Development Review ApplicationSection 3: Property Owner and Applicant lnformation Name Landlorm Prolossional Services, LLC Contact:Ken t.e I indehl (612) 638-0225Address:105 S slh Avenue, Suite 513 Phone: City/Statezip: Email: Minnoapolb, MN 55401 Kl-indahl@Landlotm.n€t Cell:(612) 29G.8102 Fax: Signature . Kendra Lindahl, AICP ffi,?,ii*ffi'*Date:7t15t2. PROPERTY OWI{ER: ln signing this application, l, as prop€rty ownsr, have tull legal capacity to, and heleby do, auttorize ne ning ot tris afotidtion. lunderstand lhat conditions of approval are binding and_agr€o to be bound by lhose conOitions, suUje& only to ihe right to obiect at the hearings or during lhe appoal port ds' I will k6€p mysef infomsd of G O""Otin"" t& *bniission of -materiatlnd tre progress of this applicaton. I turther unde6tand that additonal f€€s may L" "ford for -"sulting fees, foasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any aulho.lza$on to proceed with lhe study. icertify that the i;fomation and exhlbils submitted aro tus and conec't' Name:Level 7 Development LLC Contact: Phon6: Bahram Akradi ls52lw74nAddress:4600 Kings Point Road city/statezip:Minnetrista, MN 55331 Cell: Fax: (612181z-',t212 Email Signature:Date: PRqTECT ENGINEER (if aPPlbable) Stev€n Sabraski (612) 638{2€ Iandlorm Prolessional Servic€s' LLC Contact: Phone:IOS S sth Avenue, Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Cell: Fax:Email:SSabraski @ Landform.nst Who ahould racslve coPies of staff rePorts? !tr Email Email Email Email E Mailod Papsr CoPY E Mailed Pap€r copy E Mailed Paper CoPY fl Mail€d PaP€r CoPY Nam6:Mark Nordland, Nordland Partnors Property Owner Vla: Applicaril Vta: Engine€r Vb: Ottq' Ma: Addrass: city/staterzip This application must be comPlet6d in full and must be aoplicable City Odinanc€ provisions. Bofore filing this airi confer witr me Planning Departrnent to determine acco.npanied by all information and plans tBquirsd by.. applicition, refer to the appropriate ApPlicatDn Cheddist thC specific ordinanco and aPplicable proceduEl aoolication shall b€ made lvithin 15 businsss da)'s of aPdication submittal A ;h;ll b€ mailed to the applicant within 15 busin6ss days of application'A determination of completoness of the writtsn notico of application deficiencies r€quirsments and fsss tf Section 4: Notification lnformation INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT device. PRINT FORM and deliver : Complete all necessary lorm fields' !o city along wilh t€quired do€uments copy to the city for Procossing.sAvE FOnu then selecl SAVE FORM and p€yment. SUBMIT PRINT FORII to save a coPY to ),our FoRM to s€nd a digital SUB IT FOR tr!Email:mnord @ nord rs.com APPUCANT OTHER THAN PROPERW OWNER: ln signing this application, I, as applicant, repressnt to have obtain€d authorization frcm the pmperty ownor to file this applicalion. I agre€ to b€ bound by conditions of approval, subject only to th6 right to objeci at the hearings on the applicatbn or during the appeal p€riod. lf this application has not b6en signed by lho prop€rty owner, I havs attach€d soparate documentation of full legal capadty to file th€ application. This application should be process€d in my name and I am the party whom the City should contac{ regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep mlrsef infomed of the deadlin€s for subrnission of mawid and ths Progross of this apPlication. I further understand that additionalfs€s may b€ chargpd for consulting feos, feasibility studies, etc. with an €stimate Prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and conec't. Name: Address: City/Statezip: 'Othor Contact lnformrtlon: tr Dtr D