Updated_RSI Marine_Rev per City Comment_Landscape_5-06-22General Notes: 1. Landscape contractor to provide a new irrigation layout plan for the property. 2. See Civil Engineer's plans for grading layout and requirements 3. Contractor to coordinate any work in the right-of-way with City of Chanhassen Public Works Department. 4. Sod all disturbed areas except plant beds and areas noted to receive rock mulch. 5. Place a minimum of 6" topsoil or slope dressing on all areas disturbed by construction, i ncl ud i ng right-of-way boulevards, unless specified otherwise. 6. Trim existing trees to remain that have branches over -hanging the work zone. Engage a certified arborist to perform tree trimming. 7. Coordinate irrigation connection in the building with the General Contractor and Mechanical Contractor for the project. Coordinate irrigation sleeving with earthwork and paving contractors. 8. See Sheet C7.1 for Plant Legend and Planting Details & Notes. 9. Landscape contractor is responsible for verification of soils and graded condition prior to mobilization UIVUtKUKUUIVU U I ILI I ItJ ADJACENT R.O.W. LANDNATIVE SEED TO PROP. LINE 75�- �7Y }-'NATIVE SEED AREA I _ " }L ' /------------ LARGE SHRUB GROUPINGS RETAINING WALL PER LANDSCAPE _ --- NOTE 36. ENGINEERING BY OTHERS. - ----ELEVATIONS PER CIVIL PLANS. pop A'- CH & EDGER PER DSCAPE NOTES ir, "At iq . ,_0 BUSINESS FRINGE LOT do/c/.-m/a/m, / iE110 Will ppp- RETAINING WALL PER LANDSCAPE= x NOTE 36. ENGINEERING BY OTHERS. Kill,11111111AIR SAW._jrm PCV/ W/% �.ELEVATIONS PER CIVIL PLANS. O 40' 80' SGALE:: 1 " = 40'-0" NOP, H Q3Know whars below. Call before you dig. TURF SOD TO PROP. LINE a ` 0010 I 0010 `0010I Landscape Svmbols Leaend: Proposed Turf Sod 0 Dry Prairie Seed Area - Mix Per Sheet 7.1 0 Pond Seeding Per Civil Plans Proposed Landscape Edger Citv Landscape Reauirements - Commercial: 1. Total Project Open Space Area: 210,073sf 2. Existing Tree Canopy Coverage to Remain: 23,032sf 3. Existing Tree Canopy Coverage to Remain: 11% 4. Required Tree Canopy Coverage: 10% 5. Tree Canopy Coverage Required: 21,007sf (1) Overstory Tree=1,089sf 6.Overstory Trees Required: 00 7. Min. Landscape Value Required: $35,000 8. Assumed Landscape Value Proposed: $44,000 9. Buffer to Road (COM to ROAD): Bufferyard 'B' 10. Bufferyard 'B': (2) Canopy Trees per 100' Linear Feet (4) Understory or Coniferous Trees per 100' Linear Feet (6) Shrubs per 100' Linear Feet 11. Linear Feet of Buffer: 780 LF 12. Required Buffer Plantings: (16) Canopy Trees (31) Understory or Coniferous Trees (47) Shrubs 13. Buffer to Adjacent Lot (COM to COM): Bufferyard'A' 14. Bufferyard 'A': (1) Canopy Trees per 100' Linear Feet (2) Understory or Coniferous Trees per 100' Linear Feet (3) Shrubs per 100' Linear Feet 15. Linear Feet of Buffer: 440 LF 16. Required Buffer Plantings: (4) Canopy Trees (8) Understory or Coniferous Trees (12) Shrubs ILANDSCAPE PLAN: See Sheet C7.1 for Planting Schedule and Details 11, 0 T_ 0. co m O o � v 0 Z �0 a }_? 0 0 U) 0 N 0 i 3- 0)x c W �Z = 00 v > tea= � CL (1) ai J W_> o QU �CL J Nt o ID 00 00 Qo `° � =cc N a) Rf U o C E - w � 4J U c6 02L J M w0;a MM C� m n wN � n � w E 4-; o z w a 2 w L U � � Rf L) w' 0) M L0 Z OZ 0.4 o E-1~ a �w W d LLI Z V1w _Z r, W^ O � WZ wO O N W (LJ Q� ?� _ N Z A Z c=i Z QiZo w a i-i M V1 M 0 V 11 W DRAWN BY BH DATE 05/06/22 V *V1 &-Rol CAD FILE 23953-10L PROJECT NO. 23953-10 C7.0 NOTES: DO NOT HEAVILY PRUNE THE TREE AT PLANTII PRUNE ONLY CROSSOVER LIMBS, CO-DOMINA LEADERS, AND BROKEN OR DEAD BRANCHES. INTERIOR TWIGS AND LATERAL BRANCHES MP PRUNED; HOWEVER, DO NOT REMOVE THE TE BUDS OF BRANCHES THAT EXTEND TO THE El THE CROWN. FIELD STAKE TREES FOR THE APPROVAL OF T LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT INSTALL WHITE PVC TRUNKS BY NOV.15TH FRi MULCH LEVEL UP TO THE LOWEST BRANCH. MINIMUM DIAMETER: 6" MARK THE NORTH SIDE OF THE TREE IN THE NURSERY, AND ROTATE TREE FACE v EACH TREE MUST BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THE NORTH AT THE SITE WHEN EVERR POSSIBLE. TRUNK FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL. TREES WHERE THE TRUNK FLARE IS NOT VISIBLE SHALL BE REJECTED. DO NOT COVER THE TTOP OF THE ROOT BALL WITH SOIL. SET TOP OF ROOT BALL FLUSH TO MULCH RING: 6 FT. DIA. (MINIMUM) GRADE OR 1-2 IN. HIGHER IN SLOWLY 8 FT. DIA. (PREFERRED) DRAINING SOILS. 4 IN. HIGH EARTH SAUCER BEYOND EDGE OF 9- ROOT BALL. TOMAHAWK TREE STABILIZER STAKES. WOOD MULCH. DO NO PLACE MULCH IN MINIMUM (2) PER TREE. CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK. MAINTAIN REMOVE ALL TWINE, ROPE AND WIRE, AND BURLAP THE MULCH WEED -FREE FOR AFTER FROM TOP THIRD OF ROOT BALL PLANTING. IF PLANT IS SHIPPED WITH A WIRE BASKET AROUND THE ROOT BALL, NOTE: FOR DIMENSIONS OF PLANTING AREAS SEE CUT THE WIRE BASKET IN FOUR PLACES AND FOLD DOWN 81N. INTO PLAN, SOIL BACKFILL SHALL BE GARDEN BLEND PLANTING HOLE. SOIL ( EQUAL MIX OF COMPOST, SAND & SOIL) OR PLACE ROOT BALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL. AMENDED ON -SITE TOPSOIL. SEE NOTES. ENSURE PLANTING PIT PASSES INFILTRATION TESTING. TAMP SOIL AROUND ROOT BALL BASE FIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOT BALL DOES NOT SHIFT. DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING SECTION NOT TO SCALE ON CENTER SPACING AS STATED ON PLAN WIDTH OF HOLE EXCAVATION SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES BEYOND THE PLANTS ROOT SYSTEM. PLANTING SOIL PER NOTES. 3" DEPTH WATERING BASIN MULCH PER PLAN NOTE FINISHED GRADE PLANT ACCORDING TO PLANTING DETAILS FOR ISOLATED PLANTING LOCATIONS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF REDUCED HOLE WIDTH. TYP. SHRUB PLANTING - SECTION NOT TO SCALE d w 0 J J Z z w O w a m 0 J a m CONIFER TO HAVE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. NO MULCH TO BE IN CONTACT WITH TRUNK. PLACE ROOT BALL SO THAT BASAL FLARE IS 1" ABOVE SURROUNDING GRADE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THE TREES ARE IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE WARRANTY PERIOD. ROOT BALL TO SIT ON MOUNDED SUBGRADE, REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOT BALL MULCH - 4" DEEP - SEE SPEC PLANTING SOIL - SEE SPEC TOPSOIL SOD UBGRADE TOMAHAWK TREE STABILIZER STAKES. MINIMUM (2) PER TREE. �----DRAIN SYSTEM IS NECESSARY II -IIIIII-IIIIi S 1 FOR HEAVY CLAY SOILS. ,) =III=IIIIIIIII=III- J- 4" DIAMETER AUGERED HOLE, LJ 42" MIN. DEPTH. FILLED W/3/4" TWICE GALL DIAMETER DIAMETER DRAIN ROCK. COVER W/ 6" FILTER FABRIC. CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING - SECTION NOT TO SCALE )F WALL OR BACK OF CURB. 'TH, 4" DIA. CRUSHED LIMESTONE MULCH, BUFF COLOR. tOFESSIONAL BLACK STEEL EDGER 'TAKES EVERY 18" (MIN). RYERSON UAL. IED GRADE =1LTER FABRIC, TURN -UP 3ES, OVERLAP SEAMS 4". SUB -GRADE TO DRAIN AWAY RI III nIMA WAI I R R hl IRRq NOTES: SEE PLAN FOR CROSS SLOPE DIRECTION. MAINTENANCE STRIP MAY VARY, SEE PLAN. ROCK MULCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE LANDSCAPE DETAILS, NOTES, AND SCHEDULES: Landscape Notes: 1. Tree saucer mulch to be four inches (4") depth natural single -shred hardwood mulch for trees outside of a plant bed. Install per tree planting detail. 2. Refer to civil plan sheets for grading, drainage, site dimensions, survey, tree removal, proposed utilities & erosion control. 3. All plant material shall comply with the latest edition of the American Standard for Nursery Stock, American Association of Nurserymen. Unless noted otherwise, deciduous shrubs shall have at least 5 canes at the specified shrub height. Plant material shall be delivered as specified. 4. Plan takes precedence over plant schedule if discrepancies in quantities exist. 5. All proposed plants shall be located and staked as shown. 6. Adjustment in location of proposed plant material may be needed in field. Should an adjustment be required, the client will provide field approval. Significant changes may require city review and approval. 7. The project landscape contractor shall be held responsible for watering and properly handling all plant materials brought on the site both before and after installation. Schedule plant deliveries to coincide with expected installation time within 36 hours. 8. All plant materials shall be fertilized upon installation as specified. 9. The landscape contractor shall provide the owner with a watering schedule appropriate to the project site conditions and to plant material growth requirements. 10. If the landscape contractor is concerned or perceives any deficiencies in the plant selections, soil conditions, drainage or any other site condition that might negatively affect plant establishment, survival or guarantee, they must bring these deficiencies to the attention of the landscape architect & client prior to bid submission. Plant bed drainage concerns during plant installation shall be brought to the attention of the Owner and General Contractor immediately. 11. Contractor shall establish to his/ her satisfaction that soil and compaction conditions are adequate to allow for proper drainage at and around the building site. 12. Contractor is responsible for ongoing maintenance of all newly installed material until time of owner acceptance. Any acts of vandalism or damage which may occur prior to owner acceptance shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Contractor shall provide the owner with a maintenance program including, but not limited to, pruning, fertilization and disease/pest control. 13. The contractor shall guarantee newly planted material through one calendar year from the date of written owner acceptance. Plants that exhibit more than 10% die -back damage shall be replaced at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall also provide adequate watering, tree trunk wrap, and deer/rodent protection measures for the plantings during the warranty period. 14. This layout plan constitutes our understanding of the landscape requirements listed in the ordinance. Changes and modifications may be requested by the city based on applicant information, public input, council decisions, etc. 15. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any permits and coordinating inspections as required throughout the work process. 16. Plant size & species substitutions must be approved in writing prior to acceptance in the field. 17. The landscape contractor shall examine the existing irrigation system on -site. Bid upgrades and repairs necessary to get the existing system on-line and in conformance with current codes. Extend irrigation into new landscape areas. Coordinate sleeving under paved areas with paving and earthwork sub -contractors. If no irrigation system exists, the landscape contractor will be responsible for watering new turf, seed, and plant materials for 30 days after installation or until establishment. 18. All edger shall be professional grade black steel edger, 1/8" Thick, straight lengths. Anchor every 18" on -center (minimum). Submit sample. 19. Landscape Contractor is responsible for coordination with the General Contractor, to protect the new improvements on and off -site during landscape work activities. Report any damage to the General Contractor immediately. 20. Unless otherwise noted/indicated, do not install weed mat under perennials, with the exception of ornamental grasses. 21. Rock mulch (if called out out on landscape plan) to be 3/4" dia. inch buff limestone rock (Bryan or equal). Install over free -draining weed mat. Submit mulch samples for Owner approval. 22. All planting and sodded areas shall be prepared prior to installation activities with a harley power box rake or equal to provide a firm planting bed free of stones, sticks, construction debris, etc. 23. Turf installation activity shall conform to all rules and regulations as established in the MnDOT Seeding Manual, 2014 edition, for turf bed preparation, installation, maintenance, and warranty. 24. The Landscape Contractor shall furnish samples of all landscape materials for approval prior to installation. 25. The Landscape Contractor shall clear and rub the underbrush from within the work limits to remove dead branches leaves trash weeds and p g , foreign materials. Remove trees where noted on the plan, including the stump to 30" below grade. 26. The landscape contractor shall contact Gopher State One Call no less than 48 hours before digging for field utility locations. 27. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for the removal of erosion control measures once vegetation has been established to the satisfaction of the municipal staff. This includes silt curtain fencing and sediment logs placed in the landscape. 28. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for visiting the site to become familiar with the conditions prior to bidding and installation. Coordinate with the general contractors on matters such as fine grading, landscaped area conditions, staging areas, irrigation connection to building, etc. 29. See Site and Civil plans for grading, utilities, and additional information regarding the project. 30. All sub -cut areas of the site that are designated on the site plan as open space for landscape shall have no less than 6" of imported, pulverized topsoil. Slope away from building. 31. Landscape contractor must prove the open sub -grade of all planting areas after their excavation is capable of infiltrating a minimum requirement of 1/4-inch of water per hour prior to installation of plant materials, topsoil, irrigation, weed mat, and mulch. Planting areas not capable of meeting this requirement shall have 4" diameter X 48" depth holes augured every 36" on -center and filled with MnDOT Free -Draining Coarse Filter Aggregate. Re -test sub -grade percolation for compliance to infiltration minimum requirement. 32. Fencing (if noted), will be per Architect's Plans and Specifications. 33. Landscape contractor shall coordinate tree removal activities and ensure all trees designated for removal are gone before start of landscape installation. Grind stump to 30" below grade and back -fill with compacted topsoil. 34. All disturbed areas are to receive turf sod or seed to establish final vegetation. 35. No planting or irrigation work in the right-of-way area unless approved by the city. 36. Unless otherwise noted on civil engineer's plans, new retaining walls to be County Materials 'County Block' in Traditional Split Face Gray. Structural engineering by modular block manufacturer. Wall permit by General Contractor. Submit engineered wall drawings for Civil Engineer and Landscape Architect's review. PLANT SCHEDULE DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONTAINER I REMARKS DECIDUOUS OVERSTORY TREE 0 EVERGREEN TREES Mp Malus x ' Prairifire' Prairifire Crab Apple 2" Cal. B&B 16 CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONTAINER CITY REMARKS Aa Acer rubrum 'Armstrong' Red Maple 2.5" Cal. B&B 6 Br Betula nigra River Birch 2.5" Cal. B&B 3 Clump Form Gk Gymnocladus dioica Kentucky Coffeetree 2.5" Cal. B&B 4 Om Quercus macrocarpa Burr Oak 3" Cal. B&B 5 Or Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak 3" Cal. B&B 2 Spring Dug CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONTAINER CITY REMARKS Pd Picea glauca ' Densata' Black Hills Spruce 8' Ht. B&B 17 Pp Pinus ponderosa Ponderosa Pine 8' Ht. B&B 6 CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE CONTAINER CITY REMARKS Am Aronia melanocarpa 'Morton' TM Iroquis Beauty Black Chokeberry 5 gal. Pot 112 Cg Cornus racemosa Gray Dogwood 5 gal. (Min. 18" Height) Pot 41 Cb Cornus sericea ' Bud's Yellow' Buds Yellow Twig Dogwood 5 gal. (Min. 18" Height) Pot 35 DI Diervilla lonicera Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle 3 gal. Pot 112 VI Viburnum lentago Nannyberry 5 gal. (Min. 18" Height) Pot 29 Native Seed as shown on the landscape layout plan shall be: MnDOT #35-221 Dry Prairie General, worked into the topsoil layer at 36.50 Ibs per acre. Submit seed mix for approval. Grading and Erosion Control per Civil Plans and Specifications. Add an additional 10.00 Ibs per acre of MnDOT #21-111 Oats Cover Crop to mix below. 35-221 Dry Prairie General Common Name Scientific Name Rate (Ib/ac) Rate (kg/ha) of Mix (by weight) Seeds/ sq ft side -oats grama Bouteloua curb endula 3.00 3.36 8.22% 6.61 little bluestem Schizachyrium sco arium 3.00 3.36 8.22% 16.53 nodding wild rye El mus canadensis 1.00 1.12 2.74% 1.91 kalm's brome Bromus kalmii 0.73 0.82 2.00% 2.14 big bluestem Andropogion gerardii 0.70 0.78 1.92% 2.57 Indian grass Sor hastrum nutans 0.70 0.78 1.92% 3.09 blue grama Bouteloua gracilis 0.50 0.56 1.37% 7.35 junegrass Koeleria macrantha 0.25 0.28 0.69% 18.37 prairie dropseed S orobolus heterole is 0.12 0.13 0.34% 0.73 Grasses Subtotal 10.00 11.21 27.42% 59.30 black-eyed susan Rudbeckia hirta 0.31 0.35 0.84% 10.32 purple prairie clover Dales purpurea 0.19 0.21 0.51% 1.02 hoary vervain Verbena stricta 0.13 0.15 0.34% 1.29 lead plant Amor ha canescens 0.09 0.10 0.26% 0.42 blue giant hyssop A astache foeniculum 0.06 0.07 0.17% 2.07 butterfly milkweed Asclepias tuberosa 0.06 0.07 0.17% 0.10 Canada milk vetch Astragalus canadensis 0.06 0.07 0.18% 0.40 bird's foot coreopsis Coreopsis palmata 0.06 0.07 0.16% 0.21 white prairie clover Dalea candida 0.06 0.07 0.15% 0.39 Canada tick trefoil Desmodium canadense 0.06 0.07 0.18% 0.13 stiff sunflower Helianthus pauciflorus 0.06 0.07 0.17% 0.09 wild bergamot Monarda fistulosa 0.06 0.07 0.15% 1.42 stiff goldenrod Oligoneuron rigidum 0.06 0.07 0.15% 0.83 large -flowered beard tongue Penstemon grandiflorus 0.06 0.07 0.17% 0.32 smooth aster S m h otrichum laeve 0.06 0.07 0.17% 1.26 rough blazing star Liatris as era 0.04 0.04 0.12% 0.25 gray goldenrod Solids o nemoralis 0.04 0.04 0.10% 3.86 heath aster Symphyotrichum ericoides 0.04 0.04 0.10% 2.58 Forbs Subtotal 1.50 1.68 4.09% 26.96 Oats Avena sativa 1 25.00 1 28.02 68.49% 11.13 Cover Crop Subtotal 1 25.00 1 28.02 68.49% 11.13 Total 1 36.50 1 40.91 1 100.00% 1 97.39 Purpose: General dry prairie mix for native roadsides, ecological restoration, or conservation program plantings. Planting Area: Tallgrass Aspen Parklands, Prairie Parkland, and Eastern Broadleaf Forest Provinces. Mir DOT Districts 2(west). 3B, 4, Metro, 6. 7 & 8. NATIVE SEEDING INSTALLATION METHOD: Method 1. Drop Seeding [into Tilled Sites This is the "standard' method for seeding native species on prepared sates such as those on construction projects. A) Site Preparation - The site should be prepared by loosening topsoil to a minimum depth of 3 inches. B) Fertilizer- If not basing the fertilizer application on soil test resu%ts, the fertilizer used should be a commercial grade slow release comepsete fertilizer applied at a rate of 3DD ,bsfaere at the time of preparing the seed bed for seeding. The fertilizer should contain 14-20-23 (h1PK) analysis. C) Seed Installation - Seed should be installed with a drop seeder that will accurate;y meter the types of seed to be planted and keep all seeds uniformly mixed during planting (Trillion -type). The seeder should contain a m nimum of three seed boxes; a Fine seed box; a box for largelfluffy seeds, and a box for cool season or grains. It should be equipped with drop tubes and a packer assembly to compact the soil directly over the seed. All seeding should be done at a rght angle to surface drainage. D) Seeding Rates - Rates are specified in the mixture tabulation for the spec fied mix. E) Harrowing -The site should be fghty harrowed or raked following seeding if the seeder does not contain a cu'tipacker. F) Packing - Cultiacking the sate following harrowing is recommended to ensure a firm seed bed- G) Mulch -The site should be mulched and disc -anchored following packing using one of the folowing types of mulch (.as per plans or special proysionsl: " I'An?GOT Type 3 (MCIA certified 'weed free n,ulch) at rate of 2.0 tons per acre. Prairie haylmulch (MWDOT Type 7 or 8) at a rate of 2.0 tons per acre. NATIVE SEED REQUIRED MAINTENANCE - 3 YRS: Native Grass and Farb Mixtures (mixtures beginning with the number 3) Year 1 Establishment (spring seeding); 1) Preaare site - Late Apri - May. 2) Seed - May 1 - June 1. Maintenance: 11 Motu 16-8 inches - eve 30 da� after lantln until aeotember 36. rY � P 9 2)'Weed Control - mowing shou d help control annua 'Weeds. Spot snraythistles etc. Establishment (fall seeding): 1) Preaare site - Late August- ear y Seatember. 2i Seed - late Septen•ber to freeze-up. Maintenance (following season); 1) Mow i6-B inches) -once in May; June and July. 2) Weed Control -mowing shou d keeo annual weeds down. Soot spray thistles etc. Evaluation: 1) Cover crop growing wthin 2 weeks of planting (ex ceat dormant plant ngs,. 2) Seedlings spaced 1-6 inches apart in dri I rows. 31 hat ve grass seedlings may only be 4-6 inches to I. 41 If there is a flush of growth from foxta I etc., in, ow as necessary. Year 2 Maintenance: 11 Mow i6-8 inches) onetime between June 1 - August 15 before weeds set seed. 2) Weed Control -mowing shou d keeo annual weeds down. Soot spray thistles etc. 3) Some sites may not require much maintenance the second year. Evaluation: 1) Cover crop wi I be gone unless winter wh eat was used in afa Iolanting. 2) Grasses forming clun•ps 1-6 inches apart n drill rows, but sti I short. 3) Some flowers should be bloom ng {black-eyed Susans, bergamot etc.). 4) If there is a flush of growth from foxta I etc., in, ow site. Year 3 Maintenance: 1) Mow on y f necessary. 3) 'Need Control - Spot spray th sttes, etc. 4) S tes usua Iy do not require much wa ntenance the third year. Evaluation: 1) P anting should beg n looking like a prair e - tall grasses, f owners etc. Long-term Maintenance: 1) Weed Control - Spot spray th stles etc. 2) 6uming (3-5 year rotation) alternate spring and fa I f possib e. 3) Faying (3 year rotas on, late summer or early fall. A ternate with burn ng (may substitute for burning;. 4) 6uming two years in a row will real y"clean ua rough -looking sites. 0 Lf) Lf) CZ G CL � cv M a Oco O U r = O 0 Z 0 r L 00 T_ fn `0 CO 3 - 0 x c W �Z Q) 0 000 co U > r X Q C C CID � Z Qi � 0 N QN U = Q 0 O y d O 00 its `y v w a: c � a� o Z O � N E (6 U O u0 c C E- w U U cts (ULZ Q� J w 2 w�ca cEo rn wN 00 a N w Z (D N (D N U coO C Q, 4J co L _ - O V Mile W ��0) w' M In I 1� I --I Qi 0 a O Q M O r, a MZ A O O Y � wZ o a N Z LaJ N a I --I Q Phi Z I..1..� Z LL1 Z Z c=i rn A w a Z z0 IY � M po M rI� V 1 I I --I V 1 DRAWN BY BH DATE 05/06/22 REVISIONS CAD FILE 23953-10L PROJECT NO. 23953-10 C7.1