Application for Development Review7- t3 Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) Submittd me LL PC Date tr tr E ett otners............ El Rezoning (RE4 E Site Ptan Review (SPR) trn Admin'rstrative......... 6GDay Review Oate: E consolidate LotsE Lot Line Adjuslment...............................$150 E Final Plat.$700 (lncludes $450 escrow for atomey costs)* 'Additional €scrow may be reqdrEd for other aPPlitlatbns through the &\,EloFnert conaraci- ! Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAc)........ $300 (AdditbrEl r@.di E re6 may apdy) ......... $500 S v"ri"n"" (VAR) ....$200 '" $150 E wetland Atteration Permit (wAP) (Rsfet to tl1€ a'ptgpiate ApCi.f,/.io,t Chd<lisl fot.eq)iod subnittal inlomdkm tM muC ac,cqnqny Ais adrc,l,o,t) Comprehensive Plan Amendment......................... $600 tr Subdivision (SUB) E Minor MUSA line forfailing on-site sewers.....$1oo E create 3 lots or less ........................................ $300 n Create over 3 lots .......................$500 + $15 per lot Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (_ lots) ! Single-Family Resilence ................................ $325 E Metes & Bounds (2 lots) .................................. $300 """""""""""" $150 E lnterim Use Permit (lUP) E h conjunclion with Singl+.Family Residence.. $325 ........... $425 fl Planned Unit Derrelopment (PUD) ............... fl Minor Amendment to existing PUD $750 $100 E Atl others...... E Sign Plan Review Commerciaylndustrial Districts'.. Plus $10 per 1 ,0oo square fea oi Uri'fi( thousand square feet) D Single-Family Residence... ...........$1oo n rut ottrers...... iil ;foo ! Zonins Appeal" "" "" " " "" ' .......... $150 .......... $275 .......... $100 E Residential Districls..$500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( units) p ltotmcation S(;n lcity to irxr* and remot?) ..... S eroperty Orners' List within 500' (city to gerErate ater pre-application me€ting) .. 'lnclude number of q4siDg employEes:E zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA).. $500 !qIE: when rrul0ple applications al€ PEcessed concuredly, the approprlde lee shdl be cfiaEed ,or et fi aPpllcatbr. $200 $3 per address( addresses) $50 per documentE Escrow for Recording Documents (check all lhat app E conditional Use Permit U Ei vacation EE Maes & Bounds SuMivision (3 docs.) tr lv)...................... lnterim Use Permit Variance Easements C- easements) E Site Plan Agreement E \ /€tland Alteration Permit El oeeos TOTAL FEE: COIIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1100 I Fax: (952) 227-1110 CITYOTCIINIIASSII{ APPL]CATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Section 2: Required lnformation Description of Proposal: Ww fXBi tY ,fN[+vft,, C,qtltqc+ Pow hswe - Property Address or Location:i|7e (cd (.t,dfi4'z V ofit Tkad. *utrtrx- VnJ gslst parcer#: 25b boo 700 Legal Description fa1 S arut l.- 0,,t Select One Present Land Use Designation . Select One lo ttA wetlands Present? E Ves E tto Y0*"M Requested Zoning:Select One \4r'{ Select OneRequested Land Use Designation: 11 Urinh,nf,l-abta.-Existing Use of Prop€rty:l,qY-<5Wcrc qr [ro,rse KCf,""f box if separate nanative is attached. llwltu CC Date: Total Acreage:; n 1 g Yvas hl4, Catwr Lo,illq t Present Zoning: Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant lnformation APPLI ER THAN PROPERW OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as applicant, represent to ha\€ obtained auth to objecl at the hearings on the applicetion or during the appeal period. lf this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. lwill keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material andthe progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any auth Name: orization to proceed with the study. lcertifythatthe information and exhibits submitted are&.t true and corecl. erb+r L( contact:\1n 6-, Address:o A Phone: 1f"' q4r' 21 Llo pttJ 3t8 Email:o-,f Signature: PROPERW OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as property owner, have tull legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing ofthis application. I understand lhat conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to objec{ at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this applicetion. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consutting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certifo that the information and exhibits submitted are true and conect. Neme:k ^L0,"Ja conred: Ja-{-ol Address: L?n9 CA n Roc,A os R d. Q)an 1",i,7 ffins. b Sl ' 1z+ -ao 39' ? cG- City/State/Zip:chNy^Mrt 55119 qu[t6r /vtA 55 )cerr: bsl- 20b- ot+l-TLLA i.L, c u'r.,Email s +ar-- Signature D^e:8'11-> PROJECT ENG a bable) Name Contact: Phone: cell: Fax: Who should receive copies of stafi reports?'other contact lnfomation: Name: Address INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fieEs, then select SAVE FoRM to sa\rE a copy to your device- PRINT FORM and deli'ver to city along with required documents and payrnent. SUBlvllT FORM to send a d(lital copy to the city for processing. SAVE FORM PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM This applicetion must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance pmvisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Applicetion Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requiremerfs and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. Section 4: Notification lnformation E Property O,Yner Ma: EEmail E[ Applicant Via: EJ Email El Engineer Ma: E EmailE orrer via: E Emait E uaiteo Paper copy E uaileo Paper copy! lvtaiteo Paper copy E uaiteo Paper copy City/State/Zip Email: from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of appro\ral, subject only to cet: Qlz -5|v.q- Trst Fax: qrL''1'(j"llol noto'- Add-o.. City/State/Zip: E-oil. cqv,UF rr*orr oo, ,_..,, city or chanhassen varianceApplication - Parts (s) o*%'ril'U' Pere & Jada sanders -houo 3609 Red Cedar Point Road, Excelsior MN 55331 (6s1) 206-0141 - Jada; (651) 734-3639 - Pete iadareneesand€rs @ gmail.com ; petersanders@ gmail.com (5) Written description of variance request: We would like to remove the existing house and replace it with a new one; the variance request is specific to the distance the new house would be from the southem{acing lakeshore (comers ol the new house to be approximately 66.2 and 64.5). We would like the new house to more closely match the neighbors' setbacks along this shoreline. The closest neighboring houses are set back approximately 6 t .7 and 74.8 at their corners, al an angle toward the property corneryoHwl (see survey). The direct neighbors are significantly closer to our shared side lot lines than legally permitted; the house to lhe west of ours is 7.2 from our shared lot line, and the house to the east of ours is 2.8 from our shared lot line. This leads to crowding our lot and blocking our lake views. We are hoping to construct a new home that is more in line with the neighboring homes and promotes a nice-looking contiguous row so that we can all enioy the same amazing lake views and use the space in the best possible way. The point is a special place and the new house will allow us to carry on the history oI using the property for the gathering ol family, neighbors, teams, fellow boaters and friends. The current house on the property is uninhabitable; two appraisers deemed the structure un' appraisable and said the lot should be considered vacant land. Having owned the property ,or three years, we are excited lo now proceed with improving lhe property by removing the old structure, and we have taken very careful consideration in coming up with a new house design that will maximize the property and allow for the best possible placement oI a new house on this uniquely situaled lot. The proposed structure is well within the allowable impervious surface percenlage and side lot lines. (6) Written iustitication of how request complies with the lindings for granting a variance: a. This request is consistent with the neighborhood and all of the neighbors' requests. b. The private drive on the point (shared by us and 5 of our closest neighbors, running east' west across our property) provides a "practical difficulty" in that we are limited in the location on our lot that we can construct a new home and driveway. The side lot line encroachmenl by both direct neighbors provides another "practical difficulty" in lhat our lake views are currently obstructed by their houses. c. The purpose oflhe variation is not based on economic considerations. d. Our plight is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by us; these include the neighbors'side lot encroachments and the ,ixed shared private drive. :i,, e. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. The locality will be greatly enhanced. '. N/A Property Card Taxpayer lnformation Taxpayer Name PETER SANDERS JADA SANDERS Property Address Address 3609 RED CEDAR POINT RD ISE T ;IT I I! aa \; -l II I I I I - I I E Parcel lnformation REO CEDAR POINT LK MINNEWASHTA Lot Legal Description & LOT 6 & PT OF VACATED RD Building lnformation Above rade Finished Sq Ft Garage Miscellaneous lnformation Ag Preserve N HomesteadWatershed Disfict WS 062 MINNEHAHA CREEK Assessor lnformation Last Sale2021 Values (Payable 2022) 7115t2019 Sale Value $775.000.00Building Total Parce! lD Number 2s66oo3oo Mailing Address 2989 CANYON RD CHASKA, MN 55318- I a ! r.-:-J ;l LEIr -T .lJ aI T City EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 Uses Res 1 unit Acres 0.4 Plat 005 Block 004 Building Style 1 Story Frame 1120 Total Bedrooms 2 Year Built 1917 School District 0276 Green Acres N Estimated Market Value 2022 Yalues (Payable 2023) Land s710,000.00 $745,500.00 Date of Sale $82.700.00 $94,100.00 $792,700.00 $839,600.00 i o.mtin Fovidd lb. my Flrp.,... Ihis 6sct9tf, a p.ovircd F sut'l to Mi t66ot0 Saii.6 6466.03 6nd dreussottE &ta si|ll flc dara a coPy of |tE dischimr. Thursday, August 18, 2022 CaNer County, MN