07-12-2022 EDC MinutesCHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JULY 12, 2022 Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Eric Anderson, Vice Chair David Kressler, Commissioners Duke Zurek, and Stacy Goff. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chris Freeman STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner. PUBLIC PRESENT: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES DATED JUNE 14, 2022 Member Kressler moved, Member Zurek seconded to approve the Minutes of the Economic Development Commission meeting dated June 14, 2022 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATION: 1. Review Economic Development Commissions from Other Communities Mr. Generous provided a packet of information, noting Commissioner Freeman had requested information on what other Economic Development Commissions are doing. He noted a spreadsheet that has neighboring communities and whether they had EDC’s with links to their websites so Commissioners can look at their minutes. He noted when this group was first established, the purpose was to be an advisory to the City Council and look at issues that may be important for businesses in the community and businesses coming into the community. As part of the 2022 work program they set out to provide a specific work plan for the EDC. In comparing EDC’s he found many look at how cities can be appreciative to the business community and what efforts a city can make. One community did a business survey with an outside agency, which is extensive, and the city received a list of all businesses within the community which is something Mr. Generous would love to have. He has sent a request to the City of Eagan to get more information about that process, including cost and timeframe. Economic Development Commission – July 12, 2022 2 The Councilmembers discussed the amount of responses to the other community’s survey and whether the relatively low number of responses would give sufficient information for the cost. Commissioner Kressler also noted two tracks of surveys, including current businesses but also those businesses that are not in Chanhassen. Mr. Generous stated EDCs also look at regional marketing and how to attract people into the community. He was interested to find many people do not use the City’s website to get information about the community, although Chanhassen seems to get a bit better response. Another item is finding out the needs of businesses in the community, as well as research and review. He gave the example of the food truck item the EDC had previously looked at. Chair Anderson noted the City wants to attract new business, but just as important is keeping businesses that are paying good salaries with good employees. How does the City tell the businesses “we appreciate you”? Commissioner Kressler would like to know what was addressed post-survey; he thinks it would be okay to go after the existing businesses and start there, which may lead the EDC down some other roads regarding what is attractive to the City. Commissioner Goff noted they do not have that connection to the businesses, either directly, through the Chamber, or through Buy Chanhassen. She likes the idea of talking to these groups as the City needs to know what the businesses want and how they would like to funnel concerns and questions. The Commissioners asked to get someone from the Chamber on the agenda. Commissioner Zurek stated there are a group of businesses that are very involved in the 4th of July event and perhaps the EDC could start there. The Commissioners agreed with that idea. They discussed the City of Lakeville’s EDC and strategic plan, as well as people moving out of the downtown areas and out into the suburbs. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION: 1. City Manager City Update Commissioner Zurek told the commission that he had recently met for coffee with the City Manager. The Commission thanked the City Manager for the update. Economic Development Commission – July 12, 2022 3 Mr. Generous said that the update would be continuing in the future. Chair Anderson suggested that the commission may want to discuss the work plan and come up with a priority item to present to City Council. 2. Update on Economic Development Staff Hire Mr. Generous noted the City made an offer to someone but could not come to an agreement so the City is pursuing additional avenues. He noted they interviewed four candidates with two second interviews. He said at the next meeting he hopes to bring an update on the Avienda development. Commissioner Zurek asked to hear more about the exploration of a new City Center. Mr. Generous said next steps will be receiving input from the community on the 4-5 options presented to the City Council. Chairman Anderson noted another brewery coming into the City. Mr. Generous replied the City Council amended City ordinance to allow the brewery to have a small kitchen. Chairman Anderson stated at the next meeting they would hope to have someone from the Chamber speak, an update on Avienda, and he noted he would try to get a retail guru to come speak. Mr. Generous asked if the Commissioners would like him to reach out to Buy Chanhassen and see if someone could come to the meeting. The Commissioners agreed. Chairman Anderson noted the next meeting will be on Wednesday, August 10. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Anderson adjourned the Economic Development Commission meeting at 7:42 p.m. Submitted by Bob Generous Senior Planner Prepared by Amy Weidman Administrative Support Specialist