09-27-2022 PRC Agenda Packet
Commissioners may add or delete items at this time.
Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is
required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and
review prior to consideration.
F.1 Approve Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes dated August 23, 2022
G.1 Carver County Southwest Regional Trail Master Plan
H.1 2022 Lake Ann Park Concession & Watercraft Rental Evaluation
H.2 Recreation Center Quarterly Report
H.3 Park Maintenance Quarterly Update
H.4 Senior Center Quarterly Report
Park & Recreation Commission Item
September 27, 2022
Item Approve Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes dated August
23, 2022
Item No:F.1
Prepared By Amy Weidman, Admin Support Specialist
"Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated August 23, 2022."
Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated August 23, 2022.
August 23, 2022 Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes
August 23, 2022
Vice Chair Markert called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Heather Markert, Scott Fischer, Don Vasatka, Jim Peck, Alex Jerdee,
Dan Eidsmo .
MEMBERS ABSENT: Karl Tsuchiya, Matt Kutz.
STAFF PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Center
Manager Jodi Sarles, Recreation Supervisor Mitchell Czech.
Mr. Ruegemer asked to add item 4 under Reports: The Lake Ann Preserve Open House.
Commissioner Peck moved, Commissioner Vasatka seconded to approve the agenda as
amended. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Mr. Ruegemer congratulated Alex Jerdee on her reappointment as the Youth Commissioner for
another year.
Commissioner Fischer moved, Commissioner Vasatka seconded to approve the Minutes of
the Park and Recreation Commission Meeting dated June 28, 2022 as presented. All voted
in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – August 23, 2022
1. 2022-2023 Ice Skating Rink Location Recommendations
Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor , noted they are planning for winter and recommend
flooding the 11 ice rinks at six locations and maintaining five warming houses. This is the same
as the previous year. Locations are at the Chanhassen Rec Center (1 Family Rink, 2 Hockey
Rinks), North Lotus (1 Family Rink, 1 Hockey Rink), City Center (1 Family Rink, 1 Hockey
Rink), Bandimere Park (1 Family Rink, 1 Hockey Rink), Roundhouse Park (1 Family Rink),
Pioneer Pass Park (1 Family Rink, no warming house). He shared about rink attendants, warming
house hours, and recorded participant numbers from 2021-2022 season. The previous year they
had 15 rink attendants whose wages totaled $16,676 with 1,445 hours worked. Mr. Czech noted
they are looking forward to another great season. Staff recommends that the Park and Recreation
Commission recommend to the City Council that these ice skating rink locations and warming
house hours be maintained for the 2022-2023 season.
Vice Chair Markert asked other roles and duties of the rink attendants.
Mr. Czech replied they staff the warming house to be sure everyone is behaving as they should,
not vandalizing or damaging property, and to serve as a customer service person to answer
questions and interact with those co ming in and out. They also check-in equipment such as the
PVC pipe trainers, record attendance, an open/close the warming house.
Commissioner Peck asked about the Lotus Park Hockey Rink.
Mr. Ruegemer just paid 45% of the bill although the work has not started. He noted Becker will
be building that and the work should begin in October to be done by the start of the season.
Commissioner Vasatka asked if Roundhouse Park is worth it as less than 1% of the users are
there and whether it is worth turning the heat on.
Mr. Ruegemer replied that was a neighborhood “feel good” back in the day and the Park
Commission debated this back in the 1990’s-2000’s on whether the building should be
demolished. The Commission at the time felt it was historical and the identity of the park, and
there was a volunteer effort to coordinate the painting, new windows, new roof, etcetera. The
City recognizes that is not a high-volume rink location but does serve an area to the west that is
land-locked by two major highways. He noted they can monitor it, have a neighborhood meeting,
and they recognize that demographics change and the Commission can broach that conversation
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – August 23, 2022
Mr. Czech shared about some staffing issues the previous year as Staff were out with Covid and
noted certain ice rink numbers may be a bit skewed as that rink was one of the first he would
close when staffing levels were low.
Commissioner Peck moved, Commissioner Eidsmo seconded to approve the Park and
Recreation Commission’s recommendation to the City Council that the same ice skating
rink locations and warming house hours be maintained for the 2022-2023 season. All voted
in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
1. 2022 4th of July Celebration Evaluation
Mr. Czech gave a recap on the 4th of July Celebration and said it is estimated that over 70,000
people came to the celebration. Highlights on Saturday included the Farmer’s Market, family
night at the carnival, pony r ides, and a kids’ music performance. Sunday kicked off with a Twins
Youth Baseball Clinic, Water Wars, carnival, The Medicine Show (vaudeville), face painting,
beer garden, kids’ activities & kiddie parade, petting zoo, and live music. On Monday, highlights
included adult and kids fishing contest s, sand sculpture contest, classic car show, Taste of
Chanhassen, live music, parade and historic plane flyover, and the fireworks display. Mr. Czech
shared recommendations for 2023 including creative options for recruiting volunteers which is
always a struggle, increasing sponsorship opportunities, contracting with an outside company for
waste and recycling removal, to begin t-shirt sales after Memorial Day to increase sales, order
fewer shirts to avoid leftover inventory, continue to offer children’s performances on July 2, and
consider offering two waves of the kids fishing contest to reduce congestion on the fishing pier.
Vice Chair Markert spoke about volunteer opportunities through Minnetonka Schools, the direct
mail which was a hit, and asked whether they could do a design contest for the t -shirt sales or a
tie-dye station for kids to increase t -shirt sales.
Commissioner Vasatka noted the following year is 40 years and asked if there is anything special
Mr. Ruegemer noted thought has been given but nothing is concrete right now. They did increase
the budget request for fireworks next year.
Commissioner Vasatka noted they ran out of hot dogs about 40 minutes before fireworks began.
Mr. Czech noted product was flying that night and he purchased more hot dog buns than he ever
thought they could go through.
Vice Chair Markert thanked Priya Tando n and everyone who helped make the weekend a
successful event.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – August 23, 2022
2. Termination of Contract with Hufcor, Inc.
Recreation Center Manager Jodi Sarles shared this good news as they will be able to move on to
a new chapter in the “wall saga” at the Rec Center. She noted that the previous year in May the
walls came out at the Rec Center, and with Covid, supply shortages, and delays Hufcor was back
in December to work on walls. However, they measured one wall 10 inches too short and after
multiple times trying to hear back from the company, she finally found out in May that Hufcor is
out of commission globally. The City Attorney advised sending a certified letter to find out
intentions which has not received a response. City Council approved the termination of that
contract the previous night at the Council Meeting on 08-22-2022. Ms. Sarles shared that of the
$68,000 contract, the City has paid $16,000 for the track of the structure, repair of soffits, and
repainting of the rooms. She hopes they will not have to tear everything o ut and rebuild. She
noted Hufcor had invoiced the City for what is in place right now at about $34,000 , which the
City did not pay due to the lack of communications and corrections. Ms. Sarles noted they will
now start back at square one.
Mr. Ruegemer publicly acknowledged Ms. Sarles noting she has been extremely flexible and a
magician trying to make things work with the way the walls are right now. It has been a lot of
juggling and has been a challenge. He thanked Ms. Sarles for that , noting it has not been easy.
3. Revised Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) between the City of Chanhassen and
Independent School District 112 for the Chanhassen Recreation Center and Bluff Creek
Elementary School
Ms. Sarles updated the Park Commission and gave history that since the building opened they
have been operating without a JPA. Thus far it has been handshake agreements and working
together. However, both the District and the City want to have a more formalized agreement
between the two entities. This JPA now reflects what each party will be responsible for at the
Rec Center.
4. The Lake Ann Preserve Open House
Mr. Ruegemer shared that the Referendum Task Force and the Park Referendum was paused as
they felt the timing was not right with high inflation and gas prices. Many conversations are
happening right now about what could happen in the future if a new City Hall is built and this
current building is torn down. Perhaps it would become a civic plaza with a skate loop, water
feature, adaptive recreation, or performance stage. On September 13, they will hold a meeting
with all the City Commissions to look at some of those concepts and brainstorm. When the City
Council and Task Force decided to pause the referendum, they both felt strongly about moving
forward with Lake Ann Park Reserve. The City Council said they will use portions of the ARPA
funds and some funds from the General Fund for that project. As part of the process, there is an
Open House on September 27 with concepts and display boards for the community to see and
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – August 23, 2022
give feedback on. Mr. Ruegemer hopes to get another Flash Vote out to receive additional
feedback from the public.
Commissioner Eidsmo moved, Commissioner Peck seconded to adjourn the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. The Park and
Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:09 p.m.
Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer
Park and Recreation Director
Prepared by Amy Weidman
Administrative Support Specialist
Park & Recreation Commission Item
September 27, 2022
Item Carver County Southwest Regional Trail Master Plan
Item No:G.1
Prepared By Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director
Park and Recreation Commission makes a motion that the Chanhassen City Council drafts a
Resolution of Support for the Carver County Southwest Regional Trail Master Plan
Project History
In 2006, Carver County prepared the Southwest Regional Trail Master Plan identifying a trail that
would link the north and south branches of the Southwest LRT trail segments together between Victoria
and Chaska. The Southwest Regional Trail would connect to the Lake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail
(LMRT) to the north and the Minnesota River Bluffs LRT Regional Trail (MRBRT) to the south.
In 2016, Carver County submitted an amended Southwest Regional Trail Master Plan document to
illustrate the extension of the southern trail parameters of the Southwest Regional Trail (SWRT) by
Chaska to end at Bluff Creek Drive where it would connect with the MRBRT. This added section of
trail aligned on an abandoned railroad corridor previously owned by the Hennepin County Regional
Rail Authority (HCRRA) for light rail transportation, with a permit granted to Carver County for this
one mile section of trail, and is currently paved with bituminous surfacing.
The remainder of the trail extending northeast to Pioneer Trail along the abandoned railroad corridor
remained the Minnesota River Bluffs LRT Regional Trail, with a permit granted to Three Rivers Park
District from the Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority (HCRRA) for this approximate two mile
section of trail. The segment of the MRBRT from County Road 61 to Pioneer trail consists of one mile
paved surface and two miles of aggregate. The MRBRT extends along the Minnesota River Valley bluff
adjacent to the Minnesota DNR Scientific and Natural Area of the Seminary Fen (NSA) through natural
settings, including woodlands and scenic vistas, located along the trail corridor. The MRBRT extends
through Chanhassen, Eden Prairie, and Hopkins. A portion of this trail was destroyed by landslides in
2014 which remained closed between Eden Prairie and Hwy 101 with detours provided until the trail
reconstruction project was completed in 2021.
In 2018, Carver County submitted an Acquisition Amendment Plan to identify the lands owned by the
HCRRA to be acquired by Carver County, as the HCRRA wanted to divest itself of the former railroad
corridor in Carver County. The HCRRA and Carver County entered into an agreement to work together
to secure funding and fix the slope failure. Upon completing the slope failure repair, the property was
deeded to Carver County for the purpose of trail and natural resource preservation and stewardship. The
properties purchased by Carver County start from approximately County Road 61 in Chaska and extend
to the eastern county line near Pioneer Trail in Eden Prairie. This acquisition resulted in approximately
90 acres of land and three miles of trail located within the corridor. The segment of the SWRT between
Bluff Creek Drive and County Road 61 was further reclassified to be an extension of the Minnesota
River Bluffs LRT Regional Trail and designated as a recreational destination trail.
The 2021 Southwest Regional Trail Master Plan Amendment replaces all of the previous Southwest
Regional Trail master plans and amendments.
Southwest Regional Trail Master Plan
Staff recommends the Park and Recreation Commission makes a motion that the Chanhassen City
Council drafts a Resolution of Support for the Carver County Southwest Regional Trail Master Plan
Minnesota River Bluffs Regional LRT Trail
Park & Recreation Commission Item
September 27, 2022
Item 2022 Lake Ann Park Concession & Watercraft Rental Evaluation
Item No:H.1
Agenda Section REPORTS
Prepared By Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor
Lake Ann Park has been a very popular destination in our community for many years. Beach and other
park users enjoy the services the City provides at the concession and boat rental area. Despite inclement
weather on a number of weekends, concessions and watercraft sales remained strong throughout the
+$ 22,999.50 Watercraft Revenue
+$ 17,388.00 Food Sales Revenue
-$ 3,093.00 Grey Duck Outdoor Paddleboard Payment
-$ 2,774.00 Sales Tax Payment
-$ 762.22 Square Transaction Fees
$ 33,758.28 Total Revenue
The City continued an agreement with Grey Duck Outdoor to offer stand up paddleboards for
hourly rentals. Grey Duck Outdoor purchased, licensed, and maintained all eight paddleboards
throughout the rental season. The City supplied the labor to coordinate the rentals and the lockable rack
to house the paddleboards. The revenue was split for this agreement with the City retaining 70% and
Grey Duck Paddleboard receiving 30%. Both partners were very pleased with this agreement and are
looking forward to continuing the rentals in 2023. The paddleboards were rented a total of 502 times in
New additions to the stand this season included a Square cash register and a tandem kayak. In recent
years our customers expressed the desire to have a credit card payment option, as well as a multi-person
kayak option. With the help of our finance and technology departments, we were able to address both of
these needs this season with great success. This season, 33% of sales were made with a credit card, and
those sales equated to 53% of the revenue. In addition to enhancing the customer experience, the Square
also increased staff efficiency and will provide more detailed reporting for future seasons. Our tandem
kayak was rented 63 times this season for a total of $1,310 in revenue.
The Lake Ann concession & boat rental operation is evaluated annually to improve customer service
and increase or maintain revenues. Equipment rental, food costs, hours of operation, and staffing needs
are reviewed to ensure a successful concession operation.
General Comments:
Spongebob popsicles remained extremely popular.
Airheads & Ring Pops were added mid-season and sold the most of any candy.
Continue to look for new beverage choices other than soda. Added Aguas Frescas drinks &
Vitamin Water this season which resulted in limited sales.
Look to implement paddleboard lessons and/or classes with Grey Duck Outdoor.
Reinstate the concession manager position.
Purchase an additional tandem kayak.
Reduce canoe fleet and replace with additional kayak and/or tandem kayak.
Update food signage and menu boards.
Purchase an additional trolling motor.
2022 Vendor Expense Totals
2022 Lake Ann Concessions & Watercraft Year End Summary
Concessions Master Sales 2022
2022 Sales Report and 5 Year History
Delivery Date Amount
23‐May 767.49$
13‐Jun 658.00$
20‐Jun 551.79$
18‐Jul 911.79$
Coke Total 2,889.07$
Delivery Date Amount
19‐May 1,422.07$
2‐Jun $430.55
9‐Jun 503.95$
16‐Jun 690.85$
23‐Jun 717.40$
30‐Jun 1,239.46$
1‐Jul 38.22$
7‐Jul 564.65$
14‐Jul 396.38$
21‐Jul 589.38$
28‐Jul 419.30$
4‐Aug 665.03$
11‐Aug 170.58$
18‐Aug 174.00$
Returned Items
Watson Total 8,021.82$
Delivery Date Amount
27‐May 64.22$
2‐Jun 66.09$
10‐Jun 37.87$
16‐Jun 23.49$
17‐Jun 13.48$
20‐Jun 28.50$
30‐Jun 80.74$
3‐Jul 23.81$
5‐Jul 22.29$
6‐Jul 46.45$
10‐Jul 15.00$
Watson Company
Cub Foods
2022 Vendor Purchases
14‐Jul 18.46$
15‐Jul 10.49$
21‐Jul 39.96$
29‐Jul 38.97$
29‐Jul 4.27$
5‐Aug 51.37$
12‐Aug 13.52$
19‐Aug 6.42$
26‐Aug 21.63$
Cub Total 562.81$
Delivery Date Amount
May 40.00$
June 40.00$
July 40.00$
August 40.00$
Verizon Total 160.00$
Total Vendor Expense 11,633.70$
2022 Lake Ann Concessions & Watercraft
Year End Summary
Overall Sales Overview
Sales Overview Notes
Lake Ann had 5,291 sales totaling $40,387.50.
Concessions & Watercraft sales were open 94
days during the season and closed 2 due to
inclement weather.
Friday & Sunday were the busiest days of the
Cold/rainy weather impacted many
Saturday's throughout the season.
2pm - 4pm are our peak times.
4th of July was our largest day with $2,480 in
2022 Lake Ann Sales Overview
Watercraft Sales Overview
Watercraft Sales Notes
Paddleboards remained the most
popular rental with 502 rentals.
A Double Kayak was added to the
fleet this year and saw 63
rentals with revenue of $1,310.
Canoes popularity has continued
to decrease. Our 3 canoes were
rented a total of 62 times.
Food/Beverage Sales Overview
Food/Beverage Notes
Hot dogs were the top selling item with 739 sold.
Spongebob Popsicles remained a fan favorite with
681 sold.
Airheads & Ring Pops were introduced during the
middle of the summer and had a lot of success.
Vitamin Water & Aguas Frescas beverages were
added as alternatives to soda but didn't see a lot
of success.
Total Daily Sales (W/ Tax)
Food Sales
(After Tax)
Boat Rental
(After Tax) Total Sales Tax Rained Out Food Tax
Watercraft Rentals
(W/ Tax) Watercraft Tax
May (101-3638) (101-3635)(Divide by 1.07375)Beverages Candy Entrées Ice Cream
28 $296.50 $136.44 $139.70 $20.36 $47.50 $5.25 $27.75 $66.00 $10.06 $150.00 $10.30
29 $292.00 $91.50 $180.44 $20.06 $62.50 $6.00 $21.75 $8.00 $6.75 $193.75 $13.31
30 $449.50 $184.63 $233.99 $30.87 $58.75 $2.25 $35.25 $102.00 $13.62 $251.25 $17.26
31 $54.25 $22.58 $27.94 $3.73 $10.00 $1.50 $7.75 $5.00 $1.67 $30.00 $2.06
May Totals $1,092.25 $435.16 $582.07 $75.02 $178.75 $15.00 $92.50 $181.00 $32.09 $625.00 $42.93
Food Total: $467.25
Total Daily Sales
(W/ Tax)
Food Sales
(After Tax)
Boat Rental
(After Tax) Total Sales Tax Rained Out Food Tax
Watercraft Rentals
(W/ Tax) Watercraft Tax
June (101-3638) (101-3635)(Divide by 1.07375)Beverages Candy Entrées Ice Cream
1 $55.00 $23.28 $27.94 $3.78 $5.00 $0.00 $5.00 $15.00 $1.72 $30.00 $2.06
2 $207.00 $71.71 $121.07 $14.22 $26.25 $6.00 $18.75 $26.00 $5.29 $130.00 $8.93
3 $141.25 $50.06 $81.49 $9.70 $5.00 $3.00 $21.75 $24.00 $3.69 $87.50 $6.01
4 $108.75 $37.25 $64.03 $7.47 $12.50 $0.00 $15.50 $12.00 $2.75 $68.75 $4.72
5 $221.25 $93.13 $112.92 $15.20 $41.25 $6.75 $8.00 $44.00 $6.87 $121.25 $8.33
6 $173.50 $35.86 $125.73 $11.92 $12.50 $1.50 $7.50 $17.00 $2.64 $135.00 $9.27
7 $109.75 $28.87 $73.34 $7.54 $8.75 $0.00 $16.25 $6.00 $2.13 $78.75 $5.41
8 $689.25 $385.80 $256.11 $47.34 $105.00 $70.50 $72.75 $166.00 $28.45 $275.00 $18.89
9 $391.25 $196.74 $167.64 $26.87 $96.25 $12.00 $42.00 $61.00 $14.51 $180.00 $12.36
10 $1,094.25 $884.05 $135.04 $75.16 $383.75 $130.50 $202.00 $233.00 $65.20 $145.00 $9.96
11 $562.75 $153.90 $370.20 $38.65 $48.75 $17.25 $25.25 $74.00 $11.35 $397.50 $27.30
12 $321.25 $168.80 $130.38 $22.06 $48.75 $9.00 $62.50 $61.00 $12.45 $140.00 $9.62
13 $16.00 $14.90 $0.00 $1.10 $7.50 $0.00 $7.50 $1.00 $1.10 $0.00 $0.00
14 $588.50 $254.71 $293.36 $40.42 $76.25 $15.00 $72.25 $110.00 $18.79 $315.00 $21.64
15 $64.75 $32.36 $27.94 $4.45 $6.25 $1.50 $10.00 $17.00 $2.39 $30.00 $2.06
16 $186.50 $173.69 $0.00 $12.81 $35.00 $18.00 $77.50 $56.00 $12.81 $0.00 $0.00
17 $675.50 $192.55 $436.55 $46.40 $36.25 $10.50 $69.00 $91.00 $14.20 $468.75 $32.20
18 $755.75 $247.50 $456.34 $51.91 $82.50 $6.00 $72.25 $105.00 $18.25 $490.00 $33.66
19 $998.00 $213.50 $715.95 $68.55 $53.75 $10.50 $49.00 $116.00 $15.75 $768.75 $52.80
20 $743.75 $257.28 $435.39 $51.08 $72.50 $18.00 $42.75 $143.00 $18.97 $467.50 $32.11
21 $519.00 $178.35 $305.01 $35.65 $52.50 $22.50 $46.50 $70.00 $13.15 $327.50 $22.49
22 $457.00 $127.59 $298.02 $31.39 $30.00 $6.00 $15.00 $86.00 $9.41 $320.00 $21.98
23 $527.00 $176.48 $314.32 $36.20 $62.50 $21.00 $10.00 $96.00 $13.02 $337.50 $23.18
24 $580.75 $283.59 $257.28 $39.89 $85.00 $21.00 $50.50 $148.00 $20.91 $276.25 $18.97
25 $541.25 $117.58 $386.50 $37.18 $48.75 $12.00 $21.50 $44.00 $8.67 $415.00 $28.50
26 $326.00 $108.03 $195.58 $22.39 $15.00 $1.50 $29.50 $70.00 $7.97 $210.00 $14.42
27 $456.00 $144.12 $280.56 $31.32 $18.75 $9.50 $30.50 $96.00 $10.63 $301.25 $20.69
28 $451.00 $182.54 $237.49 $30.98 $52.50 $13.00 $26.50 $104.00 $13.46 $255.00 $17.51
29 $310.50 $130.85 $158.32 $21.33 $57.50 $11.00 $16.00 $56.00 $9.65 $170.00 $11.68
30 $412.50 $94.30 $289.87 $28.33 $15.00 $18.75 $19.50 $48.00 $6.95 $311.25 $21.38
June Totals $12,685.00 $5,059.37 $6,754.37 $871.26 $1,601.25 $472.25 $1,163.00 $2,196.00 $373.13 $7,252.50 $498.13
Food Total: $5,432.50
Total Daily Sales
(W/ Tax)
Food Sales
(After Tax)
Boat Rental
(After Tax) Total Sales Tax Rained Out Food Tax
Watercraft Rentals
(W/ Tax) Watercraft Tax
July (101-3638) (101-3635)(Divide by 1.07375)Beverages Candy Entrées Ice Cream
1 $645.50 $268.22 $332.95 $44.34 $75.00 $19.00 $72.00 $122.00 $19.78 $357.50 $24.55
2 $296.75 $139.00 $137.37 $20.38 $51.25 $6.25 $65.75 $26.00 $10.25 $147.50 $10.13
3 $811.50 $235.39 $520.37 $55.74 $65.00 $25.25 $39.50 $123.00 $17.36 $558.75 $38.38
4 $2,468.00 $1,572.06 $726.43 $169.51 $495.00 $103.00 $518.00 $572.00 $115.94 $780.00 $53.57
5 $339.50 $134.58 $181.61 $23.32 $20.50 $3.50 $22.50 $98.00 $9.92 $195.00 $13.39
6 $271.00 $70.78 $181.61 $18.61 $27.50 $3.00 $16.50 $29.00 $5.22 $195.00 $13.39
7 $250.00 $132.71 $100.12 $17.17 $40.00 $24.00 $16.50 $62.00 $9.79 $107.50 $7.38
8 $480.25 $149.24 $298.02 $32.99 $40.00 $38.75 $20.50 $61.00 $11.01 $320.00 $21.98
9 $793.50 $184.87 $554.13 $54.50 $50.00 $15.00 $70.50 $63.00 $13.63 $595.00 $40.87
10 $410.75 $120.61 $261.93 $28.21 $32.50 $5.50 $50.50 $41.00 $8.89 $281.25 $19.32
11 $338.50 $152.27 $162.98 $23.25 $15.00 $19.00 $57.50 $72.00 $11.23 $175.00 $12.02
12 $556.50 $176.02 $342.26 $38.22 $45.00 $23.00 $65.00 $56.00 $12.98 $367.50 $25.24
13 $435.75 $179.28 $226.54 $29.93 $52.00 $36.00 $38.50 $66.00 $13.22 $243.25 $16.71
14 $559.00 $66.59 $454.02 $38.39 $17.50 $5.50 $18.50 $30.00 $4.91 $487.50 $33.48
15 $522.00 $214.90 $271.25 $35.85 $91.25 $42.50 $46.00 $51.00 $15.85 $291.25 $20.00
16 $727.25 $193.02 $484.28 $49.95 $50.00 $21.25 $47.00 $89.00 $14.23 $520.00 $35.72
17 $1,135.50 $169.27 $888.24 $77.99 $56.25 $14.00 $51.50 $60.00 $12.48 $953.75 $65.51
18 $679.25 $226.31 $406.29 $46.65 $65.00 $25.50 $60.50 $92.00 $16.69 $436.25 $29.96
Summer 2022 Lake Ann Concessions Sales
19 $322.75 $103.84 $196.74 $22.17 $27.50 $6.00 $15.00 $63.00 $7.66 $211.25 $14.51
20 $118.50 $87.08 $23.28 $8.14 $20.00 $11.50 $32.00 $30.00 $6.42 $25.00 $1.72
21 $395.75 $312.69 $55.88 $27.18 $30.00 $22.00 $49.00 $234.75 $23.06 $60.00 $4.12
22 $557.00 $211.41 $307.33 $38.26 $82.50 $24.50 $42.00 $78.00 $15.59 $330.00 $22.67
23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 x $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
24 $606.75 $194.88 $370.20 $41.67 $38.75 $20.00 $77.50 $73.00 $14.37 $397.50 $27.30
25 $397.00 $122.93 $246.80 $27.27 $30.00 $16.00 $46.00 $40.00 $9.07 $265.00 $18.20
26 $83.75 $61.70 $16.30 $5.75 $8.75 $18.00 $16.50 $23.00 $4.55 $17.50 $1.20
27 $347.50 $105.94 $217.69 $23.87 $28.75 $15.50 $35.50 $34.00 $7.81 $233.75 $16.06
28 $151.25 $57.04 $83.82 $10.39 $5.00 $9.00 $23.25 $24.00 $4.21 $90.00 $6.18
29 $403.75 $194.41 $181.61 $27.73 $58.75 $24.00 $38.00 $88.00 $14.34 $195.00 $13.39
30 $741.50 $203.96 $486.61 $50.93 $67.50 $8.00 $53.50 $90.00 $0.00 $522.50 $0.00
31 $436.50 $92.20 $314.32 $29.98 $20.00 $18.00 $27.00 $34.00 $0.00 $337.50 $0.00
July Totals $16,282.50 $6,133.18 $9,030.97 $1,118.36 $1,706.25 $622.50 $1,732.00 $2,524.75 $430.48 $9,697.00 $606.97
Food Total: $6,585.50
Total Daily Sales
(W/ Tax)
Food Sales
(After Tax)
Boat Rental
(After Tax) Total Sales Tax Rained Out Food Tax Watercraft Rentals Watercraft Tax
August (101-3638) (101-3635)(Divide by 1.07375)Beverages Candy Entrées Ice Cream
1 $173.50 $112.69 $48.89 $11.92 $32.50 $28.50 $36.00 $24.00 $8.31 $52.50 $3.61
2 $404.25 $274.04 $102.44 $27.77 $76.25 $52.50 $62.50 $103.00 $20.21 $110.00 $7.56
3 $447.50 $237.49 $179.28 $30.74 $50.00 $56.50 $48.50 $100.00 $17.51 $192.50 $13.22
4 $535.75 $291.73 $207.22 $36.80 $80.00 $74.00 $49.25 $110.00 $21.52 $222.50 $15.28
5 $897.25 $307.10 $528.52 $61.63 $141.25 $65.50 $28.00 $95.00 $22.65 $567.50 $38.98
6 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 x $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
7 $146.00 $42.84 $93.13 $10.03 $17.50 $1.50 $23.00 $4.00 $3.16 $100.00 $6.87
8 $305.50 $179.74 $104.77 $20.98 $52.50 $62.00 $28.50 $50.00 $13.26 $112.50 $7.73
9 $503.00 $298.49 $169.97 $34.55 $101.25 $82.50 $47.75 $89.00 $22.01 $182.50 $12.53
10 $488.50 $338.53 $116.41 $33.55 $88.75 $88.75 $51.00 $135.00 $24.97 $125.00 $8.59
11 $498.25 $305.70 $158.32 $34.22 $80.00 $73.25 $75.00 $100.00 $22.55 $170.00 $11.68
12 $315.75 $234.69 $59.37 $21.69 $65.00 $96.00 $25.00 $66.00 $17.31 $63.75 $4.38
13 $220.00 $46.57 $158.32 $15.11 $17.50 $4.50 $18.00 $10.00 $3.43 $170.00 $11.68
14 $720.50 $114.55 $556.46 $49.49 $35.00 $16.50 $25.50 $46.00 $8.45 $597.50 $41.04
15 $226.25 $168.80 $41.91 $15.54 $57.50 $32.25 $37.50 $54.00 $12.45 $45.00 $3.09
16 $567.50 $365.54 $162.98 $38.98 $97.50 $61.00 $100.00 $134.00 $26.96 $175.00 $12.02
17 $309.00 $189.99 $97.79 $21.22 $36.25 $32.75 $75.00 $60.00 $14.01 $105.00 $7.21
18 $327.75 $217.93 $87.31 $22.51 $42.50 $45.50 $51.00 $95.00 $16.07 $93.75 $6.44
19 $151.75 $141.33 $0.00 $10.42 $31.25 $38.50 $26.00 $56.00 $10.42 $0.00 $0.00
20 $164.00 $40.98 $111.76 $11.26 $15.00 $1.50 $7.50 $20.00 $3.02 $120.00 $8.24
21 $698.25 $136.90 $513.39 $47.96 $25.00 $14.00 $44.00 $64.00 $10.10 $551.25 $37.86
22 $489.50 $104.31 $351.57 $33.62 $38.50 $5.00 $10.50 $58.00 $7.69 $377.50 $25.93
23 $483.00 $170.43 $279.39 $33.17 $47.25 $49.50 $33.25 $53.00 $12.57 $300.00 $20.61
24 $358.50 $10.24 $323.63 $24.62 $0.00 $6.00 $1.00 $4.00 $0.76 $347.50 $23.87
25 $124.00 $27.01 $88.47 $8.52 $12.50 $7.00 $3.50 $6.00 $1.99 $95.00 $6.53
26 $292.25 $104.54 $167.64 $20.07 $23.50 $12.25 $22.50 $54.00 $7.71 $180.00 $12.36
27 $79.50 $8.85 $65.19 $5.46 $2.50 $0.00 $5.00 $2.00 $0.65 $70.00 $4.81
28 $127.25 $31.20 $87.31 $8.74 $7.00 $5.00 $15.50 $6.00 $2.30 $93.75 $6.44
29 $61.50 $10.71 $46.57 $4.22 $2.50 $7.00 $0.00 $2.00 $0.79 $50.00 $3.43
30 $212.00 $53.08 $144.35 $14.56 $18.00 $8.00 $25.00 $6.00 $3.92 $155.00 $10.65
31 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
August Totals $10,327.75 $4,566.01 $5,052.39 $709.36 $1,294.25 $1,027.25 $975.25 $1,606.00 $336.74 $5,425.00 $372.61
Food Total: $4,902.75
Total Daily Sales
(W/ Tax)
Food Sales
(After Tax)
Boat Rental
(After Tax) Total Sales Tax Food Total: Beverages Candy Entrée Ice Cream Food Tax
Watercraft Rentals
(W/ Tax) Watercraft Tax
$40,387.50 $16,193.71 $21,419.79 $2,774.00 $17,388.00 $4,780.50 $2,137.00 $3,962.75 $6,507.75 $1,172.44 $22,999.50 $1,520.64
Grey Duck Ourdoor Payment
Square Transaction Fees
Total Overall Revenue
2022 Total Sales
Boat Rentals 2022 2021 2019 2018 2017
Paddleboards 502 547 561 646 661
Paddleboats 364 362 353 403 376
Canoes 62 105 123 122 145
Single Kayaks 148 166 177 162 174
Row Boats w/ Trolling Motor 92 109 115 89 76
Row Boats ‐19 2 4 11
Total 1168 1308 1331 1426 1443
Concession Stand 2021 2021 2019 2018 2017
Total Revenue 34,520.50$ 26,058.04$ 25,127.52$ $25,127.52 $25,621.29
Hours & Wages
Hours (not dollars) 698 543.25 813.25 822.25 798.5
Wages 11,835.17$ 8,008.00$ 9,524.38$ $8,982.38 $8,163.75
Total Hours & Wages 11,835.17$ 8,008.00$ 9,524.38$ $8,982.38 $8,163.75
The Watson Company 8,021.82$ 4,902.25$ 5,075.30$ $3,968.80 5,159.04$
Great Lakes Coca Cola 2,889.07$ 2,311.56$ 2,221.20$ $2,515.41 2,514.14$
Cub Foods 562.81$ 395.06$ 311.08$ $374.71 634.38$
Verizon 160.00$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$
Target ‐$ 39.95$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$
Total Supplies 11,633.70$ 7,648.82$ 7,607.58$ 6,858.92$ 8,307.56$
Square Processing Fees 762.22$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$
Total Expenditures 24,231.09$ 15,656.82$ 17,131.96$ 15,841.30$ 16,471.31$
NET PROFIT 10,289.41$ 10,401.22$ 7,995.56$ 9,286.22$ 9,149.98$
2022 Boat Rental & Concession Stand Sales Report & 5 Year History
Park & Recreation Commission Item
September 27, 2022
Item Recreation Center Quarterly Report
Item No:H.2
Agenda Section REPORTS
Prepared By Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager
The Rec Center and Bluff Creek Elementary facilities are experiencing failures with the air handler
units. These are original to the facility and were scheduled to be replaced this fall. Due to supply issues,
the replacement project has been postponed to spring 2023.
Recreation Center Wall Replacement Project: Currently, quotes are being submitted to complete the
moveable wall replacement project. These will be brought to City Council for approval.
District 112 Star Program Volunteers: School is back in session and our STAR program volunteers
are back. The STAR program is a job training and life skills program for individuals ages 18-21 with
special needs. We have two helpers that come in with their job coach for two hours on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. They help us with light cleaning and room set-ups.
Community Day at the Rec Center, Saturday, August 20: This was a free day at the Rec Center to
visit the facility, try out free classes, see demonstrations, and use the Fitness Center and Gymnasium.
Chanhassen Fire Department brought a truck and we offered free Kona Ice treats. The event also
included door prize drawings and a punch card sale. Over 200 people visited throughout the day. There
are already plans to expand this event next year.
Barnyard Boogie, Friday, September 16: This annual event was held Friday, September 16 at the
Chanhassen Recreation Center. This was co-sponsored with Victoria Parks and Recreation. It included
a petting zoo, llamas from Llama Mama, bounce house, dance, snacks, and take-away crafts. The event
was held outdoors with 180 people attending.
Dance for Fun: The fall session of dance has begun. Twenty-three classes are currently offered in a
variety of styles. There are 199 registrations in the program as well as 13 solos, duets, and trios. There
were four Open Houses and three trial classes were offered at Community Day. Dance for Fun
Coordinator, Nicole Kochar, and instructors Katelyn Neururer and Ashley Ramsay teach the classes.
Rec Center Sports:
• Small Fry Sports (ages 3-4) The second summer T-ball session had 61 participants and the
current soccer program has 45.
• Lil’ Star Sports (ages 5-6) The July-August T-ball session had 37 participants, and another 17 are
participating in the fall soccer program.
Pickleball Lessons: Pickleball continues to grow. There have been full sessions of beginner lessons
throughout the summer and fall. We have trained 48 new players throughout the summer with nearly
full sessions coming up.
Chanhassen Bone Adventure: September 21-October 2, sponsored by Chuck & Don's. Hit the
trails with your pup and go on a Bone Adventure on Chanhassen’s trails. Take a photo of your pooch
with each of the bones you find and bring it to the store. Your pooch will receive a treat and you will be
entered into a drawing for a prize pack worth $100.
Start your Engines! Healthy, Fit, and Thriving 55+ Expo: Thursday, September 29, 10:30am-
2:30pm at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. See attached flyer.
2022 Artisan Fair: Saturday, November 5. This event will take place from 10am-2pm. Local artists
will be selling a variety of handcrafted items. Admission is free. The City will be collecting non-
perishable food items for the PROP food shelf.
2022 Holiday Boutique: Saturday, December 3, 10am-2pm. This boutique will feature both
handcrafted and commercial items for sale by local vendors. The City will be collecting non-perishable
food items for the Bountiful Basket food shelf.
55 Plus Expo 2022 Itinerary
START YOUR ENGINES!Healthy, Fit, & Thriving
11:30AM -
1:45PM -
2:00PM -
10:45AM -
All Day - Free Health & Wellness
All Day - Local Resources & Information
Free Test Rides Demonstrations Trial Classes
Grandparenting with Love & Logic
Easy, Healthy, & Affordable Meal Options
Chan-o-laire Singers Concert
Opening Welcome: Chanhassen
& Local Civic Organizations
»Flu Shot Clinic (Cub)
»Baseline Memory Screenings (Christine Drasher, Augustana Homes)
»Safety Consultation (Chanhassen Fire Dept. & Carver Co. Sherrif’s Dept.)
»Blood Pressure Check (Carver Co. Health)
Michael’s e-Bikes
SW Prime
Chanhassen Website
11:05AM - Tai Chi
11:40AM - Line Dance
12:20PM - Pickleball
1:20PM - Fit for Life
Dyed & Dried Art
Pencil Art
Mah Jongg
Newcomb PaintingsSpecial Programsat the Chanhassen Recreation Center
Thank you to our
Start Your Engines
Sponsors & Partners
Key Sponsors & Partners:
Other Sponsors & Partners:
SAHNAHC FO YTICA Special Thanks to the
Chanhassen Senior
Park & Recreation Commission Item
September 27, 2022
Item Park Maintenance Quarterly Update
Item No:H.3
Agenda Section REPORTS
Prepared By Adam Beers, Park Superintendent
2022 Projects:
Park equipment replacement plan projects include:
North Lotus Park hockey rink replacement.
Roundhouse Park playground equipment replacement update.
78th Street Irrigation system update.
Park and Trail Maintenance:
Maintenance crews will start fall fertilizing application in mid-September. The primary focus will
be on soccer and baseball/softball fields.
Bandimere Park Field #3 will be taken out of circulation for the fall season to allow staff to aerify
and over-seed. Field #3 will be ready for use in the spring.
Staff has started fall tree pruning in preparation for winter plowing. This allows for plow trucks
to safely navigate the trail system without damaging vehicles and trees.
Irrigation shutdown will start in early October; this process typically takes a few weeks. During
shutdown, staff will perform all maintenance checks and any necessary repairs for the following
With the outdoor facility season coming to an end, maintenance staff has been busy starting the
shutdown/closing process. This typically starts in mid-September and will be completed by early
Seasonal Staff:
Each year we are fortunate to have a group of seasonal employees that join our maintenance
team. This workforce is a critical part operational success and handles a majority of the daily
tasks, allowing full-time staff to complete more complex projects. Thanks for a great season!
Park & Recreation Commission Item
September 27, 2022
Item Senior Center Quarterly Report
Item No:H.4
Agenda Section REPORTS
Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator
The Senior Center continues to be a community where people feel connected and welcome, and a place
for Chanhassen's older adults to stay active and engaged.
We are back in full swing with our very popular day trips. These fun and adventurous trips started in
late July and ran through early September. Trips are a partnership event with Chaska Park & Recreation
Lodge, and served a combined total participation of 225 patrons:
Hocokata Ti Tour & Lunch - Mdewakanton History Center, Shakopee
"Wicked" Broadway Show, The Orpheum Theater, Minneapolis
Red Wing Lunch & Lake City Paddleboat Cruise
New Ulm - St. Peter - Nicollet, MN Lunch and Tour
We have more trips planned starting in October and well into next year.
This summer we also hosted a number of gathering and connecting events:
Coffee with the Cops
Coffee and Rolls on the Plaza
Show Tunes Summer Lunch Party
Combined with our weekly game clubs and wellness related programs, an average of 350 people
utilize the Center per month.
An intergenerational partnership event with the Chanhassen Library had the theme "Tell Me, Show Me,
Teach Me Something." This was a program which brought local teens and seniors together to share
stories and life lessons or skills with each other. Although the turnout was lower than expected, we plan
to host the series again based on positive feedback from participants.
One of our biggest events this summer was the Senior Center's 30th Anniversary Celebration and Open
House on August 30.
Opening comments were provided by Senior Commission Chair, Jerry Cerchia.
We honored individuals who were instrumental in getting the Senior Center to where it is today,
including former Coordinator, Sue Bill, and charter member Louis Zakariasen.
The Chan Villager posted a nice article about the event and the Senior Center.
The Chan-o-laires performed a 30 minute concert.
Guests enjoyed a free ice-cream sundae bar.
Over 125 guests attended.
The Chan Rec Center and Senior Center are partnering for the first time on a new Senior Expo event:
Start Your Engines: 55+ Expo - Healthy, Fit and Thriving! Thursday, September 29, 10:30-
Flyer and Itinerary attachments are included in this report.
55 Plus Expo Flyer
55 Plus Expo 2022 Itinerary
START YOUR ENGINES!Healthy, Fit, & Thriving
Thursday, September 29 | 10:30AM - 2:30PM
Chanhassen Recreation Center (2310 Coulter Blvd.)
Key Sponsors:
Take an active part in the City of Chanhassen’s 55+
Expo, sponsored by Kwik Trip and the Chanhassen Parks
& Recreation 55+ program team. The Expo contains
information and resources to focus on your health,
lifestyle, and active aging plan!
More Information: chanhassen.info/55expo2022
»Free Giveaways!
»Free Food
»Class Demos
»E-bike Test Rides
»Chan-o-laires Concert
»Speaker Topics -
»Healthy Meals
»Resource Tables & More!
»Flu Shot Clinic (Call for Appointment: 952-227-1400)
START YOUR ENGINES!Healthy, Fit, & Thriving
11:30AM -
1:45PM -
2:00PM -
10:45AM -
All Day - Free Health & Wellness
All Day - Local Resources & Information
Free Test Rides Demonstrations Trial Classes
Grandparenting with Love & Logic
Easy, Healthy, & Affordable Meal Options
Chan-o-laire Singers Concert
Opening Welcome: Chanhassen
& Local Civic Organizations
»Flu Shot Clinic (Cub)
»Baseline Memory Screenings (Christine Drasher, Augustana Homes)
»Safety Consultation (Chanhassen Fire Dept. & Carver Co. Sherrif’s Dept.)
»Blood Pressure Check (Carver Co. Health)
Michael’s e-Bikes
SW Prime
Chanhassen Website
11:05AM - Tai Chi
11:40AM - Line Dance
12:20PM - Pickleball
1:20PM - Fit for Life
Dyed & Dried Art
Pencil Art
Mah Jongg
Newcomb PaintingsSpecial Programsat the Chanhassen Recreation Center
Thank you to our
Start Your Engines
Sponsors & Partners
Key Sponsors & Partners:
Other Sponsors & Partners:
SAHNAHC FO YTICA Special Thanks to the
Chanhassen Senior