., cannot speak English) Major challenge Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Lack of childcare opportunities Major challenge Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Lack of affordable, reliable public transportation Major challenge Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Lack of affordable, quality housing Major challenge Moderate challenge Minor challenge 81% 8% 82% 12% 5% 1% 72% 17% 8% 2% 74% 13% 10% 4% 63% 19% 13% 6% 66% 16% 13% 5% 14% 8% 51 63 How much of a challenge, if at all, are the following to finding good employees in your community today? Lack of affordable, quality housing Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Cost of living Major challenge Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Lack of community amenities to attract employees seeking higher paying/higher skill level jobs Major challenge Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Failed drug tests Major challenge Moderate challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Does the affordability of housing in Eagan impact your business and or employees? Yes, positively Yes, negatively No Don't know/no opinion Please indicate what impact, if any, you think the affordability of housing in Eagan has on each of the following items as they relate to your business and/or employees: Commute times Positive impact Slightly positive impact No impact Slightly negative impact Negative impact Employee recruitment Positive impact Slightly positive impact 52% 26% 31% 29% 27% 13% 62% 27% 9% 3% 81% 14% 4% 1% 29% 48% 17% 6% 6% 24% 47% 9% 14% 7% 52 64 Please indicate what impact, if any, you think the affordability of housing in Eagan has on each of the following items as they relate to your business and/or employees: Employee recruitment Positive impact Slightly positive impact No impact Slightly negative impact Negative impact Employee retention Positive impact Slightly positive impact No impact Slightly negative impact Negative impact Employee compensation Positive impact Slightly positive impact No impact Slightly negative impact Negative impact Ability of workforce to live where they work Positive impact Slightly positive impact No impact Slightly negative impact Negative impact Desire for transit Positive impact Slightly positive impact No impact Slightly negative impact Negative impact Aware of and have used 2% 24% 56% 12% 1% 17% 62% 14% 6% 1% 20% 61% 12% 7% 7% 23% 44% 18% 9% 5% 18% 61% 10% 6% 53 65 Please indicate what impact, if any,you think the affordability of housingin Eagan has on each of the following items as they relate to your business and/or employees:Desire for transit Negative impact Please indicate whether or not you are aware of, or have used, the following services currently offered by the City of Eagan: Open to Business program, which provides assistance through business counseling and gap financing Aware of and have used Aware of and have not used Not aware of Pre-application meetings for owners considering developments, property improvements or new signage with Planning and Inspection staff Aware of and have used Aware of and have not used Not aware of Zoning permit reviews Aware of and have used Aware of and have not used Not aware of Help identifying parcels or buildings for sale within Eagan Aware of and have used Aware of and have not used Not aware of Eagan Convention and Visitor's Bureau for meeting, hotel and hospitality assistance Aware of and have used Aware of and have not used Not aware of In the next year, is your business considering… Expanding space in Eagan?Yes Maybe No Moving your business out of Eagan and relocating to another community? Yes Maybe No Closing in Eagan and not relocating to another community? Yes Maybe No Yes 80% 18% 3% 70% 21% 9% 56% 35% 9% 74% 24% 3% 50% 40% 10% 75% 22% 3% 85% 12% 3% 92% 6% 2% 54 66 In the next year, is your business considering… Closing in Eagan and not relocating to another community?No Decreasing space in Eagan?Yes Maybe No Please indicate how much of a source, if at all, you consider each of the following to be for obtaining information about the City of Eagan and its services for businesses: City website (www.cityofeagan.com)Major source Minor source Not a source City of Eagan social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Major source Minor source Not a source Eagan Business News and/or E-Biz Major source Minor source Not a source Experience Eagan Major source Minor source Not a source Emails from the City of Eagan Major source Minor source Not a source Dakota County Chamber of Commerce communications Major source Minor source Not a source City staff (in-person or on the phone)Major source Minor source Not a source Proximity to MSP Airport 88% 8% 4% 19% 29% 52% 48% 41% 12% 33% 46% 21% 47% 39% 14% 37% 39% 24% 45% 41% 13% 36% 39% 24% 55 67 Please indicate how much of a source,if at all, you consider each of thefollowing to be for obtaining information about the City of Eagan and its services for businesses:City staff (in-person or on the phone)Not a source Which of the following amenities in Eagan benefits your business? (Please check all that apply.) Proximity to MSP Airport Proximity to Minneapolis/St. Paul Access to highways and arterials Access to public transit (bus, light rail) Local schools Local infrastructure Access to greenspace, trails and parks Access to shops and restaurants Existing customer base Which one of the following industries best describes the nature of your business? (Please check the one that comes closest.) Banking / financial services / credit unions Business, industry, and trade associations Construction Education and training Financial activities Health care and health services Legal Leisure and hospitality (travel, lodging, restaurants, bars, ent.. Manufacturing Marketing, sales and services Non-profit charitable organization Other services (cleaning, dog walking, beauty, etc. ) Professional and business services/consulting Shopping and retail Technology and computers Transportation and automotive services 58% 42% 23% 34% 20% 19% 83% 60% 53% 5% 8% 12% 3% 3% 3% 9% 9% 3% 12% 4% 3% 7% 1% 5% 56 68 Which one of the following industries best describes the nature of your business? (Please check the one that comes closest.) Technology and computers Transportation and automotive services Wholesale trade/sales Other What is your position in this organization?Owner Administrative Assistant Manager or Administrator Other How many years has your business been located in Eagan? Less than 1 year 1-5 years 6-10 years More than 10 years What was the approximate annual gross revenue (for the most recent accounting year) generated by all of your Eagan sites? Pre-revenue Less than $100,000 $100,000 to $499,999 $500,000 to $999,999 $1,000,000 to $4,999,999 $5,000,000 or more Which, if any, of the following most closely reflect your business? Select "Yes" or "No" for each item. Home-based Yes No A small business (1-49 employees)Yes No Mid-sized business (50-499+ employees)Yes No Large business (500+ employees)Yes No 3% 5% 5% 4% 33% 3% 60% 71% 11% 18% 1% 12% 28% 19% 28% 11% 1% 82% 18% 12% 88% 90% 10% 2% 57 69 Which, if any, of the following most closely reflect your business? Select "Yes" or "No" for each item. Large business (500+ employees) Yes No Minority-owned business enterprise (MBE, 51% owned, operated, and controlled by a US citizen(s) who is a racial or ethnic minority) Yes No Woman-owned business enterprise (WBE)Yes No Approximately what percent of your workforce at this location do you think lives in Eagan? Less than 10% 10-24% 25-49% 50-74% 75% or more 98% 87% 13% 75% 25% 15% 11% 12% 16% 47% 58 70 201720192021Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Eagan. Eagan as a place to work Eagan as a place to visit Eagan as a place to do business The overall quality of life in Eagan Eagan as a place for children and families Eagan as a place for older adults Eagan as a place for young adults Overall image or reputation of Eagan Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a whole. Overall economic health of Eagan Overall quality of the transportation system (auto, bicycle, foot, bus) in Eagan Overall design or layout of Eagan's residential and commercial areas (e.g., homes, buildings, streets, parks, etc.) Overall quality of the utility infrastructure in Eagan (water, sewer, storm water, electric, gas) Overall feeling of safety in Eagan Overall quality of natural environment in Eagan Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities 100% 78% 96% 98% 100% 94% 92% 99% 92% 66% 96% 91% 85% 98% 95% 73% 97% 92% 88% 99% 96% 96% 88% 93% 87% 75% 97% 94% 95% 87% 94% 95% 94% 98% 84% 89% 94% Full trends This table contains the trends over time for the City of Eagan. The combined "percent positive" responses for each survey year are presented (e.g., excellent/good or yes). If an item was not included during an administration of the survey, no percentage will be shown in the table. If the difference between the 2019 and 2022 surveys is greater than 11 percentage points, the change is statistically significant. 59 71 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a whole. Overall quality of natural environment in Eagan Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities Overall health and wellness opportunities in Eagan Overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts Residents' connection and engagement with their community Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following. Recommend living in Eagan to someone who asks Recommend working in Eagan to someone who asks Recommend operating a business in Eagan to someone who asks Keep your business in Eagan for the next five years Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: In Eagan's commercial areas during the day In Eagan's commercial areas after dark Please rate each of the following in the Eagan community. Cleanliness of Eagan Overall appearance of Eagan Vibrancy of downtown/commercial areas Overall quality of commercial development in Eagan Overall opportunity for business growth and expansion Opportunities for tourism Public places where people want to spend time Historical preservation in Eagan 86% 83% 93% 96% 74% 85% 88% 80% 85% 91% 98% 95% 98% 96% 92% 91% 97% 97% 79% 96% 86% 97% 89% 97% 78% 64% 82% 87% 82% 98% 99% 94% 91% 91% 97% 99% 89% 93% 86% 97% 98% 60 72 Please rate each of the following in the Eagan community. Public places where people want to spend time Historical preservation in Eagan Hotel and lodging options Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities Quality of internet connection Coverage of internet connection Quality of shopping opportunities Variety of shopping opportunities Quality of restaurants and places to eat Variety of restaurants and places to eat Quality of service establishments (e.g., salons, dry cleaners, etc.) Variety of service establishments (e.g., salons, dry cleaners, etc.) Quality of employment opportunities Variety of employment opportunities Availability of jobs that pay a livable wage How much of a problem, if at all, are disruptive, nuisance, or illegal behaviors (e.g., loitering, vulgar language, panhandling, etc.) for your business? Thinking about Eagan's workforce, please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan. Variety of housing options for people who work in Eagan Affordability of housing for people who work in Eagan Cost of living in Eagan 81% 89% 91% 82% 91% 80% 87% 92% 94% 85% 84% 62% 81% 70% 91% 95% 87% 95% 14% 65% 56% 78%77%79% 61 73 Thinking about Eagan's workforce, please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan. Affordability of housing for people who work in Eagan Cost of living in Eagan Quality of childcare Affordability of childcare Variety of transportation options for people who work in Eagan Ease of parking at workplaces Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Eagan as a place to develop job and workforce skills. The quality of the public school system at producing graduates who are career-ready The quality of the public school system at producing graduates who are college-ready Access to institutions of higher education (colleges, universities) Access to trade schools Variety of education/training opportunities to build work skills Affordability of education/training opportunities to build work skills Overall quality of education/training opportunities in your community Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan. Police services Fire services Crime prevention Traffic enforcement Street repair Street cleaning 95% 52% 43% 81% 65% 80% 75% 86% 75% 76% 87% 88% 83% 85% 86% 97% 95% 88% 92% 91% 99% 95% 86% 91% 93% 100% 97% 62 74 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan. Street repair Street cleaning Street lighting Snow removal Sidewalk maintenance Bus or transit services Traffic flow on major streets Amount of public parking in commercial areas Ease of travel by car in Eagan Ease of travel by bicycle in Eagan Ease of walking in Eagan (path/sidewalk connectivity, etc.) Traffic management during construction Garbage collection Recycling Storm drainage Power (electric and/or gas) utility Utility billing Land use, planning, and zoning Building permits and inspections 79% 90% 96% 94% 86% 89% 75% 78% 73% 95% 93% 83% 66% 77% 81% 84% 86% 81% 91% 95% 95% 86% 91% 82% 73% 92% 91% 83% 66% 90% 85% 83% 91% 86% 95% 95% 95% 89% 92% 76% 69% 88% 92% 80% 70% 88% 94% 92% 90% 63 75 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Eagan. Land use, planning, and zoning Building permits and inspections Code enforcement (weeds, signs, etc.) Economic development Public information services Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) City-sponsored special events Overall customer service by Eagan employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? The City of Eagan The Federal Government Please rate the following categories of Eagan government performance. The value of services for the taxes paid to Eagan The overall direction that Eagan is taking Overall confidence in Eagan government Generally acting in the best interest of the community Being honest Please rate the job the Eagan government does: Informing businesses of community issues and values Communicating during City construction (e.g., streets, utilities, etc.) Welcoming business involvement Retaining existing businesses 95% 80% 88% 86% 91% 81% 77% 90% 81% 85% 73% 89% 82% 80% 92% 84% 88% 82% 93% 83% 88% 44% 97% 43% 91% 60% 97% 82% 80% 79% 81% 77% 88% 86% 81% 85% 74% 87% 86% 85% 88% 78% 71% 75% 72% 69% 69% 58% 65% 74% 73% 70% 64 76 Please rate the job the Eagan government does: Welcoming business involvement Retaining existing businesses Attracting new businesses Supporting or creating new jobs Please rate the amount of growth in your company: Over the PAST five years Expected in the NEXT five years What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your business revenues in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Is your business planning to hire in the next 6 to 12 months? If you said "yes" or "not sure" to question 15 above, what types of jobs might you be adding? (Please check "yes" for all that apply.) "Unskilled jobs" (these jobs do not require workers to have special training or skills - e.g., cashiers, farm laborers, grocery clerks, hotel workers) "Semi-skilled jobs" (these jobs require some skill but do not require highly specialized skills - e.g., truck drivers, typists) "Skilled jobs" (these jobs require a comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry - e.g., electricians, plumbers, law enforcement officers, administrative assistants) "Highly skilled jobs" (these jobs require an advanced education or training - e.g., doctors, lawyers, architects, financial consultants) Thinking about your current employees and current employment options at your business, please rate to what extent they possess the following. The educational qualifications The skills needed How much of a challenge, if at all, are the following to finding good employees in your community today? Too many under-qualified employees/applicants Too many overqualified employees/applicants Lack of higher education opportunities (e.g., universities, colleges) Lack of trade schools and other adult training programs Lack of quality public schools 72% 81% 71% 69% 77% 69% 81% 81% 74% 78% 64% 39%51%67% 51%59%66% 37% 58% 60% 46% 84% 83% 11% 23% 9% 18% 55% 65 77 How much of a challenge, if at all, are the following to finding good employees in your community today? Lack of trade schools and other adult training programs Lack of quality public schools Too many workers without a high school degree or equivalent Too few applicants/employees who do not speak a language other than English (e.g., cannot speak Spanish) Too few applicants/employees who speak a language other than English (e.g., cannot speak English) Lack of childcare opportunities Lack of affordable, reliable public transportation Lack of affordable, quality housing Cost of living Lack of community amenities to attract employees seeking higher paying/higher skill level jobs Failed drug tests 5% 12% 40% 22% 19% 19% 14% 11% 6% 11% 66 78 EDAC RESPONSIBILITIES • Redevelopment o Redevelopment legal documents and contracts o Redevelopment around light rail stations o Implementation of comprehensive plan village center planning • Development Finance o Tax increment and tax abatement financing o HRA levy and budget o Development Account & Livable Communities Account budgets • Housing o Community Development Block Grant allocations o Affordable housing programs o Homebuyer and home rehabilitation programs • Transportation o Light rail and bus transit operations o Compliance with state law for businesses and street reconstruction City Council/EDA Redevelopment Finance Housing Transportation Economic Development Advisory Commission 79 9ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 2022 ACTION ITEM WORK PLAN INITIATIVE PROCESS STATUS DATE Grow MN (Burnsville Chamber/City Partnership) Review Updates + Engage EDC where appropriate Ongoing City BR&E Program Review Updates + Engage EDC where appropriate Ongoing City Diverse BR&E Program Review Updates + Engage EDC where appropriate Ongoing Zoning Code Update Review, Provide feedback on business related chapters As requested Ongoing ONGOING INITIATIVE PROCESS STATUS DATE Economic Development Strategic Plan 1. Ensure sustainability of Burnsville Ctr/CR42 Corridor Review Updates and engage EDC where appropriate Ongoing Economic Development Strategic Plan 2. Improve image of SD 191 & City Review Updates Ongoing Economic Development Strategic Plan 3. Continue development within HOC Review Updates + engage EDC where appropriate Ongoing Economic Development Strategic Plan 4. Enhance & build awareness around the City’s existing housing & commercial programs & develop new programs as appropriate Receive presentation from Center for Energy and the Environment on residential programs. Receive update on budget allocations and short, mid and long-term plans for this goal. Strengthen relationships with Business/Econ. Dev. related partners Receive an update on the housing assistance program as it’s finalized Updates + engage EDC where appropriate Ongoing 80 Review/Provide recommendations as appropriate. Economic Development Strategic Plan 5. Continue the City’s position as a regional destination Review Updates + Engage EDC where appropriate Ongoing Open To Business Review Updates January Comp Plan Implementation Assist/review Ongoing Ribbon Cuttings EDC all invited As opportunities arise Ongoing Training Attend Attend as budget and availability permits Ongoing 81 1 STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2020 – 2023 FEBRUARY 2020 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 82 2 February 2020 RE: FY 2020-2023 Strategic Plan – Lakeville Economic Development Commission Dear Chair Scherer, We are pleased to present the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan and Summary Report to the Lakeville Economic Development Commission. The plan reflects the City and Commission’s priorities, commitment to measurable results and focused economic development. It has been a pleasure assisting the Economic Development Commission with this important project. The Commission and staff displayed clear thinking, dedication and focused effort. We particularly wish to thank Community & Economic Development Director David Olson & Economic Development Coordinator Kati Bachmayer for their help and support during the process. Yours truly, Craig R. Rapp President 40 East Chicago Avenue #340, Chicago, IL 60611 800-550-0692 • www.craigrapp.com Heather A. Johnston Senior Consultant 83 3 1 2 3 5 7 9 10 13 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary Strategic Plan Summary FY 2020-2023 Strategic Planning Process Vision, Mission, Values Reviewing the Environment, SWOT Strategic Issues and Challenges Defining Priorities, Outcomes, Targets Implementing the Vision: Strategic Initiatives Strategic Planning Participants Appendix I: SWOT Analysis Appendix II: Website Audit 84 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 BUSINESS RETENTION, EXPANSION AND DIVERSIFICATION 2 MAXIMIZE AND MARKET OUR COMPETITIVE EDGE 3 HOUSING TO SUPPORT ECONOMIC GOALS 4 WORKFORCE AVAILABILITY AND UTILIZATION The Plan Four Strategic Priorities From October 2019 through January 2020, the Lakeville Economic Development Commission engaged in a strategic planning process. The process resulted in a strategic plan covering 2020-2023. The plan consists of four strategic priorities— the issues of greatest importance to the City and EDC over the next four years. Associated with each priority is a set of desired outcomes, key outcome indicators, and performance targets, describing expected results and how the results will be measured. The plan also includes strategic initiatives that will be undertaken to achieve the targeted outcomes. The planning effort began with an examination of the operating environment via a SWOT analysis. On October 29th and November 26th, 2019, the EDC and senior staff held strategic planning sessions. They reviewed progress on the previous plan and examined the Envision Lakeville process to guide their work. They then developed a set of priorities, key outcomes and performance targets. Based upon those priorities, the senior staff met on December 3rd, 2019 to identify a set of strategic initiatives and begin development of detailed action plans. The strategic priorities, key outcome indicators, performance targets and strategic initiatives are summarized here and on the following page. 85 2 STRATEGIC PLAN SUMMARY 2020–2023 City of Lakeville EDC Lakeville Economic Development Commission Strategic Plan Summary 2020-2023 STRATEGIC PRIORITY DESIRED OUTCOME KEY OUTCOME INDICATOR (KOI) TARGET STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Business Retention, Expansion and Diversification Limit loss of existing business -Lakeville business inventory - Building permits No net loss in businesses January 2020-December 2023 a) Create business retention program w/ Chamber/CVB b) Establish a Lakeville business expansion program c) Develop a business cluster strategy & market node analyses Lakeville is the first choice for expansion - Expansion and relocation lists 90% of current businesses expand in Lakeville rather than relocate 2020-2023 Diverse industry base - Expansion and relocation reports by industry cluster Increase of at least one business in each industry cluster annually Maximize and Market Our Competitive Edge Be the community of choice - Competitive data on development decisions (win %) =/> ___ % wins each year of qualified leads on 3 high priority nodes/clusters a) Develop & enhance data analytics capacity and capabilities b) Refresh business marketing & branding strategy c) Establish a benchmark comparison system Enhanced recognition of brand - Contacts/ inquiries that result in action -Click /conversion rate =/>__% can articulate brand elements/qualities Infrastructure that leverages economic development - Infrastructure projects programmed in CIP EDC pr iority infrastructure projects are programmed in 2020-23 Housing to Support Economic Goals Adequate housing to support job base -__% jobs/resident - workforce housing units Reduce workforce housing gap identified in Dakota County CDA Housing Needs Assessment by _% by 2023 a) Coordinate economic development efforts related to CMU process b) Articulate objectives for workforce housing c) Facilitate housing barrier removal Housing that stimulates commercial development -Housing units in target areas -Commercial district comparisons _#_ units developed in targeted commercial areas by 2023 Policy guidance in place to achieve housing goals -policy/development alignment Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) designation adopted by fall 2020 Workforce Availability and Utilization Existing jobs match skills available -Import/export -Migration __% of jobs performed by Lakeville residents by ___ a) Collaborate with Lakeville Works initiatives b) Review City programs and policies for consistency with workforce housing requirements c) Align efforts with higher education providers Job availability matches demand -Job openings -Time to fill =/< ___% job vacancy rate in city, reported annually Business Retention, Expansion and Diversification Maximize and Market Our Competitive Edge Housing to Support Economic Goals Workforce Availability and Utilization Strategic Priority Desired Outcome Key OutcomeIndicator Target StrategicInitiatives 86 3 STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS Strategic planning is a process that helps leaders examine the current state of the organization, determine a desired future state, establish priorities, and define a set of actions to achieve specific outcomes. The process followed by the City of Lakeville was designed to answer four key questions: (1) Where are we now? (2) Where are we going? (3) How will we get there? (4) What will we do? The process is divided into a development phase and an implementation phase. The full process is depicted below.? Initiating the Process – Setting Expectations, Reviewing Current Situation The strategic planning process began with a meeting of the staff team and the consultants on October 7th, 2019. The meeting included an overview of strategic planning principles, previous planning efforts, and guidance on preparing for the retreat sessions. In addition, the team discussed the City’s desire for an economic development website audit and the approach to be taken by the consultant to conduct one. The group talked about progress on Envision Lakeville and its relationship to the Economic Development Commission. They also discussed various changes that have taken place since the last plan was adopted. A timeline and assignments for the overall project and website audit were determined along with an agenda for the first retreat session on October 29th. DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION Where We Are Where We’re Going How We’ll Get There What We’ll Do Scan the Environment – Conduct Internal and External Analysis (SWOT) – Develop Strategic Profile – Identify Strategic Challenges Define Our Mission – Articulate Core Values – Set a Vision – Establish Goals – Identify Key Intended Outcomes Develop Initiatives – Define Performance Measures – Set Targets and Thresholds – Cascade Throughout Organization Create Detailed Action Plans – Establish Accountability: Who, What, When – Identify Success Indicators – Provide Resources 1 Where are we now? 2 Where are we going? 3 How will we get there? 4 What will we do? 87 4 Setting Direction: Mission, Vision, Values On October 29th and November 26th, 2019, the EDC and senior staff held strategic planning sessions to develop the strategic plan. To address the question of “Where are we now?” the staff presented a detailed review of the current economic development environment and provided a progress report on the implementation of the 2017-2019 Strategic Plan. ASSESS CURRENT ENVIRONMENT •Senior Staff Review •Previous Plan Progress •Vision/Mission/Values •SWOT Analysis IMPLEMENT THE PLAN •Implementation Session - Strategic Initiatives - Action Plans •Refine Details •Final Review, Approval SET PRIORITIES, TARGETS •Strategic Planning Retreat •Operating Environment - Previous Plan Progress - Internal SWOT •Challenges, Priorities •Outcomes, KOI’s, Targets •SWOT Analysis STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS 88 5 A key component of understanding “Where Are You Going?” is to have a clear vision, mission and set of core values. The Lakeville Economic Development Commission, as an advisory board, works within the framework of the City of Lakeville. As such, they subscribe to the vision and values of the City, which are defined in the Envision Lakeville Community Vision. The EDC has its own mission statement, which conforms to the vision and values. The vision, mission and value statements are listed below. MISSION STATEMENT (Economic Development Commission) The Lakeville Economic Development Commission develops strategies and communicates benefits that will make Lakeville the best choice for decision- makers considering business location and expansion. VISION STATEMENT (Envision Lakeville) We envision a thriving, multi-generational community where families, friends, and neighbors connect, live, learn, work, and play. Great schools; a diverse local economy; exceptional parks, trails, and recreational opportunities; vibrant social and cultural institutions; safe neighborhoods; and responsive and cost-effective public services—together create a place we are proud to call home. 89 6 STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS VALUES (Envision La keville) DIVERSIFIED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT We value the stability and independence provided by a strong, diversified local economy GOOD VALUE FOR PUBLIC SERVICES We value high-quality public services delivered cost effectively SAFETY THROUGHOUT THE COMMUNITY We value living in a community where people feel safe everywhere they go HIGH QUALITY EDUCATION We value and are committed to high quality education that sets us apart DESIGN THAT CONNECTS THE COMMUNITY We value a well-designed community and we place a priority on development that enhances connectivity and accommodates our changing needs A HOME FOR ALL AGES AND STAGES OF LIFE We value living options for people of all ages and stages of life A SENSE OF COMMUNITY AND BELONGING We value the sense of belonging that comes from our traditions and institutions, and we strive to support and preserve them ASSESS CURRENT ENVIRONMENT •Senior Staff Review •Previous Plan Progress •Vision/Mission/Values •SWOT Analysis IMPLEMENT THE PLAN •Implementation Session - Strategic Initiatives - Action Plans •Refine Details •Final Review, Approval SET PRIORITIES, TARGETS •Strategic Planning Retreat •Operating Environment - Previous Plan Progress - Internal SWOT •Challenges, Priorities •Outcomes, KOI’s, Targets •SWOT Analysis 90 7 Reviewing the Environment and Setting Strategic Priorities The leadership team continued the process of assessing the operating environment via a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis--a process that examines the organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats in the external environment. To facilitate this, a SWOT questionnaire was distributed to the participants in advance of the planning session. Using the SWOT data, a small group review process revealed the most frequently mentioned characteristics in each area. STRENGTHS • Developable land with supporting infrastructure •Economic impact of quality schools •Engaged community, civic & City leadership •Growing & diverse business community WEAKNESSES • Workforce availability •Affordable/workforce housing •Transportation • Developable acreage (housing, business) •Infrastructure (roads, transit, air) • Workforce development (education, housing) •Marketing (tourism, business) • Partnerships-growth OPPORTUNITIES • Labor (shortage, training, opioid addiction) • Housing stock (workforce, affordable, life cycle) •Competitive development (land cost, fees, labor cost, taxes, avoid sameness) • Economic downturn (business diversity, how to monitor) •Transportation (lack of public, access from N and S) THREATS SWOT Analysis 91 8 The group used this information to identify those opportunities that would be helped the most by the organization’s inherent strengths and which external threats were most likely to exacerbate their weaknesses. STRENGTHS LEVERAGING OPPORTUNITIES (Make good things happen) •Development review process/responsiveness needs to be marketed •Strengths need to be marketed as differentiators (e.g.--land available, diverse business pods, downtown vitality, hospitality) •Partnerships-engaged leadership: Schools, City, Chamber (workforce, infrastructure) WEAKNESSES EXACERBATED BY THREATS (Keep bad things from happening) •Labor •Housing •Transportation Vibrant social and cultural institutions, safe neighborhoods, and responsive and cost- effective public services 92 9 Following this exercise, the group examined the results, and then engaged in additional brainstorming to identify the strategic issues and challenges facing the organization. STRATEGIC ISSUES/CHALLENGES •Labor/Workforce •Housing •Transportation •Maximizing Partnerships •Communicating Strengths •Marketing •Business Diversification •Diversity/Inclusion Based upon the challenges and issues identified, a facilitated discussion ensued to determine the highest priorities for the strategic planning period. The group consensus was that the priorities going forward should be the same four priorities as the previous strategic plan, with slight modifications. The previous priorities: (1) Business Retention and Expansion; (2) Maintain a Competitive Edge; (3) Housing to Support Economic Goals; and (4) Workforce. The four priorities for 2020–2023 after modification are depicted below. The group briefly considered adding a fifth priority related to transportation but opted to include transportation within the other priorities. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES BUSINESS RETENTION, EXPANSION AND DIVERSIFICATION MAXIMIZE AND MARKET OUR COMPETITIVE EDGE HOUSING TO SUPPORT OUR ECONOMIC GOALS WORKFORCE AVAILABILITY AND UTILIZATION 93 10 Defining the Priorities To clarify the meaning of each priority, the group identified key concepts which were used at the retreat to create guidance, and ultimately used to create definitions. Business Retention, Expansion and Diversification To ensure a vibrant business environment, the City of Lakeville’s Economic Development Commission will focus on retaining, expanding and diversifying the City’s business base. Maximize and Market Our Competitive Edge The City of Lakeville has many competitive advantages. The Economic Development Commission will concentrate on maximizing and marketing the City’s competitive edge. Housing to Support Economic Goals The economic goals of the City of Lakeville are affected by the type and availability of housing for workers within the community. The Economic Development Commission will work to ensure adequate housing to support business success. Workforce Availability and Utilization The availability and utilization of the local workforce is key to Lakeville’s economic success. The Economic Development Commission will work to match skills and jobs with opportunities. Key Outcomes, Indicators, and Targets by Priority With priorities in place, the group determined the most important outcomes to be achieved for each priority, defined Key Outcome Indicators (KOI’s), and developed Performance Targets. KOI’s define progress toward desired outcomes. Performance Targets define successful outcomes, expressed in measurable terms. The alignment created between priorities, outcomes and targets is important, not only for clarity, but also for maintaining a disciplined focus on the desired results. 94 11 Business Retention, Expansion and Diversification a. Outcome: Limit loss of existing business KOI: Lakeville business inventory, Building permits Target: No net loss in businesses January 2020 – December 2023 b. Outcome: Lakeville is the first choice for expansion KOI: Expansion and relocation lists Target: 90% of current businesses expand in Lakeville rather than relocate 2020–2023 c. Outcome: Diverse industry base KOI: Expansion and relocation reports by industry cluster Target: Increase of at least one business in each industry cluster category annually Maximize and Market Our Competitive Edge a. Outcome: Be the community of choice KOI: Competitive data on development decisions (win %) Target: =/> __% wins each year of qualified leads--on 3 high priority nodes/clusters b. Outcome: Enhanced recognition of brand KOI: Contacts/inquiries that result in action, Click/conversion rate Target: =/> __% can articulate brand elements/qualities c. Outcome: Infrastructure that leverages economic development KOI: Infrastructure projects programmed in CIP Target: EDC priority infrastructure projects are programmed in 2020-2023 95 12 Housing to Support Economic Goals a.Outcome: Adequate housing to support job base KOI: __% jobs/resident, Workforce housing units Target: Reduce workforce housing gap identified in Dakota County CDA Housing Needs Assessment by __% by 2023 b.Outcome: Housing that stimulates commercial development KOI: Housing units in target areas, Commercial district comparisons Target: __#__ units developed in targeted commercial areas by 2023 c.Outcome: Policy guidance in place to achieve housing goals KOI: Policy/development alignment Target: Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) designation adopted by fall 2020 Workforce Availability and Utilization a. Outcome: Existing jobs match skills available KOI: Import/export, Migration Target: __% of jobs performed by Lakeville residents by ____ b. Outcome: Jobs availability matches demand KOI: Job openings, Time to fill Target: =/> __% job vacancy rate in city, reported annually STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS ASSESS CURRENT ENVIRONMENT •Senior Staff Review •Previous Plan Progress •Vision/Mission/Values •SWOT Analysis IMPLEMENT THE PLAN •Implementation Session - Strategic Initiatives - Action Plans •Refine Details •Final Review, Approval SET PRIORITIES, TARGETS •Strategic Planning Retreat •Operating Environment - Previous Plan Progress - Internal SWOT •Challenges, Priorities •Outcomes, KOI’s, Targets •SWOT Analysis 96 13 Implementing the Vision – Developing Strategic Initiatives and Action Plans To successfully address the strategic priorities and achieve the intended outcomes expressed in the performance targets, it is necessary to have a focused set of actions, including detailed implementation steps to guide organizational effort. The Lakeville Economic Development Commission will accomplish this through a set of strategic initiatives. Strategic initiatives are broadly described, but narrowly focused activities that are aligned with the priorities and targeted to the achievement of outcomes expressed in the Targets. On December 3rd, 2019, senior staff and the consultant met to identify strategic initiatives. Following this session, staff worked to develop detailed action plans for each initiative. Business Retention, Expansion and Diversification •Create a business retention program with Chamber/CVB •Establish a Lakeville business expansion program •Develop a business cluster strategy and market node analyses Maximize and Market Our Competitive Edge •Develop and enhance data analytics capacity and capabilities •Refresh business marketing and branding strategy •Establish a benchmark comparison system Housing to Support Economic Goals •Coordinate economic development efforts related to Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) process •Articulate objectives for workforce housing •Facilitate housing barrier removal Workforce Availability and Utilization •Collaborate with Lakeville Works initiatives •Review City programs and policies for consistency with workforce housing requirements •Align efforts with higher education providers Website Audit To assist the City and EDC with strategic plan implementation, and provide competitive intelligence, the City of Lakeville asked the consultant to conduct a website audit, along with an evaluation of comparison cities. This was accomplished via a business community needs assessment, an analysis of the community and economic development web pages in Lakeville, and an analysis of comparison cities’ economic development web pages. Additional information on this process and recommendations can be found in Appendix II: Website Audit. 97 14 Strategic Planning Participants The strategic plan was developed with the hard work and dedication of many individuals. The Economic Development Commissioners took time out of their schedules to commit to long-term thinking. They defined a direction and a set of outcomes that are important to the citizens, businesses and stakeholders with whom they partner and serve. The Mayor and senior staff were active participants and offered context and support to the group’s strategic thinking. The President of the Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce was a full participant and also provided key insights and support. Economic Development Commission Quenton Scherer, Chair Glenn Starfield, Vice Chair Lowell Collman, Commissioner Derick Dautel, Commissioner Jim Emond, Commissioner Bob Gillen, Commissioner Jack Matasosky, Commissioner Don Seiler, Commissioner Justin Stone, Commissioner Tom Smith, Alternate Commissioner Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce Krista Jech, President City of Lakeville Douglas Anderson, Mayor Justin Miller, City Administrator David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director Kati Bachmayer, Economic Development Coordinator City of Lakeville EDC Strategic Plan FY 2020 – 2023 | February 2020 98 APPENDIX I SWOT Results 99 Strengths • Industrial park land • Residential development land • Well-educated population base • Household incomes • Nationally recognized schools • Good city leadership • Low crime rate • Access to major highways • Engaged community consisting of seasoned leaders and SMEs (subject matter experts) • Improvement in diversity • Experienced city staff • Close proximity to both Urban and Rural areas • Large industrial park • Airport • Business leaders involved in community • Highly rated schools • Unique downtown district • Top municipal liquor stores • Quality sites with necessary infrastructure available for Commercial/Industrial development • Geographic location • Growing critical mass of existing businesses • Considered a desirable community to live in • Growing community for residents • Growing community for businesses • Excellent reputation as a well-run city • Excellent reputation for well-run public schools • Good reputation for number of parks and maintenance of parks • Good citizen involvement i.e. Lions Club, Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, volunteerism • Good geographic position to major cities, highway and airports • Feels safe. Low crime. • Affordable for middle-upper income, dual-earner families • Strong business community • Location south of the river • Educated residents • Strong K-12 school system • Single-family home footprint 100 • Great school system • Strong business community • Active Chamber of Commerce • Strong community pride • Positive and experienced City leadership • Quality of life amenities • Industrial park • Strong partnerships between public and private organizations • Proximity to I-35 • Presence of Metropolitan Airports Commission reliever airport (Airlake Airport) •Available land for development • Critical mass of diverse businesses and industry that currently exist in the community • Desirable community to live and work in - schools, faith communities, parks, and quality of life - lure people here. • Population growth •Availability of land • Business friendly environment • Great schools • Historic downtown makes a large town feel like a small community • Close to I-35 (feels close/quick to get around the cities) • Large area to grow • Diverse businesses within the community • Safe community • Abundance of parks • Great community programs and events • Diverse business economy • Well-planned growth strategy • Location (close to major highways, rail, airport) • Business community - Industrial park, Downtown, other business pods. From home businesses to large entities. • Location (close to major highways, rail, airport) • Amenities - Schools, roads, public safety, parks, trails, arts center, golf, etc. • Leadership - From Council (governance) to Staff there is a focus on stewardship of resources. •Available land for housing and commercial/industrial development for next 15-20 years • Location • Access to interstate 101 •Schools •Variety of housing choices •Available land •Strong partners •Regional airport •Relationship between City, Chamber and Lakeville Area Schools •Desired location for business and residence •High engagement of key stakeholders in town •Schools •Strong Community Groups – Rotary, Pan-O-Prog, Lions, etc •Strong leadership 102 Weaknesses • Public transportation • Poor public image from I-35 • Lack of promotion efforts for city, business community, etc • Lakeville’s image/brand to consumers and businesses • Follow thru (alignment) with strategic priorities of the Envision Lakeville Plan • Reactionary vs. pro-active leadership • “Small town mentality” with a “large city reality” • Lack of available workforce for existing businesses • Shortage of a qualified work force • Lack of affordable workforce housing •Available funding for large transportation projects including I-35 / Co. Rd. 50 Interchange • Lack of mid to upper scale “white collar” businesses. We are strong in manufacturing but weak on information driven/digital driven businesses. This results in too many well -educated residents leaving the city for work each day. • Not that affordable for lower-middle income or single-earner families. This makes it difficult for our businesses to recruit skilled and lesser skilled labor for hospitality, manufacturing, health services, etc. • Lack of post-secondary education options. This forces our young graduates to leave the city. • Limited mass transit • Cost and requirements to build • Lack of ethnic diversity • Lack of affordable housing • Resistance to affordable housing • Lack of workers • Growth challenges - anticipating diverse housing needs and products, school facilities, etc. • Maintenance of older infrastructure in aging portions of community • Labor supply • Visibility to national retailers • Distance from urban core - hard to attract major employers • Lack of transit options •Willingness to sacrifice long term gain for short term results (i.e. too many low-wage jobs) • Public transportation 103 •Real estate is getting more expensive and smaller lots •Few choices of apartments •Vacant buildings •Lack of workforce housing •No hospital •Medical industry seems under-represented in employment numbers •Availability of skilled and service industry labor •Affordable housing •Workforce •Availability of training •Workforce – too many people leaving for work, not enough people pursuing careers in industries that we have (skilled trades – manufacturing, construction, transportation) •Affordable housing (although getting better) •Lack of Diversity among leadership in entire community •Workforce - necessary to support businesses retention, growth and development •Desire for all things - must make choices and focus resource use to priorities. Establish long term approach of sustainability (financial advisory committee is working on). •Transportation (roads) systems - East/west needs to be developed. Hwy 50 almost complete, Hwy 70 next two years, 185th street??? •Lack of Post High school education in support of our business community •Lack of retail stores •The geographic size of the community •Limited traffic corridors •Limited supply of affordable housing 104 Opportunities •Move from being reactionary to proactive •Collaborate with chamber of commerce, DLBA, and others to promote economic development •Marketing and promotion of Lakeville •Address multiple business communities within the city, their unique needs and create economic development strategies for each •Align with the envision plan to improve economic sustainability (EDC is the “owner” of the envision strategic priority of “increasing economic security”) •Coordinate with other strategic priority teams as outlined in the envision plan •Growing professional population • Space to expand business/industrial park • Space to expand arts center and parks • Ability to offer events and experiences • Expansion of public transportation to the city • Aging population - changing needs • Changing population - increased diversity •Continued and increased workforce development partnerships with Chamber of Commerce, local school districts and other agencies • An improved and expanded Airlake Airport (that is now in the City of Lakeville) • Continued promotion and marketing of Lakeville as a location for new and expanded businesses • Partner with public and private organizations on ways to facilitate development of workforce housing • Our growing population base is well educated and would provide an excellent workforce for the right companies. • Our downtown growth has been encouraging. It would be nice to see us build upon that momentum. A vibrant and charming downtown can give us something unique and different from surrounding suburbs. • We have space / land available. Lots of it! (no pun intended) • Actionable strategic plan goals • Workforce housing development • Expansion of Lakeville Works program • Zoning ordinance modernization to meet development and community needs • Expansion of career exploration at Lakeville schools 105 • Partnerships with area technical education colleges • Expand support of small businesses and startups • Create a structured business retention program • Maintain strong public-private partnerships •Available inventory of land for future development of both residential and industrial opportunities. • Good access to distribution routes - make Lakeville a good spot for logistic businesses (trucking, rail, warehousing) to serve local area and region. • Finding technology solutions to help the manufacturing challenges of labor and distribution of products. • Growing existing businesses •Availability of tax increment assistance • Desirable place to work and live • Good school system • Room for future growth • Good base of industrial businesses • Good sense of community • Safe family environment •Available land • Demographic is right to pursue a large attraction/tourism driver • Workforce Development because of the increasing collaboration between the business community and our school • We are the gateway to the Twin Cities from the south •In partnership with others, define and develop each business pod (from Industrial park, to downtown, to Hy-Vee) and associated plan if appropriate (like downtown plan). •Image - focus efforts to strengthen live/work/play/stay here in Lakeville....vs. that we are bedroom community. •Be Proactive - and what does this look like for us? For the future? •Available land •Potential annexation opportunities to really establish city as southern metro landmark •Attracting corporate jobs/buildings •Workforce housing •Medical industry jobs •Growing a workforce labor pool 106 Threats • Failure of city government to dedicate resources to identify target businesses to solicit for relocation, expansion or establishment in Lakeville. • Inadequate workforce housing • Inadequate public transportation for workforce • Failure to recognize or anticipate: a softening in the economy or competition. • Failure to address multiple business communities within the city and their unique needs • Loss of rural lands to development • Dealing with substance abuse amid growing population • Dealing with mental illness amid growing population •Maintaining sufficient volunteers for emergency services • Aging population - changing needs • Changing population - increased diversity • National economic downturn • Continued increase in workforce shortages • Housing market slowdown • Sameness - Adopting the same policies and acting the same as other suburbs. This tends to lend itself to a non-distinctive experience. A city with little character. • Losing sight of our strengths - i.e. The school system has a great reputation. As our population ages will we lose our interest in investing in our school system. Our park system is a significant asset. Will we be able to motivate our citizens to support getting the park system to the next level of cool. • Not diversifying our business base - We are heavy into manufacturing and not very strong in businesses of the information age. Are we prepared to weather economic storms? • Cheaper options to location just south of Lakeville • Impending recession • Loss of naturally occurring affordable housing • Tariffs and trade war • Lack of workforce (skilled and unskilled) • Fast-growing population strain on school system • Legislative changes/mandates to independent city building fees • Major employer leaving the city • Labor availability • Low / moderate income housing opportunities • Cost of development / entitlement activities (platting, trunk fees, park dedication, etc). The impact to land costs are increasing drastically. 107 • Retail uses we want go to Apple Valley/Burnsville due to density and trade areas • Susceptible to economic downturn • Housing growing faster than jobs •State legislature involvement in city growth financing issues • City debt • Highly dependent on outside income sources to sustain our high average household income. • Growth faster than infrastructure build-out (Schools, water, sewer, etc). • Sustainability of low property tax rate (Dependence on liquor sales, growth, special service districts. etc...) 108 Top Priorities • Shift from being reactionary to being proactive (align with Envision Lakeville plan) • Marketing and promotion of Lakeville (branding of Lakeville)(improvement of Lakeville’s image) • Identify business communities within Lakeville, their unique needs and create economic development strategies for each • Promote a sustainable workforce for businesses • Enable businesses and City Departments to keep pace with growth • Enable businesses and City Departments to meet changing demands • Workforce development • Workforce housing development • Securing approval of needed funding for new infra-structure including I-35/ Co. Rd. 50 Interchange • Attracting businesses with higher wage jobs that match up with the resident base • Supporting initiatives that encourage training, internships and placement for skilled and lesser skilled employees to staff our existing business base. • Support limited housing growth that is deemed more “affordable” being mindful to not over steer • Support initiatives that promote small, independent, local retail and restaurant businesses so that our town develops a feel that is unique from other suburbs. • Attract more corporate campus • Responding to workforce challenges • Attracting and incentivizing businesses with living wage jobs • Retaining existing businesses • Providing existing and new businesses with the labor and / or technology to accomplish their missions in business. • Review processes and costs to remain competitive in economic development community. (Quicker and cheaper are still strong criteria for site selection) • Continue to monitor housing inventory - product, market, and absorption so inventory of available housing matches anticipated needs. • Retail attraction • Branding • Attracting/incentivizing high wage jobs, not low wage • Attracting more corporate jobs • Growing schools •Attracting business to vacant buildings • Diversifying the housing offerings 109 •Growing the labor pool to support local business growth •Creating a more self-sufficient household income mix •Complete infrastructure improvements •Airport expansion •Workforce housing •Smart Recruitment •Retention •Workforce Development •Get East/West Road corridors complete - CR50, CR70, 185th, and CR9. •Business Pod planning - define, develop proactive plan •Image - target our communication/branding efforts on that we are the gateway to the Twin Cities, and a great place to live/work/play and Stay! •Maintain fiscal responsibility, and lowering of tax rate 110 APPENDIX II Economic Development Website Audit 111 City of Lakeville Economic Development Commission Website Audit Scope of Audit The City of Lakeville set forth the following scope for an economic development website audit: “Examine the website to identify areas of strength and growth pertaining to the identified economic development strategic priorities.” This was accomplished via a business community needs assessment, an analysis of the community and economic development web pages in Lakeville, and an analysis of comparison cities’ economic development web pages. Needs Assessment Assessing the needs of the business community was done through interviews of internal and external stakeholders, and review of key documents. Staff indicated that the audience for the Community and Economic Development department included the general public in addition to the business community. The primary objective is to ensure that the website is properly aligned with the City Council and Economic Development Commission's goals. Envision Lakeville included economic development both as a community value and a key initiative. Because of the frequency with which content is updated on the website, the focus for alignment was on the key initiatives for the next 1-5 years. (A summary of the economic development priorities from Envision Lakeville is on Appendix A.) In addition to examining Envision Lakeville, feedback was requested on the City's website from the Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce/Convention & Visitor's Bureau. Krista Jech, President of the Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce/CVB indicated that recent changes to the website have made it more user friendly and easier to navigate. Clear access to meetings and events gives businesses a sense of what is going on within the community--Lakeville does this well. When a business is seeking information about city processes or land, often they want to identify who it is that they need to talk to in order to get a permit or understand signage rules in the ordinance. Descriptions of the unique characteristics of neighborhoods and business zones would also be needed to help a site selector unfamiliar with Lakeville to evaluate the areas within the community for locating a new business. This information may also help a business owner that wants to locate near other similar businesses--or businesses that provide source materials for products and services. Content Review of Community and Economic Development Web Pages Generally, when assessing the content of a website, the review focuses on usefulness of the content, minimization of errors (e.g., factual, spelling) and reducing the duplication of similar information. Overall, this audit did not find errors or out-of-date information. The pages loaded quickly and were 112 free of broken links. Content is updated on a regular basis, including activities of the Economic Development Commission. In addition to the ease of navigation and access to information furthers the City's transparency goals. One frequent mistake that many organizations make is wanting all of the information on every page. Overall, Lakeville's website is simple and uncluttered. The Community and Economic Development homepage provides links to key documents, including the Strategic Plan for Economic Development, which helps provide insight into the City's priorities for economic development. The City may want to consider whether to add a link to the Envision Lakeville document and remove the oldest version of the Economic Development Annual report. The following table offers recommendations for improvements in some of the existing websites. Recommendations for Community and Economic Development Web Pages URL Title Action Details https://lakevillemn.go v/186/Community- Economic- Development Community & Economic Development homepage Improve Add a link to the "Doing Business" website on the Community and Economic Development homepage. Including all Community and Economic Development staff contacts would be helpful to businesses. https://www.lakeville mn.gov/Archive.aspx? AMID=37 Thrive! Newsletter Archive Improve The addition of an introductory sentence would make the content more accessible to someone new to the community and not understanding of the newsletter content. https://lakevillemn.go v/616/Demographics Demographics Keep as is Additional links for demographics, such as Census data could be added over time. https://lakevillemn.go v/430/Economic- Development- Commission Economic Development Commission Improve Members of the EDC should be added to the web page on the EDC. https://lakevillemn.go v/615/Available- CommercialIndustrial- Propertie Available Commercial / Industrial Properties Improve On-line property locator tool is excellent. The information about Airlake Industrial Park and Downtown Lakeville is unexpected on this page. Downtown content is repetitive on "Downtown Lakeville" page. Linking to, rather than duplicating content, will make it easier to find in a search. https://lakevillemn.go v/193/Starting-a- Business Starting a Business Keep as is Good combination of links to City, County and State resources. https://lakevillemn.go v/188/Downtown- Lakeville Downtown Lakeville Keep as is Speed on loading some of Development Guides is slow. 113 Recommendations for Community and Economic Development Web Pages URL Title Action Details https://lakevillemn.go v/194/Where-is- Lakeville Where is Lakeville? Improve May want to add a sentence or two about what the primary benefits are of locating in Lakeville. This is an opportunity to draw person searching into other ED content. https://lakevillemn.go v/189/Economic- Development- SnapShots Economic Development SnapShots videos Improve Add link to Thrive! Newsletter page. https://lakevillemn.go v/618/Development- Toolbox Development Toolbox Improve Add a link to the "Development Toolbox" on the "Starting a Business" homepage to help new businesses understand what resources are available for assistance. "Toolbox" may not be a readily identifiable search term. Additional descriptions to help elucidate the characteristics of neighborhoods and business zones would help an inquiring business narrow down areas within the community for locating a new business. This will also help a business that wants to locate near other similar businesses--or businesses that provide source materials for products and services. Utilization Statistics The City Communications department provided information on the number of times a web page has been viewed in the past year. The statistics cover the web pages related to Economic Development. The following statistics for the past year reflect the visits to the Community and Economic Development web pages. Community & Economic Development home page Thrive! Newsletter Archive Demographics Economic Development Commission Available Commercial/Industrial Properties Starting a Business Downtown Lakeville Where is Lakeville? Economic Development SnapShots videos Development Toolbox 2,957 1,898 899 802 737 606 449 445 360 202 Community & Economic Development Web Page Visits (Nov. 1, 2018 - Oct. 27, 2019) 114 Not surprisingly, the site most frequently visited is the Community and Economic Development homepage. For many visitors, the homepage is the first visit as it often contains the contact information for staff. Looking further into the visits to the Community and Economic Development homepage, the visits for the past year do not seem to reflect a particular cycle, but rather a positive growth in the number of visits over time: This data should continue to be monitored to ensure that this trend continues. The "bounce" rate for the visits ranges from 54.1% to 76.6% over this time period. A "bounce rate" indicates the percentage of visitors that leave a page after the initial visit, rather than continuing to click on links for additional content. A recent RocketFuel study indicates that most websites have a bounce rate of between 26% to 70%. A bounce rate should not necessarily be viewed as a negative statistic. If a visitor is able to secure the needed content on the first visit, review of additional pages is not necessary. Mobile Presence Because of the ubiquitous presence of mobile phones, it has become increasingly important for cities to examine the access to information from a mobile device. All of the web pages analyzed in this report were also reviewed using a mobile device. The pages loaded quickly and the content adjusted well to viewing on a mobile device. No problems were detected. Alignment with Strategic Economic Development Goals The first statement on the Community and Economic Development Department homepage is "The Community & Economic Development Department encourages quality community development and promotes well-managed residential and commercial growth that will add to the quality of life in Lakeville." This statement reflects the values and priorities identified in Envision Lakeville, although it is not identical language. Strategic priorities of the Economic Development Commission are in the 0 100 200 300 400 500 Community & Economic Development Home Page - Monthly Web Page Views 115 process of being updated. At the most recent strategic planning session, the following priorities were identified: 1.Business Retention, Expansion and Diversification 2.Maximize and Market Our Competitive Edge 3.Housing to Support Economic Goals 4.Workforce Availability and Utilization The primary source for information on the City's economic development priorities is the Economic Development annual reports and the 2017-2019 Strategic Plan for Economic Development, which can be found on the homepage of the Community and Economic Development website. For the most part, the information provided on the City website pages is focused on addressing the first two economic development priorities. Links to additional information on the city's workforce are provided on the Community and Economic Development homepage. Supplementary information on housing and transportation can be found on other locations of the website, but the connection to this information is not made through the community and economic development web pages outside of the Economic Development annual report. The strategic link could be enhanced by stating the strategic goals on the Community and Economic Development homepage and providing additional information on Envision Lakeville. The Demographic web page also could be enhanced to provide information on housing and transportation. Several of the comparable cities provide examples of prominently displayed strategic initiatives on their websites. Comparison Cities The City of Lakeville has identified eleven communities across the country that have similar demographic and community characteristics. These are the communities that were used to assess the City's website for comparability to its competitors. These comparative cities include: Carmel, Indiana; West Des Moines, Iowa; St. Charles, Missouri; Mason, Ohio; Waukesha, Wisconsin; Shawnee, Kansas; Woodbury, Minnesota; Maple Grove, Minnesota; Eden Prairie, Minnesota; Rapid City, South Dakota; and Waukegan, Illinois. The types of information provided on these websites vary significantly --some focused on the regulatory functions of government (such as links to the city code, planning and zoning maps and licenses and permits), while others focused on bringing business to the community. A full website audit was not done of these cities, but key pieces of information can be found on the economic development web pages of these cities: Most cities had links to information on regulatory function of the government, as well as including links to bid and quote opportunities. Some communities seemed more focused on "selling" the community, with information on community demographics. Eden Prairie included a video community tour, while Mason, Ohio, and St. Charles, Missouri, provided links to site selector packets. 116 All communities except two provided updates on new businesses and information on how to start a new business in the community. Waukesha, Wisconsin, prominently features a video highlighting a new business. All cities except one featured information on their downtown business district, including types of businesses in the district and any special requirements. Carmel, Indiana and Waukegan, Illinois, focused their websites on strategic economic development priorities. Lakeville's website compared favorably to its comparable communities in terms of overall appeal and relevance of information. The interactive map of available properties was found only on a few other community websites--most were static maps. Two of the communities had outdated information or broken links. However, few of the cities had clear links to strategic priorities and the information on the economic development web pages. With the exception of two cities, the information was not targeted at any specific types of businesses. Since the City of Lakeville is focused on having a diversity of types of businesses, it would not be expected that the Community and Economic Development web pages be focused on one sector or type of business (i.e., healthcare or technology). Additional information on comparable city websites can be found in Appendix B. Conclusion The City of Lakeville's website provides information that businesses expect to see in a user-friendly format. No significant performance issues were discovered in the review of the Community and Economic Development web pages. Recent enhancements, such as the interactive development map showing the most recent information available on sites will be helpful for businesses seeking sites for locating new or expanding existing businesses. Although the information provided is useful and necessary for doing business in Lakeville, links to the strategic priorities could be enhanced through the content or by providing information on key strategic planning efforts, such as Envision Lakeville. If the city changes its direction and focuses on one specific type of business it is trying to attract, additional changes should be made to make the Community and Economic Development web pages more focused on that sector. 117 APPENDIX A: ENVISION LAKEVILLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Community Values Diversified Economic Development We value the stability and independence provided by a strong, diversified local economy. In 25 years, Lakeville will have a diversified economy that provides residents with expanded opportunities to work within the City and to meet their shopping, health care, and other daily needs. A mix of industrial, office, and retail development will help to provide the tax base needed to support high quality public services.... (Envision Lakeville, page 7) Strategic Priorities Increase Economic Sustainability Lakeville exists within a growing interconnected region, but a successful future depends upon Lakeville being a more self‐ sufficient community. This will largely depend upon the City being able to attract a broad mix of economic development to support the services and daily needs desired by the community. Working diligently to secure economic development and redevelopment of all types will ensure success...." (Envision Lakeville, page 9) Key Initiatives 1-5 years Emphasize the attraction of businesses that can provide higher skill, higher wage, head of household jobs. Retain existing businesses and facilitate growth and expansion. Provide a broad range of financial incentives to attract businesses that employ higher skilled, high wage jobs. Support the aggressive transportation program that is in place to enhance economic development opportunities.... (Envision Lakeville, page 11) 118 APPENDIX B: COMPARABLE CITIES' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WEBSITES City Pop. Website Links on Business Pages Aligned with City Priorities? LAKEVILLE, MN 65,000 https://www.la kevillemn.gov/ 35/Doing- Business Bid requests; building project handouts; city code; comprehensive plan; erosion control; ePermits; Thrive! Lakeville Business Updates; license & permits; starting a business; tree preservation Links provided to strategic plan for economic development. Carmel, IN 92,198 http://www.ca rmel.in.gov/do ing-business Available Properties, Bid & Quote Opportunities, Business Ownership Initiative, Carmel Small Business Network, OneZone Chamber of Commerce, Hamilton County Information, Investing in Carmel, Land in Carmel, Planning and Zoning, Roundabouts, Statistics and Demographics, Transportation Servic es Yes; information on initiatives in business development. West Des Moines, IA 56,609 http://www.w dm.iowa.gov/ business Agendas & Minutes, Building Inspection; Chamber of Commerce; Expand or Relocate in WDM; Go West - West Des Moines; Greater DM Partnership; Greater Dallas County Development Alliance; Licenses & Permits; Local Agencies; Maps & GIS; On-line Development Center; Plan & Zoning Commission; Project Bid Information; RFP & Bid Postings; Vendor Application Form; Start a Small Business No; little strategic information; one redirect highlights broadband technology and city as a "tech" city, but not clear if that is a city priority. St. Charles, MO 70,329 https://www.s tcharlescitymo .gov/922/Econ omic- Development Need to get to Economic Development department website first; about us, strategic advantages, data & demographics, site selector information and live & work Little strategic information other than what is strategic about city's location for business. Mason, OH 40,593 https://www.i maginemason. org/business/ Mason business news; living in Mason; economic development; workforce; education, training, research; transportation; utility providers; financial information; site selectors General statements on site selection page about supporting business development. Waukesha, WI 70,718 https://www. waukesha- wi.gov/1113/Ec onomic- Development Bid opportunities; permits & licenses; development (plan commission, property information, signs, economic development); resources & links; advertising opportunities; bus routes; code book; zoning ordinances Development needs and goals listed on slide in presentation that is linked to ED homepage. Shawnee, KS 70,048 https://cityofs hawnee.org/b usiness/buildin g_a_better_sh awnee; https://cityofs Starting a new business; planning a development; building a better Shawnee; economic incentives; downtown partnership; land use guide; requests for proposals and bids Strategic goal of Economic Growth and Vitality and initiatives included in report. 119 City Pop. Website Links on Business Pages Aligned with City Priorities? hawnee.org/b usiness/downt own_partners hip Woodbury, MN 69,756 https://www. woodburymn. gov/doing_bus iness/index.ph p Doing business; economic development; inspections; planning and zoning; non-city events; utility billing; chamber of commerce Link to strategic plan from ED page; 1.Promote Woodbury as a community of choice 2.Optimize development and redevelopment opportunities. Maple Grove, MN 68,385 https://www. maplegrovem n.gov/business Available land & buildings; business licenses & permits; community profile & demographics; development projects; open to business program; important resources and links Prioritization points to 2040 comprehensive plan and NW area master plan. Eden Prairie, MN 60,797 https://www.e denprairie.org/ doing- business/econ omic- development Chamber of Commerce; Codes & policies; economic development; emergency preparedness; Flying Cloud Airport; licenses & permits; Planning Commission; public transit; southwest LRT; video tour News article on housing priorities; links business survey from business pages. Rapid City, SD 74,421 https://www.r cgov.org/guid e-to-doing- business-in- rapid- city/guide-to- doing- business-in- rapid-city- 185.html Rapid City Comprehensive Plan; bids; Chamber of Commerce; Community Planning; Development; Economic Development; GIS Maps; Licensing; Permits "Black Hills Vision" - described as a coalition to promote Economic Development but link on ED page does not load. Waukegan, IL 88,826 https://ww w.waukega nil.gov/35/B usiness Getting Started; Business License Application; New Business & Development; Overweight & Oversize Vehicle Permit Information; Special Events; Food & Beverage Tax Information; Vacant Structure Registration Described as "City of Progress"--provides links to dept. strategic plans and the city's comp plan. 120