Memo from RF 12-18-06 with propagation maps and one-mile search ring ~. Memorandum To: Steve Edwards, Real Estate and Zoning, T-Mobile USA cc: Alan Roberts, RF Engineering Manager, T-Mobile USA From: Rajiv Parekh, RF Engineer, T-Mobile USA Date: 12/18/2006 Re: Candidate for AIP0902 Ring I reviewed the proposed Siren Pole at Bandimere Community Park. The site does not meet the coverage objective, at a height of 55 feet. Please continue your search for a site within the search ring, which will provide coverage to Hwy 14, Hwy 101 and Hwy 212. I have attached coverage plots of the proposed siren site. . Please let me know if you have any questions. Rajiv . - -. -.. - - - - .,'1: I .. , ;.1 .... ,. l...=~.; .. t ~ .... ~ .~-.~ it':; " ,:~' .,~~, .. .... . ~: ~ I .... ~.~ Jds ~i\. '" ~ . '7 · . ....~:..J,.J ~ "'.:'~ ,", y~ '~--'.~~ f- ~,~~l ~ (' - :_! ", j.. J Jj ~ ....:. ,"'l 'I .. - -..:- ... . Im-1 \. - ::-- ~ ;'':f , "'-j"\., -_:'t; ~ ....... .... .... A --~ "~i ~~~ . ~ '~.'./"~..\ · : ~,t~"~" ~~.. .: . ire", :; '!: , . . " I . .1 .l .l,;____ I Location of the siren pole is in the decent outdoor coverage area, and with the height we can get with the siren pole repla~em ent we can achieve marginal of what our objective is in this area as you can see area south of the siren pole around pioneer trail is still left uncovered. . I I I I I I :~. I One Mile Radius From Halla Site i. \,=~~ "'~~yrnan=ElIi1a--~ ~~--..J ~lEymaM=Ellvd=C=1f ,I ,! I J;'-=-==:i"'~.~-==:,.~ j~ / '" I, I ~~~~~i~ j.~ ~ (1 '1:1 "_,;:~~ . . ::>/:.;:'~~.:)~: ....."'" 7 JkL;J'~m'u, '~f;{~" ~ II ~~ ~~> -~~!L/:Hall:N~rY Y.I ~;~~~i ';1[% .~, :': :::+~ ~.'.~ ~.~ ;":. .:~: ::'~~/:'~:;:.~':'-~'.:.::>. ".". :~..' .'. -'. -:-:::." .<< ",: ..~::::....::::;. >>.-/. b~lc=J~ - \"" . ~"'.' .... ...eV:M . " : A ~~ I r7~..~;~~l~hw:;;';:'!'j:- : r -:};>'4# ~ u'",4 t_UB ,~ ~,~ ~r/ ~B'!;'~lt:i;';!H::.i;~)::-I:;;:;"-/'}" ~~\t~-~{i~~ ~.~ ~ 1.00mi , ~ :?,.~ 10 r~111 ji~. ~ .~ '\ w#~~Y'~ ..... .....~~~r~i~:s....~.....t. ........~ ~~ ~:.' ~'~ )~/ 6 (Z;:=:YP ~=;i1:S~~ !e '~~~ /_ (;) _ -. 101 '. ~rstt"~~ eo' ri ht,@):200f,l-iMcr:os.oft;:Co . and/or its su rr L -:-'_' .,...-f V, J~r4\ YII .:.... .~. {;'7 "'-J} ~ ~~ltil6 ~= : ~~'=ake: ==:::. ~ ~ fF-;. ,~ ll=-j!:::~.. ~~Jl. \~ ==c:. .