Application for Development ReviewCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Plannrng Division - 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone (952) ?27 -1100 tFax. (9521227-1110 Submrtlal Date A--oq /14 CITY OT CIIAI'IIIASSIN APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PC Date cc oate ?l (Refer lo lha approptiate Application Checklist lot rcquired sobmiftal inlomalion lhat l,r,ust accompany this application) E Comprehensive Plan Amendment. ................. E Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ! Conditional Use Permit (CUP) n Single-FamilyResidence n Att others................ E Subdivision (SUB) E Create 3 lots or less E Create over 3 lots ....... . ......( tors) ! Metes & Bounds (2 lots) E Consolidate Lots............ . ... 1<e,rOt Un ,intitrl $600 $100 $325 s425 sTso A s 100$500 as150 ns[,,|,ilhl s100 ! lnterim Use Permit (lUP) ! ln conjunction with Single-Family Residence.. $325 n A others...... .. .... .. $425 D Rezoning (REZ) El Planned Unit Development (PUD) . E Minor Amendment to existing PUD E Lot Line Ad,iustment............. .E Fr"riLt l--.. -. (lncludes $450 escrow for attorney costs). 'Additional egcrow may be requited for other applications through the developmenl contract. Vacataon of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC) (Addational lecordlng fees may apply) Vanance (VAR) .. ..... Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) I Single-FamilyResidence ! Att others 5300 $200 $150 $275 $100 $500 E A[ others...... E Sign Plan Review... fl site Plan Review (SPR) tA ! Administrative .. -................ t...... (_ thousand square feet) 'lnclude number of CllSlDq employees 'lnc'lde number of 4ql4 employees E Resrdential Orstflcts..... ... .. . Plus $5 per dwelling unit (- Commercial/lndustrial Districts' ..... .. . $500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet ot ouiroin! areJ--- U zoning APpeal D Zonlng Ordinance Amendment (ZOA) !qIE: When multiple appllcations are p.ocessed concur.eotly' the approp.iate fee shall be charged for each application. E Notification Sign {c,ty ro instattand remove) " $200 ! Property Owners' LiSt with in 500' lcrty to generate afler pre-app[caton meetrig) . "" '53peraddress(- addresses) ...... .......... s500 units) plv)E Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that n Conditional Use Permit E vacation I Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) lnterim Use Permit E Variance D Easements (- easements) S50 Per document fl Site Plan Agreement E Wetland Alterataon Permit a f] Deeds TOTAL FEE:t Description of Proposal: Construction ot cold siorage building and entrance otf of Flying Cloud drive with required site imProvements Property Address or Location 1 O52O GREAT PLAIN BLVD Legal Description Lot 1&2 of Paws & Hooves Addition Parcel # 8.3 3 Wetlands Present?E ves nuo Requested ZoningFringe Business District (BF)Planned Unit Development (PUD) Present Land Use Designation Commercial vacant Total Acreage. Present Zoning Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) Section 2: Required lnformation ECnecf box if separate narrative is attached Existing Use of Property ...$300 1lrclzz tl,ulr-6o.oayReviewDare qf 4 ZZ- Requested Land Use Designation:Select One Section 3: Proparty Ownor and Appllcant lnformatlon APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OUIINER: ln signing this applEation, l, as applksnl represent to have obtained authonzation from the property owne, to file this application I agree to be bound by conditions of aPproval, subject ooly to the right to obiecl at the hearings on the application or during the appeal penod lf lhis application has not been slgned by the property owner, I have attaahed separaie documentation of full legal capacity to file the apdi€alion This application shoulrt-be irocesseO in my name and I am the party whorn the City should contact regarding any mattet p€rtaining to this application I will keep misetf infonned of the deadiines for submission of material and the progress ol 6is applbation l furiher untterstand th;t additional te€s may be charged tor consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authonza$on to proceed with the studi I cerlit that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correcl. Name Address' Name RSI Marine Address 1533 3rd Ave W Cityistate/Zip Emaill Shakopee rob@rsima com Sign City/State/Zip Email: Signature: PROJECT ENGINEER (if aPPlicable) James R Hill.lnc Address 2999 w county road 42 fl1OO City/Stat€r'Zp Bumsvill€. mn 55306 Email igcooper@irhinc.com . Rob Scfiatzl€ (es2) 23$2084 (612) 839-9990 5t5t22 . Joel G Coop€r (952) 89G6044 (612) s0&e$0 Contact Phone: PROPERTY OlilNER: ln signing this application, l, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this ai'plidtion. I understand thatconditions of approval are binding and agree lo be bound by those condtions, subjeit only to ih; right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will ke€P mysetf informed ot the deadtines for submission of materialind the progrestof his application. I turther understand that a(Hitional tees may be charged for consulting Ees, leasibility studies. etc. wilh an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. icertify that the information and exhibits submitted are lrue and correc't Contact Phone: Cell: Fax: Dato Cell Fax: Date Cell Fax This application must be compleled in full and musl b€ accompanied by all infonnalion and plans required by ,ootiJ[t" Cit, Ortinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appoPrbte A0d*xtion Checklist "Ii "oneryiir' tne ptanning Depaturcnt to determine the specific ordinance and applicable Procedural requiremenE and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be.made within 15 business days of applioation submittal. A ;-iti,; ;;G;;pptication oeficiencies ahall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days ot applbation. Contract Phona: Section4: Notificalion lnfotmation I Mail€d Pap€r CoPy n Maabd Paper copy fl Mailed Paper CoPY E tvtaiteo Paper copy INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICAI{T: Complete all necessary. device-TRtNrFdRM anAAelrver to city along witfi required form fields. then sebct SAVE FORH to save a copy to your docurEnts and payment SUBMIT FORM b send a digital SAVE FOR PRINT FORrrt SUBTTT FORi' ! Property Owner Vra. E Email E Appli:anl Vra: Ll Email fl Engineer Vra: Ll Email D Otre* Vra U Emdl Vlrho Bhould receive coPios of staft T.potts?'O'ift.r Cont ct lrlo E{on: Nam6: Addressl Email: Name copy to the ctty for Procesing