Concept Confirmation Letter o � Y � a y � N A s CITY OF CHANHASSEN H Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow July 20, 2022 Mr. Gary Hansen Hanson Hometech 7920 Kerber Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Hansen Homes 2022 Development Project Concept(621 Santa Vera) Planning Case#2022-09 Dear Mr. Hansen: This letter is to confirm that on July 11, 2022, the Chanhassen City Council reviewed the concept plan for Lot 2, Block 1, Saratoga 3`d Addition. Based on this review, the City Council directed that you may proceed with the development stage application of the Planned Unit Development— Residential (PUD-R) amendment, preliminary plat, and site plan. However, you should address their concerns regarding providing more detail on the overall development, addressing the appropriate mix of housing, building a sense of community, fitting in with the surrounding housing values, transitioning from the existing neighborhoods, addressing compatible building heights, preserving trees, evaluating traffic stacking and parking concerns, and maintaining our generational housing opportunities. At the development stage application, you will need to address the following items: 1. The proposed development must address the Comprehensive Plan inconsistency. 2. The proposed development must prepare tree preservation and landscaping plans as appropriate for subdivision and site plan review. 3. Recommend use of a private street to provide access into the site and that the private street be located at the existing intersection of Laredo Drive and Del Rio Drive. 4. A traffic impact study performed by a licensed engineer is recommended to accompany the preliminary construction plans. The study will describe: key traffic issues,the characteristics of the surrounding transportation system including operations of key intersections including but not limited to Kerber Boulevard and Santa Vera Drive and W. 78th Street and Laredo Drive, existing and background conditions, site-generated conditions, as well as on-site circulation as a through-connection is not recommended(i.e. an adequate turnaround within the development meeting City Ordinances). PH 952.227.1100 • www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us • FX 952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD • PO BOX 147 •CHANHASSEN • MINNESOTA 55317 Mr. Gary Hansen July 20, 2022 Page 2 5. Pedestrian connectivity is warranted along Saratoga Drive and Santa Vera Drive to connect existing trail and sidewalk pedestrian routes. Public pedestrian routes through the private development, as indicated on the last page of the concept plans, is not recommended. 6. The applicant will need to confirm the existence and limits of all existing wetlands onsite as outlined by the Wetland Conservation Act(WCA). A wetland delineation report will be required with the preliminary plat submittal. 7. The Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District(RPBCWD) also has rules that regulate wetlands and wetland buffers. The applicant will need to meet both City and Watershed wetland rules. 8. The applicant shall include stormwater routing and grading as part of the preliminary plat submittal. The design will need to account for all existing stormwater generated by the site and upstream properties to perpetuate existing flow patterns. Based on the impervious area in the preliminary plans, permanent stormwater BMPs will be required to treat stormwater and reduce runoff rates. 9. It is recommended that the applicant provide increased levels of water quality treatment to alleviate the stress on downstream stormwater infrastructure. The applicant shall oversize water quality treatment BMPs by 50%to allow treatment of stormwater from public ROW. An alternate approach would be to outlot areas on the property to be used for public stormwater treatment. In both cases, the City would adjust stormwater fees to help fund the improvements. 10. The proposed development will exceed one (1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore,be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System(NPDES Construction Permit). The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) is a required submittal element for preliminary plat review. 11. Municipal sanitary sewer and potable water services are available and extend into the site to service the needs of the conceptual plans. However, these public mains will be required to be relocated by the developer to accommodate the layout of the future development. 12. Public drainage and utility easements will be required over the public utilities. 13. The development will be assessed and required to pay all appropriate sanitary sewer and water fees as outlined in the City of Chanhassen's Fee Schedule at the rate in effect at the time of final plat and/or site plan approval. 14. A stormwater management plan is required for preliminary plat review. 15. The proposed development appears to exceed the one (1) acre of new impervious area and will therefore require permanent stormwater BMPs to be constructed as part of this Mr. Gary Hansen July 20, 2022 Page 3 project to be owned and maintained by the owner. A stormwater maintenance agreement and associated operations and maintenance plan is required for all private stormwater BMPs. 16. The proposed development is located within the RPBCWD and is therefore subject to the Watershed's rules and regulations which include water quality, water volume abstraction, and rate control. A permit from RPBCWD will be required. 17. City Ordinance sets out the fees associated with surface water management. Water quality and water quantity fees will be collected with a subdivision. 18. Building permits must be obtained before beginning any construction. 19. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 20. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code; additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. 21. The apartment building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 22. Structure proximity to property lines (and other buildings) will have an impact on the Code requirements for the proposed buildings, including but not limited to: allowable size, protected openings and fire-resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. 23. Apartment building plans must include a Code analysis that contains the following information: Key plan, Occupancy group, Type of construction, Allowable height and area, Fire sprinklers, separated or non-separated, Fire resistive elements (exterior walls, bearing walls-exterior or interior, shaft, incidental use), Occupant load, Exits required (common path, travel distance), Minimum plumbing fixture count. 24. Retaining walls(if present)more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. 25. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits will be issued. 26. Road widths, parking lots, and entrances will need to be within fire apparatus access road minimum widths which could lead to no parking on either side of the road if done to only minimum standards. 27. Multiple hydrants will need to be put into the development. Mr. Gary Hansen July 20, 2022 Page 4 28. If the current, existing apartment building does not have a fire sprinkler system, it will need to have one installed when adding the 3rd level. 29. The new apartment building will need a full fire sprinkler system. 30. If only two townhomes are side by side, a fire sprinkler system is not required. If adding three or more, they will need fire sprinklers. 31. Meet all parking standards. 32. To proceed with the development of the site as proposed, the applicant would need to complete the preliminary PUD process and amend the PUD zoning for the site. The project would also require subdivision review and approval. 33. Site plan approval is required to approve development of the townhouse and apartment units. 34. Park Dedication fees will be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval. At the development stage application, you will propose the specific amendments to the existing PUD-R regulations for the property. The submittal must be consistent with section 20-518 of the Chanhassen City Code. As part of the pre-development meeting(s) for the property, we will determine the appropriate application requirements, e.g., preliminary platting, site plan review, rezoning, etc. If you have any questions or need additional information. please contact me at(952) 227-1131 or benerous@chanhassemmn.gov. Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner Enclosure ec: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Jerry Ruegemer, Parks & Recreation Director Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Joe Seidl, Water Resources Coordinator Eric Tessman, Building Official Charlie Hansen g:\plan\2022 planning cases\22-09 621 santa very dr\concept confirmation letter.docx