Letter to Met Council 1-24-07 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site lI'II'W.ci .chan hassen.m n. us January 24, 2007 Ms. Cheryl Olsen Referrals Coordinator Metropolitan Council Mears Park Centre 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101-1634 Re: Metropolitan Urban Services Area Amendment, The Arbors Dear Ms. Olsen: Enclosed for Metropolitan Council review is a proposed comprehensive plan Land Use Amendment from Residential-Large Lot to Residential-Low Density (approximately 2.77 acres). The parcel is at 7570 Dogwood Road. We are requesting that this be reviewed as an administrative review. Enclosed are copies of the following items: . Comprehensive Plan Amendment Form . Certified City of Chanhassen Resolution #2007-09 . City of Chanhassen Land Use Map . Memorandum to Todd Gerhardt from Bob Generous dated January 22,2007 . Memorandum to the Planning Commission from Bob Generous dated January 16,2007 . City of Chanhassen Staff Report dated January 2, 2007 Thank you for your assistance in this matter. I have previously submitted all this information to Jim Uttley electronically. If you require additional information, please contact me at (952) 227-1131. Sin~~Jel- , //' -' /\. . , /~~. Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner Enclosures The City ot Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A grnal place to live, work, and play. ~ Metropolitan Council Local Planning Handbook I Amendment Form Comprehensive Plan Amendment Submittal Form I AMENDMENT NAME The Arbors This form is available in MS Word format on the Metropolitan Council's website: http://www.metrocouncil.orq/planninq/assistance/resources.htm . COMMUNITY PROFILE AND AMENDMENT OVERVIEW 1. Provide the following information: Local governmental unit Contact name Contact title Address City, State, and Zip Telephone number FAX number Email address Date of preparation City of Chanhassen Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner 7700 Market Boulevard, P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1131 (952) 227-1110 bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us January 23, 2007 2. Identify type of amendment and describe. Check all that apply: 2a.Landusechange Land Use Amendment from Residential - Large Lot to X Residential- Low Density (approximately 2.77 acres). 2b. MUSA Expansion or Chanqe 2c. Text Change 2d. Other 3. Provide a description of the amendment. General location Brief description Affected area, in acres 7570 Dogwood Road A land use amendment from Residential - Large Lot to Residential - Low Density. The area currently contains one single-family home and is being preliminary platted in to three lots. 2.77 February 2006 1 SECTION 1 : PROCESS OVERVIEW http://www . metrocouncil.orq/plann i nq/LPH/LPH Sect1 . pdt 4. Indicate official local status of the plan amendment. (Check all that apply.) The local governing body must take action on the proposed amendment before submittal to the Metropolitan Council. Action Date of Action Janua 16,2007 January 22 2007 commission Approved by governing body, contingent upon Metro olitan Council review 5. List adjacent local governments, school districts and other jurisdictions and the date the copies were sent. Notifying adjacent governmental units and affected school districts is one of the criteria the Council will use in determining whether an application is deemed complete for review. Submitted to: Carver County, Carver Water & soil Conservation District, Chaska School District (112), City of Chaska, City of Eden Prairie, City of Excelsior, City of Shakopee, City of Shorewood, City of Minnetonka, City of Victoria, Hennepin County, Jackson Township, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnetonka School District 276, Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, and Scott County on December 7,2006. No comments received. 6. Identify outstanding issues or conditions made in the Metropolitan Council's review of the municipality's 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update or subsequent comprehensive plan amendment? X No, the Council's review did not identify any issues or conditions. Issue/Condition (e.g.) Tier II Sewer Plan Steps taken or future planned actions, including date City Engineer drafting. Will submit to Council for review by December 2005. 7. Will/has an environmental review (Environmental Assessment Worksheet, Environmental Impact Statement or Alternative Urban Areawide Review) be/been completed for the site? X No, none re uired. Yes, indicate type of review and approximate date of completion. Include a summary of findin s, if com leted: February 2006 2 SECTION 2: FORECASTS http://www . metrocounci I. orq/plann i nq/LPH/LP H Sect2. pdt 8. Does the plan amendment change the population, household and employment forecasts that appear in the Metropolitan Council's published forecast tables? (Published forecast tables are online.) X No: no chan e in communit -level forecasts Yes: identif the net chan es to communit -level forecasts due to the Ian amendment: Net Changes to Community-level Forecasts (Additions or reductions due to the amendment) 2010 2020 2030 Households + /- + /- + /- Population + /- + /- +/ - Emplovment + /- +/ - + /- For all amendments that propose land use or forecast changes, you must complete the questions #10 (land use), #11 (housing), #12 (trip generation), #20 (sewer flow) and #30 (water supply). SECTION 3: LAND USE http://www.metrocouncil.orq/planninq/LPH/LPHSect3.pdt 9. Does the plan amendment propose any impacts to wetlands located on the site? No wetlands on the site. X No im acts to wetlands located on the site. 10. Describe land use changes in acres, applicable to this amendment site, using the following tables and filling in the community's specific land use categories: n Not Applicable. All Land Uses Residential Land Uses Only Land Use Designation (fill in Acres # Units and Densitv Range specific land use categories) Pre CPA Post CPA Pre CPA Post CPA Office/I ndustrial 1,208 1,208 NA NA Residential - Medium Densitv 617 617 Residential - Low Density 5,549 5,552 3 units (range 1.2 - 4.0) Commercial 213 213 Parks & Open Space 1 ,466 1 ,466 Public/Semi-Public 1,238 1,238 Residential Large Lot 2,247 2,244 1 unit (2.5 ac. Min. lot) Residential High Density 398 398 Mixed Use 134 134 Undevelopable 1,573 1,573 February 2006 3 I Total CPA = Comprehensive Plan Amendment 14,760 acres 14,760 acres 11. If the proposed amendment changes the amount of land city wide staged for development by 2011 for medium density, high density or mixed use residential development, complete the following table to identify the amount of land available pre and post amendment: Acres city-wide for each land use Acres city-wide for each category land use category Fill in all land use categories Pre-amendment Post-amendment that allow for multifamily Total Developed Developable Amendment Developable residential development Acres acres Acres* acres** acres a b a-b=c d c+d=e (e.CI.) Medium Density Residential 1000 700 300 20 320 * "Developable" means land planned for urban residential development, infill or redevelopment before 2011. ** Amendment acres from the municipality's response to Question #10 above. SECTION 4: TRANSPORTATION http://www.metrocouncil.orq/planninq/LPH/LPHSect4.pdf 12. Complete the following table using the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 6th Edition, to show whether this plan amendment increases or decreases trip generation from the planned land use and transportation element of the community's comprehensive plan. Trip Generation for the Site Based Trip Generation for the Site Based on Planned Land Use on Planned Land Use Pre-Amendment Post-Amendment Est. averaqe daily traffic 10 30 Est. peak hour traffic 1 3 (A.M.) 13. Will these changes require improvements to the existing local and regional road network or interchanges beyond what is in the community's current transportation plan? X No, existin local and re ional road networks can accommodate increase. Yes, describe im rovements and who will a for them: February 2006 4 Access 14. If the site has direct access to a principal or "A" minor arterial, is location and spacing consistent with applicable County guidelines or MnDOT's Access Management Guidelines (http://www.oim.dot.state.mn.us/access/index.html) ? X Not a Iicable, no direct access to a No, ex lain: Yes, describe: Transit and Other Modes of Transportation 15. Will this amendment enhance access to transit services, increase or decrease the demand for transit services or warrant the extension of new transit service? X No, not currentl served b transit or will not affect transit. Yes, list existing routes, describe changes and identify proposed/necessary transit facility improvements e. . shelters, ark and rides: 16. Does the plan amendment include Traffic Demand Management (TDM) strategies or land use and urban design measures, if applicable? X Yes, describe (e.g. car and van pooling, flexible work hours, mixed land uses that discourage vehicle tri sand romote walkin , bikin ,ridesharin , and transit: 17. Does the plan amendment include pedestrian and bike access and facilities, including crosswalks, bridges, trails, sidewalks, and bike racks, if applicable? No, why not: X Yes, describe: connects to the city's sidewalk system. Aviation 18. Does the plan amendment affect any airport functions? X lain: SECTION 5: WATER RESOURCES http://www.metrocouncil.orq/planninq/LPH/LPHSect5.pdt Wastewater 19. What type of wastewater treatment will be utilized to serve the proposed amendment? Privatel Owned/Communit Treatment S stem. Local/Munici al Owned Wastewater Treatment Plant. X Re ional Wastewater Treatment. February 2006 5 20. Complete the following table, to show whether this plan amendment increases or decreases wastewater flow from currently planned land use and sewer flow projections. Total Community Flow Total Community Flow Pre-Amendment (mgd) Post Amendment-(mgd) 2000 3,049,000 3,049,000 2010 4,457,400 4,457,400 2020 5,958,700 5,958,700 2030 7,300,000 7,300,000 Mgd = million gallons per day 21. Does the local wastewater system have adequate capacity, or staged capacity to accommodate the proposed amendment? x 22. Does the regional wastewater system have adequate capacity, or staged capacity to accommodate the proposed amendment? x 23. Has the community and/or Metropolitan Council identified an inflow and infiltration (1&1) problem? X Yes, describe the steps taken to address the 1/1 issue and plans for future action: City has completed a sump pump inspection program. City working with Metropolitan Council to televise sewer mains to determine 1/1 problem areas. City is initiating 1/1 program including sewer line replacement, community education, s ecif in 1/1 resistant manhole structures, etc. No, the Cit /Tw does not have an identified 1/1 roblem. 24. Identify interceptor(s) that will be impacted by these changes and indicate if flows will be diverted from one interceptor service area to another? Lake Ann interceptor. No diversion of flows. 25. Does the plan amendment include any wastewater flow to an adjacent community? For new intercommunity agreements, the receiving community must also amend the sewer element of its plan. Yes, enclose a co of the inter-communit a reement X No. February 2006 6 Surface Water 26. Will stormwater runoff generated from proposed amendment be treated on-site? No, check one of the followin and describe: Runoff will receive no treatment: Runoff will be treated off-site, identif off-site treatment facilit : x Yes, describe type and level of on-site pollutant removal treatment/mitigation plans: This project ro oses the construction of one NURP ond. 27. Does the community have an updated stormwater management plan, including best management practices and implementation strategies? W Yes, Year adopted: 2006 D No, explain: 28. Does the community have an adopted erosion control ordinances? W Yes, Year ado~ted: October 1992 DNO. Water Supply 29. Does the community have an updated water supply plan? Yes, Year ado ted: X No. Existin 30. Will the proposed plan amendment increase or decrease projected water use from the community's current water supply plan? X No increase or decrease in ro'ected water use from water su I Ian. Yes, rovide water su Ian amendment to describe necessa facilities im rovements or chan es: SECTION 6: PARKS http://www.metrocouncil.orq/planninq/LPH/LPHSect6.pdf 31. Does the amendment include, or is it adjacent to or within 'Y2 a mile of an existing or planned regional park, reserve or trail, as identified in the 2030 Regional Parks Plan? X Yes, describe potential impacts and mitigation plans: regional trail along Highway 5 and Lake Minnewashta Re ional Park to the north. No im acts. No. February 2006 7 32. Does the community have a Parks & Open Space Plan including regional park elements? W Yes, Year adopted: June 1999 DNO. SECTION 7: IMPLEMENTATION http://www.metrocouncil.orq/planninq/LPH/LPHSect7.pdf 33. Will the plan amendment require changes in zoning or subdivision ordinances, capital improvement program (CIP), or other official controls? r-- No. X Yes, describe proposed changes and timeline: rezoning property to Single Family Residential, RSF, concurrent with the land use amendment and subdivision. 34. Does the community have natural resources protection ordinances, including wetland, tree preservation, and steep slopes? X Yes, identify: The city has adopted wetland protection, shoreland management, tree reservation, bluff rotection and Bluff Creek overla ordinances. No. February 2006 8 35. MUSA Expansion or Staging Changes Only. Complete the following table for amendments proposing a MUSA expansion or development staging change, documenting both average net density of sewered residential development since 2000 and remaining land guided for residential uses to 2020. This information is needed so the Council can review and evaluate the amendment for potential impacts to the regional systems. These tables are available on the Council's website in Microsoft Excel format, with automatic calculation of net residential acres, net density, and estimated developable acres. http://www.metrocouncil.orQ/planninQ/assistance/resources.htm. R 'd . I P . A C eSI entia rOjects lpproved & onstructed 2000-present Acres Acres Public Acres Acres Single Multi Wetland & Parks & Arterial Other Net Year Year Family Family Gross water- Open Roads Undevelop Residential Net Density Development Name Approved Built # of Units # of Units Residential bodies Space ROW edland* Acres Units/Acre H=C-D-E- A B C D E F G F-G H/(A+B) TOTAL * Describe on a separate page any other undeveloped land that does not fall under wetlands and water, public parks or arterial roads, including steep slopes or outlots for future or commercial development. Remaining Land Guided for Residential Uses to 2020 Est. Acres Est. Acres Public Wetland & Parks & Open Es Developable lowest. Allowed Highest Allowed land Use Category · Gross Acres Waterbodies Space Acres Density.. Density A B C D=A-B-C Units/Acre Units/Acre Prepared --1--1_ by February 2006 9