PRC 2007 01 23
JANUARY 23, 2007
Chairman Stolar called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m..
MEMBERS PRESENT: Glenn Stolar, Jack Spizale, Tom Kelly, Paula Atkins, Jeff Daniel, and
Steve Scharfenberg
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; and Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
Stolar: Who wants to be Chairperson? Steve?
Scharfenberg: I think you should stay on.
Daniel: I second that motion.
Stolar: Whatever. Should we stay with the same stuff we had last year? Does anyone want to
be Vice Chair or Chair?
Spizale: We're not going to be here. Who's Vice Chairman?
Stolar: Tom and yeah.
Spizale: We've only got a couple of months left.
Hoffman: So who's eligible? Jeff or Paula or Steve or Glenn.
Daniel: For Vice Chair? I'll nominate you for Chair. I think you do a good job at that.
Scharfenberg: I'll stay on as Vice Chair, that's fine.
Spizale: If anybody else wants to give it a chance, now's the time to say something.
Stolar: Yeah, and no offense taken by anybody. No? Alright, we'll move forward with that.
Spizale: I think those campaign signs you put out really helped.
Stolar: Did you get my personal voicemail messages~
Hoffman: Jeff, you're going to nominate that platform?
Park and Rec Commission - January 23,2007
Daniel: Yes.
Hoffman: Commission Stolar as Chair and Commissioner Scharfenberg as Co-Chair? And
second to that motion?
Kelly: I'll second.
Daniel moved, Kelly seconded to appoint Glenn Stolar as Chairman and Steve
Scharfenberg as Vice Chairman for 2007. All voted in favor and the motion carried
unanimously with a vote of 6 to O.
APPROV AL OF AGENDA: The agenda was amended to include a City Council update
under commission member presentations.
Stolar: We will be talking about Feb Fest a little bit later. Any other announcements? Oh, and
Daddy-Daughter Date Night is coming up on the 14th. Or 9th and 10th. Are there still tickets
Ruegemer: Friday night is closed and Saturday night, as a guess I think had around 10 to 13
Stolar: Good. Another successful endeavor. I will be there Saturday. First year my daughter's
old enough so looking forward to it. Alright, thanks. And then like I said, we'll talk about Feb
Fest a little bit later.
Daniel: I did see that there should be some changes on that. All of Steve's comments were
attributed to me.
Stolar: Ah, okay. Were they good?
Daniel: They made me sound extremely...
Scharfenberg: I appreciate that.
Daniel: I think in all fairness.
Stolar: What pages are you looking at?
Daniel: I think all the way through.
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Stolar: All the way through?
Daniel: Yep.
Stolar: Okay, comments made that reflect Commission Daniel should be reflecting
Commissioner Scharfenberg. There's one where you guys were talking one right after another
but, okay.
Hoffman: Nann will figure that out.
Stolar: Anything else? Alright, seeing none do we have a motion to approve?
Spizale moved, Scharfenberg seconded to approve the verbatim and summary Minutes of
the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated December 12, 2006, amended to
reflect that Commissioner Daniel's comments were actually made by Commissioner
Scharfenberg. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to O.
Ruegemer: Thanks Chair Stolar. Good evening to the rest of the commission. We do review the
annual contract every year about this time. We've had that relationship, we really go back it was
a handshake agreement back with Don Ashworth and Jim Jones back to the 1970's with that long
standing relationship that we certainly value. They've provided that service for a long time and
they've done a very nice job for us. We did talk about this in the past when we did, about the
possibility of going to a 2 year contract. To review it on an annual basis a 1 year contract.
Minnetonka Community Education Services was very much in favor of that discussion. What
staff did is I did go through that and kind of change the contract to reflect a 2 year contract, and I
did put in the different dollar amounts for 2008 also. The different opening and closing dates of
2008 as well as 2007, so if you looked at the contract, the contract did go up from the 2006
contract by $2,500. $2,590 from the previous year and that was due to increased labor insurance,
operational costs by the Minnetonka Community Education and Services. So that being said, the
2007 contracted amount that Minnetonka did contract was $28,490. That would be the dollar
amount to be proposed for 2007. To cover the 2008 contract, simply there's a 5% increase which
is less than the dollar amount, the increase from 2006 to 2007. So the 2008 kind of step increase
with that 5% would be a total of $1,425. Going ahead to next year the 2008 contract being
$29,915, and that was based upon the recommendation from Tim Litfin, the Community
Education Director from Minnetonka. That's what they've done with other cities that they have
contractual services with to provide lifeguard services. So that's the same amount that we're
using them for for our contract here moving forward for 2007 and 2008. So the lifeguard will
again propose that provide lifeguards at Lake Ann 7 days a week, starting June 9th going through
August 19th in 2007 and June ih through August 17th of 2008 from the time of 10:30 a.m. to 8:00
p.m.. It is staffs recommendation that the Park and Rec Commission recommend to the City
Council to approve the 2 year contract from Minnetonka Community Education Services in the
amount of $28,490 for 2007 and $29,915 for 2008 to provide lifeguard services at Lake Ann
Beach. This amount for 2007 has currently been approved in the Lake Ann Park operations
Park and Rec Commission - January 23,2007
budget and it will be included in the 2008 for the dollar amount stated in the normal, $29,915.
Attached, the contract is attached to that. Minnetonka certainly has had a chance to look at that
and they did not have any problems with the contract language. Also Roger Knutson, our city
attorney also had a chance to review the contract and everything looked fine to him as well.
Daniel: Is this how you want to proceed from this point forward Jerry, on the contracts every 2
year contract from this point forward?
Stolar: Other questions? I have a couple questions. One, does this, because we've broken it up
into years it does not have to go out to bid then right? What's the threshold for bid?
Hoffman: Contractual services doesn't.
Stolar: Doesn't have to go out to bid, okay. That's what I was wondering because it's over 50.
Isn't it like over $50,000 but this type wouldn't fall under that? Okay. So this would be just a
straight recommendation and if they agree, it's done?
Hoffman: Correct.
Stolar: The other question, I had brought this up before and I don't know how we want to handle
this but I know we had in early August you know or mid August, is there a need to language to
say if we want to extend? I know it's tough for them to get staffing. Everybody has a difficulty
getting staffing when kids go back to college and such, but it just seems a little bit early. I think
if I'm not mistaken, that's 2 weeks before Labor Day, correct?
Ruegemer: Yeah, when I first started here we did go through Labor Day and, Memorial through
Labor Day, and the beach traffic really does, really does slow down for that. And we have since
changed kind of our calendar for the Lake Ann concession operations as well. Boat rentals and
that sort of thing and concessions to kind of this date. We're not making any money for really
the last week, week and a half of that August. We're pretty much just basically opening the door
and maybe selling a bottle of pop for 2 weeks so.
Stolar: So August in general is slow.
Ruegemer: Very much so.
Stolar: As people go on vacations and okay.
Hoffman: The attractiveness of the beach just, it wanes in August. It's really good in June.
Ruegemer: And there's usually very nice days in August but the traffic is not there and that's not
just unique to Lake Ann. That's really state and kind of a nationwide trend.
Stolar: When are the Miracles of Mitch, it's that weekend right? The 19th? It's the 18th or
Park and Rec Commission - January 23,2007
Ruegemer: Yeah. Yeah.
Stolar: Okay. So it will be open during that time. Okay. Anybody else?
Atkins: How is the swimming lesson program doing? Are there still lots of kids signing up for
that or is that dropping off?
Ruegemer: They're still holding their own out there. They're still making some revenue for that
and it's something that's a nice service that you know that is available to our residents at really no
cost to us, other than, you know they do all the staffing. The lesson plans. Basically everything
from start to finish on that so it's a nice service that we can do. I don't have the numbers of kids.
I want to say it was around that 50 to 60 range.
Stolar: Okay. If there are no other questions, do we have a motion to approve staffs
recommendation to approve for City Council to approve a 2 year contract with Minnetonka
Education and Services for the lifeguard services at Lake Ann Beach. 2007 and 2008.
Daniel: Motion to approve.
Stolar: Moved by Commissioner Daniels.
Scharfenberg: Second.
Stolar: Seconded by Commissioner Scharfenberg. Any final questions?
Daniel moved, Scharfenberg seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission
recommends that the City Council approve the two year contract from Minnetonka
Community Education and Services (MCES) in the amount of $28,490 for 2007 and
$29,915 for 2008 to provide lifeguard services at Lake Ann Beach for the 2007/2008
seasons. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to O.
Stolar: And good job getting a two year contract. I know we've been talking about that for a
little while so that's great.
Hoffman: Thank you Chair Stolar, members of the commission. Every other year in the spring
the City Council sponsors a survey talking about customer service and how citizens view the
community and the services that the city provides. This is our year to conduct that survey.
We've switched formats over the past few years to a standardized format for local units of
government that is put out by the League of Minnesota Cities and it has driven the cost way
down over a conventional, what you would think as a consultant based or a contractual type
survey where we did our 400 phone calls a year. So this is about a third of the cost. Still gets
similar results. We have the opportunity as a community, as an organization to ask just a few
open ended questions and then, or one open ended and then 3 closed ended questions. They're
Park and Rec Commission - January 23, 2007
here listed. The open ended question that was in the 2005 survey is what do you think the single
biggest issue facing the city of Chanhassen over the next 2 or 3 years will be, and people just
started listing whatever they had in mind and then the closed ended questions, the 3 that are in
the back page how would you rate the job that the city of Chanhassen is doing at
communicating? What's your preferred method of receiving information? So again following up
in the community. Communication on what one thing would you like most about, or do you like
most about living in the city of Chanhassen? The council has asked that we give the
commissions the opportunity to come up with a couple of questions that we can present to them
that they may select to include in this year's survey. Dealing with park and recreation.
Stolar: So let's.
Hoffman: Just to kind of focus on your thinking. One of their goals this year is looking at
facility, long term facility needs, so that's one of the goals that the council will be looking at is
long term facility needs so if you have a question about that, it probably provides some useful
information to the council if selected by the council... the survey. But sky's the limit. You can
ask just about anything.
Stolar: Alright Paula, we'll start with you. I don't know if we want to use the white board to
capture these or you're just going to write them down.
Hoffman: I'll just write them down.
Atkins: Well my question would have to do with performing arts space in Chanhassen. There's
currently no performing arts space in Chanhassen. Is that something that you would value.
Hoffman: Do you think with the new high school bringing their theater to town that it's still a
valid question or not?
Atkins: Ah, I didn't think of that but I did notice that on the plan so.
Hoffman: There will be a theater in town.
Atkins: Yeah. Wonderful. I'd still like to get a feel for it. This might be a way to get a feel for
it. I know scheduling with school districts for private things is really difficult. I don't expect it
to be much easier at Chanhassen High School than it is at Chaska High School. So I still kind of
think that it's worth looking into.
Hoffman: What question would you want to ask? Do you want to build a theater? Needs to be
specific for the council.
Atkins: I'd have to think on it for a minute.
Hoffman: Sure.
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Kelly: I'd like to know if the public was willing to support a referendum for the acquisition of
additional park space.
Hoffman: Okay. Want to specify the kind? The last time around they specified open space.
Kelly: Yeah, open space. Well.
Hoffman: Or athletic fields? There's a difference. The '96 referendum focused on the
preservation of open space and that's what the whole spiel was about. Preserving open space in
town and that's what we went out and bought. 32 acres of woods.
Kelly: No, I'd vote for athletic fields.
Hoffman: Okay.
Kelly: And the potential for a golf course. I read my magazine this month.
Stolar: We can put a golf course in right now at Lake Ann. Pulling in at Starring Lake when I
was at Eden Prairie. It's pretty easy. And they're inexpensive. Just a couple.
Kelly: 9 actually.
Stolar: You can put in a 9 pretty easily you know. That's something we should just about at our
next capital plan.
Kelly: Yeah.
Daniel: Well I mean Tom actually just covered the same exact question I had but if you want to
differentiate, toss some ideas out there. I think it would be nice to ask the community their
interest or input on the idea of expanding Lake Susan to accommodate a town baseball team.
Stolar: Jack.
Spizale: I was going to do the same one. I think that'd be an interesting one to see how much
support there'd be.
Stolar: Steve.
Scharfenberg: Well in light of our meeting tonight I was thinking something along the lines of
the recreation center. I'm trying to think of an open ended question relative to the center.
Stolar: Something like what new amenities would you like to see? Using a better word than that
at the center.
Scharfenberg: Yeah.
Park and Rec Commission - January 23,2007
Hoffman: What additional amenities would you like to see at the Chanhassen Recreation
Stolar: If I remember correctly last time we didn't get one of our questions taken, is that correct?
Hoffman: Well, if you read the 4 questions that are here, you're not...
Stolar: Getting more generic. Well one of the things I was thinking is, to take all of these ideas
as I've been writing them down and trying to put them into a closed ended question. Essentially
something like what should be the top priority? Even leveraging what they say here. Which
would be the top priority for Chanhassen Park and Rec's department or area and we could do it
as a closed ended where we just ask them to pick the top priority and list. Open space, new parks
and trails I would add to that. Then I did add additional programs based on what we were talking
about like do we need to expand our programs. The rec center question. New amenities at the
rec center. I had a performing center that you put down. Community ball team and athletic
fields. Did I miss anything? I think I got all the ones we were talking about, but the ones I had
was parks and trails. And we could, I mean if you want to be bold, we could phrase it as for
which of the, or please pick an item for which you'd be willing to have a referendum because I
mean the bottom line is you know it's nice to pick this but the bottom line is it's money. I don't
know if you want to do that but.
Scharfenberg: Or (d), none of the above.
Stolar: Yeah, (d), none of the above. I mean the reality of it is, that's where it's coming to.
Hoffman: Historically they have asked those questions. Whether you're willing to raise your
taxes for, and the answer changes.
Stolar: Depends on the life of the community. You get younger kids in, they want.
Daniel: I think unfortunately the timing for District 112 and the addition of the, or the impact on
the school district, on those taxes on the homeowner right now, I'd say the idea of going to any
type of referendum, city, county or school district is going to be met with probably pretty good
Hoffman: $95 million just added on.
Stolar: That's the problem. So you would prefer that we just list it as tell us what your priority
Daniel: Exactly.
Stolar: I think we list these open ended questions but then we also bring in the closed ended
question that tries to bring it together. Are there other ideas, questions? I mean these are the
things, noticed dog park was not mentioned. Because we're going to get one.
Park and Rec Commission - January 23,2007
Hoffman: Did you read about it in the magazine? See dog parks in the park and rec magazine.
Great article. You pick 2 of the 3 examples cited communities that could not identify space in
their municipal systems so they partnered up with a county system.
Spizale: So we're ahead of the curve.
Hoffman: You could have written the article.
Daniel: I drove by the one in Eden Prairie today and it was packed at 4:00. 4: 10.
Spizale: Every time I drive by there I see 3, 4,5 people there.
Daniel: There had to have been a dozen cars. And dogs running like mad.
Spizale: It's very visible there.
Stolar: That's the one thing about our's, it won't be as visible but people will know about it. It
will be big.
Daniel: It should be huge based on, I mean comparison to something like that with what we're
Stolar: It'll be a big difference. Any other questions?
Atkins: I think I'd like to, now that I'm thinking about it, I would like to have my question be a
little more general and probably address the need for an arts council being formed because that's
where you'd have to start I think when you're talking performing space. So it would be
something like would you like to see the formation of an arts council in Chanhassen or is it
important to you? I wouldn't mind saying something about, or asking a question if there's any
interest in the formation of a historical preservation society in Chanhassen too. I know my dad's
on the historical society in Waconia, the Carver County one but I think there could be some
interest in Chanhassen specifically in that too.
Hoffman: Performing arts council and historical committee?
Stolar: Preservation. Anything else? I would just suggest that if we do come up with other
things we go ahead and email Todd. As always thanks to City Council for letting us provide our
Hoffman: I just want to refine the one, there's a question, are you willing to support a
referendum for additional park acquisition for athletic fields? Do you want to keep the word
referendum in there or not?
Kelly: I wanted to until Jeff brought up the fact that we're paying $95 million. I almost think
that was wrapped pretty well into Glenn's closed question so.
Park and Rec Commission - January 23,2007
Hoffman: Okay. Alright.
Spizale: I think shorter questions are better.. . all kinds of stuff and you get away from maybe
what somebody really thinks is important because they're thinking about another thing.
Hoffman: We'll wrap it into a closed area question. Put it on the menu list and I'll refine these
and I'll submit them to the city manager.
Stolar: Okay, thanks.
Hoffman: Thank you.
Ruegemer: Thanks again Chair Stolar. Just an update for the commission as to the event that's
coming up here rapidly and the cooler temperatures certainly are helping our cause out at Lake
Ann. We're growing ice here so that will be a safe event this year which will be great. Kind of
going through all the logistics right now, as far as advertising it seems like is kind of at the
foremost and upfront right now. You kind of see the schedule right now. It did go out in the
Maple Leaf that came out oh probably a couple weeks ago. We have a variety of advertising
avenues right now with Villager, display ads and then Herald. Some event inserts are going to
be coming out certainly flyers around town and we'll follow up the event with a thank you ad in
the Villager. We've been hitting the streets with the advertising. We have a office full of door
prizes right now. Nate's been very busy and Margie and Karen up front have been busy putting
together all the prize list and getting that information all put together. Ticket sales are you know
about where they have been in the past right now at the different ticket outlets. I think with the
exception of the rec center, we're selling more this year than they have in the past so.
Stolar: It's all that traffic.
Ruegemer: It must be Tom's efforts out there so good job with that but, so we did, we have
increased kind of the total dollar amount for fishing door prizes. We did go out, I know last year
about the same again. It's up somewhere around $7,000 this year so we're still about $1,000 to
$1,500 where we were 2 years ago so we're trying to give more back. Give high dollar amount
prizes back so if you're paying $5 or $10 to fish, we're trying to give at least you know, 8, 10, 12
plus dollar prize as we get some value with that. We've been, had a nice response from our
business community again. That's really trying to get a lot of the prizes donated to lessen our
expenses and stuff this year so we're trying to kind of lower the gap around expenses and our
revenues and that sort of thing to offset so been busy with that. You can see the flyer is attached.
Also have a volunteer sign up sheet for that so if we can, if the commission would like to focus
on the prize board area again, that would be spectacular. There's also some other areas too but I
think our primary focus certainly could be the prize board area if the commission doesn't mind
doing that again so, I'll pass that along. And then if you're around, great. We'd love to have you
Park and Rec Commission - January 23,2007
come down and be with us that day. It's a fun event in February to be down there. I think many
of you have been down there already. Dress warm. Be right for the elements.
Stolar: Okay, any questions? Thank you.
Ruegemer: Yeah, just a quick update for the commission. We were probably within days of
kind of bagging the whole season, which would have been a historical event since that hasn't
happened before. We did kind of decide to take a look then and kind of give a wait it out a little
bit and it did turn cold and the park maintenance guys have been hitting her hard throughout the
day and over night and really the ice rinks are in really, really good shape right now. So we did
open up. We did open up probably for, we opened up the tail end of the weekend of Martin
Luther King Day I believe. So we've been open for a week, week and a half now and things are
going strong out there right now. People are I think enjoying the new warming houses that we
have out there. No steps going up. You just walk right in and we've reviewed some, had some
nice reviews on that from people. ... brand new buildings for cheaper dollar amounts per month
so I think we hit the home run on that so, and I know people have been calling about them
already in other cities and counties so we've had a nice option for our people so. Other than that,
you know things are going good.
Stolar: Good. Any questions on?
Kelly: Any calls from Chanhassen Hills?
Ruegemer: Yeah, I think there has been one phone call.
Stolar: Okay. It actually turned out this week to be really good weather for skating. Nice
enough in the day and cold enough in the night.
Ruegemer: We're getting some users with the outdoor ice...
Ruegemer: Winter basketball league started January 8th. We did end up with 11 teams this year
so I did schedule a team to playa double header every week so we don't have any byes in the
schedule. I've done that in the past and I think teams appreciate that versus having a week off,
even if they have to playa couple games in a night. We schedule them back to back so they
don't have to wait around an hour and get those legs nice and cold.
Kelly: I'm not sure our neighborhood...back to back games.
Stolar: No, what you need to do is give them an hour break but then tell them they need to go to
the fitness center and do a little warm up on the bike.
Park and Rec Commission - January 23,2007
Ruegemer: Give some ice packs and get some ace bandages, but that's been working out good.
We're going to go the regular season games and start playoff after the regular season. It's usually
2 to 3 weeks we can wrap that up with the playoffs and then we'll offer another spring league
starting the tail end of March.
Stolar: Questions on that? No? Okay, then the one additional item on the agenda was the City
Council meeting I attended yesterday with Todd. I left a little early but one, the first point I
think to tell everybody was the Minnetonka Lacrosse Association gave us a donation for the
maintenance of our fields. They are in the, now it's slipping me. What field do they play
lacrosse on?
Hoffman: Instant Web.
Stolar: Instant Web field and they were very appreciative of being able to use it. Thank you to
Todd, Jerry and I don't know if you brought the letter. A copy of the letter.
Hoffman: We'll include it in next week's, or next month's packet.
Stolar: Next month's packet and then also thanks to Dale and the crew for keeping the fields nice
and hopefully we'll use that money to keep that going and it's, as he stated yesterday, it's the
fastest growing sport in America so that was nice to see and nice to receive and I appreciate it
from the lacrosse, Minnetonka Lacrosse Association. Also went to the working session and just
as we've talked about before, the 101 realignment is having discussion right now and then some
of the scenarios it does impact Bandimere. It does impact a wetland southwest of Bandimere.
The preferred approach right now without any commitment but in their... was what they call the
central and that had the least impact I believe on Bandimere.
Hoffman: It still impacts it. Basically what would happen, the outfield of, what is that? Number
1 or 2?
Ruegemer: No, it's 3.
Hoffman: 3, and that's the field that borders Highway 101. The outfield would be tore down
about a third of the way in to allow for that grading and then it would put the walls up and then
we would rebuild that outfield and so the siren would come down and that outfield fence would
come down. That trail would be removed and basically what they're going to do is take the
curves this way and this way out of that road and so it would be affected.
Daniel: Favorite road to drive.
Hoffman: Needs to bring people up to a 45 miles per hour standard, similar to the road north of
there. Powers. All of these other roads.
Kelly: Would there still be trail access from 101 into Bandimere Park like there is now?
Park and Rec Commission - January 23, 2007
Hoffman: Yep, and then there'd also be a trail, a 10 foot wide trail on either side of the new
roadway. To Pioneer Trail and then on a single side from Pioneer Trail south to the river.
Kelly: Oh really? Okay.
Stolar: So, a lot of discussion still to go on. I think they have another open meeting they said in
February. Town hall. They had one already and they've gotten some feedback but just
something to keep in mind and as I mentioned at the dinner, you know some of their options also
will impact the Bluff Creek Golf Course.
Hoffman: Or may.
Stolar: Or may, and then depending on which option they go, some of them may affect the bluff
south of there also and the grading and how they have to do it so just something to keep in mind.
And then I didn't stay for the platform discussion out here. Todd if you wouldn't mind.
Hoffman: The City Council is considering two projects for City Center Park this summer.
They're both in our CIP but one will now, is not eligible under city dollars. That's the memorial.
There's a state statute that prohibits cities from financing war memorials or veterans memorials
or monuments, and so we're going to step back from that project. It was a project that was
identified by the Senior Commission and the council supported it. With the state statute being on
the books, there'll be some sort of a fund raising committee formed through, most likely through
the Legion so they can move forward with thatveteran's monument project at some point in the
future. The second half of that project is the performing stage. If you recall we took, solicited
some quotes late last fall. While they were reasonable quotes, we thought we could get a better
buy if we combined the two projects so we attempted to do that and now we're going to be
separating them again and we will open bids, the council will open bids, or we'll open bids and
we'll make a presentation to the council after February 15th on the performance stage. That's a
$22,000 landscaping project with 1,600 square foot of hard surface. The same hard surface that
you have out there right now, and basically if you've been to one of the music concerts, it just
replaces the equipment trailer with a nice, smooth landscaped surface. Hardscape surface for the
performances to take place on. And then every time we have a concert during the noon hour or
the evening, that's what will be the focal point. And then you seat, or the seating areas are those
terraced walls that comes back up the hill. So we're still moving forward with that. If you hear
about or see something out in the community about this veteran's memorial, or if you have
interest in that or if you know somebody that would be interested, please have them contact the
people that will be listed when those solicitations are put out. That's about a $100,000 project.
Spizale: Todd what veterans does that include?
Hoffman: All six branches.
Spizale: All the wars? All years?
Hoffman: Yep. And it's actually going to be likely more of a monument in honor of past,
present and future veterans serving in, serving the country.
Park and Rec Commission - January 23, 2007
Daniel: Excellent. Long overdue.
Stolar: Any other questions?
Stolar: Alright, then we'll go to the, if there are any questions on the administrative packet.
Does anyone have any questions?
Daniel: Oh I do have one question, and maybe I might have missed that we talked about this
already. The damage to the property. What exactly happened with that?
Hoffman: It was tagged. Graffiti tagged.
Daniel: Oh was it? Gang related or just general BS?
Ruegemer: Just creative artistry.
Hoffman: The other item in here, please make special note of the life long learning classes. This
is being sponsored by Klein Bank. Over $1,000 of sponsorship from Klein Bank. You can take
a college level class if you're a senior citizen for $3 bucks and these are already over booked, the
first two and the session. .. These are retired professors from Augsburg that are coming down to
the Chanhassen Senior Center and teaching these classes and so again, our hats off to Sue Bill for
continued creativity and keeping those people active. We can't find a parking spot when we
come back to City Hall because of all the activity in the senior center so it's really booming. Got
to say thanks Klein Bank.
Stolar: Okay. Any other items? If not, do we have a motion to adjourn?
Scharfenberg moved, Kelly seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Rec Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim