Final Plat-CUD -Sheet 2-reducedOUTLOT E MAT C H LI N E See sheet 1 of 3 sheets SEE BELOW FOR DETAIL OF BLOCK 6 Drainage and Utility Easement over all of Outlot E Drainage and Utility Easement over all of Outlot F 7 6543 2 1 8 Drainage and Utility Easement over all of Outlot F AVIENDA TOWNHOMES Restricted Access per Doc. No. A503436 NORTH 0 100 200 1 INCH = 100 FEET SCALE IN FEET NORTH 0 30 60 1 INCH = 30 FEET SCALE IN FEET Denotes 1/2 inch iron pipe monument found. Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron pipe monument set and marked by License No. 24332. Bearings shown are based upon the west line of Outlot C, AVIENDA which has an assumed bearing of N01°05'17"E.