Responses to the City of ChanhasssenRESPONSES TO CITY OF CHANHASSEN Planning: 1. The buildings must meet the requirements of Chapter 20, Article XXlll, Division 7 Design Standards for commercial, industrial, and office- institutional developments". Of particular importance: a. The south and west elevations must be articulated either through the use of facade modulation- stepping back/ forward or extending a portion of the fagade and/or vertical division using different textures or materials. Provided, refer to elevations. b. The south and west elevations must include architectural detailing to facilitate the reduction of the City' s facade transparency requirement, as outlined in section 20- 1068. Provided, refer to elevations. Tilt-up concrete panels must be grid or brick like in appearance. Provided, refer to elevations. d. Accent materials ( metal, glass block, spandrel glass, etc.) are limited to 15 percent of the building' s facade. Provided, refer to elevations Flat roofs should be defined with an ornamental parapet or cornice. Roof is sloped 4:12 which meets the requirements of the code. 2. A complete site plan application will be required concurrent with the request to rezone to Planned Unit Development ( PUD). Application has been submitted' 3. A complete variance request for the use of holding tanks will be required concurrent with the requesttorezonetoPlannedUnitDevelopment(PUD).Variancehasbeensubmitted' 4. An expanded narrative should be provided addressing the proposed use of the site. The narrative should address business model, number of employees present, parking needs, expected traffic generation and other similar elements Refer to expanded narrative 5,Proposedfenceandgateshallnotexceedeightfeetinheisht,shallbelocatedoutsideof required front yard setbacks and sight triangle if not of an open design' and shall be located behind required landscape buffers. Fencing will meet these requirements c e 5. A proposed sign plan shall be provided as part of the site plan application' We are not requesting any signage at this time. 8. lnformation on the heights and materials shall be provided for the proposed retaining walls. lnformation is added to civil. Full engineering drawings of retaining wall will be provided based on pla nning approval. Landscaping: 1. Must include existing trees and woods on existing conditions sheet and update the canopy coverage calculations. The trees are located on the existing conditions exhibit. a. Must meet or exceed required replacement tree planting for the site' 2. Must submit a tree inventory for the site. We have submitted a tree inventory with tree preservation 3. Staff recommends use of no- mow turf grass or prairie mix in place of the proposed sod areas to promote a sustainable landscape design for the site. We are ok with no mow tur[. 4. Must meet the buffer yard plantings as required by section 20- 7L76(tl' 5. Must include foundation plantings on the outward facing sides ofthe buildings. 6, Staff recommends that the applicant propose an alternative to the required vehicular use area landscaping requirements that meets the intent of the ordinance by providing environmental benefits and/ or reducing the heat island effect caused by large expanses of asphalt' A parking island was added. The remainder of asphalt is drive lane and does not accommodate parking islands. A variance is being applied for' Engineering: 1 Existing easements must be vacated prior to recording the final plat' The existing easements will be vacated prlor to recording final plat The existing easements have been described for the vacation' Ten- foot public drainage and utility easements will be required along all property lines' The final plat has a perimeter 10' easement for public drainage and utilities' Publicdrainageandutilityeasementswillberequiredoverpublicutilitieswithdimensions adequate to properly repair and maintain the utility( i'e water main)' The final plat has utility easements over the proposed public utilities' 2 3 7. A proposed lighting plan shall be provided as part ofthe site plan application. Lighting photometric ptan is included in the drawing package. 4. Status ofthe two parcels abutting the preliminary plat' s western property lines listed as Parcel lD: Gap" must be resolved prior to recording of the final plat. The property gap will be resolved. 5. Applicant must coordinate all right- of-way activity with Carver County, including considerations and conditions associated with easements for the property as well as requirements associated with ingress/ egress and construction activities such as grading and hauling operations. We will obtain Carver County permits for construction activities and ingress/egress. 5. A turnaround should be included meeting the requirements of section 20- 1122. The turnaround must facilitate the turning movement of the largest anticipated design vehicle for the site or the City' s largest fire trunk, whichever is greater. A turnaround for the fire truck is provided at the end of the drive between the buildings with a 48' radius. 7. Existing Conditions Survey: a. Topographic data 100 feet beyond the property boundary. We have added topographic to go 100 feet beyond the property line. b. lllustration of existing features that would impact the site' s ingress/ egress ( e. g. the full extents of Flying Cloud Drive which includes the median near the site' s entrance). We have included the existing improved FlyinB Cloud improvements. c. Utilities on or adjacent to the property, including location, size and invert elevation of storm sewers, catch basins and manholes; location and size of water mains (including casings) and hydrants; location of gas mains, high pressure lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone lines, and street liShts. The direction, distance to, and size of such facilities shall be indicated. We have added the adjacent utilities with rims and inverts. d. Sewage treatment systems and associated conveyance systems The existing sanitary sewer has been added e. Existing easements and associated recording document numbers' Existing easements have been included f. Property information within 150 feet of the property' s boundary' We have added adjacent property information within l'50 feet of the boundary' g. Retaining wall elevations. The existing retaining walls are shown h. Show buffer and wetland setbacks for managed type 2 wetland' We are not aware of any wetlands on the property' 8. Retaining walls over four feet in height require an engineered design' A structural engineer will design all retaining walls over 4 feet 9. Retaining walls in easements will require Encroachment Agreements and if any construction or impacts require access to abutting properties, the appropriate right- of-entry agreements and/ or temporary construction easements must be obtained' The retaining walls within the 10'drainage and utility easements will require an EncroachmentASreement.ThewallswillbeconstructedwithoutencroachinSuntoadjacent properties. Water Resources: 1. A permit from the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District( LMRWD) will be required. Staff believes the proposed stormwater will tri8ger LMRWD Rule D. A permit from the Lower Minnesota River Watershed will be obtained prior to construction. 2. Verify with LMRWD if the project will trigger Rule F- Steep Slopes' The site is not located within a steep slope per Lower Minnesota River watershed District maps. 3. Must address water Resources Engineer' s (wRE) comments on stormwater design transmitted via email dated February 4, 2022. a.H&Hmodelsshouldbeupdatedperthesecommentspriortositeplansubmittal. ThestormwaterdesignaddressestherequirementsoftheLowerMinnesotaRiVer WatershedRuleD.andthecity,sstormwaterrequirements.Wehaveincludedthe HydroCAD and P8 models for review for water quality and quantity requirements' 10. No earth disturbing activities may occur until an approved SWPPP is developed. This SWPPP shall be a standalone document consistent with the NPDES Construction Permit and shall contain all required elements as listed in Parts lll and lV of the permit. The SWPPP will need to be updated as the plans are finalized, when the contractor and their sub- contractors are identified and as other conditions change. We will develop a standalone SWPPP and will have a NDPES permit in place prior to any earth moving activitles. 11. The city has preliminarily agreed to allow the development to tap into the public water main which was extended with the Highway 101 Realignment project, but only to service the development' s fire suppression needs. It is understood that the on-site watermain is for fire suppression only and not for domestic use. The site is intended to be utilized for cold storage with no permanent on-site personnel. 12. lf thesitewill have anyfixtures requiringthe use of water other than for fire suppression needs, a private source of water supply must be used for those fixtures. There will be no on-site water usage with the current plan. 13. Water Connection fees will be due at the time potable water is available to the site and will be at the rates in effect at that time. It is understood that the water fees will be paid when portable water is available to the site. 14. The property and potential future properties associated with this developable area will be specially assessed for the extension of the public sanitary sewer when they connect. It is understood there will be connection fees for sanitary sewer when the public sanitary sewer becomes f unctional. 15. The development will be required to extend the public water main to the western property line, and the extension into the site must be along or near the improved private access to allow for reasonable access for future repair and maintenance. The water main has been extended through the property to the eastern property line for future extension of the water system. 4. Buildings and parking areas must meet required wetland setbacks. We are not aware of any wetlands onsite. 5. Geotechnical report and infiltration testing to show sequencing of BMP design from infiltration to filtration will likely be required prior to the issuance of building permit. The Geotechnical lnvestigation has been ordered and will be provided when available, the timeline for this is 3 to 4 weeks from today's date. 5. HydroCAD models should be submitted in addition to reports for review by the WRE. The HydroCAD model and P8 model have been submitted for review 7. Stormwater facilities must meet the requirements of section 19- 144 of the City Code. It is our opinion that the stormwater facilities designed for this project are in compliance with the requirements of section 19-144 of the City Code. 8. A stormwater maintenance agreement and associated operations and maintenance plan is required for all private stormwater BMPs. A stormwater maintenance agreement, operations and maintenance plan will be provided. g. lf the property is subdivided in the future, stormwater fees will be collected at the rate in affect at the time of platting, minus the $9, 900.00 already paid U nderstood Pa rk: 1. lf the property is subdivided in the future, Park fees will be collected at the rate in affect at the time of platting, minus the S 2,800.00 already paid. 1. All buildings will require fire sprinkler systems. Buildings will be sprinkled' 2. All buildingswill needafirepanel (oronecentral location panel) to monitorthe fire sprinkler systems. Fire panel will be provided. 3.Firehydrant(s}willberequired.currentlyshowingonpreliminaryutilityplan.HydrantWilIbe provided, refer to plans for locations' 4. Fire access roads/ driveway grading not to exceed 10% in grade Truck turn around was added with appropriate grades. Access to back of buildings is under 350' Fire: