Mark von Oven Campaign Financial Report #1oo-(u E, CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL REPORT (Allolthe this Name of candidate, committee Office sought or ballot question rfY \,C{ l- Candidate report Campaign committee report Association or corporation report Final report C.ton^Urascn ,, or n Type of report District Period of time covered by report: from 81," l--toa L4 ZZ CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Give the total for all contributions received during the period of time covered by this report. Contributions should be listed by type (moneyorin-kind) ratherthancontributor. Seenoteoncontributionlimitsonthebackofthisform.Useaseparatesheettoitemizeall contributions from a single source that exceeded S100 during the calendar year. This itemization must include name, address, employer or occupation if self-employed, amount and date for these contributions. z- tlTo.ao TOTALCASH-ON.HAND S 2L l -ro,oo S.. A\{-.J^.^+ A 1,5L3.',3CASH IN-KIND TOTAL AMOUNT RECEIVED + s S s 0.)Ii= o o E(oz j. o qJ AJrJEo otL DISBURSEMENTS lnclude the amount, date and purpose for all disbursements made during the period of time covered by report. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Dote Purpose Amount a- AS,-Ieu,,r\- A TOTAL r6{tr , tr CORPORATE PROJECT EXPENDITURES Corporations must list any media project or corporate message project for which contribution(s) or expenditure(s) total more than Submit a separate report for each project. Attach additional sheets if necessary Project title or d I certify that this is a full and true statement. printed r,rar" M0Rla v.rJ C.lfr-) re Telephone sl 3-5sO-95elzEmail (if availabl Dote Purpose Address of Expenditure or Contribution Amount / \ rorel a Address C^.ntr)3t? L I (* voJ Date ATTACHMENTA Disbursements Amount Date ! PrrposeEmployer Amount DateNameAddressCityStateZipcode 8t't8t2022 IWatking List $30.00 8118t2022Candidate Loan 6655 Horseshoe Cv Chanhassen MN 55317 $1,000.00 8t19t2022 Isisns $493.50 8t19t2022Candidate Loan 6655 Horseshoe Cv.Chanhassen tuN 55317 $10.00 ! Sign Holders $123.47 811912022110 Dogwood Ln Crestview FL 32536 $50.00 811912022Doreen von Oven Fts I $646.971935 Woodcrest Dr.Winter Park FL 32792 $2s0.00 811912022Liborio Meneses Plymouth MN 55447 s10.00 8t20t2022 IJacob Luby '17410 34th Ave N Eden Prairie MN 55346 $100.00 8t20t2022 IMark Luebbers 6800 W 175th Ave Chanhassen MN 5531 7 $50.00 8t20t2022 IGinger Venugopal 671'l Nez. Perce Dr MN 55317 $100.00 8t23t2022 IErin Reinhart 30 Basswood Circle Chanhassen MN 5531 7 $600.00 8t23t2022 Self-employed ISteve Donen 7341 Frontier Trail Chanhassen $2,170.00 Contributions