Memorandum of Lease 1-5-07 . . . Memorandum of Lease Assessor's Parcel Number: 253060020 Between Donald E Halla ("Landlord") and f-Mobile Central LtC ("Tenant") A Site Lease with Option (lhe "Lease") by and between Donald E, Halla , a(n) individual ("Landlord") and T -Mobile Central LtC, a Delaware Limited Liabilily Company ('IT en ant") was made regarding a portion of the following property: The Option is for a lenn of six (6) months after the Effective Dale of the Lease (as defined under the Lease) See Attached Exhibit "A" ineorporoted herein for all purposes The Lease is for a tenn of five (5) years and will commence on the datc as set forth in the Lease (the "Commencement Dllte") Tenant shall have the right to extend this Lease for three (3) additional and successive five-year tenns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herelo have respectively executed this memorandum effective as ofthc dale orlbe last party to sign. LANDLORD: Donald E Halla By: Printed Name: Its: Date; TENANT: By: Printed Name: Its: Date: ..~ .. t/7)try4/ ~ &kft~ Donald E. Halla /0/'30 /0 b . / / T -Mobile Centrol LLC Ij'lD- 74- , Hossein Scpehr Direclor, En,neerih and Operations I DS- 01 f I Sile Number. ^ I P0902 Silc Nwne; HnllB Nursery Rl M:lJkel: Minnc"rmlin . {Notary block for Individual) STATE OF JV\\,^,II\~:,..,k ) }ss COUNTY OF C-rvif ) This instrument WllS acknowledged before me on #bY Yn L 11-:. {/~ Dated: ( Of 3o(ob {' . . 'j ~~, ~J~~~ STEPHEN MORRIS ~DWARDS ,~~~~ Notary Public X;j(j~o~ Minnesota ~7 My Commission ~ire5 January 31. (Use this space for notary stamp/seal) " Site Number: A 11'0902 Sire Name: Halla Nursery Rl. Market: Mi"n"llno1i~ . INotarv block (or Tellalltl STATE OF COUNTY OF ) ) S5 ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Hossein Sepehr is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Director, Engineering and Operations ofT-Mobile CentrnJ LLC, n Delaware Limited Liability Company, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Dated: /-/5-07 . . Q SUSAN MAE STREETS . Notary Public . _" Minnesota . " y CommissIon Expkes January 31, 2010 (Use this space for notary suunp/seal) . .j - . Site Number: AIP0902 Site NllIJ1e: 1"lalln Nursery Rl M;ukel: Minncnnolis ~&l/f1 L,/17ae C51re e/s;;. Notary Public ~ - 11 c::. .J..t::.- Print Name ~ :/U.5Q J1 J /111 e ..:::;f-t/ e e -I'::::' My commission expires I - ::; I ~ dr) / I') , . . . ,1 ~ . 'j EXHIBIT A Legal Description The Property is legally described as follows: Parcel Identification Number: R25.3060020 Section 25 Township 116 Range 023 Halla Maryanne Addition Out Lot A I I ~ , Site NUlnbcr: AI P0902 Site NOlDe: Halla NUlllety Ri. Mnrl:c~ Mi.!Jmll!!lli. 4 Site l.cnsc Vcmon I 10 OS